Are you Cursed ? Hexes, Spell Cast

Are you Cursed ? Hexes, Spell Cast

Category : Curse

Do you feel cursed? Check to see if you have done something wrong against someone, or if someone close to you is trying to harm you.

Have you ever felt so angry or mistreated by someone that you wanted some kind of revenge?  In our darkest moments, we can utter words like ‘I hope he suffers like I have’.  Any time we wish ill on another person and when we put energy and emotion behind it (even if it’s only in that moment), that is real curse energy.

Creating curses isn’t rare. After all, people get in conflict with one another, hate one another, have moments of anger and get resentful about things that happen.  Curse energy goes out to people. That’s no big deal.

But here’s when it becomes a big deal…

…When the person who has been cursed decides to take on that curse energy into their energy field.

That doesn’t happen that often, but it can happen in one of two ways:

1. When the cursed person feels they deserve the curse because they feel guilty about something.

Here’s an example: let’s say Nivedita is dating a guy called Charan.  They have been in a relationship for six months and Nivedita is crazy about Charan and Charan seems to be crazy about her.  She is convinced that she has found ‘the one’.  He seems to feel the same way.  Then a few months later by chance she finds out he already has a fiancée and has had one the whole time they were seeing each other.  She is gutted, but above all, incredibly angry that he deceived her.

Charan is a bit of a ratbag so although he feels a bit guilty, he doesn’t do much to say sorry.  He just disappears off the scene, which makes Nivedita even angrier.  She wants revenge.  At her angriest, Nivedita wishes Charan a very unhappy married life with his fiancée.

Charan feels guilty that he deceived Nivedita and that he never really apologized to her, and on an unconscious level, accepts the energy of that curse into his energy field.

If he’s very sensitive or perceptive, he may actually have some conscious awareness of having taken the angry curse energy from Nivedita somehow.  He may notice that it is dragging him down a little and he may feel it weighing on him.

His sense of guilt and responsibility for her anger acts as a receptor for the curse energy she sent him.

So that’s one common scenario for curses.  There is one more receptor for real curse energy and that is fear.

2. When someone is really scared

Let me give you an example of this:

Let’s say Mona joins an evangelical church that is very controlling.  The people in the church want to dictate how she dresses, who she spends time with, the work she does.  It’s all a bit cultish.  She begins to freak out and decides to leave.  The people in the church attempt to re-enlist her in their church, saying that God is angry with her and that she needs to do as they say.

A curse is the effective action of some power, distinguished solely by the quality of adversity that it brings. A curse may also be said to result from a spell or prayer, imprecation or execration, or other imposition by magic or witchcraft, asking that a god, natural force, or spirit bring misfortune to someone.

What Is A Curse?

A curse is highly emotional information empowered by will. Everything we experience through our senses is information.  I am using the word information in the scientific sense. While a curse is very emotional, both the creation and effect, stepping back and looking at it scientifically will help you to become more objective and more easily removes a curse.

All of the methods to remove a curse that I will teach you require entering a state of objectivity and generating a new frequency of information that transforms the curse energy. The curse is just thoughts, emotions, and physical ritual designed and generated to express those emotions. All these activities create a particular frequency of information that is sent to the object of the anger through will carried on the medium of Qi.

Each of us are also energy, Qi, vibrating at different frequencies. Within each of us there are many frequencies, many information states. Because of our conditioning, we may have frequencies with in us that vibrate in resonance to the curse energy that’s been sent.

Think of it like this. If you have a guitar string tuned to C and you place another guitar string next to it also tuned to C, when you pluck the first string the second string will vibrate, even though it has not been touched. This is resonance. The more closely the vibrations of the curse resonate with vibrations within us, the more it can affect us. The stronger the string is plucked the stronger the response in the second string. So the intensity of focus and will put into the curse also has a strong effect on its effectiveness.

Whenever we think ill of anyone, we are cursing them. Here’s another metaphor to understand resonance. If you drop a pebble in water it makes a ripple pattern. If you drop two pebbles in the water each will create its own ripple pattern. The patterns will interact. The points where they add to each other will increase the magnitude of the waves and is called resonance. Where they subtract from each other they are out of resonance.

Since it’s the vibratory state of Qi, which were calling information, in the curser’s mind that then resonates with some Qi state in your mind that causes you to feel cursed and creates the actual effects of the curse, if you change your Qi vibrations, you can make yourself immune to the curse.

Because we carry out this transformation with wisdom and compassion, it also changes the Qi of the perpetrator.

If you need help right away, contact me. I suggest we start with a 15 minute, introductory consultation, so I can do a brief Reading to identify the deeper source of your problem, or curse, and to see how much I can help you. During this first consultation.

How A Curse Works

Whenever we think ill of anyone we are cursing them. If you drop a pebble in water it makes a ripple pattern. If you drop two pebbles in the water each will create its own ripple pattern. The patterns will interact. The points where they add to each other will increase the magnitude of the waves and is called resonance. Where they subtract from each other they are out of resonance.

Both we, that is our body mind and spirit, and a curse have the same underlying energy structure. Both are mental-emotional energy vibrating in a universal space that is a field of Qi. is that mental emotional energy gathers enough energy to it, it becomes physical.

We are a very complex emergent system that has developed enough complexity and energy to be self nourishing and self aware. A curse is  a simple energy form that needs to be created by a self aware being and only lives as long as the energy put into it lasts.

A curse can effect our qi through resonance, become part of our qi and act out in our lives. We, as self aware beings, can dispel the curse chi . You can be cursed and you can curse. You can remove a curse or reverse a curse.

If we are cursing anyone or anything, either consciously or unconsciously, a vibration is set up that makes us susceptible to curses. Because we carry a cursing energy or Qi, a resonant energy can be created that will then effect our qi. So the first step is to remove curse Qi from our own self. That is not so hard to do in relation to conscious cursing, once you realize how much it can hurt you. Its a lot harder  in relation to unconscious cursing, because we do not even know we are doing it.

Many people may wonder how to determine if one has been cursed or hoodooed. The following is provided to help people recognize the signs that one has indeed been cursed. Please keep in mind that the majority of people who have been cursed never realize they have been cursed and if they happen to be non-believers they will normally deny they are cursed, even as well-wishers on the outside watch as their lives are destroyed.

Signs One May Be Cursed Or Hoodooed

It is a fact of life that there are people out there willing to do evil work on others. People willing to lay curses, hexes and jinxes on you. This could be to exact revenge (often for imagined slights) or to gain power over you.

But how do you know when you are cursed? What are the tell-tale signs of spiritual poisoning?

There are many indications. What follows are the top 10 signs highly suggestive that you are suffering from the baleful effects of a curse or hex:

  1. Nightmares: Persistent or recurring bad dreams could be a sign that an evil worker has gained access to your mind. Dreams of being killed or injured, or bitten by a snake or stung by a scorpion, or of falling from a great height are are sure fire indication that you have been cursed.
  2. Loss of Energy: If you were once full of energy and zest for life, but now are listless and prone to gloomy thoughts, the cause might well be a hex.
  3. Financial Loss: If you have lost your job or home, or taken some other monetary hit, the root cause could well be down to a jinx having been laid on you.
  4. Relationship Difficulties: If things were once going great in your marriage or committed relationship, and suddenly turned sour without warning, someone could be working evil against you – perhaps having hit you with break-up goopher.
  5. Health Problems: If you have inexplicable health issues, strange allergies, nagging headaches, panic attacks, fear of leaving your home, fear of heights or other inexplicable fears, it may be the result of baleful conjure. It might not be a natural illness or condition.
  6. Dark Omens: If your favorite heirloom or piece of jewelery has gone missing or has broken, apparently inexplicably…or you see three crows together cawing in a graveyard…or you notice three jet black dogs in the street looking ominously at you…it is not a good sign. A dark cloud of ill omen could well be hanging over you, laid on you by an evil worker.
  7. Unexplainable Pains: If you get nagging pains anywhere in your body that you cannot explain, unpleasant aches in your lower back or stomach, or even pains in your legs, someone may be working evil conjure against you.
  8. Trouble Sleeping: If you suddenly wake up in the night and cannot get back to sleep, it may be a sign that a dark root doctor is targeting you with bad goopher. Perhaps driving a pin into the heart of a voodoo doll – and that is what woke you with a heart-rending start.
  9. Legal Problems: If you’ve been hit by a lawsuit or criminal charges, this could be down to bad goopher blighting your life and leading you into trouble.
  10. Bad Luck: If you are experiencing long runs of bad luck and misfortune, the most likely cause is the baleful effects of a jinx laid on you by an enemy or jealous person.
  11. Feelings of physical exhaustion or fatigue.
  12. Difficulty sleeping, especially if experiencing odd nightmares or dreams.
  13.  Developing a troubled mind, such as depression, mania, inability to concentrate, feelings of fear or panic, feelings of hopelessness or else periods of extreme anger, confusion, and general angst.
  14. Experiencing a negative presence (can be either the feeling that one’s home has suddenly become haunted even though one never had any supernatural problems before or the feeling that something is pressing down on one’s self or may even be “riding” one’s back. In most cases the experiences is described along the lines of being smothered in a cloud of negative energy. Another often reported phenomenon is of catching a glimpse of a moving shadow where one shouldn’t be and especially out of the corner of one’s eye.)
  15. Demonic or Spirit possession (usually causing the person to act like an animal, crawl on their hands and knees and even bark like a dog, according to folklore)
  16. The death of pets
  17. Unusual accidents (both of yourself and the people around you)
  18. The finding of strange powders, bags, bottles, dolls, charms, or fetishes in one’s home or property. (These are tricks a practitioner throws or places as part of cursing the enemy. Often such items are concealed or buried)
  19.  Someone telling you that they cursed you (especially of one is experiencing these negative things listed here)
  20. Divination indicating one is cursed (especially if one is experiencing these negative things listed here)
  21. The death of loved ones and or of the person who was cursed (This is actually rare. The level of power needed to manifest this extreme outcome is usually beyond the scope of most black magic practitioners. This said there are indeed cases where it is believed that a black magic practitioner just happened to invoke enough power to pull it off.)
  22. Acting Out of Character is a standard symptom of a curse or manipulative magic. If friends and loved ones show concern for your new behavior, reexamine why or how you picked up the new habits. It very well could be that they were telepathically inserted into your mind by a person wishing you harm. 
  23. Chest Pressure While Sleeping may occasionally be referred to as sleep paralysis. Whie laying in bed and feeling a strong pressure on your chest may indicate a malevolent spirit is with you. Ancient cultures throughout the world refer to all forms of sleep paralysis as an entity physically straddling you. See your doctor first to make sure there are no logical explanations for chest pressure, then see a spiritual healer or a witch. 
  24. Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility or Low Libido can often indicate a witch has cursed your sexual organs for either fidelity (to keep you to him or herself), to deprive you of a growing family (such as a generational curse) or may simply be a byproduct of a general curse.  As always, see your doctor or naturopath first, then visit a spiritual healer or a witch.

Some things to keep in mind:

– Curses ebb and flow as well as come in waves. One might experience times where one thinks things are back to normal only to have another round of these unfortunate experiences.

– With regard to a curse’s effect on one’s health, keep in mind that a curse will act on one’s dispositions and weaknesses. If one is prone to a certain condition or disorder then that is how the curse will attack or manifest itself with regard to destroying one’s health. Otherwise, a good guide to understanding curses is that they will attack the extremities first, usually the feet, legs, hands, arms, head, followed by hair-loss, skin and teeth-problems. (Teeth problems are very commonly reported!) These are areas of the body that are normally effected first before serious conditions arise. Another thing that is also commonly reported is repeated sickness and an illness that doctors cannot diagnose.

– Most curses will eventually fade away with time, especially after the curse does what it was supposed to do. An example of this is a female co-worker who curses another female co-worker who is also her rival for a promotion. She wants that woman gone from the job and her curse is successful. Her rival is driven out. Now that the rival is no longer employed there, the curse has done it’s job and it fades away. The poor unfortunate victim can now put her life back together.

– Most curses are not meant to kill their victims, but rather bring pain and suffering to their victims’ lives. Most people tend to jump to the conclusion that somebody is trying to murder them magically but such is usually not the case at all. Real death spells take an incredibly amount of personal power and energy and most occult practitioners simply don’t have the power or will to see such spells through.

– Curses cast by someone who has been truly wronged, i.e. revenge or vengeance spells, are usually more powerful than curses placed on innocent people.

– The most powerful curses of all are the generational curses or family curses, when an entire family or generation of a family is cursed. This type of curse appears in the bible. It is usually the most destructive and may be near impossible to remove. What makes it so sad is that most of these people are paying for the sins of their ancestors. It takes an extraordinary amount of power to place a generational curse.

Providing services to cure Black Magic and Malefic Energies

Providing services to cure Black Magic, Curse, Malefic Energies, protection against Dark Energy Infliction, Paranormal Energy Conflicts & Protections shields.

Protect your life with black magic healing and cure from evil spell, dark forces, if you’re suffering from any witchcraft, voodoo or spirits possession.

Culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner or Black Magic practitioner belief that many systems have been developed over the ages to help us control our thoughts. A great amount of dogma too has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better people.

Please note we are  Against Black Magic, and work against people who are into “Black Magic” and never practice any evil ritual. We are fighting against Black Magic and such practitioners. We suggest never try and promote any such activity, never take help of black magic, as it will at the end harm you only.

As believed, Magic the occult energy kind is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magic is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magic is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Using magic to forcefully control another person’s will is, in a sense, black magic. There are also some people on the occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are, ‘Satanists’, devil worshipers, or black magicians. They may be attracted by the ‘art’ of black magic, or even by the ‘glamour’ of doing something against the ‘rules’.

Any magic act is likely to produce side effects regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved. Such side effects are no problem for constructive magic, since they are beneficial as well. However, aversive magic or black magic can produce aversive and negative side effects which may even harm the magician — aversive or evil magic is dangerous!

Most of the magic we see today comes to us from ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magic. Western magic was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it at all.

  • What Magic can Do……….Culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner believes that magic encompasses many things — science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magic is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole.

Magic is fun and interesting. Use magic to help raise consciousness without drugs. Gain new experiences. Fantasy can come alive through magic. Psychic phenomena can be controlled and be fun and helpful.

Magic is beneficial if used positively. It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magic life runs smoothly; life is good. Also use magic for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.

Magic is powerful. Never underestimate the tremendous power of magic. Use magic to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But power for its own sake is self-defeating. The power which magic can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Magic and Witchcraft……A number of other occult disciplines are prevalent today besides magic. There are many cults and sects which profess their own views, but there are really few differences between them. One popular area in the occult today is witchcraft. This is far removed from the cliché of devil worship. Real witchcraft is a nature religion (pagan). Witchcraft has much in common with magic. Alchemy also has much in common with magic. It’s heritage comes from the middle ages. Alchemy fathered chemistry and the physical sciences. But the avowed purpose of alchemy, turning lead into gold, is too limiting to be called magic. Sometimes the goal of alchemy is interpreted in another way, as the transformation of man into a spiritual being. Then there are the numerous modern day seers or ‘psychics’, as they like to be called, who operate within their own somewhat unique systems. Although many of these people are deluded frauds, some are actual powerful occultists indeed.

  • Healing and Banishing………Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by spiritual means than yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain that influence on another person without his specific knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping) is black magic and it is a wrong practice. (After all, everybody is living according to his own true will, so that healing or helping someone without permission is affecting his will)

As believed by the culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic
• Blocked income
• Destroying someone’s career
• Bad luck
• Bad dreams
• Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage , causing to separate or divorce
• Controlling someone’s mind for sex
• Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex
• Causing accidents
• Making people sick
• Anger & emotional imbalance
• Fear
• Not allowing the victim to sleep
• Depression
• Making the victim commit suicide
• Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
• Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
• Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
• Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
• Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body
• There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians

spirit obsession

Psychic Attack, Witchcraft, Voodoo,Spell Cast, Curse,Spirits

When you experience a psychic attack it is caused by the manipulation of energies and forces which are negative and their vibration are sent across to a person or place which will create disturbances in the physical body of a person and change the energy of a place. You could see this negative energy as being a spirit, an entity, a being, a thought form or done in magic rituals where harm is meant for a person or place.

For many people there is no belief that they can be psychically attacked. Unfortunately it is true we can be attacked psychically in more ways than one. And if you think that simply ignoring them it will go away this is where you are wrong, they do not go away rather they need to be dealt with.

Psychic attack is simply negative energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon you, your life or your family.

Harm can be launched towards your emotional, physical, spiritual or mental state. Those negative energies can be projected, based mainly upon jealousy toward you. It can also happen for many reasons other than jealousy.

My belief is that psychic attack can be influenced 98% of the time by someone in your surroundings that you already know, even friends or family members. Although is not always intentional, these can be sent either sent consciously or unconsciously. When they are sent unconsciously, the person sending are doing so without their own awareness and jealousy, envy or anger are usually the motivation behind them. A consciously attack is when someone deliberately means harm to you and can be compared to black magic, witchcraft and spell casting.

Psychic attacks with intent such as witchcraft, spells, curses, voodooism
When you are being intentionally attracted by negative energies compliments of somebody paying someone or doing a psychic attack themselves through various methods such as spells, voodooism, mantras, invocations, black magic etc they can really affect the person on the receiving end of it. A person’s health will suffer and their energy levels will also be affected.

Reasons as to why someone would want attack you psychically:

  1. They are jealous.
  2. Your life is progressing forward while theirs is stagnant.
  3. They are envious of your looks, your career, your wife or husband, your environment.
  4. They are living in their dark side at the moment.
  5. Lack of self-conviction.
  6. Fear.

If you consciously send negative energy toward someone else with the intention of inflicting harm, then what you send is exactly what you will attract upon yourself in your own life. The Universal Law of Karma states that what goes around comes back around to you multiplied.


Here are some examples of what you can experience while under a psychic attack:

  1. Dreaming very frightening nightmares.
  2. Seeing your attacker in a devilish way, either in your dreams, your meditation or in your thoughts.
  3. Feeling tired and depleted of energy constantly and for no reason.
  4. Having pains in the same place at the same time on a regular basis.
  5. Experiencing illness or pains in areas of weakness that your attacker is already aware of.
  6. Lack of concentration and feelings of laziness when it comes to completing daily tasks.
  7. Having unusually painful, even severe cases, headaches accompanied with vomiting or dizziness.
  8. Questioning or doubting your direction in life, even after having been aware of your direction beforehand.
  9. Depression.
  10. Having thoughts and images of your attacker creeping into your mind constantly.
  11. Feeling that you are being watched and seeing shadows around you from the corner of your eye, even when you are alone.
  12. The worst kind of psychic attack can inflict feelings of having a heart attack, and feelings of the desire to commit suicide.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic Attacks, Spirits, Spells, Curses, Voodoo,Witchcraft

Recognizing Spiritual Attacks

Psychic or spiritual attacks aren’t always easy to spot. For some people, the attacks are so subtle, or have been going on for so long, that the person isn’t aware of the attack. For example, the day my mother died, I felt the cessation of a huge flow of malevolence that had been coming at me from her my entire life. I only realized it had been there when it stopped. It had been such a part of the fabric of my life since before I was born that I was no more aware of it than we normally are of the air we breathe. However, once it stopped, then I was abruptly aware of it and of the intensity of it.

Mind you, I am not and perhaps never will be certain that my mother sent those dark energies of hatred toward me consciously. I would like to think that it was on the unconscious level for her. And I will hasten to add that after her death, once she had completed her life review and became aware that she was, in fact, dead, she contacted me from the other side, apologized, and did what she could to make amends.

More obvious attacks will be felt and recognized as such. Such attacks can feel like someone scrabbling to get into your energy field (as a violation of the integrity of your personal space)—most often from behind, usually around the shoulders, neck, and back of head. They can also manifest as

  • disturbances in sleep
  • nightmares
  • a feeling of unease
  • a feeling that your energy field is dirty or unclean or has been invaded in some way
  • a lack of desire to look anyone in the eye because you are not sure who is looking out of your own eyes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and you suspect you are experiencing some kind of psychic attack, this article will shed some light on the subject and provide you with tools you can use to help defend yourself.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks are caused by the manipulation of energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent to an individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a being, a thought form, a negative energy program, a spell, voodoo energy, or just dark negative energy. Each of these psychic attacks can create harmful effects within the person or home receiving them.

Psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don’t exist and cannot happen if you don’t believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. Don’t be fooled.

Psychic Attacks – What Are They?

Psychic attacks involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someone’s physical and/or energetic bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies and homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the individual. They can involve ritualistic techniques or ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of both.  They can be caused by negative energy beings from this dimension or other dimensions.

Intentional Psychic Attacks, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft

The dark and negative energies sent intentionally by others are called psychic attacks and can seriously affect people, places and things, at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or other types of black magic. They attack psyches and can produce debilitating effects on the overall health and energy level of the affected person.

Dark Spirits and Entities

There are dark spirits and entities that can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and feel. The human who is invaded by these spirits or entities can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Negative Thought Forms

Another major type of dark negative energy that can be sent to others is through negative thinking, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, envy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear. These are called thought forms and they can be lodged in an individual’s aura causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Degrees of Strength of Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks and other dark negative energies, entities and spirits can have a wide range of effect from low to medium to high. The symptoms or changes in health or behavior can also range from low to medium to high.

Symptoms of Psychic Attacks and Dark Energies

There are many different symptoms that can indicate negative and dark psychic energies, spirits or entities. The following list identifies a few major symptoms. But these symptoms can also indicate other types of health problems and it’s important to investigate all possibilities.

• Suddenly acting totally out of character

• Major changes in behavior for no reason

• A loss of memory

• Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability

• Sudden ongoing fatigue for no apparent reason

• A drained feeling

• Icy cold feeling on part or all of your body

• Hearing voices

• Recurrent or frequent nightmares

• Strange or recurring accidents

• Feeling someone is watching you

• A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home or office

• A loss of self-confidence

• A sudden loss of energy

• Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis or cannot be explained

• Feeling someone touch you or bump into you when nobody is present

• Sensing a presence watching you or following you

• Sudden or irrational difficulties with finances or relationships

• Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows

• Sudden depression without an apparent cause • Seeming ongoing bad luck

• Irrational fear, anger or sorrow

• A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that won’t go away

• Feeling ice cold when it should be warm around you

This is not a complete list but should give you a fairly good idea of areas to look at. Each person who is on the receiving end of psychic attacks or dark energetic forces will have their own indications and effects.

How Do You Pick Up Psychic Attacks?

Negative entities, spirits, and dark energies can be picked up almost anywhere where negative people, emotions or thoughts exist. You can pick these up at restaurants, in stores, at any type of gathering, or in your own home.

Negative entities, spirits and dark energies are strongly drawn to individuals who use drugs and alcohol. When people get stoned, their auras get weak and these negative entities and energies can easily penetrate into a person’s aura or body. Humans are quite defenceless when they are stoned.

Smoking cigarettes or any other type of drug seriously weakens an individual’s aura making them quite vulnerable to the entry of negative entities, spirits, and dark energies. Smoking creates holes in an individual’s aura so that their vital energy can seep out making them feel fatigued as well as making them vulnerable to negative energies.

Negative energies can be absorbed or can attach themselves to objects during the process of being made or by resting somewhere where negative energies exist. If you have the opportunity, ask an experienced antique dealer to tell you some of their stories about negative energies in antique furniture.

Negative energies can attach themselves to an object when it’s being made or just by where it lives. These can be very difficult to eliminate. This past Christmas I received a gift of a small decorative box as gift. One day as I was checking my desk I realized that negative energies were attached to this little box. They had attached themselves from dark energies in the store they were sold from. I placed the box in the sun but that was not sufficient to clear the box. I then washed it thoroughly with soap and water and then placed it in the sun again and that finally cleared the box. It is much more difficult to clear old energies from antique pieces.

Sex and Negative Energies, Entities and Spirits

It’s important to look at sex as an exchange of energies, entities and potential energetic vulnerability. When you have sex with another human being you absorb their very essence mixing it with your own essence.

If you have sex with someone who has negative energies, entities or spirits, it is almost guaranteed that some of this negative energy will be transferred into your body and/or aura through the physical act of sex.

A client told me the story of her father who had an affair with a neighbour who happened to be a Wicca witch. This lady conducted many ceremonies and cast many spells. After a period of time, this man, his wife and their children were all invaded by negative energies and entities. Be careful of the company you keep.

How To Eliminate Psychic Energies

There are a variety of methods available for eliminating dark and negative energies, entities, spirits, and thought forms. The following will give you many ideas of things you can do to help yourself. There is no perfect solution that can be applied to every psychic attack.

An Energy Practitioner Experienced in Psychic Attack Clearing

If you believe you are absorbing negative energies or are the recipient of psychic attacks, you should ask for the help of an experienced energy practitioner who is experienced in the clearing of psychic dark energies, entities and spirits. If you believe that spirits, entities or hard dark energies have penetrated your body or aura, please ask for help. It’s important to eliminate these as soon as possible but please don’t try to do this yourself. You might even draw more negative energies to yourself if you attempt the clearing yourself and exacerbate the situation. Once a clearing is completed, shielding and protection is required for the individual, home, vehicle or whatever.

Voodoo, Hex, Black Magic, Witchcraft, Curse, Spells, Spirits

The existence of real magic has been disputed for thousands of years. There’s an abundance of anecdotes, myths, and legends. In the modern era, there are blurry images, shaky videos that are out of focus, and even more anecdotes that claim to support the existence of magic and the paranormal. But a skeptical review of this evidence yields nothing of scientific value.

But just because things like witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo, and magic haven’t been proven using the scientific method doesn’t mean they aren’t interesting and of cultural or historical significance.

The Word Voodoo, originated from the language of the African tribes, and actually has a positive connotation. Over the years the religion of Voodoo has been depicted as dark or negative magic. The essence of Voodoo is essentially an understanding that everything in the Universe is undeniably linked spiritually.

A Voodoo black magic practitioner is referred to as a “bokor,” a boker has heightened spiritual powers and is a learned student of toxicology. A bokor has the ability to use poisons to harm others, if inclined.

The fundamental difference between voodoo and witchcraft is the spiritual aspect. Witchcraft is only a practice but Voodoo is a true religion. Their practices revolve around specific beliefs and a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. The main creator spirit is called Olodumare and the rest of the Deities are known as loas (or lwas) and they are considered to be aspects of this greater spirit. For most people, it’s just easier to think of them as Gods or Goddesses.

Black Magic as we all know is also called as dark magic, and often black magic spells are used by selfish people so that they can achieve their own goals any how even at the cost of harming someone, and so for this they may take help of evil, witchcraft or dark magic. If you are using Dark Magic Spells for any selfish reasons then stay away from them.

Now days black magic practice have become very active as people are practicing black magic spells to harm people, to destroy enemies and using dark Magic.

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.

The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, Business, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.

In the layman’s language, black magic and occult practices can be thought of as tantrik formulae. They will yield a result if properly applied, regardless of the character, spiritual understanding or intention of the practitioner. When this scientific aspect of tantra falls into the hands of charlatans, it is inevitably misused.

Symptoms and Black Magic / Voodoo / Witchcraft / Curse / Hex  effects–

  • Continuous illness. All medical treatments fail.
  • Constant worries, Suicidal tendencies, or Desire to move away from home and family.
  • Continuous illness of any member of the family.
  • Tiredness and weakness
  • Eating disorders associated with obesity and anorexia.
  • Being short tempered. Sterility, without any physical deficiency or without any medical reason.
  • Repeated miscarriages or death of children.
  • Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.
  • Problems in the construction of new houses, new factory or any other building.
  • Shortness of money, in spite of hard labour.
  • No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless.
  • Apathy, no desire to rise In Life.
  • Achievement of objectives seems impossible.
  • Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.
  • Unexpected loss in the business of property.
  • Ill health and under development of children.
  • Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil Designs.
  • Discord between spouses or the family.
  • Greatest efforts always resulting in failure.
  • Lack of Govt, favours, promotions and the desired raises or transfers.
  • Poverty, in spite of hard work.
  • Mental disorders – Insanity – Craziness.
  • These are some effects which prove that one is under the spell of the supernatural or black magic.
  • Even though Intelligent, one still fails to find solutions to such problems.

Bad effect of black magic

If you feel that you are affected by Black Magic Spells and you need a solution to remove the black magic that is on you, then  you can use divine healing  to remove black magic Spells.



Kalia Masan – Ash of the dead, The most Dangerous Black Magic

Black magic- one of the strongest and powerful spiritual forces of the universe. In the modern world, black magic is not only very interesting phenomena. It is surprising that thousands of years ago when black magic first came into being it was regarded as a sin. People practicing the black magic were hugely deprived and executed. This represented a time when people’s faith and freedom were not respected. Black magic was regarded as a crime and it was generally dismissed. The fate of black magic, in current times is strikingly different and is a result of years of keeping faith. In the medieval times, when black magic was at its height, it was also the most talked about issue among people. It was widely practiced but not openly. Since the middle ages black magic flourished and gave rise to several branches, the most important of them being witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy . Witchcraft is the most widely used black magic along with sorcery. Necromancy mainly concentrated on communication with the dead/Death.

Kalia Masan – The most Dangrous Black Magic

Kalia Masan is the most dangerous type of black magic, it uses the power of disturbed souls on the lower astral plane who are suffering and wandering without any direction to elevate them and live as parasites on the people dwelling on earth. Its energy is strangely fascinating and hypnotic; its methods are seductive, intimidating and ruthless.

Ash of the Dead or Kalia Masan is black magic that is said to have influence of victim and causes death in 40 days (Days may vary from 40 days to few years), after the victim eats food contaminated with ashes of a dead person.

Masan is that type of magic which is cast upon kids. In this type of magic, the ash left from the burnt dead bodies is put in some food and gave to the victim.

Black Magic – A strongest Supernatural Potential Force

Black magic can be described as a strongest supernatural potential force which when enters the human body system causes a lot of disruption and causes several hassles in the ideal functioning of mind, body and soul. Indian mythology believes that this kind of entrance of such negative energy causing hurdles and issues in the life of a person without the host’s body knowledge is exactly what black magic does. It is known as Black Magic because this energy is transmitted to another person without the permission. Black Magic not only spoils the life of a person but also leaves a big impact on the life of a person who is involved in this activity. This is against the Indian Mythology and has not been supported but due to personal benefits and jealous feeling people do it and this is how they are more in pain.

voodoo dolls

Voodoo Dolls, Black Magic, Voodoo Love Spells, Evil Spirits

Black Magic is the use of supernatural powers to the benefit of one’s own needs and desires.

Voodoo is one of the most ancient forms of religion that originated in west Africa from a time unknown and has evolved by influences from Roman Catholics, Mysticism and  Spirituality. Real voodoo Dolls are said to be very powerful voodoo dolls or magic voodoo dolls, voodoo dolls can be used for protection from any type of evil or black magic and many times it is also used as a source of destruction to destroy your enemy who is trying to harm or hurt you. Voodoo doll is used for taking revenge with your enemies as to destroy your enemy slowly by the power of voodoo doll, as voodoo dolls when in contact with you will get activated charged and will do great wonders for you.

Voodoo is a religion which also incorporates practicing magic, in voodoo magic is casted using different tools and ingredients. Since most of the voodoo spells casted would require performing a ritual before the magic could be casted hence many houngans uses voodoo dolls to perform the magic. Love spell is one much talked about magic spell that is much widely used and considered when we talk about magic spells and thus voodoo also practices casting love magic.

There are two methods followed in voodoo to cast love magic one is by casting a voodoo love spell and the other by using a voodoo doll. Below we will understand on how these two different methods are used and which one is better and why.

When casting a love magic a voodoo priest or priestess will use a voodoo doll, some black mustard seeds, red cloth and some pins along with lemons and vermilion, this voodoo doll is first prepared by attaching a picture, photo or used piece of cloth or hair from the body of the person who needs to be represented, then the rituals are performed using the other items as stated above, at the end of the ritual, some pins are inflicted on the body of the doll so as to inflict the pins on the person’s body and make the love spell come to an active state. Wherein a voodoo love spell is performed using items which might or might not depict the person, when casting a voodoo love spell the houngan would offer flowers and burn incense sticks to the respective deity, then offer a prayer to please the deity, once the prayer is completed the houngan will have acquired some kind of extra power and they would mumble some words which are not understood by others and the love spell is complete.

The effects of a voodoo love spells are stronger and lasts more because it is believed that those words that the houngan mumbles are words mumbled directly by the deity who is pleased with the offerings, which means the deity would help achieve a favorable result for the love spell which is casted, moreover since no items depicting any person is used to make a form of that person, hence the love spell cannot be dismantle as in with the use of a voodoo doll, if the doll is broken or taken away by someone else then the effect of the spell can be turned, stopped or ended.

Thus it is always preferred that a love magic using voodoo should be casted in the form of voodoo love spells rather than using voodoo dolls. It is also found that magic performed using voodoo dolls can inflict pain or even harm a person whom the doll is depicting, thus it is not much advised or suggested by many voodoo spell casters today. Moreover a voodoo love spell once casted can be also used to make an elixir or talisman which would give a mode quick result if used properly, wherein a voodoo love spell using voodoo doll does not permit making any elixir or talisman. Hence looking into all the aspects of voodoo magic and creation and casting of love spell, it is always preferred that a love magic be casted using voodoo love spell rather than using voodoo doll techniques.

The Voodoo Dolls contrary to popular belief are called Razenga Voodo Dolls and their actual purpose is for worship and as protection from evil spirits. But black magic users can use them for other purposes too.

In the Voodoo religion there is concept of one eternal God named “Bondye“, he is unknowable and does not intercede in human affairs but there are powerful spirits who serve him these are called “Ioa” and these are responsible for controlling the different aspects of life in this world (this is analogous to the concepts of a God and his Angels in the Christian, Islamic and Jewish faiths). Vodouists direct their focus to these powerful spirits to influence various aspects of life by making offerings, creating altars and holding rituals.

The most notable loa include Papa Legba (guardian of the crossroads), Erzulie Freda (the spirit of love), Simbi (the spirit of rain and magicians), Kouzin Zaka (the spirit of agriculture), and The Marasa, divine twins considered to be the first children of Bondye.

It is by the manipulation of these Supernatural forces that black magic spells like Voodoo doll possession and control over another person are obtained.

Details of Indian Black Magic

Black magic is one of the most powerful of the spiritual forces which have gained a tremendous amount of attention in the last decade. It possesses powers and is capable of remarkable alterations in people’s lives and the common masses, the world over are realizing it more with each passing day.

Though, black magic has been a common idea since thousands of years, it has been broadly received only a few years ago. The unsettling element associated with it gradually diminished with the arrival of modernism. In the contemporary world, not only is black magic one of the most common place solution to any issue but it also has an incredible success rate which is a huge argument in its favour.

Black Magic is a mystic art of rituals or using supernatural powers to influence or control events, people and ‘nature’ with techniques like voodoo, witchcraft. It can be also called a sort of hypnotism, though its methods are different.It involves use of positive or negative forces that derive its energy from either God’s universal energy for good work or wicked powers to cause damage to other persons, places or things(Directly or indirectly by its misuse). Those who use this mystic art of rituals for giving benefits to others practice White Magic.White Magic and Black Magic derive their forces from Positive Energy and Negative energy respectively. They can both benefit a common man, place or thing temporarily or can cause damage to any of them. However, it is hard to influence someone who may have a ‘spiritual’ personality or a friendly ‘horoscope’.

History of Black Magic

The word’ magic’ is very old, oldest of the oldest; it has been in existence from the time immemorial. The Indian Vedas, the Atharvaveda, in particular, gave descriptions of magic which the Brahmins learnt and practiced and possessed all skills of magical feats through this super power. This supernatural power has also a strong mention in the Egyptian literature apart from several religions. Magic, Black Magic or Hypnotism, Telepathy, all are the branches of the main base of supernatural powers of magic within man.

Does Black Magic really work?

Whether magic or black magic does exist, no question of modern people rejecting it. It is the energy that exists in every person, depending on one’s thinking and nature of soul, pious or evil. This energy can be increased to a great extent either in giving benefits to a particular person or harming any other person, place or thing.A term taboo is also used for this. It was a custom among the Polynesians, who prohibited the use of certain persons, places or things. It normally forbids the use of physical connections with a particular person or woman.They generally accepted opposite term for the black magic or dark magic and that is white magic.

Effect of Black Magic

In case of Black Magic effect, the type of ghost or its shadow or its material that causes the damage is thoroughly studied. Then after diagnosing the type of ghost, his/her modus operandi is worked out and accordingly he or she is captured through positive tantric healing, and normally it is tried that the ghost or spirit gets liberated from their roaming ghostly life. The tantric healing is a serious divine effort to put these wandering and aimless spirits/ghosts in the service of God so that they could ultimately be liberated from their ghost. The ghosts of lesser severity are called spirits they are normally used by negative Tantric and do black magic through their devilish powers to do evil acts such as to disintegrate the marriages, to destroy the businesses, to cause unnecessary innocent deaths, to damage the innocent and add to their agonies, and do the vasikaran for undesired elements to attract the women by freezing their brains and thinking and to get wrong gains of such types to the negative persons, which are normally banned and disapproved by almost all the religions of the world. We treat the ghosts at regular intervals, and they generally respond to the continuous treatment of occult astrology. Lastly, they show keenness to get liberation and promise to leave the black magic shadow over the innocent victim who is represented through our tantric healing. After healing an amulet is given to the victim and he/she is generally relieved of the problem completely within 40 days, which is the normal course of departure of the ghost or spirit. Where the ghost is of very severe nature, we inform the client accordingly. Liberation is the ultimate aim of the ghosts/spirits, which they always desperately search for and cannot get unless they come into contact with right and religious minded positive tantric through divine healing. This clause is not applicable to those who worship the devil during their lifetime. They are called ‘CHANDAAL RUHEN’ after death; they are tackled differently with more divine positive power forcing them to surrender. After complete surrender, they leave the region of their operation. These categories of ghosts are generally more powerful than that of other groups.

Voodoo –Medicine Magic by using Dolls

Voodoo was first used in Africa for healing by Voodoo Doctors for soldiers who were injured in war, for pregnant woman who couldn’t come to the doctor or people far away. The technique of effigy or using dolls (to help another person) can be effectively performed even from a long distance. The effigy should be drawn basing on the photograph of the person, place or thing and it can be made out of the material of dry grass or wooden material or waste. The material is perfect to perform the supernatural power. It helps even tracing the lost children, women or persons.Whatever part one wants to damage or harm others, it has to be specifically targeted and to achieve a proper result, and the expert performance of the mystical power has to be deployed. By doing so, it’s likely to affect the same portion of the person, place or thing, as desired. If not performed properly, it can fall flat and can give adverse effect to the doer or the person who gets it done. Such supernatural powers can cause the chosen diseases only to a person placed in one’s ritual range. It can also cause physical injury to the body, can cause fit or even heart attack, or can cause an accident and can also make a person lunatic by misusing this power even from any distant place. It easily affects the pregnant woman, children and a common person with average will power.The degree of effect depends on the expert magical techniques employed to achieve the goal. Those who practice properly and attain expertise can do only do it, it is not an easy job, and it has to face exceptions where this rule or force does not apply. Before performing such a skill, one should remember that the person, place or thing on which the black magic or sorcery is performed to cause damage should not have an ability to rebut the power, in certain cases; it can even refute and can harm the performer and make him or her crippled.

Healing Black Magic Spells, Witchcraft, Dark Forces, Spirits

Protect your life with black magic healing and cure from evil spell, dark forces, if you’re suffering from any witchcraft, voodoo or spirits possession.

Please note we are Anti-Black Magic, and work against people who are into “Black Magic” and never practice any evil ritual. We never cast nor do we entertain any love spell, calling /controlling spell. We are fighting against Black Magic and such practitioners. We suggest never try and promote any such activity, never take help of black magic, as it will at the end harm you only.

As believed, Magic the occult energy kind is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magic is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magic is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Using magic to forcefully control another person’s will is, in a sense, black magic. There are also some people on the occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are, ‘Satanists’, devil worshipers, or black magicians. These people are most likely charlatans, hoaxers, dabblers, or merely misinformed. They may be attracted by the ‘art’ of black magic, or even by the ‘glamour’ of doing something against the ‘rules’.

Any magic act is likely to produce side effects regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved. Such side effects are no problem for constructive magic, since they are beneficial as well. However, aversive magic or black magic can produce aversive and negative side effects which may even harm the magician — aversive or evil magic is dangerous!

The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magic. Western magic was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it at all.

Culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner believes that magic encompasses many things — science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magic is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole.

Magic is beneficial if used positively. It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magic life runs smoothly; life is good. Also use magic for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.

Magic is powerful. Never underestimate the tremendous power of magic. Use magic to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But power for its own sake is self-defeating. The power which magic can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Magic and Witchcraft

A number of other occult disciplines are prevalent today besides magic. There are many cults and sects which profess their own views, but there are really few differences between them. One popular area in the occult today is witchcraft. This is far removed from the cliché of devil worship. Real witchcraft is a nature religion (pagan). Witchcraft has much in common with magic. Alchemy also has much in common with magic. It’s heritage comes from the middle ages. Alchemy fathered chemistry and the physical sciences. But the avowed purpose of alchemy, turning lead into gold, is too limiting to be called magic. Sometimes the goal of alchemy is interpreted in another way, as the transformation of man into a spiritual being. Then there are the numerous modern day seers or ‘psychics’, as they like to be called, who operate within their own somewhat unique systems. Although many of these people are deluded frauds, some are actual powerful occultists indeed.

Healing and Banishing

Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by spiritual means than yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing occurs at a distance. Note that there are some who maintain that influence on another person without his specific knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping) is black magic and it is a wrong practice. (After all, everybody is living according to his own true will, so that healing or helping someone without permission is affecting his will)

As believed by the culturally developed Negative Energy practitioner here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic
• Blocked income
• Destroying someone’s career
• Bad luck
• Bad dreams
• Breaking a relationship or destroying someone’s marriage , causing to separate or divorce
• Controlling someone’s mind for sex
• Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex
• Causing accidents
• Making people sick
• Anger & emotional imbalance
• Fear
• Not allowing the victim to sleep
• Depression
• Making the victim commit suicide
• Blocking a woman’s monthly periods
• Blocking a woman’s ability to conceive
• Rape of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real
• Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
• Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body
• There is a whole lot that can be inflicted upon people using black magic and the spirit world and it all depends upon the power of the black magicians

black magic

Black Magic, Dark / Negative Energies, Spirits, Witchcraft

What is Black Magic (Energy) ?

Energy is generally neutral. It is the charge or the intent behind the energy which creates positive or negative energies. The Universe in inherently neutral but in the earth plane we live in duality. Everything in this plane has a charge whether light or dark, positive or negative, day or night, black or white etc. When the intent behind the energy is to create harm, hurt, division, to conquer, to destroy or to influence someone in a negative manner against their own free will we call these- Dark Energies or Black Magic. These energies do not resonate well within our own energy systems because the battery of our energy is the Soul. The Soul is inherently positive, expansive, healing and unifying and so when Dark Energies or Black Magic enter our systems whether by chance or by others then it makes us feel unwell and out of balance. These Dark or Malefic energies eclipse the soul.

Energy is neutral and cannot be destroyed but it can be transformed. More and more these days we are seeing unscrupulous people using Dark Energies, Black Magic or culturally developed negative energies causing a lot of harm to others due to envy, jealousy, greed, ego or fear.

Please note we are not into black magic, we are fighting against black magic and culturally developed Negative Energy Inflictions from last many years. We are against casting Black Magic and Love spells etc. At SSHC ( Sanjeeini Spiritual Healing Center ) we specialize in removing black magic, removing witchcraft, healing and curing the black magic, dark energies through our spiritual and healing techniques.

Black Magic is black energy combined of Spirits, Jinn, Hamzad, Movakkil, Devi, Devta, and Evil powers too that’s why it is most faster and stronger, Holy Bible, Holy Quran, Holy Ved and all Holy religious Books tell us about Black Magic It is as true as God, world is growing faster and this is time of Science and Technology that’s why people do not believe in Black Magic and they have come behind the real world even some people do not believe in God so it does not mean that God is no where, some people think Black Magic is evil power it can do only bad works but dear friends it can do all type of works good and bad like it can fix Divorce, Break Up, Relationship, Vashikaran and Revenge etc.

Black Magic is on the rise, is dangerous and can destroy one’s health and well being, it can also kill or make the individual commit suicide in extreme cases. When weak determinants of mental capability planet The Moon & analytical power related planet mercury and exact or very close affliction of Rahu/Ketu, Saturn or of the Most Melefic Planet to a weak planets/houses make one vulnerable to BLACK MAGIC (energy).

The innocent soul seldom finds out that he/she has become a victim of Black Magic. If you think you have become a victim of black magic.

Here are the indications at initial stages of possible Black Magic that will help you understand your situation : 
– Eccentric behaviour, Fear.
– Your sleep is disturbed .
– Fatigue and lack of energy .
– Unrest at work, betrayal by subordinates
– Blockages in the inflow of money.
– Hopelessness, Disinterest in life .
– You get angry easily for no reason
– Severe Depression & Headache.
– Dryness of mouth at night
– Tightness around body parts
– You start forgetting things in the spur of the moment and experience memory loss.
– Bad Dreams & strange erection in body at times.
– Your professional career suffers
– Irrational behaviour of people towards you.

Advance Stages of Black Magic :  
– You dream of dead bodies and horrible looking people who want to kill you in your dream.
– Dreams of snakes & dirty birds/ places
– Waking up suddenly in fear with shortness of breath.
– Dreaming of falling from Heights.
– Reciting other religions mantras/rituals.
– The stomach bloats like a pregnant women’s belly and the area right above the navel tightens up & when touched feels like a golf ball is in there
– Tightness/blockage and heaviness specially in shoulders and chest
– Constant headache
– Separation
– Your complexion darkens
– Itching, burning and stinging pains in different parts of the body

Final Stages of Black Magic :
– Cancer or other mysterious ailments,
– Excessive alcohol consumption resulting in liver damage
– Substance Abuse
– Suicidal attempts or thoughts of self destruction
– Medicines do not work/wrong advice of doctor.

Symptoms pertaining to women only :
– Irritation in the vagina with Leucorrhoea
– Bruise marks around thighs & vagina ,
– Rape in dreams by spirits with an orgasm that is real, removal of cloths in nights
– Stoppage of monthly periods, irregular/ painful periods, unable to conceive in spite of overall good physique.
– Blockages in fallopian tubes and/or unable to hold the pregnancy resulting in miscarriages.

Symptoms pertaining to Spiritual People :
– Your interest in the divine consciousness takes a nose dive, loose interest in prayers and meditations.
– One gets attracted towards unholy desires like homosexuality, Non-vegetarian food/daily intake of liquor/use of drugs, sex & other vices.
– Sudden violent behavior is quite visible in these individuals.

As the attacks continue the victim is torn down on multiple levels; gets bed ridden and eventually dies of no apparent medical reason. The doctor’s cannot help him/her because the symptoms misguide the doctors into giving the individual stronger treatments with every passing day. If any of the above symptoms match your situation, you should immediately get professional help.

Here are some precautions that you can take from becoming a victim :
– Do not eat or drink any item from anyone unless the person shares that food item with you.
– Stop intake of Liquor/Non Vegetarian Food/drugs etc immediately.

It is believed that Black Magic is done using your photo, clothes, hair, nails or touching your body or looking straight into your eyes.

Do not give sensitive information to everyone.

General Symptoms of Black Magic (Energy):

  • 1) Victim would like to be aloof and alone always.
  • 2) Will be annoyed and irritated always.
  • 3) Nails will turn black.
  • 4) Shoulders and head pain will be regular.
  • 5) Smell of Scent, liquor or any bad smell will come.
  • 6) Victim would hate to take bath.
  • 7) Will talk to oneself.
  • 8) Eyes will be red.
  • 9) Victim will not feel hungry.
  • 10) Unnatural movement of body parts like stretching fingers continuously or will bite the nails every time.
  • 11) Tulsi plant at home will burn suddenly and will not grow by the time effect is there at home.
  • 12) Hallucination

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