Psychic Wellness

Psychic Wellness

When there are problems with your five physical senses you go see a doctor. So what do you do when you’re feeling foggy headed and blocked? This is when your psychic senses need some attention. Since these centers continually register intuitive impressions (usually beneath the level of our conscious awareness), they can become congested. A reiki, massage, or healing touch practitioner can provide relief.

When blocks and congested energies leave your body, a feeling of freedom and well being follows. Miraculous healings are often accompanied by the sensation of a foreign presence leaving the body.

Just as the five physical senses correspond to specific organs (eyes, ears, etc), the four primary psychic senses — clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and knowing — are also intricately centered in the physical body. Following is a description of these psychic senses, their physical locations, signs they’re congested, and helpful suggestions. By the way, each of the psychic senses can be activated by simply focusing attention on its physical location.

Clairvoyance – Psychic sight. Centered in the “third eye” in the center of the brain at about the level of the eyebrows. Consists of the pineal and pituitary glands and the brain cavity which connects them. When these glands are activated, we can see auras and receive vivid images in the mind’s eye – visions. When blocked we can feel foggy headed and lost. Focusing on the color indigo – the color of the night sky – balances this psychic center. So does watching a sunrise or sunset, allowing the colors to fill your being. Beauty in all forms balances this center, as does staring into a dark glass, stone or mirror.

Clairaudience – Psychic hearing. Centered in the area behind the ears. This psychic center allows you to hear thoughts and inner voices with your mind – different than with your ears. This center is often congested by too much noise (especially from television), being around people who talk too much, or being in crowds. It can be cleared by lying down, resting the head, and listening to the silence – the distant quiet background sounds we rarely hear, or to classical music (live is best), fountains, bells, chimes and other beautiful sounds.

Clairsentience – Psychic feeling. The center in the abdomen between the sternum and the navel is known as the solar plexus. This is where gut feelings register. When congested we can shield ourselves, lose our appetites, and even feel nauseous, often worrying about other people. “He made me sick!” Focusing on the color yellow or gold is healing for this center. When seriously affected by negative energy from insensitive people, rest and plenty of TLC and pampering is the antidote. This center often registers warnings of dangerous or dishonest people, impending danger, and infidelity.

Knowing – Psychic intuition. Centered in the crown chakra, an etheric center at the top of the head which provides a link to direct knowing. Imbalance or congestion here can cause you to lose your sense of self as you “channel” other people’s energies. This center can also be dominated by another person’s energy or even by too many spirit guides. To balance this center focus on the color deep violet and reconnect with your own self. Visualizing a protective earth toned cap on your head can help balance this center. Being more in charge of your life also balances this chakra.

All of the psychic centers can be cleared by getting grounded and starting a flow of earth energy up into your body through the feet. This flow of energy can be directed anywhere, and can be used to clear away blocks. Balancing these centers helps them function at healthy levels and helps clear away the past so you can be more fully present today.

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