Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

indian black magic

Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

If you’re a paranormal investigator you’ve heard stories about haunted furniture, toys, jewelry, etc. Is it possible to buy some antiques and bring home more than you paid for? Can spirits be attached to an item rather than a place? Some seem to think it’s possible. If someone had a favorite piece
of jewelry and wore it constantly, perhaps the spirit would be attached to this

Evil spirits can possess people—but can they also inhabit places?

Often people find a great deal on their home. They soon found out why: It was what some would call a “haunted house”—that is, a place where there was an uncomfortable and negative spiritual presence.

Some people are attracted to haunted houses because they’re different and exciting. Perhaps you’ve seen hotels that advertise: “Stay in our hotel. It has a real ghost!”

Experiences with demonic spirits in human habitations aren’t new. What makes things “go bump in the night”? There are three possible explanations.

Malevolent Presence of Satan : It could be that demons are present and misbehaving. Sometimes they propel objects at people, move furniture about or make various noises. At other times they create extreme temperatures—generally cold—or nauseating odors, or they may impede one’s ability to pray. Satan can come at us physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The demons may have taken up residence for several reasons. One is because they were invited, either deliberately by someone who called on them to come or naively through games such as a Ouija board or tarot cards.

The family had been into demonic board games. They rebuked the presence, and it left.

Few people conduct a witchcraft ritual in their home, believing it to be “naughty but harmless.” For months thereafter they would find awaken at night to see a horrible, ugly creature staring at them..

Another reason evil spirits may take up residence is because of a curse. Sometimes a curse is placed on a home or other building as revenge for something the occupants have done or as spiritual warfare against believers.

Finally, demons may be present because of heinous crimes such as murder or rape, or from sexual orgies. When a crime is committed in a place, the demons that attend the evil may linger on.

In the face of a demonic presence, you must take action. Here are some positive steps to take to rid spiritual disturbance from a home, office, church or other place.


spiritual interference

Doing These Things Invites Ghosts, Spirits, Negative Energy

If You Do These Things, You Are Inviting Ghosts Into Your Home

Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe there lay a world beneath ours which is full of negative energy? Whether you believe it or not, we all live around these negative energies which always look for draining out our positive energy by entering into our world. Be it accomplishing their some unfulfilled task or taking revenge from someone, these demonic spirits are always in the opportunity to enter our world.

we do many things that attract these demonic powers to our world. Unfortunately, they are attracted to certain places and people for certain reasons. Know what things bring them into your house.

  • Obsession with death : Death is something we all never want to think about. It’s saddening, it’s terrifying but more than anything, it attracts negative energy. A person who is obsessed with death, attract negative energy and demons. Traipsing around a cemetery, performing a séance, visiting haunted places or researching death and murder scenes also attracts demons into your house.
  • Depression/Anxiety : If you have been under depression, you know how miserable it makes your life. You lose motivation, you lose happiness and you develop a weak aura about yourself.  When you go through such a phase, you attract more negativity around your including the demons. So next time you feel depressed about yourself, remember you are inviting ghosts.
  • Drug Abuse : Drug use doesn’t only ruin your life and health but it has way more impact on you. A person who uses drugs on a regular basis opens himself up to demonic attachment. Drugs deplete your physical, mental, and spiritual energy, leaving you weak enough to allow lower level entities to feed on your energy.
  • Performing black magic : Diving your head into the world of black magic is one of the sure shot portals to invite demonic spirits into our world. It is a definite way to connect to them and come through their negative energy. And once they enter the world, they create destruction into people’s life and everything around them.
  • Dabbling in the Occult : You might do it for fun but playing an Ouija board may call demons into your world. Also, simply dabbling in the occult without protecting oneself or knowing what one is doing will attract a demon, for example, playing with an Ouija board, tarot cards or pendulums. Remember, your fun game can lead you to great trouble.

Apart from these reasons, demons are attracted to various places for certain reasons.

  • Murder/Suicide : You might have seen in various horror movies that the reason behind the house being haunted is the death of a person. Any form of violent death that has occurred in a particular place will generate enough negative energy to possibly attract negative energy beings. Sometimes the person died in the house, may take a control over the house.
  • Multiple deaths : Negative entities feed on negative energy and the place which has seen a number of deaths has the great amount of negative energy. Ghosts exist around us and even they can kill humans, Death of Gaurav Tiwari proves that, Such a place would definitely call demonic powers into our world and can even become home for them. This is apparently the reason old houses and monuments are haunted.
  • Black magic : Any place that has been used in black magic rituals of any kind is an open door for negative beings to come through and potentially linger. If a group of people participated in these rituals, it is even more of a magnet for demonic powers. In the sweet shop in Ajmer (Rajasthan), ghosts come in the night to make sweets and it is true. Performing such rituals is a great way for them to enter our world and drain out our energies.
  • Recurrent negativity : As said earlier, negative energy attract demonic entities from the lower level. The place where people with negative energy live can attract ghosts and spirits. If the negativity is strong enough and lasts long enough, can generate enough energy to draw the attention of negative entities.

eathbound spirits

Basic Demonic Manifestations | Influence of Demonic Entities

Basic Demonic Manifestations

Now here are some of the basic manifestations that demons will do with the people they are inhabiting. One or two of these manifestations may not be able to stand by themselves, but when you get someone that has quite a few of these manifestations occurring on some type of regular basis, then the chances are very good that they really do have demons literally living on the inside of them.

  • Hearing voices on the inside talking to them. These voices may also refer to the host in the third person.
  • Feeling or sensing the demons moving on the inside of them. Feeling pressure and movement in the head and stomach areas. Demons can also attack the central nervous system so it feels like the person is going crazy at times.
  • Having bad and frequent nightmares, sometimes with the same bad and horrific nightmare being repeated over and over again.
  • May have seen some of the demons in an actual vision.
  • Can sometimes smell the demons, who have a very putrid and toxic smell to them. Demons can also smell like burning sulphur at times.
  • Will have strong, inner compulsions to do bad things that are not in their normal behavior patterns like having bad thoughts of suicide and murder.
  • Can also have very strong addictions to things like drugs, alcohol, and pornography.
  • Abnormal fascination with the occult or any type of criminal activity.
  • Abnormally strong feelings of rage and hate in them that are not a part of their natural personality and makeup. Demons can also transmit heavy feelings of despair, hopelessness, depression, and that they have committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.
  • Irrational fears, panic attacks, and phobias on some type of a regular basis.
  • Periods of having loss all sense of time from minutes to actual hours and can sometimes end up somewhere and not knowing how they got there. Also, regularly doing things for which they have no memory of actually doing.
  • At times, can sense an evil presence on them, in them, and in the houses they live in.
  • Will feel cold spots in certain areas of the houses they are living in with these cold spots not being by any open windows.
  • Will sometimes see dark shadows running across some of the rooms in their houses, especially in their bedrooms.
  • Can have poltergeist type phenomena occurring in their houses such as material objects flying across the room, doors opening up and slamming shut all by themselves, drawers opening up on their own, hearing footsteps shuffling across the floors and scratching type noises on the walls, along with the electricity going on and off and material objects actually disappearing.
  • In the more extreme cases, the person can literally find themselves levitating right off their bed at times.
  • May have the ability to speak in a foreign language of which they have no natural knowledge of.
  • Can be capable of great, abnormal, physical strength.
  • Can receive mild to strong trembling and shaking sensations on different parts of their bodies. Can also receive choking sensations and a tightness around their head and eye areas.
  • Abnormal amounts of dizziness, blackouts, and seizures.
  • Very heavy, uncontrollable twitching type activity on certain parts of their bodies like their face and their arms.
  • May have had some out-of-body experiences, especially in cases of sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse.
  • Have a very hard time in praying and reading from their Holy Books. Can also have an actual revulsion of the Holy Books to the point of wanting to try and tear it apart or burn it.
  • A compulsive desire to want to curse and blaspheme God.
  • Can have multiple personalities in them which are known as alters.
  • May have tried other kinds of treatments and medications from other psychologists and psychiatrists with no real help or relief ever being given to them.
  • The demons can at times take control of the vocal cords and speak right out of the person’s mouth. When this occurs, the tone of the person’s voice could change, like a woman speaking out in a man’s deep, husky voice. Demons can also emit animal like sounds out of a person’s mouth and vocal cords like the hissing of a snake, the growling of a lion or tiger, or the emitting of a baying type howl like a wolf. They can also let out very loud screams and yells, especially when being directly confronted by the deliverance minister during the actual deliverance itself.
  • The demons can also manifest in the person’s eyes where you can see them literally looking at you. What you will see when this occurs is pure evil and pure hatred looking at you. You will also see this look from the demons being captured in some of the person’s past photographs, as some of these demons love to show themselves in the person’s eyes and countenance when photos are being taken of them. Another type of look you can see when the demons are looking out of someone’s eyes is what I call the “hollow look.” When you see this type of demonic look, it is like you are looking into someone who has no personality. They will look “soulless” and “lifeless” to you when you see this type of look coming out of their eyes, and you will also know that it is not the personality of the person you are looking at.
  • Different types of facial contortions which no longer look like the person, such as glazed eyes, blank stare type eyes, eyes rolling backwards where all you see are the whites of the eyes, and stretching the skin of the face into a contorted, hissing like expression.
  • Different types of bodily contortions like people slithering across the floor like snakes, getting on all fours and barking like dogs, growling like lions, or howling like wolves. Abnormally stretching out their spines, fingers and hands locking up and going rigid, and demons grabbing a hold of a person’s throat in order to try and stop them from talking with you. The demons can also whip the head in a very rapid side-to-side type movement, stretch the neck out as far as it will go, along with jolting portions of the body causing those portions to move in a very rapid side-to-side type movement.

If the person has had any of this type of activity in their background, or if any kind of this activity surfaces or manifests while you are talking or praying with the person, then there is a very good chance that you are truly dealing with a person who has demons living on the inside of them and they will now need a full scale deliverance from the Lord.

haunted house

Factors that contribute for Haunted Place / Ghost House

We all know that haunted places exist. That chill along your spine, the feeling of dread, and sudden drop in temperature are all physical signs that you experience in a haunted locale. However, how do places become this way? Some very famously haunted places have well known ghostly residents who have extensive stories about why their spirits linger in a particular place—such as a person who was wrongfully tortured into death or deeply betrayed by a dear friend or loved one that resulted in death. Many places tend to naturally draw ghosts simply because of what they are and what naturally happens in those places, meaning that prisons, hotels, and of course cemeteries are favorite haunting areas for the departed who have not fully moved on. Yet, some of the most common places that are haunted may not have such a specific story or might be just a seemingly random house. Where do these spirits come from and most importantly how do they make certain places their base of operations for haunting the living?

A haunted house or ghost house is a house or other building often perceived as being inhabited by disembodied spirits of the deceased who may have been former residents or were familiar with the property. Parapsychologists attribute haunting to the spirits of the dead and the effect of violent or tragic events in the building’s past such as murder, accidental death, or suicide.More scientific explanations for the perception that a house is haunted include misinterpreting noises naturally present in structures, waking dreams, suggestibility, and the effect of toxic substances in environments that can cause hallucinations.

Each individual person is unique in personality, experience, and countless other factors. Therefore, the imprint of a deceased human (their spirit or ghost) retains these specialized factors if they are unable to move on after death. These unique characteristics mean that each story attached to each ghost and thereby haunting locale is different. Many different factors exist to explain how a place becomes haunted because of the natural ability of humans to vary from each other on numerous levels. Do not expect each haunted location to be haunted for the same reasons since they are all haunted by different spirits and therefore different people with their own stories to tell the living.

Even though no background for a haunting will be exactly the same as another, some common themes do pop up in the majority of haunted places. The history of the building or area is always a primary factor. A very old place that has a long history of human use and habitation is more likely to be haunted than a newer one as the chances increase dramatically that bad things have happened there as the likelihood of at least one person experiencing something very negative at the locale is rather high. Bad events or situations always increase the probability of a place being haunted as well because spirits who have not been affected by ill fated happenings generally have no problem crossing over to the other side or moving on while those who are the center of such an occurrence feel bound to this world until they receive some form of justice, retribution, or simply someone knowing their personal stories of sorrow. Violent deaths, cruelty, and abuse are some of the most prominent events that bind a ghost to the earthly realm. Yet, other happenings like severe unhappiness, betrayal by someone dear to their hearts who they trusted implicitly, and even intense sickness can all act as a negative situation that makes a ghost feel they cannot move on even after the death of their mortal bodies. All of these attributes seep into the location whether in the walls of the building or the soil of the ground itself to leave a certain ghostly energy or impression. Battlegrounds in particular can be a place where actual blood seeping into the ground can create a spiritual residue where unsettled ghostly beings can manifest and linger on the land itself and even on buildings or houses that are later built on the historically blood stained ground. Overall, human pain and suffering are the major factors that tend to dictate whether a location will become haunted or not. It is not like many stories exist about ghosts who haunt sporting arenas or theme parks like Walt Disney World, and this rarity in spirit haunting examples links to the fact that those places tend to lack pain and in fact the locations are filled with happiness and high, excited emotions. Many spirits are considered to haunt places where their own personal pain was thought to be the greatest, but occasionally spirits will reside in places of general pain and suffering that was a part of their lives in some fashion. Ghosts basically tend to keep in places that they considered to be their own during their former lives and areas that was once very closely linked to themselves as a living human being.

Many ghost hunters believe that spirits haunt places that are filled with strong negative emotions in order to tell the story of that area to living humans—which is why these deceased entities tend to haunt places that are the source of their personal pain and sufferings since they want others to know of their own story in that location. These spirit professionals know very well that a ghost makes noises or movement to let their presence be known to the living beings or because they are particularly upset at the time, linking to the very human aspect of mood swings. Most ghosts really try to make themselves known in a form that resembles the figure that they held in life so that living people could see them as they once were and hopefully impress the vivid memories that are holding them to the physical plane. The combination of their former selves (both in semi appearance, actions, and mannerisms) will generally be a way for them to let others know who they were and lead those individuals into an investigation of the spirit’s personal past since their mere presence indicates that their previous life was not average, normal, or significantly filled with happiness. This desire to let the living know of their past hardships and uncommon problems or issues mean that the ghosts really will reveal themselves to all kinds of people from various age groups, walks of life, and most importantly whether these people who visit the haunted locale believe in the presence of spirits or not.

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