Reiki & Spirit Releasement Therapy
Category : Reiki , Spirit Releasement Therapy
Every day we are exposed to a multitude of so-called positive and negative energy influences. Some are created within ourselves through our habitual thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors. Others seem to come from around us via our interactions with people and events in our immediate lives and within the larger world community, as well as from a host of environmental sources such as weather, sound/noise, chemicals, toxins, water and food quality, and the like.
These influences play a large role in creating our state of health and well-being. If positive, we experience them as life-sustaining and enriching. Reversed, they can cause accumulations and stresses within our energy systems that weaken us, and which can lead to chronic and serious diseases and imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being.
The idea that spirits can be the cause of ill-health and other problems has been a common belief among healers since ancient times. Jesus was said to heal by casting out spirits, moreover, present day healers continue to work with the idea that misguided spirits can cause problems. A plethora of techniques exists to release spirits which vary in effectiveness.
Normally when a person’s body dies, the spirit goes up to the light to be healed and blessed. However, in some circumstances, a spirit will become confused and not go to the light right away. The entity may remain close to the earth plane and dwell around familiar people or places. The spirit may become affected by lower desires and try to create problems for people. Usually this involves taking people’s energy; causing them to feel weak. These spirits may cause confusion and other difficulties including poor health for the people they are in contact with. Sometimes they attach themselves to a person’s aura, creating negative influences, or they may be connected to a home, hotel, or other building. If you are working with a client on a specific issue that doesn’t seem to be clearing after several sessions, the client may have a spirit needing to be released.
The working assumption is that the spirit is confused in some way and that is the reason why they are causing problems. The spirit needs to be healed so it can go to the light.
Negative energies, such as spirit attachments, cords, entities, and psychic attack, are quite obvious to the person trained to recognize these kinds of blocks and patterns. Becoming more aware of such energies and how to release and transform them can be highly beneficial to the recipient’s health and well-being, both in the present and the long term. For example, we can help our client focus on healing the particular weakness in his or her energy field that allowed the attachment in the first place. This strengthens the energy system such that future attachments are not as likely to occur. Interestingly enough, the spirit also receives healing benefits, in that sending it to the light allows it to heal and move forward with its own evolution.
Another important benefit for our own healing has to do with being able to bring to the surface any conscious and unconscious fears and superstitions you may have around good versus evil, concerns over the need for protection, and impressions that have lingered of the more memorable stories that you may have read and movies you may have seen, such as The Exorcist and Rosemary’s Baby.
Spirit Release Therapy is the means used to assist with a condition known as spirit or energy attachment and plays an integral role within regression therapy. Spirit attachment happens when another energy, not belonging to your soul, enters your physical body or electro-magnetic energy field energy field.
The electro-magnetic energy field or aura is a field of energy which surrounds and penetrates our physical bodies and is something that we all have. The aura is designed to house our own energy, however there are times when external energies can become attached to our auras. We have all experienced occasions when we have felt other people’s emotions – whether they are joyful ones or less joyful ones; most of us have stood close to someone on public transport and noticed sensations from others that are not our own and have made us feel uncomfortable or anxious in some way. An external attachment is an “exaggerated” version of this, where that energy “stays around” in our aura.
On occasions, these external energies may affect our energy system in negative ways, and the anxiety, discomfort or other feelings stay with us, possibly draining our energy, causing detrimental health effects or influencing our rationale thinking in some way.
Often people are unaware of how these energies are affecting them, as the effect can be quite subtle, however others will dramatically impact the ‘hosts’ life causing them a number of unsettling signs and symptoms. These energies can attach under different circumstances however we are more susceptible if; we are unwell, highly emotional, have been in an accident or had a shock, been under anaesthesia or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
As someone who works with energy on a regular basis and especially as a regression therapist, it is often necessary to check for the presence of ‘other energies’ and remove any that are inappropriate for the client.
The goal of a spirit release session is to remove the energy attachment, and to cleanse, balance and restore the person to optimum health and to prevent the problem happening again.
Reiki is a very powerful way to use after spirit releasement in that it very thoroughly cleanses the entire energy system and then fills it to saturation with Reiki energy. It is very effective and is like being inside a multidimensional aura wash, with Reiki being the wax that shines you up!
As well, the technique can be used at any time when a client who is dealing with other types of difficult situations where releasing accumulations of all kinds of negative energies is needed, followed by saturating the energy system with Reiki. In addition, we can use this technique from a distance and for self-healing. We can also use the technique both before and after a session to prepare and clear your own energy field and our healing room.
If the spirit was attached to a person, that spirit will not be able to come back after releasement and cause problems again. However, it is likely that the person had attracted the spirit to begin with, and therefore, could attract another spirit if this weakness is not healed. To complete the healing, it is necessary to help the person heal the reason they attracted the spirit in the first place. This can be done with regular Reiki. You can also use the distant symbol to direct Reiki to the area that allowed the spirit to become attached and do the healing.
The beauty of this technique is that it addresses several important healing objectives including releasing attached negative energies and entities, cleaning up and repairing the damaged energy system, healing the deeper causes of the client’s presenting issues, and bringing as much immediate symptom relief as is possible. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative entity are released. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.