Healing Cracks, Tears, and Holes in the Aura| Energy Healing

aura healing

Healing Cracks, Tears, and Holes in the Aura| Energy Healing

Aura is an energy field. All physical matter has an aura. For human beings, this field is sometimes called human energy field, or subtle body. It is called subtle body, because ordinarily we cannot perceive this field with our 5 senses. We need to develop an acuity, certain sensitivity to perceive subtle fields and higher vibrations.

The human aura field is distributed around the body like an ovoid, spherical, or egg-shaped cocoon of energy. Clairvoyantly, it appears as a shape with different qualities in different places. You may see the boundary as diffuse, well defined, smooth, or jagged (you may not see or feel the aura’s separate, interior layers unless you focus your attention on them).

When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions.

When you are sick, depressed, sad, or unsure of yourself, your aura needs cleansing. The colors are most likely to be dull, murky, and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. There may be breaks or tears in the boundary. And the shape could be bumpy and distorted. All of these indicate that your aura needs healing and is not serving as a positive protection field between you and the energy of others and your environment. Disease in the physical, emotional, or mental body is often preceded by a disturbance in the auric energy, or, if it originates within the physical body, it registers in the aura at the same time or oftentimes before it manifests in a person’s conscious mind or physical body.

Our auras are our first line of defense against lower, harmful energy, and psychic or subtle pathogens like stress, negativity, peoples’ feelings and intentions, as well as environmental pollutants and psychic attack. The aura also helps us to preserve and support all four levels of our health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

When your auras is weak, damaged or covered in negative energy, you’re more likely to get sick, feel fatigued, irritable, brain foggy, have dark or disturbing dreams, and feel hyper-sensitive to other peoples’ energy. You’re also more vulnerable to psychic attack and parasitic spirit attachments.

Below are a few common causes of thinning, cracks or holes in the aura:

  • Strong emotions (anger, fear, etc.),
  • Psychological trauma,
  • Alcohol and drugs,
  • Anaesthesia,
  • some pharmacological agents,
  • so-called “soul fragments” missing,
  • Blow to the physical body,
  • Environmental toxins,
  • Electromagnetic fields,
  • An unintentional psychic attack from people (negative thoughts, criticism, household curses),
  • Intentional (or black magic) attacks,
  • Channeling,
  • Hit and Run attacks by non-material entities,

and many other things.

Aura healing helps to heal trauma, abuse, low energy, and much more. It is helpful in the recovery process from substance abuse. Aura healing seals cracks, tears, and holes in the energy field, leaving you feeling more intact, whole, and in integrity with yourself. It produces deep relaxation, and enhances personal clarity and a healthier sense of relationship boundaries. We access the sacred silence and stillness deep within your being.

haunted house

Haunted House / Place, Black Magic, Witchcraft, Spirits,

If you may feel that your house has come under the attack of evil powers, black magic spells, witchcraft etc then this power is very strong and will destroy all evil affects that are in your house. Some times you will notice that your house is haunted, you may hear strange noises like people talking or even laughing and this can be very scary, some times evil spirits get settled in the house and it is very difficult for them to go once they have captured the house, this happens also if some enemy has casted any spell on your house and once they enter your house they bring bad luck and negative energies with them and as a result of all this once your house that was heaven for you turns out to be worse then hell.

During the occurrence of a haunted house some may experience:

  • Missing Objects
  • Unexplained smells
  • Hearing Noises
  • Unexplained shadows
  • Feeling Other Presences Are In The House
  • Moving Objects
  • Strange animal behavior
  • Feelings of being watched
  • Seeing Spirits Or Other Indescribable Beings

But there is nothing to be worried, as all these evil affects can be removed forever.  You will have to use the help of a  divine healers to drive away all these wicked forces from the haunted house or a place.


Negative Energies, Demons, Spirits & Ghosts Influence on us

There are many times when a person dies suddenly or with unresolved issues so powerful that the person does not fully crossover into the light or complete the journey to their place of origin. They, in their energy form, remain in the earth or material plane of existence as trapped energy.

The most common reason spirits attach is because they have the ability to do so, and often go undected. We are all energy. So are they. Most people can’t see spirits with the naked eye because spirits no longer have the density of a human body. As a result, they are able to come and go as they choose.

These beings may feel lost without a physical body and decide to attach because coexisting with a live person gives them the chance to do human things again. A spirit that had bad habits while living, takes them with them when they die, ie; smoking, drinking, swearing etc. While inhabiting a person—commnonly known as a possession—they can eat, drink, have sex, and feel all the normal physical pleasures and actions they felt before death. A person who drinks moderately may suddenly find themselves drinking noticably more if they attract a spirit who drank excessively.

Karmic attachments almost always involve a personal connection with the person they attach to. The person who died often wants to even a score because they feel unresolved about a life changing incident that ocurred with the living person. As a result, they carry feelings of hurt, anger, revenge – enough resentment to attach to the individual they feel wronged them. This can be an experience from this or a former life.

Spirits that are not karmic are attracted to individuals they feel a resonance with. This can be a person who reminds them of someone they knew and liked. It can also be someone who shares similar emotional issues, such as depression and grief. Also, the dominant personality of the spirit does not change after it leaves the body. For example, if they were a person who lived a life of drama they will be attracted to someone with similar tendencies.

Another common reason that entities to attach to the living is that they are in fear. They are concerned about suffering consequences from the way they lived their lives. This is especially true if they hold any regrets or shame about how they treated people, or actions they took while on the Earth-plane.

Many fear leaving the familiar realm—the Earth‐plane—because what exists “out there” is unknown. Our society does not teach people how to prepare for when they transition (die). They may also be concerned that they will end up in “Hell,” as they learned it from their religion, parents, school

In this condition these ghosts or earthbound spirits may opportunistically or accidentally attach to a person’s energy field or energy body. When this occurs, the host person can experience influences of the attached earthbound energy. Thoughts, emotions, addictions, or strong habit patterns, even physical feelings of the earthbound spirit may filter to the host. People can pick up unwanted energies from a variety of public places including the workplace, bars or nightclubs, or other places that they visit.Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth.

Ghosts and spirits, when they attach to our energy field can affect our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs and thus our actions. Since these influences from the earthbound spirit come through the host persons energy field and brain, the host cannot usually tell the difference between their own thoughts or feelings and those of the earthbound spirit. The earthbound spirit also can siphon energy from the host in order to remain attached to the earth plane. Ghost with girls Sometimes, the host person has a sense of something being “with” them and may over the years even develop a dependent or codependent relationship with the earthbound spirit at an energetic level. This is especially true if the attachment takes place when the host is very young. The impact of an attached energy can vary depending upon the situation and personality of the energy that is attached. Any strong or negative emotions or attitudes such as loneliness, sadness or belligerence in the earthbound can influence the behavior of host person. If the earthbound energy has anger issues, the person may feel angry for no apparent reason. Have you ever felt angry or depressed for no particular reason? Well this could be the influence of attached negative energies.

Since our energy field is also interconnected with our physical bodies, an energetic attachment can have an impact on the person’s physical well being. Any physical issues carried by the earthbound spirit such as pain, headaches, malnutrition may show up as physical symptoms in the host person.

Spirit possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spirit possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spirit possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth

black magic

Black Magic, Spirits & Negative Energies influence on Aura

Back magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black magic is all about the manipulation and direction of energy. The strength of one’s mind and aura determine the type and amount of energy that one can direct and handle safely while producing the desired results. Workings fail because of weakness of one’s mind and aura, and/or the operator is not as powerful as the intended victim. Black magic is used to bring about justice.

Black magic is a very serious issue, some people think that it doesn’t exist, some others think that if you do not believe on it it will not harm you, unfortunately it does exist and no matter what you believe if the magician focus on you and have skills on the black magic art, you might have a serious problem. We are basically atoms and each one of us is covered by a magnetic field or aura emitting a particular frequency sound vibration, this is our protection against negativity. What black magic is about is that some black magicians can penetrate our magnetic field and this way create in the victim a state of complete undefense against all negativities .

Possible Symptoms / Effects of Black Magic and Entity Activity are :

Do you recognise any of these?

  • Disturbed / interrupted sleep
  • Waking up suddenly in fear or in cold sweat
  • Chronic fatigue / malaise
  • Sudden onset of apathy / disinterest in life
  • Hopelessness / severe depression
  • Mood swings / irrational anger / irritation / fear / hysteria / other abnormal behavior
  • Dryness of mouth at night / increased thirst / extreme hunger as if you’re eating for two or more (entity possession)
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Sudden chills / goose bumps
  • Tightness around body parts
  • Sudden memory loss / hazy thinking
  • Schizophrenia / Tourette’s Syndrome / Multiple Personality Disorder/ Disassociative Identity Disorder
  • Your work or career suffers, income is blocked, making you unable to pay for help from spiritual healers
  • You sense people avoiding you, isolation, constant conflicts/ fights / quarrels arising for no reason, your good intentions are constantly misunderstood
  • Dreams of dead bodies, gruesome people, demons, other creatures wanting to kill you
  • Dreams of snakes, scorpions, spiders, unclean places like toilets and cremation grounds
  • You see black spots or dark or grey smoke / shapes floating in front of you
  • Unexplained activity of animals or insects, paranormal activity, other weird phenomenon or visions around you and/or only visible to you. Eg. Seeing crows with flesh in their beaks is one strong sign that serious black magic is being done to kill you
  • Sensing / seeing / hearing non-physical presences around the house
  • Your stomach bloats up like a pregnant woman or other unexplained swelling, lumps elsewhere
  • Tightness, heaviness, constriction specially in shoulders, chest, throat/ erratic heartbeat without physical exertion
  • Constant headaches / migraines
  • Your complexion darkens / blackens to a strange tone, looking like blood poisoning
  • Itching, burning, stinging insect-like crawling sensations in different parts of the body
  • Cancer of blood or other
  • Kidney failure
  • Alcohol abuse resulting in liver failure / other substance abuse
  • Medicines do not work, resulting in doctors using stronger treatments
  • Suicidal thoughts / thoughts of self destruction
  • Heart attacks / sudden death

Additional effects of black magic on women:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Unexplained bruises around thighs, genitals, arms, other parts of the body
  • You dream of having sex with someone or something / rape by spirits resulting in real orgasm
  • Rashes / irritation in the genitals
  • Stoppage of monthly periods, irregular periods, painful periods, dark blood
  • Inability to conceive due to psychic blocks
  • Miscarriage
  • Unexplained fits / convulsions

In tantra the sadhakas learn to deal with ;spirits, ghosts demons, and bad forces, as well as with the good ones,in the vedic, and most of all in the tantrik literature, is explained how a myriad of spirits, can be commanded by will, under certain rituals and invocation techniques, some of these spirits are demons (asuras) and evil ghosts, that their only purpose is to possess a body to change his personality and satisfy their wishes. The world of occultism is vast and unknown and we live in a much crowded world than what the average human eye can see or perceive.

The explanation is that when someone dies, the soul of the person can decide to stay on earth due to the attraction of previous unsatisfied wishes. Then this spirit look for a victim to reincarnate and get what he always wanted. This is explained in the book of dead .

Well the best and more secure way to get rid of spirits and black magic is to rebuild our aura and then strengthen it. In india ,the gurus heal the black magic by fasting one week while performing satkarmas during the fast, they practice certain rituals and kavach mantra sadhana (protective magical formulas or words) after the fasting they keep a strict vegetarian diet for one month and keep their kavach mantra sadhana and rituals till the end of the month. The result is a total purification of the body and a brilliant strong healthy aura, where no spirit or black magic can live.

I will let here the best mantra against black magic and some address to learn the right pronunciation, in case of hard black magic attack the mantra should be recited with concentration and loud 108 times at dawn noon and dusk. It might look hard but if the victim give it a try would understand how important it is and would be relieved from suffering depression anger and from all black magic stuff. The king mantra against black magic is the famous mrityunjaya mantra from shiva, this mantra is considered the heart of vedas and provides (bliss) health, protection and good luck. The mantra goes like this :

“Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhin pushti vardhanam -urvaarukamiva bandhanat- mrityor mukshiya maAmritat”.

Learning this mantra and daily recitation, will at least help you from all kinds of evil and black magic.


Mantrik & Pret Atma | Negative Energies | Past Life Karma |

Every living being on the planet is based on a soul. Spirit is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Some knows and some does not know that they are dead. Mostly they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch and sometimes they can just be sensed.

These leaving souls are tried to be caught hold of, by scrupulous Mantrik / Tantrik (Black Magicians), and convert them into Evil spirits. These Evil spirits are made to operate for dubious consummation, by jealous persons, through Tantrkiks(Black Magicians), to initiate, retort or retaliate, against the persons, whom they desire to destroy, out of jealousy, personal ego or for stopping them from excelling, in home, business and other affairs.

Under a variety of circumstances, Evil spirit catches its prey all by itself. Such as, persons passing and crossing through streets after consuming Liquor, Wine, Rum, whisky etc or under the fragrance of perfumes etc. are the easiest carriers of Evil spirits.

Negative Energies:- As its name itself denotes, it is a form of energy capable of performance. But it is negative in nature. It acts in negative direction. It breaks the makings of human beings. It capsizes the boat of constructions and hopes. It converts the fortunes into misfortunes.

It can commence from anywhere. It may be in the form of automatic negativity, Ground Energy, Cosmic Energy, Mental Energy, or Negative Energy radiated from instruments. It may be transmitted by Tantriks. It may be relegated from Past Life Karma—Prarabdh Karma.

These negative Energies along with Evil Spirits encircle the persons, compelling them to take on all sorts of pains and pinnacles and to act wrongly in the opposite directions, and hinder them from the right thing & thinking. All types of these negative energies are needed to be negativated.

Indication:- The affected person, the whole family, along with children and their future, and the structures of house and office as well, are at stake and, get distorted.

They loose their progress, profits and profile. At every step they are pushed backwards. Their best efforts do not bear fruits and are unnecessarily delayed.

Affected persons of the family feel tension, depression, mental retrogression, body sickness, without any medical ailment, sleepiness, headache and so many other inflictions of body and brain, and if you are sick, the best medicines do not seem to effect, or are prolonged.

They hinder the process of marriage of sons and daughters, create problems of tension in marital life, breaking of marriage association into divorce and even the end of life.

When these Evil Spirits/Black Magic/Tantrik kriya catch the prey, the victim can get mad, begins crying without provocation, takes to addiction, domestic beating and cruelty, several items seem to be dirty and to bite him, begins to take interest in unlikeables while avoiding the desirables.

Black magic dolls

Stages of Black Magic |Symptoms of Negative Energies| U.A.E

Energy is generally neutral. It is the charge or the intent behind the energy which creates positive or negative energies. The Universe in inherently neutral but in the earth plane we live in duality. Everything in this plane has a charge whether light or dark, positive or negative, day or night, black or white etc. When the intent behind the energy is to create harm, hurt, division, to conquer, to destroy or to influence someone in a negative manner against their own free will we call these- Negative Energies or Dark Energies or Black Magic. These energies do not resonate well within our own energy systems because the battery of our energy is the Soul. The Soul is inherently positive, expansive, healing and unifying and so when Negative Energies or Dark Energies or Black Magic enter our systems whether by chance or by others then it makes us feel unwell and out of balance. These Dark or Malefic energies eclipse the soul.

Energy is neutral and cannot be destroyed but it can be transformed. More and more these days we are seeing unscrupulous people using Dark Energies, Black Magic or culturally developed negative energies causing a lot of harm to others due to envy, jealousy, greed, ego or fear. Remember, even our thoughts are really streams of energy and even a small negative thought about someone wishing them harm is Dark Energy.

Please note we are not into black magic, we are fighting against black magic and culturally developed Negative Energy Inflictions from last many years. We are against casting Black Magic and Love spells etc. At Paranormal Solutions & Treatment we specialize in removing black magic, removing witchcraft, healing and curing the black magic, dark energies through our spiritual and healing techniques.

Black Magic is black energy combined of Spirits, Jinn, Hamzad, Movakkil, Devi, Devta, and Evil powers too that’s why it is most faster and stronger, Holy Bible, Holy Quran, Holy Veda and all Holy religious Books tell us about Black Magic. It is as true as God, world is growing faster and this is time of Science and Technology that’s why people do not believe in Black Magic and they have come behind the real world even some people do not believe in God so it does not mean that God is no where.

Black Magic is on the rise, is dangerous and can destroy one’s health and well being, it can also kill or make the individual commit suicide in extreme cases. According to Astrology, When weak determinants of mental capability planet The Moon & analytical power related planet mercury and exact or very close affliction of Rahu/Ketu, Saturn or of the Most Melefic Planet to a weak planets/houses make one vulnerable to BLACK MAGIC (energy).

The innocent soul seldom finds out that he/she has become a victim of Black Magic. If you think you have become a victim of black magic, here are the indications at initial stages of possible Black Magic that will help you understand your situation :

  • Eccentric behavior, Fear.
  • Your sleep is disturbed.
  • Fatigue and lack of energy.
  • Unrest at work, betrayal by subordinates.
  • Blockages in the inflow of money.
  • Hopelessness, Disinterest in life .
  • You get angry easily for no reason
  • Severe Depression & Headache.
  • Dryness of mouth at night
  • Tightness around body parts
  • You start forgetting things in the spur of the moment and experience memory loss.
  • Bad Dreams & strange erection in body at times.
  • Your professional career suffers
  • Irrational behaviour of people towards you.

Advance Stages of Black Magic : 

  •  You dream of dead bodies and horrible looking people who want to kill you in your dream.
  • Dreams of snakes & dirty birds/ places
  • Waking up suddenly in fear with shortness of breath.
  • Dreaming of falling from Heights.
  • Reciting other religions mantras/rituals.
  • The stomach bloats like a pregnant women’s belly and the area right above the navel tightens up & when touched feels like a golf ball is in there
  • Tightness/blockage and heaviness specially in shoulders and chest
  • Constant headache
  • Separation
  • Your complexion darkens
  • Itching, burning and stinging pains in different parts of the body

    Final Stages of Black Magic :

  •  Cancer or other mysterious ailments,
  • Excessive alcohol consumption resulting in liver damage
  • Substance Abuse
  • Suicidal attempts or thoughts of self destruction
  • Medicines do not work/wrong advice of doctor.

    Symptoms pertaining to women only :

  • Irritation in the vagina with Leucorrhoea
  • Bruise marks around thighs & vagina ,
  • Rape in dreams by spirits with an orgasm that is real, removal of cloths in nights
  • Stoppage of monthly periods, irregular/ painful periods, unable to conceive in spite of overall good physique.
  • blockages in fallopian tubes and/or unable to hold the pregnancy resulting in miscarriages.

    Symptoms pertaining to Spiritual People :

  • Your interest in the divine consciousness takes a nose dive, loose interest in prayers and meditations.
  • One gets attracted towards unholy desires like homosexuality, Non-vegetarian food/daily intake of liquor/use of drugs, sex & other vices.
  • Sudden violent behavior is quite visible in these individuals.

    As the attacks continue the victim is torn down on multiple levels; gets bed ridden and eventually dies of no apparent medical reason. The doctor’s cannot help him/her because the symptoms misguide the doctors into giving the individual stronger treatments with every passing day. If any of the above symptoms match your situation, you should immediately get professional help.

    Here are some precautions that you can take from becoming a victim :

    It is believed that Black Magic is done using your photo, clothes, hair, nails or touching your body or looking straight into your eyes.

    Do not give sensitive information to everyone.

General Symptoms of Black Magic (Energy):

  •  Victim would like to be aloof and alone always.
  • Will be annoyed and irritated always.
  • Nails will turn black.
  • Shoulders and head pain will be regular.
  • Smell of Scent, liquor or any bad smell will come.
  • Victim would hate to take bath.
  • Will talk to oneself.
  • Eyes will be red.
  • Victim will not feel hungry.
  • Unnatural movement of body parts like stretching fingers continuously or will bite the nails every time.
  • Tulsi plant at home will burn suddenly and will not grow by the time effect is there at home.
  • Hallucination

Negative Energies in the House | Spiritual Energy Cleansing|

Negative Energy.  We have all come across it at one time or another.  It is normally not a pleasant experience.  So how can this unwanted and unproductive energy be removed once it invades?

Negative energies are something many people try to avoid, especially within the home, which is a resting place that should always have a tranquil environment, free of bad vibes. However, negative energies should also be kept away from our places of work or study, since their presence could affect our day to day and keep things from going our way.

Negative energy can fill any space, your physical space, auric space, and sacred space, including your home.  Think of a tarred road sitting under a scorching sun.  You can see the heat rising and filling the air.  The same can be said for negative energies.  They rise and fill the space around them

Let’s use an example.  In this case, a true story of an intruding neighbor.

A neighbor frustrates you.  They come to visit unannounced and invite themselves in for coffee.  While they make themselves comfortable at your table, they begin a conversation about how they dislike this or that.  They gossip and spread false rumors about other neighbors.  They are filling your space with negativity.

You are uncomfortable and may feel anger at their intrusion.  The invisible energy in your home swirls and contorts with waves of negativity.  The energy around your physical and auric body feels heavy and unsettled.  You may silently judge yourself for even allowing them into your space and remind yourself in the future to set some boundaries.

Once they leave, you breathe a sigh of relief but cannot shake what you perceive as a black cloud in and over your home.  What to do??  Take a moment to step outside.  Breathe the fresh air.  Settle your emotions.  Then make a plan to remove this energy from your home.

Have you ever been in your home and felt tired, grumpy, down or just cleansing housegenerally lacking energy, but without any real reason? It might have been an emotional, mental or physical change to how you were. Well it may not be you as such, it may be the energy of your home that is bringing your vibe down.

Energy can become stale in your home if it lacks fresh air, people can also bring in their negative vibes or it can be caused by events of tension or anger in your home. People are very stressed in this modern world so it’s quite easy for the energy of a room to become negative. These energies settle there and cause the vibration of your home to be low.

Energy is present in everything; from the cells of your body to the food that you eat and yes, even in the walls of your home! It is so important to ensure that the energy within you and around you is always flowing optimally. A good flow of energy makes us feel happy, energized and full of life. When energy isn’t flowing so well, we can feel tired, blocked or depressed. Life presents us with many challenges and it’s normal to have negative feelings. The key is to work through those feelings and move back towards the joyful and loving soul you really are. That’s where Space Clearing comes in!

Just as we physically clean a space, we also need to spiritually and energetically clean a space as well. And this is done through a practice called ‘Spiritual cleansing’. Cleansing is the practice of refreshing the energy of your space so that it brightens and can circulate freely. It’s important for your overall wellness that the energy of your house is positive, rather than negative. Ideally, the energy of your home will feel happy, peaceful, safe and uplifting.

Each day we’re being invaded by huge amounts of psychic energies – some of them is positive, but most of them is negative. Aggression, bad news, sad mood, stress, all of this is being released by people into the air, and it’s being absorbed by walls and items around. Do you know what a “residual haunting” is? It’s a popular form of ghost phenomena, like a recording, information stored within walls are being played back so people can see it. These information are being saved within walls because of their strong emotional value.

Same apply to objects of different sort, have you ever thought about so-called “cursed objects”? Yep, like a painting, or a mummy ). Someone bought it, and it appears his life started to fall apart. This is because some objects are cumulating negative energies that are then being released, causing problems in owner life, and he does not even realise it until it’s too late. People love to collect different stuff without cleansing it. Therefore it is good to know how to actually cleanse objects and building from psychic energies.

Your home has collected energy over the years

Let’s just say that you lived in your house for 5 years.  Your house is 35 years old.  You heard that the last couple living here fought all the time until they finally divorced and sold the house to you.  You also know that the first owner eventually died after suffering from a long term illness and at one time there were at least 8 students living in your house.

The pain and suffering, the angst of final exams, the constant name calling, abuse and anger, has left a pocket of Negative Energy in the middle of your house.

For the past 5 years, you, your spouse and child, have been walking through this energy pocket.  Through no fault of your own, you are affected by energy that doesn’t belong to you.  It’s called Imprinted Energy and it grows stronger every time negative emotions are expressed.

It’s important to note that Imprinted Energy is different than a Ghost.  Imprints are like short videos or a memory, played over and over again.   They remain behind after an event has happened and they will never interact with us like a Ghost can.  You can’t get rid of them simply by Spiritual Clearing method.

A house clearing can remove negative energy


A House Clearing can easily and effectively remove Imprinted Energy, from every corner of your home, even your bed.  You can expect to feel warm, cozy and happy, once again.  In fact, I would recommend that you get your house cleared at least once per year – sort of like Spring Cleaning.

If you have listed, and are having difficulty selling your house, it will sell like hot cakes after a fresh and clean House Clearing.  Have your new home cleared before you move in to experience the best move-in day ever!

Why even bother?

Because negative energy only produce more negative energy. Without shielding, I’m not able to work or focus in “dark area” as I call it, not mentioning that I’m getting aggressive, which isn’t good. Everyone who was ever interested in Feng Shui already knows how important is to keep a steady energy flow in the area you live in. If you want to be more productive, and more positive when it comes to thinking in general, you should definitely start spiritual cleansing. And, one more thing – the cleansing I’m describing here is a way to get rid of negative energies.

What Kinds of Energies Can Pollute Our Spaces?

First I want to talk about the kinds of energies we might want to clear from spaces in the first place:

Old Negative Thought Forms and Emotional Residues

These are the biggest polluters of our spaces.

Have you ever walked into a building or home and immediately felt affected negatively by the energy? (This happens a lot to clairsentients and place empaths.) This is because buildings and objects absorb thought forms and emotional energies from their previous owners.

A person might live in a home for years, habitually feeling angry, for example, and these emotional residues will become part of the fabric of the building.

Similarly, negative thought forms (NTFs) can affect spaces. NTFs are our psychological patterns which over time contribute their underlying energy to buildings and places, too.

Earthbound Spirits

Earthbound Spirits also contribute their less than positive energies to spaces.

Earthbound spirits are the mental and emotional bodies of the deceased.

They exist in the astrals, but have not fully crossed over to the astral realm and so a part of them is still on Earth. They are often found in hospitals, police stations, funeral parlors, cemeteries, bars, clubs, and hotels.

Ghosts can stay behind on the earth plane for a variety of reasons. For example, if a recently deceased soul believes they have done something wrong that they will be judged for, they may refuse to cross over. Or if a soul had an addiction when they were incarnated that they are not ready to release, they may also be reluctant to cross over. And when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly and the person is too shocked and distressed to cross over and leave their life behind, they may choose to stay on the earth plane. Unfinished business can also cause a soul to keep a part of themselves in the earth plane, long after their life has ended.

Earthbound spirits also contribute their energies to places, and are usually drawn to such places for specific reasons.

spirit obsession

Sickness & Spirit Entities |Chronic Disease & Evil Energies

This article is about a specific grouping of negative subtle energies most commonly known as spirit attachments, cords, entities, and psychic attack. Though these energies can vary in power and potential effects, the overall philosophy of healing these concerns is the same. The process of clearing any of them from the energy field is generally referred to as spirit releasement.

It is an idea that many people are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with: might mental and physical illness be caused by spirits, disincarnate entities of various kinds? We live in a society where science has declared the invisible realms of spirits, angels and deceased souls are of fairy or fantasy books. But did they make a big mistake by doing so? People still report seeing and encountering spirits, ghosts, fairies and other spiritual creatures. Possession by spirit beings is still been reported, and in contrast to the movies it is not all evil. It is just a question of knowing what is going on and how to handle it. The following is based on accounts of different people who have successfully worked with identifying and liberating possessive spirits.

We know that symptoms of physical illnesses are caused by psychological factors as well as physical factors. But most of us are unaware that in a huge majority of cases,

  • The symptoms of our physical illnesses are caused first hand by spirits influence alone
  • Spirits influence have a big hand in aggravating the existing illness
  • Spirits influence are responsible for the non-response to adequate treatment in many cases.

Every day we are exposed to a multitude of so-called positive and negative energy influences. Some are created within ourselves and Others seem to come from around us via our interactions with people and events in our immediate lives and within the larger world community, as well as from a host of environmental sources such as weather, sound/noise, chemicals, toxins, water and food quality, and the like.

These influences play a large role in creating our state of health and well-being. If positive, we experience them as life-sustaining and enriching. Reversed, they can cause accumulations and stresses within our energy systems that weaken us, and which can lead to chronic and serious diseases and imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being.

As a healer we are often called on to help our clients and students to heal from the effects of these kinds of influences as they show up within the auric field. At these subtle levels, certain negative blocks and patterns can be found, which, over time, can have undesirable effects on the person’s health if left uncorrected. It is also a given that our own energy systems require the same kind of healing attention.



spirit obsession

Psychic Attack, Witchcraft, Voodoo,Spell Cast, Curse,Spirits

When you experience a psychic attack it is caused by the manipulation of energies and forces which are negative and their vibration are sent across to a person or place which will create disturbances in the physical body of a person and change the energy of a place. You could see this negative energy as being a spirit, an entity, a being, a thought form or done in magic rituals where harm is meant for a person or place.

For many people there is no belief that they can be psychically attacked. Unfortunately it is true we can be attacked psychically in more ways than one. And if you think that simply ignoring them it will go away this is where you are wrong, they do not go away rather they need to be dealt with.

Psychic attack is simply negative energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon you, your life or your family.

Harm can be launched towards your emotional, physical, spiritual or mental state. Those negative energies can be projected, based mainly upon jealousy toward you. It can also happen for many reasons other than jealousy.

My belief is that psychic attack can be influenced 98% of the time by someone in your surroundings that you already know, even friends or family members. Although is not always intentional, these can be sent either sent consciously or unconsciously. When they are sent unconsciously, the person sending are doing so without their own awareness and jealousy, envy or anger are usually the motivation behind them. A consciously attack is when someone deliberately means harm to you and can be compared to black magic, witchcraft and spell casting.

Psychic attacks with intent such as witchcraft, spells, curses, voodooism
When you are being intentionally attracted by negative energies compliments of somebody paying someone or doing a psychic attack themselves through various methods such as spells, voodooism, mantras, invocations, black magic etc they can really affect the person on the receiving end of it. A person’s health will suffer and their energy levels will also be affected.

Reasons as to why someone would want attack you psychically:

  1. They are jealous.
  2. Your life is progressing forward while theirs is stagnant.
  3. They are envious of your looks, your career, your wife or husband, your environment.
  4. They are living in their dark side at the moment.
  5. Lack of self-conviction.
  6. Fear.

If you consciously send negative energy toward someone else with the intention of inflicting harm, then what you send is exactly what you will attract upon yourself in your own life. The Universal Law of Karma states that what goes around comes back around to you multiplied.


Here are some examples of what you can experience while under a psychic attack:

  1. Dreaming very frightening nightmares.
  2. Seeing your attacker in a devilish way, either in your dreams, your meditation or in your thoughts.
  3. Feeling tired and depleted of energy constantly and for no reason.
  4. Having pains in the same place at the same time on a regular basis.
  5. Experiencing illness or pains in areas of weakness that your attacker is already aware of.
  6. Lack of concentration and feelings of laziness when it comes to completing daily tasks.
  7. Having unusually painful, even severe cases, headaches accompanied with vomiting or dizziness.
  8. Questioning or doubting your direction in life, even after having been aware of your direction beforehand.
  9. Depression.
  10. Having thoughts and images of your attacker creeping into your mind constantly.
  11. Feeling that you are being watched and seeing shadows around you from the corner of your eye, even when you are alone.
  12. The worst kind of psychic attack can inflict feelings of having a heart attack, and feelings of the desire to commit suicide.


Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies, Entities

What is a Spirit ? A paranormal body or ghost or spirit or apparition is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Some knows and some does not know that they are dead. Mostly they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch and sometimes they can just be sensed.

An earthbound spirit or paranormal body can be a human spirit that has not properly passed over. They have not gone onto the next level, the light, heaven, whatever we can call it. They remain behind, here on earth, and the place they live we call haunted.

Sometimes there reason to stay behind is to take care of unfinished business, there love for their children. Often these earthbound spirits do not remain here for long, once they can complete their desire, they normally pass over.

How do ghosts (paranormal body) possess a person? The act of possession can happen in a few seconds or over a period of few months. It primarily depends how vulnerable is the person. Here vulnerability means at a physical or mental level. Ghost or paranormal body weakened the possible victim by creating a vulnerable atmosphere, like they cause sleeplessness. Some times if they have the power to create voices, they make sounds to create a fearful atmosphere. They take advantage of the resultant vulnerability to create an entry point. They take advantage of personality disorders such as anger, fear, over-emotional nature etc. They aggravate these personality defects adding more vulnerability. Addition to that they put negative thoughts, creating self doubts, instigating depression, causing fights between couples. The incorrect thoughts planted in a person by the ghost make the person misbehave. There normal behavior changes to a larger extent. Ghosts destabilize a person’s mental balance and thereby create vulnerability. And then they take over.

Ghosts can possess easily when the sheath of the physical body is separated from the mental sheath, e.g. in dream state, state of despair etc. In some cases this can happen even in a meditative state. Only a higher level ghost can take advantage of the subtle body being separated from the physical body during meditation.

What times the paranormal bodies are most active? Paranormal bodies are most active during the transitory times like the twilight zone between day and night, the new moon day (dark moon) and full moon day between the waxing and waning phases of moon, eclipses, etc. These are periods with highest likelihood of people being possessed. They are also most active between 12.00 to 3.00 a.m.

How a person get possessed? A ghost takes possession or control of a person through black energy. Black energy is a spiritual negative and harmful type of energy. The ghost infuses black energy into the vulnerable person and make a centre. And then onwards the ghost goes on to progressively transmit black energy, and make the body his home.paranormal_1

The possessing ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.) covers the sheath of the physical body of the possessed person with its own mental and causal (intellect) body sheaths. By this process the mental and causal body sheaths of the possessed person become non-functional. The person then begins to talk, walk, think and behave according to the new mental body sheaths of the ghost. In a way the possessed person’s subconscious mind is now in the control of that particular paranormal body. Most people suffer in silence, there are people who have no idea that they are possessed and lead a normal life.

What are the signs of possession? A change in character, taste, life-style, few changes that appear suddenly like a person may begin to express cravings he never had before like for specific food, alcohol, drugs, sex or anything else, a person’s behavior may change drastically , a complete change in interest, change of voice and behavior. The person may also have wild mood swings.

Sometimes the possessed person has an idea that something is wrong or different is happening, sometime other’s point out about the changes. The most common environments where possessions occur are hospitals, graveyards, funeral homes, wells, battle-fields etc.

Why they trouble? They want to enter in a person’s body or cause trouble due to unfulfilled desires and due to the inability to move on in the after life and attain a higher positive region or sub-region.

The manifestations of distress due to ghosts or negative energies are varied, and can be from a person displaying uncharacteristic behavior to erratic violent behavior, addictions, various physical and psychological illnesses, family problems, business problems etc. Also in case of possession by powerful spirits, the voice and mannerism of person entirely change.

Do ghosts have a gender i.e. are they male or female? They do not have a physical body. Hence in this perspective there is no gender. But on the basis of the appearance of their subtle form and psychological characteristics, and what they were in the past, they have genders. When ghosts materialize the apparent form is most influenced by the appearance and sex of their immediate prior birth. That is, if the ghost were a female in the human form, it would materialize as a female. Higher order ghosts like sorcerers have the ability to assume a form as per their liking. Sorcerers (Maantriks) are ghosts with very high spiritual power comparable to the spiritual powers of Saints. In order to acquire such levels of spiritual powers, a sorcerer needs to perform intense spiritual practice.

What is the lifespan of a ghost (paranormal body, demon, devil, negative energy, etc.)? In case of humans, the term ‘lifespan’ means the period between their birth and death. In the case of ghosts, this would signify the period between the subtle bodies becoming ghosts to their eventual rebirth on Earth or going back to the light or heaven. Thus the lifespan of ghosts is varied. In the case of inferior order ghosts, it could be anywhere around 40-400 years. Ghosts that have been relegated to the deeper rungs of Hell and who have lot of powers are instrumental in doing wide-scale harm to humanity can remain as ghosts for thousands of years.

Can paranormal bodies exist or survive in the earth, water or fire?Yes, all such paranormal bodies can exist or survive in all these areas. This is because ghosts being subtle bodies, i.e. without physical bodies, are unaffected by earth, water or fire. However ghosts of a lower order like the common ghost or those who have just entered the ghost order fear water or fire, based on the lingering impressions from their human life. This soon passes away as other ghosts educate them about their new status.

What can a paranormal body cause in my life? Ghosts can be responsible for many type of illnesses, mostly mental and sometimes physical illnesses. They mostly are responsible for strong negative emotions, poor interpersonal relationships, life breakdowns on different levels: mental, financial, sexual, health etc. It can manifest itself in many ways which depends on the personality of the person possessed, one’s conscious and subconscious mind, needs, emotions, lifestyle etc.

Can ghosts persuade one to commit a suicide? Yes, this is their first desire and motive, they do this very often. Ghost is an entity who passed thorough the death for various reasons. Very often they are resigned and have only little energy. As they are dead they wish the possessed person also join their world.

Is it possible that a ghost who has been removed off enters someone else’s body? Yes, it is possible. after removed by force or leaving by choice they look for an other person to possess. Like we have a free will , same they also have.

Are there good ghosts around? There are both kinds of ghost, but mostly they are evil, and in principle dangerous for the living human beings, because they need to steal our energy in order to survive. Very often they also want to steal our body to find a vehicle to fulfill their own desires like sex, power etc.

Is is possible to talk to a paranormal body? Can they hear us? It is very much possible to talk to ghosts, but it is very dangerous, Talking to ghosts is equal to summoning them, which is very dangerous even if the ghost is someone very close to you. When you call them you are invoking their desire to live in this world, they here what you say. In a way you are disturbing their peace. This is not a good practice and one should avoid it. There are many other adventure sports to try.

What are the symptoms of a possessed (haunted) house ? If the house is possessed or we say haunted, there are noises in your home, waking in the middle of the night, banging, knocking, objects moving or falling, being touched, being raped, the sensation of cold, the sensation of invisible attacks, being manipulated, humiliated and oppressed, if bruises of unknown provenance appear on your body, scratches, wounds, then it’s very likely that you are not alone in the house.

In such houses the dreams become intense nightmares. Sleep is constantly disturbed. Constant headaches. Negative emotions-Fear, Hate are intensified. Person might talk aloud to the spirits. Person hears spirit voices that confuse thinking patterns and hinder concentration needed for school, work and normal life. Fear that the person cant control or stop the spirit. Thoughts of suicide are frequent and uncontrolled.

Who is more prone, male or female? Females are are more prone to becoming a victim of the spirit world compared to men. They are more vulnerable during their monthly cycles, if during that time period she goes near the graveyard or a river or lake or under trees, uses perfumes, drinks alcohol or take drugs, keeps herself dirty, open hairs with perfumed oil she is inviting trouble as spirits are everywhere and can take charge of the female body anytime the circumstances are right.

On the other hand in men the possibility arise when they take alcohol in open area, urinate in open areas or under tree, involve with women who are possessed or are unhygienic. In both men and women when the aura weakens the possibility increases.

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