Psychic Healing / Spiritual Healing For Depression & Anxiety


Psychic Healing / Spiritual Healing For Depression & Anxiety

Do you live with Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Depression, or PTSD?

Are you feeling lost, afraid, and unsure?

Through a Psychic Healing / Spiritual Healing / Energy Healing Session we can help to move this type of energy out of your field and teach you techniques so that you enjoy being a spirit in human form and feel peace.

DEPRESSION is when you have lost all sense of hope and direction. You feel lost in life, but lack the strength and inspiration to climb out of it. The future seems bleak, even threatening, so much so that you retreat into yourself and remain in a slow, sluggish existence. Every movement becomes a painful effort.

Depression is considered as one of the foremost psychological problems for people of different age groups today. There are approximately 121 million worldwide affected by depression. Depression can lead to suicidal tendencies, which is the sole reason for 850,000 deaths each year. There are no pre-defined causes for depression although stress is being quoted to be one of the catalysts.

Most people across the world opt for medical treatment for depression, which includes using antidepressants, electric shock treatment (ECT), psychotherapy, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapy and medicine is used primarily to help a person fight depression although medicines and some therapies might have other side effects.

On the other hand, natural healing doesn’t have side effects and the results are long-term or even permanent in some cases.

What causes depression?
There are many causes of depression, depending on which level you’re looking at. At the deepest level, depression is a symptom of, and often a coping mechanism for, disconnection from your true self. Thus, depression is a sign that you have veered off the path of your soul.

Depression usually arises when you suppress your true feelings. You may have been taught (directly or indirectly) that it is wrong to express your feelings. If you are also too open, sensitive and giving to other people’s needs, you end up creating an extreme imbalance within yourself. Your system then creates a block to stop the overflow of your energetic output – and your spirit becomes dampened.

Spiritual Healing for Depression
The conventional way to treat depression is by prescribing medication to increase the production of feel-good hormones to offset the depressive feelings. This may be effective in managing and controlling moods, but from the perspective of spiritual growth, it simply covers up the symptoms which are your body’s way of giving you useful information about where you’re out of alignment with your true self, the places that need healing. Behind depression is fear, guilt, shame, etc. and we cannot heal these with medication alone.

When working with clients, I focus on treating the psycho-emotional-spiritual-energetic levels. My view is that these levels can affect the physiological-cognitive conditions rather than the other way around. Thus, healing and resolving the issues in the former would result in true healing of the symptom.

How Natural Healing For Depression Works ?

The natural process of healing depression basically refers to treatment of depression holistically. Most people are not aware of a powerful force called spirituality, which once embraced in our lives can help us to get healed.

How can spirituality help in treatment of depression? To answer this question, you need to first ask yourself, what is the root cause of depression? Depression is not caused by an event, a person, or a situation; it is caused by a disturbance in the spiritual equilibrium.

This refers to the fact that when there is more negative states in our mind and negative energy in our body as opposed to positive energy then depression occurs. The lack of positive energy hampers the balance between the mind, body, and soul. This is where natural healing for depression comes into the picture. It is only through practice of spiritual healing that you will be able to restore this balance and thus treat depression.

Psychic Healing Sessions Heals Depression and Anxiety

  • If you have been either mentally, physically, or emotionally abused in the past you stand a high likelihood of experiencing depression.
    • On a Metaphysical level the energy of the experience is still trapped in your bio-field and you are continuing to operate off of the memories. During a Psychic Healing Session I can put you into trance and begin to gently remove the energy from your body, chakras, and aura. Such therapy has long term benefits and gives you the emotional release that you need.
  • If you are experiencing conflict with family members or friends, you may be experiencing depression.
    • We can do a Psychic Reading and look at the soul contracts that you have with your family and friends and we can look at what is causing the conflict. Once we understand where the conflict is coming from, we can energetically end the old karma and soul contracts and create new ones that will shift the energy of the situation.
  • If you are experiencing death or loss of a loved one (be it adult or child), we can connect with their spirit and bring messages of love forward.
    • As a medium, I can connect with your loved ones and bring you messages from the other side that will help you to heal and feel at peace with their passing. Coming to terms with death and loss can be difficult if one does not understand the beauty of dieing. Just as births are celebrated so to can death be for it is another facet of life. Often it is because of our sense of missing them that we suffer. Yet, when we can come to terms and understand the beauty of being an Eternal Spirit than we can heal.
  • If you are experiencing a chronic or major illness then there is a chance that you have become depressed in the process.
    • On a Spiritual level we can look at the emotional, mental, and spiritual reasons for the depression and begin to clear these levels of your being. By doing so, changes on the physical level will begin to take place and your healing will rapidly occur.
  • Events that are positive, like graduating, getting married, or a new job can lead to depression. It isn’t always sad events. 
    • When this is the case, and you know you “should” be happy with life but are not, then we can go into your biofield (body, chakras, and aura) and start to look for the source of the depression. Usually it is a lack of love for yourself that is the trigger; something within you that says “I don’t deserve to be happy!” and we can look for the source and remove the energy from you so that you are freed up to enjoy life.
  • Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also suffer from depression.
    • Through a Psychic Healing we can go into your biofield and begin to remove the pictures that are leading to the substance abuse and encourage your feelings of self worth to flourish so that you can let go of the crutch that is keeping you tied to the drug or alcohol.
  • You are not alone, millions of people throughout the world suffer from depression in a given year. At some point in their lives, about one in four Americans will experience depression.
    • A Psychic Healing session involves me psychically reading the pictures in your field and then moving them out so that you no longer operate off of them. When we move the energy from your field, you heal. A healing may be necessary weekly or monthly depending on how deep it goes and how much you are ready to let go. The average person heals quickly from a session or two.
  • Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. Women may be at a higher risk for depression due in part to estrogen, which may alter the activity of neurotransmitters that contribute to depression. Once men hit midlife, they may face an increased risk of depression due to the decrease of testosterone.
    • If there is a physical reason for depression, such as a body chemical that is missing, a psychic healing will help you to identify the problem and you will need to take other steps to help to heal the problem. There is nothing wrong with combing eastern and western medicines to improve your state of mind.
  • Men typically experience depression differently from women and use different means to cope. For example, while women may feel hopeless, men may feel irritable. Women may crave a listening ear, while men may became socially withdrawn or become violent or abusive.

Here is some more information about Depression from Random Facts

  • In established market economies such as the United States, depression is the leading form of mental illness


  • As many as 15% of those who suffer from some form of depression take their lives each year.
    • From a metaphysical perspective, our will to live is located in our root chakra, and by doing a clearing and balancing of your root chakra, you will find that your will to live increases.
  • Depressed people get colds more frequently than non-depressed people.
    • By removing the energy of depression your vibration will rise and therefor so to will your health!
  • During the Middle Ages, mentally ill people were seen to be under the influence of the devil or other evil spirits.
    • As a Psychic Healer, there are times where I will see negative Entities attached to a person and this will cause the depression. If This is the case I can remove them and you will feel happy again.
  • Approximately 80% sufferers of depression are not receiving treatment.
  • Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, affects nearly 6 million American adults in a given year.
  • The average video gamer is typically 35-year-old male who is most likely depressed, overweight, and introverted.
  • Long-term use of marijuana leads to changes in dopamine production and has been implicated in the onset of depressive symptoms.
  • People with depression are five times more likely to have a breathing-related sleep disorder than non-depressed people.
    • If you are experiencing this we can go into your solar plexus and begin to clear out the energy that is keeping you from having a healthy night sleep.
  • Patients with depression may develop agoraphobia, or a fear of going out in public.
    • A Psychic Healing session will help you to feel more comfortable being around others and will help you to feel more social.
  • The World Health Organization estimates that depression will be the second highest medical cause of disability by the year 2030, second only to HIV/AIDS.
  • Many creative individuals have experienced depression, including Robert Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, Peter Tchaikovsky, John Lennon, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Georgia O’Keefe, Vincent van Gogh, Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Sylvia Plath.
  • Depression often presents itself in four ways: mood changes, cognitive (memory and thought process) changes, physical changes, and behavioral changes.

You can book a session with us and we can do healing to help you during session by moving the energy of sadness, fear, worry, depression, and anxiety and teaching you how to do it for yourself. We can psychically read for you the situations in your life and give you guidance for your success.


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