Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

indian black magic

Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

If you’re a paranormal investigator you’ve heard stories about haunted furniture, toys, jewelry, etc. Is it possible to buy some antiques and bring home more than you paid for? Can spirits be attached to an item rather than a place? Some seem to think it’s possible. If someone had a favorite piece
of jewelry and wore it constantly, perhaps the spirit would be attached to this

Evil spirits can possess people—but can they also inhabit places?

Often people find a great deal on their home. They soon found out why: It was what some would call a “haunted house”—that is, a place where there was an uncomfortable and negative spiritual presence.

Some people are attracted to haunted houses because they’re different and exciting. Perhaps you’ve seen hotels that advertise: “Stay in our hotel. It has a real ghost!”

Experiences with demonic spirits in human habitations aren’t new. What makes things “go bump in the night”? There are three possible explanations.

Malevolent Presence of Satan : It could be that demons are present and misbehaving. Sometimes they propel objects at people, move furniture about or make various noises. At other times they create extreme temperatures—generally cold—or nauseating odors, or they may impede one’s ability to pray. Satan can come at us physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The demons may have taken up residence for several reasons. One is because they were invited, either deliberately by someone who called on them to come or naively through games such as a Ouija board or tarot cards.

The family had been into demonic board games. They rebuked the presence, and it left.

Few people conduct a witchcraft ritual in their home, believing it to be “naughty but harmless.” For months thereafter they would find awaken at night to see a horrible, ugly creature staring at them..

Another reason evil spirits may take up residence is because of a curse. Sometimes a curse is placed on a home or other building as revenge for something the occupants have done or as spiritual warfare against believers.

Finally, demons may be present because of heinous crimes such as murder or rape, or from sexual orgies. When a crime is committed in a place, the demons that attend the evil may linger on.

In the face of a demonic presence, you must take action. Here are some positive steps to take to rid spiritual disturbance from a home, office, church or other place.


aura healing

Healing Cracks, Tears, and Holes in the Aura| Energy Healing

Aura is an energy field. All physical matter has an aura. For human beings, this field is sometimes called human energy field, or subtle body. It is called subtle body, because ordinarily we cannot perceive this field with our 5 senses. We need to develop an acuity, certain sensitivity to perceive subtle fields and higher vibrations.

The human aura field is distributed around the body like an ovoid, spherical, or egg-shaped cocoon of energy. Clairvoyantly, it appears as a shape with different qualities in different places. You may see the boundary as diffuse, well defined, smooth, or jagged (you may not see or feel the aura’s separate, interior layers unless you focus your attention on them).

When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions.

When you are sick, depressed, sad, or unsure of yourself, your aura needs cleansing. The colors are most likely to be dull, murky, and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. There may be breaks or tears in the boundary. And the shape could be bumpy and distorted. All of these indicate that your aura needs healing and is not serving as a positive protection field between you and the energy of others and your environment. Disease in the physical, emotional, or mental body is often preceded by a disturbance in the auric energy, or, if it originates within the physical body, it registers in the aura at the same time or oftentimes before it manifests in a person’s conscious mind or physical body.

Our auras are our first line of defense against lower, harmful energy, and psychic or subtle pathogens like stress, negativity, peoples’ feelings and intentions, as well as environmental pollutants and psychic attack. The aura also helps us to preserve and support all four levels of our health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

When your auras is weak, damaged or covered in negative energy, you’re more likely to get sick, feel fatigued, irritable, brain foggy, have dark or disturbing dreams, and feel hyper-sensitive to other peoples’ energy. You’re also more vulnerable to psychic attack and parasitic spirit attachments.

Below are a few common causes of thinning, cracks or holes in the aura:

  • Strong emotions (anger, fear, etc.),
  • Psychological trauma,
  • Alcohol and drugs,
  • Anaesthesia,
  • some pharmacological agents,
  • so-called “soul fragments” missing,
  • Blow to the physical body,
  • Environmental toxins,
  • Electromagnetic fields,
  • An unintentional psychic attack from people (negative thoughts, criticism, household curses),
  • Intentional (or black magic) attacks,
  • Channeling,
  • Hit and Run attacks by non-material entities,

and many other things.

Aura healing helps to heal trauma, abuse, low energy, and much more. It is helpful in the recovery process from substance abuse. Aura healing seals cracks, tears, and holes in the energy field, leaving you feeling more intact, whole, and in integrity with yourself. It produces deep relaxation, and enhances personal clarity and a healthier sense of relationship boundaries. We access the sacred silence and stillness deep within your being.

curses and its effects

Curses & It’s effects on people, Black magic Witches, Voodoo

The majority of people are skeptical when it comes to believing anything connected with black magic or curses. The general attitude is: “If I don’t believe in it, it cannot affect me”. This is a wrong attitude that could lead to a lot of damage. People start believing in the power of a curse much too late. Often after they have lost a business or their relationship has failed. Someone may even die as a result of a curse. A curse works whether you believe in it or not, you do not need to know that you have a curse for it to work against you.

How do you know if there is a curse on you? There are some very clear signs: usually the bad luck affecting the person is totally unexpected and unexplained. Things that should come to a satisfactory conclusion always go wrong. You are ill and cannot get better. A relationship that used to be good suddenly goes wrong for no reason. Everything seems to hit you all at once. You often have nightmares and wake up in fear. With certain love curses the person affected seems to act as if in a trance or there is an extreme change in behaviour. As you can see a curse can affect quite strongly any aspect of your life.

Have you ever felt so resentment or mistreated by someone that you wanted some kind of revenge? In our darkest moments, we can utter words like ‘I hope he suffers like I have’. Any time we wish ill on another person and when we put energy and emotion behind it, that is curse energy.

Some people can affect your life through the power of their emotions like too much hate or jealousy. If someone concentrates on you constantly with bad intent you are eventually going to feel it. But the usual way is by using a proper ritual against someone. Curses can be put on from a distance using a photograph or some personal objects or by contact, preparing a powder or liquid and also with the help of a ritual, given in the food or drink or smeared on something that the person is going to touch or wear. Some are very good in putting a curse on by telephone. Sometime you may think there is nobody at the other end, but by answering the phone you have provided the contact needed.

Different people use different methods. Every country has its own types of witches, shamans, masters of black magic etc. Fortunately there are many practising white magic that can remove a curse very succesfully by reversing it and sending it back where it came from.

Removing a curse involves quite a good knowledge of practical magic. A reversal is usually done at a distance, when the subject is asleep.The person being cleared will experience some symptoms related to the method used in the curse itself. If the curse has been administered in the food there could be some nausea, vomiting or bowel problems. If the curse has been sent from a distance there could be a fever or headache or a general feeling of being ill. These symptoms are very temporary and totally harmless. Nobody has ever been hurt by a clearance except sometimes the person that originated the curse; he/she will now experience the same curse wished on the victim.

Beware of curses. If you have one on you it is not a joke, it can be extremely serious and it must be cleared up! It will not go away on its own! On the other hand not everything that happens to you is due to a curse. There are moments in life when things go bad simply because that’s the way it is. We go through cycles in life. Life is a series of lessons, sometimes we are in a bad patch and we can only get out from it once we have learnt something out of it.

Of course the best way to find out if you have a curse on you is to have a reading and the reader will be able to advise you. A clearance will also leave your Aura cleansed and purified

Some symptoms of curse are :

  • Feeling of physical and/or emotional tiredness,
  • Unexplained bad luck or unfavorable incidences and illness.
  • Drowsiness,
  • Incurable diseases,
  • Face turns yellow or looses its color,
  • Tightness in/on the chest,
  • Drooping eyelids,
  • Fatigue,
  • Loss in business,
  • Pain moving in the body,
  • Weariness,
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Restlessness,
  • Lack of appetite,
  • Discomfort,
  • Cramps,
  • Convulsions,
  • Headaches,
  • Hiccoughs,
  • Clumsiness,
  • Yawning,
  • Stomachaches,
  • Dry coughs,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Itching,
  • Hair loss,
  • Dry skin,
  • Vomiting,
  • Drying up of the milk of nursing mothers,
  • Problems with the blood and eyesight,
  • Impairment of sexual activity,
  • Impotence,
  • Sterility,
  • Body weakness,
  • Feeling body shakes,
  • Disorders in menstruation,
  • Problems in pregnancy and childbirth,
  • Deficient breast milk, mastitis, Incessant crying and fretting,
  • Baby’s refusal to suckle or drink milk,

Other symptoms include, the drying up of wells, the withering of fruit, sudden loss to business, and so on.



voodoo & black magic

Black Magic, Demonic Possession, Haunted House, Evil Eye

Black magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by the Evil and wicked humans in this age which is also known as Kali Yuga. The main purpose in these peoples lives is to harm or destroy others. They can also influence them to do wrong or negative things. It is the evil side of the celestial cycle or dark energies.

Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt people by performing rituals anywhere in the world – the effect of this ritual can be felt many thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept others happiness and growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to harm and hurt people. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and happy families are ruined by Black magic.

Black magic puts a block on a person’s wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem go fruitless. One feels a mental block, gets disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and negative thoughts. The person or persons might do something or go through many actions and cannot give reason why they have done what they did. There is no reasoning behind their actions. They will get angry without reason or justifications with people they love and care for.

These people on whom the black magic spell is put will feel that they are not getting their due and can achieve much more. They will feel suffocated & restless in all circumstances. They are never at peace and they will remain depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live & rise in life.

When ever any person is victimized by black magic, then the evil spirits, jinn and devils get domination over him and rule him. The victim completely is drenched in to that state where his acts, thoughts are run by them – and thus gets in to heap big trouble. Performing magic on someone is easy but cure of Magic spells is very difficult. its required a lots of technique and spiritual power.

There is much risk involved in treating one’s own self, unless one has access to the spirit world. If you have been victimized, you really do not know who is doing this to you and what kind of technique is being used and the kind of negative energy being sent your way or what are the motives of your perpetrators. In case, if you do venture on your own with a reversal ritual, the enemy could be an expert in these issues and you could end up getting back the reversal energies that have multiplied causing serious damage to you and your family at the body-mind-spirit level.

How Black Magic is Used

  • Black magicians may use these spirits to access information from anyone. These pieces of information may be used to inflict harm to the individual.
  • Black magicians may use spirits to mentally torture and physically harm people. There are people driven by jealousy, anger and hate who pay black magicians to inflict harm to their relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • Black magicians can even be hired by professionals like lawyers to win cases. Politicians and businessmen have at times hired black magicians to defeat their competitors. It is also a very common practice in the movie, music and modeling industries.
Evil minded peoples deal in magic activities and they wish to distort there enemy Mentally, Physically and Financially. There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians. Black magic can also be done using your picture, name and your mother’s name hence do not give sensitive information to everyone. Some of the serious stuff that is done to these victims are,
  • Causing accidents
  • Making people sick
  • Anger & emotional imbalance
  • Fear & Depression
  • Not allowing the victim to sleep
  • Making the victim commit suicide
  • Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
  • Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
  • Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
  • Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
  • Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body

How Black Magic Spells Are Done

There are many ways black magic spells are done but the most common is making the victim eat or drink food or beverage that has been previously bound with black magic. Photographs of the victim can be used to invoke a black magic curse. If a black magician obtains a photo of you or something you own or possess–for instance a piece of clothing or jewelry—these items could be used against you. Some black magicians can even create a liquid spell which may be spilled over a piece of land or an object to create a black magic curse.

Black Magic Symptoms

Keep in mind that most black magic spells are done for specific purposes and therefore there are endless symptoms black magic can manifest. The effect is felt differently from individual to individual according to their life situations, their overall health, and their mental state.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you may need the services of a spiritual healer for a cure for black magic:

  • Unexplained extreme weight loss or gain
  • Terrible headaches
  • Blindness
  • Eyes turning gray
  • Inability to sleep, insomnia or over sleeping
  • Depression
  • Feeling negative energy weighing down on them
  • Very bad breath
  • Seizures
  • Excessive tears
  • Unexplained irritability, anger and emotional imbalance
  • Unexplained infertility
  • One or more episodes of miscarriage
  • Inability to menstruate in women or menstruating more than normal
  • Unexplained impotence
  • Very bad body odor
  • Development of skin conditions all over the body with very bad odor
  • The occurrence of nightmares
  • Acting angry and not remembering
  • Forgetting incidents and moments of life
  • Changes in voice
  • Changes in appearance
  • Indulging in excess alcohol, drugs, violence and unprotected/unhealthy sex
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)

These are just some of the possible symptoms of black magic.

Black magic spells and curses can be tailored specifically to an area in a person’s life. Here are a few examples of how black magic can affect your life:

  • Excessive unexplained bad luck
  • Unreasonable fear to go out or leave home
  • Ruined a marriage or other relationships
  • To never maintain a happy relationship
  • To struggle and have nothing work in life
  • To be affected with financial loss
  • To give up everything he/she owns such as a home or business for no reason at all
  • To become a victim of frequent accidents
  • To have paranoia
  • To destroy his/her or someone else’s career
  • To leave the country for no reason
  • To control someone’s mind for sex
  • To affect his/her health
  • To constantly be unhappy
  • To always be sad
  • To never succeed in anything
  • To go crazy or have psychological problems
  • To make people leave his/her life for no reason
  • To get in trouble
  • To stop where he/she is in life and not move forward

The victim of a black magic curse might experience supernatural symptoms as well. The following may indicate an undesired supernatural presence in your life:

  • Hearing strange whispering voices
  • Feeling someone next to them while they sleep
  • Hearing someone calling their name
  • Experiencing paranormal activities
  • Experiencing a feeling of being raped or sexually abused while dreaming or while awake
  • Seeing shadows around them
  • Hearing knocking on their door when no one is actually there

Symptoms of Demonic Possession

Finding a cure for black magic may not be your only concern. Spiritual healers have the ability to perform exorcisms as well. Satanic possession can occur when an evil presence enters the body of a living creature. A possessed person often expresses some of the following symptoms:

  • Inappropriate laughter or laughing for no reason Knowledge about other people without any possible way of knowing
  • Changes in voice
  • Drinking massive amounts of water
  • Bad breath
  • Changes in facial features
  • Changes in skin such as development of dry skin or excessive pimples
  • Becoming angry or starting a fight for no reason
  • Becoming very sensitive to smells
  • Washing hands and body excessively
  • Smelling his/her body parts all the time to be certain they are clean
  • Being dirty/filthy sometimes to the point of playing with his/her feces
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)
  • Encouraging people that it is OK to do bad things because God said it was OK
  • Cutting or personally harming themselves but not remembering that they did this
  • Experiencing blackouts
  • Prophesying the future and being adamant that what they say is accurate

What Happens During an Exorcism?

During an exorcism, the possessed person usually exhibits some of the following symptoms:

  • Speaking in foreign languages that the person would not know how to speak
  • Voice changes when speaking
  • Hearing voices coming from the person’s head telling him/her to hurt the people and to hurt the person performing the exorcism ritual
  • Experiencing extreme fear
  • Feeling a choking sensation along the neck area
  • Experiencing extreme body pain
  • Defecating or urinating while exorcism is happening

Important questions about possession and exorcism

Who can become victim of a demonic possession?

Possession can happen to anyone – good or bad – from any race, culture or religion. It is critical that a person suffering from possession undergo exorcism as soon as possible.

NOTE: Not all spirits are bad; some are good spirits that do not cause people harm. And just like people, these good and bad spirits are from different races, religions and cultures.

When can demonic possession happen?

Possession may occur any time during a person’s life span. It is not uncommon for people to live their entire lives being possessed by a spirit and not knowing about it.

Where can possession happen?

Possession happens in all parts of the world. Evil spirits are usually drawn to live where there is something or someone decomposing. During the decomposition process, gas is released and this is what spirits eat. Decomposition usually happens in places such as sewers, landfills, cemeteries and sitting or contained bodies of water such as lakes or ponds. Spirits may also live in places where there is darkness such as old wells and dark caves.

Why does possession happen?

When a creature experiences severe fear, it opens a window into his body. One such example of a very traumatic experience is a car accident or while the person is in a very fearful state. The body releases a hormone that indicates fear and spirits can smell this hormone. Evil spirits are attracted to the smell of fear and therefore may enter the open window of the body of the person.

How to Tell if Your House is Haunted

A haunted house is where a spirit of a human or a jinni won’t accept a person from occupying what was used to be theirs. The spirit does all he can to expel the new occupants from their former home. What people do not know is that the spirit in the haunted house is more scared of humans, than the humans are afraid of the spirit.

During a haunting, the people inside may experience:

  • Missing objects or misplaced objects
  • Noises Feeling that there is someone else in the house
  • Moving objects
  • Seeing spirits or other indescribable beings
  • Feeling negative energy
  • Objects in the house continuously breaking

Evil Eye Meaning and Symptoms

An evil eye can happen to anyone, good or bad, and it can affect many different areas of your life: your energy and happiness, your livestock, your home, your business, and other objects. An evil eye usually springs from intense jealousy from another person. For example, you may be happily married, but someone who is jealous may resent you and cast an evil eye on you. As a result, your marriage or household may begin to suffer.

An evil eye may be purposely placed or unintentionally caused as a result of sending out negative energy toward another person. If you are experiencing drowsiness, bad luck, depression, and other black magic-like symptoms, you may be the victim of an evil eye curse.

spirit obsession

Psychic Attack, Witchcraft, Voodoo,Spell Cast, Curse,Spirits

When you experience a psychic attack it is caused by the manipulation of energies and forces which are negative and their vibration are sent across to a person or place which will create disturbances in the physical body of a person and change the energy of a place. You could see this negative energy as being a spirit, an entity, a being, a thought form or done in magic rituals where harm is meant for a person or place.

For many people there is no belief that they can be psychically attacked. Unfortunately it is true we can be attacked psychically in more ways than one. And if you think that simply ignoring them it will go away this is where you are wrong, they do not go away rather they need to be dealt with.

Psychic attack is simply negative energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon you, your life or your family.

Harm can be launched towards your emotional, physical, spiritual or mental state. Those negative energies can be projected, based mainly upon jealousy toward you. It can also happen for many reasons other than jealousy.

My belief is that psychic attack can be influenced 98% of the time by someone in your surroundings that you already know, even friends or family members. Although is not always intentional, these can be sent either sent consciously or unconsciously. When they are sent unconsciously, the person sending are doing so without their own awareness and jealousy, envy or anger are usually the motivation behind them. A consciously attack is when someone deliberately means harm to you and can be compared to black magic, witchcraft and spell casting.

Psychic attacks with intent such as witchcraft, spells, curses, voodooism
When you are being intentionally attracted by negative energies compliments of somebody paying someone or doing a psychic attack themselves through various methods such as spells, voodooism, mantras, invocations, black magic etc they can really affect the person on the receiving end of it. A person’s health will suffer and their energy levels will also be affected.

Reasons as to why someone would want attack you psychically:

  1. They are jealous.
  2. Your life is progressing forward while theirs is stagnant.
  3. They are envious of your looks, your career, your wife or husband, your environment.
  4. They are living in their dark side at the moment.
  5. Lack of self-conviction.
  6. Fear.

If you consciously send negative energy toward someone else with the intention of inflicting harm, then what you send is exactly what you will attract upon yourself in your own life. The Universal Law of Karma states that what goes around comes back around to you multiplied.


Here are some examples of what you can experience while under a psychic attack:

  1. Dreaming very frightening nightmares.
  2. Seeing your attacker in a devilish way, either in your dreams, your meditation or in your thoughts.
  3. Feeling tired and depleted of energy constantly and for no reason.
  4. Having pains in the same place at the same time on a regular basis.
  5. Experiencing illness or pains in areas of weakness that your attacker is already aware of.
  6. Lack of concentration and feelings of laziness when it comes to completing daily tasks.
  7. Having unusually painful, even severe cases, headaches accompanied with vomiting or dizziness.
  8. Questioning or doubting your direction in life, even after having been aware of your direction beforehand.
  9. Depression.
  10. Having thoughts and images of your attacker creeping into your mind constantly.
  11. Feeling that you are being watched and seeing shadows around you from the corner of your eye, even when you are alone.
  12. The worst kind of psychic attack can inflict feelings of having a heart attack, and feelings of the desire to commit suicide.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic Attacks, Spirits, Spells, Curses, Voodoo,Witchcraft

Recognizing Spiritual Attacks

Psychic or spiritual attacks aren’t always easy to spot. For some people, the attacks are so subtle, or have been going on for so long, that the person isn’t aware of the attack. For example, the day my mother died, I felt the cessation of a huge flow of malevolence that had been coming at me from her my entire life. I only realized it had been there when it stopped. It had been such a part of the fabric of my life since before I was born that I was no more aware of it than we normally are of the air we breathe. However, once it stopped, then I was abruptly aware of it and of the intensity of it.

Mind you, I am not and perhaps never will be certain that my mother sent those dark energies of hatred toward me consciously. I would like to think that it was on the unconscious level for her. And I will hasten to add that after her death, once she had completed her life review and became aware that she was, in fact, dead, she contacted me from the other side, apologized, and did what she could to make amends.

More obvious attacks will be felt and recognized as such. Such attacks can feel like someone scrabbling to get into your energy field (as a violation of the integrity of your personal space)—most often from behind, usually around the shoulders, neck, and back of head. They can also manifest as

  • disturbances in sleep
  • nightmares
  • a feeling of unease
  • a feeling that your energy field is dirty or unclean or has been invaded in some way
  • a lack of desire to look anyone in the eye because you are not sure who is looking out of your own eyes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and you suspect you are experiencing some kind of psychic attack, this article will shed some light on the subject and provide you with tools you can use to help defend yourself.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks are caused by the manipulation of energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent to an individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a being, a thought form, a negative energy program, a spell, voodoo energy, or just dark negative energy. Each of these psychic attacks can create harmful effects within the person or home receiving them.

Psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don’t exist and cannot happen if you don’t believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. Don’t be fooled.

Psychic Attacks – What Are They?

Psychic attacks involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someone’s physical and/or energetic bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies and homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the individual. They can involve ritualistic techniques or ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of both.  They can be caused by negative energy beings from this dimension or other dimensions.

Intentional Psychic Attacks, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft

The dark and negative energies sent intentionally by others are called psychic attacks and can seriously affect people, places and things, at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or other types of black magic. They attack psyches and can produce debilitating effects on the overall health and energy level of the affected person.

Dark Spirits and Entities

There are dark spirits and entities that can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and feel. The human who is invaded by these spirits or entities can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Negative Thought Forms

Another major type of dark negative energy that can be sent to others is through negative thinking, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, envy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear. These are called thought forms and they can be lodged in an individual’s aura causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Degrees of Strength of Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks and other dark negative energies, entities and spirits can have a wide range of effect from low to medium to high. The symptoms or changes in health or behavior can also range from low to medium to high.

Symptoms of Psychic Attacks and Dark Energies

There are many different symptoms that can indicate negative and dark psychic energies, spirits or entities. The following list identifies a few major symptoms. But these symptoms can also indicate other types of health problems and it’s important to investigate all possibilities.

• Suddenly acting totally out of character

• Major changes in behavior for no reason

• A loss of memory

• Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability

• Sudden ongoing fatigue for no apparent reason

• A drained feeling

• Icy cold feeling on part or all of your body

• Hearing voices

• Recurrent or frequent nightmares

• Strange or recurring accidents

• Feeling someone is watching you

• A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home or office

• A loss of self-confidence

• A sudden loss of energy

• Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis or cannot be explained

• Feeling someone touch you or bump into you when nobody is present

• Sensing a presence watching you or following you

• Sudden or irrational difficulties with finances or relationships

• Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows

• Sudden depression without an apparent cause • Seeming ongoing bad luck

• Irrational fear, anger or sorrow

• A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that won’t go away

• Feeling ice cold when it should be warm around you

This is not a complete list but should give you a fairly good idea of areas to look at. Each person who is on the receiving end of psychic attacks or dark energetic forces will have their own indications and effects.

How Do You Pick Up Psychic Attacks?

Negative entities, spirits, and dark energies can be picked up almost anywhere where negative people, emotions or thoughts exist. You can pick these up at restaurants, in stores, at any type of gathering, or in your own home.

Negative entities, spirits and dark energies are strongly drawn to individuals who use drugs and alcohol. When people get stoned, their auras get weak and these negative entities and energies can easily penetrate into a person’s aura or body. Humans are quite defenceless when they are stoned.

Smoking cigarettes or any other type of drug seriously weakens an individual’s aura making them quite vulnerable to the entry of negative entities, spirits, and dark energies. Smoking creates holes in an individual’s aura so that their vital energy can seep out making them feel fatigued as well as making them vulnerable to negative energies.

Negative energies can be absorbed or can attach themselves to objects during the process of being made or by resting somewhere where negative energies exist. If you have the opportunity, ask an experienced antique dealer to tell you some of their stories about negative energies in antique furniture.

Negative energies can attach themselves to an object when it’s being made or just by where it lives. These can be very difficult to eliminate. This past Christmas I received a gift of a small decorative box as gift. One day as I was checking my desk I realized that negative energies were attached to this little box. They had attached themselves from dark energies in the store they were sold from. I placed the box in the sun but that was not sufficient to clear the box. I then washed it thoroughly with soap and water and then placed it in the sun again and that finally cleared the box. It is much more difficult to clear old energies from antique pieces.

Sex and Negative Energies, Entities and Spirits

It’s important to look at sex as an exchange of energies, entities and potential energetic vulnerability. When you have sex with another human being you absorb their very essence mixing it with your own essence.

If you have sex with someone who has negative energies, entities or spirits, it is almost guaranteed that some of this negative energy will be transferred into your body and/or aura through the physical act of sex.

A client told me the story of her father who had an affair with a neighbour who happened to be a Wicca witch. This lady conducted many ceremonies and cast many spells. After a period of time, this man, his wife and their children were all invaded by negative energies and entities. Be careful of the company you keep.

How To Eliminate Psychic Energies

There are a variety of methods available for eliminating dark and negative energies, entities, spirits, and thought forms. The following will give you many ideas of things you can do to help yourself. There is no perfect solution that can be applied to every psychic attack.

An Energy Practitioner Experienced in Psychic Attack Clearing

If you believe you are absorbing negative energies or are the recipient of psychic attacks, you should ask for the help of an experienced energy practitioner who is experienced in the clearing of psychic dark energies, entities and spirits. If you believe that spirits, entities or hard dark energies have penetrated your body or aura, please ask for help. It’s important to eliminate these as soon as possible but please don’t try to do this yourself. You might even draw more negative energies to yourself if you attempt the clearing yourself and exacerbate the situation. Once a clearing is completed, shielding and protection is required for the individual, home, vehicle or whatever.


Healing Black Magic Spells, Witchcraft, Dark Forces, Spirits

Protect your life with black magic healing and cure from evil spell, dark forces, if you’re suffering from any witchcraft, voodoo or spirits possession.

Please note we are Anti-Black Magic, and work against people who are into “Black Magic” and never practice any evil ritual. We never cast nor do we entertain any love spell, calling /controlling spell. We are fighting against Black Magic and such practitioners. We suggest never try and promote any such activity, never take help of black magic, as it will at the end harm you only.

As believed, Magic the occult energy kind is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magic is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magic is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Using magic to forcefully control another person’s will is, in a sense, black magic. There are also some people on the occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are, ‘Satanists’, devil worshipers, or black magicians. These people are most likely charlatans, hoaxers, dabblers, or merely misinformed. They may be attracted by the ‘art’ of black magic, or even by the ‘glamour’ of doing something against the ‘rules’.

Any magic act is likely to produce side effects regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved. Such side effects are no problem for constructive magic, since they are beneficial as well. However, aversive magic or black magic can produce aversive and negative side effects which may even harm the magician — aversive or evil magic is dangerous!

The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magic. Western magic was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it at all.

Culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner believes that magic encompasses many things — science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magic is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole.

Magic is beneficial if used positively. It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magic life runs smoothly; life is good. Also use magic for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.

Magic is powerful. Never underestimate the tremendous power of magic. Use magic to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But power for its own sake is self-defeating. The power which magic can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Magic and Witchcraft

A number of other occult disciplines are prevalent today besides magic. There are many cults and sects which profess their own views, but there are really few differences between them. One popular area in the occult today is witchcraft. This is far removed from the cliché of devil worship. Real witchcraft is a nature religion (pagan). Witchcraft has much in common with magic. Alchemy also has much in common with magic. It’s heritage comes from the middle ages. Alchemy fathered chemistry and the physical sciences. But the avowed purpose of alchemy, turning lead into gold, is too limiting to be called magic. Sometimes the goal of alchemy is interpreted in another way, as the transformation of man into a spiritual being. Then there are the numerous modern day seers or ‘psychics’, as they like to be called, who operate within their own somewhat unique systems. Although many of these people are deluded frauds, some are actual powerful occultists indeed.

Healing and Banishing

Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by spiritual means than yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain that influence on another person without his specific knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping) is black magic and it is a wrong practice. (After all, everybody is living according to his own true will, so that healing or helping someone without permission is affecting his will)

As believed by the culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic
• Blocked income
• Destroying someone’s career
• Bad luck
• Bad dreams
• Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage , causing to separate or divorce
• Controlling someone’s mind for sex
• Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex
• Causing accidents
• Making people sick
• Anger & emotional imbalance
• Fear
• Not allowing the victim to sleep
• Depression
• Making the victim commit suicide
• Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
• Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
• Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
• Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
• Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body
• There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians

psychic attacks

Past Life Psychic Attacks|Spirits Release|Regression Therapy

Within each of us appears to reside the events of past lives. A migraine, chronic lower back pain or knee problem may be telling a story from an old accident or wound. A chronic sore throat may derive from strangling, hanging or choking. As the soul returns to life over and over these traumatic memories are re-created in our current life often making little sense, and keeping us from living peaceful lives.

Past Lives are brought to our conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, nightmares and unexplainable physical pain. Past life regression allows us to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life and brings about a healing of the past life that resonates into our present life.

Regression therapy covers past lives, and also current life memories some of which may be below the level of our conscious awareness. It enables the conflicts from the past that have been distorting our mental, emotional and physical well-being to be resolved. An example from the current life may be a phobia and a more complex one post traumatic stress from childhood trauma or a life threatening situation. The symptoms may include panic attacks, emotional outbursts, blocked feelings, self harm, numbness, unexplainable physical pain or recurring relationship problems.

The therapy works by going to the root of the problem and includes body therapy and inner child therapy to transform it in a way that is both safe and structured. It also includes cleaning the energy field of intrusive energy which has been affecting health including spirit releasement, curses and energy fragments. Regression therapy reaches further and heals deeper at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels than most other therapeutic approaches.

Past Life Therapy & Psychic Attack. As our soul travels through a series of lifetimes it experiences many things. Since the basis of Earth learning is choosing positive over negative, we have to start with negativity to move forward. Some existences are filled with negative thoughts, feelings, and beings. Some souls make bargains with other negative spirits to get the opportunities they desire.

As a soul completes a particularly negative life and returns to the unconditional love of Home, some of the negative issues may remain unresolved and get left behind. That resulting negativity may be free flowing and attach to the soul when it returns, or it may accompany another soul who has chosen not to return to positive love but to remain as a discarnate lost soul clinging to Earth and waiting to exact revenge upon the soul with which it had dealings not yet completed.

Sometimes the immediate problem arose from former life dealings with negative agreements that we left behind. The energy may not be free flowing, so it may not pop up in your life until the one with whom you had made the agreements which come along to exact vengeance for being left holding the bag of negativity by retaliating with psychic attacks.

To remove this series of attacks from our future, we simply need to cut the strings that connect you to the other spirit. This can be done via past-life regression by returning to that life and resolving our feelings about the situation and removing the fear that accompanies it.

We may be facing some responsibilities that we assumed in that life but may not complete out of fear. If we understand what the lesson was and why we did not choose to finish it, we will be able to send the fear and our attacker away. Once it cannot impact us, the discarnate will move on to another soul.

spirit possession

Psychic Attacks & Vampires |Black Magic & Spirits| Past Life

It’s important for all of us interested in spiritual development to include some  understanding of their subtle energy field or aura. The Aura is an electromagnetic energy field around each of us. It’s not visible to most people, but it is instinctively sensed or experienced by others.  Your aura is not a closed system, as they say, it is continuously exchanging energy with things around it – anything and everything unless you decide differently.
Would you stick your hand into filthy water and then touch your mouth?

  • Yet, everyday, all day long, I see people do the equivalent with their energy. Some people will co-mingle or allow others to suck their energy, (living or ‘dead’) with little or no restrictions as to who does so. It is up to you to decide what you want to exchange energy with. You absolutely can decide about this important boundary setting, whether or not you see energy, feel it,  or even believe totally that it exists!The aura is also called the “subtle energies.” These energies are felt, perceived or sensed by people in various ways:
  • as colors, (seen or somehow ‘felt’),
  • as textures (sticky, slick, hard, soft, etc.),
  • as temperatures, (cold, hot, warm, etc.).

Perhaps you sense something and have no word for it: a kind of perception or a “knowingness.” That is when the “inner sight” is used.

Whether or not you consciously sense it, everyone reacts to subtle energies. Your energy shifts and moves with mood changes, strong thoughts and interactions with other people, animals and plants, as well as crystals and minerals. The body language of someone who is not trained or conditioned  to hide their thoughts often mirrors a person’s energy field. When someone is trained to hide their body language, for example, a policeman, then it may not reflect their energy any more than it reflects their true feelings.

You live in this energy field your whole life – there is no way out of it! You even carry it with you when you leave your physical body – or parts of it, anyhow.  As I said, you can co-mingle or exchange it with all kinds of things: people, plants, crystal and minerals, Angels, ghosts, other kinds of spirits… etc.

When it comes to being aware of our subtle energy, and taking responsibility for what we do with it, most humans are at the stage they were at when infants, and first learning to walk and talk. They have very little, if any, self-control. They get upset or angry, they throw or spill energy onto others. The same is true for all strong emotions. Have you heard the expression, bubbling over with enthusiasm or happiness? That’s what your energy does when you have an intense emotion. Happy or sad, angry or sexually aroused, it spills  onto the people around them.

We are living in a gigantic “psychic soup” of impressions, gathered around us like layers of clothing. Our experiences are filtered through our subtle energies and then trickling into our consciousness. We also have countless “strings” or attachments leading to other places, times and individuals. Even strings to things that were of importance to us now – or perhaps once, long ago. How much of our energy is taken up with unwanted and no longer useful attachments? To become truly free of these attachments is to empower yourself and others. You grant them their freedom, thereby granting yourself freedom.

  • How many of you suffer from terrible headaches with no known cause? Or perhaps aches and pains that come and go for no reason?  Are Doctors unable to help you?   
  • Healers: Learn to protect yourself so that you do not pick up the energy of the person you are doing a healing sessions with!  This includes Reiki and any other form of energy work!
  • Do you leave a session or at the end of a day go home feeling week and shaky?
  • Do you have pain in the exact same areas that you were working on?
    Learn to clear your energy field and protect yourself from inappropriate energy exchanges.Sensitive people  often have strange symptoms that clear up when they learn to take care of their subtle energies.

    Illnesses (dis-ease) start in the energy field first.

    No, you probably can’t  ‘fix’ every single physical problem. But this will not hurt you and it will help you. Some things are going to “go wrong” no matter what. That’s another story… Meanwhile, it can’t hurt for you to take some responsibility for clearing and cleaning your own energy.

    Do you have a relationship that you are struggling with?
    Learn to clear your energy and cut the inappropriate ties. Allow them their freedom – and allow yourself that freedom.Detachment doesn’t mean that you don’t care,

    it means that you let go of your expectations of what something SHOULD be like. How that person should act, how things ought to be.

Outside spirit influences – ghosts, devils, demons, entities, etc. Some people have had a disturbing paranormal experience that “sours” them on or frightens them from exploring their psychic and spiritual nature.

Ouija boards and automatic writing are two of the most widely discussed danger zones for people are are being haunted or attacked by entities or ghosts.  Much of the information people wish to receive from these spirits starts out as information (or gossip!) about other people.  Using any kind of activity to spy on or pry into another person’s life or space is is unethical and against spiritual Law.

Just remember, Angels and Masters will not come through a Ouija board. A spirit may claim to be an Angel, but ask yourself, why would an Angel need to use a Oujia board?  The spirits that work through them are, at best, dead people.  They have only a little  more information than they did when they were alive. If your “Aunt Pearl” was controlling and meddling in life, what has happened to change her after she passed? There are always bored spirits hanging around willing to play with you… there are always nasty spirits hanging around willing to play with you, too… Be cautious and think before you start.

It is not necessary to be terrified of anything “unseen,” or to become superstitious, but you do need to be cautious and respectful.

Psychic Attack.  I get a lot of emails from people who feel they are under psychic attack. I usually direct them to this section of the site first, and then tell them to email me back with questions. Far fewer people email me back. Why is that? I think it’s because I ask people to consider their own part in any situation where they are ‘under attack.’
Does psychic attack exist? YES.
Can it be countered? YES.

Psychic attack can be as complex as someone cursing you- using black magic or something similar – or as subtle as living with a spouse or other family member who is angry with you a lot. Maybe you work with someone who doesn’t like you. There may be no outer show of what they feel, but you ‘know’ that something is going on. Psychic attack is anything that interferes with and invades your subtle energy field.

How does psychic attack happen? One of the most important things a person must understand about a psychic attack (and other disturbances, such as the headaches I mentioned)  is also one of the hardest for many to face.
Each of us bears a share of responsibility for the psychic attack we receive.

Simply put: if you are under an attack from someone or something, then there is an obvious reason for a situation to exist. In these cases, it is necessary for you to own your share of what is going on. When you do this, the energy behind the attack often reduces significantly.

It’s similar to a situation where two people are arguing. If one is willing to say they are sorry for hurting the others’ feelings, things will often calm down instead of escalate. When you admit you have some responsibility in a negative situation, it can often effect the outcome in a very healthy and positive way.

Anger towards a person leaves you open. If you are feeling attacked by someone, then you may also feel angry or resentful. If you are angry or resentful with someone, then admit it to yourself. There’s no shame to that – it just makes you human.  But is is also necessary to take steps to deal with your emotions.

Facing how you feel about a person or situation is not easy; it takes a lifelong commitment to self-mastery.  If you are willing to face how you feel and accept that this is where you are right now, then you can begin to move through it.  I didn’t say “like it,” I said accept it.  Changing how you feel begins with acceptance of yourself – and of the other person.

When there seems to be no logical reason why a person is angry with you or trying to harm you, then it is almost certainly coming from something that happened in a past life. This can be hard to understand, especially if you are in a great deal of distress. You feel victimized and picked on. Maybe this is true, for this moment in time, but if you begin to study past lives, the concept of victimization loses it’s meaning. Over many lifetimes, you have traded places as the “victim” and “victimizer” again and again.

Here is a simple example: There was a man who had a wonderful relationship with his wife. She was great at communicating and very open with him. The problem was her mother, who lives with them. The Mom was very angry and suspicious of the Husband. He felt like she hated him and no matter what he did, over time, there was no lessening of the problem.

Every time he was near the mother, he had headaches and felt ill. He talked to his wife about it and she believed him.  She had seen the problem for herself.  Both were unsure of what to do. They called me and told me their predicament. I suspected that there was an intense past life connection between the Mother and the Husband. She was psychically attacking him – sometimes unconsciously and sometimes on purpose.

At their request, we did a past life regression and a reading on the situation.  Putting it all together, we came up with this information:

In a previous incarnation, the Mother and the Husband had been involved in a love triangle with the Wife. The Husband had killed the Mother in that life. In another life, he had ruined her life by kidnapping her, raping her and selling her into slavery. In still another life, they had been warriors on opposite sides, who killed one other. I could mention many other lives, but I think you get the picture.

The Husband and Wife left the session with new understanding. They wanted to resolve this old Karma with the Mother. They tried to talk to the Mother about their experiences and some of the possibilities, but she was not open to it. In fact, the very idea of past lives offended her. She was very upset by the notion.  The only positive thing that they could point to from their ‘talk’ was that the Mother was very slightly open to the idea that they recognized that she felt like the Husband was the enemy.  Things did not noticeably improve around the house, however.

The next time I released the ties between all of them, leaving in place only the “ties of the highest love” – “what ever was appropriate, natural and correct at that time.”

Afterwards, the man “saw” the Mother come to stand in front of him, in his mind’s eye. He asked her high self what he could do to improve the situation.  He felt that she was telling him to ignore her when she acted nasty or condescending. Her high self asked him to forgive her. He decided to give it a try.

The couple felt that the technique was successful and they, at least, felt clearer and lighter.  They decided to do their best to accept the situation, “as-is.”  This was where the Mother was at, at that point in time.

The first thing that was apparent after they got home was the lack of something. The husband had no headache. Within the next few weeks, he quit getting headaches around the mother and felt much less irritation with her. They would have been very happy at that point, if this was the final result. But things got more interesting.

About a month later, the mother approached the man and reminded him of “that conversation they’d had about the past lives.”She said that she had been having some incredibly vivid dreams about the “lives” that the couple had mentioned. She said that she had never believed in anything like that, and still didn’t. However, the dreams were so real to her, that they opened up some possibilities. She had to admit that she had also treated him like he was the enemy. She realized that her behavior was not of  “hindu religion” so she vowed to try harder to get along.

Things did not get perfect in that house, but they did learn to be kind to one another an. There were fewer problems and they resolved fairly quickly. The three of them lived together, until the Mother’s death a few years later.

If a problem does stem from a past life, it is my experience that it will start to clear up fairly quickly when the life/lives are brought into the conscious mind. It is not at all necessary to believe that it is a past life. It is only necessary to look at the situation and relationship with the person, in terms of the information received.

Vampires. Yes, there are psychic vampires. On the physical plane, they are the people who leave you feeling drained, or with a headache after you leave them. Maybe they touch you a lot and it doesn’t feel nice.
Touch can facilitate the sharing – or stealing – of energy.
It can be difficult to protect yourself from someone who is constantly touching you to suck your energy or to poke at you.  It’s similar when someone gets very close to you, invading your personal space. That’s what it can be – an invasion.

We all know someone who is so lonely that they don’t want to let you off the phone, or to say goodbye. They are desperate to share energy with someone and if you won’t share willingly, then they may try and take it.

It’s not done out of meanness, it’s done out of survival. But it’s still an invasion. Ever buy something that you didn’t really want? Some sales people will surround you with their energy and soon you are agreeing with them. And it’s not just sales people who do this.

Intimate connections. When you have intimate sexual relations with someone, you have co-mingled your energy with them on a deep level. This can be a strong and positive connection – or not. Sharing energy at this level is something that gives another person an almost open door into your subtle energy. When you have intense fantasies about another person, you have also, likely interacted with their energy.  It can take many months to clear it out of your aura. You can and will also share entities and other energy formations. Be very cautious who you connect to in this way, as it’s not that simple to clear the energy, once you have co-mingled.

Psychic Attack / Spiritual Attack / Evil Attack and Spirits

psychic attacksPsychic attacks aren’t always easy to spot. For some people, the attacks are so subtle, or have been going on for so long, that the person isn’t aware of the attack. Psychic attacks can feel like someone scrabbling to get into your energy field (as a violation of the integrity of your personal space)—most often from behind, usually around the shoulders, neck, and back of head. They can also manifest as

  • disturbances in sleep
  • nightmares
  • a feeling of unease
  • a feeling that your energy field is dirty or unclean or has been invaded in some way
  • a lack of desire to look anyone in the eye because you are not sure who is looking out of your own eyes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and you suspect you are experiencing some kind of psychic attack, this article will shed some light on the subject and provide you with tools you can use to help defend yourself.

The Origin of the Attacks

Psychic attacks can have a number of sources, and, depending on the source, have a number of approaches for defending yourself against them. Some attacks come from people you know. Others may come from people you don’t know, at least not in this lifetime, who have bad intentions and are targeting you for any number of reasons. One source of usually invasive attacks is the spirits of people who have died but who either haven’t figured out that they are dead or who know they are dead but are unwilling, for any number of reasons, to move on. Still others can be dark spirits.

Hard as it is to believe, there are, in fact, some people and spirits who don’t have the best of intentions toward other lifeforms. Some of them just haven’t ever really developed clear moral and ethical guidelines for themselves, so they are easily influenced by the wrong things—such as a desire for power, or by any number of fears. In fact, fear is a motivating factor in all cases, though the fear may be deeply buried. Always remember that you don’t need to respond to fear with fear. The higher and more evolved response is love—love for yourself, of course, as well as for others.

When some people die, they don’t know where to go or they are afraid to move on. They might not know where to go because in life they had no clear beliefs about an afterlife, or their beliefs about the afterlife are so different from how it actually is that they fail to recognize it. Some people are afraid to move on because they fear they have been so bad or evil that they are going to go to hell. So out of fear, they stay here, and they try to take over someone else’s body. They can be especially attracted to sympathetic people or people who are psychically sensitive. This is one reason why I avoid hospitals and graveyards as much as possible—those are two places with a very high proportion of lost spirits seeking bodies.

Instead of what they fear, however, there is a wonderful place that all souls must eventually go to, no matter how long they delay, a place where they can experience something like physical life, complete with having bodies that are composed of pure spiritual energies. They can have any body they wish, free from any disease or pain, at any age, looking any way they wish. And they will be surrounded by only loving spirits who wish them well. You can address possessing spirits and explain the truth to them. The truth can be a hard thing to believe for many spirits, so they might take some convincing, but it is the truth and they will know it if it is spoken to them. Ask them to look around for the Light and for loved ones who have come to help them, and encourage them to go with their loved ones. The vast majority of spirits are only too happy and relieved to go.

The effects of a psychic attack also called spiritual attack can linger for months, even years. In fact, things usually get worse if left unaddressed. There is a mountain of documentation within the paranormal community pertaining to cases of evil spirits taking possession of dwellings and the people in them. As a professional psychic medium and a healer, it is crucial to take steps to protect yourself and your team from the evil, sometimes homicidal entities you encounter on the job.

As a professional medium, you must also guard against energy drain that can impact your physical and emotional health.

While this article is written from the standpoint of a psychic medium, it encompasses the whole paranormal investigative community. It is vital to the safety and the success of any medium or investigator to employ simple protective practices in their work. Spirits are known to scratch, push, bite, attach themselves and can influence your thoughts and emotions. They can invade the physical body, causing medical problems in otherwise healthy individuals. In the most extreme cases, evil entities can cause serious bodily injury and even death to victims. As a result, many mediums and greenhorn ghost hunters are chased off of the job when an ornery entity shows up with not-the-nicest of intentions. You’ve beckoned the spirits. They showed up. Now what?

When an entity attacks a person it is called a psychic attack. A psychic attack is a manipulation of the energetic body known as the aura.

To be under psychic attack means that a negative energy is focused on penetrating your aura to cause harm. Once the aura is penetrated the negative energy can cause physical and spiritual harm.

Psychic attacks can come from living people that have ill intentions towards you, negative ghost and spirits, dark entities and demons.

Note: Below we have a list of symptoms of what may experience when under psychic attack, but keep in mind that they can also be psychiatric or psychological changes; therefore, you must be wary when you look at these as symptoms.

1. A feeling of being watched
2. A feeling someone touch when no one is present
3. Hearing disembody voices
4. Sudden changes in personality and behavior for no reason
5. A loss of self-confidence
6. Irrational fear, anger or sorrow
7. Sudden depression without an apparent reason
8. Sudden and irrational difficulties with relationships
9. Feeling you have been cut or scratched, when no one is there
10. Icy cold sensation on your body.
11. Feeling drained or a sudden loss of energy
12. Fatigue for no reason
13. Memory and/or time loss
14. Unable to think clearly or make logical decisions
15. Frequent or recurring nightmares
16. Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows
17. Visions or hallucinations that are disturbing
18. Strange recurring accidents that can seem like bad luck
20. Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis and cannot be explained
21. A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that won’t go away
22. A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home

Our aura is our natural psychic protection. Aura parameters such as colors, size, shape, evenness, and uniformity change dynamically over time in response to the total environment. It is affected by such factors as daily stress, psychological bombardment, other people’s intentions and desires toward us, jealousy, induced fear, threats, hatred, and noise which can cause the aura to shrink or create wear and tear, repressed or negative emotions, spiritual warfare, alcohol and/or drug abuse.

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