spirit entities

Spirit Release (Demons,Devils,Ghosts,Negative Energies etc.)

spirit entitiesSometimes the physical or emotional issues that we seek to resolve or heal do not come from our own past lives. Rather, they can come from a totally different entity — the attached spirit of someone who has already died.

For a variety of reasons, when some individuals die, they do not go directly into the Light. Instead, they become earthbound spirits that can attach themselves to our aura or our physical, emotional or mental subtle bodies. They do not require our permission to do so.

A spirit attachment may be random or even accidental. It can be:

  • benevolent in nature,
  • self-serving to fulfill a personal need of the attaching entity,
  • malevolent in intention or 
  • completely neutral.

Symptoms of spirit attachment can include:

  • An inner voice that constantly criticizes you
  • A variety of changing physical maladies with no obvious cause
  • Irrational fear, anger, sadness or guilt or
  • Suicidal tendencies.

Frequently the earthbound spirit brings along its own physical and emotional maladies at the time of death. These fears, phobias, aches, addictions, negative thoughts, desires and behaviors are then experienced as your own pains, thoughts, desires and behaviors.

Our language reflects an inner knowledge of this condition: “What got into you?” “I’m not myself today.” “I don’t know what possessed me to do that.”

I find in my practice that spirit attachments can be the source of any number of physical, mental and emotional disorders faced by my clients including phobias, addictions, anxiety, compulsions, depression, relationship difficulties, feelings of anger and abandonment, unexplainable pains and aches, and many other symptoms.

Sometimes you are not aware of the attachment until the entity has been released.

What is Spirit Release?

Spirit Release Therapy dates back to antiquity. Virtually all cultures and religions address the issue of discarnate beings of various types influencing living people, causing various degrees of harm to their hosts.

Today Spirit Release is a therapy practiced by psychotherapists, mental health professionals and energy healers who have found it effective where other methods have failed. As man’s understanding of the enormous influence and power of their higher energy fields is “authenticated” by modern methods of scientific measurement, and as preventative medicine grows, the importance of clearing foreign psychic energies will be commonly accepted.

Physical or emotional stress can leave you vulnerable to unwelcome negative energies which attach at a subtle vibrational level and can then influence your health, personality and behavior. A Lost Soul may well bring with it the physical symptoms it experienced at the time of its death.

The practitioner and client need not hold any particular religious belief. We are trained in releasing these negative attachments which may have been preventing you from moving forward with your life. We transform the entities so that they are unable to return to you, find out what problems they may have been causing and ask for help, advice, protection and healing.

Spirit Release differs from exorcism because it is non-confrontational and transformation is achieved through negotiation. As well as freeing the client and channeling healing to them, we invoke the power of love and the assistance of higher spiritual beings to help the invading entities on their evolutionary path towards enlightenment. They are transformed into a higher more evolved state from where they cannot return, for within the heart of every being, however dark, there is a core of light. Our skill is in persuading it to find within itself this transformational light source – once it has transformed it cannot and would not wish to return.

We offer ourselves as vehicles for the Divine Universal Healing Power. We treat all information in complete confidence and approach this work with great integrity.

Whilst to our knowledge all our clients have responded favorably, Spirit Release Therapy is not a panacea – there are many causes for illness. Likewise, many of the life factors of the client and his/her situation are beyond our control and may be affecting the healing process. The Universe does not interfere with a soul’s chosen path or their free will.

It is always in the client’s best interest to refrain from other spiritual or rescue work whilst we are conducting Spirit Release Therapy so that the new energy vibrations and behavior patterns will have a chance to settle. Please consider all these factors before requesting Spirit Release Therapy.

We always work in Love and Light and for the highest good of all concerned, asking the higher energies and angelic kingdom for their guidance, healing and protection.

How Can Spirit Attachment Happen ?

Our aura is an magnetic energy field. Like any magnet it can repel and attract according to the energetic charge.  We have all met people that seem to have a magnetic personality,  people seem to naturally be drawn to these type of people without consciously understanding why.  On the other hand there are people that are more likely to keep other people at a distance.  These types of people do not find it so easy to connect to people.

The same applies for spirits, they can become  attracted to people because of the magnetic energy field.

What can create that energetic attraction ?

The likelihood of spirit attachment depends on the strength of your auric field. If your energy field becomes weakened, torn or become frail and develop holes for many reasons.  Some of those reasons according to Sue Allen ( author of spirit release ) are:

  • Mental or physical illness
  • Surgery
  • Certain Medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Anti-psychotic
  • Stress/ Trauma
  • Alcohol
  • Recreational Drugs

My experience has shown that attachments can occur when :

  • A person has experienced extreme trauma.
  • When a person has taken drugs or alcohol.
  • It can also occur from the negative intentions of others.

This can then create a break in the energy field of the person & this can  allow an attachment to become part of the persons energy field.

What  Does It Feel Like To Have An Attachment ? Although it can be different  everyone, some of the common experiences are:

  • People experience, behaviours, feelings and thoughts that seem foreign to  them.
  • They can begin to like completely different foods & drinks
  • They begin to have completely different interests.
  • They experience problems making decisions, constantly in two minds
  • Constant internal chatter that creates confusion
  • They feel like the mind is foggy or in a haze
  • Belief systems & values can sometimes completely change.
  • They can also experience extreme feelings that appear unexplainable or out of character for them. Ie: Extreme feelings of anger, sadness, fear or anxiety.

The Clearing Process Through the attachment  release process I firstly check to see if the person has anything foreign attached to their energy field and then move the person through a healing  process of releasing any attachments that don’t belong to the person. When this release happens the person is more easily able to make those changes  that they want in their lives, without feeling held back.  Some have described “feeling more like themselves again”. in general people feel better about themselves and their lives.

karmic diseases

Healing Karmic Based Physical or Spiritual Diseases, Illness

A disease which has its primary consequence in past lives or previous acts by violations of the Divine Principles is considered a Karmic disease. We sowed seeds through the actions and thoughts in the past life, which now come up throughout the present life. Many karmic diseases are related to body injuries or wounds. For instance, heart defect is a karmic disease associated with cardiac activity failure in the past life. This could be a knife wound, a cardiac surgery or heart transplantation, or a car accident. The relevant information was recorded and deposited in mind, and mind is one of the covers of the thin body which transfers information to the following body. Karmic disease may be a spiritual disease or bodily disease, or their various combinations. Karmic diseases are often referred to only as spiritual diseases for they are manifested only on a non-material level and materialistic methods cannot identify, describe or eliminate them. Any action that might have caused harm to the health of others whether in physical, mental, emotional or sexual realms can actively induce physical karma. Consequently, these diseases are present in our energy bodies as unbalanced patterns, and they are enshrined in our Akashic Records, as everything that happens in our lives has been stored. According to our vedas, however, every disease is Karmic. After all, every disease has its cause in ignorance and subsequent incorrect, unnatural behaviour and the objective of every disease is to extend our cognition, to fulfil our Karma. When illness occurs, we cannot ignore it or put off dealing with it until sometime in the future. How we respond to illness is the key to the outcome. It can be an opportunity to face ourselves and how we are living and become a force for positive change.

An important principle in healing, is to remove the cause of the illness. For example, if your stomach is burning from eating too many chillies, stop eating too many chillies. This follows the natural relationship of cause and effect. The action of eating too many chillies causes the burning effect. Karma is defined simply as “action.” Some actions have immediate effects like eating too many chillies. Some do not. Some have a cumulative effect over time. This is why poor habits gradually turn into full-blown illnesses. For example, eating too much sugar may predispose us to diabetes. Drinking too much alcohol may lead to liver disease. In these cases, to remove the cause means to remove the negative habit. Upon removal of the habit early on, the person has a chance to gradually heal. We can explain this delay between cause and effect with an analogy. Causes are called karmic seeds, and effects are called karmic fruits. Each time we perform an action of body, speech, or mind, it is like planting a seed in our subconscious mind, the storehouse of karmas. The karmic seeds, once planted, remain dormant until the appropriate conditions are present for the seed to sprout and bear fruit.

A disease can thus haunt an individual for a lifetime and sometimes during several lives, until he gets rid of it himself or until someone knowledgeable and authorised assists through spiritual therapy.

Types of Entity Attachments

Soul / Entity Attachment

Soul attachment and release is a topic that is not discussed much. Yet it is real.  It is included on this website because it definitely affects some people’s health and well-being.  Soul attachment occurs when the soul of one person who has usually passed on or died, finds its way inside the body of another living person.

I realize that this phenomenon scares many people.  However, it can be helpful to learn about things that seem frightening or strange.  This is the purpose of this short article.

Here is a brief understanding of this unusual phenomenon as I understand it.




Discarnate souls can attach to a person for the following reasons:


  1. Confused entities after death due to a quick accident or fast-moving illness. In these cases, the discarnate soul attaches because it does not realize fully that the body it inhabited has died, because it happened suddenly, and the soul is basically confused.
  2. Nasty entities. These are discarnate souls that cause problems for people, for various reasons. Often the discarnate soul was abused while its body lived, and it is angry, upset, resentful and wants to cause damage to others.  Such entites are common, in fact, and can cause one to have an accident, be promiscuous, perhaps, steal, lie, cheat and even commit murder.  They can also cause your death by distracting you while you are driving, or in some other way, but usually by causing you to be careless.  This is why always being very careful when driving or doing anything dangerous is imperative.  You never know when “forces” are present that want to hurt you for some reason.
  3. Females. These are very special nasty entities that are here to defend children, interestingly, and they influence women to have children. Unfortunately, they do it by making women more sensual, more sexy, and more provocative and “dirty”, one might say.  These are called female entities because they cause women to become “females”, or very attractive to men to have children with, have sex with, rape, and even murder, on occasion.  This is why they are dangerous.
  4. Supportive or crutch entities. These are discarnate souls that “move in” when a person’s body or mind are weak. A crutch entity “fills a hole”, so to speak, and in some way supports the body.

During a nutritional balancing program, the program improves adrenal activity drastically in many cases.  As a result, a crutch entity will be no longer needed and will leave of its own accord.  When such a one leaves the body suddenly, the person may experience what is called a crash landing in nutritional balancing science.  This is a quick decline in the oxidation rate, causing extreme fatigue and perhaps feelings of depression.  This passes, but is often uncomfortable for a few days or longer.  It is like forcefully having a crutch removed, and the body feels weak and shaky until it gets used to working under its own power.

A second way crutch entities support the body is to prevent the entrance or attachment of nasty entities.  A third way is to move a soul in the right direction toward health and happiness when a person’s main soul, also called its entity soul, is confused, ill, ignorant, arrogant or just not acting rationally for some other reason.

  1. Mischievous entities. These are generally what may be called immature discarnate souls that float around and may attach themselves to attractive young men and women, for example, so they can experience sex vicariously, or just take a shower with a pretty lady, for example.They are also common, and usually do not cause much harm. Some are aware of them, as they may laugh or do other things that attract attention to themselves.  Children sometimes sense their presence and are afraid.

Some perform useful functions, but most of the time they are just lost souls who need to move on after death, but are having a good time as voyeurs, spies, stalkers, spectators and more.  They can usually be easily coaxed to move on.

  1. Sickness entities that may attach after a rape or other trauma, or possibly during an illness. When a body weakens for any reason, some entities can attach to the body more easily. They are generally the mischievous type, but may be the nasty type.  Rarely, they are crutch entities, there to save the person, but this is less common today.

When a woman is raped, for example, she usually picks up a slew of harmful, nasty or just mischievous entities from the rapist.  Some entities enjoy hanging around rapists for the fun of it, or to burrow into the woman raped for some sort of odd sexual experience.  It is just one of the poisons a woman picks up during a rape.  Other traumas and illnesses can also result in entity attachment for various reasons.

  1.  Drug and alcohol-related entites. Anyone who uses drugs or alcohol will pick up entities when in a high, inebriated, drunken, stoned state of mind.  It even happens with the use of some medical sedatives such as Oxycontin and others, or even too many sedative herbs, possibly.  This is a serious problem for those who need drugs for pain, for example.  It also makes places like bars and cocktail lounges quite dangerous for anyone to be in, as some entities hang around them, hoping to find someone to attach to.
  2. Entities can enter easily if your thinking is deranged. Some will not like me to say this, but thoughts of weakness, fear, depression, frustration, hostility, resentment, victimhood, rage, anger and other negative emotional states often opens a person up to entity attachment.The reason is probably that the person is off balance, and these emotions severely weaken the body and mind.  Entity attachment is far greater among secular-minded people for this reason, and among those of liberal and left-wing persuasion than they are among more religious people of any religion.

In fact, preventing entity attachment is one of the goals of all religions, along with helping people remove harmful entities.  This is discussed in the bible and in many holy books of other religions, as well.  Even if the religious teachings are flawed or false, having a religious attitude seems to help prevent entity attachment in some way.  Perhaps it relieves anxiety and helps control negative emotions in many people.

  1. Entities that come in when a baby is born. Although it is not mentioned much, whenever a baby is born, entities gather around.Unortunately, newborns are vulnerable to entity attachment. It could even happen before birth, but it definitely happens at and right after birth.

Most of these entities are placeholder, crutch or another type of beneficial entity today, but not always.  Having your baby at home, if possible, prevents some of this, but not all.  Loving parents, by the way, serve as a protective shield to keep some entities away from babies and children.  This is one reason many babies like to sleep in the same room, or even the same bed as a parent.  It is also a reason to always watch your children carefully, and never let them out of your sight.  Also be very careful with whom you leave your children such as babysitters, day care centers, schools, etc.

  1. Sexually related entities. Some entities love being inside a woman’s vagina, or perhaps inside a man. When people have sex, particularly casual sex with people not their spouse, entity attachment is extremely common.  It almost goes with the territory.  This is a powerful reason to not engage in casual sex, even if you are single and unattached.  It is very easy for entities to attach during and after sexual intercourse.  For one thing, the person is vulnerable.  For another, sex always depletes the body to a degree, and this greatly favors entity attachment.
  2. Stress entities that come in when one is ill, malnourished or hungry, dehydrated, angry, resentful or depressed. This is unfortunate, but whenever the body is out of balance, it is far easier for certain entities to attach themselves to that body. This is an important reason to always keep yourself well hydrated, well-fed, well-rested and relaxed as much as possible.

Many people, for example, go on a vacation to relax.  However, the trip is stressful, the food is not as good as home-cooked, one drinks some alcohol, perhaps, and stays up late because one does not have to go to work the next day, and perhaps has more sex than usual.  The result is entity attachment, that can remain for years.



Psychic Attack / Spiritual Attack / Evil Attack and Spirits

psychic attacksPsychic attacks aren’t always easy to spot. For some people, the attacks are so subtle, or have been going on for so long, that the person isn’t aware of the attack. Psychic attacks can feel like someone scrabbling to get into your energy field (as a violation of the integrity of your personal space)—most often from behind, usually around the shoulders, neck, and back of head. They can also manifest as

  • disturbances in sleep
  • nightmares
  • a feeling of unease
  • a feeling that your energy field is dirty or unclean or has been invaded in some way
  • a lack of desire to look anyone in the eye because you are not sure who is looking out of your own eyes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and you suspect you are experiencing some kind of psychic attack, this article will shed some light on the subject and provide you with tools you can use to help defend yourself.

The Origin of the Attacks

Psychic attacks can have a number of sources, and, depending on the source, have a number of approaches for defending yourself against them. Some attacks come from people you know. Others may come from people you don’t know, at least not in this lifetime, who have bad intentions and are targeting you for any number of reasons. One source of usually invasive attacks is the spirits of people who have died but who either haven’t figured out that they are dead or who know they are dead but are unwilling, for any number of reasons, to move on. Still others can be dark spirits.

Hard as it is to believe, there are, in fact, some people and spirits who don’t have the best of intentions toward other lifeforms. Some of them just haven’t ever really developed clear moral and ethical guidelines for themselves, so they are easily influenced by the wrong things—such as a desire for power, or by any number of fears. In fact, fear is a motivating factor in all cases, though the fear may be deeply buried. Always remember that you don’t need to respond to fear with fear. The higher and more evolved response is love—love for yourself, of course, as well as for others.

When some people die, they don’t know where to go or they are afraid to move on. They might not know where to go because in life they had no clear beliefs about an afterlife, or their beliefs about the afterlife are so different from how it actually is that they fail to recognize it. Some people are afraid to move on because they fear they have been so bad or evil that they are going to go to hell. So out of fear, they stay here, and they try to take over someone else’s body. They can be especially attracted to sympathetic people or people who are psychically sensitive. This is one reason why I avoid hospitals and graveyards as much as possible—those are two places with a very high proportion of lost spirits seeking bodies.

Instead of what they fear, however, there is a wonderful place that all souls must eventually go to, no matter how long they delay, a place where they can experience something like physical life, complete with having bodies that are composed of pure spiritual energies. They can have any body they wish, free from any disease or pain, at any age, looking any way they wish. And they will be surrounded by only loving spirits who wish them well. You can address possessing spirits and explain the truth to them. The truth can be a hard thing to believe for many spirits, so they might take some convincing, but it is the truth and they will know it if it is spoken to them. Ask them to look around for the Light and for loved ones who have come to help them, and encourage them to go with their loved ones. The vast majority of spirits are only too happy and relieved to go.

The effects of a psychic attack also called spiritual attack can linger for months, even years. In fact, things usually get worse if left unaddressed. There is a mountain of documentation within the paranormal community pertaining to cases of evil spirits taking possession of dwellings and the people in them. As a professional psychic medium and a healer, it is crucial to take steps to protect yourself and your team from the evil, sometimes homicidal entities you encounter on the job.

As a professional medium, you must also guard against energy drain that can impact your physical and emotional health.

While this article is written from the standpoint of a psychic medium, it encompasses the whole paranormal investigative community. It is vital to the safety and the success of any medium or investigator to employ simple protective practices in their work. Spirits are known to scratch, push, bite, attach themselves and can influence your thoughts and emotions. They can invade the physical body, causing medical problems in otherwise healthy individuals. In the most extreme cases, evil entities can cause serious bodily injury and even death to victims. As a result, many mediums and greenhorn ghost hunters are chased off of the job when an ornery entity shows up with not-the-nicest of intentions. You’ve beckoned the spirits. They showed up. Now what?

When an entity attacks a person it is called a psychic attack. A psychic attack is a manipulation of the energetic body known as the aura.

To be under psychic attack means that a negative energy is focused on penetrating your aura to cause harm. Once the aura is penetrated the negative energy can cause physical and spiritual harm.

Psychic attacks can come from living people that have ill intentions towards you, negative ghost and spirits, dark entities and demons.

Note: Below we have a list of symptoms of what may experience when under psychic attack, but keep in mind that they can also be psychiatric or psychological changes; therefore, you must be wary when you look at these as symptoms.

1. A feeling of being watched
2. A feeling someone touch when no one is present
3. Hearing disembody voices
4. Sudden changes in personality and behavior for no reason
5. A loss of self-confidence
6. Irrational fear, anger or sorrow
7. Sudden depression without an apparent reason
8. Sudden and irrational difficulties with relationships
9. Feeling you have been cut or scratched, when no one is there
10. Icy cold sensation on your body.
11. Feeling drained or a sudden loss of energy
12. Fatigue for no reason
13. Memory and/or time loss
14. Unable to think clearly or make logical decisions
15. Frequent or recurring nightmares
16. Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows
17. Visions or hallucinations that are disturbing
18. Strange recurring accidents that can seem like bad luck
20. Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis and cannot be explained
21. A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that won’t go away
22. A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home

Our aura is our natural psychic protection. Aura parameters such as colors, size, shape, evenness, and uniformity change dynamically over time in response to the total environment. It is affected by such factors as daily stress, psychological bombardment, other people’s intentions and desires toward us, jealousy, induced fear, threats, hatred, and noise which can cause the aura to shrink or create wear and tear, repressed or negative emotions, spiritual warfare, alcohol and/or drug abuse.

Reiki and Past Life Regression Therapy

What is Past Life Regression?

Past life regression is a method to visit your past or rather go back to that part of your subconscious mind which has memories stored off all the lives you have lived and can see flashes of it to understand, what are the deeds done by you in those lifetimes whose consequences or repercussions are being faced by you in this lifetimes. It is not only the consequences but also few repeated patterns which keep happening to you in this lifetime too.

How does PLR (Past Life Regression) help?

When we access our past life memories it helps us release the pain, confusion, estrangement, negative emotions and painful memories instantly, hence immediate healing happens. Also it stops the occurrence of repeated patterns in our life as we have released the negative karma associated with it hence helping us to live a much happier life.

Who should not get PLR done?

People who are just curious what they were in their previous or what happened in their past lives should not get PLR done. Also one has to be ready to accept what they “see” what happened in their past lives. I have known some people when they come for a PLR they would like to see someone they really like as their partner, some people do not realize over the years we all have been with each other but in different relations. One should realize PLR is a very sacred process and one should only do it if they are in some severe problem or have perpetual repeat patterns in their life.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “Universal or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.

Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Its use is not dependent on one’s intellectual capacity or spiritual development and therefore is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not. Because Reiki comes from God, many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it.

While Reiki is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.

How Reiki comes into picture?

Reiki is such a beautiful energy as it can travel across time and space, It can also be used generally use Reiki when one wants to get PLR done. As there are 2 healings happening at the same time, one through PLR and the other through Reiki. Though most people do PLR with hypnotherapy, it takes much longer for it to get done, and the pain is too much sometimes for the person to bear, the“effect” of the PLR can take some days to come in terms with.

How to combine the two?

If one wants to take the client to their past lives, one should balance their own and the clients chakras. Else later one can feel very tired and drained out.

  1.  After balancing the chakras, make the client lie or sit in a comfortable position, and ask them to take 3 deep breaths, so that their mind can become blank.
  2.  Ask them to state their intention thrice, after they do connect to their guides with the help of the distance symbol, and ask them to get your client through the past lives.
  3.  State the intention “Take my client to that life when he/she walked on this planet with some other identity, and the root cause of the intention that has been stated” thrice.
  4.  As you do so draw the distance symbol or the master symbol on their head, heart and solar plexus.
  5.  As you guide the client through the PLR session, keep drawing the emotional symbol on their third eye, heart and Solar plexus. Keep drawing them, till the time the process is not over. This is done to soothe the client’s emotions through the process.
  6.  Do not push the client for any information, as the conscious mind is always active and hence the client may start using their conscious mind and the whole purpose of the PLR will not be successful.
  7.  Once the client has done accessing their past lives, guide them back slowly to their current environment. It is ok for the client to feel any pain, hurt during the process. It is to throw out the negativity.
  8.  Thank the guides and disconnect from their past by drawing a reverse Cho-Ku-Rei.

Is Your House Haunted?

All over the world, today and throughout human history, an invisible spirit world intermingles with the everyday lives of people. Stories of ghostly visitations abound in folklore, history books, the Bible, literature, and even biographies of great historic figures. Ghosts can be wanderers, or closely associated with certain places or buildings. Countless haunted buildings are not so famous. They’re actually quite common.

Do you live in a haunted house and not even know it? Check for these signs:

  • Mysterious knocks and raps.
  • Unexplained electrical disturbances such as lights flickering or televisions and radios turning themselves on and off.
  • Strange animal behavior, i.e., dogs barking into an empty corner or cats eyes following something invisible around the room.
  • Being touched by invisible hands.
  • While in bed, feeling your mattress or blanket compress as if someone sat on it.
  • Hearing someone call your name.
  • Evocative smells, especially associated with someone who’s dead, i.e., perfume or cigars.
  • Seeing people out of the corner of your eye who disappear when you turn to look.
  • Feeling cold chills, sometimes followed by headaches or sudden exhaustion.

These signs can occur at any time of day or intermittently. Why would a ghost want to hang around, anyway? Sometimes a recently departed relative will just want to make sure everyone’s okay, or join in on a special family celebration such as a wedding or birth of a baby. Here are some other reasons:

  • To give a sign that they are okay. But sometimes these signs unintentionally frighten the living.
  • Ignorance. They don’t know they’re dead or where to go.
  • Confusion. Often the spirit was emotionally or mentally unbalanced in life.
  • Fear, usually of going to hell.
  • Strong emotional attachment to people or places.
  • Addictions to alcohol, drugs, etc.
  • Wanting to finish something started in life.
  • Revenge. Watch out!

And so, what if your house is haunted? What can you do? Some people choose to not do anything, especially if the ghost doesn’t keep them up at night or get in the way. But what if it does? The best choice for the inexperienced is to call a reputable psychic medium. But if you’re open minded and want to tackle the job yourself, here are a few tips:

  • Fortify your aura by invoking the presence of higher beings (Jesus, Krishna, Angels etc). This will protect you from becoming possessed, a fairly common occurrence. Ask the higher beings to assist in the releasement.
  • Never do this work when tired or ill. Your aura may be too weak to be effective.
  • Treat ghosts respectfully as you would a living person.
  • Think of them as people who are lost and need directions home. Don’t be overly forceful.
  • Speak to the ghost out loud or in your mind. Tell them that they are dead and ask them to look for their loved ones in spirit as well as the higher beings who will guide them to their new home. (Sometimes the ghost may frighten you while doing this, at that instance just stop doing this and  start chanting any powerful mantra)

If this doesn’t work, call in the experts. This work sometimes requires patience and a sense of humor. A ghost followed me home once from a client’s haunted house. For two nights I was kept awake by footsteps and raps on my ceiling, and several times heard my name called out loud. Fortunately, it then disappeared for good.

Want to know the best way to protect your home from bad ghosts? It’s Prayer and Mantra Chanting, !

Aura / Energy Field Condition & Illness / Diseases | India |

The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body and includes multiple layers that are interconnected. Some of the layers include the ethereal body, the emotional body and the mental body. The ethereal body, the closest to the physical body, usually is a reflection of our health status. The emotional body reflects the mood of the individual, as well as the emotional response towards other people and situations. The mental body reflects our thoughts. This is how all our thoughts, emotions and experiences are reflected in the aura.

The aura, as an energy field, is constantly changing according to our physical condition (illness), our thoughts and fears. Many illnesses start first with a weakness in our auric field, in particular, in the emotional body. People with a physical or mental illness or those who are emotionally upset have weak auras, while happy healthy people have strong bright auras. The aura also works as a magnet, attracting certain energies towards itself, and repels others equally. So when we have a strong and healthy aura, we will attract more of that while at the same time repelling dense low-vibrational energies, and vice versa.

Some people are very sensitive to subtle energies from others, and can feel their pain, fear and negativity. These energies can be absorbed by our energetic field and create emotional, mental and physical illnesses. Treating the disease or the symptom will only alleviate the condition temporarily as we are not addressing the root of the cause.

The Human Energy Field or Aura is always receiving energy from the universe. This energy sustains your entire existence: body, mind, and emotions. This energy flows into your chakras and aura. This flow determines the vibrance of your health. Our aura is the energetic skin which holds all our inner energy bodies and outer body together. Our energy chakras are like the pores in the energy skin which regulate the flow of universal energy into and out of the body.

We are energy beings. Every atom & every cell of our body is surrounded by an energy field, therefore our entire physical body is surrounded by a field of energy which we refer to as an AURA. It spreads about an arm’s length all around our body. Aura reflects our state of mind, our emotional balance & indicates before we actually become sick.

The Human Energy Field or the ‘Aura’ is the manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation.This energy field is intimately associated with health. Any disease first affects the aura; much before (3 to 6 months) it manifests in the physical body. So a healer is able to sense the onset of the dis-ease much before a doctor or any of his modern diagnostic appliances can register it.

Great saints of all times, like Buddha, Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Sai Baba, are always depicted with a halo (aura) around their head and rays emerging from their raised palms.

Aura of a person keeps on changing according to inner growth and evolution.  Aura also depends upon the emotions and the state of mind at the time of Aura Reading.  The energy which forms the Aura is called Prana.

Aura has seven basic colours and few more.  These seven basic colours in the Aura are linked with the seven Chakras of the human body.  Clear and bright  colour shows that the state of related Chakra is healthy and well developed whereas dull colours relate to ill or underdeveloped Chakras.

As per the Aura Readers, it has been seen that any illness first manifest in the Auric body several months/years before it appears in the physical body so by doing a proper Aura analysis of a person it can be found out whether the person is likely to suffer from any disease in the near future and based on the analysis, certain corrective measures can be taken through healing therapies to heal the Aura and thus convert it into a healthy and well developed Aura so that physical body remains protected from any disease/ illness.

A diagnostic concept wherein with the use of certain methods a person’s mental & physical health can be revealed 3/6 months prior to any medical diagnostic tool. In our therapy, with appropriate knowledge and years of practice we have developed the method of sensing the aura.

At the highest frequencies of energy, illness cannot exist, because disease vibrates at a low frequency. The highest vibrations come from the thoughts and emotions of love, joy, passion, excitement, and love of life. The ideal state for the frequency of wellness is self-love, which creates a protective shield of personal space, strengthening your aura and your immune system, and protecting you from negative energy (both from within yourself, and from negative energies outside yourself). The ideal state for the frequency of disease is self-hatred, which invites attack on every possible level, especially from within. Negative emotions such as anger, depression, sadness, despair, self-condemnation, etc. lower your vibration, which weakens your immune system and leaves you vulnerable to disease and negativity.

All illnesses already exist in the body, and only develop when they become activated by a particular thought or pattern of thoughts and energy, which are triggered by responses to certain life experiences. Like attracts like vibration, so if you are resonating on a high frequency, then that is what you will attract to you and experience. If you let yourself be brought down emotionally, your vibration slows down and allows negativity to attach itself to you, which further lowers your vibration. This can spiral downward into disease, depression, and eventually, death.

If your auric field is strong and intact, then nothing can affect you from outside yourself. The high vibrations protect you from being affected by external forces. Without them, one can allow oneself to be influenced by a variety of life experiences that contribute to a state of imbalance and disease.

Many times,  energetic defects are present in the energy field or Aura. When the flow of energy within this energy field becomes weak, impure, unbalanced or blocked, these energetic defects prevent the pure connection to the higher spiritual reality—the field of pure consciousness and the true self of the person. This prevents the full and healthy expression of the living potential of the whole person and removes the natural condition of energetic health that is a requirement for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

The ultimate causes of these energetic defects are often physical and/or psychological trauma. One (or a series) of traumatic experiences, harmful life circumstances or dysfunctional relationships in the past (often including past lives), if they remain unintegrated by the psyche, impress the energy field with energetic defects. These energetic defects in the energy field separate the person from a full connection to his or her higher (true) self and from the whole of reality, leaving rigid existential biases (including core issues in the personality). They also make it possible for unhealthy energies to establish themselves in the aura and chakras, because the strong, healthy energy that the energy field normally possesses, and which resists such energetic invasion, is compromised. And so, these three effects—personality trauma (including repressed memories), fundamental energetic defects in the aura and chakra system including but not limited to those corresponding to negative thoughts and emotions and invasion by unhealthy impure energies —often exist together and are closely related. They produce unhealthy energetic conditions in the energy field, and rigid and unhealthy patterns of emotions, mind and spirit that occlude the full and healthy expression of the true self of the person and that will eventually lead to problems in the worldly life. Diseases or afflictions of a physical, emotional or mental nature often eventually become manifest.

Energy healing is the art and science of sensing and correcting energetic defects in the energy field. As an energy healer, we will seek to restore the condition of our patient’s energy field to its strong, natural and healthy state and correct any defects that are present, thereby helping to restore and maintain health to our patient’s body, emotions, mind and spirit—to all levels of his or her being. In doing this, we will treat the ultimate cause of afflictions and disease. By treating ill conditions in the energy field, we may work to assist in the resolution of a disease condition which has already manifested in the physical body, or in the mental and emotional life of your patient. Our healing work may also serve to prevent future disease by treating faulty energetic conditions in our patient’s energy field which might otherwise result in illness in the future, should they remain untreated. Additionally, our healing work is beneficial simply because it enhances the entire life process of our patient, even if prominent disease or afflictions are not present, improving functioning of body, mind and spirit and enabling our patient to live a healthier, more balanced and fulfilling life.

As we perform an energy healing treatment, we will conduct an extra measure of the energy into our patient. This serves to supplement and enhance the overall health of the energy field. We will also expand your awareness for the purpose of gaining intuitive information regarding the condition of the energy field of our patient, to sense and detect energetic defects of various kinds (and perhaps even their causes). This healing knowledge is not the product of our thinking mind, but comes through us from the unlimited knowledge contained in the field of pure consciousness. We will then heal the energetic defects that are present by using various special energy healing techniques. We do not generate the healing power that makes the healing techniques work, but our proper use of the techniques will enable us to be a channel for the healing power that comes from the field of pure consciousness. By healing the energetic defects in your patient’s energy field we offer our patient the opportunity to reconnect to his or her higher self (or true self) and the unlimited health and wellness contained in the field of pure consciousness. Reintegration of the personality, a new vision of self and a healing of the energetic defects in the energy field are the potential benefits.


Reiki & Spirit Releasement Therapy

Every day we are exposed to a multitude of so-called positive and negative energy influences. Some are created within ourselves through our habitual thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors. Others seem to come from around us via our interactions with people and events in our immediate lives and within the larger world community, as well as from a host of environmental sources such as weather, sound/noise, chemicals, toxins, water and food quality, and the like.

These influences play a large role in creating our state of health and well-being. If positive, we experience them as life-sustaining and enriching. Reversed, they can cause accumulations and stresses within our energy systems that weaken us, and which can lead to chronic and serious diseases and imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being.

The idea that spirits can be the cause of ill-health and other problems has been a common belief among healers since ancient times. Jesus was said to heal by casting out spirits, moreover, present day healers continue to work with the idea that misguided spirits can cause problems. A plethora of techniques exists to release spirits which vary in effectiveness.

Normally when a person’s body dies, the spirit goes up to the light to be healed and blessed. However, in some circumstances, a spirit will become confused and not go to the light right away. The entity may remain close to the earth plane and dwell around familiar people or places. The spirit may become affected by lower desires and try to create problems for people. Usually this involves taking people’s energy; causing them to feel weak. These spirits may cause confusion and other difficulties including poor health for the people they are in contact with. Sometimes they attach themselves to a person’s aura, creating negative influences, or they may be connected to a home, hotel, or other building. If you are working with a client on a specific issue that doesn’t seem to be clearing after several sessions, the client may have a spirit needing to be released.

The working assumption is that the spirit is confused in some way and that is the reason why they are causing problems. The spirit needs to be healed so it can go to the light.

Negative energies, such as spirit attachments, cords, entities, and psychic attack, are quite obvious to the person trained to recognize these kinds of blocks and patterns. Becoming more aware of such energies and how to release and transform them can be highly beneficial to the recipient’s health and well-being, both in the present and the long term. For example, we can help our client focus on healing the particular weakness in his or her energy field that allowed the attachment in the first place. This strengthens the energy system such that future attachments are not as likely to occur. Interestingly enough, the spirit also receives healing benefits, in that sending it to the light allows it to heal and move forward with its own evolution.

Another important benefit for our own healing has to do with being able to bring to the surface any conscious and unconscious fears and superstitions you may have around good versus evil, concerns over the need for protection, and impressions that have lingered of the more memorable stories that you may have read and movies you may have seen, such as The Exorcist and Rosemary’s Baby.

Spirit Release Therapy is the means used to assist with a condition known as spirit or energy attachment and plays an integral role within regression therapy. Spirit attachment happens when another energy, not belonging to your soul, enters your physical body or electro-magnetic energy field energy field.

The electro-magnetic energy field or aura is a field of energy which surrounds and penetrates our physical bodies and is something that we all have. The aura is designed to house our own energy, however there are times when external energies can become attached to our auras. We have all experienced occasions when we have felt other people’s emotions – whether they are joyful ones or less joyful ones; most of us have stood close to someone on public transport and noticed sensations from others that are not our own and have made us feel uncomfortable or anxious in some way. An external attachment is an “exaggerated” version of this, where that energy “stays around” in our aura.

On occasions, these external energies may affect our energy system in negative ways, and the anxiety, discomfort or other feelings stay with us, possibly draining our energy, causing detrimental health effects or influencing our rationale thinking in some way.

Often people are unaware of how these energies are affecting them, as the effect can be quite subtle, however others will dramatically impact the ‘hosts’ life causing them a number of unsettling signs and symptoms. These energies can attach under different circumstances however we are more susceptible if; we are unwell, highly emotional, have been in an accident or had a shock, been under anaesthesia or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

As someone who works with energy on a regular basis and especially as a regression therapist, it is often necessary to check for the presence of ‘other energies’ and remove any that are inappropriate for the client.

The goal of a spirit release session is to remove the energy attachment, and to cleanse, balance and restore the person to optimum health and to prevent the problem happening again.

Reiki is a very powerful way to use after spirit releasement in that it very thoroughly cleanses the entire energy system and then fills it to saturation with Reiki energy. It is very effective and is like being inside a multidimensional aura wash, with Reiki being the wax that shines you up!

As well, the technique can be used at any time when a client who is dealing with other types of difficult situations where releasing accumulations of all kinds of negative energies is needed, followed by saturating the energy system with Reiki. In addition, we can use this technique from a distance and for self-healing. We can also use the technique both before and after a session to prepare and clear your own energy field and our healing room.

If the spirit was attached to a person, that spirit will not be able to come back after releasement and cause problems again. However, it is likely that the person had attracted the spirit to begin with, and therefore, could attract another spirit if this weakness is not healed. To complete the healing, it is necessary to help the person heal the reason they attracted the spirit in the first place. This can be done with regular Reiki. You can also use the distant symbol to direct Reiki to the area that allowed the spirit to become attached and do the healing.

The beauty of this technique is that it addresses several important healing objectives including releasing attached negative energies and entities, cleaning up and repairing the damaged energy system, healing the deeper causes of the client’s presenting issues, and bringing as much immediate symptom relief as is possible. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative entity are released. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

negative energies

Signs of Ghostly Presence| Spirits, Devils, Demons, Evil Entities etc.

Signs of Ghostly Presence
What are the signs that intimate to us the presence of angels, ghosts, spirits and guides? The following are some pointers:

  • Cold Spots: There is a drop in temperature only in one small area in the room. If one were to move out of that area, the temperature is back to normal. Or the entire room or building may be cold and chilly.
  • Apparition or vision: This is the commonest manifestation. The ghost may be a resident ghost or it may be a relative. If it is a resident, the viewer may be frightened, but after many appearances, one takes it as part of the ambience of the house. If it is a relative, he may either just want to communicate or he may have become a ‘resident’ without realising that he is dead. The ghost usually appears to the one who is the most psychic, as he has to expend energy to manifest himself. That is why some people can only see the head, and some others can see the head and shoulders, whilst the most psychic can see the whole body.
  • Voice: The voices are trying to communicate with the living, who may or may not want to answer them. A voice may be calling your name all day. It learned from a living relative who calls you all the time, and it also assumes a voice very similar to that relative. There is a superstition that one must not answer these calls, as the ghost may want a companion. If one is spiritually assured and is willing to help out with the ghost, then one may even carry out a conversation with the ghost. The ghost could be a singing one. Thus, one maybe entertained with an opera every night. However, one cannot choose the language or the composer of the opera! Therefore, it could be a nuisance. There also maybe switching noises, but the lights do not go off or on, only the switching noises are present.
  • Electrical appliances: Lights, radios and television sets come on and off on their own. Television programmes are changed without human intervention. Toasters, microwave sets and refrigerators break down repeatedly for no reason. Sometimes, even computers present messages from the other world, and intelligent repartees may be carried out with the owner of the computer.
  • Feelings: As you enter the haunted house, your heart beat increases, so does your respiratory rate, and periodically, goose flesh is experienced. This eerie feeling of the hairs standing on end may even affect those who are not psychic. After one leaves the house, one is extremely exhausted. Occasionally, one gets depressed after visiting a house. One may even return home with an auric attack.
  • Dark house: If the house is dark even in bright daylight, be wary. If you still like the house because of its locality, bring either a dog or a child less than 3 years old to the house. If the dog runs out quickly with its tail between its legs, and starts to yelp at the house, it is most likely haunted. By the same token, if the child starts to cry or howl, the house is spirited. With the dog’s and child’s tests being positive, and the house is dark, dank and cold, it takes a courageous person to buy the house.
  • Odours: Bad smells or odours may be there in the house when you first move in. Or the smell may emanate some time later. The smell is that of rotten meat or dung of an animal. This usually signifies a malevolent presence. You can either get an exorcist to remove the presence or increase the vibrations of the house yourself. The latter is much more difficult, because it involves long periods of meditation and selfless service. Of course, when you smell fragrant perfumes, you are blessed: these are due to the presence of angelic beings.
  • Pressure on the chest: This phenomenon happens when one is asleep. The timing of it is when you are just about to enter deep sleep or coming out of deep sleep. One feels this pressure on the chest. One finds it very difficult to breathe and when attempting to shout no voice comes out. One feels like dying. Then all a sudden the pressure is off. If one were to say a prayer or a mantra in the mind, the presence will vanish much quicker.
  • Doors and windows may open and shut even though they were securely locked. There may be tapping or rattling on the walls. This may be a nightly occurrence. In one house that I stayed in, punctually at 12 midnight, sounds of a pair of clogs keep running up and down the wooden stairs. When one stands to watch the proceedings, there are no clogs seen at all on the stairs.
  • Although all the doors and windows are properly shut, there may be a strong wind blowing, rattling the chandeliers and other hanging lights. Some music may accompany this wind.
  • A psychic can easily see a spirit at the corner of one’s eye, but the second you turn around it disappears. This usually means the presence of a spirit. For a psychic, this happens very often throughout the day: this truly exemplifies the phrase emptiness is form.
  • Sexual seductions: The ghost can seduce either sex. A female ghost may seduce a living male, and vice versa. The person who is seduced normally will fall very ill and expire fairly soon, unless he or she is healed quickly. Sometimes, a male ghost would bring the deceased father of the living female to ask for permission to marry his daughter. A woman came to see me for help under exactly the same conditions. I told her to move house. She did that twice, but it was to no avail. He followed her every where, although she was determined not to marry him. Finally, we did few sessions to resolve the issue and she came out of the problem.
  • Timing: If a ghost appears at 3 am, he is most likely to appear at the same time every night. They normally like to appear at night, but a few may also appear during the day. They do not like crowds. The human body smells to them, and if there are many humans present they do not appear.
  • Sometime ghosts appear as balls of light. The green ball of light is one to avoid, because it signifies the restless ghost is frustrated with his earth-bound status (usually after a suicide), and they are quite determined to take a companion to keep them company.
  • Venue: These are the places to avoid: churches, temples, hospitals, crematoriums, cemeteries, burial grounds, old folks’ homes, old sacred sites like Stonehenge, Ley lines and old sacrificial temples. Houses that are left empty for more than a year is most likely to be acquired by roaming earth-bound ghosts. Even new houses may be haunted. It all depends on what ground the new building is on.
  • Statues and pictures: The more life like in size is a statue, the more likely spirits will inhabit it. So, in a home or more likely in temples, where many robbers, murderers and other evil people come to pray everyday, the chances are that the statues will be inhabited. The spirits follow these bad hats into the temple, and they see so many people praying to those statues, they would also like to be prayed to. So they remain behind in the temple when the murderers and robbers leave the temple and inhabit the statutes. Some huge portraits may also contain ghosts, especially if the paintings are of good quality.
  • When one visits cemeteries, crematoriums and even old folks’ homes, one or more spirits may accompany one home.
  • Children and their Invisible Friends: Some children are born with invisible friends. Everyday at a certain location (it is either their bedrooms or the playroom) one hears the child playing and talking to an invisible friend. At an early stage, when the parents were to ask the child who is he playing with, he will say his friend ‘Gobi’ or ‘Toto’, and points towards the empty space. If the parent were to scold the poor child not to be idiotic, as there is no one there, the child will be confused and hurt. The child will from thence onwards refrain from mentioning the invisible friend. If on the other hand, the parents were very sympathetic to the situation and inquire more about the friend, and gently inquire what are they playing or talking about, then the situation will be fine. The child will continue with his or her invisible playmate, and no secrets need be kept from the parents. The invisible friend normally will take their permanent leave of the child when the child is seven years old and above.

Deceased grandparents, who remain in the house as ghosts, always like to hang around the grandchild, who may or may not have met the grandparent. If they knew each other before, the child will be very happy and secure. If they have never met, then there may be screams and crying out at the sight of the grandparent, but finally there maybe some reconciliation.

  • Pets and Ghosts: Pet dogs and cats are able to see ghosts. If the ghost is a deceased owner, the dog or cat will feel very much at home. The dog will wag its tail happily and even go and snuggle up to the ghost. If the ghost is a stranger, the dog will bark at the same spot all the time until the ghost disappears. If the presence is malevolent, the barking is very severe and the dog ‘s hairs will be standing on their ends. The cat will also bristle its hairs if the presence is evil, but on the whole, cats take ghosts in their stride and do not fuss too much about them. At the most, they merely stare at them. When a pet dies, and if the pet is very close to the owner, it may come back from time to time to visit. It may jump onto the bed with the owner sleeping in it, and the owner may feel a small indentation on the bedcovers if it is a cat. If it is a deceased dog, the indentation is greater. But the dog is more likely to come rubbing itself against the legs of the owner, or the owner is more likely to hear footsteps of a dog running to receive him when he comes home from work.

Chakra Therapy & Weight Loss

Category : Aura & Chakras

The Real Reason You’re Not Losing Weight

Are you perpetually on a diet? Do you feel “fat” no matter what size you are? Have you tried every tip, trick, and weight loss plan under the sun without sustainable success? Do your failed attempts to shed pounds lead to feelings of shame and self-blame, hopelessness, and possibly even further weight gain?

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably already pursuing a healthy eating and exercise plan. You might not have considered some of the more esoteric reasons that your body might hang on to excess weight. Some people struggle with losing weight because they absorb the stresses and negativity of others on an energetic level.

If so, you are not alone. You are caught in an unhealthy cycle of negativity that is never going to allow you to escape its clutches until you address the root causes. Even if you manage to lose weight, you are likely to gain it all back. Diet and exercise are not enough to shrink your waistline at this point. You need energy healing and the secrets of chakra wisdom to heal you from the inside out.

It’s Not Your Fault!

Weight loss is a sticky subject, and as a spiritual Healer, I see so many struggle with it, sometimes for their whole lives. The culture of celebrity has created an unrealistic ideal body image, and yet so many people aspire to this unattainable goal that a whole industry makes its money by exploiting peoples’ struggles with their weight. Perhaps you have even tried a product that claimed low effort and high results and found that it was indeed too good to be true.

Or maybe you have dutifully done everything right in order to lose weight. You work out, limit your calories, swap sugar for healthy snacks, and you still are unable to meet your goal. I know how frustrating that can be! What’s worse is that there seems to be the message floating around that overweight people choose to be in that condition, that if they just “tried harder,” they would be thin.

At the same time, the commercials imply it’s your fault you’re still overweight. No wonder you feel down! Students often tell me this is when they give up, but it’s not your fault! And there is something that can be done once you understand the real reason behind those stubborn, clinging pounds: your chakras.

Chakra therapy works along similar lines to clear your major energy centers. It can help release negative energy and support your weight loss efforts.

Healing and balancing these 7 energy centers in the body can help with weight loss.

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning a wheel. Chakras are subtle energy centers in the body resembling whirling wheels.  With subtle similarities to meridian points in the ancient Chinese healing art of acupuncture, the chakra energy system has its roots in East Indian healing.  Chakras are much bigger acupuncture points that run along the midline of the body and contain the same energy that flows in the acupuncture meridian points. Ancient Hindus formulated that each of these energy points is connected to a different endocrine gland and body organ and has a different color. Also, each chakra spins in a clockwise direction with a different frequency.

Chakras constantly respond to our daily experiences receiving and transmitting energy from other people and the environment, thus influencing us emotionally and physically.  When the chakras are clear, healed and balanced they are our resources for engaging with ourselves and life in the most healthy and positive ways. Therefore we strive to achieve a healthy, healed and balanced chakra system.

When a chakra is out of balance, it we are negatively affected as is the corresponding endocrine gland and body organ associated with that specific chakra.  This can impact and interfere with our ability to release excess weight and engage in healthy eating.

The 7 main chakras affecting our emotions, well-being and weight loss are:

1.      Root Chakra (red) – FOOD IS SECURITY : is located at the base of the spine.  The root chakra is related to safety and security, a sense of belonging and feeling supported. If we are storing weight around our belly there may be emotional issues related to security and belonging.  When our root chakra is healed, balanced and functioning properly we are motivated to eat healthy and take care of our bodies.

2.      Sacral Chakra (orange) – FOOD IS PLEASURE : is located below the navel.  This chakra relates to relationships, emotional balance and sexuality.  If we are overly emotional or depressed or there has been sexual abuse it may mean our sacral chakra is out of balance. This can manifest in addictions, cravings and overeating. When our sacral chakra is healed and balanced it helps us with overcoming cravings to food, drugs, cigarettes, etc.

3.     Solar Plexus (yellow) – FOOD IS POWER : is located above the navel and below the rib cage.  This chakra is relates to our personal power and strength. It also governs our pancreas and blood sugar regulation which is important in weight management.  When we are stressed emotionally we will over-produce insulin which is stored as fat.  When out of balance it can cause fear or lack of control.  When this chakra is healed and balanced it helps us in taking our power back and in motivation to take charge over our health and eating habits. Imbalances in this chakra can also lead to eating disorders, food allergies or addictions, digestion problems and weight problems.

4.      Heart Chakra (green) – FOOD IS LOVE : is located in the heart center. It is related to giving and receiving love, forgiveness and compassion towards all things including ourselves.  Forgiving self and others is an important step toward healing our emotions, our bodies and our lives. The heart chakra is related to the thymus gland which impacts immune system and our adrenal glands.  When out of balance we are not centered in love towards self and can use food in a self nurturing manner.

5.     Throat Chakra (blue) – FOOD IS JOY : is located at the throat.  This chakra relates to our communication, connection, speaking our truth, helping us to be heard and understood, and asking for what we need.  If unbalanced, this can cause stress in the thyroid gland which is connected to our metabolism which in turn relates to how fast or slow we burn fat.

6.     Third Eye chakra (indigo) –  FOOD IS ENERGY : is located in the center of our forehead just above and between our two physical eyes.  This energy center is our chakra of wisdom and intuition.  It is important in learning to trust ourselves, and listen to our body’s needs. When we are connected to our higher self we are more tuned in to our needs including health and well being.

7.     Crown Chakra (violet) – FOOD IS OPTIONAL : is located at the top or crown of our head. This chakra is related to thought, knowledge, consciousness and it is the source of our spiritual connection.  When balanced and healed, this chakra helps us to also feel connected to our higher selves, spirituality and life force energies.

In summary, the traditional system for weight loss in western culture is to reduce calories and increase exercise.  However, challenges in weight and food management can be more complex than just eating too much or not exercising enough.  Working with chakras allows us to identify, heal and clear energy blocks that also negatively impact and prevent success in weight management.  Balancing these 7energy centers including their corresponding, glands and body organs can result in gaining control of weight and food challenges, improved personal empowerment and create a healthy sense of self and desire to take good care.  And, as we balance our chakras, we are creating our lives the way we want them to be, instead of living in continuous reaction to forces outside of us.

Your Second Chakra and Your Weight

Carrying extra weight can be a symptom of dysfunction in your chakras, particularly in your second chakra. If you’re a student of yoga, Ayurveda, or energy medicine, you are familiar with chakras, the spinning energy centers that run up your spine. These wheels of light hold the key to all aspects of your life, so clearing, charging, and balancing them is essential to your wellbeing.

The second chakra, located midway between your root chakra and your navel, is the seat of your sexuality and sensuality, your creativity, your emotions, and your inner child. This is your pain and pleasure energy center, so it’s possible to get trapped in seeking pleasure mode, especially if you have unprocessed emotions from past traumas. An imbalanced second chakra is a recipe for addiction, as the desire for something to help you ignore the trauma or numb your pain takes control of you. This includes, of course, addiction to food, which easily leads to obesity.

Often survivors of sexual abuse have distorted or closed second chakras and therefore carry extra weight, especially in their middle. Think about Oprah Winfrey, who has had very public weight fluctuations her whole career, and has admitted that she has an addiction to food. This type of weight see-sawing is a classic sign of an imbalanced second chakra, and is often linked to the child’s shame that hasn’t been processed.

Oprah has also admitted that she feels safer when she is heavier, which is another common response to sexual abuse; survivors often don’t want to be attractive, or they feel protected by covering up their body. If you have experienced these symptoms too, it may be time to go deeper and deal with any lingering negative emotions lodged in your sacral chakra so you can begin to heal once and for all, and finally fit into that smaller size.

Healing for Weight Loss

In addition to continuing your exercise routine and healthful eating, clearing and balancing your second chakra is essential to any successful weight loss program. Here are a few ways you can begin to heal your second chakra:

1. Experience pleasure—including food!

Guilt and shame are so frequently built into any occurrence of pleasure, especially if your second chakra is distorted, that it can be hard to let yourself enjoy the simple pleasures in life. But part of a strong second chakra is reclaiming your right to feel pleasure. You don’t want to go so far as to fall into addiction, but total restriction is likely to backfire. Like with yoga, meditation, chakra health, weight loss, and life in general, the key is balance.

So eat well! Make healthy choices that taste good. If all you eat are steamed veggies, of course it’s going to be hard to stick to a diet. But there are plenty of recipes for delicious, light meals so you can take pleasure from your food without the guilt. And allow yourself a treat every now and then—you deserve it!

2. Spend time in water.

The element for the second chakra is water, so spending time in water is soothing. Swim in the ocean or take a sea salt and baking soda bath and let the healing properties of the water seep into your skin and your soul. Water is cleansing, and you can imagine all your shame and guilt washing away.

3. Journal two ways.

For weight loss, a journal serves two very important purposes. One, journaling about your emotions will help you to begin releasing them from your body and chakras. Try journaling about your feelings each night before bed, and just see what comes up. It’s not necessary to relive any traumas; simply writing about your feelings will help to get rid of the left over energetic ghosts haunting you and begin to remove the shame from your sacral chakra.

Also, part of your weight problem is likely an unhealthy relationship with food, so spend some time journaling about your feelings toward food, and what habits you were taught growing up. Also try to keep track of everything you eat and drink so you can pinpoint when and where you might be overeating. Be honest. You might think you eat ten potato chips with your trashy TV show, but find out that it’s really thirty. This new awareness will go a long way in getting you to eliminate the habits that are sabotaging your weight loss efforts, especially the ones you currently do unconsciously.

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