Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

indian black magic

Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

If you’re a paranormal investigator you’ve heard stories about haunted furniture, toys, jewelry, etc. Is it possible to buy some antiques and bring home more than you paid for? Can spirits be attached to an item rather than a place? Some seem to think it’s possible. If someone had a favorite piece
of jewelry and wore it constantly, perhaps the spirit would be attached to this

Evil spirits can possess people—but can they also inhabit places?

Often people find a great deal on their home. They soon found out why: It was what some would call a “haunted house”—that is, a place where there was an uncomfortable and negative spiritual presence.

Some people are attracted to haunted houses because they’re different and exciting. Perhaps you’ve seen hotels that advertise: “Stay in our hotel. It has a real ghost!”

Experiences with demonic spirits in human habitations aren’t new. What makes things “go bump in the night”? There are three possible explanations.

Malevolent Presence of Satan : It could be that demons are present and misbehaving. Sometimes they propel objects at people, move furniture about or make various noises. At other times they create extreme temperatures—generally cold—or nauseating odors, or they may impede one’s ability to pray. Satan can come at us physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The demons may have taken up residence for several reasons. One is because they were invited, either deliberately by someone who called on them to come or naively through games such as a Ouija board or tarot cards.

The family had been into demonic board games. They rebuked the presence, and it left.

Few people conduct a witchcraft ritual in their home, believing it to be “naughty but harmless.” For months thereafter they would find awaken at night to see a horrible, ugly creature staring at them..

Another reason evil spirits may take up residence is because of a curse. Sometimes a curse is placed on a home or other building as revenge for something the occupants have done or as spiritual warfare against believers.

Finally, demons may be present because of heinous crimes such as murder or rape, or from sexual orgies. When a crime is committed in a place, the demons that attend the evil may linger on.

In the face of a demonic presence, you must take action. Here are some positive steps to take to rid spiritual disturbance from a home, office, church or other place.


voodoo & black magic

Black Magic, Demonic Possession, Haunted House, Evil Eye

Black magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by the Evil and wicked humans in this age which is also known as Kali Yuga. The main purpose in these peoples lives is to harm or destroy others. They can also influence them to do wrong or negative things. It is the evil side of the celestial cycle or dark energies.

Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt people by performing rituals anywhere in the world – the effect of this ritual can be felt many thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept others happiness and growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to harm and hurt people. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and happy families are ruined by Black magic.

Black magic puts a block on a person’s wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem go fruitless. One feels a mental block, gets disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and negative thoughts. The person or persons might do something or go through many actions and cannot give reason why they have done what they did. There is no reasoning behind their actions. They will get angry without reason or justifications with people they love and care for.

These people on whom the black magic spell is put will feel that they are not getting their due and can achieve much more. They will feel suffocated & restless in all circumstances. They are never at peace and they will remain depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live & rise in life.

When ever any person is victimized by black magic, then the evil spirits, jinn and devils get domination over him and rule him. The victim completely is drenched in to that state where his acts, thoughts are run by them – and thus gets in to heap big trouble. Performing magic on someone is easy but cure of Magic spells is very difficult. its required a lots of technique and spiritual power.

There is much risk involved in treating one’s own self, unless one has access to the spirit world. If you have been victimized, you really do not know who is doing this to you and what kind of technique is being used and the kind of negative energy being sent your way or what are the motives of your perpetrators. In case, if you do venture on your own with a reversal ritual, the enemy could be an expert in these issues and you could end up getting back the reversal energies that have multiplied causing serious damage to you and your family at the body-mind-spirit level.

How Black Magic is Used

  • Black magicians may use these spirits to access information from anyone. These pieces of information may be used to inflict harm to the individual.
  • Black magicians may use spirits to mentally torture and physically harm people. There are people driven by jealousy, anger and hate who pay black magicians to inflict harm to their relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • Black magicians can even be hired by professionals like lawyers to win cases. Politicians and businessmen have at times hired black magicians to defeat their competitors. It is also a very common practice in the movie, music and modeling industries.
Evil minded peoples deal in magic activities and they wish to distort there enemy Mentally, Physically and Financially. There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians. Black magic can also be done using your picture, name and your mother’s name hence do not give sensitive information to everyone. Some of the serious stuff that is done to these victims are,
  • Causing accidents
  • Making people sick
  • Anger & emotional imbalance
  • Fear & Depression
  • Not allowing the victim to sleep
  • Making the victim commit suicide
  • Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
  • Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
  • Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
  • Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
  • Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body

How Black Magic Spells Are Done

There are many ways black magic spells are done but the most common is making the victim eat or drink food or beverage that has been previously bound with black magic. Photographs of the victim can be used to invoke a black magic curse. If a black magician obtains a photo of you or something you own or possess–for instance a piece of clothing or jewelry—these items could be used against you. Some black magicians can even create a liquid spell which may be spilled over a piece of land or an object to create a black magic curse.

Black Magic Symptoms

Keep in mind that most black magic spells are done for specific purposes and therefore there are endless symptoms black magic can manifest. The effect is felt differently from individual to individual according to their life situations, their overall health, and their mental state.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you may need the services of a spiritual healer for a cure for black magic:

  • Unexplained extreme weight loss or gain
  • Terrible headaches
  • Blindness
  • Eyes turning gray
  • Inability to sleep, insomnia or over sleeping
  • Depression
  • Feeling negative energy weighing down on them
  • Very bad breath
  • Seizures
  • Excessive tears
  • Unexplained irritability, anger and emotional imbalance
  • Unexplained infertility
  • One or more episodes of miscarriage
  • Inability to menstruate in women or menstruating more than normal
  • Unexplained impotence
  • Very bad body odor
  • Development of skin conditions all over the body with very bad odor
  • The occurrence of nightmares
  • Acting angry and not remembering
  • Forgetting incidents and moments of life
  • Changes in voice
  • Changes in appearance
  • Indulging in excess alcohol, drugs, violence and unprotected/unhealthy sex
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)

These are just some of the possible symptoms of black magic.

Black magic spells and curses can be tailored specifically to an area in a person’s life. Here are a few examples of how black magic can affect your life:

  • Excessive unexplained bad luck
  • Unreasonable fear to go out or leave home
  • Ruined a marriage or other relationships
  • To never maintain a happy relationship
  • To struggle and have nothing work in life
  • To be affected with financial loss
  • To give up everything he/she owns such as a home or business for no reason at all
  • To become a victim of frequent accidents
  • To have paranoia
  • To destroy his/her or someone else’s career
  • To leave the country for no reason
  • To control someone’s mind for sex
  • To affect his/her health
  • To constantly be unhappy
  • To always be sad
  • To never succeed in anything
  • To go crazy or have psychological problems
  • To make people leave his/her life for no reason
  • To get in trouble
  • To stop where he/she is in life and not move forward

The victim of a black magic curse might experience supernatural symptoms as well. The following may indicate an undesired supernatural presence in your life:

  • Hearing strange whispering voices
  • Feeling someone next to them while they sleep
  • Hearing someone calling their name
  • Experiencing paranormal activities
  • Experiencing a feeling of being raped or sexually abused while dreaming or while awake
  • Seeing shadows around them
  • Hearing knocking on their door when no one is actually there

Symptoms of Demonic Possession

Finding a cure for black magic may not be your only concern. Spiritual healers have the ability to perform exorcisms as well. Satanic possession can occur when an evil presence enters the body of a living creature. A possessed person often expresses some of the following symptoms:

  • Inappropriate laughter or laughing for no reason Knowledge about other people without any possible way of knowing
  • Changes in voice
  • Drinking massive amounts of water
  • Bad breath
  • Changes in facial features
  • Changes in skin such as development of dry skin or excessive pimples
  • Becoming angry or starting a fight for no reason
  • Becoming very sensitive to smells
  • Washing hands and body excessively
  • Smelling his/her body parts all the time to be certain they are clean
  • Being dirty/filthy sometimes to the point of playing with his/her feces
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)
  • Encouraging people that it is OK to do bad things because God said it was OK
  • Cutting or personally harming themselves but not remembering that they did this
  • Experiencing blackouts
  • Prophesying the future and being adamant that what they say is accurate

What Happens During an Exorcism?

During an exorcism, the possessed person usually exhibits some of the following symptoms:

  • Speaking in foreign languages that the person would not know how to speak
  • Voice changes when speaking
  • Hearing voices coming from the person’s head telling him/her to hurt the people and to hurt the person performing the exorcism ritual
  • Experiencing extreme fear
  • Feeling a choking sensation along the neck area
  • Experiencing extreme body pain
  • Defecating or urinating while exorcism is happening

Important questions about possession and exorcism

Who can become victim of a demonic possession?

Possession can happen to anyone – good or bad – from any race, culture or religion. It is critical that a person suffering from possession undergo exorcism as soon as possible.

NOTE: Not all spirits are bad; some are good spirits that do not cause people harm. And just like people, these good and bad spirits are from different races, religions and cultures.

When can demonic possession happen?

Possession may occur any time during a person’s life span. It is not uncommon for people to live their entire lives being possessed by a spirit and not knowing about it.

Where can possession happen?

Possession happens in all parts of the world. Evil spirits are usually drawn to live where there is something or someone decomposing. During the decomposition process, gas is released and this is what spirits eat. Decomposition usually happens in places such as sewers, landfills, cemeteries and sitting or contained bodies of water such as lakes or ponds. Spirits may also live in places where there is darkness such as old wells and dark caves.

Why does possession happen?

When a creature experiences severe fear, it opens a window into his body. One such example of a very traumatic experience is a car accident or while the person is in a very fearful state. The body releases a hormone that indicates fear and spirits can smell this hormone. Evil spirits are attracted to the smell of fear and therefore may enter the open window of the body of the person.

How to Tell if Your House is Haunted

A haunted house is where a spirit of a human or a jinni won’t accept a person from occupying what was used to be theirs. The spirit does all he can to expel the new occupants from their former home. What people do not know is that the spirit in the haunted house is more scared of humans, than the humans are afraid of the spirit.

During a haunting, the people inside may experience:

  • Missing objects or misplaced objects
  • Noises Feeling that there is someone else in the house
  • Moving objects
  • Seeing spirits or other indescribable beings
  • Feeling negative energy
  • Objects in the house continuously breaking

Evil Eye Meaning and Symptoms

An evil eye can happen to anyone, good or bad, and it can affect many different areas of your life: your energy and happiness, your livestock, your home, your business, and other objects. An evil eye usually springs from intense jealousy from another person. For example, you may be happily married, but someone who is jealous may resent you and cast an evil eye on you. As a result, your marriage or household may begin to suffer.

An evil eye may be purposely placed or unintentionally caused as a result of sending out negative energy toward another person. If you are experiencing drowsiness, bad luck, depression, and other black magic-like symptoms, you may be the victim of an evil eye curse.

Psychic Attacks | Negative Energies | Evil Spirit Entities

Just as there are many good people who live on the earth, there is also an element of people who are bad, behaving in a way that shows that they have no respect for people or property and have no wish to conform to any laws or rules.

Similarly in the Spirit Worlds, just as there are many good Spirits who are loyal to God and do all that he asks, there is also an element that is in opposition to God. These Spirits have no respect for him and refuse to abide by any laws that he has set.

This bad element also extends its rebellious activities to the earth, as they wish to influence all people into doing what is wrong and unacceptable in God’s eyes, just as they do. These Spirits are determined to influence people to live a life that is unrighteous, immoral, dishonest, selfish and worldly, wishing everyone to be inadequate by God’s standards.

As these Spirits are always active in this pursuit and can cause psychic attacks, it is therefore necessary to seek “Protection” from them.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks are defined as the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.

Not everything that’s considered difficult in a persons life is the result of a psychic attack, but psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don’t exist and cannot happen if you don’t believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies and psychic attacks. Recently mothers have contacted me about their teenagers who are practicing bits of black magic wanting to know how to help their children. There are disadvantages as well as advantages to Harry Potter.

Psychic Attacks – What Are They?

Psychic attacks involve the manipulation and movement of different types of dark energies, entities and spirits. They involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someone’s physical and/or energetic bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies, and homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the individual. They can involve ritualistic techniques or ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of both.

Auras are weakened by repressed emotions, negative emotions, through the regular use of drugs and alcohol, through smoking and a variety of diseases. The physical presence of fungus, parasites, worms, or metal, chemical or atomic poisons can seriously weaken an aura. Therefore the care and protection of your energetic body is as important as the physical body so you can repel psychic attacks and stay strong and healthy.

Intentional Psychic Attacks, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft

The dark and negative energies sent intentionally by others are called psychic attacks and can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or other types of black magic. They attack psyches and can produce debilitating effects on the overall health and energy level of the affected person.  Psychic attacks can also be sent unintentionally by someone who has the ability to send these but is not aware that they have this ability.

Dark Spirits and Entities

There are dark spirits and entities that can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and feel. The human who is invaded by these spirits or entities can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Degrees of Strength of Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks and other dark negative energies, entities and spirits can have a wide range of effect from low to medium to high. The symptoms or changes in health or behavior can also range from low to medium to high. Not all health problems or behavior changes are caused by psychic attacks since there can be so many causes for the same symptoms. Confusion often exists when other physical and emotional difficulties are present in an individual’s life. It’s important to carefully assess all possible sources for the difficulties including physical factors, energetic factors and emotional factors.

The Origin of the Attacks

Psychic and spiritual attacks can have a number of sources, and, depending on the source, have a number of approaches for defending yourself against them. Some attacks come from people you know. Others may come from people you don’t know, at least not in this lifetime, who have bad intentions and are targeting you for any number of reasons. One source of usually invasive attacks is the spirits of people who have died but who either haven’t figured out that they are dead or who know they are dead but are unwilling, for any number of reasons, to move on. Still others can be dark spirits.

Hard as it is to believe, there are, in fact, some people and spirits who don’t have the best of intentions toward other lifeforms. Some of them just haven’t ever really developed clear moral and ethical guidelines for themselves, so they are easily influenced by the wrong things—such as a desire for power, or by any number of fears. In fact, fear is a motivating factor in all cases, though the fear may be deeply buried. Always remember that, and remember that you don’t need to respond to fear with fear. The higher and more evolved response is love—love for yourself, of course, as well as for others.

When some people die, they don’t know where to go or they are afraid to move on. They might not know where to go because in life they had no clear beliefs about an afterlife, or their beliefs about the afterlife are so different from how it actually is that they fail to recognize it. Some people are afraid to move on because they fear they have been so bad or evil that they are going to go to hell. So out of fear, they stay here, and they try to take over someone else’s body. They can be especially attracted to sympathetic people or people who are psychically sensitive. This is one reason why I avoid hospitals and graveyards as much as possible—those are two places with a very high proportion of lost spirits seeking bodies.

Instead of what they fear, however, there is a wonderful place that all souls must eventually go to, no matter how long they delay, a place where they can experience something like physical life, complete with having bodies that are composed of pure spiritual energies. They can have any body they wish, free from any disease or pain, at any age, looking any way they wish. And they will be surrounded by only loving spirits who wish them well. I will say very briefly that you can address possessing spirits and explain the truth to them. The truth can be a hard thing to believe for many spirits, so they might take some convincing, but it is the truth and they will know it if it is spoken to them. Ask them to look around for the Light and for loved ones who have come to help them, and encourage them to go with their loved ones. The vast majority of spirits are only too happy and relieved to go.

Consult An Energy Practitioner Experienced in Psychic Attack Clearing

If you believe you are absorbing negative energies or are the recipient of psychic attacks, you should seriously consider asking for the help of an energy practitioner who is experienced in the identification, clearing and elimination of psychic dark energies, entities and spirits. If you believe that spirits, entities or hard dark energies have penetrated your body or aura, please ask an energy worker experienced in clearing psychic attacks for help. It’s important to identify and eliminate psychic attack energy as soon as possible. Please don’t try to do this yourself. Without experience in clearing, you are quite likely to draw even more negative energies to yourself.


Spirit Possession | Entity Attachment | Negative Energies |

Spirit possession is a phenomenon in which a stray being from the Spirit World constantly or temporarily possesses and exerts negative influence on a person living on earth. Most commonly they are known as “evil spirits” and, although many people may scoff at the idea, it is a real and undeniable fact that they exist and influence our lives.

Spirit possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge.


Evil spirits are spirits that have a strong attachment towards the earth and human way of life. Spirits do not understand they are spiritual beings. All they know is life with a physical body, so they are consumed with the desire to satisfy their materialistic needs. Because reincarnation from hell is impossible, they aim to possess a person living on earth. By possessing a human being, evil spirits can feel just as if they have their own physical body, feeling the physical sensations and satisfying desires for food, sex, money, power and the like.

The only prerequisite for evil spirits to come and stay with a person living on earth, is to find someone whose mind is on the same wavelength as theirs. Evil spirits cannot stay with a person living on earth if he or she is always calm, benevolent and altruistic. But if his or her mind is dark with hatred and anger stays that way for extended periods of time, then it will attract evil spirits who, being on the same wavelength, can sneak into the person’s mind and stay on earth for five, ten or even many more years. This is what is known as spiritual possession.

Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality. The present situation is analogous to how several centuries ago society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.

Etheric Parasites

Etheric parasites are negative thought forms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at the quantum level. In occultism they are also called tulpas, egregores, or larvae.

Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an eddy in a river but imbued with artificial intelligence and purpose. Its most common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same kinds of energy that gave rise to it. If it was generated through hate, it will induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of that type.

These thought forms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of people onto whom they latch. Thus the negative thought forms generated by one person can induce negativity in another, proving they are not just internal subconscious subroutines. Occultists know how to create these intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thought forms are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and moments of ill intent.

To people with clairvoyant vision, they can see these parasitic energies budding off the person generating them and turning into grotesque forms. The color of the energy is always black, red, orange, olive green, muddy brown, and other dull colors. When these turn into thought forms, they appear symbolically to the clairvoyant mind as amoebas, insects, crabs, spiders, black globules, etc… Again, the fact that clairvoyants can see these indicates they are objective constructs in the ether and not just internal psychological processes.

Discarnate Human Attachments

Discarnate humans are those who have died in the recent past, but have not fully faded out from the physical, etheric, and astral planes. Sometimes it is just their etheric and/or astral bodies that turn into nonphysical parasites once their conscious spiritual core has left them behind. It is also possible for demonic entities to pick up the discarded etheric shells of deceased persons and put them on, thereby more easily masquerading as dead relatives to mediums, ouija board users, and societies that perform ancestor worship.

These discarnate humans or their autonomous etheric/astral shells can latch onto a living individual in order to sustain themselves off that person’s energy and live vicariously through them. Without a physical body, satisfying remnant physical addictions is impossible, and so discarnate humans can gratify their addictions by splicing themselves into the neural and etheric circuitry of the living in order to get a taste of physical sensations once again. Supposedly they can also possess the bodies of animals even more easily than humans. Attachment to humans is easiest when parasite and host share some emotional point of resonance, say someone who committed suicide latching onto someone who already has suicidal tendencies.

Human entity attachments creates a personality overlay upon the living host, creating cravings and biases that are out of character for the person. Someone who never smokes may suddenly get the urge to pick up the habit. A discarnate female with sexual cravings can induce homosexual tendencies in straight males. A young woman who was always friendly may pick up the attachment of an old angry war veteran, and thus acquire a more masculine, gruff and angry demeanor. Discarnate human entity attachments tend to be acquired by being etherically vulnerable while in proximity to such entities. Examples include graveyards, bars, war zones, and sites of fatal accidents.


Demonic Attachments

The worst attachment of all are demonic ones. I am not sure of the true origins of demons. Maybe they are thoughtforms created by the collective negativity of humanity throughout the ages. Maybe they were effluvia left over from the creation of the universe. Maybe they were physical beings who advanced so far along the negative path that they transcended their physical bodies and took up residence in the darkest recesses of the lower astral planes.

Whatever the case, fully possessed humans become sharp instruments of demonic manipulation and can carry a composed exterior and high social status, but underneath be dark, manipulative, cunning predators endowed with paranormal powers. Those who are not fully possessed and are struggling against the attachment process are worn down through depression, suicidal tendencies, and self-destructive psychopathic behavior. Extreme sadism and perversion are also possible, as in the case of serial killers and murderers who typically admit a voice told them to do it, or that they couldn’t help themselves, that something evil compelled them.

Clairvoyants, young children, animals, and anyone with an iota of intuition can sense the presence of demonically possessed individuals and will feel threatened, repulsed, and creeped out by them.

Demonic attachments can be picked up in several ways. One is through willful invitation, say through practice of black magick, left-hand-path occult systems, or undergoing initiations into questionable secret societies. These all give a person increased power and knowledge in exchange for soul energy and debt to the demonic beings conferring those, which in the long run is a bad deal. But just as people get themselves into a hole through credit cards, some do likewise spiritually through the “credit card” of black magick.

Another path toward demonic possession is starting with a minor attachment and being too weak or willing to resist its pull toward ever greater forms of depravity. It tends to start with a severe weakness in a person, such as being extremely traumatized as a child, being a heavy alcoholic or drug abuser, and/or nurturing feelings of morbidity, suicide, depression into a total lifestyle.

Generally, demonic possessions require a greater degree of permission than other types of attachments. That is because demons target the astral body and spirit, meaning they are hooked in very deeply. Permission can be given consciously through rituals or inadvertently through cultivation of anti-human, anti-life, anti-spiritual attitudes and feelings.

Can we have negative entities in our aura? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Almost all of us have some sort of negative entity existing in our auras. The number or size may vary but at a time one can hold many souls in their space, weakening the original soul inhabitant. The modern lifestyle leads to stress, anger, depression and lack of time for spiritual work. So, unless we spare ample amount of time, energy and thought on our spiritual upliftment, we are bound to be invaded by these spirit intrusions from time to time or forever. For those who feel completely at peace with themselves & are on the right track, even they can have negative entities in their space, but they might be dormant or less active than that of others.

How do we draw these negative entities? “These entities can become enmeshed in the aura, the energy field around the body.. The emotional or physical trauma endured by a person can render the energy centers vulnerable. They are open like doors to allow entry and attachment by entity. There are multiple ways they can enter a person’s aura and stay there for years or for a whole lifetime. Sent by others: Black magic and sorcery exist in every culture and proofs of the same exist widely. Sometimes, people who are unhappy/jealous with others can send these negative entities to bring misery to the victim. They will try to invade your space, time and again and stay with you, until it is cleansed. Sexual contact: The significance of sexual intimacy has been emphasized upon. The energy debris of other people’s aura can be left in the aura of another person with ease as the root chakras are connected, allowing a free flow of energy from one person to another. The entities have a free way into the body as the aura is open, making them susceptible to such invasions. Drugs & alcohol: Our consciousness has a lot to do with our ability to protect ourselves. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol, we lower our guards and our aura is exposed to the chances of being invaded. It is also said that both drugs and alcohol create holes in our aura. Holes in our aura can be created during surgeries, unconsciousness or trauma. When our aura is not whole, its ability to fight the negativity drastically reduces. Major loss: Soul loss has been spoken of earlier as well, where a person suffers from major loss in their life and a part of their soul in entrapped in the specific situation. With such a prolonged period of suffering, long bouts of anger and extended periods of stress, all of this can create holes in the aura leading to easy invasion.

How do these entities affect us? These entities affect us deeply and in ways we cannot even imagine. They are bound to create negative impressions, thought, behavior patterns etc. They will create physical pain or disease in the area they are stuck, causing improper functioning of the body. The illness caused by them might not have substantial medical proofs but the problem would seem to persist as it lies on the energy level. Creating obstacles in the path of success, one may find themselves going in circles with their career path, unable to find a breakthrough. Prolonged phases of depressions, loneliness, mixed with fear and anxiety, are yet another way they affect one’s life. Lack of energy, low self-image, low BP or low morale, as they feed on the prana or the life force, depleting the resources necessary for personal growth and energy. Stronger entities would like to seclude the victim and create unhappy moments like separation from loved ones, lack of interest in family life or withdrawal from the society.

Why Do Evil Spirits Mess With People? Many spirits that choose to be evil do so to have a good time, having often been former victims of human abuse. There behavior is sort of a retaliation upon the human race, in general, a way to punish others for the injustices that the lost spirit has suffered. Evil spirits do indeed understand they are spirits of humans, what many call ghosts. Knowing who and where they are, they practice to improve their skills of manipulating others and the physical environment. Many people want to call such knowledgable spirits, “demons,” but this will just cause the ghost to be more determined to use a person’s own fear against them. It is better to call them out onto the carpet by letting ghosts know you know what they are up to. Often when ghosts know the game is up, they lose some fight in them and become more willing to listen to the person who desires to help them. Ghosts choose not to move on in their life journey, ultimately due to fear. It may be fear of punishment, fear of ridicule, fear of having let a parent or sibling down, etc. Such spirits that choose to behave badly believe they are getting away with their crimes against humanity, but know deep down there will come a time when it must end.


Psychic Healing / Spiritual Healing For Depression & Anxiety

Do you live with Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Depression, or PTSD?

Are you feeling lost, afraid, and unsure?

Through a Psychic Healing / Spiritual Healing / Energy Healing Session we can help to move this type of energy out of your field and teach you techniques so that you enjoy being a spirit in human form and feel peace.

DEPRESSION is when you have lost all sense of hope and direction. You feel lost in life, but lack the strength and inspiration to climb out of it. The future seems bleak, even threatening, so much so that you retreat into yourself and remain in a slow, sluggish existence. Every movement becomes a painful effort.

Depression is considered as one of the foremost psychological problems for people of different age groups today. There are approximately 121 million worldwide affected by depression. Depression can lead to suicidal tendencies, which is the sole reason for 850,000 deaths each year. There are no pre-defined causes for depression although stress is being quoted to be one of the catalysts.

Most people across the world opt for medical treatment for depression, which includes using antidepressants, electric shock treatment (ECT), psychotherapy, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapy and medicine is used primarily to help a person fight depression although medicines and some therapies might have other side effects.

On the other hand, natural healing doesn’t have side effects and the results are long-term or even permanent in some cases.

What causes depression?
There are many causes of depression, depending on which level you’re looking at. At the deepest level, depression is a symptom of, and often a coping mechanism for, disconnection from your true self. Thus, depression is a sign that you have veered off the path of your soul.

Depression usually arises when you suppress your true feelings. You may have been taught (directly or indirectly) that it is wrong to express your feelings. If you are also too open, sensitive and giving to other people’s needs, you end up creating an extreme imbalance within yourself. Your system then creates a block to stop the overflow of your energetic output – and your spirit becomes dampened.

Spiritual Healing for Depression
The conventional way to treat depression is by prescribing medication to increase the production of feel-good hormones to offset the depressive feelings. This may be effective in managing and controlling moods, but from the perspective of spiritual growth, it simply covers up the symptoms which are your body’s way of giving you useful information about where you’re out of alignment with your true self, the places that need healing. Behind depression is fear, guilt, shame, etc. and we cannot heal these with medication alone.

When working with clients, I focus on treating the psycho-emotional-spiritual-energetic levels. My view is that these levels can affect the physiological-cognitive conditions rather than the other way around. Thus, healing and resolving the issues in the former would result in true healing of the symptom.

How Natural Healing For Depression Works ?

The natural process of healing depression basically refers to treatment of depression holistically. Most people are not aware of a powerful force called spirituality, which once embraced in our lives can help us to get healed.

How can spirituality help in treatment of depression? To answer this question, you need to first ask yourself, what is the root cause of depression? Depression is not caused by an event, a person, or a situation; it is caused by a disturbance in the spiritual equilibrium.

This refers to the fact that when there is more negative states in our mind and negative energy in our body as opposed to positive energy then depression occurs. The lack of positive energy hampers the balance between the mind, body, and soul. This is where natural healing for depression comes into the picture. It is only through practice of spiritual healing that you will be able to restore this balance and thus treat depression.

Psychic Healing Sessions Heals Depression and Anxiety

  • If you have been either mentally, physically, or emotionally abused in the past you stand a high likelihood of experiencing depression.
    • On a Metaphysical level the energy of the experience is still trapped in your bio-field and you are continuing to operate off of the memories. During a Psychic Healing Session I can put you into trance and begin to gently remove the energy from your body, chakras, and aura. Such therapy has long term benefits and gives you the emotional release that you need.
  • If you are experiencing conflict with family members or friends, you may be experiencing depression.
    • We can do a Psychic Reading and look at the soul contracts that you have with your family and friends and we can look at what is causing the conflict. Once we understand where the conflict is coming from, we can energetically end the old karma and soul contracts and create new ones that will shift the energy of the situation.
  • If you are experiencing death or loss of a loved one (be it adult or child), we can connect with their spirit and bring messages of love forward.
    • As a medium, I can connect with your loved ones and bring you messages from the other side that will help you to heal and feel at peace with their passing. Coming to terms with death and loss can be difficult if one does not understand the beauty of dieing. Just as births are celebrated so to can death be for it is another facet of life. Often it is because of our sense of missing them that we suffer. Yet, when we can come to terms and understand the beauty of being an Eternal Spirit than we can heal.
  • If you are experiencing a chronic or major illness then there is a chance that you have become depressed in the process.
    • On a Spiritual level we can look at the emotional, mental, and spiritual reasons for the depression and begin to clear these levels of your being. By doing so, changes on the physical level will begin to take place and your healing will rapidly occur.
  • Events that are positive, like graduating, getting married, or a new job can lead to depression. It isn’t always sad events. 
    • When this is the case, and you know you “should” be happy with life but are not, then we can go into your biofield (body, chakras, and aura) and start to look for the source of the depression. Usually it is a lack of love for yourself that is the trigger; something within you that says “I don’t deserve to be happy!” and we can look for the source and remove the energy from you so that you are freed up to enjoy life.
  • Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also suffer from depression.
    • Through a Psychic Healing we can go into your biofield and begin to remove the pictures that are leading to the substance abuse and encourage your feelings of self worth to flourish so that you can let go of the crutch that is keeping you tied to the drug or alcohol.
  • You are not alone, millions of people throughout the world suffer from depression in a given year. At some point in their lives, about one in four Americans will experience depression.
    • A Psychic Healing session involves me psychically reading the pictures in your field and then moving them out so that you no longer operate off of them. When we move the energy from your field, you heal. A healing may be necessary weekly or monthly depending on how deep it goes and how much you are ready to let go. The average person heals quickly from a session or two.
  • Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. Women may be at a higher risk for depression due in part to estrogen, which may alter the activity of neurotransmitters that contribute to depression. Once men hit midlife, they may face an increased risk of depression due to the decrease of testosterone.
    • If there is a physical reason for depression, such as a body chemical that is missing, a psychic healing will help you to identify the problem and you will need to take other steps to help to heal the problem. There is nothing wrong with combing eastern and western medicines to improve your state of mind.
  • Men typically experience depression differently from women and use different means to cope. For example, while women may feel hopeless, men may feel irritable. Women may crave a listening ear, while men may became socially withdrawn or become violent or abusive.

Here is some more information about Depression from Random Facts

  • In established market economies such as the United States, depression is the leading form of mental illness


  • As many as 15% of those who suffer from some form of depression take their lives each year.
    • From a metaphysical perspective, our will to live is located in our root chakra, and by doing a clearing and balancing of your root chakra, you will find that your will to live increases.
  • Depressed people get colds more frequently than non-depressed people.
    • By removing the energy of depression your vibration will rise and therefor so to will your health!
  • During the Middle Ages, mentally ill people were seen to be under the influence of the devil or other evil spirits.
    • As a Psychic Healer, there are times where I will see negative Entities attached to a person and this will cause the depression. If This is the case I can remove them and you will feel happy again.
  • Approximately 80% sufferers of depression are not receiving treatment.
  • Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, affects nearly 6 million American adults in a given year.
  • The average video gamer is typically 35-year-old male who is most likely depressed, overweight, and introverted.
  • Long-term use of marijuana leads to changes in dopamine production and has been implicated in the onset of depressive symptoms.
  • People with depression are five times more likely to have a breathing-related sleep disorder than non-depressed people.
    • If you are experiencing this we can go into your solar plexus and begin to clear out the energy that is keeping you from having a healthy night sleep.
  • Patients with depression may develop agoraphobia, or a fear of going out in public.
    • A Psychic Healing session will help you to feel more comfortable being around others and will help you to feel more social.
  • The World Health Organization estimates that depression will be the second highest medical cause of disability by the year 2030, second only to HIV/AIDS.
  • Many creative individuals have experienced depression, including Robert Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, Peter Tchaikovsky, John Lennon, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Georgia O’Keefe, Vincent van Gogh, Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Sylvia Plath.
  • Depression often presents itself in four ways: mood changes, cognitive (memory and thought process) changes, physical changes, and behavioral changes.

You can book a session with us and we can do healing to help you during session by moving the energy of sadness, fear, worry, depression, and anxiety and teaching you how to do it for yourself. We can psychically read for you the situations in your life and give you guidance for your success.


spiritual interference

Doing These Things Invites Ghosts, Spirits, Negative Energy

If You Do These Things, You Are Inviting Ghosts Into Your Home

Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe there lay a world beneath ours which is full of negative energy? Whether you believe it or not, we all live around these negative energies which always look for draining out our positive energy by entering into our world. Be it accomplishing their some unfulfilled task or taking revenge from someone, these demonic spirits are always in the opportunity to enter our world.

we do many things that attract these demonic powers to our world. Unfortunately, they are attracted to certain places and people for certain reasons. Know what things bring them into your house.

  • Obsession with death : Death is something we all never want to think about. It’s saddening, it’s terrifying but more than anything, it attracts negative energy. A person who is obsessed with death, attract negative energy and demons. Traipsing around a cemetery, performing a séance, visiting haunted places or researching death and murder scenes also attracts demons into your house.
  • Depression/Anxiety : If you have been under depression, you know how miserable it makes your life. You lose motivation, you lose happiness and you develop a weak aura about yourself.  When you go through such a phase, you attract more negativity around your including the demons. So next time you feel depressed about yourself, remember you are inviting ghosts.
  • Drug Abuse : Drug use doesn’t only ruin your life and health but it has way more impact on you. A person who uses drugs on a regular basis opens himself up to demonic attachment. Drugs deplete your physical, mental, and spiritual energy, leaving you weak enough to allow lower level entities to feed on your energy.
  • Performing black magic : Diving your head into the world of black magic is one of the sure shot portals to invite demonic spirits into our world. It is a definite way to connect to them and come through their negative energy. And once they enter the world, they create destruction into people’s life and everything around them.
  • Dabbling in the Occult : You might do it for fun but playing an Ouija board may call demons into your world. Also, simply dabbling in the occult without protecting oneself or knowing what one is doing will attract a demon, for example, playing with an Ouija board, tarot cards or pendulums. Remember, your fun game can lead you to great trouble.

Apart from these reasons, demons are attracted to various places for certain reasons.

  • Murder/Suicide : You might have seen in various horror movies that the reason behind the house being haunted is the death of a person. Any form of violent death that has occurred in a particular place will generate enough negative energy to possibly attract negative energy beings. Sometimes the person died in the house, may take a control over the house.
  • Multiple deaths : Negative entities feed on negative energy and the place which has seen a number of deaths has the great amount of negative energy. Ghosts exist around us and even they can kill humans, Death of Gaurav Tiwari proves that, Such a place would definitely call demonic powers into our world and can even become home for them. This is apparently the reason old houses and monuments are haunted.
  • Black magic : Any place that has been used in black magic rituals of any kind is an open door for negative beings to come through and potentially linger. If a group of people participated in these rituals, it is even more of a magnet for demonic powers. In the sweet shop in Ajmer (Rajasthan), ghosts come in the night to make sweets and it is true. Performing such rituals is a great way for them to enter our world and drain out our energies.
  • Recurrent negativity : As said earlier, negative energy attract demonic entities from the lower level. The place where people with negative energy live can attract ghosts and spirits. If the negativity is strong enough and lasts long enough, can generate enough energy to draw the attention of negative entities.

voodoo dolls

Voodoo Dolls, Black Magic, Voodoo Love Spells, Evil Spirits

Black Magic is the use of supernatural powers to the benefit of one’s own needs and desires.

Voodoo is one of the most ancient forms of religion that originated in west Africa from a time unknown and has evolved by influences from Roman Catholics, Mysticism and  Spirituality. Real voodoo Dolls are said to be very powerful voodoo dolls or magic voodoo dolls, voodoo dolls can be used for protection from any type of evil or black magic and many times it is also used as a source of destruction to destroy your enemy who is trying to harm or hurt you. Voodoo doll is used for taking revenge with your enemies as to destroy your enemy slowly by the power of voodoo doll, as voodoo dolls when in contact with you will get activated charged and will do great wonders for you.

Voodoo is a religion which also incorporates practicing magic, in voodoo magic is casted using different tools and ingredients. Since most of the voodoo spells casted would require performing a ritual before the magic could be casted hence many houngans uses voodoo dolls to perform the magic. Love spell is one much talked about magic spell that is much widely used and considered when we talk about magic spells and thus voodoo also practices casting love magic.

There are two methods followed in voodoo to cast love magic one is by casting a voodoo love spell and the other by using a voodoo doll. Below we will understand on how these two different methods are used and which one is better and why.

When casting a love magic a voodoo priest or priestess will use a voodoo doll, some black mustard seeds, red cloth and some pins along with lemons and vermilion, this voodoo doll is first prepared by attaching a picture, photo or used piece of cloth or hair from the body of the person who needs to be represented, then the rituals are performed using the other items as stated above, at the end of the ritual, some pins are inflicted on the body of the doll so as to inflict the pins on the person’s body and make the love spell come to an active state. Wherein a voodoo love spell is performed using items which might or might not depict the person, when casting a voodoo love spell the houngan would offer flowers and burn incense sticks to the respective deity, then offer a prayer to please the deity, once the prayer is completed the houngan will have acquired some kind of extra power and they would mumble some words which are not understood by others and the love spell is complete.

The effects of a voodoo love spells are stronger and lasts more because it is believed that those words that the houngan mumbles are words mumbled directly by the deity who is pleased with the offerings, which means the deity would help achieve a favorable result for the love spell which is casted, moreover since no items depicting any person is used to make a form of that person, hence the love spell cannot be dismantle as in with the use of a voodoo doll, if the doll is broken or taken away by someone else then the effect of the spell can be turned, stopped or ended.

Thus it is always preferred that a love magic using voodoo should be casted in the form of voodoo love spells rather than using voodoo dolls. It is also found that magic performed using voodoo dolls can inflict pain or even harm a person whom the doll is depicting, thus it is not much advised or suggested by many voodoo spell casters today. Moreover a voodoo love spell once casted can be also used to make an elixir or talisman which would give a mode quick result if used properly, wherein a voodoo love spell using voodoo doll does not permit making any elixir or talisman. Hence looking into all the aspects of voodoo magic and creation and casting of love spell, it is always preferred that a love magic be casted using voodoo love spell rather than using voodoo doll techniques.

The Voodoo Dolls contrary to popular belief are called Razenga Voodo Dolls and their actual purpose is for worship and as protection from evil spirits. But black magic users can use them for other purposes too.

In the Voodoo religion there is concept of one eternal God named “Bondye“, he is unknowable and does not intercede in human affairs but there are powerful spirits who serve him these are called “Ioa” and these are responsible for controlling the different aspects of life in this world (this is analogous to the concepts of a God and his Angels in the Christian, Islamic and Jewish faiths). Vodouists direct their focus to these powerful spirits to influence various aspects of life by making offerings, creating altars and holding rituals.

The most notable loa include Papa Legba (guardian of the crossroads), Erzulie Freda (the spirit of love), Simbi (the spirit of rain and magicians), Kouzin Zaka (the spirit of agriculture), and The Marasa, divine twins considered to be the first children of Bondye.

It is by the manipulation of these Supernatural forces that black magic spells like Voodoo doll possession and control over another person are obtained.

Ghost, Demons & Evil Spirits Attack in the night

Many people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. Even though they are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them they are completely immobilised. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them or in the room. It is an extremely unnerving feeling and the person going through it is gripped by fear. This group of symptoms is popularly known, especially in the medical world, as ‘Sleep paralysis’ also known as Old Hag.

Sleep paralysis can be a very scary thing. In it, you know you’re asleep, you try to wake up, but you can’t. It’s often accompanied by an irrational feeling of utter terror, and sometimes images of figures in black cloaks. Many cultures have developed supernatural explanations for sleep paralysis. In China, it’s called mèng yǎn, “ghost pressing on body.” In some Muslim countries, it’s associated with an evil djinn. In Africa, it’s called “the witch riding your back.”

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

And these stories are not limited to Western cultures, in fact, quite the contrary. In Thailand people refer to being Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed), and these experiences include a feeling of pressure, paralysis, and something black covering the body. In Japan, kanashibara (“to tie with an iron rope”) is a common known and accepted experience. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which “a soul” tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, da chor is described as follows: “You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep”.

One of the scarier experiences with sleep paralysis is the inclusion of lucid dreaming and false awakening. The sleeper recognizes he’s asleep and tries to wake up. He opens his eyes in relief, but soon realizes he’s still asleep. This can go on for some time, sometimes resulting in an actual awareness of his real surroundings—the pressure of the covers, the light of the room beyond his eyelids—but still the inability to fully waken. That awareness can slip away again, returning the sleeper to the hallucinations.

Muscle paralysis in sleep is a necessary thing. People who act out their dreams on a regular basis are prone to accidental injury—even jumping out of windows. Knowing that you’re asleep and paralyzed, however, can be frightening. You tell yourself to open your eyes, just to get caught in another false awakening. One theory is that sleep paralysis affects the larger parts of the body more completely. You can try to wake up by wiggling your toes or fingers. It’s also possible to pray during this time. This will often give comfort that lets you fall back into unconsciousness. You may be able to avoid sleep paralysis by getting sufficient rest and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

Generally, ghosts don’t intend to steal your energy, but it can happen. When they try to communicate, they have to manifest in this realm. That’s no easy feat for the departed, so they take some of your body’s energy to help themselves manifest. Formerly human ghosts will only take what they need.

So a theory is that demons (or the Devil/evil spirits/negative entities) attack some people when they are at their weakest. Could we be seen as ‘weak’ during sleep?
Many of my clients had experiences with ghosts and demons their whole life but this year many of my clients have been getting many nightmares which is leading us to believe they being ‘attacked’ by demons in their sleep.

In the past few months many of my clients had countless dreams where they faced with a negative entity, it appears as a ghost sometimes, or once it appeared as a crazy man, also I heard from my clients that ghosts got speaking to them in their ear just as they fell asleep. It has a horrible voice.

Common things in the dreams is being in a dark place, having their body shaking or feeling unusual sensations in their body and witnessing/experiencing disturbing things.

I do believe that you can be ‘attacked’ in sleep, these forces will try anything to get you it seems.

Types of Demonic Encounters

The various types of experiences that occur during sleep paralysis correspond directly with various neural correlates. These main subtypes of demonic experience include: the Intruder, the Incubus, and odd demonic sensations.  Additionally, there’s a fourth type that is less common characterized as a “mixed experience.”

1. Demonic Intruder

Those that encounter a demonic intruder tend to report that they were either threatened, terrorized, or sensed an evil demon in the same room as them.  Those that experience sleep paralysis for the first time and/or are relatively new to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis are more likely to believe that there’s a demonic intruder or “sense the presence” of a demon.  The “Intruder” subtype is strongly associated with sensing the terrifying presence of a demonic entity.

  • Apparitions: Many people claim to see apparitions or the ghost-like image of a demonic entity.  This entity may look like a traditional “demon” but may also appear as an evil person, animal, ghost, or other entity.  This image may appear blurry or may be highly specific depending on individual perception.
  • People: You may sense that a demonic person has entered the room.  This may be someone that’s deceased and/or a person that’s still alive.  Your sleep paralysis experience may project this individual as being closely tied with the devil.
  • Noises: Some people claim to hear voices of a demon or another related evil entity.  These voices may be subtle and hard to decipher or they may be loud, clear, and in your native language.  They may give commands or make threats depending on your sleep paralysis experience.  In other cases you may hear the demon moving through your room.
  • Sense of presence: The most common attribute associated with this sort of experience is a sense that the demon is in the room.  In other words, you can “sense” that a demonic threat is nearby, even if you cannot see or hear it.  Your gut instinct may be warning you that a demon may be close.
  • Touching: In extreme cases, some people end up experiencing tactile experiences in which they believe they were touched by a demon.  In the “Intruder” subtype, the touches are generally vague and likely to induce a significant amount of fear.

2. Demonic Suffocation (Incubus)

The subtype of sleep paralysis most associated with demons is that of the “Incubus” – a term which translates to a male demon having sexual intercourse with a sleeping female.  It is most common for those experiencing the “Incubus” subtype of expereinces to believe that they encountered a demon or were victim of a demonic attack.  In a majority of cases, people claim that the demon they encounter was attempting to murder them in their sleep.

Those that encounter the Incubus experiences tend to have similar experiences during the “Intruder” subtype and demonic entities appear while we are semi-conscious.  No matter how much we try to escape, we realize that we cannot move due to atonia, so the demon is free to terrify us.

  • Abduction: Many people believe that they are being abducted by a demon, demonic entity, or even an alien.  Some people believe that their spirit is being extracted from their bodies or that they are being physically transported to another realm by the demon.  If a person doesn’t encounter a demon, they may encounter an alien.
  • Assault: The demons may appear to physically assault you by constricting your breathing or inflicting physical pain.  It is common for victims to believe that they are being seriously injured by the demon and that they’ll never be able to recover from inflicted damage.
  • Breathing difficulties: A common sign of demonic encounters during sleep paralysis is that of breathing difficulties.  The demons may appear to restrict breathing in various ways such as by strangling the sleeping victim, to the individual experiencing restricted breathing while seeing a demon.
  • Chest pressure: In many cases, people believe that the demon or evil entity is sitting atop their chest, constricting their breathing. However, to the individual encountering the demon during sleep paralysis, they feel as if the pressure is a direct result of an attempt to kill or inflict pain.
  • Malicious intent: In nearly every case, the person seeing the demon believes that it has malicious intent.  They believe that the demon is out to either kill them or inflict some sort of harm.  This is accompanied by sensations of pain, perceived assaults, and restriction of breathing.  Since the fear centers of the brain are activated, we may feel a sense of paranoia or panic.
  • Perceived pain: There have been reports of pain being inflicted by demons while in a state of sleep paralysis.  The pain may be mild, moderate, or extreme depending on the individual circumstances.  One case of a woman experiencing sleep paralysis reported that a devil sat atop her breasts, attempted to choke her, and inflicted pain that she claimed to have felt even upon awakening the following morning.
  • Sexual intercourse: In very extreme cases, people have reported being “raped” by demons or having sexual intercourse with them.  In recurrent cases of sleep paralysis, people have claimed to have been shown the hybrid offspring with demons and/or aliens.  It should be noted that most research suggests that women are more likely to report “rape” during sleep paralysis than men.
  • Suffocation: In numerous cases, people believe that the demon is out to suffocate them by either choking them or applying pressure to their chest.  Those experiencing this believe that there’s nothing that can be done and that they will inevitably die.  Oddly enough, they eventually awaken, realizing that sleep paralysis was to blame; they didn’t actually die.
  • Thoughts of death: The demonic encounters that are experienced during this type of experience tend to be associated with thoughts of death.  The victim of sleep paralysis believes that the demons are out to murder them in their sleep.  The actions of the demons can appear vividly real from a first-person perspective, hence resulting in thoughts of death.

3. Odd Demonic Sensations

Those that experience the odd bodily sensations during sleep paralysis don’t commonly report demonic encounters.  In fact, they may report encounters with pleasant beings like angels or happy spirits.  Those that solely experience bodily sensations during their episodes of sleep paralysis are less likely to report demons.

Although demons are less associated with “odd bodily sensations” (vestibular-motor hallucinations), they still may occur.  Should they occur during the vestibular-motor expereinces, you may encounter a demon while having an “out-of-body experience” and/or feel as if a demon is attempting to extract your spirit from your body.  This third subtype of demonic encounters just adds areas of the brain associated with perceiving “motion” into the expereince.

  • Falling: It may feel as if you’re falling during your encounter with a demon.  You may feel as if you’re falling into a trap of some sort or falling to your death as a result of a demonic assault.
  • Fictitious motor movements: In some cases, it may seem as if you’re able to move your body such as arms and legs.  In reality, you may be having an out-of-body experience, thinking that you’re able to run away from the demon.
  • Floating: It is common for people to feel as if they are floating.  This floating sensation is generally associated with bliss and calmness.  That said, it is possible to feel as if you’re floating near a demon.
  • Flying: You may feel as if you are flying while simultaneously trying to escape the throes of a demon.
  • Out-of-body experience: Some people may have an out-of-body experience and believe that the demon may fight them in some way or may harm their physical body.
  • Remote viewing: In some cases, people believe they are looking at their body from a third-person perspective (e.g. outside their physical body).  They may feel detached from their physical body, yet perceive a demon attacking it.
  • Suctioning: You may feel as if you’re being suctioned out of your body or violently extracted by a demon.  It may appear painful and/or forceful and against your will.

4. Mixed Demonic Hallucinations

Some people may feel as if there’s a demonic intruder, end up feeling attacked by the demon (e.g. suffocated), and feel that they’re being transported to another realm via flying or floating.  While those new to sleep paralysis don’t often experience mixed feelings, a person may experience a blending of any of the three subtypes listed above.

It is most common for a person to experience the “Intruder” and the “Incubus” experiences simultaneously rather than either with the “Unusual Bodily Experiences.”  The Unusual Bodily Experiences aren’t nearly as associated with demons and a majority of individuals tend to report feelings of bliss rather than fear during the experience.

spiritual interference

Ghost, Haunted House, Curse, Spirit Attachment & Releasement

Spirit Release

Many people believe in life after death and that the soul lives on. What most people may not realise is the degree to which our lives can be affected by spiritual interference.

When we die, we separate from the physical body and enter a transition into the spirit world. However sometimes for many reasons the spirit does not make this transition.

Most people who die transition from the Earth realm to higher realms. A spirit attachment is a person who has died i.e, leaving their physical body but not moved beyond the earth plane. This can happen for several reasons: they missed the window available to return to the Light, they had a sudden, traumatic death and did not realize they died, or they had family members/loved ones clinging to them energetically, unable to accept their passing.

As a result of missing the opportunity to move on, they remain here, and may attach to someone living. In certain cases, rather than attaching to a person, a spirit will choose to inhabit a location—a home or other building—where they feel comfortable.

Spirits who attach to an individual—or their surroundings—affect that person emotionally, physically, and spiritually, as long as they stay with him or her; they may experience nightmares, audible whispers at night etc. This can last an entire lifetime if they do not get the right help. Luckily, any type of spirit attachment can be removed and sent where they need to go, for good.

Have you ever had an uneasy feeling within a room, as though some unseen force was there? Have you ever sensed the presence of spirits or ghosts or felt you were not alone? Most of us have had these experiences at some stage in our lives and when this occurs within our homes we can often feel very troubled, even frightened. These events are not uncommon.

Cleansing your home and removing the non beneficial energies can help you in many ways move towards creating a more positive atmosphere. However, this very aspect of cleansing is all too often overlooked.

Spirit release is literally the separation of your energies or the buildings energies from the entity (spirit or negative energy) that has attached itself to them. Where possible the spirit can then be helped to move on to the light where they can receive help.

Freeing an earthbound spirit takes compassion and a calm nature. Spirits were living people at one time and they may be lonely or frightened by their experience. It is a real honour to do this work and the sense of relief you feel inside when they finally cross over cannot be put into words.

Spirit Attachments

Science has not yet proved the presence of spirit attachment. There is much evidence to suggest that these can and do exist and can have a strong influence on our lives.

Spirits may attach themselves to a building, the aura of a person or they may become internalised by taking up residence within an individual.

Sometimes a loved one will try and stay around to be with their family members and create a strong influence on the people this spirit once lived with.

Losing or aborting a baby during pregnancy may also produce a foetal attachment, which can in turn affect the emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing of a person.

Signs and Symptoms of Attachment

  • Feeling tired and depleted of energy
  • Suffering mood swings and/or impulsive behaviour
  • Unexplained bursts of anger, sadness or emotion
  • Hearing inner voices
  • A feeling of ‘this isn’t me’
  • Problems with addictions
  • Poor memory, concentration or confusion
  • Sudden anxiety or depression
  • Sudden onset of physical problems or pain with no obvious cause
  • Unexplained fears, phobias or panic attacks
  • Worrying or disturbing nightmares
  • Feelings of being watched, unexplained sensations or smells
  • Cold areas in your home, a sense of someone else in the room
  • A person who has not been the same since an accident, since losing a loved one, or since moving house

Types of Attachment

  • Earth bound spirits, ghosts and lost souls
  • Negative energy and psychic attack
  • Curses, cords and contracts
  • Past life attachments and ancestral patterns
  • Earth energies

Black Magic

Effects of Spirits / Black Magic / Evil Eye on Business |U.K

Many times it so happens that we get surrounded with too many problems in life. It is said that it could be due to black magic but before getting to know how to break black magic, let us find out what the term actually denotes.

Black magic is a negative set of rituals, generally performed to harm a person.

Black magic is difficult to get rid of. It is more important to understand that black magic has been done before you can cure it.  You can also be under influence of a black magic when you have some sudden unexpected major downfall such as you fall ill severely or when you all of a sudden suffer huge financial loss.

Black magic can not only cause spiritual damage, it can also be a cause for physical damage. Another important point that you must remember is that a person who does black magic is cursed. He or she will have to pay for what they are doing someday or the other. This is because irrespective of the purpose for which black magic is performed, the law of karma reigns supreme. It becomes like a bad deed done by the person who performs black magic and also on whose behalf it is done. It will surely come back to you in some form or the other.

Business Risk ! From Whom?

As the businesses start growing, many competitors who feel threatened, many relatives, yes relatives, who feel jealous, many friends, yes yes friends, believe me, who feel envious, contact some Evil Witchcraft Expert who is a past master in the art of Black Magic like Voodoo, Hoodoo, Black Tantra, Folk Magic, Egyptian Magic, Greek Magic and so on and so forth and avail the services of Black Magic Expert to destroy your upcoming business by sending on you and your staff and associates and on your business place Demons, Genies, Evil Spirits, Ghouls etc and casting Evil Curses and Evil Spells.

This is a very important question that from whom you have to take care of your business. If we find the answer of this question then it would be easy to mover further.

  • The Competitors– Competition is good but some persons want to win in any case and this feelings insist them to use the black magic to dominate the other’s business.
  • The Negative minded persons who like to embarrass others- There are some person who don’t like the happiness of others and for this they use the negative science to embarrass just for sake.
  • The negative energies which increases in some special time period- In some special time of amavasya or no moon night the power of negative energies increases and on that time some business owners suffers.
  • The evil eye effects– This is a very common problem in this world, there are various persons enters in our business premises some of them are not of good mind and energies. In this world there are many persons who if see you with wrong intention just finish your business. This type of effect is called evil eye effects. WE have to protect our business from this evil eye effects.

    What are the symptoms of black magic on any business?

How to know that our business is suffering from black magic. 
Business is the source of livelihood so negative minded persons uses the kala jaadu or black magic to destroy the business to dominate any one. So don’t underestimate any type of negative incidents if it is going on with your business.

Let’s see some important symptoms which the owner of the business feels due to black magic-

  • The business gets blocked it is due to the process of “vyaapaar bandh”.
  • The customers don’t want to stay in business premises.
  • Continuously headache in the mind of business owner or the persons who are present in the business premises.
  • Regular fall in business.
  • Strange smell in the business premises.
  • Frightening dreams.
  • Strange type of fear in the mind of business owner or the sales persons.
  • Switching of sales staff rapidly.
  • Dissatisfaction in the mind of customers.
  • Abnormal behavior of business owner.
  • Finding some tantrik items in the business premises like as bones, sindoor, lemon, black sesame, chilly etc.
  • Sudden accidents.

How Black Magic is Used

  • Black magicians may use these spirits to access information from anyone. These pieces of information may be used to inflict harm to the individual.
  • Black magicians may use spirits to mentally torture and physically harm people. There are people driven by jealousy, anger and hate who pay black magicians to inflict harm to their relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • Black magicians can even be hired by professionals like lawyers to win cases. Politicians and businessmen have at times hired black magicians to defeat their competitors. It is also a very common practice in the movie, music and modeling industries.

What To Do To Protect Our Business Premises From Black Magic?

People now days are becoming negative day by day. They are not happy with their own progress but they are unhappy with others progress. To harm others sometimes people take refuge in Black Magic.

If you have your own business and suddenly your customer base starts decreasing for no apparent reason and you start facing losses in business, then it might be the result of black magic which has been done by someone who is jealous of you and the prosperity of your business.

If you think that you have danger from your competitors then it is better to use the precautionary measures which will not only protect you but also enhance your business.Astrology and occult sciences provide great ways and tools to protect our self from black magic and negative energies.

Use of black magic in business in this competitive age is getting common day by day. This negative use of science is used by the persons who are jealous of other growth. The user of black magic don’t know the side effects of this black science. The victim of black magic is unable to grow and business gets locked suddenly. So it is very necessary to protect our business from black magic and if it is done then do remedy as soon as possible.

Having understood the basics of it, let us now discuss how to break black magic and get rid of its effects. Prevention is always better than cure and this axiom holds true in the case of black magic as well. The best way to deal with black magic is to prevent it.

A regular puja of Lord Hanuman can also ensure that no black magic can touch you. Every day you can read the Sri Hanuman Chalisa as this keeps evil spirits away. You must have a temple in your house and keep the idol of Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganesh in that.


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