

Category : Aura & Chakras

Life can be thought of as cells, blood and bones. However, life is actually much more than this. The human body is but the physical manifestation of what may be called an electrical, non-physical energy field. Many scientists, especially quantum physicists, are accepting the fact that all things in the Universe emit energy. They know this because the energy can be detected using advanced bio-electric technologies.

The aura is an electromagnetic field that that can be described as a luminous body that surrounds the physical body, taking on a cocoon like shape. Each and every object, living or inanimate has an aura. Auras constantly change color and shape, depending on how the person is feeling and where they are emotionally and spiritually. The aura usually extends out from the body 30-40cm for an average person, and can be much larger for a more highly developed spiritual person.

The aura can be viewed as a visual representation of the soul. It is a very complex system and each persons aura is distinctly different and can change over time. There are however flashes of colours that depict certain emotions, that are common to all of us, such as red for anger, pink for love and green for envy etc.


A healthy person has a brighter aura.  One’s race, skin color or religion has nothing to do with this.  A healthy person also usually has an aura that is more beautiful, whiter, and lighter in color.

The aura of those who are ill is usually dull, darker, muddy looking, and often has a greenish or yellowish tint.  Near death, the aura almost disappears because it is so dark and small.

What are the 7 layers of the aura called?
The aura is made up of seven layers or energy bodies each one of these layer relates to a corresponding chakra.

Etheric Body (Base Chakra)
Associated with touch, feeling and the five senses: taste, smell, touch, sight and sound

Emotional Body (Sacral Chakra)
Associated with lower emotions

Mental Body (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Associated with lower mental concepts and rational thinking

Astral Body (Heart Chakra)
Associated with love and relationships

Etheric Template (Throat Chakra)
Associated with Divine Will and physical aspect

Celestial Body (Third Eye Chakra)
Associated with the spiritual world & emotional aspects

Ketheric Body (Crown Chakra)
Associated with the divine mind, higher truth & mental aspects


Development of the aura.  Everyone has an astral body.  In those over about the age of 10 to 30, the etheric body develops to some degree in everyone.  This is a more advanced subtle energy field, or energy body.  It develops as one uses the mind for constructive purposes and as a person overcomes hardships by using the brain rather than by “getting by” using cunning, or cleverness or brute force or laziness.

Upper subtle body development. In those who meditate and live properly,  even more subtle and more amazing energy bodies also develop soon after the etheric body develops.  This is the first step toward the advanced state of human life that is possible for human beings on planet earth.  When this occurs, a person is said to be developed.

This simply means that one has developed all of the subtle human bodies that are possible for a person who lives on planet earth.  This is a wonderful achievement that few accomplish, although it is well within the realm of possibility for anyone. It simply requires following the rules and ideas set down in the articles on this website.

Early development the most difficult. In fact, the hardest part of developing the advanced aura and subtle bodies is the beginning, by far. It is like trying to blast off in a rocket and escape the earth’s gravity – the hardest part is getting out of the lower atmosphere.  Once you are free of that, the rest of the trip into outer space is easy.

This is exactly how it is with what is called mental or spiritual development.  Overcoming the initial resistance and inertia of the physical body takes years in most cases, which is why most religions suggest studying hard and following all the rules, even if you do not understand them.  Then, once one has overcome the inertia of the physical body, development becomes much easier.

In earlier times, one almost had to enter a monastery to initiate the process.  Today it is not as hard, however, for many people because people are wealthier, which means they have more time in some cases. Also, websites such as this one are available that can guide a person step by step, in a way, that was not available in earlier days when one needed a personal guide.  This is still required in the advanced stages, but not for the earlier ones that are of interest to most people.

Sequence of development. At first, the higher bodies take form, but are not active.  This is called the process of development and is the most important part of the processIt usually takes people their entire lifetime to do this part of the process.

Once development is over, a period of time elapses while other changes occur in the body.  Then, at a certain point, each of the higher bodies slowly fills with light energy or certain particles that activate or “glow” the bodies.  This means the higher fields or bodies are now usable and “turned on”.  This is the basic sequence of development and evolution of a human being.

Advantages and benefits of development.  These are many and primarily include a longer life and better health.  However, since the mind is developing itself to a high degree, it brings with it a calmer personality, a sharper mind.  A better memory and many other aspects of the personality develop as well.  One will have more abilities, more talents and more intuition than before.  At a point, one can access guidance, for example, and begin to communicate telepathically, which brings us to the next level of evolution of a human being.

Further development or evolution.  As one continues the pushing down exercise, and continues to live and eat properly, first the etheric body grows very large and its color changes from a bluish haze to a bright yellow when it is fully developed.  Then and only then the upper bodies fill with light or energy.  This is an important sequence of events that signifies that a person is really on his or her way toward development of the highest potential that a human being can achieve on a planet.

Who can see Auras?
Everyone is capable of sensing and/or seeing auras. It is something that as a society we have been closed to for many generations. As children we all see auras but as we grow up we lose this ability as it is not something that is discussed or encouraged and we close off to it.

If you wish to see auras there are a few exercises you can do to begin your journey. It is important to remember that everybody is different and each person sees and feels things differently. There is no way that is more correct that the other. Above all else remember to have fun. With practice and patience it will come, and in time, as you slowly awaken your third eye, you will begin to see what lies right in front of you.

Seeing is just one aspect, many people are able to sense auras quiet distinctly but are unaware of what this actually means and how you can be used in your daily life.

Sensing Auras
Sensing peoples auras is done through feeling and through knowing, like trusting your gut instincts about someone or something. Everybody does this on a day to day basis through normal social interaction. You can sense somebody’s anger, you sense somebody’s fear, somebody’s love, somebody’s compassion. These are all easily identifiable and this is all part of your ability to sensing auras. These feelings, these intuitions are a result of another persons energy passing through yours. As you begin to identify these feelings you will learn to identify other peoples auras and energies. You will be able to pick up and sense the feelings, and with time you will be able to link these feelings with pictures, visions or images.

Best times for seeing Auras

A good time to practice seeing auras is in the early evening or early morning when the sun is low in the sky. This heightens the visibility of the auras and makes it easier to see. We suggest that when you are learning, practice on a plain background. Such as a clear sky or wall, but it must be clear and not patterned. It is best to do these exercises on a dark or light background. Before starting these exercises make sure you are relaxed and comfortable. Listening to relaxing or meditative music can help with quietening your mind, focus on your breathing and be in a calm relaxed state.

Learning to see Auras

Seeing auras is not something you have to try hard to do, it is something that comes in time, you do not need to force it, you just need to clear your mind and relax. Do not sit there and strain and stare. When you are ready you will see what you need to see.

As you progress down this path the subject of self doubt will inevitable arise in a lot of peoples minds, just remember that what you are seeing is not your imagination, do not misinterpret it as a trick of your eye. You are getting there and you will see what you need to see.

Aura & Chakras

Energy Medicine | Human Aura, Chakra & Meridian System| Nadi

Energy Healing is becoming more popular as many people are experiencing the benefits of deep relaxation and lowered stress & pain. Energy healing is a gentle yet powerful healing approach that can easily be integrated into occupational therapy practice and health care to enhance an individual’s life on many levels. Energy healing is being used more in hospitals, clinics, and private practice as it can help with health, wellness prevention, recovery from illness, and decrease length of stay.

Energy medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness. In energy medicine, energy is the medicine, and energy is also the patient. You heal the body by activating its natural healing energies; you also heal the body by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance. Energy medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help. It can address physical illness and emotional or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance.

Our subtle anatomies are comprised of the Aura, Meridians, and Chakras.
These subtle energy systems correspond to our plane of existence in a hierarchy that culminate our physical form.

For centuries, Eastern medicine has recognized the importance of keeping the energy systems of our subtle bodies flowing positively for optimal health and well being, while more recently Western civilizations have been taking notice of our metaphysical connections and exploring the powers that contain and surround the physical body.

Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the world – known as an Aura – is a scientifically proven fact. The Chinese refer to this energy as ‘Chi’ (pronounced Chee), The Indians refer to this energy as ‘Prana Shakti’,  the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Prana Shakti / Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways – known as meridians and chakras – of all living forms, all beings, in order to maintain health and wellness, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Let us look into the Meridians, Chakras and Aura.

  •  The Meridians: In the way an artery carries blood, a meridian carries energy. As the body’s energy bloodstream, the meridian system brings vitality and balance, removes blockages, adjusts metabolism, and even determines the speed and form of cellular change. The flow of the meridian energy pathways is as critical as the flow of blood. No energy, no life. Meridians affect every organ and every physiological system, including the immune, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular, and lymphatic systems. Each system is fed by at least one meridian. If a meridian’s energy is obstructed or unregulated, the system it feeds is jeopardized. The meridians include fourteen tangible channels that carry energy into, through, and out of your body. Your meridian pathways also connect hundreds of tiny, distinct reservoirs of heat and electromagnetic energy along the surface of the skin.
  • The Chakras: The word chakra translates from the Sanskrit as disk, vortex, or wheel. The chakras are concentrated centers of energy. Each major chakra in the human body is a center of swirling energy positioned at one of seven points, from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Where the meridians deliver their energy to the organs, the chakras bathe the organs in their energies. Each chakra supplies energy to specific organs, corresponds to a distinct aspect of your personality, and resonates (respectively, from the bottom to the top chakra) with one of seven universal principles having to do with survival, creativity, identity, love, expression, comprehension, or transcendence. Your chakras also code your experiences in their energies, just as memories are chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every emotionally significant event you have experienced is believed to be recorded in your chakra energies. A sensitive practitioner’s hand held over a chakra may resonate with pain in a related organ, congestion in a lymph node, subtle abnormalities in heat or pulsing, areas of emotional turmoil, or even tune into a stored memory that might be addressed as part of the healing process.

Each energy body has a set of chakras and there is constant debate about how many energy bodies and chakras there are.

1st Chakra or Root Chakra governs grounding to earth.

2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra governs creativity and sexuality.

3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra governs personal power and will.

4th Chakra or Heart Chakra governs love.

5th Chakra or Throat Chakra governs communication.

6th Chakra or Third Eye governs intuition and psychic gifts.

7th Chakra or Crown Chakra governs connection to Spirit and to the Creator.

  •  The Aura:  Human beings are very complex energy fields. Your aura basically is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your energy fields, bodies, parts and particles. It is multi-dimensional in nature and has many layers. Every living being has an aura – the planet has an aura, each plant has an aura, an ant has an aura, etc. There are many layers to the human aura. The first layer of the human aura is the physical body and energy field. The next layer out of the aura is the etheric level. The next layer out of the aura would be the emotional level. The next layer out of the aura is the mental level. And the next layers out of the aura are for the spiritual bodies and energy fields.

Your aura is a multi-layered shell of energy that emanates from your body and interacts with the energies of your environment. It is itself a protective atmosphere that surrounds you, filtering out many of the energies you encounter and drawing in others that you need. Like a space suit, your aura protects you from harmful energies. Like a radio antenna, it brings in energies with which it resonates. The aura is a conduit, a two-way antenna that brings in energy from the environment to your chakras and that sends energy from your chakras outward. When you feel happy, attractive, and spirited, your aura may fill an entire room. When you are sad, despondent, and somber, your aura crashes in on you, forming an energetic shell that isolates you from the world. Some people’s auras characteristically reach out and embrace you. Others keep you out like an electric fence. A study conducted by Valerie Hunt, a neurophysiologist at UCLA’s Energy Fields Laboratory, compared “aura readings” with neurophysiological measures. The auras seen by eight practitioners not only corresponded with one another, they correlated with wave patterns picked up by electrodes on the skin at the spot that was being observed.

Clairvoyants have developed their inner vision to the point that they can see the various layers of the aura – physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  Since our auras are so energetically complex sometimes psychics tap into different areas of awareness and see different things

spirit possession

Psychic Attacks & Vampires |Black Magic & Spirits| Past Life

It’s important for all of us interested in spiritual development to include some  understanding of their subtle energy field or aura. The Aura is an electromagnetic energy field around each of us. It’s not visible to most people, but it is instinctively sensed or experienced by others.  Your aura is not a closed system, as they say, it is continuously exchanging energy with things around it – anything and everything unless you decide differently.
Would you stick your hand into filthy water and then touch your mouth?

  • Yet, everyday, all day long, I see people do the equivalent with their energy. Some people will co-mingle or allow others to suck their energy, (living or ‘dead’) with little or no restrictions as to who does so. It is up to you to decide what you want to exchange energy with. You absolutely can decide about this important boundary setting, whether or not you see energy, feel it,  or even believe totally that it exists!The aura is also called the “subtle energies.” These energies are felt, perceived or sensed by people in various ways:
  • as colors, (seen or somehow ‘felt’),
  • as textures (sticky, slick, hard, soft, etc.),
  • as temperatures, (cold, hot, warm, etc.).

Perhaps you sense something and have no word for it: a kind of perception or a “knowingness.” That is when the “inner sight” is used.

Whether or not you consciously sense it, everyone reacts to subtle energies. Your energy shifts and moves with mood changes, strong thoughts and interactions with other people, animals and plants, as well as crystals and minerals. The body language of someone who is not trained or conditioned  to hide their thoughts often mirrors a person’s energy field. When someone is trained to hide their body language, for example, a policeman, then it may not reflect their energy any more than it reflects their true feelings.

You live in this energy field your whole life – there is no way out of it! You even carry it with you when you leave your physical body – or parts of it, anyhow.  As I said, you can co-mingle or exchange it with all kinds of things: people, plants, crystal and minerals, Angels, ghosts, other kinds of spirits… etc.

When it comes to being aware of our subtle energy, and taking responsibility for what we do with it, most humans are at the stage they were at when infants, and first learning to walk and talk. They have very little, if any, self-control. They get upset or angry, they throw or spill energy onto others. The same is true for all strong emotions. Have you heard the expression, bubbling over with enthusiasm or happiness? That’s what your energy does when you have an intense emotion. Happy or sad, angry or sexually aroused, it spills  onto the people around them.

We are living in a gigantic “psychic soup” of impressions, gathered around us like layers of clothing. Our experiences are filtered through our subtle energies and then trickling into our consciousness. We also have countless “strings” or attachments leading to other places, times and individuals. Even strings to things that were of importance to us now – or perhaps once, long ago. How much of our energy is taken up with unwanted and no longer useful attachments? To become truly free of these attachments is to empower yourself and others. You grant them their freedom, thereby granting yourself freedom.

  • How many of you suffer from terrible headaches with no known cause? Or perhaps aches and pains that come and go for no reason?  Are Doctors unable to help you?   
  • Healers: Learn to protect yourself so that you do not pick up the energy of the person you are doing a healing sessions with!  This includes Reiki and any other form of energy work!
  • Do you leave a session or at the end of a day go home feeling week and shaky?
  • Do you have pain in the exact same areas that you were working on?
    Learn to clear your energy field and protect yourself from inappropriate energy exchanges.Sensitive people  often have strange symptoms that clear up when they learn to take care of their subtle energies.

    Illnesses (dis-ease) start in the energy field first.

    No, you probably can’t  ‘fix’ every single physical problem. But this will not hurt you and it will help you. Some things are going to “go wrong” no matter what. That’s another story… Meanwhile, it can’t hurt for you to take some responsibility for clearing and cleaning your own energy.

    Do you have a relationship that you are struggling with?
    Learn to clear your energy and cut the inappropriate ties. Allow them their freedom – and allow yourself that freedom.Detachment doesn’t mean that you don’t care,

    it means that you let go of your expectations of what something SHOULD be like. How that person should act, how things ought to be.

Outside spirit influences – ghosts, devils, demons, entities, etc. Some people have had a disturbing paranormal experience that “sours” them on or frightens them from exploring their psychic and spiritual nature.

Ouija boards and automatic writing are two of the most widely discussed danger zones for people are are being haunted or attacked by entities or ghosts.  Much of the information people wish to receive from these spirits starts out as information (or gossip!) about other people.  Using any kind of activity to spy on or pry into another person’s life or space is is unethical and against spiritual Law.

Just remember, Angels and Masters will not come through a Ouija board. A spirit may claim to be an Angel, but ask yourself, why would an Angel need to use a Oujia board?  The spirits that work through them are, at best, dead people.  They have only a little  more information than they did when they were alive. If your “Aunt Pearl” was controlling and meddling in life, what has happened to change her after she passed? There are always bored spirits hanging around willing to play with you… there are always nasty spirits hanging around willing to play with you, too… Be cautious and think before you start.

It is not necessary to be terrified of anything “unseen,” or to become superstitious, but you do need to be cautious and respectful.

Psychic Attack.  I get a lot of emails from people who feel they are under psychic attack. I usually direct them to this section of the site first, and then tell them to email me back with questions. Far fewer people email me back. Why is that? I think it’s because I ask people to consider their own part in any situation where they are ‘under attack.’
Does psychic attack exist? YES.
Can it be countered? YES.

Psychic attack can be as complex as someone cursing you- using black magic or something similar – or as subtle as living with a spouse or other family member who is angry with you a lot. Maybe you work with someone who doesn’t like you. There may be no outer show of what they feel, but you ‘know’ that something is going on. Psychic attack is anything that interferes with and invades your subtle energy field.

How does psychic attack happen? One of the most important things a person must understand about a psychic attack (and other disturbances, such as the headaches I mentioned)  is also one of the hardest for many to face.
Each of us bears a share of responsibility for the psychic attack we receive.

Simply put: if you are under an attack from someone or something, then there is an obvious reason for a situation to exist. In these cases, it is necessary for you to own your share of what is going on. When you do this, the energy behind the attack often reduces significantly.

It’s similar to a situation where two people are arguing. If one is willing to say they are sorry for hurting the others’ feelings, things will often calm down instead of escalate. When you admit you have some responsibility in a negative situation, it can often effect the outcome in a very healthy and positive way.

Anger towards a person leaves you open. If you are feeling attacked by someone, then you may also feel angry or resentful. If you are angry or resentful with someone, then admit it to yourself. There’s no shame to that – it just makes you human.  But is is also necessary to take steps to deal with your emotions.

Facing how you feel about a person or situation is not easy; it takes a lifelong commitment to self-mastery.  If you are willing to face how you feel and accept that this is where you are right now, then you can begin to move through it.  I didn’t say “like it,” I said accept it.  Changing how you feel begins with acceptance of yourself – and of the other person.

When there seems to be no logical reason why a person is angry with you or trying to harm you, then it is almost certainly coming from something that happened in a past life. This can be hard to understand, especially if you are in a great deal of distress. You feel victimized and picked on. Maybe this is true, for this moment in time, but if you begin to study past lives, the concept of victimization loses it’s meaning. Over many lifetimes, you have traded places as the “victim” and “victimizer” again and again.

Here is a simple example: There was a man who had a wonderful relationship with his wife. She was great at communicating and very open with him. The problem was her mother, who lives with them. The Mom was very angry and suspicious of the Husband. He felt like she hated him and no matter what he did, over time, there was no lessening of the problem.

Every time he was near the mother, he had headaches and felt ill. He talked to his wife about it and she believed him.  She had seen the problem for herself.  Both were unsure of what to do. They called me and told me their predicament. I suspected that there was an intense past life connection between the Mother and the Husband. She was psychically attacking him – sometimes unconsciously and sometimes on purpose.

At their request, we did a past life regression and a reading on the situation.  Putting it all together, we came up with this information:

In a previous incarnation, the Mother and the Husband had been involved in a love triangle with the Wife. The Husband had killed the Mother in that life. In another life, he had ruined her life by kidnapping her, raping her and selling her into slavery. In still another life, they had been warriors on opposite sides, who killed one other. I could mention many other lives, but I think you get the picture.

The Husband and Wife left the session with new understanding. They wanted to resolve this old Karma with the Mother. They tried to talk to the Mother about their experiences and some of the possibilities, but she was not open to it. In fact, the very idea of past lives offended her. She was very upset by the notion.  The only positive thing that they could point to from their ‘talk’ was that the Mother was very slightly open to the idea that they recognized that she felt like the Husband was the enemy.  Things did not noticeably improve around the house, however.

The next time I released the ties between all of them, leaving in place only the “ties of the highest love” – “what ever was appropriate, natural and correct at that time.”

Afterwards, the man “saw” the Mother come to stand in front of him, in his mind’s eye. He asked her high self what he could do to improve the situation.  He felt that she was telling him to ignore her when she acted nasty or condescending. Her high self asked him to forgive her. He decided to give it a try.

The couple felt that the technique was successful and they, at least, felt clearer and lighter.  They decided to do their best to accept the situation, “as-is.”  This was where the Mother was at, at that point in time.

The first thing that was apparent after they got home was the lack of something. The husband had no headache. Within the next few weeks, he quit getting headaches around the mother and felt much less irritation with her. They would have been very happy at that point, if this was the final result. But things got more interesting.

About a month later, the mother approached the man and reminded him of “that conversation they’d had about the past lives.”She said that she had been having some incredibly vivid dreams about the “lives” that the couple had mentioned. She said that she had never believed in anything like that, and still didn’t. However, the dreams were so real to her, that they opened up some possibilities. She had to admit that she had also treated him like he was the enemy. She realized that her behavior was not of  “hindu religion” so she vowed to try harder to get along.

Things did not get perfect in that house, but they did learn to be kind to one another an. There were fewer problems and they resolved fairly quickly. The three of them lived together, until the Mother’s death a few years later.

If a problem does stem from a past life, it is my experience that it will start to clear up fairly quickly when the life/lives are brought into the conscious mind. It is not at all necessary to believe that it is a past life. It is only necessary to look at the situation and relationship with the person, in terms of the information received.

Vampires. Yes, there are psychic vampires. On the physical plane, they are the people who leave you feeling drained, or with a headache after you leave them. Maybe they touch you a lot and it doesn’t feel nice.
Touch can facilitate the sharing – or stealing – of energy.
It can be difficult to protect yourself from someone who is constantly touching you to suck your energy or to poke at you.  It’s similar when someone gets very close to you, invading your personal space. That’s what it can be – an invasion.

We all know someone who is so lonely that they don’t want to let you off the phone, or to say goodbye. They are desperate to share energy with someone and if you won’t share willingly, then they may try and take it.

It’s not done out of meanness, it’s done out of survival. But it’s still an invasion. Ever buy something that you didn’t really want? Some sales people will surround you with their energy and soon you are agreeing with them. And it’s not just sales people who do this.

Intimate connections. When you have intimate sexual relations with someone, you have co-mingled your energy with them on a deep level. This can be a strong and positive connection – or not. Sharing energy at this level is something that gives another person an almost open door into your subtle energy. When you have intense fantasies about another person, you have also, likely interacted with their energy.  It can take many months to clear it out of your aura. You can and will also share entities and other energy formations. Be very cautious who you connect to in this way, as it’s not that simple to clear the energy, once you have co-mingled.

Aura / Energy Field Condition & Illness / Diseases | India |

The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body and includes multiple layers that are interconnected. Some of the layers include the ethereal body, the emotional body and the mental body. The ethereal body, the closest to the physical body, usually is a reflection of our health status. The emotional body reflects the mood of the individual, as well as the emotional response towards other people and situations. The mental body reflects our thoughts. This is how all our thoughts, emotions and experiences are reflected in the aura.

The aura, as an energy field, is constantly changing according to our physical condition (illness), our thoughts and fears. Many illnesses start first with a weakness in our auric field, in particular, in the emotional body. People with a physical or mental illness or those who are emotionally upset have weak auras, while happy healthy people have strong bright auras. The aura also works as a magnet, attracting certain energies towards itself, and repels others equally. So when we have a strong and healthy aura, we will attract more of that while at the same time repelling dense low-vibrational energies, and vice versa.

Some people are very sensitive to subtle energies from others, and can feel their pain, fear and negativity. These energies can be absorbed by our energetic field and create emotional, mental and physical illnesses. Treating the disease or the symptom will only alleviate the condition temporarily as we are not addressing the root of the cause.

The Human Energy Field or Aura is always receiving energy from the universe. This energy sustains your entire existence: body, mind, and emotions. This energy flows into your chakras and aura. This flow determines the vibrance of your health. Our aura is the energetic skin which holds all our inner energy bodies and outer body together. Our energy chakras are like the pores in the energy skin which regulate the flow of universal energy into and out of the body.

We are energy beings. Every atom & every cell of our body is surrounded by an energy field, therefore our entire physical body is surrounded by a field of energy which we refer to as an AURA. It spreads about an arm’s length all around our body. Aura reflects our state of mind, our emotional balance & indicates before we actually become sick.

The Human Energy Field or the ‘Aura’ is the manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation.This energy field is intimately associated with health. Any disease first affects the aura; much before (3 to 6 months) it manifests in the physical body. So a healer is able to sense the onset of the dis-ease much before a doctor or any of his modern diagnostic appliances can register it.

Great saints of all times, like Buddha, Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Sai Baba, are always depicted with a halo (aura) around their head and rays emerging from their raised palms.

Aura of a person keeps on changing according to inner growth and evolution.  Aura also depends upon the emotions and the state of mind at the time of Aura Reading.  The energy which forms the Aura is called Prana.

Aura has seven basic colours and few more.  These seven basic colours in the Aura are linked with the seven Chakras of the human body.  Clear and bright  colour shows that the state of related Chakra is healthy and well developed whereas dull colours relate to ill or underdeveloped Chakras.

As per the Aura Readers, it has been seen that any illness first manifest in the Auric body several months/years before it appears in the physical body so by doing a proper Aura analysis of a person it can be found out whether the person is likely to suffer from any disease in the near future and based on the analysis, certain corrective measures can be taken through healing therapies to heal the Aura and thus convert it into a healthy and well developed Aura so that physical body remains protected from any disease/ illness.

A diagnostic concept wherein with the use of certain methods a person’s mental & physical health can be revealed 3/6 months prior to any medical diagnostic tool. In our therapy, with appropriate knowledge and years of practice we have developed the method of sensing the aura.

At the highest frequencies of energy, illness cannot exist, because disease vibrates at a low frequency. The highest vibrations come from the thoughts and emotions of love, joy, passion, excitement, and love of life. The ideal state for the frequency of wellness is self-love, which creates a protective shield of personal space, strengthening your aura and your immune system, and protecting you from negative energy (both from within yourself, and from negative energies outside yourself). The ideal state for the frequency of disease is self-hatred, which invites attack on every possible level, especially from within. Negative emotions such as anger, depression, sadness, despair, self-condemnation, etc. lower your vibration, which weakens your immune system and leaves you vulnerable to disease and negativity.

All illnesses already exist in the body, and only develop when they become activated by a particular thought or pattern of thoughts and energy, which are triggered by responses to certain life experiences. Like attracts like vibration, so if you are resonating on a high frequency, then that is what you will attract to you and experience. If you let yourself be brought down emotionally, your vibration slows down and allows negativity to attach itself to you, which further lowers your vibration. This can spiral downward into disease, depression, and eventually, death.

If your auric field is strong and intact, then nothing can affect you from outside yourself. The high vibrations protect you from being affected by external forces. Without them, one can allow oneself to be influenced by a variety of life experiences that contribute to a state of imbalance and disease.

Many times,  energetic defects are present in the energy field or Aura. When the flow of energy within this energy field becomes weak, impure, unbalanced or blocked, these energetic defects prevent the pure connection to the higher spiritual reality—the field of pure consciousness and the true self of the person. This prevents the full and healthy expression of the living potential of the whole person and removes the natural condition of energetic health that is a requirement for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

The ultimate causes of these energetic defects are often physical and/or psychological trauma. One (or a series) of traumatic experiences, harmful life circumstances or dysfunctional relationships in the past (often including past lives), if they remain unintegrated by the psyche, impress the energy field with energetic defects. These energetic defects in the energy field separate the person from a full connection to his or her higher (true) self and from the whole of reality, leaving rigid existential biases (including core issues in the personality). They also make it possible for unhealthy energies to establish themselves in the aura and chakras, because the strong, healthy energy that the energy field normally possesses, and which resists such energetic invasion, is compromised. And so, these three effects—personality trauma (including repressed memories), fundamental energetic defects in the aura and chakra system including but not limited to those corresponding to negative thoughts and emotions and invasion by unhealthy impure energies —often exist together and are closely related. They produce unhealthy energetic conditions in the energy field, and rigid and unhealthy patterns of emotions, mind and spirit that occlude the full and healthy expression of the true self of the person and that will eventually lead to problems in the worldly life. Diseases or afflictions of a physical, emotional or mental nature often eventually become manifest.

Energy healing is the art and science of sensing and correcting energetic defects in the energy field. As an energy healer, we will seek to restore the condition of our patient’s energy field to its strong, natural and healthy state and correct any defects that are present, thereby helping to restore and maintain health to our patient’s body, emotions, mind and spirit—to all levels of his or her being. In doing this, we will treat the ultimate cause of afflictions and disease. By treating ill conditions in the energy field, we may work to assist in the resolution of a disease condition which has already manifested in the physical body, or in the mental and emotional life of your patient. Our healing work may also serve to prevent future disease by treating faulty energetic conditions in our patient’s energy field which might otherwise result in illness in the future, should they remain untreated. Additionally, our healing work is beneficial simply because it enhances the entire life process of our patient, even if prominent disease or afflictions are not present, improving functioning of body, mind and spirit and enabling our patient to live a healthier, more balanced and fulfilling life.

As we perform an energy healing treatment, we will conduct an extra measure of the energy into our patient. This serves to supplement and enhance the overall health of the energy field. We will also expand your awareness for the purpose of gaining intuitive information regarding the condition of the energy field of our patient, to sense and detect energetic defects of various kinds (and perhaps even their causes). This healing knowledge is not the product of our thinking mind, but comes through us from the unlimited knowledge contained in the field of pure consciousness. We will then heal the energetic defects that are present by using various special energy healing techniques. We do not generate the healing power that makes the healing techniques work, but our proper use of the techniques will enable us to be a channel for the healing power that comes from the field of pure consciousness. By healing the energetic defects in your patient’s energy field we offer our patient the opportunity to reconnect to his or her higher self (or true self) and the unlimited health and wellness contained in the field of pure consciousness. Reintegration of the personality, a new vision of self and a healing of the energetic defects in the energy field are the potential benefits.


Alcohol & Drug Affects Our Aura – Marijuana,Cannabis,Cocaine

People who are taking drugs or alcohol can get into inspiring yet also vulnerable states – emotionally, physically, energetically and spiritually. How come? Here an overview of the effects of alcohol on the physical and subtle bodies of an individual. The influence on soul level is usually the least discussed facet of alcohol consumption.

Alcohol & Body Chemistry

Alcohol directly affects brain chemistry by altering levels of neurotransmitters, which are the chemical messengers and communicators that transmit signals throughout the body that control thought processes, behaviour and emotions.

Alcohol affects both “excitatory” neurotransmitters and “inhibitory” neurotransmitters: it suppresses the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and increases the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. What this means for you is that your thought, speech and movements are slowed down, and the more you drink, the more of these effects you’ll feel. Hence the stumbling around, falling over chairs and other clumsy things drunk people do.

BUT alcohol also increases the release of dopamine in your brain’s reward circuitry, the brain areas that are affected by virtually all stimulating, exciting activities. By jacking up dopamine levels in your brain, alcohol tricks you into thinking that it’s actually making you feel great or maybe just better (if you are drinking to get over something emotionally difficult). The effect is that you keep drinking to get more dopamine release, but at the same time you’re altering other brain chemicals that are enhancing feelings of depression. Over time, with more drinking, the dopamine effect diminishes until it’s almost nonexistent. But at this stage, a drinker is often “hooked” on the feeling of dopamine release in the reward center, even though they’re no longer getting it. Once a compulsive need to go back again and again for that release is established, addiction takes hold.

Alcohol abuse over a long period causes chronic intoxication. Nervous tremors develop, the memory fails, also acute gastritis, liver cirrhosis, optic neuritis, heart and kidney diseases are likely to occur, while other symptoms are similar to those of acute intoxication.

Longterm effects of drinking alcohol can not only damage the brain but also the stomach, heart, kidneys, liver, muscles and joints. For example: the liver breaks down alcohol – and the toxins it releases. The alcohol’s byproducts can damage liver cells. These damaged liver cells then no longer function as well as they should and allow too much of toxic substances, ammonia and manganese in particular, to travel to the brain. These substances proceed to damage brain cells, and can cause a serious and potentially fatal brain disorder.

Alcohol & Driving

An estimated 32% of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. Drinking alcohol and driving simply do not go well together. The human brain has to deal with many things and process countless data all the time. Alcohol affects attentiveness and one’s ability to make quick decisions on the road, react to changes in the environment and execute specific maneuvers behind the wheel. After drinking alcohol, driving becomes dangerous, and potentially lethal.

Alcohol affects everybody’s driving for the worse. It creates a feeling of overconfidence, makes judging distance and speed more difficult and slows your reactions so it takes longer to stop. “I’m only going down the road.” doesn’t work either: a large proportion of all drink drive crashes occur within three miles of the start of the journey.

In the region of the cerebral cortex, where thought processing is centered, alcohol depresses the behavioural inhibitory centers, making the person less inhibited. It slows down the processing of information from ALL senses, inhibits the thought processes and makes it difficult to think clearly.

The same goes for drug consumption. Reaction and decision times are slowed down, over-confidence, altered perception and judgment of risks often lead to perform higher risks. As a consequence, in March 2015 the drug driving law in the United Kingdom changed. It is now an offence to drive with certain drugs above a specified level in your blood – just as it is with drink driving (seventeen legal and illegal drugs are covered by the law, including cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine).

Alcohol & Sex

The hypothalamus and pituitary gland coordinate automatic brain functions and hormone release. Alcohol depresses nerve centers in the hypothalamus that control sexual arousal and performance. Although sexual urge may increase, sexual performance decreases.

Is Wine safe?

Alcohol in the form of medical wine has been used in China for more than 5000 years and its use and infusions were recorded in prescriptions 2000 years ago, in the first texts of traditional Chinese medicine. In TCM alcohol is generally characterised as sweet-bitter and hot, also toxic. Wine though, if drunk in small amounts, stimulates blood circulation and opens the vessels to relieve pain, it vitalizes the blood, drives out “wind” and dispels “cold” symptoms, transports medicaments and disperses bad influences. A lot of wine, however adds dampness and heat to the body, and can contribute to a range of problems.

In any case, wine more than other forms of alcohol seems to have added perks, if consumed in moderation. Some argue the polyphenols in wine can ward off bacterial infection and particularly red wine has long been thought of as having a positive influence on heart health. Resveratrol is a substance in red wine that is known to prevent damage to blood vessels (artery damage) and to stimulate the production of antioxidants like Glutathione (GSH) and Superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Who is the Producer?

In this context another important point: Where is the bottle actually coming from? Please do not to underestimate the importance of the quality and standards of the wine producer. Not only the type of grapes, techniques etc. but also the attitude and energy of the people involved in the production process have an effect on the final product, hence the consumer.

Russian scientist, healer and author S.N. Lazarev describes very well in one of his books (Karma Diagnostics), how he could see the energetic profile of a wine by checking its vinyard and producers, just by tapping consciously into their energy field with his psychic abilities. (He also checked the vibration of a large painting owned by one of his friends and recommended strongly to take the picture off the wall as the artist’s energy field had a massive destructive influence which came through the painting. You might take this as a recommendation for double-checking what you have on your walls!)

I did my own experiments and started scanning wine energetically. In fact years ago during my training in Energy Healing I scanned, cleared and hightened the energy field of all sorts of foods or drinks, and noted fascinating results. Whatever you consume, ensure it’s of best possible quality

Alcohol & the Soul

Now we come to the potential energetic and spiritual repercussions of alcohol consumption. Given our multidimensional anatomy (physical, energetic, mental, emotional, astral and subtle bodies), there are corresponding multidimensional effects. Probably the least discussed and known aspects of alcohol consumption.

1) Energy vibrations gets lowered:
The change of your biochemistry has an effect on your whole energy field (aura). You perceive that alcohol relaxes the body and the rational mind, and energy seems to flow better. But in reality the vibration of your energy field gets destabilised and lowered. And quite quickly thoughts and body movements become less cohesive. Rajas and Tamas increase while Sattva reduces – effecting all your chakras, dis-aligning your subtle bodies and cracking your aura. After an initial energy push / rajastic rush (activity, excitement etc), the tamasic energies set in (drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, anger etc). Destructive emotions rise, further weakening your energy field and protective shield.

2) Existing personality defects increase:
Your might have noticed that some people become quite aggressive after they’ve had a few drinks, while others might become tearful and melancholical. As alcohol weakens the faculty of your critical mind, the voices from your subconscious mind grow louder. This may mean voices of your hidden creative capacity come up but most likely it means unresolved conflicts, which increase your emotionality, and vulnerability.

3) Ancestral imprints get activated:
From your subconscious mind and morphogenetic field also your ancestral habits can be awakened or triggered, increasing your inherited addictive tendencies and reducing your ability to disentangle from the desire of drinking (family pattern of diseases and addictions). Unconscious, and often destructive, loyalties within families – well illuminated for example in the therapeutic process of Family Constellation Work – can be dissolved through a healing practice that involves higher states of consciousness and your multidimensional energetic anatomy.

4) Energy attachments block your sovereignity: 
When we are emotionally unbalanced, traumatised, depressed, angry, sad or anxious, our aura is weakened or breaks. And this is when disembodied souls and soul-parts can hook onto a human energy field (aura), to live through the human and feed off their energies. The implications are manifold. Disembodied or earthbound souls (also called spirits or discarnates) are souls of dead people who left the physical body, but were spiritually not liberated and are stuck on earthly planes.

When a person has a liking for alcohol, this very liking is often taken advantage of by a disembodied soul – a randomly picked up discarnate or a departed ancestor with a penchant for alcohol. Once attached to a person, it further increases that person’s desire for alcohol. Violent behaviour displayed under the influence of alcohol is mostly due to a negative energy attachment – a spirit or entity that took advantage of an individual and increases his/her already existing personality defect of violence or depression.

Drugs for Enlightenment?

Let’s talk about drugs. The recreational type and the pharmaceutical variety. I am referring to all drugs including alcohol in excess, that give you the feeling of being high. These substances cause holes and tears in your aura.

When we consume something that gets us high, our soul energy literally rises. Our aura begins to quickly expand, trying to harness the escaping energy.

Our aura is a protection field. To willingly allow any substance in our bodies that could create an unwanted opening is not what you want to happen.

Holes or tears invite negative energies to sneak in and invade. You never want to purposefully attract lower vibrational energies to enter your aura. This weakens us and could have repercussions one should not choose. Just because you cannot see the energy field does not mean that it does not exist and that something is not happening.

Some people use drugs as a path to enlightenment (in the sense of higher awareness, insights on universal wisdom, creativity, compassion and joy) or in rituals as a form of healing (or rather as a way to gain an understanding that potentially leads to healing).

No matter whether natural (Peyote, Cannabis, Ayahuasca) or synthetic drugs are taken, an artificially induced state of bliss, oneness and awareness can be wonderful and inspiring, yes. BUT it is also clear that an artificially triggered higher state of consciousness and vibration cannot be sustained without that substance. Inevitably there will be a return into the valley after those peak experience. Drugs give just momentary lifts into happiness and truth realisation. Whoever takes drugs will land back in and pick up from exactly the emotional, mental, vibrational state from where s/he started off from. Bliss might have been experienced with the help of some drug, but fact is that the actual body has not been prepared adequately to have the capacity to hold such high frequency permanently and naturally by itself (nervous system, pituatary and pineal gland connection etc).

What remains? What do you do with a lighthouse moment of bliss and delight? I’d say, a) take the insights you’ve gained and integrate them consciously in your behaviour and life, and B) take it as orientation point and motivation to clear and purify your system through regular spiritual practice and healing in order to be able to reach these states of higher consciousness naturally and “alone”, independent of any external helpers.

Drugs can cause devastation in the body, and of course there is also the risk of addiction, and auric attachments. Don’t just go for higher awareness, go for pristine awareness.

Don’t just go for higher awareness, go for pristine awareness



Effects of Marijuana on the Aura

Many people are under the assumption that marijuana usage is a method for expanding spirituality. Our emotional awareness has developed in the evolutionary process, not by recreational substance use. If you think that becoming dependent on any substance while believing that you’re only better at achieving an elevated state of consciousness with this substance then you’re missing the point of ascension.

Quite honestly you do not need pot to be spiritual, but if you want to smoke it, free will and all that—no judgment just informational awareness. Marijuana falls into the category of one of many drugs that rapidly expands your soul energy, encouraging your aura to have a perforation and leaving you vulnerable, which is the topic of this blog.

Since the aura is our protective shield, it filters incoming energy. When we do not take proper care of it, it can become weak and damaged. And if there is a problem on the energetic level it will eventually appear on the physical level.

The point is that you want to guard your aura as you do your health. Shine bright with clarity and be in alignment with your soul. You do not want to jeopardize your well-being by invading entities when you cause deliberate holes and/or tears in your aura by the abuse of drugs and alcohol.

There are times when one must take prescribed medications. It is best to be conscious of the possible effects. Take precautionary measures to maintain balance, positivity and protect your vulnerable energy field.

Treat your body like a temple.

Honor your being with meditation, natural sunlight, outdoor activities, nutritious foods, purified water, herbal supplements (with approval from your physician), crystal therapies and regular visits to a healer. I work with clients who have the specific need of repairing their aura.

It is important to remember that your success rate increases with diligence. Maintaining a healthy energy field requires time, effort and a commitment.

My personal view on alcohol

I’d say, whatever you do, do it consciously (with your full attention, presence and acknowledgement) and in moderation. If you have a glass of wine, bless it and enjoy it, guilt-free. And ideally in an energetically clear location, which means alone or with people that have good energy. Surely your aura is “safer” when you have a drink at home rather than in a bar or public space. And of course make sure, you drink high quality alcohol, like organic wine from well checked vineyards, or pure vodka.

As with everything in life: it’s a matter of balance. And of course, we are all individual beings with unique settings. What’s beneficial for one person, might be bad for another. And what might be good for you today, can be bad for you at a later stage. Be present and always check with your Higher Self and inner guidance.

spirit possession and aura

Energy System Issues | Psychic Attacks, Spirits & Entities |

Aura, Chakra and Energy System Issues

There are many issues that can affect the functioning of our auras, chakras, and meridian and other energy systems, leading to a variety of health problems. The following are some key potential issues.

  • Blockages can be caused by any of the following: emotions that have not been felt and released; negative thought forms from others; psychic attack energy or negative energy from energetic spells; entities or spirits lodged in our auras or chakras; chemical, metal and atomic toxins; other types of poisons or toxins; past life memories or experiences.
  • Distorted auras and chakras can be caused by any of the issues identified under blockages;
  • Holes or tears in the auras can be caused by any of the issues identified under blockages;
  • Lack of synchronization between the auras, chakras, and meridian system can create serious difficulty. Physical issues, emotional issues, intellectual imbalances or spiritual issues can create imbalances in various parts of the auras, chakras and meridian system. These imbalances affect the specific aura or chakra that in turn affects other parts of the energetic system. Nature always tries to achieve perfect balance and these imbalances create a real disharmony in our energetic systems. This can create unbalanced thinking, feeling and behaviour.
  • Negative connections and rays can become attached to our auras. These are a result of negative emotions, drug and alcohol use, psychic attacks or spells, other intelligent being in the Cosmic World, environmental pollution, lack of nature i.e. trees, plants and flowing water. Negativity in thought and behaviour in individuals, communities, draws negative forces to us from the broader Universe. These connections, rays and energies can have a real negative effect on our vitality and energy.
  • Negative energy can easily flip from another individual’s aura into your aura. Energy is alive, moves around, and you can eventually become quite affected by the negative energy of those around you, in your homes, offices or stores.
  • Imbalances can be created by earth energies especially the intersecting points of the Hartman and Curry grids and underground running water.
  • Underactive or overactive chakras can create a variety of issues. Underactive chakras can translate into fatigue, lethargy, weight problems, just a slow attitude towards life or a lack of zest for living. Overactive chakras create other types of problems including hyperactivity, panic attacks, emotional imbalances, and many types of health issues in the physical body.
  • Energetic and chemical markings can be left by other dimensional beings in our Auras and brains so that these energetic beings can find and track us. Constant interference by other dimensional beings can seriously affect our vitality and health.
  • Negative energy programs can be sent into an individual by other human beings. These programs establish connections so that ongoing negative energy can be run into an individual. This can have a serious effect on our entire Energy System and inner vitality.

The Effectiveness and Effects of Distant Energy Healing

Distant energy healing is more effective than much of the healing done today by healing practitioners. The energetic influence of the healer is much deeper since the energetic constraints which can be present when doing a healing in person are not present. The effectiveness of distance healing depends on the ability of the person doing the healing. Distant energy healing is an advanced form of any energy healing. I work in another dimension when I do energy healings.

Potential Effects of Distance Healing

I have been doing distance healing for many years and clients around the world have been amazed at the changes they have experienced within 24 hours of a healing.

Some of the changes they have experienced is as follows:

  • Feeling peaceful
  • Feelings of vulnerability and fear are reduced or disappear
  • Experiencing an enhanced sense of well-being
  • Being able to sleep peacefully again
  • Increased energy
  • Feeling more in touch with who you are
  • Losing the feeling that someone or something outside of you is changing your thinking and behaviour
  • Feeling grounded/ in the moment instead of spaced-out
  • Feeling stronger physically and emotionally
  • Having increased zest for life
  • Becoming more connected with yourself and others
  • Increasing your creativity

And many other changes!

Why Have an Energy Healing

Our energy systems are alive and intelligent. They know exactly what they need for perfect health and vibrant energy. When our energy systems are disrupted, blocked, slowed down, or damaged, messages are sent to the conscious level that something is wrong and that we need to address imbalances, blockages and damage. We are trained to look at the physical body and address its needs rather than look at our energetic systems to provide them what they need for perfect health. Our energy systems are conscious energy and this energy is connected with all energies in the Universe. Our energy systems act as a connection between the physical world and the metaphysical or spiritual world. When we look after our energy systems we look after our deepest and most profound needs, including the physical, emotional intellectual and spiritual.

An Energy Healing will help to correct energetic imbalances, blockages, distortions, holes and tears in your energy field. It will help to reconnect the magnetic systems in your auras, chakras, meridian system, and other energy systems in you and around you in your extended energy field.

spiritual interference

Healing Spiritual Interference, Haunted House|Spirit Release

A spirit attachment is an “intelligent” disembodied human spirit that has attached itself to a living person’s energy field aka aura. Attachment spirits refuse to surrender to the death experience and want to continue certain behaviors they practiced in life. They will search for a vulnerable human candidate so they can attach and “live” vicariously through that person.

According to some experts, it is speculated that at least 75% of individuals in the U.S. have suffered from a spirit attachment at one time or another. Spirit attachments should be considered a very real phenomenon. Attachments, and symptoms resulting from them, might lead to all sorts of serious behavioral and physical problems if not treated. These spirits are usually never seen nor physically felt or heard. They may have even attached to someone in early childhood. When the child grows up, there may be an awareness that something is off. They don’t know why they repeat certain harmful behaviors or patterns. The average mainstream person, or therapeutic community, may not recognize certain troublesome behaviors as originating outside of the victim in the form of a spirit attachment.

Many people believe in life after death and that the soul lives on. What most people may not realize is the degree to which our lives can be affected by spiritual interference.

When we die, we separate from the physical body and enter a transition into the spirit world. However sometimes for many reasons the spirit does not make this transition.

  • Have you ever had an uneasy feeling within a room, as though some unseen force was there?
  • Have you ever sensed the presence of spirits or ghosts or felt you were not alone?
  • Most of us have had these experiences at some stage in our lives and when this occurs within our homes we can often feel very troubled, even frightened.

These events are not uncommon.

Cleansing your home and removing the non beneficial energies can help you in many ways move towards creating a more positive atmosphere. However, this very aspect of cleansing is all too often overlooked.

In recent years Spiritual Healers have started to address the problem. We need to learn to tidy up both what we have created ourselves, what has been left behind by others and in some cases deal with spirit activity.

Spirit release is literally the separation of your energies or the buildings energies from the entity (spirit or negative energy) that has attached itself to them. Where possible the spirit can then be helped to move on to the light where they can receive help.

Freeing an earthbound spirit takes compassion and a calm nature. Spirits were living people at one time and they may be lonely or frightened by their experience. It is a real honour to do this work and the sense of relief you feel inside when they finally cross over cannot be put into words.

eathbound spirits

Understanding Psychic Attachment & Vampirism |Aura & Chakras

People in our lives, especially those of whom we have emotions for, and/or of whom we are close to, either positive or negative, are attached to our aura. Normally, we are attached at the chakras. These attachments can last for many lifetimes. They are most common with family members, those who are close to us, and those who have affected our lives in any major way, including pets.

There are symptoms of psychic attachment, the most pronounced are thoughts and/or feelings that are not your own, strong premonitions concerning a loved one or family member and other kinds of telepathic emotions and feelings. To know whether a thought or feeling is your own, take a few moments to engulf yourself in the ether. This is done by visualizing yourself within the ultra-violet light of the ether element. If the feeling/emotion goes away almost immediately, it is not your own. If it remains, then it is yours.

In ridding ourselves of an unwanted relationship attachment/influence, we must acknowledge that a problem exists and WANT to let go. If the one performing the working subconsciously does not want to let go, this exercise will be much more difficult. In addition, there are individuals who have such strong feelings, especially in the way of a love obsession, that their feelings can become intermeshed with our own, making it difficult to even perform the working.

There is another kind of attachment and that is what is called “psychic vampirism.” Psychic vampirism occurs when an individual attaches him/herself astrally to another’s soul. He/she usually attaches at one or more of the host’s chakras [in most cases, the heart], and drains the host’s energy. In all close relationships, there is a mutual soul attachment for better or for worse. In the case of a psychic vampire, the relationship is analogous to that of a parasite and a host. A psychic vampire does not even have to be involved in a relationship, as it is natural for his/her soul to feed off of the energies of others.

The host’s energy eventually becomes depleted, especially when in close proximity to the psychic vampire. Whether the vampire is physically near to his/her host, or at a distance, once a psychic vampire has attached him/herself to the host, he/she can drain the host.

Psychic vampires can be strangers, but in many cases, a psychic vampire can even be a family member.

In almost all cases of psychic vampirism, there is a weakness on the part of the host person. The parasite/host relationship often satisfies an unfulfilled need for one or both of the individuals involved. The attaching person’s energy feeds off this.

How do people get attachments?

There are a few ways that a person can pick up an attachment.

  • Having Weak Spots or Vulnerabilities in your Aura. If your aura (energy field generated from your chakras) is torn or weak in any area, an attachment has a ‘way in’.
  • Damage to any of your Chakras. Damaged chakras are vulnerable to ‘infection’ which means that they have weak spots where the attachment can get in and wield it’s influence.
  • Not Occupying the Energy Centers. Many times a person will ‘shut down’ emotionally to certain aspects of their lives. This may come from abuse on any level, or extreme emotional disappointments that have taken place in their life. Or it could be from becoming so engulfed in living from the energy of one particular chakra, that they don’t bother living from the other ones. This leaves a vacancy in the energy center and an opening for something else to ‘move in’.
  • Regular Exposure to Extreme Negativity. Attachments are persistent. They don’t ever stop trying to get in to your energy field. If you are always around them or in regular communication with a person who has one, it’s kind of inevitable that one is going to eventually get to you. They can be contagious in nature so if someone you know has one, it’s likely going to try to jump into your energy field and vamp you too.
  • Having Highly Evolved or Developed Chakras. The brighter your light shines, the more appealing your energy is going to be to these baddies. In fact, the worst attachments I have ever seen have been on the most beautiful and evolved chakras I have ever seen. At first I questioned why someone so spiritually advanced would have such a terrible case of attachments. My Guides provided the answer. The more advanced the chakra, the more energy is generated from it. So of course the more appealing it will be to attachments. Basic chakras pick up basic attachments, advanced and powerful chakras pick up advanced and powerful attachments

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