Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

indian black magic

Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

If you’re a paranormal investigator you’ve heard stories about haunted furniture, toys, jewelry, etc. Is it possible to buy some antiques and bring home more than you paid for? Can spirits be attached to an item rather than a place? Some seem to think it’s possible. If someone had a favorite piece
of jewelry and wore it constantly, perhaps the spirit would be attached to this

Evil spirits can possess people—but can they also inhabit places?

Often people find a great deal on their home. They soon found out why: It was what some would call a “haunted house”—that is, a place where there was an uncomfortable and negative spiritual presence.

Some people are attracted to haunted houses because they’re different and exciting. Perhaps you’ve seen hotels that advertise: “Stay in our hotel. It has a real ghost!”

Experiences with demonic spirits in human habitations aren’t new. What makes things “go bump in the night”? There are three possible explanations.

Malevolent Presence of Satan : It could be that demons are present and misbehaving. Sometimes they propel objects at people, move furniture about or make various noises. At other times they create extreme temperatures—generally cold—or nauseating odors, or they may impede one’s ability to pray. Satan can come at us physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The demons may have taken up residence for several reasons. One is because they were invited, either deliberately by someone who called on them to come or naively through games such as a Ouija board or tarot cards.

The family had been into demonic board games. They rebuked the presence, and it left.

Few people conduct a witchcraft ritual in their home, believing it to be “naughty but harmless.” For months thereafter they would find awaken at night to see a horrible, ugly creature staring at them..

Another reason evil spirits may take up residence is because of a curse. Sometimes a curse is placed on a home or other building as revenge for something the occupants have done or as spiritual warfare against believers.

Finally, demons may be present because of heinous crimes such as murder or rape, or from sexual orgies. When a crime is committed in a place, the demons that attend the evil may linger on.

In the face of a demonic presence, you must take action. Here are some positive steps to take to rid spiritual disturbance from a home, office, church or other place.



Why people become ghosts after death? Spirits, Entities

Do you know why people become ghosts after death? Well, almost all cultures in this world believe in ghosts. There are so many reasons but let us discuss a few of the common beliefs which are widely believed all over the world.

Almost all religions have shown certain steps to lead a good life so that one can free oneself from the idea of becoming a ghost after death.



Reasons why people become ghosts / spirits/ entities after death :

  • FEAR: Many people who resist moving into “The Light” fear spiritual judgment. Others feel they are “unworthy”. Some are afraid “The Light” is tedious or boring. Others fear they will discover their beliefs were “wrong” or that there really is nothing in “The Light” but “emptiness”.
  • TRAUMA: Men, Women & Children who are traumatized by their deaths can be too upset at that moment to know what to do and can become frightened when they see a light or a spirit, even if that spirit is familiar to them. When this happens they will seek refuge with the first living physical body they can find.
  • DENIAL: People can refuse to believe they are dead. This happens! Denial is such a strong mental ability both “the living” and “the dead” can “tune out” what they don’t want to know or acknowledge.
  • EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT: People who want to remain “close at hand” to friends or loved ones will often attach themselves to one of them or, sometimes, attach to more than one (by coming and going among them). They are so emotionally “caught up” in the lives of others they forget the importance of their own spiritual journey, nor do they realize how much more powerfully they can help others from “The Light”.
  • DESIRE TO SERVE: People who want to become  spirit guides; forgetting the importance of their own spiritual progression and failing to recognize “real” spirit guides require training in “The Light”.
  • ADDICTIONS: People who are reluctant to leave their addictions or their “power trips” will choose to “hang out” with, even attach to, living people with the same addiction or “power trip”.
  • FEELING OF LOSS: People who feel dissatisfied because they did not achieve their life dream or cheated because they never found happiness will attach to and try to mentally influence others to do what they didn’t.


Black Magic & Karma|White Magic & Love spell, Binding Spells

Many people wonder what happens to people who practice black magic on others and spoil other people’s lives. Do they get away with it?

Black magic is defined as the misuse of spiritual energy including harming another person or attempting to get someone to act in accordance with your desires, especially if your desires oppose theirs.

In our view, spiritual power is to be used only for good. The moment you try to control or manipulate another person, you step over the line and incur negative karma.

There are people who will do any spell for you. Many will cast spells like these which I see available on the internet : “Make them break up so you can have him”, “Make him love you”, “Make him/her lust after you”, “Get your lover back in 24 hours”, “Make her/him marry you”, cursing spells, revenge spells, get rich quick spells, etc”.

All of these spells are within the realms of ‘black magic’.  ‘Black magic’ spell manipulates someone else without their consent, it makes them do things against their free will.

It is understandable why people are tempted to cast ‘black magic’ spells, or pay someone to do it for them. It sounds like an ideal solution to get what you want, but it isn’t that simple. Whenever you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone else it ALWAYS backfires. We have all been given free will, and when you try to manipulate someone else, and take away their free will, you will end up with a broken Life.There are two ways these types of spells will backfire on you. One way is that the spell will not work in the way you wanted it to, and the second is that you will experience Karmic retribution for manipulating someone with magical means.

The reason why these black magic spells will not work out the way you expect is because you are forcing someone to act against their free will. Think about it.

One of the most common problems I come across are with ‘binding spells’. These are really popular but they cause people so many problems. You may bind yourself to someone who you want to be with forever, especially if you are feeling insecure about the relationship. These spells work 3 times as well on you than it does on your target, because you really meant it when you did the spell! Your target will probably break free after a while, but you won’t be so lucky. You’d be stuck there with them without knowing why, or how to shift the energy between you. Your Lover may leave you, and because you bound yourself to him/her you would not be able to get on with your life and find new Love. You would always be yearning for your lost Lover.There are other much more powerful and happy ways to sort out your Love life.

And then there is the Karmic slap that will always come when you dabble with black magic. Karma means that whatever you give out, will come back to you. Every action has a reaction, there is no way out of it, every Living being is bound by the same Spiritual Law. Karma will give anyone performing ‘black magic’ a firm slap, or knock them off their feet, depending on what you have done. Don’t be fooled by thinking that you’ll get your Karmic slap in your next life either, in my experience, Karma is very impatient with ‘black magic’, people tend to get the Karmic slap within a few months.

Just to make this point even more serious, when you use magical means your actions very much ‘on purpose’, and whatever magic you put out will come back on you three times over. This is well known amongst witches, sorcerers and shamans. We imbue our actions with more power because of the strong ‘on purpose’ magical intentions we always use.

If you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone, the Laws of Karma mean that you will end up being dis-empowered and manipulated in some way. I have seen people who have dabbled in black magic continually find themselves in situations where they are manipulated, and feel trapped. For example, it could manifest as having a tyrant of a boss, or you could even end up in prison for something you didn’t do. I have known people to become psychotic after performing black magic, and have to go to psychiatric hospitals. They have messed with so many people’s minds, they end up losing theirs. There is simply no need to do black magic, and it isn’t the most intelligent or powerful way to go about magic, or changing your life.

Black magic is about restructuring the flow of energy around others, and sending entities towards another’s space. Such things can work under certain conditions, but you the caster are forever linked to those disruptions. If the victim is helped by a psychic or Godly person, those flows can be reversed with an immediate backlash, instant karma. Either way, karma eventually reverses the situation as help is eventually given to the victim in this or a future lifetime.

Charms etc cannot protect you from karma if you are the caster, at best delays the pain a little. It is not that rare a situation, more so today than 100 years ago because of the nature of our auras have slightly changed.. culturally.

Karma works both ways, when you perform White Magic which is done for positive good, then the effects are far more powerful, because the Light is so, so much more powerful than the darkness. You only have to see how a single candle flame can light up a vast space to see this. You see, if everything you do comes back to you 3 times when you do magic, think about what joy and happiness that can come to you if you do positive White Magic?

Magic is as powerful as the person performing it. A person who performs black magic is not as powerful as a person who performs White Magic. People who perform black magic have messy, broken lives, it is best not to get involved with them and their energy. Don’t give these people your money, and don’t put your Life in their hands.

When I cast a Love spell for you, not only will Spiritual Beings of Love and Light come to fill your life with Love and heal your blocks to Love, but they fill my Life with Love too, because I cast the spell. Casting White Magic keeps my Life beautiful, flowing and ecstatic. It also increases my power and raises my vibration, which makes my Magic more and more powerful.

All my magic is White Magic. This means that if you need a Love spell because you have a broken heart, I will work with Spirit to fill your life with Love by shifting your own blocks that prevent you from receiving Love. As your blocks dissolve, you will have wonderful realisations, and become very self aware as you let go of outdated self defeating patterns and welcome new abundance into your life. Magical meetings, opportunities, synchronicities pop up out of nowhere, you will know that Spirit is guiding you, helping you, co-creating your new life with you. Your life becomes enchanted with the pure, clean magic of Divine Love. My Magic gets to the root causes of why you just can’t get it right in Love, or why you are always broke or depressed. It empowers you and helps you to change your life.The spell will also increase your own feelings of Love in all areas. You will Love your job, your friends, family, your whole life in an amplified way. You will also feel the Love of Spirit and feel supported and Loved always. You will release feelings of fear and lack along the way too.

The most powerful force in the world is Love. All Magic done with Love and in the energy of Love are the most life changing and powerful. Love never fails.

If you are in trouble because of black magic you have done, or got someone else to do on your behalf, I can help you. I can reverse your spell/s and cast a new empowering one to help you create the best new life possible, and leave it all behind you.

new moon black magic

Black magic during full moon & new moon | spirits, jinn |

Black magic is the affirmation of practices of magic that draws in angry forces. It has been viewed that black magic is still incredibly being used. The conviction is firmly predominated among the greater part of individuals expressing that said undertaking can be just gifted with the assistance of the comparable.

Black magic’s are generally used to mischief an individual’s prosperity by performing certain magic appeal even in far off areas. The impact of this methodology can be accomplished hundred miles away. We all have some pessimistic compels however when they evoked the individual gets to be gooey. Since time numerous case saw in general society where upbeat families are tumbling around black magic.

Black Magic is combined of Spirits, Jinn, Hamzad, Movakkil, Devi, Devta, and Evil powers too that’s why it is most faster and stronger, Holy Bible, Holy Quran, Holy Ved and all Holy religious Books tell us about Black Magic.

The moon and the black magic

The Moon plays a very profound role when it comes to spell casting and black magic. Those interested in magic and spell casting can enhance the power of their spells by becoming acquainted with all the phases of the Moon, and how to apply them.

By tapping into the energy of the Moon you will have greater success in your occult practices.

On new moon days, occultists are strongly influenced by this dark energy, and can “download” or receive black energy for their Black Magic activities. As the energy from the moon affects the mind, the incidence of Black Magic side effects, such as tendencies like running away, suicide or possession by demons is highest on new moon.

Especially during the night, the new moon night is a golden opportunity for the darker energies and/or demons to cause distress to our fellow man. Demons can take advantage of the rise in dark energy to amass black energy that is used to orchestrate events such as natural disasters or events that will lead to natural destruction.

On a full moon night, as the illuminated side of the moon faces Earth, minimal dark energy is transmitted on this night, compared to other nights. Hence on this night minimal Black energy is available for demons or us practitioners of occult rituals. However, ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) take advantage of the effect of the gravitational pull on a full moon day and cause heightened distress.

Spiritual research has further revealed that there are some finer differences between the effect of new moon and full moon on man. Overall the distressing effect of the moon on man is more on new moon than on full moon.

The effect of full moon is more apparent whereas the effect on new moon is more intangible (subtle). As the effect of new moon is not apparent to the person, it is even more dangerous. This is because as he is not aware of the distress, no step is taken to overcome it.

Between new moon and full moon the effects of new moon are less noticeable to us. However the negative effect is more on new moon. The reason for this is that on new moon the effect on man is more at a subtle-level as opposed to the full moon where one is aware of the increase in thoughts.

Seekers who do a lot of spiritual practice are more sensitive to changes in the dark energy in the environment as compared to an average person who is himself a Black Magic Occultist.


Negative Energies, Demons, Spirits & Ghosts Influence on us

There are many times when a person dies suddenly or with unresolved issues so powerful that the person does not fully crossover into the light or complete the journey to their place of origin. They, in their energy form, remain in the earth or material plane of existence as trapped energy.

The most common reason spirits attach is because they have the ability to do so, and often go undected. We are all energy. So are they. Most people can’t see spirits with the naked eye because spirits no longer have the density of a human body. As a result, they are able to come and go as they choose.

These beings may feel lost without a physical body and decide to attach because coexisting with a live person gives them the chance to do human things again. A spirit that had bad habits while living, takes them with them when they die, ie; smoking, drinking, swearing etc. While inhabiting a person—commnonly known as a possession—they can eat, drink, have sex, and feel all the normal physical pleasures and actions they felt before death. A person who drinks moderately may suddenly find themselves drinking noticably more if they attract a spirit who drank excessively.

Karmic attachments almost always involve a personal connection with the person they attach to. The person who died often wants to even a score because they feel unresolved about a life changing incident that ocurred with the living person. As a result, they carry feelings of hurt, anger, revenge – enough resentment to attach to the individual they feel wronged them. This can be an experience from this or a former life.

Spirits that are not karmic are attracted to individuals they feel a resonance with. This can be a person who reminds them of someone they knew and liked. It can also be someone who shares similar emotional issues, such as depression and grief. Also, the dominant personality of the spirit does not change after it leaves the body. For example, if they were a person who lived a life of drama they will be attracted to someone with similar tendencies.

Another common reason that entities to attach to the living is that they are in fear. They are concerned about suffering consequences from the way they lived their lives. This is especially true if they hold any regrets or shame about how they treated people, or actions they took while on the Earth-plane.

Many fear leaving the familiar realm—the Earth‐plane—because what exists “out there” is unknown. Our society does not teach people how to prepare for when they transition (die). They may also be concerned that they will end up in “Hell,” as they learned it from their religion, parents, school

In this condition these ghosts or earthbound spirits may opportunistically or accidentally attach to a person’s energy field or energy body. When this occurs, the host person can experience influences of the attached earthbound energy. Thoughts, emotions, addictions, or strong habit patterns, even physical feelings of the earthbound spirit may filter to the host. People can pick up unwanted energies from a variety of public places including the workplace, bars or nightclubs, or other places that they visit.Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth.

Ghosts and spirits, when they attach to our energy field can affect our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs and thus our actions. Since these influences from the earthbound spirit come through the host persons energy field and brain, the host cannot usually tell the difference between their own thoughts or feelings and those of the earthbound spirit. The earthbound spirit also can siphon energy from the host in order to remain attached to the earth plane. Ghost with girls Sometimes, the host person has a sense of something being “with” them and may over the years even develop a dependent or codependent relationship with the earthbound spirit at an energetic level. This is especially true if the attachment takes place when the host is very young. The impact of an attached energy can vary depending upon the situation and personality of the energy that is attached. Any strong or negative emotions or attitudes such as loneliness, sadness or belligerence in the earthbound can influence the behavior of host person. If the earthbound energy has anger issues, the person may feel angry for no apparent reason. Have you ever felt angry or depressed for no particular reason? Well this could be the influence of attached negative energies.

Since our energy field is also interconnected with our physical bodies, an energetic attachment can have an impact on the person’s physical well being. Any physical issues carried by the earthbound spirit such as pain, headaches, malnutrition may show up as physical symptoms in the host person.

Spirit possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spirit possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spirit possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth

spiritual interference

Spirits, Ghosts, Energy Bodies, Psychic Attacks, Aura, Devils

What is an entity or spirit?

  • The energy bodies (vehicles) of a dead relative, even your loving grandmother who was so depressed when she died
  • The energy bodies of a dead person who is wondering around, lost between dimensions, does not know he is dead,
  • The energy bodies of a person who died in a home, or another location. Who does not know he is dead and remains emotionally attached to the place
  • Energy bodies of an enemy, friend, family member from a previous lifetime
  • The energy bodies of a person who died in hospital, nursing home, cemetery and has not yet gone into the light
  • The energy bodies of your spirit guides who may never have had a physical body
    Astral particles with consciousness which can be a blob or an octopus shape or a variety of other shapes

Your energy bodies

As you can see, the real question is “What are energy bodies and do you have energy bodies in addition to your physical body?” Yes, you have energy bodies that are part of your human assemblage, we all do and what these bodies do after the death of your physical body is very, very interesting. You too can become an entity after the death of your physical body. Don’t you think it is time you learned more about your assemblage?

How to Recognize An Entity Attack / Spirit Attack

These are a few of the symptoms of an attack by an entity or entities. These attacks are not limited to adults. Many young children who wake up screaming in the middle of the night are under attack. The most obvious sign is the feeling of a presence; sometimes our pets can warn us about that presence through body language that “something, someone” is there

  • Waking up in fear at approximately the same time every night: waking up with compulsive, repetitive thoughts
  •  Panic attacks
  •  Compulsive thoughts you cannot control
  •  Feelings of pending doom or fear you cannot control and do not appear to be related to anything that has actually happened in your life
  •  A compulsive negative thought or urge that is inconsistent with your true nature
  • Prickling, stinging, itching, jabbing of the skin
  •  Sudden increase or onset of a physical pain or condition for no apparent reason
  •  Sudden onset of feelings of dread
  • Sudden need for alcohol, sugar, drugs, sex (Note: without an entity attachment you can chose to drink or not drink; with an entity attachment the entity makes the choice, you don’t, and you end up drinking or smoking or eating when you don’t really want to or know you should not)
  •  Waking up at night in a semi-comatose state, unable to move but perceiving that someone/something is having sex with your body; not necessarily unpleasant

Entity attacks

These entity attacks can drive you to drink, take drugs, commit suicide, beat your children, or act out in bad ways. That is the point, to beat up on you enough to get you to feel or behave in ways you would not willingly choose. For those of you who have spent months or years not sleeping well, these attacks are usually the unseen factor.

A special note about small children:

Many small children are under psychic, entity attack when they wake up in the middle of the night screaming. Yes, their stomachs are upset; yours would be too if you were so afraid. These are attacks designed to break down the consciousness and aura of the child (and also the parents) and when that objective is met, the attacks stop. The entities have broken the child’s aura and now have a home inside the child’s energy system. These entities can then lay low for years, waiting until a crisis, to act up. Acting up means bouts of rage, depression, or other behaviors not normally exhibited nor compatible with the child’s personality. Many times you can actually “see” the change of expression on the child’s face when he “acts out”. The face is different because the entity has taken over part of the physical body of your child.

How to Recognize Entity Attachment

These are a few of the symptoms of entity attachment also called entity possession.. Remember, the entity could be your grandmother that died years ago but was very attached to you, (or you were attached to her).

1. involuntary movement of a part of your body: a twitch of the eye, an arm that stays in a position you did not choose, a snarl on your face that you try to change and it keeps changing back, convulsions, epilepsy, tics, finding you frequently have one leg lifted off the floor when you would prefer to have both feet flat on the floor, head tilted to the side when you would prefer to have it straight; the list is endless
2. depressions that won’t go away
3. anger that is inappropriate for the circumstances
4. fear that is inappropriate for the circumstances,
5. phobias
6. unnatural inclination that you would prefer not to have (not your choice if you could chose)
7. personality traits that you would prefer not to have
8. sudden “landing on you” of anger or depression (“all of a sudden I got so depressed…”) for no apparent reason

What to do to clear entities and send them on their evolutionary path:

All of the items listed below heal your home or workplace and release the spirits/entities, either by making the frequency incompatible with their frequency or by healing your aura or the aura of your home.

eathbound spirits

Basic Demonic Manifestations | Influence of Demonic Entities

Basic Demonic Manifestations

Now here are some of the basic manifestations that demons will do with the people they are inhabiting. One or two of these manifestations may not be able to stand by themselves, but when you get someone that has quite a few of these manifestations occurring on some type of regular basis, then the chances are very good that they really do have demons literally living on the inside of them.

  • Hearing voices on the inside talking to them. These voices may also refer to the host in the third person.
  • Feeling or sensing the demons moving on the inside of them. Feeling pressure and movement in the head and stomach areas. Demons can also attack the central nervous system so it feels like the person is going crazy at times.
  • Having bad and frequent nightmares, sometimes with the same bad and horrific nightmare being repeated over and over again.
  • May have seen some of the demons in an actual vision.
  • Can sometimes smell the demons, who have a very putrid and toxic smell to them. Demons can also smell like burning sulphur at times.
  • Will have strong, inner compulsions to do bad things that are not in their normal behavior patterns like having bad thoughts of suicide and murder.
  • Can also have very strong addictions to things like drugs, alcohol, and pornography.
  • Abnormal fascination with the occult or any type of criminal activity.
  • Abnormally strong feelings of rage and hate in them that are not a part of their natural personality and makeup. Demons can also transmit heavy feelings of despair, hopelessness, depression, and that they have committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.
  • Irrational fears, panic attacks, and phobias on some type of a regular basis.
  • Periods of having loss all sense of time from minutes to actual hours and can sometimes end up somewhere and not knowing how they got there. Also, regularly doing things for which they have no memory of actually doing.
  • At times, can sense an evil presence on them, in them, and in the houses they live in.
  • Will feel cold spots in certain areas of the houses they are living in with these cold spots not being by any open windows.
  • Will sometimes see dark shadows running across some of the rooms in their houses, especially in their bedrooms.
  • Can have poltergeist type phenomena occurring in their houses such as material objects flying across the room, doors opening up and slamming shut all by themselves, drawers opening up on their own, hearing footsteps shuffling across the floors and scratching type noises on the walls, along with the electricity going on and off and material objects actually disappearing.
  • In the more extreme cases, the person can literally find themselves levitating right off their bed at times.
  • May have the ability to speak in a foreign language of which they have no natural knowledge of.
  • Can be capable of great, abnormal, physical strength.
  • Can receive mild to strong trembling and shaking sensations on different parts of their bodies. Can also receive choking sensations and a tightness around their head and eye areas.
  • Abnormal amounts of dizziness, blackouts, and seizures.
  • Very heavy, uncontrollable twitching type activity on certain parts of their bodies like their face and their arms.
  • May have had some out-of-body experiences, especially in cases of sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse.
  • Have a very hard time in praying and reading from their Holy Books. Can also have an actual revulsion of the Holy Books to the point of wanting to try and tear it apart or burn it.
  • A compulsive desire to want to curse and blaspheme God.
  • Can have multiple personalities in them which are known as alters.
  • May have tried other kinds of treatments and medications from other psychologists and psychiatrists with no real help or relief ever being given to them.
  • The demons can at times take control of the vocal cords and speak right out of the person’s mouth. When this occurs, the tone of the person’s voice could change, like a woman speaking out in a man’s deep, husky voice. Demons can also emit animal like sounds out of a person’s mouth and vocal cords like the hissing of a snake, the growling of a lion or tiger, or the emitting of a baying type howl like a wolf. They can also let out very loud screams and yells, especially when being directly confronted by the deliverance minister during the actual deliverance itself.
  • The demons can also manifest in the person’s eyes where you can see them literally looking at you. What you will see when this occurs is pure evil and pure hatred looking at you. You will also see this look from the demons being captured in some of the person’s past photographs, as some of these demons love to show themselves in the person’s eyes and countenance when photos are being taken of them. Another type of look you can see when the demons are looking out of someone’s eyes is what I call the “hollow look.” When you see this type of demonic look, it is like you are looking into someone who has no personality. They will look “soulless” and “lifeless” to you when you see this type of look coming out of their eyes, and you will also know that it is not the personality of the person you are looking at.
  • Different types of facial contortions which no longer look like the person, such as glazed eyes, blank stare type eyes, eyes rolling backwards where all you see are the whites of the eyes, and stretching the skin of the face into a contorted, hissing like expression.
  • Different types of bodily contortions like people slithering across the floor like snakes, getting on all fours and barking like dogs, growling like lions, or howling like wolves. Abnormally stretching out their spines, fingers and hands locking up and going rigid, and demons grabbing a hold of a person’s throat in order to try and stop them from talking with you. The demons can also whip the head in a very rapid side-to-side type movement, stretch the neck out as far as it will go, along with jolting portions of the body causing those portions to move in a very rapid side-to-side type movement.

If the person has had any of this type of activity in their background, or if any kind of this activity surfaces or manifests while you are talking or praying with the person, then there is a very good chance that you are truly dealing with a person who has demons living on the inside of them and they will now need a full scale deliverance from the Lord.


Kalia Masan – Ash of the dead, The most Dangerous Black Magic

Black magic- one of the strongest and powerful spiritual forces of the universe. In the modern world, black magic is not only very interesting phenomena. It is surprising that thousands of years ago when black magic first came into being it was regarded as a sin. People practicing the black magic were hugely deprived and executed. This represented a time when people’s faith and freedom were not respected. Black magic was regarded as a crime and it was generally dismissed. The fate of black magic, in current times is strikingly different and is a result of years of keeping faith. In the medieval times, when black magic was at its height, it was also the most talked about issue among people. It was widely practiced but not openly. Since the middle ages black magic flourished and gave rise to several branches, the most important of them being witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy . Witchcraft is the most widely used black magic along with sorcery. Necromancy mainly concentrated on communication with the dead/Death.

Kalia Masan – The most Dangrous Black Magic

Kalia Masan is the most dangerous type of black magic, it uses the power of disturbed souls on the lower astral plane who are suffering and wandering without any direction to elevate them and live as parasites on the people dwelling on earth. Its energy is strangely fascinating and hypnotic; its methods are seductive, intimidating and ruthless.

Ash of the Dead or Kalia Masan is black magic that is said to have influence of victim and causes death in 40 days (Days may vary from 40 days to few years), after the victim eats food contaminated with ashes of a dead person.

Masan is that type of magic which is cast upon kids. In this type of magic, the ash left from the burnt dead bodies is put in some food and gave to the victim.

Black Magic – A strongest Supernatural Potential Force

Black magic can be described as a strongest supernatural potential force which when enters the human body system causes a lot of disruption and causes several hassles in the ideal functioning of mind, body and soul. Indian mythology believes that this kind of entrance of such negative energy causing hurdles and issues in the life of a person without the host’s body knowledge is exactly what black magic does. It is known as Black Magic because this energy is transmitted to another person without the permission. Black Magic not only spoils the life of a person but also leaves a big impact on the life of a person who is involved in this activity. This is against the Indian Mythology and has not been supported but due to personal benefits and jealous feeling people do it and this is how they are more in pain.

Lower astral plane spirits, entities, non-physical beings

Majority of the people are not aware of the presence of subtle energies and beings that can actively interfere with their energy and emotions and also the atmosphere of the places.

There are astral energies at play in the manifest world that are almost invisible to the eye of the modern person. What hides from us is the role the lower astral spirit world has upon human activity, and personal development. Despite the desire of most humans to live a good and comfortable life there exist various forces in our world that thrive on destruction and the abuse or sacrifice innocent life force. It is only when we are impacted by the spirit world either directly through our own perception, or through actions that are visited upon us with a sinister agenda, that we may give attention to shamanic reality. These energies and beings are actually rampant at the present time as clearing processes have become largely. Growing materialism and fast-paced, complicated lives have shut down many people’s non-physical perceptions and this has led to society losing its knowledge of entities etc.  There has been a decline in the clearing of entities to almost a complete stop, leading to a growing number, all looking for a person to latch onto. Even many of the priests of Western religions have lost their vision and know-how of clearing.

Modern Western people live in a world where they are insulated from many of the spirit world forces this subject requires us to have experience and knowledge about: the true nature of suffering in the manifest world around us. The Shaman and the non-modern person accepts and understand how the spirit world works. The modern dismisses the spirit world as an archaic superstition of uneducated people, best consigned to the past along with the theory of the flat earth, and creationism. And in that arrogance lies our vulnerability to the lower astral destructive energies running in our lives. When we don’t acknowledge any important part of reality we will find ourselves out of balance, and unable to construct an authentic sense of the real world. This struggle is tied into the way psychological denial works to keep us sane in a chaotic world. To best open ourselves up to the natural world of lower spirit interactions we usually have to step outside of our modern culture and society.

Mainly these entities come from people’s energy bodies when they die, as the energy body breaks up without the physical and energy body to hold it together. Conflicting parts of the energy body can no longer hold together and as its vibration rises it shatters mainly into astral dust which is reabsorbed into the astral planes.

The astral fragments need life-force to hold them together or they will eventually break up into astral dust and be reabsorbed. The only place they can get enough energy to survive is from a person or animal but they certainly seem to prefer a human host.

When they find someone suitable often with similar emotional characteristics to itself, the entity will try to get into the person’s energy and live there. This will drain life-force from the person.

Very large fragments with enough etheric energy may survive without a host and these may live in houses or public places. These large entities are usually referred to as ghosts. They may attach to a person with a cord of astral/etheric energy while remaining in these places and then affect the person similarly to a smaller fragment inside their energy.

Other entities that can parasitise people include nature spirits, elementals and others which are not so easily categorised.

Entities are actually quite a problem at present with most humans being the home for one or more. With our senses being so dull due to such crystallised astral and weak energy bodies we can only feel the effects of the entity. Often these effects will be lack of energy, depression, anxiety and all types of other negative emotions. We assume that these emotions are our own and therefore have no idea that an entity is causing such problems. Actually the entity isn’t the sole cause of the problems. To attract an entity you must first resonate with it to some degree. So you had some feelings of loneliness or whatever and so did the entity. This is what attracted it and so your initial negative emotions are amplified by the entity and it also drains your etheric energy making it harder to stay on top of such negative emotions.

An entity can only get into your energy if there is a weak spot or hole in your aura. Most people have some weak spots which become worse when under pressure or emotional stress. It is due to ego structure and astral crystallisation that weak spots occur. In fact the very nature of astral substance attracts entities. When it comes to astral substance, like attracts like so you have a situation where different types of astral substance pool together and keep on attracting more. This is how the negative astral planes have been created, basically all the negative energies have come together to create negative dimensions of astral substance, usually of a very low and chaotic vibration. Intoxication by alcohol or other drugs is a common way to resonate with these negative astral planes and attract entities into your energy. In pubs and clubs you will find a strong connection to such planes and an abundance of entities looking for a potential host.

At death, if you are experiencing extreme emotions such as anger and hate you will be taken straight to these negative astral planes as soon as you leave the body. This is because your astral body will be resonating with the negative planes and because like attracts like in the astral world you will suddenly find yourself in these realms. Once there you will likely see all kinds of hallucinations such as monsters and the like until your astral body begins to shatter (this is often referred to as ‘the Bardos’ in Buddhism). At this point your light body will be released and you will continue up into higher dimensions but the part of your astral body that was attracted to the negative realms will likely break off as an entity. If the emotions felt at death were very common and very much a part of your personality while incarnated then the entity will be larger. Once separate the entity will first try for a host with someone or somewhere familiar such as your home or your friends and family. If it can’t host on these people it will probably go for the nearest pub.

How does the modern person work with the lower astral, in this declining age of the Shaman? What can we do to protect ourselves, and our people and communities? We must awaken to the realities of how the lower astral influence us: emotionally, mentally, and physically. The lower astral charges our hidden agendas of anger, fear, and selfishness in our relationships, and in our self identity. It strives to create an enemy, a person that is different, or dangerous to me – and then justifies destroying that enemy (or driving it out), to serve narcissistic ends. It desires to spill virtual blood (as in emotional pain) or actual blood (as in acts of physical violence). As long as our conscious awareness can be manipulated in this way we will witness the sacrifice of the innocent, the suffering of the innocent, and the dark gaining of selfish power behind the scenes.

With the practices available in healing you will be able to find and explore entities and even begin clearing them. It is amazing what a difference it can make when a core entity is cleared. Emotional issues that have plagued people for years are sometimes cured almost immediately. The person must continue the work of clearing their own energy as well but the difference can be very tangible when an entity is thoroughly explored and cleared.

If you clear your own energy body while still alive you will not leave any entities behind for others to clean up. Through spiritual work your astral body is cleared of Samskaras and merges with the light body. This merger transforms the energy body into a lighter and more malleable substance that does not shatter into pieces at death.

If we can evolve the lower astral into higher forms of spiritual energy, we can all grow together, human being and spirit being. Modern people are not going to embrace blood sacrifices in order to appease the lower astral beings, that much is certain. But suffering caused by the lower astral can be reduced by raising our own consciousness, and the consciousness of our people and our community, so that wisdom comes to rule our lives, not our primal vulnerabilities. Once we are aware of the way the lower astral affects us, and others, we can move towards important changes in our relationships. The lower astral’s strength is in how it hides itself from view. Take away the camouflage of denial, and our lack of knowledge, and everything can be changed.


Healing Black Magic Spells, Witchcraft, Dark Forces, Spirits

Protect your life with black magic healing and cure from evil spell, dark forces, if you’re suffering from any witchcraft, voodoo or spirits possession.

Please note we are Anti-Black Magic, and work against people who are into “Black Magic” and never practice any evil ritual. We never cast nor do we entertain any love spell, calling /controlling spell. We are fighting against Black Magic and such practitioners. We suggest never try and promote any such activity, never take help of black magic, as it will at the end harm you only.

As believed, Magic the occult energy kind is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magic is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magic is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Using magic to forcefully control another person’s will is, in a sense, black magic. There are also some people on the occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are, ‘Satanists’, devil worshipers, or black magicians. These people are most likely charlatans, hoaxers, dabblers, or merely misinformed. They may be attracted by the ‘art’ of black magic, or even by the ‘glamour’ of doing something against the ‘rules’.

Any magic act is likely to produce side effects regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved. Such side effects are no problem for constructive magic, since they are beneficial as well. However, aversive magic or black magic can produce aversive and negative side effects which may even harm the magician — aversive or evil magic is dangerous!

The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magic. Western magic was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it at all.

Culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner believes that magic encompasses many things — science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magic is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole.

Magic is beneficial if used positively. It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magic life runs smoothly; life is good. Also use magic for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.

Magic is powerful. Never underestimate the tremendous power of magic. Use magic to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But power for its own sake is self-defeating. The power which magic can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Magic and Witchcraft

A number of other occult disciplines are prevalent today besides magic. There are many cults and sects which profess their own views, but there are really few differences between them. One popular area in the occult today is witchcraft. This is far removed from the cliché of devil worship. Real witchcraft is a nature religion (pagan). Witchcraft has much in common with magic. Alchemy also has much in common with magic. It’s heritage comes from the middle ages. Alchemy fathered chemistry and the physical sciences. But the avowed purpose of alchemy, turning lead into gold, is too limiting to be called magic. Sometimes the goal of alchemy is interpreted in another way, as the transformation of man into a spiritual being. Then there are the numerous modern day seers or ‘psychics’, as they like to be called, who operate within their own somewhat unique systems. Although many of these people are deluded frauds, some are actual powerful occultists indeed.

Healing and Banishing

Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by spiritual means than yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain that influence on another person without his specific knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping) is black magic and it is a wrong practice. (After all, everybody is living according to his own true will, so that healing or helping someone without permission is affecting his will)

As believed by the culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic
• Blocked income
• Destroying someone’s career
• Bad luck
• Bad dreams
• Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage , causing to separate or divorce
• Controlling someone’s mind for sex
• Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex
• Causing accidents
• Making people sick
• Anger & emotional imbalance
• Fear
• Not allowing the victim to sleep
• Depression
• Making the victim commit suicide
• Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
• Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
• Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
• Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
• Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body
• There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians

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