Black Magic, Spirits & Negative Energies influence on Aura

black magic

Black Magic, Spirits & Negative Energies influence on Aura

Back magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black magic is all about the manipulation and direction of energy. The strength of one’s mind and aura determine the type and amount of energy that one can direct and handle safely while producing the desired results. Workings fail because of weakness of one’s mind and aura, and/or the operator is not as powerful as the intended victim. Black magic is used to bring about justice.

Black magic is a very serious issue, some people think that it doesn’t exist, some others think that if you do not believe on it it will not harm you, unfortunately it does exist and no matter what you believe if the magician focus on you and have skills on the black magic art, you might have a serious problem. We are basically atoms and each one of us is covered by a magnetic field or aura emitting a particular frequency sound vibration, this is our protection against negativity. What black magic is about is that some black magicians can penetrate our magnetic field and this way create in the victim a state of complete undefense against all negativities .

Possible Symptoms / Effects of Black Magic and Entity Activity are :

Do you recognise any of these?

  • Disturbed / interrupted sleep
  • Waking up suddenly in fear or in cold sweat
  • Chronic fatigue / malaise
  • Sudden onset of apathy / disinterest in life
  • Hopelessness / severe depression
  • Mood swings / irrational anger / irritation / fear / hysteria / other abnormal behavior
  • Dryness of mouth at night / increased thirst / extreme hunger as if you’re eating for two or more (entity possession)
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Sudden chills / goose bumps
  • Tightness around body parts
  • Sudden memory loss / hazy thinking
  • Schizophrenia / Tourette’s Syndrome / Multiple Personality Disorder/ Disassociative Identity Disorder
  • Your work or career suffers, income is blocked, making you unable to pay for help from spiritual healers
  • You sense people avoiding you, isolation, constant conflicts/ fights / quarrels arising for no reason, your good intentions are constantly misunderstood
  • Dreams of dead bodies, gruesome people, demons, other creatures wanting to kill you
  • Dreams of snakes, scorpions, spiders, unclean places like toilets and cremation grounds
  • You see black spots or dark or grey smoke / shapes floating in front of you
  • Unexplained activity of animals or insects, paranormal activity, other weird phenomenon or visions around you and/or only visible to you. Eg. Seeing crows with flesh in their beaks is one strong sign that serious black magic is being done to kill you
  • Sensing / seeing / hearing non-physical presences around the house
  • Your stomach bloats up like a pregnant woman or other unexplained swelling, lumps elsewhere
  • Tightness, heaviness, constriction specially in shoulders, chest, throat/ erratic heartbeat without physical exertion
  • Constant headaches / migraines
  • Your complexion darkens / blackens to a strange tone, looking like blood poisoning
  • Itching, burning, stinging insect-like crawling sensations in different parts of the body
  • Cancer of blood or other
  • Kidney failure
  • Alcohol abuse resulting in liver failure / other substance abuse
  • Medicines do not work, resulting in doctors using stronger treatments
  • Suicidal thoughts / thoughts of self destruction
  • Heart attacks / sudden death

Additional effects of black magic on women:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Unexplained bruises around thighs, genitals, arms, other parts of the body
  • You dream of having sex with someone or something / rape by spirits resulting in real orgasm
  • Rashes / irritation in the genitals
  • Stoppage of monthly periods, irregular periods, painful periods, dark blood
  • Inability to conceive due to psychic blocks
  • Miscarriage
  • Unexplained fits / convulsions

In tantra the sadhakas learn to deal with ;spirits, ghosts demons, and bad forces, as well as with the good ones,in the vedic, and most of all in the tantrik literature, is explained how a myriad of spirits, can be commanded by will, under certain rituals and invocation techniques, some of these spirits are demons (asuras) and evil ghosts, that their only purpose is to possess a body to change his personality and satisfy their wishes. The world of occultism is vast and unknown and we live in a much crowded world than what the average human eye can see or perceive.

The explanation is that when someone dies, the soul of the person can decide to stay on earth due to the attraction of previous unsatisfied wishes. Then this spirit look for a victim to reincarnate and get what he always wanted. This is explained in the book of dead .

Well the best and more secure way to get rid of spirits and black magic is to rebuild our aura and then strengthen it. In india ,the gurus heal the black magic by fasting one week while performing satkarmas during the fast, they practice certain rituals and kavach mantra sadhana (protective magical formulas or words) after the fasting they keep a strict vegetarian diet for one month and keep their kavach mantra sadhana and rituals till the end of the month. The result is a total purification of the body and a brilliant strong healthy aura, where no spirit or black magic can live.

I will let here the best mantra against black magic and some address to learn the right pronunciation, in case of hard black magic attack the mantra should be recited with concentration and loud 108 times at dawn noon and dusk. It might look hard but if the victim give it a try would understand how important it is and would be relieved from suffering depression anger and from all black magic stuff. The king mantra against black magic is the famous mrityunjaya mantra from shiva, this mantra is considered the heart of vedas and provides (bliss) health, protection and good luck. The mantra goes like this :

“Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhin pushti vardhanam -urvaarukamiva bandhanat- mrityor mukshiya maAmritat”.

Learning this mantra and daily recitation, will at least help you from all kinds of evil and black magic.

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