Where does the souls go after death? |Spirit World, Rebirth|

after life

Where does the souls go after death? |Spirit World, Rebirth|

  • Is there life after death?
  • What is death?
  • Is death painful?
  • What happens after death?
  • How does rebirth happen?
  • After death?

These kind of related questions always fill our mind, especially when any of our near or dear ones die. We feel suddenly some relationship has broken abruptly and wish there could be a connection again. In this quest, our journey to find answers to the above questions begins.

So, what happens after death?

The prime question in our minds “What happens after death?” its actually a very interesting process. People feel death is painful and the journey post is horrifying, where will I go ‘ heaven or hell’

Death is not the end of life. Death is just a departure for the Spirit World, which is our true home in the afterlife. People today know about earthly things in much greater detail than they did in the past, but when it comes to the important spiritual matters such as death and the world after death, it can be said that the people of the past were much more knowledgeable. Information concerning the world after death is not taught at schools, many people believe that talk of the world after death is old-fashioned, and spend their lives in ignorance of it. This results in all kinds of confusion when they die and return back to the Real World.

What happens after death?

  • Disconnection of the earth sole chakras : 

Approximately 4-5 hours before death, the earth sole chakras situated below the foot soles get detached, symbolizing disconnection from the earth plane. Hence, if you notice always before a person is about to die, some hours before that you will find his feet cold.

  • The Astral Cord : 

Actually it just cuts the astral cord, which is the cord connecting the soul to the body. Once this cord is cut the soul becomes free of the body and moves up and out of the body. As a soul always loves the body it held, it gets in the body back and tries very hard to move it and stay in it. If you must have seen there is sometimes a very subtle, slight movement of the face, hand even after the person has died, its actually the soul trying to get in because it cannot believe its dead. There is still a feeling of aliveness. But just because the astral cord has been cut, it cannot stay there and is pushed upwards and out of the body. There is a pull from above, *a magnetic pull to go up.*

  • End of the physical body : 

At this stage the soul hears many voices, all at a time. These are nothing but the thoughts of those present in the room. The soul on its part talks to his loved ones like he used to do and shouts I am not dead, but alas it cannot be heard. Slowly and steadily the soul realizes that its dead and there is no way back , then it reaches to approx 12 feet. i.e the height of the ceiling and sees and hears everything happening. Generally it will be there around the body till it is cremated. So, next time if you see a body being carried for cremation, be informed *the soul is also part of the procession seeing, hearing and witnessing everything and everyone.*

  • Detachment from the body : 

Once the cremation is done, the soul is completely of the belief that the main essence of its survival on earth is lost, the body it held for so many years has dissolved in the 5 elements. The soul experiences complete freedom, the boundaries it had while being in the body are gone, it can just reach anywhere by mere thought. For 7 days the soul, moves about its places of interest like its favorite joint, morning walk garden, office, etc..If the soul is possessive of his money ,it will just stay near his cupboard, or if he is possessive of his children, it will just be in their room, clinging on to them. By the end of the 7th day, the soul says bye to his family and moves still upwards to the periphery of the earth plane to cross over to the other side.

  • The Tunnel : 

Its said that there is a big tunnel here which it has to cross before reaching the astral plane. Hence its said these 12 days are extremely crucial, we have to carry out the rituals properly and pray and ask forgiveness from the soul so that it does not carry these negative emotions like hurts, hatred, anger, etc at least from the near and dear ones.

All these rituals, prayers act like food for the soul which help it in its onward journey. At the end of the tunnel it sees a huge bright light signifying the entry in the astral world.

  • Meeting the Ancestors :

On the 11th and then the 12th day in Hindus there are homas and rituals through which “the soul is united with its ancestors, close friends, relatives and the guides.” Its actually the same thing which happens on the upper plane. After the 12th day, all the passed away ancestors welcome the soul to the upper plane and they greet and hug them exactly like we do here on seeing our family members after a long time. The soul then along with its guides are taken for a thorough life review of the life just completed on earth in the presence of the “Great Karmic Board.” Its here in the pure light that its shown the whole past life.

  • Life Review : 

There is no judge, there is no God here. “He judges himself, the way he judged others in his lifetime.” He asks for revenge for people who troubled him in that life, he experiences guilt for all wrongdoings he did to people and “asks for self punishment to learn that lesson.” Based on this a complete life structure is created by the soul himself, called the blue print. All the incidents to be faced, all problems to be faced, all challenges to be overcome are written by us in this agreement. In fact we choose all minute details like age, person, circumstances for all incidents to be faced by us. Eg:- a person had severe headache in his present birth, whatever he tried nothing worked, no medicines, no way out. When he did a past life regression he saw in his previous birth he had killed a person with a huge stone by hitting and smashing his head. In the life review, when he saw this he became very guilty and asked for the same pain which the other person suffered to be experienced by him and decided he will have a never ending headache in this life.

  • Blue print : 

This is the way we judge ourselves and in guilt ask for punishment. One point to note here is that many say you will have to face 10 times or 20 times of what you did. That’s not true, depending on the amount of guilt in the soul, it will ask for punishment of suffering. If it has more guilt, then for some trouble he gave for 5 months to someone, he will ask for 2 years of suffering. Hence its always said, clear your emotions, because it’s the same thing we carry forward to the other side too. Once this review is done our whole blue print of the next life is formed, then there is “a cooling period.”

  • The re-birth

We are born depending on what we have asked for in the agreement. It can take 20-30 years or even more also for a re- birth. We choose our parents and enter the mothers womb either at the time of egg formation or during the 4-5th month or sometimes even at the last moment just before birth. The universe is so perfect ,so beautifully designed that the time, place of birth constitutes our horoscope, which actually is a blue print of this life. Most of us feel that our stars are bad, we are unlucky, in actual they just mirror your agreement. Once we are reborn, for around 40 days the baby remembers its past life and laughs and cries itself without anyone forcing it to. The memory of the past life is completely cut after this and we experience life as though we did not exist in the past.

  • The agreement starts.. :

Its here that we are completely in the earth plane and the contract comes into full effect. We then blame God/ people for our difficult situations and curse God for giving us such a difficult life. So, next time before pointing to the Divine, understand that its just helping us complete and honor our agreement which is fully and completely written by us. Whatever we have asked for and pre-decided we are getting. Friends, relatives, foes, parents, spouses all have been selected by us in the blue print and come in our lives based on this agreement. They are just playing their parts and are merely actors in this film written, produced and directed by us.

Do the Dead need healing?

The dead always need serious healings and prayers for a variety of reasons, the most important one being not to be earthbound, that is stuck up in the earth plane itself. There are many reasons for the soul to be earthbound like unfinished business, excessive grief, trauma on death, sudden death, fear of moving on the astral plane, guilt, one of the most important being improper finishing of rituals, etc. The soul feels it needs a little more time to wait and finish and move. This keeps them hovering in the earth plane itself. But alas, the time is limited. Its very very important that they cross over in the 12 days to their astral plane of existence, moreover as the entry for them to the astral world closes a few days after this.

Earthbound spirits lead a very miserable existence as they are neither in their actual plane nor in a body to lead an earthly life. They may not be negative or harmful but they are stuck up. Hence healings and our prayers are of utmost importance during this period so that the departed soul crosses over to the designated astral plane peacefully. In Hindu religion its said not to visit temples and worship during these 12 days. But prayers are very much necessary by the whole family to help the dead. One more very important aspect to be updated with is the protection of the soul. Like we keep a small pen knife/ nail cutter as protection from evil spirits under the baby’s pillow, We need to protect the dead also to reach its destination- the astral world safe and sound.

Protection, prayers, healings are all extremely essential in these days to say the least. This is the least we can do for our loved ones, who gave all they could in our lifetimes.

Please DO NOT TAKE DEATH LIGHTLY.  Today at least around 60% of the souls are stuck up on the earth plane due to various such factors.

Finally, for someone who has lost a near and dear one, don’t feel sad.

We don’t die, we live on, death does not end it, its just a little break before we meet again .

Where Do Souls Go After Death?

During the first seven days or so, the soul of the deceased person usually remains close to the place he or she lived and tries to follow the lifestyle he or she was used to. The destination that souls take after death varies, and souls can be divided into three groups accordingly:

1. Souls that cannot begin their departure to the Spirit World and become “earth-bound spirits” (ghosts) because they lived with a totally materialistic view of life and strongly denied life after death, or are emotionally attached to something in this world to the point of not being able to let go.

2. Souls who fall straight to hell, because living on earth, they led a life full of evil and were possessed by more than four or five hell spirits at the time of death. These souls cannot make the normal departure to the other world, and instead, they go straight down to the depths of hell.

3. Souls that depart to the Spirit World with the help of a “Spirit Guide”. The majority of people usually wander around their house during the first seven days after their physical death, but when their consciousness becomes clear enough, a “spirit guide” comes to help them to realize that they are already dead. This spirit guide could be, in an ordinary case, a close friend, an acquaintance, parents or a sibling who died earlier.


Spiritual Possession

Spiritual possession is a phenomenon in which a stray being from the Spirit World constantly or temporarily possesses and exerts negative influence on a person living on earth. Most commonly they are known as “evil spirits” and, although many people may scoff at the idea, it is a real and undeniable fact that they exist and influence our lives.

Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth.

Evil spirits are spirits that have a strong attachment towards the earth and human way of life. Spirits in hell do not understand they are spiritual beings. All they know is life with a physical body, so they are consumed with the desire to satisfy their materialistic needs. Because reincarnation from hell is impossible, they aim to possess a person living on earth. By possessing a human being, evil spirits can feel just as if they have their own physical body, feeling the physical sensations and satisfying desires for food, sex, money, power and the like.

The only prerequisite for evil spirits to come and stay with a person living on earth, is to find someone whose mind is on the same wavelength as theirs. Evil spirits cannot stay with a person living on earth if he or she is always calm, benevolent and altruistic. But if his or her mind is dark with hatred and anger stays that way for extended periods of time, then it will attract evil spirits who, being on the same wavelength, can sneak into the person’s mind and stay on earth for five, ten or even many more years. This is what is known as spiritual possession.

Spiritual Possession Can Cause Various Unfortunate Phenomena

When humans are possessed by evil spirits, their character changes and they seem to no longer be themselves. If the possession is expressed very strongly, a person may become very aggressive, greedy or jealous, he may start to eat and drink to excess, or lust after the opposite sex like an animal. The human body feels heavy when it is possessed by an evil spirit: the neck and shoulders feel stiff; the spine and lower back feel heavy. A vicious circle starts when a person is always in a bad mood and no longer gets on well with other people. When a personality turns really bad it can sometimes indicate a possession by two, three or more spirits. A severe mental illness occurs when multiple spirits possessing a person push the person’s own soul out of his physical body.

People can be possessed by detrimental animal spirits as well as by evil spirits. If a person always emits the same kind of negative thoughts, not just stray human spirits, but also animal spirits might wrap themselves around the person’s body. This phenomenon usually would have an effect of making the person prone to various illnesses. What is more, amongst these stray spirits there are some malicious spirits that actively want to destroy the happiness of the people in this world. They manipulate a person’s mind to deliberately make him act in a way that will lead to unhappiness and bring chaos to people’s lives. People who are psychic can see the phenomenon of spiritual possession in a form of a hazy small cloud clinging to the tops of possessed peoples’ heads, shoulders, or other parts of the body

The Cause of Possession Lies in a Mistaken Way of Thinking

The roots of spiritual possession lie in the thoughts of a mistaken mind. A person will be possessed by animal spirits if he has a mind that has forgotten human dignity and is like that of an animal. This is because a mind that cannot restrain its greediness, a mind that tries to deceive others, a mind that is crazed for the opposite sex, can be in alignment with animalistic spirits. Moreover, if a person cannot control his anger, rants, raves, and blames others, he will draw in the violent spirits. The cold-bloodedness of someone who is indifferent to other people’s feelings, who is very self-assertive and thick-skinned, leads him to coming under the control of egotistic evil spirits.


Black Magic On House, Office, Business |Mantras, Evil Ghosts

Black magic is sending destructive waves/ energy (generally through a ghost) targeting on a person without his consent or knowledge and bringing him under the control of our instructions.

If you may feel that your house has come under the attack of evil powers, blackmagic spells, witchraft etc then this power is very strong and will destroy all evil affects that are in your house Some times you will notice that your house is haunted, you may hear strange noises like people talking or even laughing and this can be very scary, some times evil spirits get settled in the house and it is very difficult for them to go once they have captured the house, this happens also if some enemy has casted any spell on your house and once they enter your house they bring bad luck and negative energies with them and as a result of all this once your house that was heaven for you turns out to be worse then hell.

Black Magic is done by involving many rituals and manthras. Manthras are of two types. One type is for constructive purposes. Another one is for destructive purposes.

In the case of constructive manthras, they help us grow in our material as well as spiritual life. For example, Gayathri Manthra spreads spiritual waves around us.  This will uplift one in his spiritual practices.

Whereas, The destructive manthras can bring and establish the ghosts to our place and spread negative waves/ energy inside our mind and  around us that will prevent all the good fortunes entering into our home.

They are done by some Tantriks who are able to invite and control some ghosts through these manthras, send them to us and make our liberal thought process inactive and hence the affected person will always show some symptoms as if he has lost something. He will not be able to concentrate in his productive activities everyone is expected to do.  He will be uninterested in worldly affairs.

These Tantriks use the ghosts (brought through some destructive manthras) to produce such negative vibrations against a person.  He first brings a evil minded ghost in his control through manthras and instructs that ghost to fulfill the task perfectly and then report him that the task has been done. When such ghosts are present in a house, the house loses its positive energy.

The tasks given to the ghosts usually are:  Creating Diseases, Poverty (by allowing the wealth to be stolen or losing job), mental illnesses, or in serious cases even killing the target person.

 After fulfilling the task given, the ghost comes back to the Tantrik and reports that he has done the given task.  Then, the Tantrik releases that ghost free.

Actually those who use these techniques for negative purposes will have to suffer in their next birth.  Even in this birth, such Tantriks will be leading a kind of restless life.

How the evil ghosts are sent to the home of the target?

These Tantriks use some materials of the target person such as  his piece of cloth worn by the person, his hair, his teeth, etc to incorporate the evil forces in them and then throws that material in the house or garden of the target person.  Thus, the ghost starts to live in that house.


If Black magic has been done against a person, that person may show some or many of the following symptoms:

1) He likes to be alone all the time;

(2) he shows unrest and irritation always.

(3) Body pains particularly on the shouldres and head;

(4) Likes to remain dirty without bathing.

(5) Some peculiar smell will come from the affected person;

(6) he/ she will be talking alone;

(7) he/ she will be making unnatural body movements and biting the nails.

(8) No auspiciousness will be there in the home and Tulasi will not grow in that house (usually, tulasi plant will not grow in inauspicious surroundings.


Spirits, Black Magic, Demons, Ghosts, Curse, Witchcraft, Hex

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Category : Black Magic

spiritual interferenceBlack magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

How Black Magic is Used

  • Black magicians may use these spirits to access information from anyone. These pieces of information may be used to inflict harm to the individual.
  • Black magicians may use spirits to mentally torture and physically harm people. There are people driven by jealousy, anger and hate who pay black magicians to inflict harm to their relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • Black magicians can even be hired by professionals like lawyers to win cases. Politicians and businessmen have at times hired black magicians to defeat their competitors. It is also a very common practice in the movie, music and modeling industries.

How Black Magic Spells Are Done

There are many ways black magic spells are done but the most common is making the victim eat or drink food or beverage that has been previously bound with black magic. Photographs of the victim can be used to invoke a black magic curse. If a black magician obtains a photo of you or something you own or possess–for instance a piece of clothing or jewelry—these items could be used against you. Some black magicians can even create a liquid spell which may be spilled over a piece of land or an object to create a black magic curse.

Black Magic Symptoms

Keep in mind that most black magic spells are done for specific purposes and therefore there are endless symptoms black magic can manifest. The effect is felt differently from individual to individual according to their life situations, their overall health, and their mental state.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you may need the services of a spiritual healer for a cure for black magic:

  • Unexplained extreme weight loss or gain
  • Terrible headaches
  • Blindness
  • Eyes turning gray
  • Inability to sleep, insomnia or over sleeping
  • Depression
  • Feeling negative energy weighing down on them
  • Very bad breath
  • Seizures
  • Excessive crying
  • Unexplained irritability, anger and emotional imbalance
  • Unexplained infertility
  • One or more episodes of miscarriage
  • Inability to menstruate in women or menstruating more than normal
  • Unexplained impotence
  • Very bad body odor
  • Development of skin conditions all over the body with very bad odor
  • The occurrence of nightmares
  • Acting angry and not remembering
  • Forgetting incidents and moments of life
  • Changes in voice
  • Changes in appearance
  • Indulging in excess alcohol, drugs, violence and unprotected/unhealthy sex
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)

These are just some of the possible symptoms of black magic.

Black magic spells and curses can be tailored specifically to an area in a person’s life.

Here are a few examples of how black magic can affect your life:

  • Excessive unexplained bad luck
  • Unreasonable fear to go out or leave home
  • Ruined a marriage or other relationships
  • To never maintain a happy relationship
  • To struggle and have nothing work in life
  • To be affected with financial loss
  • To give up everything he/she owns such as a home or business for no reason at all
  • To become a victim of frequent accidents
  • To have paranoia
  • To destroy his/her or someone else’s career
  • To leave the country for no reason
  • To control someone’s mind for sex
  • To affect his/her health
  • To constantly be unhappy
  • To always be sad
  • To never succeed in anything
  • To go crazy or have psychological problems
  • To make people leave his/her life for no reason
  • To get in trouble
  • To stop where he/she is in life and not move forward

The victim of a black magic curse might experience supernatural symptoms as well.

The following may indicate an undesired supernatural presence in your life:

  • Hearing strange whispering voices
  • Feeling someone next to them while they sleep
  • Hearing someone calling their name
  • Experiencing paranormal activities
  • Experiencing a feeling of being raped or sexually abused while dreaming or while awake
  • Seeing shadows around them
  • Hearing knocking on their door when no one is actually there

Symptoms of Demonic Possession

Finding a cure for black magic may not be your only concern. Spiritual healers have the ability to perform exorcisms as well. Satanic possession can occur when an evil presence enters the body of a living creature. A possessed person often expresses some of the following symptoms:

  • Inappropriate laughter or laughing for no reason Knowledge about other people without any possible way of knowing
  • Changes in voice
  • Drinking massive amounts of water
  • Bad breath
  • Changes in facial features
  • Changes in skin such as development of dry skin or excessive pimples
  • Becoming angry or starting a fight for no reason
  • Becoming very sensitive to smells
  • Washing hands and body excessively
  • Smelling his/her body parts all the time to be certain they are clean
  • Being dirty/filthy sometimes to the point of playing with his/her feces
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)
  • Encouraging people that it is OK to do bad things because God said it was OK
  • Cutting or personally harming themselves but not remembering that they did this
  • Experiencing blackouts
  • Prophesying the future and being adamant that what they say is accurate

Black Magic: Possibly True Stories From Around the World

Black magic is often referred to as dark magic and traditionally considered to be supernatural with evil intentions. It’s often mistakenly portrayed as voodoo, which is a religion. Black magic is the opposite of white magic (light magic). It’s considered to be malicious and anyone practicing does so for selfish results. Many black magic practitioners argue that the intent of the magic defines whether it’s used for evil purposes. Historically, black magic has been associated with various rituals and ceremonies.Black MagicBlack magic is alive and well in many countries around the world. Some of the stories of its power instill fear in those targeted by those welding black magic. A tale of a family in India plagued by evil spells cast on them by an unknown person was published in Top Secret Writers Magazine and told by one of the victims, a young adult known as Amiett.

The story opens after the family has been informed by an astrologer that the events they’ve experienced for a “long time” are the result of evil spells cast on the family. The spells evoked evil spirits to literally attack the family members and even possibly seek to kill them.

Amiett admits that they have sensed an unknown presence in their home as well as the doorbell ringing “continuously between midnight and 2 am with no one outside the door.” They also reported hearing strange sounds and a light remaining on when the light switch was turned off.

The astrologist sent a woman who battled such evil spirits, but during the ritual, she was attacked and taken over by the spirit. The witness claimed that the woman was slapped repeatedly by an unseen force and she began to behave erratically as though possessed.

Amiett went to her rescue by grabbing her hair and battling with the spirit. Amiett refused to release the woman’s hair and told the spirit to leave, which it eventually did. Recovering from her ordeal, the woman said she’d underestimated the power of the evil spirit, but that Amiett was a natural due to years of mediation that had increased personal spiritual power.

Family Apartment in Pakistan

Another story comes from Ammaar who lives in Karachi, Pakistan. He tells how his family moved into an apartment in 1990. His 12-year-old sister claimed she heard a man and woman talking in the apartment while she and her father were cleaning it in preparation for the family moving in. The disembodied male voice spoke of punishing the new tenants, Ammaar’s family.

Their parents ignored the girl’s story and the family moved into the apartment that was located on the top floor. They were informed by neighbors that their new apartment had a history of the door locking and unlocking on its own.

Ammaar’s mother became pregnant soon after the move and that’s when things began to happen to them. Ammaar’s mother “literally became insane, got confused about colors and numbers.” She would claim that some numbers and colors were good while others weren’t. She would draw on the walls and even wrote various “Arabic verses and prayers on the wall.”

Ammaar’s parents began to fight and no longer shared the same bedroom. His mother would “wake up at night, screaming and shouting. And when we would ask her what happened, she would tell us that a headless shadow of a man was standing next to her bed.”

His cousin when visiting the family with his mother saw an entity in the home late one night and mistook it for Ammaar’s father. When asked, Ammaar’s father accused the boy of lying since he’d not been out of his room all night.

Ammaar tells how baby chicks they bought to raise were found the next morning crushed “as flat as a paper, as if someone had put a 500 kg weight on them,” His uncle (mother’s brother) moved in for a couple of weeks, but it wasn’t until years later that he revealed the many incidences he had while living in the apartment.

The uncle witnessed shadows as well as once seeing a black box manifest out of the wall. He described how the box “then turned into smoke, and threw hot blood on his hands and vanished.” The uncle confessed that one time he witnessed an “8 feet tall black figure, standing on the shoulders of my sister, staring down at her with huge eyes.”

There were other things that Ammaar’s uncle saw, but refused to discuss with the boy. The family moved a couple of years later and Ammaar said that his mother was “99% better” although he said she “still shows signs of ‘insanity’.”


Showers of Stones

One of the most bizarre stories comes out of India and is about home that was repeatedly bombarded with stones falling out of the sky onto the roof. After searching, there was never any indication that human beings were responsible.

The police were frightened off when a stone flew between one of the officer’s legs. The stone showers suddenly started occurring inside the home, falling from the ceilings. They appeared to be targeting a boy servant and when a stone flew out of nowhere and struck the boy, the family took action.

The mother of the household had studied the occult and contacted the spirits responsible and was surprised to discover three small beings who said they’d been created to throw stones. She told them to bring her flowers instead, but they replied they weren’t capable of doing that, so she banished them.

Subsequently, one of the male servants became ill and was hospitalized, but eventually recovered. It’s revealed in the story that he was responsible for the upheaval in the household and he never created any other problems for the family.

These stories are just a few of the many reports online. However, whether black magic is truly behind them is up for debate. For now, they are simply some of the many unexplained occurrences in the world. What are your thoughts on black magic?

black magic

Black Magic Spells, Evil Spirits & Satanic Witchcraft |U.S.A

Black magic is very dangerous and is generally used to cast evil spells or to do bad to someone. It is known also known as Kala Ilm / kala Jadoo / Jadu Tona in hindi. Black magic is commonly used by people to do bad to those persons whom they feel jealous from or to take revenge. Now a days black magic practice have become very active as people are practicing black magic spells to harm people, to destroy enemies and using dark Magic.

Black Magic Spells can be used to harm or hurt another person by performing certain acts even at distant place, the effect of this technique can be experienced thousand of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness and growth, the use of black magic has become the most common way to take out one’s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil of others. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by not other than their closest friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and happy families are ruined by black magic.

Black magic spells cover a wide range of magic spells, ranging from death spells top hurt spells to revenge spells to nightmare spells to bad luck spells. It takes a superior know-how of wizardry to successfully perform the black magic rituals. It’s true that we must not hurt anybody but at times certain people stop at no means to make life living hell for others.

This is to note here that black magic spells are governed by the law of Karma. It means that if you do something wrong to somebody, it will come back to you 3 times. So, be mentally prepared of some negative consequences in your life as well when you cast a black magic spell.

Effects of Black Magic Spells :

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life, may it be career, business, wealth / prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions or phobias, adversely affecting children and family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence and happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest and abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances. The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated is like horrible disease. It starts spreading like contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life

A person may get affected by a spirit or ghost problem and be possessed by evil soul. Females are often possessed by evil which is sent on them by someone who want to destroy them or take revenge anyway. If this problem does not solve in time, it may kill the possessed person.

How Spirits / Ghosts enter body

There are various ways of getting entities, and various activities and lifestyle choices that predispose you to them. There are also places that teem with entities and people who can transmit them to you, so be careful where you go and with whom you mix!

Holes in the Aura
This is the most common way for entities to get in. An intact aura will protect you quite well against entities. The only problem is very few people have an intact aura. You develop holes in your aura if, for example, you had surgery. When an incision into your skin is made, the energy field is opened up as well and entities can get in. This is aggravated by the fact that hospitals are among the worst places to be with an open aura because many earthbound spirits, spirits of the recently deceased and entities are hanging around in hospitals! And secondly, unconsciousness makes you prone to possession by entities – both these factors usually come together during surgery in a hospital. So, if you ever had surgery you probably have entities.

Soul Loss
You can also get holes in the aura because you had a soul loss. This is a shamanic term for losing a part of yourself, part of your spirit soul because of a great trauma or a prolonged period of suffering and unhappiness. When you lose a piece of your soul it leaves a big hole in your aura. This type of hole cannot be closed by mere aura healing, Reiki or crystal healing. For it to be permanently closed the missing soul piece has to be retrieved and reinstalled by an experienced shaman. This procedure is called soul retrieval. You can always book a soul retrieval healing with me, even if you live far away. I am capable of doing soul retrieval in a distance healing session, so I can help you wherever you are.

In terms of entities this means, if you lost a loved one (whether a beloved human or a beloved pet) and never got over it, if you had a traumatic accident or any other great loss or trauma or period of prolonged unhappiness you can be sure that you have holes in your aura caused by soul loss, and, you can be quite sure that you have entities as well! In these cases it is not enough to just remove all the entities, the soul loss needs to be fixed by a proper soul retrieval, or you soon will attract new entities that plague you!

The use of drugs or alcohol also creates holes in the aura! This means if you have ever been drunk, even once in your whole life, if you have ever smoked marijuana or taken any other drugs, even once, you are prone to have entities. Alcoholics and drug addicts usually have an aura that resembles Swiss cheese and tend to have more entities! Having close contact with substance abusers can expose you to their entities as well.

And there are various other causes for holes in the aura as well, such as physical injury and trauma, emotional problems, or insufficiently developed chakras. Sometimes a person’s energy body can already be incomplete or damaged from birth, for example if they had a big trauma in a past life. In the end any kind of weakness in the aura will expose you to entities. Many healers are specialised in repairing the subtle body and can see it very clearly. In countless healing sessions I have seen 90% of people  whose energy body was not intact. And therefore I say the chances that you have entities are almost 90 per cent.

Whenever you are unconscious you do not inhabit your body. It doesn’t matter whether this unconsciousness was caused by anaesthesia, the use of drugs, or by fainting from low blood pressure. Whenever you are out, other things can get in. A person who is drunk or on drugs may not be fully unconscious, but they are still “out of it” and that is enough to open them up to entities. If you have ever been unconscious you are likely to have entities.

Close Contact
During intercourse of a lower nature entities are being transferred. When your Muladhara chakra  is linked to the Muladhara chakra of another, as happens during intercourse, entities have a free-way into your body! If the one you are sleeping with is an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a negative man / woman who is full of entities, or worst of all, a vampire, you can be sure that you will pick up many entities! Even if your partner appears to be nice, but in their mind they are only thinking of themselves, basically using you for their gratification, they will still transfer entities to you. So choose your sex partners carefully for you may catch more than diseases by sleeping with the wrong partner.

People with serious entity problems can sometimes be so negative that mere contact with them is enough to transfer entities to you! In some cases just having them in your house will do it! Like lice, entities like to jump to a fresh source of energy from time to time. And if you are open at that moment, because you had a few glasses of wine, or recently had surgery, or simply because you have holes in your energy field, some of their entities may jump over!

Crowds enable entities to jump over to new hosts with ease. Have you ever been in a crowd and come home with a terrible headache, even though you are not normally prone to headaches? If so you probably picked something up in the crowd. It is generally a good procedure to take a shower, put on new clothes and do psychic cleansing such as smudging whenever you come home after having been in contact with many people or in a crowd.

Entities and demons can also be sent to a person by sorcery (commonly known as “black magic”). When entities are sent by a sorcerer they are much more persistent than ordinary entities which are basically just opportunists. Let me explain: if you are in an area where there are entities, and they see you as an easy victim, because your energy field is wide open, or because you happen to be drunk, they may get into you. If on the other hand you are well-shielded, with an intact aura and totally sober and in possession of yourself, the entities are not likely to go for you. They will look for an easier victim.  If however somebody has cursed or hexed you, the entities will throw themselves at you constantly until they get through your defences and break through your intact aura or shields. Even the strongest protection will break down eventually under such onslaught. If somebody sends you entities by sorcery you will need an experienced shaman / witch /healer who knows how to deal with sorcery to sort that problem out for you!

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