Black Magic & Financial Blocks, Relationship / Sexual Problems

Black Magic

Black Magic & Financial Blocks, Relationship / Sexual Problems

Symptoms of Black Magic

There are many symptoms of black magic, which can be categorised below. If you have some of these symptoms please call me for help and advice.

Sexual Problems from Black Magic

  1. Women get periods before the proper time, or periods are blocked
  2. Causing prostitution.
  3. She hates men and she does not like getting close to them
  4. Compelling a man to be gay. He does not get physically involved with a woman  because he becomes useless.

Relationship trouble from Black Magic

  1. Hating religion, and the holy book and the creator.
  2. The wife sees the husband’s face as swine or a dog, he appears to her as a swine or a dog.
  3. People hate each other.
  4. Girls do not get proposals.
  5. She is made to look ugly and people think she looks like a witch.
  6. Disgracing a woman in her husband’s eyes.
  7. He suspects his spouse.
  8. Someone lives in exile.
  9. Separation and divorce in marriage.
  10. Falling in love with the wrong person.

Magical Operations

  1. Kalia Masan. The ash left from the burnt Hindu dead bodies is put in some food for the victim to eat.
  2. Voodoo dolls. The victims doll is made and pins are stuck into it and the spell is cast on it.

Addictions caused by Black Magic

  1. Smoking cigarette and hash.
  2. Drinking alcohol
  3. Sex obsession

Financial loss caused by Black Magic

  1. Snatching someone’s job or disgracing him and lowering his position.
  2. The rich get poor.
  3. Financial blocks

Black Magic difficulties with Children

  1. The child becomes severely weak and then his condition deteriorates day by day and then eventually dies.
  2. Losing child during pregnancy through miscarriage

Animals and Black Magic

  1. Cattle get sick, or animals do not give milk.


  1. Your perpetrators are black magicians themselves or have the money to hire a professional black magicians to attack you
  2. There is ongoing black magic against you
  3. You have been victimized for many years and your condition is serious
  4. The more you delay these matters, the worst it gets
  5. Suicidal thoughts
  6. You have been fed “Masaan” AKA “Ash of the Dead”
  7. You have no interest left in the divine/spirituality
  8. Self-help is not working
  9. You are being attacked on a continuous basis, the attacks can be fatal, or damage to your organs

Mental illness by Black Magic

  1. Staying angry
  2. Fear of the unknown.
  3. Weak and lazy. No interest in life.
  4. Amnesia
  5. The brain does not work properly. one wants to do one thing and something else is done.
  6. Making someone go astray.
  7. Dreamless sleep

Health issues by Black Magic

  1. Having continuous headaches
  2.  Premature ejaculation.
  3. Giving stomach aches.
  4. Having throat infection. The voice seems to have stopped in the throat.
  5. Difficulty in breathing, suffocation.
  6. Deafness. Pain in the ears.
  7. Head spinning, dizziness and blackout.
  8. Insanity
  9. Giving acidity and heartburn
  10. Liver disease.
  11. One feels sleepy all the time.
  12. Epilepsy.
  13. Paralysis, either in some parts of the body or all over.
  14. Pain in the bones and joints. Arthritis.
  15. Incurable disease.
  16. Blindness
  17. Tooth ache and decay, and bleeding gums.
  18. The heart beat faster than it should be
  19. One remains permanently sick.
  20. Head spinning – dizziness

voodoo dolls

Voodoo Dolls, Black Magic, Voodoo Love Spells, Evil Spirits

Black Magic is the use of supernatural powers to the benefit of one’s own needs and desires.

Voodoo is one of the most ancient forms of religion that originated in west Africa from a time unknown and has evolved by influences from Roman Catholics, Mysticism and  Spirituality. Real voodoo Dolls are said to be very powerful voodoo dolls or magic voodoo dolls, voodoo dolls can be used for protection from any type of evil or black magic and many times it is also used as a source of destruction to destroy your enemy who is trying to harm or hurt you. Voodoo doll is used for taking revenge with your enemies as to destroy your enemy slowly by the power of voodoo doll, as voodoo dolls when in contact with you will get activated charged and will do great wonders for you.

Voodoo is a religion which also incorporates practicing magic, in voodoo magic is casted using different tools and ingredients. Since most of the voodoo spells casted would require performing a ritual before the magic could be casted hence many houngans uses voodoo dolls to perform the magic. Love spell is one much talked about magic spell that is much widely used and considered when we talk about magic spells and thus voodoo also practices casting love magic.

There are two methods followed in voodoo to cast love magic one is by casting a voodoo love spell and the other by using a voodoo doll. Below we will understand on how these two different methods are used and which one is better and why.

When casting a love magic a voodoo priest or priestess will use a voodoo doll, some black mustard seeds, red cloth and some pins along with lemons and vermilion, this voodoo doll is first prepared by attaching a picture, photo or used piece of cloth or hair from the body of the person who needs to be represented, then the rituals are performed using the other items as stated above, at the end of the ritual, some pins are inflicted on the body of the doll so as to inflict the pins on the person’s body and make the love spell come to an active state. Wherein a voodoo love spell is performed using items which might or might not depict the person, when casting a voodoo love spell the houngan would offer flowers and burn incense sticks to the respective deity, then offer a prayer to please the deity, once the prayer is completed the houngan will have acquired some kind of extra power and they would mumble some words which are not understood by others and the love spell is complete.

The effects of a voodoo love spells are stronger and lasts more because it is believed that those words that the houngan mumbles are words mumbled directly by the deity who is pleased with the offerings, which means the deity would help achieve a favorable result for the love spell which is casted, moreover since no items depicting any person is used to make a form of that person, hence the love spell cannot be dismantle as in with the use of a voodoo doll, if the doll is broken or taken away by someone else then the effect of the spell can be turned, stopped or ended.

Thus it is always preferred that a love magic using voodoo should be casted in the form of voodoo love spells rather than using voodoo dolls. It is also found that magic performed using voodoo dolls can inflict pain or even harm a person whom the doll is depicting, thus it is not much advised or suggested by many voodoo spell casters today. Moreover a voodoo love spell once casted can be also used to make an elixir or talisman which would give a mode quick result if used properly, wherein a voodoo love spell using voodoo doll does not permit making any elixir or talisman. Hence looking into all the aspects of voodoo magic and creation and casting of love spell, it is always preferred that a love magic be casted using voodoo love spell rather than using voodoo doll techniques.

The Voodoo Dolls contrary to popular belief are called Razenga Voodo Dolls and their actual purpose is for worship and as protection from evil spirits. But black magic users can use them for other purposes too.

In the Voodoo religion there is concept of one eternal God named “Bondye“, he is unknowable and does not intercede in human affairs but there are powerful spirits who serve him these are called “Ioa” and these are responsible for controlling the different aspects of life in this world (this is analogous to the concepts of a God and his Angels in the Christian, Islamic and Jewish faiths). Vodouists direct their focus to these powerful spirits to influence various aspects of life by making offerings, creating altars and holding rituals.

The most notable loa include Papa Legba (guardian of the crossroads), Erzulie Freda (the spirit of love), Simbi (the spirit of rain and magicians), Kouzin Zaka (the spirit of agriculture), and The Marasa, divine twins considered to be the first children of Bondye.

It is by the manipulation of these Supernatural forces that black magic spells like Voodoo doll possession and control over another person are obtained.

Black magic dolls

Effects Of Black Magic & Voodoo Dolls | Negative Energies |

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.

The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, Business, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.

Proper recitation of mantras help invoke the natural forces to produce the desired effect. “Tantrasadhana” or tantrik meditation and worship helps one attain many supernatural powers. These powers may be used for good or for bad purposes.

The Misuse of Tantrik Powers –Unfortunately, a large number of tantrik enthusiasts, in both the West and the East, mistakenly identify tantra as the yoga of sex, black magic, witchcraft, seduction, and an amalgam of techniques for influencing the minds of others.

This is due, at least in part, to the fact that tantra is both a spiritual path and a science. As a spiritual path, it emphasizes on the purification of mind and heart, cultivating a spiritually illuminating philosophy of life. As a science, it experiments with techniques whose efficacy depends on the precise application of “mantra” and “yantra”, ritual use of specific materials, and the performance of tantrik mudras and accompanying mental exercises.

In the layman’s language, such practices can be thought of as tantrik formulae. They will yield a result if properly applied, regardless of the character, spiritual understanding or intention of the practitioner. When this scientific aspect of tantra falls into the hands of charlatans, it is inevitably misused giving tantra a bad name. Fortunately, however, there are still tantrik masters, authentic scriptures to undercut such false and distorted notions and make it possible for us to gain a better understanding of this sublime path.

Voodoo Dolls are said to be very powerful voodoo dolls or magic voodoo dolls, voodoo dolls can be used for protection from any type of evil or black magic and many times it is also used as a source of destruction to destroy your enemy who is trying to harm or hurt you. Voodoo doll is used for taking revenge with your enemies as to destroy your enemy slowly by the power of voodoo doll, as voodoo dolls when in contact with you will get activated charged and will do great wonders for you.

Symptoms and Black Magic Bad effects–

  • Continuous illness. All medical treatments fail.
  • Constant worries, Suicidal tendencies, or Desire to move away from home and family.
  • Continuous illness of any member of the family.
  • Tiredness and weakness.
  • Eating disorders associated with obesity and anorexia.
  • Being short tempered. Sterility, without any physical deficiency or without any medical reason.
  • Repeated miscarriages or death of children.
  • Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.
  • Problems in the construction of new houses, new factory or any other building.
  • Shortness of money, in spite of hard labour.
  • No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless. Apathy, no desire to rise In Life.
  • Achievement of objectives seems impossible.
  • Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.
  • Unexpected loss in the business of property.
  • Ill health and under development of children.
  • Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil Designs.
  • Discord between spouses or the family.
  • Greatest efforts always resulting in failure.
  • Lack of Govt, favours, promotions and the desired raises or transfers.
  • Poverty, in spite of hard work.
  • Mental disorders – Insanity – Craziness.

These are some effects which prove that one is under the spell of the supernatural or black magic.

Even though Intelligent, one still fails to find solutions to such problems.
It is only due to “Black Works” that all your wisdom, all your strategies and all your intelligence fails.

Black Magician & Black magic, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Spells


The term black magic means different things to different people although it is commonly defined as magic with an evil  or selfish purpose. It interdicts to cause harm, although the judgment of whether it is evil or not is a subjective one.”

Black magic is a practice in all over the world and in every society and it is used for bad purpose. Black magic is used to hurt or harm that person who is even thousands miles away from them. Its stories and believes exist almost in every society of the world. Some say it JADU, some say it is witchcraft and some say it magic. From the lands of sand Egypt to the land of worrier Greece there are many tales of magic. Magic was also used in African society like in Kula community but they used magic for saving there selves when they went into sea, for there selves and ships they use certain magic and read spells. In our society this bad thing is increasing day by day which is becoming out of control. This is due to increase of jealousy, greed, selfishness, negativity and don’t want to see people happy. The uses of witchcraft have become most ordinary method of taking out the aggravation and get an evil sort of satisfaction.

Black magic is very dangerous. It is not easy to do and not very simple. Black magic is the selfish perversion of magical arts to destroy other, or for personal gain. The conscious use of black magic rituals for the exercise of evil. The black magician is a person who wants power for himself. A magician my summon the devil or one of his demons and remain a white magician, as long as the purpose for the summoning is benevolent. Black magicians are usually those who made a part with the devil. They invoke diabolic and infernal power by black magic rituals and spells.

Many different methods are used for black magic which are too much horror. Voodoo dolls are especially used for black magic. Because black magic was done in the night and in secrecy, it aroused constant suspicion and threat to the ordinary people. This provoked the black magician to protect themselves with every success, like in every powerful incantation of protection; they become both feared and revered. Most of all. These black magicians would become more passionate and faithful and engrossed in their causes and tasks.

Spells are more than just thoughts or wishes, while these things may play a role, there is a procedure to conducting spells, which involves gathering and focusing directed psychic energy, followed by a controlled release, of course , conducting any kind of spell doesn’t guarantee the desired outcome the situation, but it may influence it.

Black magic is done for giving harm to others. Black magic destroys the life of people. They do not think that in case of revenge and hatred they destroy whole live of people. They cross there all limits black magic and witchcraft. Black magic first destroys health then wealth then everything. The greediness of status, wealth, the revenge, jealousy and selfishness because of this people go to black magician and gave money and become so selfish and say them to take their health, wealth and harm them and destroy their life by black magic. And black magic effects and it demolish the whole house.

Black magician asserts that they have the solution to everything. They can solve any problem with in two days even some black magicians says that they can solve their problems within one hour. But black magic can never form right thing, this is wrong that with black magic we can solve all problems and it will be for welfare of the people. People forget that after effect of this black magic would be horrible. Black magician say that they can save you from everything by black magic but it is not possible, People should also think over consequence of this before going to such type of evil forces.

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