Spirit Possession Syndrome| Mind Fragments|Entity Attachment

Spirit Possession Syndrome is often confused with Multiple Personality Disorder, there are however distinct differences between the two. Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is the fragmenting of the personality usually as a response to extreme physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse during childhood. Different sub-personalities are formed that are more equipped to deal with these abusive episodes. An individual who suffers from this disorder may experience amnesia while one of the sub-personalities is in control, however, many who suffer from MPD will remain conscious and suffer unexplainable physical or emotional symptoms.

Spirit Possession Syndrome (SPS) is the actual physical or mental attachment of a consciousness to another person; the most common of which are earthbound spirits. The attachments may be benevolent, malevolent or neutral in intention. Spirits may attach themselves to a human being for many reasons including fear of the unknown after death, drug or alcohol addiction that is carried on after death, or to love and support a loved one. Spirits can enter the system during times of stress or extreme emotion, surgery, sexual ecstasy, physical, mental or emotional abuse. As this is not an inclusive list, it does give the range of possibilities of entry by earthbound spirits.

When an earthbound spirit(s) attaches itself to an individual, it can resemble MPD in that the fears and preferences of the attaching spirit can override the preferences of the individual and often can produce amnesia while the attaching spirit is in control.

While MPD and SPS resemble each other, the goal of treatment is quite different. In treating MPD, the goal is to reintegrate the sub-personalities back into the larger personality; while treating SPS, the goal is simply to remove the attaching spirit from the person suffering from SPS.

Mind Fragments

When an individual suffers a trauma, the person’s Psyche (defined as the sum total of all his experiences) fragments. In other word, a piece or the psyche (mind/soul) of that person is left behind. That mind-fragment then may attach to another person after separation. If that individual dies, the soul fragment may stay attached to that person after he’s gone, even if the fragmented person is still alive.

An example of this was a woman whom had her deceased brother attached to her. Even though both parties were agreeable to the idea of him going to the light, the brother said it was to far away and was unable to detach. In querying her brother further, they discovered that a mind-fragment of their mother was still attached to her dead brother and thus keeping him from moving into the light.

Mind-fragments appear to be able to go just about anywhere. They can remain with detached body parts, can go into the Light, or be found in past lives. Attachment of mind-fragments of people who are living to those who are deceased does not seem out of the realm of possibility when viewed from this perspective. The death of a popular leader or entertainer may bring rise to such grief that fragmentation may occur in the population in general. This may cause fragmentation and result in the attachment of mind-fragments of those who deeply mourn these individuals. It seems that in the spirit world, all things are possible and most go beyond the understanding of the ego.

Categories of Mind Fragments

Below are the categories of mind-fragmentation including Sub-Personality and Alter Personality, Fragment Sub-personality, Submerging, Shifting, Fading, Separation, Evacuation, Pre-Natal Separation and Dissipation.

Sub-personality and Alter Personality

This category of mind fragmentation can resemble paranoia. These personalities usually form for the purpose of protecting the individual or helping him meet unfulfilled needs and are often formed during childhood while experiencing or witnessing severe trauma. The treatment for this condition is to illicit cooperation from the sub-personality and eventual integration into the main personality.

Fragment Sub-personality

Fragment Sub-personality is the fragmentation of the formed sub-personality described above and can occur after the original splitting away of the main personality. When the sub-personality is exposed to a trauma, it can split just like the main personality. When treating this, the fragments of the sub-personality must be retrieved before integration back into the main personality.
Submerging often happens to a sub-personality that is considered a severely damaged inner child. Because of the severe abuse that often accompanies these personality splits, the more sensitive parts tend to submerge leaving the more aggressive aspects to take care of the problems he is facing. Since the child is the basis for adult life, bringing the child up is important for the health of the client.

Shifting is the moving of consciousness out of the body and is often a coping mechanism for people who suffer abuse or other trauma. The client may feel spacey and may often “drift away”. It is a feeling of not being in the body. The fragment stays outside but close to the body.


Fading is the feeling that one would just like to become invisible in the world and is a condition usually found among children of alcoholics. Because of the fear of past and possibility of future pain, the fragment would choose to be invisible as a way to avoid this pain.


Separation is a percentage of leaving and following at a safe distance still attached to the original soul-mind. This separation can be caused by the loss of a relationship, limbs, accidents, surgeries or severe traumas. This separation leaves the person susceptible to spirit attachment.


Evacuation is a more distant form of separation and is usually caused by terror. The physical fragmentation can occur with the separation of limbs from the body and often occur during amputations, battle wounds or other instances where body parts may have been removed both in past and present lives.

Pre-Natal Fragmentation

Pre-Natal Fragmentation occurs when the soul does not fully join the baby at birth. This is usually caused by the soul rejected the life journey before birth. Soul Theft occurs when one person attempts to gain power over another person or may be caused by black magic or hexes.


Dissipation, or an unrecoverable fragment that has dissipated or dissolved into nothingness may be caused by a loss of a love that seemed emotionally severe to the client. Shattering can also occur as the fragments are shattered into little pieces. It is necessary to call on assistance for what the author refers to as soul rescue teams.


When an individual places a spell or a curse on an individual or a group, soul fragment(s) of the witch leaves and attaches to the person(s) that are involved. The fragments are accompanied by dark entities because one who practices black magic openly enlists the help of the darkness. When discovered, sending the fragments back to the “curser” or to the light is the remedy for healing curses.


A hex is used in witchcraft or magic. To put a hex on someone is to put a spell on him. This spell is usually done for harm, but always is an attempt to control the individual and take away his free will. When one puts a hex on someone, they fragment and those fragments attach to the person who has been hexed.

Other Entity Types

Other entity types include earthbound spirit, mind fragments, thought forms or various non-human entities including demonic beings.

Therapeutic Techniques that Uncover Entities

Past-Life Therapy Techniques.

When using past-life therapy to assist a client in understanding karma and letting go of the karmic residue, it appears that attachment from a past life can be a major source of the problem. In other words, the client may be dealing with a past life of an incarnate spirit or a fragment of the client attached to another and remaining in that life. An example of the former may include an attached spirit seeking revenge on the client for a past life conflict. Discovering this, the client can undergo SRT and PLT in alleviation of the problem.


Most of us have gone through some trauma in this or another lifetime resulting in the fragmenting of the soul-mind. This can result in a greater susceptibility to attached entities. When the attached entity is released, the mind fragment can be recovered assisting the client back to wholeness.

The direct approach.

When a therapist suspects an attachment, asking if there is anybody else here often takes the entity by surprise and will elicit a response from the attached entity. Listening to the client and watching for somatic clues is important in any therapy; the direct approach requires trust and confidence within the therapist.

Connected Breathing Technique.

This technique is especially useful for those who are uncomfortable expressing emotions and communicating. Attached spirits often causes hesitancy. The increased energy makes it difficult for attached spirits to remain hidden.

The Six Phases to Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT):

SRT is carried out in six phases including: Discovery and identification of any attached discarnate spirits or entities; Differential diagnosis; Dialogue with the spirit; Release of the spirit into the light; Sealing Light Meditation; and ongoing therapy. Each of these phases will be described below.

Discovery and identification of any attached discarnate spirits of entities.

One can identify an attached entity by noticing the presentation of the client during therapy. If the client identifies his behavior or feelings as not being his, this usually indicates an attachment. During this stage, the client is asked to identify the incarnate by finding out its name, how he manifests in his body, emotions and reactions and how and when it was able to attach to the client. The entity will usually identify itself as separate from the client.

Differential Diagnosis.

This part of the sequence involves discovering what type of attachment(s) is involved. The attachments can be an earthbound spirit, a mind fragment, thought forms or various non-human entities including demonic beings. Combinations of these attachments can also be found which may include earthbound spirits that have demonic attachments or mind fragments of living people that attached during past lives. Almost any combination is possible and has been found by the author. Understanding the nature of the attachment determines the necessary procedure in regard to its releasement.

Dialogue with the spirit.

Ordering an attached spirit to the Light causes resistance to the process of SRT. The dialogue with the spirit is to help it meet its needs and give it incentive to move on. This dialogue is used to break through the resistance of the attached entity and give it a greater motivation to go to the Light. When dealing with human entities, this is accomplished by clearing the residue that may be keeping it attached, or showing it that its efforts are harmful and fruitless. With non-human entities or demonic spirits, a tough love approach of capturing it and showing it its spark is used to overcome the fear of the Light and other dark beings.

Release of the spirit into the Light.

Once the conflicts are resolved and the resistance to letting go is dealt with, the attached entity is requested to go to the Light. The entity is asked to notice the Light and notice any familiar or trustworthy guides (such as angels) are there to guide him to the Light. The entity often apologizes and goes to the Light with these beings. The entity is directed to the Light set it on its spiritual path. Casting out the spirit invites attachment to another person.

Sealing Light Meditation.

Once the spirit has moved into the Light, “Cleanup Teams of the Light” are summoned to clean up any residue that may have been left behind and are asked to fill up the individual with white healing light. “The Healing Teams of the Light” fix any wounds left behind because of the attachment. The meditation has the client fill  with white light emanating from his divine spark. This light expands beyond his physical body and encases and protects him.

Ongoing Therapy

One session is usually not enough when considering the lifetimes of karmic debt. Also, other attachments may still be present. Ongoing therapy assists the client in continuing to let go of the burdens and debts they he has accumulated through the ages.

Remote Depossession

Remote Depossession is a technique where on individual will act as a surrogate for another individual in SRT. This is done for an individual who is unwilling or unable to release an attached spirit because of insufficient mental capacity or is under the control of the attached entity or demonic spirit.

This process is done through the induction of an altered state of consciousness. The surrogate will visualize the person and ask that individuals higher self if permission is given for the process to continue. If the answer is yes, then the surrogate looks into the eyes of that person to establish a connection with him. The surrogate may then perceive the presence of attached entities by noticing other faces, eyes or feel the presence of another. Once the fact of spirit attachment is ascertained, the client and therapist make sure that the boundaries between the therapist and the entity are established and the SRT is continued.

SRT is most effectively done in person with the full knowledge of the original subject; healing is most effective when the person acknowledges the problem and takes full responsibility for his healing. Remote SRT should be done only when the subject cannot work in person.

Releasing a Spirit into the Light.

Once all needs have been met, resistance bypassed and conflicts resolved, the attached spirits are usually willing to go to the Light. With all of these issues handled, the Light will appear to be closer and brighter. And the spirit is then released into the light.


Psychic Attacks | Negative Energies | Evil Spirit Entities

Just as there are many good people who live on the earth, there is also an element of people who are bad, behaving in a way that shows that they have no respect for people or property and have no wish to conform to any laws or rules.

Similarly in the Spirit Worlds, just as there are many good Spirits who are loyal to God and do all that he asks, there is also an element that is in opposition to God. These Spirits have no respect for him and refuse to abide by any laws that he has set.

This bad element also extends its rebellious activities to the earth, as they wish to influence all people into doing what is wrong and unacceptable in God’s eyes, just as they do. These Spirits are determined to influence people to live a life that is unrighteous, immoral, dishonest, selfish and worldly, wishing everyone to be inadequate by God’s standards.

As these Spirits are always active in this pursuit and can cause psychic attacks, it is therefore necessary to seek “Protection” from them.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks are defined as the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.

Not everything that’s considered difficult in a persons life is the result of a psychic attack, but psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don’t exist and cannot happen if you don’t believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies and psychic attacks. Recently mothers have contacted me about their teenagers who are practicing bits of black magic wanting to know how to help their children. There are disadvantages as well as advantages to Harry Potter.

Psychic Attacks – What Are They?

Psychic attacks involve the manipulation and movement of different types of dark energies, entities and spirits. They involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someone’s physical and/or energetic bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies, and homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the individual. They can involve ritualistic techniques or ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of both.

Auras are weakened by repressed emotions, negative emotions, through the regular use of drugs and alcohol, through smoking and a variety of diseases. The physical presence of fungus, parasites, worms, or metal, chemical or atomic poisons can seriously weaken an aura. Therefore the care and protection of your energetic body is as important as the physical body so you can repel psychic attacks and stay strong and healthy.

Intentional Psychic Attacks, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft

The dark and negative energies sent intentionally by others are called psychic attacks and can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or other types of black magic. They attack psyches and can produce debilitating effects on the overall health and energy level of the affected person.  Psychic attacks can also be sent unintentionally by someone who has the ability to send these but is not aware that they have this ability.

Dark Spirits and Entities

There are dark spirits and entities that can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and feel. The human who is invaded by these spirits or entities can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Degrees of Strength of Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks and other dark negative energies, entities and spirits can have a wide range of effect from low to medium to high. The symptoms or changes in health or behavior can also range from low to medium to high. Not all health problems or behavior changes are caused by psychic attacks since there can be so many causes for the same symptoms. Confusion often exists when other physical and emotional difficulties are present in an individual’s life. It’s important to carefully assess all possible sources for the difficulties including physical factors, energetic factors and emotional factors.

The Origin of the Attacks

Psychic and spiritual attacks can have a number of sources, and, depending on the source, have a number of approaches for defending yourself against them. Some attacks come from people you know. Others may come from people you don’t know, at least not in this lifetime, who have bad intentions and are targeting you for any number of reasons. One source of usually invasive attacks is the spirits of people who have died but who either haven’t figured out that they are dead or who know they are dead but are unwilling, for any number of reasons, to move on. Still others can be dark spirits.

Hard as it is to believe, there are, in fact, some people and spirits who don’t have the best of intentions toward other lifeforms. Some of them just haven’t ever really developed clear moral and ethical guidelines for themselves, so they are easily influenced by the wrong things—such as a desire for power, or by any number of fears. In fact, fear is a motivating factor in all cases, though the fear may be deeply buried. Always remember that, and remember that you don’t need to respond to fear with fear. The higher and more evolved response is love—love for yourself, of course, as well as for others.

When some people die, they don’t know where to go or they are afraid to move on. They might not know where to go because in life they had no clear beliefs about an afterlife, or their beliefs about the afterlife are so different from how it actually is that they fail to recognize it. Some people are afraid to move on because they fear they have been so bad or evil that they are going to go to hell. So out of fear, they stay here, and they try to take over someone else’s body. They can be especially attracted to sympathetic people or people who are psychically sensitive. This is one reason why I avoid hospitals and graveyards as much as possible—those are two places with a very high proportion of lost spirits seeking bodies.

Instead of what they fear, however, there is a wonderful place that all souls must eventually go to, no matter how long they delay, a place where they can experience something like physical life, complete with having bodies that are composed of pure spiritual energies. They can have any body they wish, free from any disease or pain, at any age, looking any way they wish. And they will be surrounded by only loving spirits who wish them well. I will say very briefly that you can address possessing spirits and explain the truth to them. The truth can be a hard thing to believe for many spirits, so they might take some convincing, but it is the truth and they will know it if it is spoken to them. Ask them to look around for the Light and for loved ones who have come to help them, and encourage them to go with their loved ones. The vast majority of spirits are only too happy and relieved to go.

Consult An Energy Practitioner Experienced in Psychic Attack Clearing

If you believe you are absorbing negative energies or are the recipient of psychic attacks, you should seriously consider asking for the help of an energy practitioner who is experienced in the identification, clearing and elimination of psychic dark energies, entities and spirits. If you believe that spirits, entities or hard dark energies have penetrated your body or aura, please ask an energy worker experienced in clearing psychic attacks for help. It’s important to identify and eliminate psychic attack energy as soon as possible. Please don’t try to do this yourself. Without experience in clearing, you are quite likely to draw even more negative energies to yourself.


Cutting Cord of Attachment / Etheric Cord / Psychic Cord |

energetic cord cuttingHave you ever had a bond with someone so strong that you can’t seem to get them out of your mind? Or perhaps you share a connection with someone that is so powerful that you often think the same thoughts at the same time, or you conjure the person up by getting a phone call or a visit right when you’re thinking about that person. If that’s the case, you may have a psychic cord with someone, which is basically a telepathic or energetic connection between the two of you.

Just as a real-world cord ties two things together, a psychic cord literally ties you energetically to the other person. It is very common for there to be a psychic cord between mother and child or between lovers.

But psychic cords don’t just develop as a result of love. Other strong emotions such as grief and jealousy can create psychic cords. Even an overbearing and controlling person, such as a boss, can create a psychic cord with someone that he or she is exerting their power over.

Often people who have psychic cords between them can literally boost or drain the energy of one another.  In this instance, it’s easy to see that a psychic cord can be helpful at times, but it can also be harmful, as well.

Cutting Cords
Cutting cords doesn’t mean, I don’t love you or care about you anymore. Cord cutting doesn’t necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships. It simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear.

What is a psychic cord?

Psychic cords are energetic bonds that develop between people. This typically psychic cord cuttinghappens when they share a deeply intimate relationship, but also when one partner believes that their wholeness is reliant on the other partner, such as in emotionally abusive relationships. The beliefs that create cords stem from unsatisfied needs and deeply held emotional patterns.   That’s why people who’ve been involved with a Narcissist, whether during childhood or in romantic relationships (or both) often seem to go through life attracting the same kind of people.

Positive and Negative Cords

Cords are a method of high speed communication and sharing energy. Healthy cords create a nurturing sharing of information and energy. Unhealthy cords can be a huge drain or a means of control. They are attached by mutual agreement, but there are lots of ways to persuade, trick, or con people into being corded. Often they were useful, but outlive their usefulness. The cord may have been very important when you were 2 years old, but now in adulthood it is no longer useful, but the cord is still there.

Cords can be a temporary telepathic and energetic link between two persons. Usually, a cord doesn’t last long and dissipate within a few days or even hours. Cords aren’t necessarily bad however if you find yourself constantly thinking of someone in particular, you may form a cord that will drain you and make you feel bad for no reason.

Energy cords show themselves as that surge that you get when you connect with someone. It depends hugely on the person, the circumstances, and on your openness to the feeling. You can easily suppress feeling it with your own mind. I think it still happens, but you can shut down your awareness of it.
Etheric cords can form between people, objects, and situations where there is a fearful attachment, afraid to let go, scared to be alone, afraid to be without. These are invisible energy links. We normally cord to other people and also allow them to cord to us throughout the course of our everyday lives. Many of these cords are short lived and dissolve quickly. There are some however, normally the intensive, volatile, or the longer term relationships, that create cords and with a build-up of numerous energies and emotions, such as need, desire, love, anger, jealousy, envy etc. These cords can create problems in the form of aches and pains, depression, rage, exhaustion, burn-out etc.

Most people aren’t even aware of these energy cords, the few that are aware can only vaguely describe their experiences… and the smallest handful of people who actually have high sensitivity are reluctant to speak about it.
It is normal for parents to form cords with their babies, this is both a necessity and a positive thing, as these cords help parents communicate with and understand their baby’s needs. Healthy cords dissolve naturally over a period of time, as the child grows.  Negative cords feed the energy and emotions of one person to another, both positive and negative, so you may be feeling particularly angry and not know why, you may also be feeling depressed for no apparent reason. Cords are normally formed on a subconscious level, through a person’s need for strength, manipulation, control.

If you have decided to move on from a relationship and you find it particularly difficult to “let-go” it may be that there are cords of attachment from the other person holding you back. A person going through a divorce may be feeding their anger, rage, stress, and jealousy to the other person and vice versa. Without realising it, parents feed these emotions to their children and partners, creating all sorts of problems for everyone.

If you have a cord attached to someone you love and that person is going through a major crisis, they may be draining energy from you. So you will feel drained without knowing why. In this case some healthy boundaries need to be created.

A psychic cord can create severe problems on emotional, subconscious, spiritual, energetic, and physical levels.  These cords are often the main reason for blocked creative energy, repressed self-expression, loss of personal power, unresolved anger, fear or grief, weak interpersonal boundaries, and poor health.

Although symptoms of cords can vary greatly, an individual will typically feel drained from specific relationships when a cord is present. When we want to let someone go because the relationship is unhealthy, the cords and the continuing psychic exchange between us and that person can hold us back.

Symptoms of heavy cording include:

  • Unable to move on
  • Unable to stop thinking or obsessing about a person
  • Frequent conversations in your mind with a person
  • Frequently remembering what they said in the past, feeling their ongoing judgment or criticism
  • Arguments, sometimes daily in your mind with someone (these can be actual psychic arguments)
  • Constant memories or emotions that arise – i.e. we used to watch that show together
  • Temptation to go back to a relationship that does not serve you
  • Stalking another online through social networking, watching them compulsively
  • Unable to sleep, or endless processing of the past
  • Deep feelings of sadness, anger, and depression around the past
  • Feelings of wanting to get revenge, or constantly aware of unfair treatment
  • Crying a whole lot, an emotional wreck
  • Turning down other offers and invitations, stuck in the past, feeling uninterested

What can you expect once the cords are cut?

In simple terms, you can expect to find your mind no longer dwells upon the person as the psychic attachment has been dissolved. Your mind is quieter, calmer and it is like cleaning out a closet – all those old emotions associated with that person dissolve as the communication between you ends. You now have extra space in your mind to fill with something better, and you will certainly be clearer in intent.

Imagine the freedom you can feel having that extra peace of mind, letting go of unwanted baggage, not to mention being free emotionally as well. If this sounds too good, you may be wondering why don’t we all do this on a regular basis, why don’t people know about this? The reason is simply we are never taught. In a world where we tend to believe in only what we see, such psychic cords of attachment go unnoticed and so we tend to carry unwanted energy and connections around with us many more years than we need to.

When you do a cord cutting on the etheric cords that bind you, the above listed symptoms lift.

With Whom Should We Cut Cords?

You can cut the cords with any person who is bothersome to you psychically. This is to say anyone who sends you strong energy and who intrudes on your thoughts and emotions even when you are alone. If you are done with a person but find they always intrude on your thoughts and you can feel them around you or in your mind, you can cut the connection by cutting the etheric cords that attach the both of you.

Some people with strong sexual bonds can find relief here as well by disconnection your sexual chakra to theirs, if such a bond was once formed. If an old flame was harmful or hurtful to you in some way, being free on all levels is incomparable. You literally move on and a new space is formed around you. You can then proceed to fill that space with more amiable and pleasant thoughts and feelings.

You can also cut the cords with any person who has abused you, either physically or emotionally. Victims of any crime ( rape, beating, even bullying) can form bonds with the perpetrators that continue on energetically, even long after the crime. Cutting these bonds will help healing that much faster. This will help you to release the pain and clear out your energy field or aura of that trauma.

You can certainly continue to cut the cords until they no longer recur and you have completely moved on. If a cord cutting fails, this indicates you are not willing to really let someone go yet. This is okay; it just means you aren’t truly ready to move on. There may be a lesson in this relationship you have yet to master and your current attachment is giving you the opportunity to learn the lesson for good.

Dark Magic

Hex, Black Magic, Evil Spirits, Witchcraft, Negative Energy

Black magic is the science applied to evil, to make a change in accordance with will occur, using means not currently understood by traditional western science, in order to cause physical or bodily harm to others, being able to make consciously or unconsciously. We intend to show what they can expect if they try to practice, just as there is a law of gravity, there is a law which in the East is called KARMA, and the Kabbalists called TIKUM, do good and receive good; do evil even unintentionally, will be what you get wrong, this is the law, so, HOW CAN YOU AVOID FALLING INTO THE ABYSS OF PRACTICING BLACK MAGIC ?. If you have caused any damage, or been the cause of spiritual darkness, all will turn against you multiplied. In many religions, it is believed that everything we do comes back to us and that makes triplicate, those who practice black magic have to pay a high price for it.

How To Know If You Have A Black Magic Hex

Early symptoms include:

* Loss of jobs without knowing why.
* Also lose money.
* Problems at home for no apparent reason
* Instability in relationships
* Health problems without cause
* Removal from the family environment
* Lumbar Pain
* Nightmares or bad dreams
* Tingling in the hands and legs.
* Cervical pain
* Distrust worldwide
* Loss of appetite and consequently weight
* Lost Memory
* Etc.

How To Recognize A Person That Is Being Affected By A Spell ??
There are typical problems when a person is a victim of witchcraft, here we see some of the symptoms that may indicate that “someone” did witchcraft …

The skin color of the person is one of the most typical features although it is sometimes very difficult to realize that. But if you notice a grayish color to the skin primarily on the face, that’s an important sign that “something” you are doing.

Thousands of problems. When everything seems to go backwards instead of going forward and advance. When it rains daily problems, and nothing seems to have a solution. When we can no more. Much physical and mental fatigue. Most importantly, mental fatigue, as when one is the victim of witchcraft to harm us, our mind runs faster than our body, energies in fighting that occur in our body to fight against the intruder unconscious Tremor. While this occurs only in some cases, is one of the symptoms that let you know that something is happening.

Forgetting things. When witchcraft is hurting us, it is very normal that we forget the simple things, like where certain object is left or what we had to do the next day.What household things are constantly breaking and meaningless. This is something that happens often, and it’s witchcraft in these cases means there is a dark (evil spirit) in the house. When no twinkle in his eye. The dullness in his eyes, more grayish skin and sometimes trembling hands are clear signs of being possessed by an evil spirit or obscured. In these cases, urgent action!

Everything collapses. If you notice that everything collapses quickly and can not find a solution to something that looked simple, is that you are a victim of witchcraft.

There are many other signs that can give us the question of whether a person is a victim of witchcraft, but it is not good suggestible. In either of the above cases, you must first check to see if it is indeed the victim of a witch or not.

However one should note that not all symptoms are caused by that, we must see a doctor..


Signs of a Past Life Links & Soul Mates | Regression Therapy

Have you ever met someone who you had an instant connection with, and you just intuitively felt that you had met them somewhere, somehow, before?

Have you ever experienced the nagging sense of deja vu — the feeling that you have been in a certain place and experienced a certain moment before? Often deja vu occurs because you’re recalling something or seeing a similarity with something that happened in a past life. If you’re in touch with your psychic ability, you probably have moments in which you remember aspects of your past lives, which is when deja vu kicks in.

If you’ve experienced this feeling before, then you have likely met someone from a past life who you have run into once again on your current journey.

You might not immediately think “Hey, I knew them from a past life” when you meet them, but you just know that their soul and yours have crossed paths at some point in time before. You might not have even believed in reincarnation or past lives before this experience, but something so powerful and intense can easily open your mind to other possibilities.

Sometimes those of us who are in touch with our psychic ability will sense that we have an instant connection with someone. That is also often our past lives communicating with us. We’re not the only ones who have lived multiple lives. Our loved ones have also lived multiple past lives. And typically we travel in the same circles. Your instant connection could even be a sign that you’ve found your soulmate.

We also often have the same problems. When we don’t learn a certain lesson in one lifetime, we’re likely to repeat it. If there’s a part of your life that frustrates you so because you just can’t seem to get it right, you may be experiencing a challenge that you first encountered in a past life. And the reason you’re having so much difficulty with it today is because you can’t remember those important a-ha moments from your past life that can help you solve the problem forever. Whether it’s money woes, relationship drama or even health challenges, an answer may lie in a past life. Famous psychic

Often the people that we shared our past lives with are the people that we share our current life with. We might not come back in the same roles. For example, your husband in a previous lifetime could be your brother in this lifetime. Or a person that you hate in this lifetime could have been your best friend in a lifetime that has passed. It’s not unusual for us to come across people in our current lifetime who shared another lifetime with us. The book Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives lays out some of these stories of past life experiences.

Here are some signs that we might have shared a lifetime with someone who is currently in our lives.

  • There was an immediate positive connection. Have you ever met someone and immediately been able to share your feelings and vulnerabilities? Chances are your soul recognizes the person and you know instinctively that this is someone you’ve loved and trusted in a past life.
  • There was an immediate negative reaction. We don’t just come back with the people we love. We often come back with the people we hate. Our greatest lessons are taught not only by our loved ones, but by our enemies, as well. In fact, often our enemies are our greatest teachers. If you have an immediate negative reaction to someone it could be for something that happened in a past life rather than this one.
  • You experience a strong sense of deja vu. We already discussed the origins of deja vu. If you experience deja vu when you’re with a particular person, chances are the two of you experienced life together before.
  • You have a telepathic connection. Is there someone in your life who you understand so much that you know what they’re going to say before they say it and vice-versa? If so, there’s a good chance that you two have traveled many lives together. Souls that share lifetimes tend to have a deeper connection than souls who are just interacting for the first time. If your connection is on a subconscious level, you’ve probably been together before.
  • You recognize their eyes. This is a trait that’s common with soulmates. If you come across someone and recognize their eyes it’s probably because you’ve been together in previous lifetimes. While our bodies change from lifetime to lifetime our eyes stay the same so you can recognize someone from a previous lifetime in this manner.
  • The relationship is short-lived but intense. Have you ever met someone and had an intense relationship with them only for it to end within a matter of months or even weeks? Often we have unresolved business with someone from a past life but we don’t need a long time to resolve it. A short, intense relationship can provide the closure that both parties need. While such a relationship can be painful and confusing in this present lifetime, it can be exactly what both parties needed to do on a subconscious level to resolve an experience from the past. That relationship could hold a major key in helping you to achieve your dreams in your current life.

Why you must learn what your past lives are trying to tell you

Knowing about your past lives and past life relationships can make a tremendous difference in your current life. If there are lessons that you didn’t get in a past life, those lessons will be particularly powerful in this one. The Universe wants to make sure that you don’t miss it again. Is there something very painful that you’re dealing with? It’s possible that you’re dealing with a past life issue. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can determine what you need to learn, and the sooner you’ll be free of that pain.

Look for the lesson. Are you learning something about yourself? Either in relationship to other people or your own behaviour? If you’re being challenged in some way – either positively or even negatively, this is one sign that there is an important soul connection here. The bigger the challenge and the more you have to grow on a soul level to meet it, then the number of lifetimes you have spent with this person increases. Remember – this goes for negative experiences as well as positive ones because often we learn more from failures than we do our successes.

Is the situation you’re in with this person part of a recurring theme for you? While you may not feel you have known this person before, does the situation you’re in feel oh so familiar? Is history repeating itself in some way yet again? We all come into this lifetime with set learning tasks. Sometimes we learn the lesson the first time – but if we don’t, then we are set to repeat it until we do. If you find yourself back in a situation that is repeating a past experience but with a completely different person then this is another sign of a deep past-life connection. As you failed to learn the lesson in the past, a new ‘teacher’ has appeared. Once you begin to recognise you and not the other person, are the common denominator, you will begin to release the lesson and your situation with them will transform – either by them leaving your life and you will have no more ‘lessons’ of this nature or by your relationship continuing but now on an entirely different level.

Is someone helping you for no apparent reason? Someone gives you a helping hand in some way with no expectation of anything in return. This could be a business mentor, a teacher or someone who offers you something you badly need right when you need it – and doesn’t necessarily expect to be paid back. This is a sure sign that this is someone you have helped in a past life, paying you forward in this one.

Is anything owed or left over after the relationship is over? You owe them something or they owe you. Or they’ve left something with you. This can be anything from a book, to money, a child or even a horse. Whatever it is, you or they aren’t going to get it back or take it back – not in this lifetime anyway!

Remember, past life soul promises are complex but look for these key signs as to clues you may have deep connections to people you wouldn’t have dreamed were that important!

By doing the work to discover your past lives, you may be able to:

  • Recognize your soulmate.
  • Understand why you keep making that same mistake. Then you can stop making it.
  • Understand why you have an instant connection with someone and you may be able to figure out who they were to you in a past life.
  • Learn how to break free of challenges that have been plaguing you.
  • Finally achieve that goal that has been so elusive.

One way to learn about a past life is to get a past life regression.

Evil Eye | Curse | Jinx | Buri Nazar

Thousands of people on a daily basis are looking for information concerning the spiritual attack known as the evil eye. Also called “jinxing,” the evil eye is recognized by almost all religions.

But what is the evil eye? How does it manifest in modern times? What are the symptoms? Finally, how can we protect ourselves against it?

What Is the Evil Eye?

evil eyeThe evil eye can be described as some sort of metaphysical, spiritual attack where a magical glance or even an evil spell is used to attack unsuspected victims. It can cause both physical and emotional pain along with spiritual and financial instability to its victims. It is considered a “light version” of curse.

There are two categories of the evil eye: the intentionally placed and unintentional. Most of the time this metaphysical attack is used because of hate, jealousy or—surprisingly—out of admiration.

The evil eye is recognized by many religions and manifests in different ways. Every religion calls it something different, but the symptoms are mostly the same: dizziness, bad mood, headaches, misfortunate, and bad luck. One strange fact to mention is that many people don’t even know about their own “power” and sometimes their “magical glance” can be placed completely unintentionally.

The Evil Eye in Modern Society

In modern society, the evil eye is probably a strategy to build social relationships. It helps strengthen individual identity by defying the often contradictory principles of collective life such as autonomy and sociability, cooperation and competition. Jinxing is used to justify the personal or social failure that every human being faces from time to time. Blaming someone else or even something else sometimes is the only way out for some.

Daily, people are exposed to the “look, glance” of others, so they must act according to the accepted principles of community. When these principles are violated, the idea of sociability “gets upset” and brings the so-called evil eye. It affects the body, property, and personal and social status of victim. In order to restore it all, the ritual of supernatural reintegration is required to remove it.

Symptoms and signs of the Evil Eye

evil eyeThe evil eye is the product of strong negative energy that is transmitted to the victim by another person who wants to cause them harm. This type of energy is often the result of envy, jealousy and hatred, and causes great discomfort for the person on the receiving end.

Some signs and Symptoms include

  1. The evil eye curse is based mainly on the idea that we are all energy, and that positive energy can cause a lot of good, but negative energy can also cause a lot of bad. When a person concentrates hard enough on causing someone harm, and when their energy is focused on the misfortune of that person, it is very possible that the other person will receive the Evil Eye and, if they do not have the enough strength to repel these vibrations, they will be affected by it.
Babies and young children tend to be the most vulnerable to the evilevil eye on baby eye. Those who work with this type of energy indicate that the most common symptoms of a possible evil eye curse in the young are:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Continuous and frequent vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Uncontrollable sobbing for no apparent reason
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Allergies and outbreaks on the skin
3 In adults, the evil eye tends to have a more powerful psychological, rather than physical, effect. Nervousness, intense fear and sudden paranoia for no apparent reason, are three examples of the condition, which may also be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
4 It is important to point out that the signs and symptoms of the evil eye are fairly generic; therefore, first of all you should rule out any type of illness or physical condition before thinking that you are dealing with negative energy.
5 Another important aspect is to work continuously to strengthen your spirit and increase your positive energy, in order to protect yourself against negative energies sent from other people.

In this respect it is very important to get to know yourself, your spirituality and feel comfortable with your actions and life. Relieving yourself from stress and increasing your happiness can combat all forms of the evil eye.

6 In addition, you can carry out activities to increase your positive energy and make sure that you’re on top form for your day-to-day life.
  • Have you ever felt that suddenly you’ve been in a bad mood without any particular reason?
  • Have you ever felt a strange weight on your shoulders?
  • Headaches?
  • Tears for no reason?
  • Have you even seen aggressive behavior in an otherwise calm child?

If yes, then most likely you have experienced the power of the evil eye.

The evil eye is well known throughout history. It is mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman texts, as well as in many famous literary works, including the Bible (Proverbs 23:6: “Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats”), the Koran and Shakespeare.

The evil eye is essentially a specific type of magical curse, and has its roots in magical thinking and superstition. Let’s say that a person experiences bad luck, ill health, accident, or some unexplained calamity — perhaps a drought or an infectious disease. Before science could explain weather patterns and germ theory, any bad event for which there was not an obvious cause might be blamed on a curse. Curses, including the evil eye, are an answer to the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people.

The association of special powers with the eyes is not hard to fathom: Eyes, it is said, are the gateway to a person’s soul. Shifting eyes are said to subtly betray liars, while a steady gaze may be endearing or menacing depending on the circumstances. Actors use their eyes to convey a wide range of emotions, including love, hate, disgust, boredom, scorn, surprise, and envy. In fact it is this last emotion — jealousy — that underlies the evil eye’s cultural association with magic.

Examples of the Evil Eye

  • Mother and a newborn baby

Imagine a newborn baby has just been brought home from hospital. Relatives and friends come to admire the child baring gifts. It happens that one of them possesses so-called “magnetism,” without knowing it. It is possible that while admiring the baby, the evil eye was placed unintentionally. The baby starts crying and acting like something is bothering and disturbing it.

  • Business men

Two friends invested and opened two different companies. One of them is successful and makes a lot of money, the other one is not that lucky. The unlucky one admires his successful friend. The result of such admiration is headaches, illness and even problems in business.

  • Two sisters

Two sisters are having dinner and talking about their children. One sister speaks of her child’s excellent grades in school. In the meantime, the other one feels jealousy as her own child is not such a good pupil. As a result her child gets ill.

There are many examples of evil eye in the world. And if someone asks me if I believe in the evil eye, I simply reply “yes” without any hesitations, as I have seen and have experienced its power with terrible headaches, unusual dizziness and bad luck.

How to Remove It

As mentioned above, the evil eye is actually a curse, so removing it has to be the first priority. A long-lasting evil eye might cause serious health problems by closing chakras and affecting the energy flow of the victim. Once health problems appear there is very little chance of curing the evil eye that caused them in the first place.

There are a lot of silly solutions all over the Internet when it comes to dealing with the evil eye. The most ridiculous one I’ve found was to make circles with milk around the head of the one affected by evil eye.

  • My personal experience has shown that with milk, oil and eggs we can only make great dinner; it is something that should be done only by an experienced professional spiritual healer.

My Way to Deal With the Evil Eye

For those who really wish to get rid of the evil eye and learn if there are any other spiritual attacks such as curses on hexes placed on them, I would suggest finding a genuine spiritual healer who can help to remove spiritual attacks.

Keep your milk and eggs for consumption purposes only and find a genuine spiritual healer to fix your spiritual prosperity. Unfortunately such healers are rare these days and despite that many promise immediate remedy against evil eyes, not everyone can actually help.

Entity Depossession, Distant Spirit Release, Negative Energy

entity depossessionSpirit attachment or release is a relatively new term for what was historically referred to by many scary sounding names. These often included the words ‘possession’, ‘exorcism’, ‘evil spirits’, ‘voodoo’ or ‘ghosts’.

Entity Depossession Therapy, popularly known as Spirit Releasement Therapy is a process of safe communication with any energies that do not belong with a person and a therapeutic discussion ensues, allowing the energy to be gently released into the LIGHT. Spirit releasement is a therapy, not a rite. Unlike exorcism it comes from a position of compassion, not confrontation. It aims both to free the client and to assist the attached discarnate entity to continue on its spiritual journey.

Spirit release derives from a pragmatic approach to therapy. Alternation between embodiment on Earth and blissful existence in the spirit world, preparing for reincarnation, is the essential pattern. At death the human spirit usually passes to the LIGHT, the white brilliance seen in a Near-death experience. However, the discarnate spirit may not always go into the LIGHT especially if the life has ended with shock, confusion or unresolved issues. Spirit may stay behind with the clear intention of attachment, perhaps out of concern for a relative or to satisfy an addiction, even for revenge. As a result they can be stuck on the earth plane and, not knowing where else to go, will be attracted to a living person displaying similar energy. Family sex abusers seem commonly to attach to their victims. Suicidal people are often seen to have with them spirits who encourage suicide.

Vulnerability to spirit attachment varies from person to person, according to predisposition, health and circumstances. People with strong and healthy auras are generally impervious to spirits of a lower frequency. Illness, injury, drugs, emotinal disturbance and the presence of attached spirits may cause lowering or impairment of resistance. Organ transplant recipient may receive the spirit of the donor. Certain people seem to attract spirits, often from those who, during life, had a similar problem. For instance those who have suffered sexual abuse may be drawn together. In other cases attachment may appear to be purely accidental, for no apparent reason at all.

Sometimes an apparently earthbound spirit may be correct in protesting that its body lives. Soul fragments of living people may attach to others and have a controlling effect.

In addition, there are non-human entities, both positive and negative. The latter may attach to human souls, in and out of the body and cause troublesome effects. People may also be affected by curses or subject to pacts, which they have made in this or in a precious life. Negative thought forms may cause difficulties and may appear as images symbolising fear, anger, destructiveness and other negative forces.

Attached entities/ spirits do not have the ability to help the host. They often bring along their own emotional problems, addiction or physical symptoms causing unexplained manifestations in the host. They are simply “stuck” and are unable to leave without assistance.

At SSHC (Sanjeevini Spiritual Healing Center), we combine Spirit/ Entity Release with Past Life Regression Therapy to release attached entities prior regressing the client to a past time. During the session, spirits speak to the therapist using host’s voice, sometimes in distinctive tones. If the entity regresses to a former time, the host may have matching experience.

Effects of Black Magic, Witchcraft, Voodoo, Sorcery

Black magic is known all over the world and because of this, it is known by many different names such as magic spells, spells, hex, sorcery, jadoo, jadu, sihr, witchcraft, voodoo, and curses. Black magic is used for evil purposes by invoking the power of evil spirits and even the devil himself. Black magic originated in the spirit world. If someone has mastered the art of black magic, they are able to perform sorcery. These black magicians will follow an intricate system of sorcery for several weeks or even months. During these periods, they invoke the spirits from the underworld; they perform rituals and sometimes even do animal or human sacrifices to bind their spells with the underground world. After using these techniques, they are in touch with those evil spirits. Sometimes they are even able to command these spirits as they wish.

Black magic is one of the most powerful of the spiritual forces which have gained a tremendous amount of attention in the last decade. It possesses powers and is capable of remarkable alterations in people’s lives and the common masses, the world over are realizing it more with each passing day.

Though, black magic has been a common idea since thousands of years, it has been broadly received only a few years ago. The unsettling element associated with it gradually diminished with the arrival of modernism. In the contemporary world, not only is black magic one of the most common place solution to any issue but it also has an incredible success rate which is a huge argument in its favor.

Black magic is a complex and intricate phenomena which functions in many ways. Wiccan, sorcery, witchcraft etc are all branches of black magic which are extremely popular with the people of today. One of the most popular ways of applying black magic is through spells. The introduction of spells, in order to deal with situations proved to be a major breakthrough in the world of black magic. Now, using spells might sound like an easy enough method but it is a rigorous process which requires an extremely experienced and focussed demeanour.

Effects of Black Magic and Dark Energy

Generally, people used black magic to hurt people by performing certain acts or black magic spells, and the effects of these acts can be experienced thousands of miles away. The use of black magic techniques have become the most common weapon of  revenge and getting satisfaction from seeing others in the turmoil. The number of people using spells for black magic , mantras, yantras and tantras for ruining someone’s life is increasing everyday with increase of frustration, selfishness, jealousy and inability to accept other’s happiness. There a lot of people in the world who are affected adversely by black magic or dark magic, unaware of the spells cast mostly by their relatives, closest friends, and acquaintances.

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that he loses the willpower & mental energy to get out of the dark situation he is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.

The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.

Breaking or reversing Black Magic Spell Putting a Black magic spell on someone is very easy for those knowing even a little bit of Tantrik siddhis/ voodoo.

Keep in mind that most black magic spells are done for specific purposes and therefore there are endless symptoms black magic can manifest. The effect is felt differently from individual to individual according to their life situations, their overall health, and their mental state.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you may need the services of a spiritual healer for a cure for black magic:

  • Unexplained extreme weight loss or gain
  • Terrible headaches
  • Blindness
  • Eyes turning gray
  • Inability to sleep, insomnia or over sleeping
  • Depression
  • Feeling negative energy weighing down on them
  • Very bad breath
  • Seizures
  • Excessive tears
  • Unexplained irritability, anger and emotional imbalance
  • Unexplained infertility
  • One or more episodes of miscarriage
  • Inability to menstruate in women or menstruating more than normal
  • Unexplained impotence
  • Very bad body odor
  • Development of skin conditions all over the body with very bad odor
  • The occurrence of nightmares
  • Acting angry and not remembering
  • Forgetting incidents and moments of life
  • Changes in voice
  • Changes in appearance
  • Indulging in excess alcohol, drugs, violence and unprotected/unhealthy sex
  • Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them)

These are just some of the possible symptoms of black magic.

Black magic spells and curses can be tailored specifically to an area in a person’s life. Here are a few examples of how black magic can affect your life:

  • Excessive unexplained bad luck
  • Unreasonable fear to go out or leave home
  • Ruined a marriage or other relationships
  • To never maintain a happy relationship
  • To struggle and have nothing work in life
  • To be affected with financial loss
  • To give up everything he/she owns such as a home or business for no reason at all
  • To become a victim of frequent accidents
  • To have paranoia
  • To destroy his/her or someone else’s career
  • To leave the country for no reason
  • To control someone’s mind for sex
  • To affect his/her health
  • To constantly be unhappy
  • To always be sad
  • To never succeed in anything
  • To go crazy or have psychological problems
  • To make people leave his/her life for no reason
  • To get in trouble
  • To stop where he/she is in life and not move forward

The victim of a black magic curse might experience supernatural symptoms as well. The following may indicate an undesired supernatural presence in your life:

  • Hearing strange whispering voices
  • Feeling someone next to them while they sleep
  • Hearing someone calling their name
  • Experiencing paranormal activities
  • Experiencing a feeling of being raped or sexually abused while dreaming or while awake
  • Seeing shadows around them
  • Hearing knocking on their door when no one is actually there

Black Magic puts a block on a person’s wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem are fruitless. One feels a mental block, has disturbed sleep patterns with bad dreams and negative thoughts. There is a ‘heaviness and weight’ on the heart and a feeling of constriction in the throat.

At times, there could suddenly be blue marks on the thighs without getting hurt or feeling pain. The sufferer might experience a faster & erratic heartbeat and breathing, without any physical exertion. There may be quarrels within the family without any apparent reason. One might feel the presence of somebody in the house.

It can leave a person feeling under-whelmed and under-achieved. One feels suffocated & restless in all circumstances, and is never at peace. There can be feelings of depression, with lack of enthusiasm or even a desire to live.


healing break up relationships

Healing Breakup Of Romantic Relationship & Cord Attachments

Increasingly, I hear from people who have had a romantic breakup, complaining about bad energy leftover from the relationship. Not infrequently, the person who contacts me has a distressing and obsessive fixation on the previous love interest, even though it was an unhealthy and damaging relationship.

Not withstanding the important psychological aspects of romantic obsession, a romantic union—emotional and sexual—is not just about an attachment between bodies and personalities, but is equally about auric, energetic entwining. In other words, it is about the entanglement of spiritual energy.

While the psychological aspects of obsessive fixations and thoughts certainly need to be taken into account, this is an article that deals with spiritual energy entanglement which is a very important factor since it is rarely recognized and always present.

What many people fail to realize is that all romantic relationships start out with a lighted fuse! This fire of passion lights up the backdrop of an artificial stage that confuses non-adaptive players later in the act when the scene goes from bad to worse, when one of the players in the love drama remains stubbornly stuck on the exciting script of the opening act. “He is so wonderful, she is so perfect…he gave me so much attention…he said he loved me…she said she needed me…he texted me every day…she said she loved me…he talked about marriage”…and so on. The problem with these hot romantic fuses is that they are very short and they burn out fast, and when they do, the deteriorating relationship is obvious to everyone but the one who fell for it. All too often, our hopes and fantasies get the better of us and we are “all in”. We don’t use reason or good judgment, we don’t stop to think that the “perfect” beginning of the relationship could be all flash and no substance, certain to go dark as fast as it flared.

Thus, everyone needs to understand that the beginning of a romance is no measure of its merit.

Breaking up hurts, even when the relationship was not healthy in the first place. Why does it hurt so much? This is because, when we separate, we are literally breaking up cords of attachment. This article is an attempt to make more sense of what is happening when a love relationship ends.

Spiritual experts understands human beings beyond the physical and psychological realities claim that our physical bodies are surrounded with an energy field of colors called the “aura”. They also talk about a network of cords linking people to each other.

If you are skeptical about auras and cords of attachment, consider those concepts from a symbolic point of view only. It will help you understand how relationships work and why breaking up is painful.

Each time we have any kind of relationship with someone, either good or bad, we create a new cord of energy with this person. The first people with whom we develop such connections are our parents. As we grow up, we use these cords as models to build relationships with other people. This is one of the reasons why we tend to re-create with our life partners the type of relationships we had with our mother or father.

When two people fall in love, they form beautiful cords of loving energy. Even if in front of other people they are pretending to ignore each other, those cords are still making a link between the lovers. The more interactions two people have, the more cords they create. Naturally, depending on the quality of the interactions, some cords are healthy, while others are not.

In intimate long-term relationships, the many cords maintain intimacy, trust and understanding, combined with flexibility and freedom from each other. In codependent relationships, the cords serve to uphold dependence and rigidity. If the partners are tied by unhealthy cords, the interactions will be based on habits and are very difficult to change.

So, when we are “attached” to someone, it precisely means that we are tied to this person by many different emotional and spiritual cords. Therefore it is not surprising that when two people get separated by the decision of one to leave, or by death, the parting creates real pain, especially around the solar plexus which, according to aura experts, seems to be the area where we develop most cords. When a separation occurs, people are literally “torn apart” because the cords of attachment have been severed.

When one partner chooses to leave the other, he tries to tear out as many cords as possible. Both partners then experience various degrees of pain and a feeling of being disconnected from many aspects of their lives because of the wound and the void left by all the deep-rooted cords – good or bad – that had been created over time. The place where the cords have been cut is similar to an open injury.

Very often, in an attempt to try to heal too quickly the pain caused by the severed cords, people get involved too soon in another relationship. They develop the same type of connection with someone else with whom they are not familiar. Because they haven’t taken the time to heal first, they tend to re-create the same type of unhealthy relationships with unhealthy cords. Many of these relationships on the rebound don’t last.

When many cords have been damaged by a separation, it can take five to seven years for a couple to let go of the dependency they had in the old relationship.

Knowing what attachment means will hopefully help you make sound decisions when it comes to breaking up. Cords change over time and the beautiful cords of the honeymoon stage may slowly become unhealthy. But with care and understanding, damaged or unhealthy cords can be consolidated and repaired.

past life therapy and soul relationship

Past Life Regression Therapy | PLRT Benefits & other FAQ’s

A Introduction about our soul and past life regression therapy

A past-life regression recalls scenes, feelings and memories from another lifetime that one has lived as though it were happening now.

To quote from Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts….”

We are our soul, and the soul of each and everyone of us is beautiful. Within each lifetime, we adopt and experience a character, and often a series of characters usually consecutively, but sometimes concurrently within any given lifetime.

We experience or ‘play’ the character we have chosen to experience or ‘adopt’, in any one lifetime, or perhaps during several lifetimes. When we have completed the role, regardless of the nature of the character that we have played, we move on to play another character, often taking time to reflect on our ‘performance’ in between roles.

When we begin to explore our past lives, we feel a little confused and conflicted and we seem to place ourselves somewhere between believing and wanting to believe. We usually begin to explore past lives when there is an issue in our life which reflects a lesson which has not been learned in previous lifetimes. We will seldom begin past life exploration when we are living a happy, settled and contented life. We will usually begin past life exploration when we are looking for an answer within our lives, which is why our early past life experiences are often difficult and unpleasant memories.
We will usually begin to recall (through one means or another), memories where people who are currently in our life treated us badly in another life, or we treated people who are currently in our life badly in another life. We will begin to wonder if we have ever experienced joy, but if we allow ourselves to do so, we will begin to see how all the pieces fit together, and aspects of our relationships in this lifetime which did not make sense, will suddenly begin to become clear.

In time, we will stumble upon the key past life memory which will unlock our current experience. When we become aware of the key past life memory, which may well be the original cause of the events that we are living, and have perhaps have lived in principle many times, we will usually become very emotional as we begin to release events which we have held within us for a very long time, and we will usually begin to cleanse our soul.

The soul cleansing process can continue for some time, and we may well find ourselves bursting into tears at the slightest trigger, and at inopportune moments. We will begin to wander what we have unleashed and why we began the process of understanding our past lives at all. However, each time that we experience soul cleansing tears, we will feel a little lighter, and we will walk a little straighter, as we begin to release our burden.

In time we may begin to receive seemingly unrelated ‘flashes’ or ‘snapshots’ of memory from our lifetime and from our past lifetimes. We should allow the snapshots to enter and leave as they will. Our subconscious mind, or our spirit self is sorting and presenting pieces of memory to assist us to fully understand the memory which we have unlocked. Suddenly, like a jigsaw puzzle, all of the pieces will fall into place and we will be presented with a clear picture which will explain precisely what we have been experiencing, and why. At this point, when we have understood the experience, we are ready to release the experience and move on. We will no longer carry the emotions from the experience with us, and we will have left at least some of our excess baggage behind.

Not all of our past life memories are difficult and unpleasant, but it is the unpleasant memories which usually create the negative emotions that we carry with us and feed, lifetime after lifetime. Therefore, it is the negative emotions that usually lead us to past life memories which are difficult, but nevertheless need to be released.

We can also allow ourselves to draw on pleasant memories from our past lives. As souls we live many lifetimes in very many forms. During our existence we experience a life as all of the living things that we can imagine, and many that we cannot imagine. Our human existence is but one of our experiences, we also experience lifetimes as animals, plants, insects as well as on other worlds and in other forms, such as a light body. Living thousands of years, we can imagine how many different lives we have had. As an example; we may be sitting on a beach and we ‘daydream’ about gliding on the winds like a bird. We know that the experience is not ‘real’, but the experience somehow feels real. This is because we have existed as a bird and we are remembering what it was like to glide on the winds.

There are many situations in which we remember our past lives, and in time we will come to recognise these situations, or ‘past life triggers’. We will find that we have far more past life memories which have surfaced than we realise.

That we encounter people from our life within our past life memories, is not really surprising, and not a product of an over active imagination.

Circles are created between souls to establish an environment for us and those with whom we share the environment, to gain experience and learn who we are. The circles created between souls need to be closed, because closing the circles created between souls, is a convenient way for us to gain awareness of the true circular nature of all that is. If we shared ongoing experiences with different souls in each lifetime we would loose an opportunity to understand the circular nature of our existence.

There is a karmic aspect to the circles created between souls, but the nature and purpose of karma has been misunderstood. The principles of karma allow our experiences to become complete, though experiencing both sides of the coin, with the same souls who conveniently also need to experience both sides of the coin, but the opposite side of the coin to us. For example; we may take it in turns to be murderer and victim. Karma is a learning and experience cycle, not a punishment cycle as has been supposed.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression therapy is a holistic therapy that works with the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is based on the principles of cause and effect (karma) and the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based in the past. As a skilled therapist, I can guide you back to a time before birth in this lifetime to discover the root causes of problems you may be experiencing in the present and heal them. This may include relationship issues, chronic illnesses, phobias, addictions, sexual dysfunction, inexplicable attraction or aversion to someone, recurring nightmares, fear of death, etc. Conventional psychotherapy focuses on the present life and may not be able to get to the source of a problem. “Talk” therapy often stays on an intellectual basis and does not allow for the transformation that comes from unlocking deep emotions and experiences stored in one’s cellular memory. It’s also why “talk” therapy often takes so long to produce results. Past life regression therapy can speed up the healing process as one understands and feels on a much deeper level the source of one’s problems.

What are some more benefits of past life regression therapy?

Past life regression therapy can transform your life! It will help you to develop your full potential, unlock hidden talents, and create more compassion and love for yourself and others. It can reveal your life purpose and reason for incarnating, and help you to overcome the fear of death. After a past life regression session, many clients report feeling a greater sense of inner peace, love and self-acceptance when they understand that they have chosen their life circumstances and the lessons that they need to learn. Past life regression therapy supersedes other therapies in its more profound perspective on the meaning of life. It transcends religious dogma and is beneficial regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs. You do not have to believe in reincarnation to receive healing from this amazing technique.

What is a session like?

Past life regression sessions are about two hours long. I first interview you and ask about your present life. Together we look for recurring patterns that may create problems in your life and that will prompt your subconscious mind to lead you to the past life source of these issues. Then you create a focus or intention for the session. This is followed by deep relaxation which enables you to access important subconscious memories from this lifetime or another. The subconscious, in its infinite wisdom, will selectively reveal what is appropriate and healing for your current life situation. Some people see glimpses of several past lives; others may delve into one specific past life in more detail; another may discover important repressed memories from the current lifetime. Oftentimes people feel they are “making up” the past life memories. As you become more comfortable with the process, you will discover that this information is valuable and authentic and contributes to your healing and well being.

What if I uncover a really scary past life and I can’t handle it?

I create a safe and supportive environment for you. You will only experience traumatic memories if you are ready to let go of them. You’re in charge! Releasing emotional and/or physical trauma stored in the body and mind is very healing. Most people feel relieved, refreshed, and more peaceful after discovering hidden past-life memories that may have caused unnecessary anxieties and phobias in the present life.

What if I see and experience my death in a past life? Is it safe to do this?

The re-enactment of the death moment is where the real healing happens. Facing a death experience—and the peace that accompanies it—has great therapeutic value. It is enlightening and comforting to feel the release of the soul from the body and experience the peacefulness of the between life state. You no longer need to fear death when you realize that your soul is immortal and that you will live again and be re-united with loved ones. Clients who have experienced a past-life death exude a special radiance and inner peace after a session.

How will I feel after a session?

Some people feel very happy and peaceful; others may feel tired or even experience some pain or a headache related to the release of stored trauma. All of these reactions are normal and not harmful. Most people prefer to be alone afterwards to integrate and review the session. You may want to rest, take a relaxing walk, or write up any notes or reflections from the experience. You may continue to have past life recall after the session through dreams or intuitive insights that will give you even more detailed memory of that life.

What is a life between lives spiritual regression?

Life between lives regression therapy is an expansion of past life therapy. It enables you to connect with your soul-self and discover what your immortal life is in the soul world between incarnations. You are able to see your karmic growth patterns through many lifetimes, why you have chosen certain bodies and lifetimes, connect with your spirit guides, and understand your soul’s lessons on a profound level. Sessions are generally three to four hours long and require that you are able to be regressed into a deep trance state. I offer this service to those who have been able to access their past lives and want to go to the next step.


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