Body, Mind and Soul Connection | Health Wellness & Sickness

holistic approach

Body, Mind and Soul Connection | Health Wellness & Sickness

Many are seeking holistic and integrative approaches to health and wellness. We have all heard the words mind, body, soul. We know they describe aspects of a human being, but do we really stop to think about what these words really mean and their profound impact on our lives? If there is a mind, body and soul connection, it must be true that anything directly affecting a person in one of these areas, must affect all other areas as well. For example, an event or disease affecting the body must also affect the mind and the soul. An event or dis-ease that affects the mind must also affect the body and the soul, etc. We are whole human beings and our component parts, while seeming unrelated, are intimately connected.

Holistic addiction and trauma treatment is an approach based upon the knowledge that sustained recovery can only occur when a person’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health are addressed. The body, mind and soul are connected and disease affecting one of these areas must affect all other parts of the person.
Traditional treatment centers are often fragmented and focus predominately on the mind and peripherally the body.

The body, mind and soul work as a system of energy. We connect our body, mind and soul to keep energy flowing within us. This energy flow can be abundant or restricted, depending on our ‘state of being’ in each moment and it changes constantly.

Our state of being is our overall feeling of health and wellness. It refers to how balanced we feel on all levels of our being. Whether we are happy or sad, sick or well, disconnected from spirit or not, we are either in or out of alignment with who we really are.

When in alignment we:

  • Experience joy in everything we do
  • Treat others with love and respect
  • Treat ourselves and our bodies with love and respect
  • Have a sense of purpose and universal service

And when we are out of alignment, we experience the exact opposite of all of these things! The goal is to harmonise your state of being so that you can effortlessly create the life that you want. Here’s how the body, mind and soul fits together…

There are components of the body, mind and soul that contribute to the flow of energy at each level. And there are ‘bridging mechanisms’ which contribute to the overall balance and flow of energy between each level. In other words, there are things that we do in each moment that facilitate or go against our natural flow.

When we talk about the human body, most of us refer to the physical form that we see in front of us. However, in reality, every person is made up of four bodies, all of which interrelate to one another and coexist in harmony.

A disruption or imbalance between these bodies can lead to a number of health problems. Thus, it is necessary to understand how one body relates to another and how they can all be kept in perfect balance to live a healthy and happy life.

Four Bodies that Make One Complete Whole

In order to balance our four bodies, we first need to discover what these are and understand them thoroughly. The four bodies are:

The mental body encompasses our mind and thought processes. It is that part of our body, which deals with reason, logic, and perception. All thoughts, beliefs, and mental capabilities are controlled by our mind or mental body. From the most basic concepts to advanced theories and secrets of the universe, the mental body has power over it all and can expand its reach to great limits, enabling you to think beyond your wildest imagination in the search for logical perception. Our mental body allows us to perceive the world in a particular manner and governs our thoughts regarding everything we experience in our lives.

The most commonly understood body is the physical form. It is the way we see our body in its human form. Made of flesh and blood, with bones, muscles, and organs; covered by layers of skin. The physical body is a material presence, a tangible form that provides us with the ability to use our senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. It is also a body that grows and changes in shape, capable of experiencing pain and injuries.

The soul within the body is our spiritual self. Known as an aura or a soul, the soul is our purpose of life. It is the means of finding one’s true destiny in the world. The soul is what gives you the purpose to strive forward and become a better person. Every soul is said to have its purpose and the spiritual body is lost without it. A disturbed spiritual state can lead to mental stress and cause physical health problems as well. The spiritual state is the consciousness and discovery of who we really are and what our life’s purpose is supposed to be.

The fourth and last body is the emotional one, concerned with our feelings, sentiments, and reactions. People excel in their lives if they have self-awareness, a control over their impulses, persistence, empathy for others, motivation and drive to achieve their goals, and good communication and social skills. We lose our tempers and act on our impulses due to the state of our emotional body. With time, the emotional body grows and matures, providing us with better control over our feelings. A happy person will face less health issues as compared to a person who is depressed, because negative emotions channel negative energy through your body and damage your mental and physical health.

Maintaining a balance between these bodies is necessary for living a stable and healthy life. The harmonious coexistence of the four bodies; mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional, is the key to ultimate health and happiness in the world.

The functions of the body, mind and soul are :


The physical body is designed to communicate its needs, dislikes, problems through sensory perception. Our actions are directed towards satisfying our desires that are highlighted through the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Our body reflects our inner being, if our mind, body and soul are in balance then our body is in balance. Disease occurs when the mind, body and soul are not working in harmony, the term dis-ease represents the turmoil created when these three components are out of alignment. The body is a complex machine designed by nature to serve the spirit /soul. Without the soul or connection to the vital life force, the body is useless. After death the body decays and cannot function. In today’s society people have lost track of just how important the soul/spirit is and how to utilize it to maximize our experience of life.

To this end the senses should be used to support the soul, guiding us to the things that are in harmony with our life path or that are good for us. However over time the senses have aligned with the mind or brain. When the brain leads, and life choices are made that are not in true alignment with the souls desire, we experience disharmony and the senses start to function in a way that wants to satisfy and bring back a sense of balance and peace. Negative emotions arise when we are not in balance. When a person is fully connected these emotions subside quickly, the trust in the Creator or sense of knowing that natures wisdom supports you allows you to quickly let go of low vibrational energy like sadness, fear, insecurity, hopelessness, panic, unhappiness, boredom, jealousy or anger. When a person lacks connection these negative emotions can sit with a person for a long time and even gain intensity over time.

The senses, in these cases, work to counteract these emotions , people may start to excessively crave the things that have brought them any state of happiness regardless of whether the happiness was temporary or not. People crave things like money, sugar, chocolate, sex, alcohol, drugs, attention, nice clothes, and new objects, music geared to bring release of anger, frustration or tears. People can crave new experiences in a constant effort to bring satisfaction and balance. When the brains direction contradicts the spirits desires we suppress our truth, our natural instinct and distortion can occur. On the one hand logic directs us one way, the spirit and soul another, the brain senses imbalance and the chemistry in the body responds. Suppressed desires, unhappiness, boredom, lethargy, anxiety, stress, worry, sadness, jealousy, anger, loss, loneliness, emptiness and a feeling of dissatisfaction can bring about a deterioration in health and over time lead to dis-ease.


The mind can function at different levels, it is the thought mechanism that drives our physical body to experience, it works with the brain and the soul and as such determines how the body responds. When we are born we are connected to the Universal Intelligence, our mind follows our natural guidance. When a baby is born it naturally follows its desire to suckle the mother’s breast and to cry when it needs something. There is no analysis in the mind weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of suckling or crying. Over time the mind loses this strong connection to intuition as stimuli in the environment start to influence behavior. Actions generate responses, pain, laughter, sadness, anger and over time the mind creates a memory bank which serves to influence future actions. As this memory bank grows the mind starts to make decisions based upon learned responses. The memory bank expands to incorporate responses influenced by knowledge, social demands, familial expectations, material pressures and media influences. The mind is bombarded with a myriad of signals that influence our actions and it is within this jumble of messages that in time our connection to the Universal Intelligence or nature’s wisdom, our natural intuition can be lost. The mind starts to depend on the learnt responses rather than the intuitive ones and a discrepancy with the soul path can emerge, creating dissatisfaction and imbalance. When this happens people can face disappointment, failure, stress, anxiety, loss of faith, loss of self-esteem, low confidence, fear from future, hopelessness and depression.

It is so important for our mind to be aligned with our soul/spirit, to make decisions that feel right, to allow our bodies and actions to be guided by that source of Infinite Intelligence and wisdom that creates and drives everything in nature. Everyone deserves to be happy, we are born to experience life, to fulfill our desires and contribute to the world in which we live in a way that satisfies our soul. We are all different, not designed to be a perfect replica of each other and through following our inner guidance system we can learn to uncover our unique gifts and natural talents that are connected to our soul path, become our true selves and bring our unique wisdom to the world. In this connected state our soul mind and body are in balance, bringing health and wellbeing to our lives and ultimately true happiness in our lives.


The soul is the core of our being. We can never experience happiness by suppressing our spirit and our soul. The mind needs to feed the soul without which life does not exist. By connecting to our inner guidance system and raising our consciousness, the mind nourishes the soul and we are able to attain profound peace and inner bliss. The soul is able to establish a connection with the Divine/ Universal Intelligence/God of your Understanding /Natures Wisdom and gain true happiness in life.

The result is we become happy both inside and outside. We are able to find the true meaning of our lives, happiness is gained and spread around us.

Soul Mind Body Infographic

The soul mind and body are said to be in harmony if we have

  • Awareness of the Self
  • Realization of life purpose
  • Raised consciousness
  • No fear of the uncertain
  • A deep connection with the God of your understanding


Holistic Healing | Alternative Therapies |Drugless Therapies

holistic healingThe Definition – What is holistic healing?

First, we must answer the question, ‘what exactly is healing?’ Healing is about bringing any imbalance into alignment with its natural state of functioning.

Every organ in our bodies has a natural or ‘healthy’ state of functioning as do our emotional, mental and spiritual states. When we are out of balance, we feel like something is out of place – whether it comes in the form of emotional or physical pain or discomfort – and we naturally want to return to our natural state of harmony, when everything ‘works’ as intended. This process of rebalancing is synonymous with healing.

Holistic healing bypasses the ‘band-aid fix’ approach of conventional medicine, looks beyond a person’s physical state and sees the holistic view of their state of being or functioning. It acknowledges that the root cause of a physical illness may in fact be non-physical.

Holistic healing works when we we approach life from all aspects of being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


Therefore, a holistic approach is considered to be more effective because change occurs on all levels and as a result, positive changes are more likely to last long-term and improve a person’s overall quality of life.

When we heal holistically, we address imbalances on all levels, rather than one or two, and so it becomes a life-long process in achieving overall life balance. The ultimate goal of aligning the body, mind and soul promises a happier, healthier, more balanced state of being.

Holistic healing is based on a philosophy of promoting mind body wellness. How well-being is restored, to what extent, and which methods are used are as varied as the people seeking to be healed.

What does not vary is the ultimate aim to achieve optimum whole self health. To make that happen, unbalanced or unhealthy aspects of mind, body and spirit are all taken into consideration and addressed. It also means that the power of mind and spirit may facilitate physical healing and issues in the physical body may be focused on to facilitate mental well-being.

What is Holistic Healing? What is beautiful about holistic healing is that it puts the responsibility and power for healing in your hands, not in those of a “healer”, even though you may wisely be seeking advice and help from others. It empowers you to make choices and take actions on your behalf and addresses you as a whole person.

Holistic healing is not a cookie cutter approach. People with the same ‘dis-ease’ may end up with completely different treatment plans based on their motivation, symptoms, lifestyle, resources, stress levels, and emotional and mental history. You may get amazingly quick results, or it may take months to notice a meaningful shift. These shifts may be in the direction of health, but may not be what you were specifically hoping for. If you ever heard a cancer patient say she was healed even though death is near, you know what that means.

Whole person healing is about bringing your mind and body back into balance and nurturing that balance over your lifetime. It is not about cure, although that would be wonderful and may very well happen. It is about returning to wholeness. That is an abstract concept which basically means that you feel complete and at peace within yourself. You deeply understand yourself, accept yourself in mind and body, and love yourself in the healthiest of ways. This is not about complacence. Real love often requires taking action to improve your life.

Whole person healing is about addressing causes. It is not about controlling symptoms, although that may be necessary and beneficial at times. It is about addressing the whole as much as possible, not just the vulnerable, ‘dis-eased’ part. The understanding is that something within the whole is stressing the part, which needs help, not suppressing, bypassing, or cutting out unless absolutely necessary. If not too far gone, the part will recover when the whole is restored.

There is a common misconception that holistic healing is natural healing. This is absolutely true, but not necessarily in the way it is meant, which is usually about methods. It is about your naturally self healing body and mind, which naturally seeks balance when given what they need and what is harming them is removed. The body is always striving for balance and will maintain it so long as nothing goes awry.

It is also true that lifestyle adjustments and natural methods and remedies are preferred. However, it is also true that modern medical assistance may be necessary and a best choice at times. It may also be beneficial to include help that is not medical at all. That might mean taking advantage of spiritual counseling, financial management classes, relationship therapy and/or a career change. Who you choose to assist you, and the methods you work with will depend on your changing needs and preferences.

The body and the mind act in unison. Physical symptoms may indicate the state of mind or vice versa. Medical intervention should take into consideration the whole rather than isolated parts. This is the holistic approach.

The purpose of holistic healing is to provide long-term improvement and health. This may even cause short-term pain. Intervention should be minimal since nature, in her wisdom, knows the best course. Pain can serve to make us aware of the problem so that we give our body the chance to heal. Pain can also make us aware of our emotional state, thus helping us in our own personal evolution. A natural diet, good exercise and calmness of mind can be one of the best means of holistic healing in a number of cases.


energetic cord cutting

Receive Powerful Distant / Remote healing all over the world

Distant healing is a method of energy healing at any long distance.
Distant healing is healing performed when the healee / client is not present. It is possible to transmit healing energies over any distance and this form of healing can be very effective.

Guruji has successfully sent healing to many clients around the world using distant healing.

Distant Healing is very powerful and works rapidly for many people.
People in locations all over the world have benefited from Guruji’s distant healing energies.

What is Distance Healing?
Distance healing is any form of healing energy “sent” across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present with the healer to receive the healing. It may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon between you and the practitioner.

This type of healing is equally effective as an in person healing because in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner.

What the healers, shamans, and practitioners of holistic medicine have known for millennia modern science is now just beginning to understand and explain. Recent discoveries in quantum physics now provide the scientific underpinning for many of the holistic healing phenomenon we have seen for millennia.

What quantum physics has revealed (at least in theory) is that time is not fixed, nor is it linear, only flowing in one direction. Time is fluid and flows both forwards and backwards simultaneously. Your future can thus affect your as much as your past. Your past can be altered as much as your future. From this perspective everything is happening at once, there is no past and no future, only the present moment.

What science is also revealing about space or “distance” between objects is that they are actually not separate as they may seem. Though we experience things as being separate from us this again is merely a perception of our limited belief in the illusion that time and space are fixed.

How is Distance Healing Possible?

Distance Healing can be done with people and animals all over the world. Clients can feel the effects, which are often dramatic, and permanent. Some of them can actually see guides and angels. Some people smell lovely fragrances as I do distant healing work with them. Your animals will definitely feel the Distance Healing work. Some people tell us they begin to feel the healing as soon as they make an appointment.

Time is not linear. Time is accessible to healing energies.

One technique for distant healing is based on the holographic, or multi-dimensional image of the client. Information about the client is perceived through his or her biofield which is pinpointed in space-time, by their name and birth year. The therapist creates a multi-dimensional biofield image of that person, just as if they were physically present. Then it’s simply a matter of following the usual practises, with some subtle differences.

The surrogate technique involves a colleague acting as a proxy for the client. A sensitive proxy can perceive what the client is experiencing and gives us an opportunity to communicate with their Spirit and Higher Self. It is particularly useful in clearing inter-dimensional interferences. We are well practised in this, having conducted many distant healing sessions for clients worldwide.


Meridians & Diseases | Cosmic Energy, Prana Shakti, Qi, Chi

Healing the meridians is based on the concept that an insufficient supply of  Prana Shakti (Cosmic Energy, ki, chi or life force) makes a person vulnerable to disease.

Prana Shakti flows continuously from one meridian to another and any break in the flow is an indication of imbalance.

If a person’s vitality or energy is recognizably diminished it is an indication that the body’s organs or tissues are functioning poorly, therefore the Prana Shakti flow is inadequate.

Energy healing is valuable because it enables you to select the right treatment for any person or situation and it views the body as a whole and uses observations on the outside to understand what is going on in the inside.  Unlike most conventional medicine, Energy healing also recognises the relationship between humans and their environment.

A ‘subtle’ free-flowing energy in the body known as Prana Shakti (Qi or Chi) that sustains all life.  Even today, quantum physics confirms that everything is made of energy.  Prana Shakti or Qi in fact connects our body with our consciousness (spirit), and so when it’s in balance, so too is our body and mind.

Prana Shakti or Qi runs along energy channels called ‘meridians’ which connect all the organs and systems in the body.  There are 14 meridian pathways which run along the body in a single continuous one-way direction of unbroken energy flow.  Each meridian has a ‘beginning’ and ‘end’ point and runs on both sides of the body (except for the ‘central’ and ‘governing’ meridians which only run down the middle of the body).

Prana Shakti needs to be balanced, flow freely and not become stagnated or obstructed.  Unfortunately, stress and anxiety can overload the body’s circuit to create energy blockages, so if the natural flow is impeded in any way – disease can develop.  Our meridians have to be therefore reset and re-balanced before energy can flow harmoniously again.

Our vital energy can be balanced through various methods and also by energy healing and also balancing one’s environment both internally and externally.

TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine) is also based upon two opposing forces ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ which are two different types of Qi, which attract each other.  Yin represents internal, cold, deficient and chronic factors whilst Yang represents external, heat, excess and acute conditions.  Nothing is neutral, either the yin or yang force will always dominate depending upon the individual.

TCM also adopts the principles of the five elements or phases.  These include:

  • FIRE – this relates to the heart and small intestine meridians and concerns heat and blood circulation.
  • EARTH – this relates to the spleen and stomach meridians and concerns digestion, transportation and transformation of food.
  • METAL – this relates to the lung and large intestine meridians and concerns the control of vital energy and the receiving and discharging of the body’s waste.
  • WATER – this relates to the kidney and the bladder meridians and so regulates water metabolism, stores ‘jing’ (our ‘essence’ – especially our kidney essence), and helps to regulate our brain function and marrow and bones.
  • WOOD – this relates to the liver and gallbladder meridians which are responsible for building and storing blood, and also regulating the flow of Qi.

Our Emotional Well-Being

In TCM, emotions and physical health are intimately connected.  Sadness, nervous tension and anger, worry, fear, and overwork are each associated with a particular organ in the body.  For example, irritability and inappropriate anger can affect the liver and result in menstrual pain, migraines, headaches, redness of the face and eyes, dizziness and dry mouth.

Organ systems in the traditional Far-Eastern sense are part of our holistic body system and are each inter-related.  Once one or indeed several organ meridian systems are identified as ‘over’ or ‘under’ activated, the necessary adjustments can be made to restore balance and harmony across the entire body.

By understanding these connections and how each are greatly affected by our emotions, we can see how an eye disorder such as conjunctivitis might be due to an imbalance in the liver, or excess menstrual flow may be due to dysfunction in the liver’s blood-storing ability. Besides emotions, other factors such as dietary, environmental, lifestyle, and hereditary factors also contribute to the development of imbalances.

The emotions associated with each main organ system include:

Spleen (Earth element)

  • Emotions – worry, dwelling or focusing too much on a particular topic, excessive mental work
  • Spleen Function – Food digestion and nutrient absorption. Helps in the formation of blood and energy. Keeps blood in the blood vessels. Connected with muscles, mouth, and lips. Involved in thinking, studying, and memory.
  • Symptoms of Spleen Imbalance – Tired, loss of appetite, mucus discharge, poor digestion, abdominal distension, loose stools or diarrhoea. Weak muscles, pale lips. Bruising, excess menstrual blood flow and other bleeding disorders.

Lung (Metal element)

  • Emotions – grief, sadness, detached.
  • Lung Function – Respiration. Forms energy from air, and helps to distribute it throughout the body. Works with the kidney to regulate water metabolism. Important in the immune system and resistance to viruses and bacteria. Regulates sweat glands and body hair, and provides moisture to the skin.
  • Symptoms of Lung Imbalance – Shortness of breath and shallow breathing, sweating, fatigue, cough, frequent cold and flu, allergies, asthma, and other lung conditions. Dry skin. Depression and crying.

Liver (Wood element)

  • Emotions – anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness, rage, quick temper.
  • Liver Function – Involved in the smooth flow of energy and blood throughout the body. Regulates bile secretion, stores blood, and is connected with the tendons, nails, and eyes.
  • Symptoms of Liver Imbalance – breast distension, menstrual pain, headache, irritability, inappropriate anger, dizziness, dry, red eyes and other eye conditions, tendonitis.

Heart (Fire element)

  • Emotions – lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia, despair.
  • Heart Function – Regulates the heart and blood vessels. Responsible for even and regular pulse. Influences vitality and spirit. Connected with the tongue, complexion, and arteries.
  • Symptoms of Heart Imbalance – Insomnia, heart palpitations and irregular heart beat, excessive dreaming, poor long-term memory, psychological disorders.

Kidney (Water element)

  • Emotions – fearful, weak willpower, insecure, aloof, isolated.
  • Kidney Function – Key organ for sustaining life. Responsible for reproduction, growth and development, and maturation. Involved with lungs in water metabolism and respiration. Connected with bones, teeth, ears, and head hair.
  • Symptoms of Kidney Imbalance – Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, night sweats, dry mouth, poor short-term memory, low back pain, body ph imbalances, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, and other ear conditions. Premature grey hair, hair loss, and osteoporosis.

Since everyone is different, a specific treatment to rebalance the body’s Qi flow may work for one person, but perhaps may not work for another.


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