Lower astral plane spirits, entities, non-physical beings

Lower astral plane spirits, entities, non-physical beings

Majority of the people are not aware of the presence of subtle energies and beings that can actively interfere with their energy and emotions and also the atmosphere of the places.

There are astral energies at play in the manifest world that are almost invisible to the eye of the modern person. What hides from us is the role the lower astral spirit world has upon human activity, and personal development. Despite the desire of most humans to live a good and comfortable life there exist various forces in our world that thrive on destruction and the abuse or sacrifice innocent life force. It is only when we are impacted by the spirit world either directly through our own perception, or through actions that are visited upon us with a sinister agenda, that we may give attention to shamanic reality. These energies and beings are actually rampant at the present time as clearing processes have become largely. Growing materialism and fast-paced, complicated lives have shut down many people’s non-physical perceptions and this has led to society losing its knowledge of entities etc.  There has been a decline in the clearing of entities to almost a complete stop, leading to a growing number, all looking for a person to latch onto. Even many of the priests of Western religions have lost their vision and know-how of clearing.

Modern Western people live in a world where they are insulated from many of the spirit world forces this subject requires us to have experience and knowledge about: the true nature of suffering in the manifest world around us. The Shaman and the non-modern person accepts and understand how the spirit world works. The modern dismisses the spirit world as an archaic superstition of uneducated people, best consigned to the past along with the theory of the flat earth, and creationism. And in that arrogance lies our vulnerability to the lower astral destructive energies running in our lives. When we don’t acknowledge any important part of reality we will find ourselves out of balance, and unable to construct an authentic sense of the real world. This struggle is tied into the way psychological denial works to keep us sane in a chaotic world. To best open ourselves up to the natural world of lower spirit interactions we usually have to step outside of our modern culture and society.

Mainly these entities come from people’s energy bodies when they die, as the energy body breaks up without the physical and energy body to hold it together. Conflicting parts of the energy body can no longer hold together and as its vibration rises it shatters mainly into astral dust which is reabsorbed into the astral planes.

The astral fragments need life-force to hold them together or they will eventually break up into astral dust and be reabsorbed. The only place they can get enough energy to survive is from a person or animal but they certainly seem to prefer a human host.

When they find someone suitable often with similar emotional characteristics to itself, the entity will try to get into the person’s energy and live there. This will drain life-force from the person.

Very large fragments with enough etheric energy may survive without a host and these may live in houses or public places. These large entities are usually referred to as ghosts. They may attach to a person with a cord of astral/etheric energy while remaining in these places and then affect the person similarly to a smaller fragment inside their energy.

Other entities that can parasitise people include nature spirits, elementals and others which are not so easily categorised.

Entities are actually quite a problem at present with most humans being the home for one or more. With our senses being so dull due to such crystallised astral and weak energy bodies we can only feel the effects of the entity. Often these effects will be lack of energy, depression, anxiety and all types of other negative emotions. We assume that these emotions are our own and therefore have no idea that an entity is causing such problems. Actually the entity isn’t the sole cause of the problems. To attract an entity you must first resonate with it to some degree. So you had some feelings of loneliness or whatever and so did the entity. This is what attracted it and so your initial negative emotions are amplified by the entity and it also drains your etheric energy making it harder to stay on top of such negative emotions.

An entity can only get into your energy if there is a weak spot or hole in your aura. Most people have some weak spots which become worse when under pressure or emotional stress. It is due to ego structure and astral crystallisation that weak spots occur. In fact the very nature of astral substance attracts entities. When it comes to astral substance, like attracts like so you have a situation where different types of astral substance pool together and keep on attracting more. This is how the negative astral planes have been created, basically all the negative energies have come together to create negative dimensions of astral substance, usually of a very low and chaotic vibration. Intoxication by alcohol or other drugs is a common way to resonate with these negative astral planes and attract entities into your energy. In pubs and clubs you will find a strong connection to such planes and an abundance of entities looking for a potential host.

At death, if you are experiencing extreme emotions such as anger and hate you will be taken straight to these negative astral planes as soon as you leave the body. This is because your astral body will be resonating with the negative planes and because like attracts like in the astral world you will suddenly find yourself in these realms. Once there you will likely see all kinds of hallucinations such as monsters and the like until your astral body begins to shatter (this is often referred to as ‘the Bardos’ in Buddhism). At this point your light body will be released and you will continue up into higher dimensions but the part of your astral body that was attracted to the negative realms will likely break off as an entity. If the emotions felt at death were very common and very much a part of your personality while incarnated then the entity will be larger. Once separate the entity will first try for a host with someone or somewhere familiar such as your home or your friends and family. If it can’t host on these people it will probably go for the nearest pub.

How does the modern person work with the lower astral, in this declining age of the Shaman? What can we do to protect ourselves, and our people and communities? We must awaken to the realities of how the lower astral influence us: emotionally, mentally, and physically. The lower astral charges our hidden agendas of anger, fear, and selfishness in our relationships, and in our self identity. It strives to create an enemy, a person that is different, or dangerous to me – and then justifies destroying that enemy (or driving it out), to serve narcissistic ends. It desires to spill virtual blood (as in emotional pain) or actual blood (as in acts of physical violence). As long as our conscious awareness can be manipulated in this way we will witness the sacrifice of the innocent, the suffering of the innocent, and the dark gaining of selfish power behind the scenes.

With the practices available in healing you will be able to find and explore entities and even begin clearing them. It is amazing what a difference it can make when a core entity is cleared. Emotional issues that have plagued people for years are sometimes cured almost immediately. The person must continue the work of clearing their own energy as well but the difference can be very tangible when an entity is thoroughly explored and cleared.

If you clear your own energy body while still alive you will not leave any entities behind for others to clean up. Through spiritual work your astral body is cleared of Samskaras and merges with the light body. This merger transforms the energy body into a lighter and more malleable substance that does not shatter into pieces at death.

If we can evolve the lower astral into higher forms of spiritual energy, we can all grow together, human being and spirit being. Modern people are not going to embrace blood sacrifices in order to appease the lower astral beings, that much is certain. But suffering caused by the lower astral can be reduced by raising our own consciousness, and the consciousness of our people and our community, so that wisdom comes to rule our lives, not our primal vulnerabilities. Once we are aware of the way the lower astral affects us, and others, we can move towards important changes in our relationships. The lower astral’s strength is in how it hides itself from view. Take away the camouflage of denial, and our lack of knowledge, and everything can be changed.

Soul Retrieval | Soul Loss | Shamanic Healing For Lost Souls

soul lossWhen a piece of your soul leaves you and flees to the Other world without returning, you have suffered a soul loss. This is usually due to some form of trauma, whether physical or emotional. Soul Loss is a protection mechanism which serves to protect us from unbearable suffering. In the normal course of events the soul piece should return automatically after a few hours or a day or two — but unfortunately often it does not. In those cases the soul piece has become permanently lost in the Other world and is either unable or unwilling to return. A skilled shaman can retrieve the lost soul piece and restore wholeness to the dis-spirited person. The shamanic healing technique of finding and restoring a lost soul piece is commonly called soul retrieval.

How Does Soul Loss Occur?
As a rule soul loss occurs due to trauma. Children are most susceptible to soul loss, as they are more vulnerable than adults and still more connected to the world of spirit or Other world than most adults are. When a child gets abused or suffers great distress or unhappiness he or she will often instinctively try to escape to the Other world to flee from the pain and to find peace or happiness.

But soul loss affects not only children but people of all ages. Typical triggers for soul loss are accident, injury, shock, trauma or prolonged unhappiness. An event that triggers soul loss in one person may not cause soul loss in others with a similar experience. It depends on how severe the shock or suffering was felt from a subjective point of view. For example, you may break your arm and think is not a big deal. But somebody else may have had a lot of pain, surgery, difficult recovery, inability to work and a whole load of problems around it so the experience was extremely traumatic for them. Generally the more severe the injuries, the higher the likelihood of suffering soul loss.

Physical injury is not a prerequisite for soul loss. It is not unusual for people who were involved in a car accident but suffered no physical injuries whatsoever to have soul loss. The loud sound and the impact cause shock. Your soul thinks you are dying and “ejects”. It may come back later when the shock wears off, or part of it may stay out. Any severe shock can cause soul loss.

Emotional suffering and grief can also trigger soul loss. Frequently the loss of a loved one causes soul loss both in children and adults. In some cases the soul wants to accompany the deceased into the spirit world and is drawn into the Realm of the Dead. This is a place in the Other world that can be dangerous even to experienced shamans. Only a shaman who has gone through a shamanic death initiation can go to these realms without risking injury or physical death! Fortunately it is rare for souls of the living to get stuck there, but I have retrieved the occasional soul piece from this realm.

Grief over separation such as divorce or the end of a relationship can cause a soul loss, as well as the loss of a beloved pet. A prolonged time of loneliness, feeling unappreciated or just being unhappy over a long time, such as working in a job you hate, or being in an unhappy relationship can cause soul loss also. Children who get ignored by their parents and who feel they are not being seen or heard, or aren’t given enough love frequently suffer soul loss.

Any form of sexual abuse, and in particular rape, causes soul loss. Another factor is unconsciousness. Whether the unconsciousness was caused by you knocking your head, or by having anesthesia, through ill health or drug abuse, isn’t really important. Any form of unconsciousness may trigger soul loss. Part of you is “out” during the unconscious phase anyway, and if you don’t return fully, if a part of you stays out, you may end up having permanent soul loss.

What Exactly Happens During Soul Loss?
Due to a trauma a part of your soul decides to leave and escapes into the Other world. The leaving part of your soul looks exactly like you at that time. It is an exact copy of you at that age and time. So if you lost a part of your soul at age 8 years, this part of you will still be an 8 year old, while you may now be in your 40’s! The lost piece of your soul also takes a piece of your energy body with it, leaving a permanent hole in your aura.

Note: This hole cannot be closed permanently until the lost soul piece has returned on its own or has been retrieved. You may go to a crystal healer or Reiki healer and they may temporarily close the hole in your aura, but it will soon reopen as long as a part of you is still missing.

Unfortunately this hole in your aura will also leave you susceptible to entities, demons and psychic attack, combining the suffering of soul loss with suffering from entities. An intact aura can ward these negatives off, but once you have suffered soul loss you don’t have an intact aura anymore. You are now easy game for any entity happening to be around.

Your lost soul piece, having left you, now seeks refuge in some region of the Other world. Quite often this will be the Underworld, as it is a beautiful natural place. But the soul piece could be in almost any other region of the Other world. For example, it may as mentioned above, have accompanied a deceased loved one to the Realm of the Dead. It may return to a place you loved, such as your grandma’s house, and be stuck in the Middle World. It may flee to some wonderful regions of light in the Upper World, or cross over to the Faerie Realm to enjoy magic and enchantment or Oneness with Nature, or it may go to any other realm you have a connection with.

The lost soul might originally have intended to return to you but may linger in the Other world because it enjoys itself there. Eventually it will forget that it should return and lose memory of how it came to be there. Sometimes the lost soul piece will be stuck in a time loop of the original trauma or a symbolic representation of the traumatic situation or the emotion that caused it to leave. Sometimes the soul piece wishes to return but doesn’t find the way back. It has become permanently lost. At other times, the soul piece may be preyed upon by entities or demonic forces that capture it and keep it trapped and feed off it energetically in the Other world. In those cases a warrior shaman is needed who can fight and defeat the negative beings and free the lost soul piece.

Can One Lose Multiple Soul Pieces?
Unfortunately yes. It is in fact common to have lost several soul pieces. But in most cases there is one major soul piece lost, often the primary one, the loss of which has caused the greatest damage. Returning that soul piece to its rightful owner can make a major change in their lives. Minor soul pieces can be retrieved one by one later.

It has been my experience that most people have lost several pieces of their soul, even if their lives weren’t particularly traumatic or unhappy. The loss of your beloved grandma when you were small could have caused a soul loss, or the death of your pet rabbit, even though now as an adult you are long over it. Most of us have experienced relationship break ups and deaths of loved ones.

Collective Soul Loss
Society doesn’t really give proper support for natural life situations, such as death and bereavement. We are not taught to embrace our emotions but rather suppress them. For example, grieving is not socially accepted and people are expected to keep a stiff upper lip and get on with work no matter what — or pop in a few pills to get over the depression. But that isn’t healing, it is suppression of natural emotion. When we are not allowed to grieve we are in fact doing grievous damage to ourselves!

And look what it has done to us: modern society is made up of so many emotional cripples and people on tranquillizers and mood altering drugs. Our unwillingness to embrace our emotions has caused an epidemic of soul loss. One could say that mankind is suffering of serious collective soul loss as well. The collective numbing out that is so apparent in acts of cruelty and lack of compassion in my opinion is largely due to soul loss, both on an individual and collective level.

Could I Lose My Entire Soul?
It is possible, but fortunately this is rare. Only very severe and / or repeated trauma can cause total soul loss. The result of total soul loss would eventually be death, or at the very least coma. In coma there usually is total soul loss. Not just a piece of the soul is missing, but all of it or most of it. A skilled and experienced shaman may be able to bring the soul of the comatose person back if physical damage is not too severe and the soul can be persuaded to return.

Sometimes people think soul loss means that they will become evil or that their soul is lost, i.e. they can’t go to heaven anymore. Soul loss from a shamanic point has nothing to do with being evil, but rather with being damaged. This damage can be healed through shamanic soul retrieval. Your soul is eternal and cannot ordinarily be destroyed. There are two exceptions to this that I know of: one is if you commit spiritual suicide (not physical suicide). You would have to have a total hatred of all life for this. And secondly, the Creator can unmake a soul if it has become so corrupted that there is no redemption possible. Again this is very very rare, it won’t just happen because you were bad, non-religious or have committed murder. God/Goddess/All-That-Is doesn’t judge, but may destroy a part of their creation that doesn’t work out. As simple as that.

If you had total soul loss from a shamanic point of view your physical body would die within a short time as your energy body is severely damaged. Your eternal soul however would go on. You may enter your next incarnation with severe trauma. In some cases I had to retrieve soul pieces that were lost in past lives. This too can happen. It is less frequent than soul loss in the present incarnation, which represents the lessons we have chosen for this turn of the wheel. Do not have any fear of losing your soul. Nobody can take it from you, and as long as you live from the heart, in an emotion of love, you will never damage your soul.

When a Soul Piece Dies
Sometimes due to extreme trauma or prolonged soul loss, a piece of one’s soul can actually die. Though rare, this is a very serious matter. When a part of your soul has died you will be left feeling like the walking dead, virtually as if a part of you has died, which in essence is true. You may be experiencing extreme grief, a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness, often accompanied by severe depression and a sense of futility and apathy. Fortunately even a dead soul piece can be resurrected by a very advanced shaman. I came across a few cases of this type, where I had to resurrect dead soul pieces. This is uncommon but is a problem that needs to be addressed for balance and peace to be restored to the afflicted.

A similar scenario is of a soul piece accompanying a beloved deceased relative to the Realm of the Dead. This is especially common for children who often suffer greatly when their beloved grandmother or grandfather dies, or worse, when a parent dies while they are young. Children are quite fearless and are prone to split a part of themselves to go into the Other world with their loved one. Unfortunately later in life they will never feel whole again and so soul retrieval from the Land of the Dead may be needed to heal them on all levels. The Realm of the Dead is located in the Other world and accessible to all who dare go there. However, there is a price to pay. As shamans venture in this realm their energy and vitality gets gradually sucked out of them. The longer the stay, the worse the damage done. If one were to stay too long, one could actually die, but that will rarely happen as the feeling of being drained is so unpleasant that most will beat a hasty retreat. However, once a shaman has actually embraced death he / she will be immune to the energy of death pervading the Realm of the Dead, and can with ease retrieve lost soul pieces from this region of the Otherworld.

Symptoms of Soul Loss
By now you will probably ask yourself: could I have soul loss, and how would I know? It is really quite easy to find out. In your mind go back to the time before any traumatic incident and try to recall how you used to feel before the trauma occurred. Then compare with your life now. If you feel somewhat diminished you have a soul loss. With soul loss always comes a loss of enthusiasm, which is our natural emotion. While you may eventually get over the actual trauma, such as the death of your grandma, the soul loss persists. After soul loss life never gets quite as joyful and beautiful as it was before.

The Joy of Life is Gone
You may find that your enthusiasm, your trust in life, your enjoyment of life, etc. are greatly diminished. Even when you think you have recovered and are completely over it, if you really look deep inside you will see you are no longer the same, no longer as happy and carefree as before. The birds don’t seem to sing quite as beautifully anymore and even a sunny day seems less bright than it used to be. It is almost as if your world has turned to shades of grey.

Dis-spirited and Depressed
Many sufferers of soul loss feel as if a part of them is missing, as if they are no longer whole. They feel incomplete, even amputated. This feeling is in fact very accurate because they have indeed lost a part of themselves and are no longer whole. The sufferers of soul loss may feel as if they are but a pale shadow of their former selves. Great sadness and depression are typical symptoms of soul loss. The depression can range from mild to extreme, depending on the severity of the soul loss. In severe depression due to soul loss there often is a death wish. The remaining part of the soul wants to join the lost soul piece in the Other world. Depression really is a spiritual disease and is a cry for help from the soul. It shows us that we have lost our way and ourselves and that we need to find ourselves and our predestined path again. The depression of soul loss stems from being dis-spirited, having lost part of your spirit.

Physical Problems
If the soul loss was quite substantial certain functions of the body may have gone at the same time. As I mentioned above, during soul loss you also lose a piece of your energy body. And as the roots of all our sensory organs and cognitive functions are in the energy body, you may lose certain functions of your body. I am aware that what I am stating here clashes with mainstream science, but it is so according to Yoga science and I have found it to be true. When you astral project for example, you see and feel with your astral body. A blind man can still see on the astral, while somebody whose astral body is severely damaged may end up being physically blind without a medical cause being found!

I had a client who had suffered a severe car accident. Though her body healed she was never the same again. She had suffered no head wounds during the accident, but had extreme memory problems ever since the accident which had happened several years before she came to see me. Her memory was so poor that she couldn’t drive her car on her own, as she wouldn’t find the way back home! No matter how often she drove a route, she couldn’t memorise it. After soul retrieval her memory improved drastically and she could drive and find her way on her own again!

This is just one example, which I have personally witnessed. From other healers I have heard stories of people who lost their eyesight, sense of taste or speech after extreme soul loss. These serious disabilities can disappear when the lost soul piece and the vital missing part of the energy body is restored.

Coma and Death
In case of very significant soul loss serious, possibly crippling illness will occur. With near total soul loss the person will usually fall in a coma from which death will result if the soul stays out too long. Total soul loss leads to death within a short time. It is not possible for a totally soulless body to exist for long when the inhabiting soul has departed.

Soul Retrieval
Now that we have had a long look at soul loss, let’s focus on the solution to the problem, which is soul retrieval. The first obstacle in soul retrieval is to actually find the lost soul piece. This is quite a momentous undertaking, considering the Other world is vast! The lost soul piece could be anywhere in the person’s Underworld, in the Middle World, or Upper World. And that’s not all. The lost soul could have slipped over to other dimensions such as the Faerie Realm, or escaped to lost civilizations like Atlantis or Lemuria if the person had strong links with that place or time. There is a vast universe out there and the lost soul could be anywhere in space and time. Finding a lost soul piece is infinitely more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack!

A competent shaman therefore has to be a very good tracker! Everybody has specific frequency which is totally unique. When you know the frequency of somebody you can find them wherever they are and connect to them telepathically or astrally. To find a lost soul piece the shaman follows the energetic signature of the one seeking healing. Some people learn shamanic tracking very easily, others can never get the hang of it. Without tracking there can be no soul retrieval!

Obviously the shaman who attempts soul retrieval should be very skilled in journeying in various Otherworld realms, otherwise how can he / she follow the lost soul? It is not enough to just know how to access the Underworld. What if the soul piece happens to be in the Middle World? What if the soul piece is in a demonic region? Will you have the courage to go there? And courage alone is not enough either. The shaman needs integrity, of light and shadow, of love and power. Be careful in whose hands you give your soul. I would never have believed it, but vampire shamans can actually steal a piece of your soul to use your power and your spiritual gifts. So choose wisely whom you trust with soul retrieval.

Once the shaman has located the lost soul piece the next obstacle may present itself. In the best case scenario a short conversation with the lost soul will dispel its fears and it will return with the shaman who then “installs” the soul piece into the seeker of healing. From my experience such simple cases make up about 20% of all soul retrievals. Other possible scenarios are:

The lost soul doesn’t want to return
The reasons why the soul may not want to return are many. The most common one is probably fear of further suffering. Sometimes the soul enjoys the Other world environment so much it doesn’t want to return to the world of matter. Convincing an unwilling soul to return requires serious psychological skills and sometimes cunning. Occasionally the lost soul has a condition for returning. These are usually simple things and not outrageous demands. For example they want more fun time and not so much work, more spiritual practices. I remember a child soul that requested ice-cream once a week! I usually convey the message from the soul to the client so they can decide how to act on it. Failure to fulfill the soul’s need can lead to the soul piece leaving again.

The lost soul is damaged and needs healing
This is quite common. If the soul piece was lost due to sexual abuse I always heal and cleanse it first before I bring it back and install it in the client. This way the seeker of healing will be spared much pain and any resulting healing crisis will be much milder and shorter.

The soul has been captured by negative entities who are unwilling to release it
Here the shaman has to resort to trickery, negotiation or brute force to free the captive soul piece. Most of the time a fight is unavoidable. Inexperienced shamans and novices to soul retrieval are seldom capable of dealing with powerful negative entities. And no, they do not go away if you give them love! A shaman has to have some backbone and be feisty also. Whilst I usually try to resolve problems peacefully, there are times when one must stand and fight — both in shamanism and in life. Soul retrieval is very complex. Every case is different, you never know what will happen until it happens. A shaman has to be very flexible, courageous and quick-witted!

Once the lost soul piece is freed, healed or has been convinced to return, the shaman will bring it back from the Otherworld. The shaman then installs the soul piece in the seeker of healing by blowing it into their heart, sometimes in other places of the body, depending from where it left. A shaman of vision will know instinctively where it goes, though sometimes the soul piece may specify its proper place.

On return of the soul piece the seeker of healing usually feels an energy entering them. This can occasionally be accompanied by a vision. More frequently there is a strong emotion on reconnecting with the soul piece. Mostly this is a happy and familiar feeling, a sense of relief, but sometimes the old sadness or trauma will come up again and be experienced once more to then be permanently released during the healing crisis which often follows soul retrieval.

Once the healing crisis is over you will feel so much happier and more complete than you have for a long time. On our journey back to Oneness, of becoming whole again, and of finding our power we must retrieve all lost parts of ourselves and release all accumulated trauma. With every trauma and issue we release we come closer to the Oneness. And with each soul piece we retrieve we become more whole and more powerful. Healing is a beautiful journey. It may be a long journey but it certainly is one well worth taking. It is not only the destination at the end of your journey that matters, but the journey itself!

Enjoy it every step of the way!

psychic surgery

Healing With Psychic / Shamanic surgery | Energy Medicine |

Psychic surgery is powerful cleansing tool that can transform your energy field. It is based on the premise that our energetic bodies are susceptible to negative forces such as lower astral entities, dis-incarnate beings, spirits, attachments, psychic attack and negative alien implants. When we have experienced trauma, stress, co-dependency, addiction, promiscuous sex, abuse, manipulation etc, our energy fields tend to become polluted with negative entities.

For people that are naturally sensitive this kind of exposure can have a devastating effect on health and mental/emotional states. Guruji is a highly talented psychic surgeon with the ability to pull out negative beings and energetic hooks from your auric field.

The positive effects on your health and well being can be quite extraordinary when your energy field has been cleaned up.

Psychic / Shamanic surgery is a powerful yet misunderstood technique. Those with no mystical understanding look at psychic surgery as misguided at best, and as a sham at worst. To the mystically inclined, the premise is simple. If all things, including illness or injury, have an underlying energetic pattern, then an energetic pattern can be removed from the body through shamanic surgery. The illness can no longer support itself without its etheric “blueprint,” and the body is able to heal itself more easily. The energetic pattern is no longer blocking the healing. With such removals, the client processes the underlying thoughts, feelings, or even karma that is involved in the energetic template, consciously or unconsciously.

Psychic Surgery is a healing Technique that is carried out with the help of angels. In Psychic Surgery the angels do intricate delicate healing in the form of a surgery using energy.

Organ replacement in Psychic Surgery- In some cases where the organs are not functioning properly. Transplants can be done with psychic surgery by visualizing the old organ going away and the new organ coming in and place the organ in the etheric system connected to the physical body and send healing energy to the organ continuously until the physical body is able to sustain it.

Psychic Surgery Healing method can also be used to lift dagger and curses. Usually when a person is angry with someone dark energy in the form of dagger, pointed arrows gets clogged in the one’s energy system. We can perform a psychic surgery in order to remove these dagger and arrows and heal the person wholly and completely.

The rituals of shamanic/ psychic surgery involve what looks to be play-acting, with sweeping, grabbing, and, popular among certain traditions, sucking. Anthropologists who observed and reported on psychic surgery saw medicine men with a special tube over a patient “sucking the illness out.” As a result, the shaman would have a small stone or even an insect in his mouth.
The object would then be cast away, buried, or stamped on to banish the illness. These outside observers thought the shaman was tricking the client into thinking the illness was a rock or creature being sucked out, though I’m sure the patient understood the process far better than the scientists. The object acts as a receptacle for the unwanted ill energy to ensure that the shaman does not swallow it. The sickness spirit is sucked out, and with the obstacle removed, the patient’s own allies are then able to help the healing process along.

Although different cultures and traditions use different rituals and tools to perform psychic / shamanic surgery, these rituals are all based on the same principles. The most powerful shamanic surgery sessions I have been involved in have also included the use of invocation in the ritual, but this is not necessary.

I have had tremendous success using shamanic surgery to remove or alleviate aches and pains, headaches, tension, stress, and nervous stomach. By removing the spirit of such substance, you neutralize much of its physical power.

Shaman’s Work With Soul-Loss

For thousands of years shamans have known that one of the major causes of illness and other forms of imbalance in our world is soul-loss. A shaman is a member of the community who is able to change his or her state of consciousness and thereby come into contact with another reality, which he often refers to as the world of the spirits. The shaman knows the spirit world and how to move there. The shaman goes there seeking help and advise from his spirit helpers and teachers, both for himself and others in the community. Sometimes the shaman goes there to seek for a lost soul. If he/she finds it, he/she brings it back home, reuniting it with its physical body. This work is called soul retrieval.

What Is Soul? 
We are all born with the power we need for our lives. Some of this power is in the form of soul. While we are all brought up with the concept of “soul”, many people are in doubt as to what soul is, or even if it really does exist. I generally think of soul as being our life spark, our essence, our life energy. From the animistic experience of the universe, all things have a soul, and by definition are alive. The shaman is aware of this, and, by altering his/her state of consciousness, is able to come into contact with these soul essences. By communicating with these spirits, the shaman can learn many things, and perhaps even ask them for help in healing.

Most traditional peoples are aware that animals, including humans, have at least two souls. One of these souls is the fixed soul, the soul that belongs to the physical body and takes care of the normal body functions, for example growing, breathing, digestion, heartbeat and the circulation of blood, reproduction, and all of our natural bodily cycles. The second soul is often referred to as the free soul, or spirit, that which feels and has emotions, that which leaves the body during a shamanic soul-flight.

What Is Soul-Loss? 
Soul-loss is when some of this vital, free-soul essence leaves our body, thereby depriving us of our full power. Soul-loss can be seen as a built-in adaptive/ survival mechanism. Many wild animals, for example foxes and wolves, are known to chew off their own leg in order to escape from a trap . The human psyche (Greek for soul) will do the same. If life is too difficult, the part of the soul which is most affected will leave us. The main organism will survive, while the lost part drifts off. If we are lucky, it will quickly return. If not, we may never see it again. This is soul-loss.

How Does Soul Loss Happen?
It has been my experience in working with people that in most cases soul-loss occurs because we give our souls away. As stated before, each of us are born with the amount of power we need to live, but, in the process of growing up, of being socialized, something happens. We are taught. We are taught how to “fit-in”, and our teachers, be they our parents and family, or school teachers, or playmates, or even the family dog or cat, all show us how the world is put together – in the way that they see it. Some of them try to teach us well, taking into account as much as possible who we already are. Others of them try merely to form us or control us after their own wishes. At a very early age we learn that if we respond to our environment in certain ways we will most likely obtain certain results, both positive and negative. In many cases, this leads to healthy patterns of personal interaction and development, if those who raise us are well-balanced, aware individuals. However, in other cases, the desire to please others can often lead us to be untrue to ourselves.

Already in early childhood many children start to give over their power to their parents who have forgotten or never heard Kahlil Gibran’s words: “Your children are not your children.” If the parents are not well balanced, or if they have deep troubles of their own, it is often up to the child at an early age to attempt to achieve balance in the home. Sometimes this is impossible to begin with, and, sometimes, to be the way we think others want us to be, it means that we cannot be ourselves. If these conditions persist, that part of our soul which is ignored, or deprived, will leave. This is soul-loss. In school the desire to be accepted by our classmates will often cause us to do things which may not natural for us to do, for example, ganging up on the “different” one. This desire to be accepted all too often turns to fear of being left out. And later in life, to keep a lover or friend we ignore ourselves and our feelings in an attempt to keep the relationship in tact, because we have learned that being true to ourselves threatens the relationship. We suffer in silence, and by doing so we throw water on our own fire. What then happens to the heat? This, too, is soul loss.

I once worked with a woman whose father had died when she was a young girl. Such a situation in itself often leads to soul-loss, but in this case the problem was further complicated by the mother’s deep grief and resultant alcoholism. The daughter, in an effort to restore as much as possible the former secure family situation, tried in her own childish way to fill her father’s shoes. Though she herself was also heartbroken, she was never able to express it for fear that her mother would totally fall apart, taking with her what little family structure there was left. This developed into a behavior pattern as an adult in which she was always helping other people, while ignoring her own needs, what psychologists today call co-dependant behavior. The shaman calls it soul-loss.


Saying Good-bye to the Soul
Soul-loss often happens in a vain attempt to maintain contact with someone who is leaving or has left us, for example when someone close to us dies. We hear stories of people who cast themselves into the open grave of a loved one at the funeral, that they, too, may go. And they often do, as a part of their soul leaves with the dead one. This was the case of one person I worked with who as a teenager put her picture in her dead father’s pocket as he lay in the coffin at the wake, so that she could be with him always.

We have all experienced the sadness of parting, leaving someone we love dearly, knowing that perhaps we would never see them again. In an effort to ease the pain we say: “A part of me will always be with you.” And we mean it. We give that loved one a piece of our soul. But the sad part of it is that the object of your love can’t use your soul. Indeed, it may add to her pain or even cause illness. And you are left with less power to handle the pain of parting, and many other situations to come after as well. Although heart transplants may work, soul transplants do not. A much wiser, and more loving, form of parting is to give back any pieces soul you may have collected from each other, thus, by saying good-bye to the other you say hello to yourself.

Traumatic Soul-Loss
Soul-loss can also occur due to traumatic experiences, for example accidents (both witnessed and experienced), surgery, or physical and emotional abuse, incest, or intense pain. Violence in the home is also a major cause of soul loss, as are extended periods of anxiety. Many people have had out of body experiences, especially during traumatic experiences. The reason these are remembered is because the soul comes back. If the soul doesn’t come back, there is no acute memory of the pain, only the dull knowledge that the incident happened, if any memory at all.

Although many actions taken by one person can lead to soul-loss in another, the purposeful taking of another’s soul is rare, though common enough. These acts are generally undertaken by people whose own soul is so damaged and depleted that the only way they know to get power is by taking it from someone else. These people often die at a young age, but generally not before they have caused great damage to others.

Casualties of War
Warfare is probably the single greatest cause for soul-loss on a global scale. Everyone loses. The civilians caught in the crossfire, their families and loved ones, to say nothing of the soldiers themselves, and their loved ones. Even the “victorious” soldiers returning home from war often have extreme difficulty in adjusting to civilian life again, and frequently try to fill up the hole in their soul with drugs and alcohol, sometimes turning again to violent behavior in their frustration.

It is interesting to note that the Navajo have a special ceremony, The Enemy Way, for the returning warrior. It is designed to cleanse him of his experiences and reunite his spirit with his body so that he may come into balance and take his place in the community once more.

There are many other reasons for soul-loss. Very often there are well known standard phrases in our language which indicate this as well, for example, with the death of a loved one (“When my husband died, I felt that part of myself went with him.”), an accident (“I was scared to death”), a failed project (“I put my soul into this work”), physical or psychic abuse of any kind (“My spirit was broken”), divorce, or the end of an important relationship (“She stole my soul”). Even a violent argument can lead to soul-loss (“I was beside myself with rage”). Indeed, our lives today at the end of the twentieth century in overcrowded cities with incompetent politicians and seemingly uncaring bureaucrats, runaway technology, and global pollution seem rife with possibilities for either receiving soul-loss or inflicting it.

Surviving and Adapting 
Mending the Fragmented Self, soul-loss is generally a matter of surviving and/or adapting. We all have our limits as to how much we can take. But what happens when we reach our limits, when we can’t back any further into the corner? Then it is time for action. But sometimes it just doesn’t seem possible to take the appropriate action. We don’t have the power. “If I try to do something, he/she’ll leave me. Then where will I be?” Or, “If I say anything, I’ll get fired! Then what?” When this is the case, that part of the soul which reacts most heavily to the situation knows it is time to leave for some place safe, and does so, both for it’s own survival and for the survival of the organism as a whole.

Symptoms of Soul-Loss
The most extreme and dramatic form of soul-loss is coma. Otherwise, symptoms of soul-loss may or may not be immediately apparent. The first symptoms are often a felt loss of connection with one surroundings. Soon it becomes a felt loss of connection with oneself, a loss of being in touch with the body, a feeling of being empty, feeling numb, or not feeling anything, but seeing life go by as if it were a film starring someone else.

Very often when people come to me for the first time they express it quite clearly. “I don’t know what the matter is, but I feel as though I’ve lost touch with myself.” If they have, it is a very serious matter, because it often means that they have also lost touch with their own internal back-up system, their hopes and dreams, their beliefs, their self confidence, and their own code of ethics. People who suffer from soul-loss often have a difficult time being honest with themselves, blaming other people where the solution to the issues in their lives often lies with their own actions. Lack of grounding is often a clear indication of soul-loss.

Another important symptom is memory loss. A woman once said to me, “The only thing I remember about the last two years of my marriage is signing the separation papers.” Repetitive negative behavior patterns, for example becoming evolved with the same type of partner with disastrous results, time and time again, often points at severe soul loss. People who suffer from soul loss often are attracted to powerful people in hopes that some of the power will rub off and fill the hole, instead of seeking to regain their own power. It is also a normal reaction for people who are suffering severe soul-loss to try to fill the empty space by taking soul from others. This often happens under the guise of repeatedly falling in love in an attempt to find a new life, or at least new energy to continue with the old life. The inability to find joy in life is a major clue to soul-loss.

People who always have a reason for not being able to do the things they want to do, whose way is blocked, who feel fear instead of love – these people could easily be suffering from soul loss. People with soul loss are often looking for substitutes for life. Be it career, drugs, internet, sex, role-play, or alcohol, addictions are often used in an attempt to fill the gap left by the departed soul. Constantly seeking the quick fix is another hallmark of soul loss, as is, of course, the opposite: total apathy. As we all have seen, if not from our own lives then from the lives of others we know, these patterns of behavior almost never help the situation in the long run, and generally make matters worse.

Shamanic Soul Retrieval
Although all of the symptoms described above sound like normal fare for the psychologist or psychotherapist, shaman’s have been taking on cases like this in other cultures for generations, and are beginning to do so again in our society. The shaman’s way of working, however, is quite different than the modern therapist’s. The shaman does not try to use his own knowledge, abilities, cleverness or power to help his client. The shaman relies on her spirit helpers and guides to bring the power (energy) to do the work, and to bring his/her into contact with the client’s own spirit power (soul) in order that it may be brought back home to the client’s body. This means that the shaman must know his/her way around the land of the spirits, and that she has a powerful and clear working relationship with his/her spirit contacts there. This comes through having experience and trust. Once he/she has contacted his/her spirit helpers, the shaman explains his/her mission, and then follows directions. Finally, if all goes well, the shaman finds the lost soul essence and is able to bring it back, whereupon the soul is returned to its proper home.

While this may sound very simple, in fact it is not, and there are many pitfalls. One of the most important things for the shaman to remember is to follow the instructions of the spirits. A classic case of shamanic soul retrieval which failed because of instructions not being followed is the story of Orpheus and Euridice. Interestingly enough, the very same story, almost to the smallest details, was well known amongst many native American groups before the arrival of European culture.

Sometimes the events of a journey may be confusing for the one doing the shamanic work. I once did a soul retrieval for a client in Australia. One of his complaints was extreme memory loss from his childhood. All of his knowledge of that time of his life came from other people. On my journey for him, my spirits took me to a house that was burning. They took me into a room where there was a small boy, trapped by the flames. After we finally got him outside, it was clear that he wanted to show us something, and we followed him to the top of a nearby burial mound. Then my spirits said that I should take this child-soul back home to my client. I did this, even though I had no clear idea about what was going on.

As I told my experiences, my client was clearly amazed. “When I was a boy, I didn’t really like being in the home. I had a favorite place where I used to play, and that was an old burial mound from the stone age on my father’s land. I was always going up there. Then, when I was about six, my mother accidentally set the house on fire. I was rescued in the last minute.” After the soul retrieval he made a pilgrimage to his childhood home. Other people were living there, but it was the burial mound he went to, and standing there he felt complete, with his feet well planted on the Earth. And he began to remember.

Some years ago, a woman who had been on an introductory course with me called to ask if I would do a soul retrieval for her. I replied that I would try. When she came for the appointment, we had a long talk. It turned out that even though she was a mature woman she still had a difficult relationship with her mother, and was sure that her mother had taken some of her soul. When I made my journey to the world of the spirits, I was sent out to what is sometimes referred to as The Void, which could be described as a black hole in the universe of the Spirit World. I found her there, floating in a dream-like state. Aiding my spirit helpers, we brought her to consciousness. She seemed much younger, around twenty, and she seemed very satisfied to be where she was, and had no desire to return. “No one hurts me here,” she said. Through talking with this spirit I found out that my client had fallen in love and quickly married at a young age in order to escape home, but it had been out of the pan and into the fire, and her rescuer soon had her in another prison. To survive, an important part of her soul left her. Eventually, I was able to convince this young spirit to return to its middle-aged body.

In talking with the woman about this afterwards, she was surprised. “How could you know about that? Yes, it was a disaster, but I thought I’d gotten over that years ago. But it did change my life. I’ve never had a lasting relationship since then. I’ve always blamed it on my mother’s pestering.” My spirit helpers had told me that she should have two more soul retrievals done, and we did them over the following month. It turned out that her mother did have a piece of her soul, and she had a piece of her mother’s which were exchanged. The last piece I found in the non-ordinary reality of the middle-world on the street where she lived, looking for her home.

There were several lessons here for me. The first was that one doesn’t always find what one is looking for, but sometimes something else entirely. Often people will want a certain spirit essence returned. Soul retrieval is not commission work. The spirits decide. Sometimes I have felt that the person coming to me badly needed a soul retrieval, but my teachers in the spirit world made it clear that the time wasn’t right, that other work needed to be done first. Another lesson was that it sometimes happens that someone who comes to have a soul retrieval done is carrying around spirit parts of someone else. This is useless baggage which has to be removed – and returned! Finally, people who are on the mend, for example after the first or second soul retrieval, or some other successful spiritual work, often start to live their lives in a more aware way. The results of this are that their spirit starts to “call home” the rest of the missing soul power.

Asking for Help
Often when people hear about soul retrieval it immediately rings a bell. Almost as often they ask, “Can I do it myself?” I feel this attitude reflects one of the major illness of our time – the illusion that we, as individuals, exist in a vacuum, independent of the rest of the community, the rest of the world, and the rest of the universe. It is this attitude which in the end cuts down rain forests for capital gain without thinking about ecological debt. The shaman works by asking for help. The person suffering from soul-loss must also ask for help.

While it is possible to have a spontaneous soul retrieval, for example in a dream or on a shamanic journey, it seems difficult in most cases to purposefully do a soul retrieval for oneself, perhaps because what we call the ego so eagerly gets in the way. One client came to me complaining of fearfulness and an unnatural timidity. She was sure that she experienced soul loss after an recent automobile accident. When I journeyed to the site, I found her sitting in the tree her car had smashed into, swinging her legs. Her spirit complained that her host had been reckless, and was in the habit of taking unnecessary risks, and refused to come back. However, by promising on my client’s behalf that changes would be made, I was able to get the soul to return.

Care and Treatment of the Returned Soul
The most surprising aspect of soul retrieval is how powerfully it works. In most cases, the returning soul brings with it the power of the situation which caused it to leave, and this power must be welcomed home. This means that the client is forced to deal with those issues after the soul retrieval, and it is important to tell people this before they have the work done. For this reason it is also important to find out if the person coming for help has a support system, be it friends, family, or a therapist. If he doesn’t, then perhaps some other form of treatment is advisable.

I once did a soul retrieval for a client of a therapist I know. The woman and her sister had been victims of incest over a six year period from when she was eight to fourteen years old. Finally, she told her mother. Eventually it had gone to court, and the step-father had been found guilty. Both the therapist and the woman felt that they had gotten stuck in their work, and both felt that it was necessary to go deeper. The therapist suggested soul retrieval. I was able to bring back this woman’s eight year old soul captured by her step-father, the vital innocent essence she had lost at his first intrusions. The therapist later told me, ” It seemed as though we had to start from the beginning. Even though she had been over it a thousand times before, the depth of actually experiencing it all over again with the awareness of the eight year-old self was more than agonizing at times. It was hard, but it was worth it, and the work went much faster because of the eight year old’s power.”

Fortunately, most of the people who come to me for help do not have such terrible stories to tell, but I am constantly amazed by what people can survive. Sadly, the way they have survived is through soul-loss, and surviving is not the same as living fully. To live fully, we must be whole, that is, to have all of our soul. To make sure that the returned soul stays, it is important that it is made welcome, and that the issues which arise as a result are dealt with in a positive way. To this end, it is helpful if the receiver of the soul retrieval is able to make a shamanic journey to the returned soul, so that they can get to know each other. If this is not possible, then it may be up to the shamanic practitioner, or a psychotherapist with knowledge of shamanism, to help with the reintegration.

Teachings of the Soul 
One of the major teachings many people mention to me after soul retrieval is what a valuable gift life is, no matter how difficult. They no longer feel that they have to indulge in substitutes for living. One woman half-jokingly told me, “It’s really terrible! I have a much harder time lying to myself. I’m afraid she’ll leave me again if I do.” Many find that their returned selves will not suffer the abuse that they were subjected to before, and that they subjected themselves to before. Suddenly people, find the strength to start to look at their lives realistically, and to start to make the changes needed so that they can actually enjoy themselves.

Another important teaching I’ve often observed is what I’d call “the step beyond forgiveness.” The realization that the thing which caused so much pain, perhaps for years, no longer matters. Most importantly, people start to see how the things they do fit together and are connected with not only their immediate surroundings, but with the rest of the Universe as well.

Soul retrieval, despite its power, is not a quick fix. Nor is it the automatic answer for all problems, and many of the symptoms of soul-loss could also be symptoms of something else. Perhaps the central idea of shamanic soul retrieval is to put people back into touch with their spirit power, and by doing so put them back in touch with the power of the Universe. Just because this happens does not mean that you will have a trouble-free life. What it does mean is that you will be equipped to face what comes your way. Recently, one man told me a month after his soul retrieval, “I feel that I’m here for a reason. I don’t know what it is, and maybe I’ll never find out. But I’m no longer afraid of trying to find out.”

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