Evil Entity, Spirit, Negative Energy, Curses, Psychic Attack

Evil Entity, Spirit, Negative Energy, Curses, Psychic Attack

entity attachmentMuch of our negative mind chatter, and negative emotions come from entity attachments or entity harassment. They can cause serious health problems, accidents,, and serious disruption of relationships, finances, and sleep. Possessing/obsessing/attaching entities collect around samskaras and negative thought and emotional patterns. On the astral plane, like attracts like. Entity attachments can cause negative programming of the subconscious mind. They are behind depression, anxiety, bloating, anger, and compulsions of every kind.

Fragmented parts can be reintegrated as energy fields clear. The “pain body” can be purified of lower astral influences and attachments. Negativity can be transformed so the spiritual soul can shine.

What Is Spirit Attachment?

Spirit attachment, entity attachment or possession is the invasion of one’s body by a dis-incarnate spirit, a lower astral entity (astral personality fragment of a spirit that has passed on, or demons), or by other negative energies.

These entities interfere with a person’s freedom of the mind, body
and spiritual sovereignty. They can interfere with your life by being in the body, by hovering behind the body, or by being in the personal environment. The desire of these spirits is to create confusion, take control, spread violence, cause emotional /physical pain and degradation and demeaning of humans

What Are the Signs of Attachment?

Entities and negative energies can have varying degrees of influence over their host, ranging from a mild energy drain to almost total possession (which is extremely rare).

Common signs are:

  •  Hearing voices
  • Sudden cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.– especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Sudden weight gain-especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Fears and phobias
  • Sudden changes in behavior-such as increased anger, depression and thoughts of suicide
  • Serious illness of unknown cause
  • Loss of energy
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Unexplained physical problems-such as pain from an undetermined cause
  • Migraine headaches
  • Night terrors and nightmares
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Multiple personalities

What Are Entities and Negative Energies?

Earthbound spirits, lower astral entities (astral fragments of the personality of the departed), and dark energy forces are the most common types of possessing entities. The spirit is the part of us that survives after death of the physical body. Sometimes spirits just don’t know what to do when their physical body dies, so they stay in the earth plane and can attach to living people, or remain in a specific place (thus a haunting spirit or ghost). Dark energy forces can be termed demons. They have never been alive in their own physical bodies, and are usually on a mission to destroy. Curses, psychic attacks and negative thought forms are negative energies generated by living people.

How Do They Get In?

In order for entities to attach to a human, that person must be vulnerable in some way. An earth-bound spirit may attach while the human is unconscious for any reason-be it trauma, anesthesia in surgery, a blow to the head, drunkenness, etc. Severe stress, exhaustion, grief, extreme anger, fear, or guilt can also open a person for attachment. Without proper protection, such things as channeling, mediumship, and automatic writing are open invitations for possession, as is being present at a seance, or using an Ouija board. Childhood abuse, rape, or incest can allow entities to attach. Sometimes, after the death of a loved one a person can unknowingly
invite attachment of that loved one with thoughts such as “don’t leave me. I don’t want to let you go.” Once an entity gains entry, a “hole” in the aura is in effect present, which allows for more attachments.

Hospitals, cemeteries, and funeral homes are common places to pick up entities. Spirits tend to sometimes hang around the place where their bodies died, or hang around the body itself. Negative energies such as psychic attacks and curses are generated by other living people.

Negative thought forms which we ourselves generate (such as fear, anger, jealousy and anxiety) can invite in and “feed” psychic attacks and curses. A form of spiritual healing known as Spirit Releasement is employed to clear a person of attachments and negative energies.

What Is Spirit Releasement/Exorcism?

Spirit Releasement, also known as depossession, is the process of releasing entities from living people. This can be done remotely (from a distance), or in person. Remote exorcism can be done without the conscious knowledge of the person on whom we are working, but permission is always requested from that person’s higher self before the procedure is undertaken.

In the Releasement /exorcism process, darkness is transformed into the golden light of the sun (inner alchemy) and entities, spirits, and other energies are released to their appropriate place in the Divine Light.

In cases of earthbound spirit attachment, the entity is simply made aware of its situation and lovingly guided into the Light, usually into the care of a loved one who comes to help in the transition. Curses and negative energies are removed by severing connections and transforming the energies from detrimental to beneficial.

Does This Really Help People?

Releasement has been very beneficial to many people, but it is not a cure-all. Once the entities are released, the problems that they had been causing tend to clear up quickly. The degree of improvement also depends on how much influence the entities have had on the host. Sometimes entities are released and the changes are so subtle that the person may notice no changes at all. This is simply because of the nature of the attachment. Unfortunately, Spirit Releasement is usually used as a last resort. I feel that releasing these entities can be quite effective before one spends a great deal of time on lengthy traditional therapy. Spirit releasement presents no
threat of danger or ill effects to a person. However, a person may sometimes feel tired for a day or so after the release has been accomplished.

What About Places That Are Haunted by Spirits or Negative Energies?

Spirits usually have a reason for haunting specific places; for instance: sudden death, or death from violent or traumatic causes. They may have “unfinished business” or “a score to settle.” They may be unwilling to give up their physical possessions. They may be confused or not realize they are physically dead. These spirits can also be released by remote means.

Negative energies may inhabit places for many different reasons. Places where violence or traumatic deaths have occurred may retain the overall energy of those happenings–battlefields, for instance. Homes where people constantly fight or argue with each other may retain the negativity of those actions.

An example of positive yet solemn energy clinging to a place is The Wall memorial to Viet Nam war casualties. This energy has been created by visitors to the memorial paying homage to their fallen comrades and loved ones.

Anger – Jealousy – Fear – Guilt

These are just a few examples of negative energies generated for various reasons. Negative thoughts take many forms and affect people in many different ways.

Psychic attack by another person (you may not even be aware of their feelings
toward you): Another person’s anger, jealousy or other negativity toward you may be strong enough to constitute a psychic attack on you. Conversely, your negativity toward others may psychically attack them, even without your conscious intent to “attack.”

Curses–an extreme form of psychic attack. People who practice the black arts
sometimes perform certain rituals to initiate curses.

Environments–places and objects–can harbor or hold residual vibrations from past negative actions associated with them–for instance, battlefields or disaster sites such as airline crashes.

Relationships that have ended unhappily or unpleasantly may leave negative
“strings” attached. Negative “bonds” are extremely

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