Earthbound Spirits : Suicide Victims, Murder Victims, Violent Accidental deaths

eathbound spirits

Earthbound Spirits : Suicide Victims, Murder Victims, Violent Accidental deaths

Earth-Bound Spirits Classifications

Many categories fall into this class. All of them do not know that they are dead:
(1) Suicide victims
(2) Murder victims
(3) War casualties
(4) Violent accidental deaths
(5) Deluded ghosts haunting buildings
(6) Obsession: Recently deceased spirits closely attached to living loved ones
(7) Possession: permanent and intermittent
(8) Poltergeists
(9) Recently deceased spirits who have unfinished business still on earth
(10) Others.

All the above are deluded and do not realise that they have died. Suicides, murder victims and violent deaths belong to the same category in the swiftness of their deaths. One moment they are alive, and in another they are dead. They are not prepared for this suddenness. They are violently angry and probably full of fear. They do not know how to go to the white light, and if deceased relatives or guides are there to bring them across, they cannot see them. Therefore, they remain in that location for years, until they realise that they are dead and are brought across by spirit guides. There are numerous ignorant spirits still fighting each other in the battlefields today. These are the dead victims of the Second World War. In some cases, these souls have already gone else where, but the energy of that violence remains. The incident will be repeated over and over again at the same spot and exactly the same time of the day. It is only an energy enactment of the thought forms. The whole scene will be totally mechanical and the thought forms will not respond to any human presence. If, however, they are actual earth-bound spirits and not thought forms, then when a human comes along there will be some reaction to the human presence. In these cases of violence, they do not know that they are dead because of the fear and suddenness of the incidents. Some of them persist in talking to their loved ones, who do not respond. One can see drones of these ignorant depressed spirits hovering and following their loved ones. There is extreme frustration, but they will continue until they finally realise that their efforts are totally futile. At this point, they may believe that the living are ghosts, and they are the living. The opposite situation is when the living relative continually bemoans the deceased, and wishes that the deceased were still with him or her, then the deceased will very likely remain earth-bound.

Ghosts who haunt buildings and places are again people who have died and do not realise that they are dead. The classical case is the old man who died with a heart attack. When he ‘wakes up’, he will think that he had just fallen asleep, and thus does not know that he has died. He will continue to live in the house trying to communicate with the living in the house to no avail. He still feels that he owns the house. So when new owners come to stay, the first thing he will do is to try and get rid of the new comers. The latter mostly cannot hear him. A case in point is an old man, who used to own the house we bought. What he would continually say to all new comers is ‘Please, leave my house!’ After many years of ineffectual exhortations, he decided to communicate only to the more psychic of the new owners. Every evening at about 9.30 PM, whilst that person resting on the bed, he would come and sit on his bedside and chitchat with him. The conversations are of no importance. They are about what he did for the day. He would then tell him that he performed 10 post-mortems in the morning, meaning that 10 new emigrants had just passed on to his realm. Has he met them? Invariably, he knows nothing about it. His world is just that person’ bedroom and no where else. When his old home was pulled down, and a new block of condominium was built over the land, he moved over to occupy one of the flats. That is why when brand new flats or houses are built over graveyards or where old haunted houses used to be, the ghosts will move over to the new house or flat. This means that a ghost is not only a spirit that does not know that he is dead, but he is also fairly stupid, moving over to a new flat at a twinkle of an eye and yet still does not realise that he is dead.

This happens when a recently deceased entity is attached to a loved one on earth. Good examples are (1) husband and wife (2) mother and son or daughter (3) lovers and (4) father and son or daughter. I have seen examples of all of them. The spirit hangs around very closely to the living, trying to communicate with him or her, and influencing the living at every turn. Alas, to no avail. However, the consequences are rather detrimental to the living. The latter loses weight and energy; he suffers from insomnia, irritability, and loss of appetite and shows a steady deterioration of concentration. At the end, he gets exhausted and goes into a deep depression and end up with seeing a doctor or a psychiatrist, both of whom will be nonplussed. There is no diagnosis, and all the tranquillisers make matters worst. Finally, if the living is lucky, the obsessing spirit leaves on her own accord, or else the obsession may last for years, until the living, especially the remaining spouse, succumbs and joins the obsessing spirit in death. A spiritual person or healer can easily clear this obsession.  Inform the spirit that you are all right, and she should go to the white light to meet her other relatives and friends. Inform the deceased that by attaching herself to the living, she is actually causing a lot of harm to the living. If she is adamant, get her to think of a deceased relative herself. This will do the trick. The minute the deceased relative appears, the obsessing spirit will be whisk away by that relative to the white light. The above two measures may also be used to exorcise a ghost in a house.

Possession may be intermittent or permanent (that means throughout the day and night). The medium that channels spirit guides is an example of intermittent possession. However, in this instance, the possession is controlled by the medium’s own guides. No other entity can come in except the one that has been agreed upon. On the other hand, haphazard possession is very troublesome and taxing for everybody concerned. The person who is possessed normally has his or her chakras open and often their auras are imperfect or damaged. This happens when the person is very stressed due to loss of money or loved ones. Or he has just recovered from an illness. In this state of deficient aura, if he is not fully conscious as in under anaesthesia or in a drunken stupor or under the influence of drugs, he may very well be possessed. A person, who is meditating and falls into a trance, thus losing awareness, is also quite liable to be possessed. The location of the victim is also important. Drug addict dens and pubs are good hunting ground for the predators. Hospitals, churches, temples, burial sites, cremation buildings, sacred sites along Ley lines and haunted houses are all vulnerable to possession. Therefore the ideal setting for a possession are (1) a victim who has a damaged and deficient aura, (2) he is not fully conscious or in a trance state at the time, (3) the presence of predators (marauding spirits) and (4) a highly charged and spirited location.

The following practices are also conducive to possession: (a) games involving Ouija board (b) Tarot cards reading (c) funeral wakes (d) rituals in cemeteries, temples and churches and old consecrated grounds.

Auric Attacks
These are attacks on the auras of people as in the cases of possession, but the attacks are much less serious and the predator does not inhabit the victim. The most common type of an auric attack is when a relative goes and visits a patient in a hospital or attends a funeral wake. The places are identical to those enumerated above for possession, as these locations are loaded with ghostly predators. So after an attack, when the victim comes home he experiences symptoms of ‘influenza’, but there is no temperature present. He gets weaker and weaker by the day, even though he feeds himself voraciously. He puts on weight, but he gets more and more debilitated. This continues until he reaches a state in which he cannot even get out of his bed. Of course, the doctor has no idea what is going on, even after numerous tests have been carried out. Finally, the attack may wear off on its own, but it may take months or years. However, a healer can put the patient back to health in a few sessions of healing. These auric attacks are quite common, and very few people realise it. They are often misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome.

These are spirits in the building in which they cause things to fly about. Some times stones are thrown into the house with great precision without hurting anyone or breaking anything. In this instance when the stones are felt, they are felt to be warm. The worst case scenario is when huge pieces of furniture fly all over the room and crockery etc, crash to the ground. Pets and people have been excluded from being the cause of these activities. Quite often these incidences start when there is some psychological trauma inflicted on some teenagers in the house. The minute the individual leaves the house the poltergeist activity ceases. However, there are also cases, in which there is no evidence of psychological trauma in the house. In a few cases, spontaneous combustion may also be initiated by poltergeists.

spirit entities

Spirit Release (Demons,Devils,Ghosts,Negative Energies etc.)

spirit entitiesSometimes the physical or emotional issues that we seek to resolve or heal do not come from our own past lives. Rather, they can come from a totally different entity — the attached spirit of someone who has already died.

For a variety of reasons, when some individuals die, they do not go directly into the Light. Instead, they become earthbound spirits that can attach themselves to our aura or our physical, emotional or mental subtle bodies. They do not require our permission to do so.

A spirit attachment may be random or even accidental. It can be:

  • benevolent in nature,
  • self-serving to fulfill a personal need of the attaching entity,
  • malevolent in intention or 
  • completely neutral.

Symptoms of spirit attachment can include:

  • An inner voice that constantly criticizes you
  • A variety of changing physical maladies with no obvious cause
  • Irrational fear, anger, sadness or guilt or
  • Suicidal tendencies.

Frequently the earthbound spirit brings along its own physical and emotional maladies at the time of death. These fears, phobias, aches, addictions, negative thoughts, desires and behaviors are then experienced as your own pains, thoughts, desires and behaviors.

Our language reflects an inner knowledge of this condition: “What got into you?” “I’m not myself today.” “I don’t know what possessed me to do that.”

I find in my practice that spirit attachments can be the source of any number of physical, mental and emotional disorders faced by my clients including phobias, addictions, anxiety, compulsions, depression, relationship difficulties, feelings of anger and abandonment, unexplainable pains and aches, and many other symptoms.

Sometimes you are not aware of the attachment until the entity has been released.

What is Spirit Release?

Spirit Release Therapy dates back to antiquity. Virtually all cultures and religions address the issue of discarnate beings of various types influencing living people, causing various degrees of harm to their hosts.

Today Spirit Release is a therapy practiced by psychotherapists, mental health professionals and energy healers who have found it effective where other methods have failed. As man’s understanding of the enormous influence and power of their higher energy fields is “authenticated” by modern methods of scientific measurement, and as preventative medicine grows, the importance of clearing foreign psychic energies will be commonly accepted.

Physical or emotional stress can leave you vulnerable to unwelcome negative energies which attach at a subtle vibrational level and can then influence your health, personality and behavior. A Lost Soul may well bring with it the physical symptoms it experienced at the time of its death.

The practitioner and client need not hold any particular religious belief. We are trained in releasing these negative attachments which may have been preventing you from moving forward with your life. We transform the entities so that they are unable to return to you, find out what problems they may have been causing and ask for help, advice, protection and healing.

Spirit Release differs from exorcism because it is non-confrontational and transformation is achieved through negotiation. As well as freeing the client and channeling healing to them, we invoke the power of love and the assistance of higher spiritual beings to help the invading entities on their evolutionary path towards enlightenment. They are transformed into a higher more evolved state from where they cannot return, for within the heart of every being, however dark, there is a core of light. Our skill is in persuading it to find within itself this transformational light source – once it has transformed it cannot and would not wish to return.

We offer ourselves as vehicles for the Divine Universal Healing Power. We treat all information in complete confidence and approach this work with great integrity.

Whilst to our knowledge all our clients have responded favorably, Spirit Release Therapy is not a panacea – there are many causes for illness. Likewise, many of the life factors of the client and his/her situation are beyond our control and may be affecting the healing process. The Universe does not interfere with a soul’s chosen path or their free will.

It is always in the client’s best interest to refrain from other spiritual or rescue work whilst we are conducting Spirit Release Therapy so that the new energy vibrations and behavior patterns will have a chance to settle. Please consider all these factors before requesting Spirit Release Therapy.

We always work in Love and Light and for the highest good of all concerned, asking the higher energies and angelic kingdom for their guidance, healing and protection.

How Can Spirit Attachment Happen ?

Our aura is an magnetic energy field. Like any magnet it can repel and attract according to the energetic charge.  We have all met people that seem to have a magnetic personality,  people seem to naturally be drawn to these type of people without consciously understanding why.  On the other hand there are people that are more likely to keep other people at a distance.  These types of people do not find it so easy to connect to people.

The same applies for spirits, they can become  attracted to people because of the magnetic energy field.

What can create that energetic attraction ?

The likelihood of spirit attachment depends on the strength of your auric field. If your energy field becomes weakened, torn or become frail and develop holes for many reasons.  Some of those reasons according to Sue Allen ( author of spirit release ) are:

  • Mental or physical illness
  • Surgery
  • Certain Medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Anti-psychotic
  • Stress/ Trauma
  • Alcohol
  • Recreational Drugs

My experience has shown that attachments can occur when :

  • A person has experienced extreme trauma.
  • When a person has taken drugs or alcohol.
  • It can also occur from the negative intentions of others.

This can then create a break in the energy field of the person & this can  allow an attachment to become part of the persons energy field.

What  Does It Feel Like To Have An Attachment ? Although it can be different  everyone, some of the common experiences are:

  • People experience, behaviours, feelings and thoughts that seem foreign to  them.
  • They can begin to like completely different foods & drinks
  • They begin to have completely different interests.
  • They experience problems making decisions, constantly in two minds
  • Constant internal chatter that creates confusion
  • They feel like the mind is foggy or in a haze
  • Belief systems & values can sometimes completely change.
  • They can also experience extreme feelings that appear unexplainable or out of character for them. Ie: Extreme feelings of anger, sadness, fear or anxiety.

The Clearing Process Through the attachment  release process I firstly check to see if the person has anything foreign attached to their energy field and then move the person through a healing  process of releasing any attachments that don’t belong to the person. When this release happens the person is more easily able to make those changes  that they want in their lives, without feeling held back.  Some have described “feeling more like themselves again”. in general people feel better about themselves and their lives.

Demon Possession or Mental Illness?

Mental illness can mean different things to different people. In the scientific community, we believe that it can be a totally chemical based condition, but that’s only one possible diagnosis. Is there sometimes more than meets the eye? In many civilizations around the world, it’s not so much about what is physically wrong inside, but rather who may be around with you. The term ‘spirit possession’ is often used as a cultural explanation for what is happening, with symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia.

Belief in possession is not uncommon in psychosis, the mental state that can sometimes accompany severe mental illness and typically involves delusions and hallucinations. Psychiatry usually assumes all such experiences to be faults of the mind, rather than the result of other-worldly powers.

What causes mental illness and its various types? The answer lies in demon possession. When a person has mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression, psychosis, multiple personality disorder, or has suicidal thoughts, the individual has quite literally “lost their mind” to invading demon spirits.

Demon spirits pray on those who are weak mentally, physically and emotionally. When a person suffers a trauma in their life and they are unable to cope with the trauma mentally and emotionally, a part of their soul chooses not to have that experience and splits off causing “soul fragmentation”. This leaves a vacuum or space for demon spirits to reside within the soul and influence the mind and feelings of the person involved.

These demon spirits enter through holes in the aura when the person is emotionally vulnerable and seeks to “escape” their own life. Marijuana usage in teenagers who are often emotionally troubled and seek to escape the reality of their troubled lives. Taking drugs such as marijuana causes holes to appear in the aura. It is also a form of “escapism” that fragments the soul, leaving the individual open and vulnerable to demon possession. And this is why schizophrenia has been linked to marijuana usage. It is not the marijuana itself that is causing the schizophrenia, it is the invasion of the demon spirit that hi-jacks the soul and mind of the troubled teenager, after they have used marijuana.

This is why we see ordinary young adults stay healthy all their lives – free of schizophrenia – and then all of a sudden have schizophrenia after taking marijuana. It is because they have lost control of their mind due to demon possession.

Severe or more extreme types of mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, personality disorder, multiple personality disorder, psychosis are caused by a large number of demon and earthbound spirits entering the soul of the person involved. The person has literally lost control of their soul and mind to malevolent or negative spirits. Major depression, suicide and suicidal thoughts are also caused by demon or earthbound spirits influencing the mind and the emotions of the person’s soul they inhabit.

Most people on earth have one or more earthbound or demon spirits within their soul, that has gained entry into their soul either during this lifetime or been carried over from a past life. Yet because demon spirits can only possess a soul according to the degree to which it has chosen to give away control of its soul, most demon possession is only partial in nature and the demon spirit expresses itself through the identity of the human ego. Most people cannot distinguish between what is of their own human ego, which is negative and fear-based in nature, and what is of a demon spirit that has infiltrated their soul under the guise of the ego.

Is a Person Really Possessed or Are They Mentally Ill?

This is a question I deal with a lot. Sadly, a large number of mentally ill people suffer from delusions of persecutions by demons, the dead, or other supernatural entities.   The devil and demons torment those that suffer from any number of psychotic disorders. People who might have lived locked up in a mental institution 50 years ago can now live relatively normal life free from the terror of the demons as spirit releasement has become popular in the recent years and people are able to get relief out of this spiritual therapy.
For sceptics, this is the obvious answer to all hauntings and demon possessions.  It is easy to say mental illness is the answer.  However,  I think there are ways to see a difference between the supernatural and the natural affects of mental illness.  Obviously, many psychiatrists and therapists don’t feel this way, but I think when diagnostic criteria for a mental illness aren’t met and treatment doesn’t work, other things could be considered.

A lot of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder have reported seeing shadow people, as well. Unfortunately, the majority of these people are describing their own paranormal experiences as delusions and hallucinations. The same goes for a lot of people who’ve been diagnosed with schizophrenia; they don’t believe in most of the things they have heard and seen. Should we be so quick to call ourselves crazy and assume that what we have seen or heard could not possibly be real? It actually makes me feel a little sad knowing that most people don’t believe in their own experiences or consider how their experiences with mental illness and paranormal activity can potentially be really profound and meaningful.

Am I suggesting that it’s impossible to experience a hallucination? No, not necessarily, but I don’t think we should immediately dismiss something just because it’s hard to explain or can’t be witnessed by everyone. Who’s to say what’s real and what isn’t? What if everything around us is an illusion, and we’re all a bit crazy for mistaking it to be real? I’ve grown tired of the “experts” who claim that this and that is impossible or unlikely. There is so much more to learn and understand about everything in life, including the paranormal and mental suffering, once you’re willing to adopt the “I don’t know” stance. Whenever we say “I don’t know how to explain that”, our curiosity and non-assuming nature might allow us to eventually come up with some pretty cool and interesting theories that bring us closer to the truth.

My biggest argument against labeling paranormal experiences as hallucinations is that it further adds to the mental illness stigma. It basically says that these people who “hallucinate” have a problem, that they’re out of touch with reality, that their experiences don’t count because there’s something wrong with their brain, and that they’re not credible or trustworthy sources whenever they speak about unusual experiences they’ve endured. What if we did a 180 and turned this view around? What if people suffering with mental illness became our teachers, offering us a new perspective about the nature of reality and all the phenomena surrounding us that normal oraverage people cannot see? Can you imagine that instead of feeling victimized and living in shame about their condition, these people might actually find meaning in their suffering? Instead of making these people feel flawed and in need of serious psychiatric help, what if we helped them to see their unique gifts through loving support? What if there are potential significant gains and a profound purpose behind mental illness, and we’ve been treating it the absolute wrong way for the past few centuries? The current mindset and approach seem a bit backwards to me.

The ways we’ve been conditioned to view mental illness and paranormal experiences are obviously limiting. Mental illness is seen as pointless suffering, and witnessing paranormal activity is either seen as absolute nonsense by the skeptics or a sign of a defective brain/sensory system that needs to be fixed through medication as soon as possible. I’m going to paraphrase a comment I found on a forum that illustrates the modern, limiting view of mental illness and paranormal experiences: “Your experiences sound very disturbing. I hope your new medications help you. Those paranormal entities you’ve seen are the products of your mind and nothing more. Embrace the medication’s ability to quiet the voices, and re-learn to see the world as it is: solid and un-magical.” So, in other words, people who perceive things beyond the physical realm need to dull their senses through medication because being highly sensitive is not normal and absolutely none of that stuff you’ve seen is real anyway because all the “normal people” are the experts on what does and does not exist in this vast universe.

I’m very curious about why so many people have reported seeing shadow people inside their homes and other dark, shadowy figures during something that is clinically referred to as “sleep paralysis”. Could these paranormal entities possibly be inter-dimensional beings that can only be seen by people who have higher levels of sensitivity? Or are the entities there to feed off the negative energy of those who are suffering or to increase their suffering, perhaps out of spite? I know someone of a skeptical mindset probably thinks all of this is a big load of crap, but I really suspect there’s something more going on here than just hallucinations and delusions.

If you were to question a group of people diagnosed with mental illness or sleep paralysis about their paranormal experiences, shouldn’t each person report a unique experience that is significantly different from what everyone else had seen if it was merely a hallucination? Why do people see the same beings and have such similar experiences? For example, countless people who’ve experienced sleep paralysis have encountered “the old hag” and “the hat man”. Many say the shadow entities are a race of malevolent supernatural beings, called the djinn, who despise and envy humans.

I’m not really attempting to explain why people with mental illness or sleep paralysis have reported paranormal experiences, but I trust that their experiences are valid and should be taken seriously because I trust in my own experiences with the paranormal. People who’ve never witnessed any of this will continue to ridicule us and probably say something ignorant like “go take your meds”, but I don’t think we should minimize our experiences and question ourselves simply because it’s not normal to see certain things. Maybe we possess certain abilities or gifts that have allowed us to have these experiences.

I can’t say for sure why any of these paranormal events occur. For now, maybe we should try to accept the fact that we don’t know why some people see entities while others don’t. We could also try to understand that our perception of life and the world around us is very limited during this human experience. It is truly ignorant if we were to say with confidence that we know everything there is to know about other realms and the universe. I encourage you to look deeper into these matters with a curious, open mind instead of dismissing anything paranormal with skepticism and self-assured arrogance.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this or about any paranormal encounters you have experienced.

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