Category Archives: Curse

How effective is Curse, Hex, Evil Spell ? Curse of Talakad

curseThere seems to allot of people out there that are Cursed…. or so they think. There are those whom have been cursed by a well-versed person of the Black Arts or by someone who was just dabbling with Black Magic anxious to destroy their enemies… and then there are those who just simply think they are cursed because bad things happen in their life. Therefore, you see there are actually two types of cursed people. Let’s take a look in depth…. There are those who have had an actual curse placed on them by a person that hates them. For any person whose vibrations are not of a high nature… the curse will embed itself deeply into the person’s life, thus attracting foul spirits and causing chaos, negativity, depression, sickness, and sometimes death. If the person being cursed knows that someone has placed a curse on him or her… then this empowers the curse even more in their life. Even if a person does not believe in curses, it will still take a toll on their life if their vibrations are not high. When I refer to vibrations, to put it simply, everyone has a vibrational rate. Those who are highly Spiritual and work with their Chakras and only work with the Light will have a High Vibrational rate. This also means that curses and hexes will not affect them if someone were to try to Curse them.Then there is your normal everyday person who is not a bad person, but they are not Highly Spiritual. Just because you believe in God does not make you a Spiritual person. So for the normal person out there in everyday life, a curse can be devastating to their well-being. 

Curses are negative energy directed at us from another person. This person may be a skilled magical practitioner who has raised energy against you in a planned attack or it may simply be a person who has very negative strong feelings toward you that have “rubbed off” and “stuck” to you.

Curse is an expressed wish which may bring misfortune or downfall or meant to harm people. It can be roughly considered as the opposite of blessing and is a form of misfortune or unhappiness which is revealed onto other people. Curse generally is a fall out of anger. If a person is hurt to the core he loses his control over their mind and out of aggravated anger he spells out a curse. One can notice that the root cause of curse is anger, but people believe that curse itself has some dangerous and extraordinary force in it.

The curse is nothing to do with any religion or a region it is found in almost all the traditions of the world. The Romans and Greeks had a very formal and official kind of curse. In Greece, curse were called “Katadesmoi”, the warriors used to utter prayer or text the formula so that their enemy got injured or harmed. While the Romans denoted as tabulate known as “Defixiones”. These curses were written on lead tablets. It was written in such a manner so as to invoke the help of spirits, ghost, or dead people, to accomplish their task. They used to keep it in such a location that it was very effective for their commencement like in a grave, cemetery, and scary well. This kind of custom was used by the Greeks, Italians and the Etruscans. They used to bury the curses so well that till date we can understand what was encrypted.

Curses can become effective immediately or may be dormant for years. Curses laid on families have been known to have plagued them for generations. There are so many instances like the curse of the Kannagi which burnt the entire city of Madurai.

Magic spells and Curses which are placed upon people with the intention of harming them. The misfortune intended by curses can range from illness, and harm, to even death. Curses are declared to be the most dreaded form of magic, often called black magic, and are believed to be universally used. The principle purposes for them to be “laid” or “thrown” are for revenge, and also for protection of homes, treasures and grave sites. Curses can become effective immediately or may be dormant for years. Curses laid on families have been known to have plagued them for generations.

The word hex is sometimes used synonymously with curse. A curse is the expression of desire of harm to come to a particular person. Anyone can lay a curse on another person, but it is believed that the authority of the person who lays the curse on increases its potency and makes it more dangerous. Such persons are believed to be priests, priestesses or royalty; persons possessing magical skill, such as Witches, sorcerers and magicians; and persons who have no other recourse to justice, such as women in many societies, the poor, the destitute and the dying. Deathbed curses are the most potent, since all the curser’s vital energy goes into the curse.

There is a belief that if the victim knows that he has been cursed and believes that he is doomed, that the curse is all the more potent for the victim helps to cause his own demise. However, many Witches and sorcerers claim that curses can be just as effective without the victim’s knowledge of them. They further say that they would never let the victim know the curse had been laid on him because then he might go to another Witch seeking to get it removed.

This has happened. Persons feeling that they have been cursed have will go to a Witch or sorcerer, sometimes in ignorance to the same person who put the curse on them, to have the spell broken. If the Witch or sorcerer has laid the curse on the person, then he makes an additional fee for taking it off. When two opposing Witches or sorcerers are involved, a magical war might erupt to see whose has the stronger magical powers.

Most Witches abide by this, thinking that the curse will return to the curser in the same form as given. Although there are those that believe that cursing against one’s enemies is justified. Witches from ethnic cultures such as the Italian Striga, the Mexican Bruja, and branches of the Pennsylvania Dutch also believe that cursing is justified.

Just as many methods exit for breaking cursers as there are for making them. If a magically charged object has been hidden in someone’s dwelling it may be discovered by divination or clairvoyance and ceremonially destroyed. Sometimes other banishing rituals or protective workings are used to overpower the curse, protective talismans and amulets can be worn, and magical oils and washes can be used to attempt to lift the curse’s effect. A major side effect in removing a curse is that when the curse is broken, its energy can recoil on the person who cast it, and if such person has not taken adequate precautions, he/she may end up receiving the entire effect intended for the curse’s victim.

Traditionally, the most propitious time for laying on and breaking curses is during the waning of the moon.

Let me share a true story on curse.

Curse of Talakad

In 1610 Talakad (Karnataka, INDIA) was conquered by the Mysore Rāja under the following circumstances. Tirumala-Rāja, sometimes called Srī Ranga Rāya, the representative of the Vijayanagar family at Seringapatam (Srirangapatna), being afflicted with an incurable disease, came to Talkād for the purpose of offering sacrifices in the temple of Vaidyēsvara. His second wife Alamelamma was left in charge of the Government of Srirangagapattanam ; but she, hearing that her husband was on the point of death, soon after left for Talkād with the object of seeing him before he died, handing over Srirangapattanam and its dependencies to Rāja Wodeyar of Mysore, whose dynasty ever since retained them. It appears that Rāja/king Wodeyar had been desirous of possessing the jewels which was the property of the Rāni/queen, and being unable to obtain them, and eager to seize at any pretext, he levied an army and proceeded against the Rani/queen. Rāni/queen Alamelamma thereupon went to the banks of the Cauvery, and throwing in the jewel, drowned herself opposite Mālangi, at the same time uttering a three-fold curse,-“Let Talakād become sand ; let Mālangi become a whirlpool ; let the Mysore Rājas/kings fail to beget heirs.” The latter part continues to affect the royal family.

Talakadu is also tagged to the curse called “Curse of Talakad” by Alamelamma on the Wodeyar dynasty (erstwhileMaharajas) of Mysore.


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