Negative Energies, Demons, Spirits & Ghosts Influence on us


Negative Energies, Demons, Spirits & Ghosts Influence on us

There are many times when a person dies suddenly or with unresolved issues so powerful that the person does not fully crossover into the light or complete the journey to their place of origin. They, in their energy form, remain in the earth or material plane of existence as trapped energy.

The most common reason spirits attach is because they have the ability to do so, and often go undected. We are all energy. So are they. Most people can’t see spirits with the naked eye because spirits no longer have the density of a human body. As a result, they are able to come and go as they choose.

These beings may feel lost without a physical body and decide to attach because coexisting with a live person gives them the chance to do human things again. A spirit that had bad habits while living, takes them with them when they die, ie; smoking, drinking, swearing etc. While inhabiting a person—commnonly known as a possession—they can eat, drink, have sex, and feel all the normal physical pleasures and actions they felt before death. A person who drinks moderately may suddenly find themselves drinking noticably more if they attract a spirit who drank excessively.

Karmic attachments almost always involve a personal connection with the person they attach to. The person who died often wants to even a score because they feel unresolved about a life changing incident that ocurred with the living person. As a result, they carry feelings of hurt, anger, revenge – enough resentment to attach to the individual they feel wronged them. This can be an experience from this or a former life.

Spirits that are not karmic are attracted to individuals they feel a resonance with. This can be a person who reminds them of someone they knew and liked. It can also be someone who shares similar emotional issues, such as depression and grief. Also, the dominant personality of the spirit does not change after it leaves the body. For example, if they were a person who lived a life of drama they will be attracted to someone with similar tendencies.

Another common reason that entities to attach to the living is that they are in fear. They are concerned about suffering consequences from the way they lived their lives. This is especially true if they hold any regrets or shame about how they treated people, or actions they took while on the Earth-plane.

Many fear leaving the familiar realm—the Earth‐plane—because what exists “out there” is unknown. Our society does not teach people how to prepare for when they transition (die). They may also be concerned that they will end up in “Hell,” as they learned it from their religion, parents, school

In this condition these ghosts or earthbound spirits may opportunistically or accidentally attach to a person’s energy field or energy body. When this occurs, the host person can experience influences of the attached earthbound energy. Thoughts, emotions, addictions, or strong habit patterns, even physical feelings of the earthbound spirit may filter to the host. People can pick up unwanted energies from a variety of public places including the workplace, bars or nightclubs, or other places that they visit.Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth.

Ghosts and spirits, when they attach to our energy field can affect our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs and thus our actions. Since these influences from the earthbound spirit come through the host persons energy field and brain, the host cannot usually tell the difference between their own thoughts or feelings and those of the earthbound spirit. The earthbound spirit also can siphon energy from the host in order to remain attached to the earth plane. Ghost with girls Sometimes, the host person has a sense of something being “with” them and may over the years even develop a dependent or codependent relationship with the earthbound spirit at an energetic level. This is especially true if the attachment takes place when the host is very young. The impact of an attached energy can vary depending upon the situation and personality of the energy that is attached. Any strong or negative emotions or attitudes such as loneliness, sadness or belligerence in the earthbound can influence the behavior of host person. If the earthbound energy has anger issues, the person may feel angry for no apparent reason. Have you ever felt angry or depressed for no particular reason? Well this could be the influence of attached negative energies.

Since our energy field is also interconnected with our physical bodies, an energetic attachment can have an impact on the person’s physical well being. Any physical issues carried by the earthbound spirit such as pain, headaches, malnutrition may show up as physical symptoms in the host person.

Spirit possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spirit possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spirit possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth

Sexually Transmitted Demons, Evil Entities,Negative Energies

I want to inform you on STDs – no, not “sexually transmitted diseases”. I’m talking about spiritual STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons!

  • Did you know that demonic spirits can be transferred to you during sex and/or sexual activity?
  • Did you ever notice how people change once they begin to have sex?

You probably have taken note of it in a friend or relative in the past, but never equated it to sexual activity. Just think about it,  Or maybe even in your own life, you took on a new love and your friends and family kept telling you that you changed, even though you couldn’t see the changes! You probably relate to what I am saying, but probably have always equated such changes just to the new relationship itself and not the reality of STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons. Every demon has a nature and specific corresponding characteristics.

When two people have sex, those two people become one. The same way that the physical bodies of the man and woman lock together and become one interlocked unit, so do their soul and spirit bodies. Every human being consists of three distinct bodies — Mind, Soul and Body – that function in unity with one another, as one unit. Each of those bodies operate in a different realm and each impacts the interactions of your entire human experience. Sexual activity causes two people to connect and become one in all three realms, thus allowing for the transmission of demonic spirits from one person to the other – the same way that sexual activity allows for the transmission of venereal diseases, such as chlamydia, herpes and HIV, from one person to another. You need to understand that those changes that take place in your life after you get into a sexual relationship with someone are not a coincidence! They are a direct result of sexually transmitted demons.

Sex was intended for one man and one woman. So many problems come as a result of sex outside of marriage. During sex there’s two different exchanges that take place: a physical and spiritual. Most grown adults are aware of the physical exchange. But the second is the spiritual which most people don’t know about. When you have sex with someone, you exchange/ obtain whatever spirit(s) they have as well. You take on their qualities, behaviors, ideology etc, Good & Bad become a part of you. You enter into a covenant with that other persons spirit. This happens every time you have sex with a person. In addition to this whoever they have had sex with now you’re attached to those people’s spirits as well. This is why there’s so many people with multiple personalities, who are dibbling and dabbling in this and that, who are confused and all messed up in their thoughts, feelings and behavior. They are dealing with their own personality as well as the other people they have physically and spiritually connected themselves too. Every time sex is occurring there is  an energy exchange. If two people decide to sleep together they are making the decision to share not just body parts, but everything else that is contained within that body. Sickness and disease can be passed off to the next person during sexual contact, and the same applies to attitudes as well. Anger, joy, sadness, irritation, excitement and the like are vibrational energies that can pass onto the next person.

Condoms can stop Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD’s) but it cannot stop Spiritually Transmitted Diseases(STD’s).Every time you sleep with someone there’s an exchange of Spirits.Did you know Evil spirits and demons can be sexually transmitted.?Many don’t know this, others do but live in ignorance

Just as there are some sexually transmitted diseases that there are no cure for, there are some sexually transmitted demons that will stay with you indefinitely. Some venereal diseases cause permanent damage to the body such as impotence, erectile dysfunction, uterine pain, cervical and prostate cancer and worst of all – sterility (not being able to produce offspring)! Sexually transmitted demons can have the same impact on your destiny and purpose in the spirit realm.

We often take sex so frivolously, regarding it as just a physical act. But I assure you that sex is much more spiritual than it is physical and even if you can use a condom to prevent the transmission of natural STDs, there is no condom to protect yourself from the transmission of spiritual STDs. Abstinence is the only way – preserving sex for the confines of Holy Matrimony.

eathbound spirits

Psychic Attacks & Evil Entities Effects On Aura Energy Field

At certain times in our lives we all experience what is known as a ‘psychic attack’. This is usually when an entity interferes with our aura and negatively disrupts our energy field and if left unchecked it can escalate into severe mental, physical and emotional health problems.

An attack situation can usually arise at times in our lives when our psychic defences are low due to emotional upset, exhaustion, excessive alcohol & drug consumption and of course dabbling in the forces of the occult. Most psychic attacks or vibrational energy disruptions can be initiated from one of 5 possible sources.

  • Psychic vampires: Most aggressors of this type of attack are unaware they are doing it. This is when a negatively orientated person leaches your positive energy for their own personal use and deposits negative energy in its place.
  • Disembodied entity interference: Spirits of those who once had human form who attach to your aura and drain your energy. They have been known to implant their negative emotions upon you in the process.
  • A by-product of a physical disease: Mental, nervous, physical disorders can simulate attacks and can make you vulnerable to such attacks. Many so called psychic attacks are routed in physical problems along with hysteria, the symptoms are then exacerbated.
  • Partial recovery of memories of past incarnations and/or the disposition of sensitive people: In many locations there is often an unpleasant atmosphere generated by some powerful, painful sometimes violent emotion that has been experienced there at some point. Sensitive, high vibrational people pick up on this atmosphere or a past life may recognize an energy signature that’s familiar to them and the person then finds themselves under attack purely by the intense nature of the situation.
  • Non human interference by lower astral entities, thought-forms and elementals: These entities are soulless and have never taken human form so they do not possess the normal human emotions and motives that we do. They are seldom deliberately evil they are just non-ethical and profoundly disturbing to the human consciousness if the two paths cross.

A psychic attack can come in many forms, it can be where an entity or person uses their psychic abilities and energies to gain access to us and cause us harm.

We can also leave ourselves open to psychic attachment. This is where an entity or person actually attaches themselves to our aura. Sometimes this can lead to psychic penetration which is where the person or entities energies pass through our aura to cause us harm and energy loss.

Astral abuse is achieved in the astral realm when we leave our bodies and astral travel. It is here we can be abused but not in a physical sense. This can happen when we have let in a lower astral that has strong sexual thoughts and desires for the energies of an incarnated form. Maybe its a lower astral that has been unable to accept it no longer has a body.

These astrals often make you think your channelling the love of a high spiritual being when in reality its a manipulative lower astral masquerading as one.  This abuse can then turn into a psychic relationship between the person and the entity. Psychic relationships based on sexual energy and its abuse are very damaging and should not be persued. You become manipulated into thinking your sharing unconditional love from the high astral planes through an angel or archangel when in reality your persuing an abusive relationship. Just because the other party is not physical and you meet astrally does not mean it isn’t a real relationship. You wouldn’t put up with a physical relationship that was manipulative and abusive so why put up with a psychic one.

holistic approach

Body, Mind and Soul Connection | Health Wellness & Sickness

Many are seeking holistic and integrative approaches to health and wellness. We have all heard the words mind, body, soul. We know they describe aspects of a human being, but do we really stop to think about what these words really mean and their profound impact on our lives? If there is a mind, body and soul connection, it must be true that anything directly affecting a person in one of these areas, must affect all other areas as well. For example, an event or disease affecting the body must also affect the mind and the soul. An event or dis-ease that affects the mind must also affect the body and the soul, etc. We are whole human beings and our component parts, while seeming unrelated, are intimately connected.

Holistic addiction and trauma treatment is an approach based upon the knowledge that sustained recovery can only occur when a person’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health are addressed. The body, mind and soul are connected and disease affecting one of these areas must affect all other parts of the person.
Traditional treatment centers are often fragmented and focus predominately on the mind and peripherally the body.

The body, mind and soul work as a system of energy. We connect our body, mind and soul to keep energy flowing within us. This energy flow can be abundant or restricted, depending on our ‘state of being’ in each moment and it changes constantly.

Our state of being is our overall feeling of health and wellness. It refers to how balanced we feel on all levels of our being. Whether we are happy or sad, sick or well, disconnected from spirit or not, we are either in or out of alignment with who we really are.

When in alignment we:

  • Experience joy in everything we do
  • Treat others with love and respect
  • Treat ourselves and our bodies with love and respect
  • Have a sense of purpose and universal service

And when we are out of alignment, we experience the exact opposite of all of these things! The goal is to harmonise your state of being so that you can effortlessly create the life that you want. Here’s how the body, mind and soul fits together…

There are components of the body, mind and soul that contribute to the flow of energy at each level. And there are ‘bridging mechanisms’ which contribute to the overall balance and flow of energy between each level. In other words, there are things that we do in each moment that facilitate or go against our natural flow.

When we talk about the human body, most of us refer to the physical form that we see in front of us. However, in reality, every person is made up of four bodies, all of which interrelate to one another and coexist in harmony.

A disruption or imbalance between these bodies can lead to a number of health problems. Thus, it is necessary to understand how one body relates to another and how they can all be kept in perfect balance to live a healthy and happy life.

Four Bodies that Make One Complete Whole

In order to balance our four bodies, we first need to discover what these are and understand them thoroughly. The four bodies are:

The mental body encompasses our mind and thought processes. It is that part of our body, which deals with reason, logic, and perception. All thoughts, beliefs, and mental capabilities are controlled by our mind or mental body. From the most basic concepts to advanced theories and secrets of the universe, the mental body has power over it all and can expand its reach to great limits, enabling you to think beyond your wildest imagination in the search for logical perception. Our mental body allows us to perceive the world in a particular manner and governs our thoughts regarding everything we experience in our lives.

The most commonly understood body is the physical form. It is the way we see our body in its human form. Made of flesh and blood, with bones, muscles, and organs; covered by layers of skin. The physical body is a material presence, a tangible form that provides us with the ability to use our senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. It is also a body that grows and changes in shape, capable of experiencing pain and injuries.

The soul within the body is our spiritual self. Known as an aura or a soul, the soul is our purpose of life. It is the means of finding one’s true destiny in the world. The soul is what gives you the purpose to strive forward and become a better person. Every soul is said to have its purpose and the spiritual body is lost without it. A disturbed spiritual state can lead to mental stress and cause physical health problems as well. The spiritual state is the consciousness and discovery of who we really are and what our life’s purpose is supposed to be.

The fourth and last body is the emotional one, concerned with our feelings, sentiments, and reactions. People excel in their lives if they have self-awareness, a control over their impulses, persistence, empathy for others, motivation and drive to achieve their goals, and good communication and social skills. We lose our tempers and act on our impulses due to the state of our emotional body. With time, the emotional body grows and matures, providing us with better control over our feelings. A happy person will face less health issues as compared to a person who is depressed, because negative emotions channel negative energy through your body and damage your mental and physical health.

Maintaining a balance between these bodies is necessary for living a stable and healthy life. The harmonious coexistence of the four bodies; mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional, is the key to ultimate health and happiness in the world.

The functions of the body, mind and soul are :


The physical body is designed to communicate its needs, dislikes, problems through sensory perception. Our actions are directed towards satisfying our desires that are highlighted through the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Our body reflects our inner being, if our mind, body and soul are in balance then our body is in balance. Disease occurs when the mind, body and soul are not working in harmony, the term dis-ease represents the turmoil created when these three components are out of alignment. The body is a complex machine designed by nature to serve the spirit /soul. Without the soul or connection to the vital life force, the body is useless. After death the body decays and cannot function. In today’s society people have lost track of just how important the soul/spirit is and how to utilize it to maximize our experience of life.

To this end the senses should be used to support the soul, guiding us to the things that are in harmony with our life path or that are good for us. However over time the senses have aligned with the mind or brain. When the brain leads, and life choices are made that are not in true alignment with the souls desire, we experience disharmony and the senses start to function in a way that wants to satisfy and bring back a sense of balance and peace. Negative emotions arise when we are not in balance. When a person is fully connected these emotions subside quickly, the trust in the Creator or sense of knowing that natures wisdom supports you allows you to quickly let go of low vibrational energy like sadness, fear, insecurity, hopelessness, panic, unhappiness, boredom, jealousy or anger. When a person lacks connection these negative emotions can sit with a person for a long time and even gain intensity over time.

The senses, in these cases, work to counteract these emotions , people may start to excessively crave the things that have brought them any state of happiness regardless of whether the happiness was temporary or not. People crave things like money, sugar, chocolate, sex, alcohol, drugs, attention, nice clothes, and new objects, music geared to bring release of anger, frustration or tears. People can crave new experiences in a constant effort to bring satisfaction and balance. When the brains direction contradicts the spirits desires we suppress our truth, our natural instinct and distortion can occur. On the one hand logic directs us one way, the spirit and soul another, the brain senses imbalance and the chemistry in the body responds. Suppressed desires, unhappiness, boredom, lethargy, anxiety, stress, worry, sadness, jealousy, anger, loss, loneliness, emptiness and a feeling of dissatisfaction can bring about a deterioration in health and over time lead to dis-ease.


The mind can function at different levels, it is the thought mechanism that drives our physical body to experience, it works with the brain and the soul and as such determines how the body responds. When we are born we are connected to the Universal Intelligence, our mind follows our natural guidance. When a baby is born it naturally follows its desire to suckle the mother’s breast and to cry when it needs something. There is no analysis in the mind weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of suckling or crying. Over time the mind loses this strong connection to intuition as stimuli in the environment start to influence behavior. Actions generate responses, pain, laughter, sadness, anger and over time the mind creates a memory bank which serves to influence future actions. As this memory bank grows the mind starts to make decisions based upon learned responses. The memory bank expands to incorporate responses influenced by knowledge, social demands, familial expectations, material pressures and media influences. The mind is bombarded with a myriad of signals that influence our actions and it is within this jumble of messages that in time our connection to the Universal Intelligence or nature’s wisdom, our natural intuition can be lost. The mind starts to depend on the learnt responses rather than the intuitive ones and a discrepancy with the soul path can emerge, creating dissatisfaction and imbalance. When this happens people can face disappointment, failure, stress, anxiety, loss of faith, loss of self-esteem, low confidence, fear from future, hopelessness and depression.

It is so important for our mind to be aligned with our soul/spirit, to make decisions that feel right, to allow our bodies and actions to be guided by that source of Infinite Intelligence and wisdom that creates and drives everything in nature. Everyone deserves to be happy, we are born to experience life, to fulfill our desires and contribute to the world in which we live in a way that satisfies our soul. We are all different, not designed to be a perfect replica of each other and through following our inner guidance system we can learn to uncover our unique gifts and natural talents that are connected to our soul path, become our true selves and bring our unique wisdom to the world. In this connected state our soul mind and body are in balance, bringing health and wellbeing to our lives and ultimately true happiness in our lives.


The soul is the core of our being. We can never experience happiness by suppressing our spirit and our soul. The mind needs to feed the soul without which life does not exist. By connecting to our inner guidance system and raising our consciousness, the mind nourishes the soul and we are able to attain profound peace and inner bliss. The soul is able to establish a connection with the Divine/ Universal Intelligence/God of your Understanding /Natures Wisdom and gain true happiness in life.

The result is we become happy both inside and outside. We are able to find the true meaning of our lives, happiness is gained and spread around us.

Soul Mind Body Infographic

The soul mind and body are said to be in harmony if we have

  • Awareness of the Self
  • Realization of life purpose
  • Raised consciousness
  • No fear of the uncertain
  • A deep connection with the God of your understanding


Past Life Regression Therapy & Illness

 Our mind is basically divided into two main parts: Conscious and Sub-conscious. The Conscious mind is the reasoning, thinking, logical and creative mind that we use all the time when we are awake. The Sub-conscious mind is a repository of all our experiences and all our memories of all lifetimes. Every experience is saved in great detail, including every sight, every sound, every smell, every feeling and every thought that we ever have. This memory can never be destroyed by any means whatsoever.

The sub-conscious mind is part of the soul; hence it survives after death and stays with the soul, taking with it every memory of that lifetime. The conscious mind dies with the body, as it uses the physical brain.

Upon reincarnation, the soul comes into a new body bringing the sub-conscious mind with it. Hence, all memories of all lifetimes are brought forward. But these memories also include impressions of traumas from past lifetimes which manifest at various levels of our existence and cause problems in the current life. The problems can be physical, mental, emotional illnesses as well as blocks in relationships, business, financial and spiritual growth, etc.

Past Life Regression allows us to access these past life traumas, and thereby, address the current life problems. Past Life Regression is a holistic therapy based on the principle of cause and effect, also known as ‘karma’.

In other words, powerful actions, thoughts, emotions and vows that are experienced in a past life may manifest in the present in another form – i.e. allergies, phobias, chronic illnesses, relationship problems, fears or simply a strong sense of unease / unknown fears.

The famous psychologist Carl Jung called it the ‘collective unconsciousness’ and ‘universal memory’.

By using the method of Past Life Regression the unconscious mind can go back in time and access the origins of old patterns or emotions and enable release and healing. Past Life Therapy can help clear emotional blocks bringing a greater sense of inner peace. It can also unravel the deep mysteries that can lie within and simply explain the sometimes inexplicable.

Past Life Regression does require a belief in reincarnation and does not necessarily define a past life. Past life experiences can be factually based or metaphors brought to the surface by the sub-conscious mind to illustrate something in the present. Whatever the experience, it is the lessons that can be learnt and the healing process that comes from the regression that is important, not whether or not it was a past life. Many people find that the knowledge gained through Past Life Regression of their past lives and experiences can be incredibly healing, providing a greater insight, and awareness and deeper understanding into oneself.

Past Life Therapy involves severing the bonds between past life traumas and present life problems or symptoms. This is mainly done in one of the three ways:
• Reframing
• Rescripting
• Breaking the bonds of time.

Past Life Regression is helpful for curing physical ailments because when we talk about relationship between emotions and physical ailments, it is simple. Most of the diseases that our body develops are as a result of pent-up emotions in our physical body. The first symptoms can be seen in our energy body by people who are “medically intuitive” or those who have achieved the skill of seeing one’s charkas through naked eye. Slowly, if the emotions are not taken care of, at the energy level, they start manifesting as diseases in the physical body.

Now, working on this concept there are a few diseases which can straight away be linked to past lives, in case one does not have a medical explanation for them or they have been carrying it ever since childhood. This does not mean that physical ailments developed later during the life, they cannot be resolved by Past Life Regression Therapy but only that the ones mentioned above are more likely supposed to be cases of this therapy.

To mention a few physical problems that might have a solution through this therapy

  • Asthma / Breathing problems – Prolonged suffering due to asthma or other breathing related ailments could be a result of pent-up emotions of pain, suffering, grief or resentment carried in the chest. It’s like burdens getting stored in the chest. The reason could lie in the current life as well as Past lives. The idea is current life regression or past life regression could really help someone release these emotions and get rid of the congestion in the physical body.
  • Depression – Depression is a disease that usually has a reason in the emotionality and yet medical science does not have too much of a solution for the same. It is possible to explore reasons for depression through PLR or regression therapy and resolve them.
  • Unexplained Pains – Unexplained pains of any sort, either in the back, neck, legs or any other area could be a result of a body memory from a past life. It’s worth exploring this therapy if one has been carrying an unexplained pain through many years without a medical explanation to it.
  • Disabilities – Causes for childhood or by birth disabilities can be traced for their source to past lives. It could be a case that a soul chooses to be born with a deformity in order to experience an emotion like I read the example of a girl choosing to be in a body that will have an accident and loose the legs because she wanted to experience development of her inner strength through the challenge of not being like everyone else and yet achieving great heights. It could also be a result of a body memory from a past life, which is a more probable cause.
  • Other Ailments – Please note that there might be many other physical ailments which can be resolved through Past Life Regression Therapy but I have tried to only mention those which I have come across or for sure know could have a past relationship. In case you are looking for your own answers, please understand that you will be guided and if you seem to know or think this therapy shall help you, then so be it. TRust the guidance you are getting and you might just get all your answers.

A note here for people who have children who are “special” which is what I call those children or people who are different from others due to some physical or mental condition. Many times, it’s found in research that it might be the result of that soul’s choice to give the parents or family members a challenge and an opportunity for evolution rather than them being so called “punished” which is the common misconception. Many times these are highly evolved souls who come here to teach people around them a lesson of compassion.

 Past Life Therapy is most effective in case of:
• Physical problems where the medical tests do not reveal the cause and no traditional medical procedures work.
• Problems that the traditional medical world may consider untreatable.
• Behavioral problems, like obsessive-compulsive behavior, which have no diagnosable cause in the current life.
• Fears & phobias that have no known origin in the current life.
• Relationship problems which are totally unexplainable.
• Spiritual likes or dislikes (usually extreme cases).
• Weight reduction problems.

Cases of stammering or stuttering are dealt with very effectively with regression using hypnosis. In fact that is the only way of getting rid of the speech problems for good. These cases always involve a trauma in childhood, in the current life, where the child wanted to say something but was so afraid that he could not talk. In these cases, we do what we call age regression, which is going back to childhood in the current life.

Cases of asthma, which the traditional medical world considers untreatable, are very easy to treat totally. It usually takes about 4 to 5 therapy sessions to get rid of asthma completely but the number of sessions can vary from case to case as it depends on various factors.

The therapist needs to guide the client through all the lives which have any significant connection with the client’s presenting problem. Thereafter, for rescripting or reframing to be performed, the client needs to be taken back to each of those lives viewed. Therefore, the number of sessions depends on the number of lives to be worked upon as well and a specific number cannot be ascertained in advance.

Although there are many ways of doing regression, the most effective way for therapy purposes is guiding clients into trance through hypnosis and connecting them with their sub-conscious memories. Using hypnosis, we have direct access to the sub-conscious mind. This means any suggestion given under hypnosis goes directly to the sub-conscious. Since the past life traumas are in the sub-conscious, the therapy becomes very effective.

Past Life Regression / Regression Therapy – How does it work?

Past Life Regression therapy works on the basic principle that our mind has three layers. The topmost being our “conscious mind”, the second one being the “critical factor” and the third one being our “subconscious mind”. There maybe many more layers but these are the three that form the basis of this therapy. Whenever any information is sent to our mind, the conscious mind analyses it and if approves, it is sent to the critical factor. The critical factor then acts like a filter where it ensures the information is agreeable to our subconscious mind. If it is so, the information seeps in, else is rejected.

When a client is put into a deeply relaxed state through hypnosis or other techniques, their conscious mind calms down or becomes less active and the critical factor is removed. In this state, all suggestions are directly consumed by the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind has a mechanism of detecting if the information being sent is not against the basic value system stored in itself. Hence any suggestion that will violate the morals, ethics or beliefs of a person will not be consumed even during a hypnotic trance.

Once the client enters a past life, they are guided to explore the whole life and here, it is the skill of the therapist to ask all the right questions keeping the client aligned to resolving the objective set pre-session.

This bit itself till here is called Past Life Regression but now, moving on to Past Life Regression “Therapy”, where once the life is explored, the negative emotions and memories need to be transformed and resolved for their effect on the client’s current life to be neutralized.

Regression Therapy is the technique which will also involve current life regression, in case some issues the client is facing come from their childhood or while they were in their mother’s womb.

Many physical ailments could get instantly resolved through regression therapy, as soon as the source of a problem is discovered, while very few might need extra sessions due to multiple past lives being involved with the same issue.

Healing Black Magic, Witches, Shaitan, Jinn, Vamtantra, Hex

We live in a world of duality where Light and Darkness are two sides of the same coin. Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by evil minded humans. People who practice black magic or take the help of professional black magicians are extremely dedicated people who have one goal in their minds; to harm or deprive others from living peaceful lives: make them sick, bed ridden and finally kill them and use their souls to harm others.

All humans have their two sides; divine as well as evil, all humans have different ratios of evil and divine within them, on the other hands there are some humans who have turned 99.9% evil and the remaining divinity within them is overtaken by darkness.

Sun is the light provider to our planet but at any given time half of the Earth remains in darkness while the other half gets the light of the Sun. The world of light is hosted by angels and higher beings while the world of darkness is ruled by the spirit world and is hosted by demons, devils and evil entities, collectively it’s called the world of Devil. We humans have been given the choice to dwell in darkness or move towards the light.

Black magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black Magic is used to harm or hurt another human, by performing certain rituals, making human or animal sacrifices to appease and control the spirits. Once the black magician has acquired the necessary control over the spirit world, they acquire the power to inflict harm on their victims sitting thousands of miles away as time and space do not exist in the spirit world. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness & growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to take out one’s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil of others. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their siblings, closest friends, acquaintances and relatives using the help of the black magicians or the spirit world. Everyday many prosperous and happy families are being ruined by Black magic.

Black magic is a dark art that is used by people who want to achieve their evil goals by controlling the powers of nature. In most cases such goals contain an evil intention which harms innocent people. The power of black magic spells is quite impressive and may be too dangerous for a common, non-prepared person to fight against it. It can be used to put a hex on someone, break someone’s health, influence fertility, drive someone crazy or even cause a mental disorder. The spell caster is usually an envious, deeply offended person blinded by rage who does not realize that black magic spells can be reversible.

When fighting against black magic, one should always try all available methods because every particular case is unique and different methods can help. One of the ways to get rid of a black magic spell is to avoid it at the first place – wearing a protective Kabbalah charm with Hebrew symbols and verses can be a great preventative measure.

If things are really serious and may endanger someone’s health and life, one should ask for professional help. Some people that acquired the necessary knowledge of Kabbalah can practice it for the good of others by taking away black magic spells and the evil eye. A special sacred ritual that clears the person of dark forces can be conducted. This method is the most effective one and works almost in 100% cases. Usually the result of such a ritual is noticeable in less than a few hours, the same day. The patient will feel relieved, anxiety-free and light-hearted. One of the possible aftereffects, however, is that the person who cast the black magic spell at the first place may start experiencing the same symptoms that the victim did. It is strongly recommended not to contact or let the spell caster into your house if you know who that person is until he/she feels better too.

Black Magic can play havoc with anybody’s life destroying any aspect of their life, may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems that has baffled the medical science, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths and suicide in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the hellish situation one is in, and has no desire left to live or progress in life.

As time passes, Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life. Eventually, the effects of Black Magic deepen and become more chronic & life threatening taking the form of a incurable disease or steer the person towards committing a suicide or giving death to the victim in a mysterious way.

Black magic works in such a way that the victim rarely comes to the realization that he/she is being victimized using dark forces. No matter how religious or spiritual you are, black magic can ruin your life in no time. If Prophet Mohamed can be affected by black magic, do you think you are above the prophet who can never be affected? If Bhai Mardana who was the disciple of Guru Nanak (1st Guru of Sikhs) can be victimized using black magic, it will be foolish to not believe in the existence of Spirit world and black magic.

All religions talk about the existence of the devil or “Shaitaan” and the existence of the spirit world that is hosted by: demons, witches, evil spirits and “Jinns”. Spirit world has always existed and will always exist. Black magic is an ancient science to access the spirit world and use the dark powers to inflict harm on individuals like you and me. It is time that you open your eyes to this hard truth. If you feel that you have been victimized, take necessary precaution to overcome spirit world issues. If your issues are serious and call for professional help you must seek professional help before it is too late.


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