What is Distance Healing?
Distance Healing is Healing performed when the patient is not present. It is possible to transmit Healing energies over
any distance and this form of Healing can be very effective. The patients may or may not be aware that this Healing
has been undertaken for them but may attain much benefit from it coming as it does from the love and concern that
their friends and relatives have for them.
Long Distance Healing
In a long distance healing, a shaman healer will journey to where you are, and perform a healing on you in a similar
way to what they would do if they were right there with you in physical form.
People may or may not have sensations when this healing is occurring, depending on the person’s sensitivity. Also,
because time is relative, the person being healed may not receive the effects of the healing in the moment in which the
shaman is performing the healing. The healing may be “delivered” at a different time or date.
Healing such as soul retrieval, shamanic extraction, power animal retrieval, as well as any number of healing can be
done at a distance by the healer for his or her client. The healer may also simply send healing energy to the person.
Healing can be sent by a group of people to an individual, in a similar way to how a group prayer is performed.
Why long distance?
People do not always have success finding a healer who is close by. Long distance healing offers the potential for an
individual who is in a far location, or a location where such healing services seem unavailable, to receive healing from
a shaman regardless of the distances.
It also allows an individual to receive healing from a shaman that they particularly want to work with. The use of long
distance healing can also be desirable in situations when it is not suitable to have a healer in the same place as the
person being healed or directly touching the client. Such as if the person to be healed has a contagious illness, cannot
be touched for some reason, or feels more comfortable with the long distance method. Long distance healing is
frequently used with animals, who are sometimes unwilling to sit still long enough to be healed.
It should also be noted that there are certain advantages that may be lost in a long distance healing. When a shaman
healer performs a healing in person, they create a sacred space for you. They are there to support you directly in your
healing process. There are many good reports about long distance healing, so it is possible that some healers still create
this supporting space for their clients regardless of the distance. You should always feel free to discuss your needs and
concerns with a potential shamanic healer.
To schedule an appointment for Distance Healing at our center in Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore, please Contact Us
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"Spiritual Pathway"