Reiki means “universal life force energy”. It is a Japanese word pronounced “ray-key”. Reiki means universal (rei) –
life force energy (ki). The Reiki System is an ancient system of energy healing, simple and powerful. Reiki has
elements based on Asian health and spiritual practices. The peoples of the eastern part of the world are more familiar
with energy work for health benefits and to attain higher levels of spirituality. This life force energy is known by many
names – prana, mana, chi, ki, cosmic pulse, etc.
Rather than acting solely on a physical level, Reiki is holistic in its effect - eliciting a healing response on the entire
spectrum of ones being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Anyone can learn to use the Reiki Healing System,
it needs no qualifications for eligibility, only the will to learn.
The levels of our being are the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Life force flows within the physical and
nourishes the organs and cells of the body. When this life force is disrupted, it causes the functions in one or more
organs to lessen drastically thereby preventing them from functioning at their optimum levels. This life force is
affected by thoughts and emotions. It becomes disrupted when we accept negative thoughts and emotions about
ourselves. These negative thoughts and emotions cause a disruption in the flow of life force. And when the body,
mind and soul become imbalanced, illness happens.
Imbalances can be caused from many situations occurring in our lives, such as emotional trauma, lack of nutrition,
high stress lifestyle, negative thoughts like fear, worry, anger, doubt, anxiety, suppressed emotions, lack of love for
yourself or others.
If we are to be truly well, our entire being has to be in harmony and balance. Without the intention to be well and the
will to do something about it we cannot become well. Reiki empowers us to become whole in all ways.
When you have Reiki, you are never again helpless. You become responsible for yourself and your life. Reiki
empowers you to take charge of your life, health and complete well-being.
Treatments can help to heal every kind of physical problem such as sports injuries, back problems and serious illness
or disease. Reiki can also be used to heal stress, aid weight loss or gain,depression, PMS and all forms of emotional
distress. Reiki treatments can help you cope during times of upheaval and change. Reiki is simple enough to use as a
way to revitalize yourself and boost your energy levels, or to improve your health and well-being.
Reiki complements other forms of treatment such as allopathy and alternative medicine. It can be used while you are
on medication with medicines such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, etc. Reiki treatments complement any
other kind of treatment or therapy, in both people and animals. Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on form of
healing which can never harm and always benefits those who receive it. Treatments generally last around an hour.
Reiki is not based on any religion. Belief in a spiritual or religious system is not required for the effective practice of
Reiki. It is universal energy that anyone can learn to channel to heal themselves or others.
As a Reiki practitioner, you do not diagnose nor cure others. Reiki is doing the work, not you. You are a channel for
the life force energy to flow through, a provider of a connection to the healing energies to empower the recipient to
heal. As a Reiki practitioner you do not interfere in the medical treatments the person is undergoing and you absolutely
do not suggest that anyone discontinue medications or other treatment. Reiki is not a substitute for medical care.
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"Spiritual Pathway"