Category Archives: Spirit Releasement Therapy

spirit obsession

Sickness & Spirit Entities |Chronic Disease & Evil Energies

This article is about a specific grouping of negative subtle energies most commonly known as spirit attachments, cords, entities, and psychic attack. Though these energies can vary in power and potential effects, the overall philosophy of healing these concerns is the same. The process of clearing any of them from the energy field is generally referred to as spirit releasement.

It is an idea that many people are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with: might mental and physical illness be caused by spirits, disincarnate entities of various kinds? We live in a society where science has declared the invisible realms of spirits, angels and deceased souls are of fairy or fantasy books. But did they make a big mistake by doing so? People still report seeing and encountering spirits, ghosts, fairies and other spiritual creatures. Possession by spirit beings is still been reported, and in contrast to the movies it is not all evil. It is just a question of knowing what is going on and how to handle it. The following is based on accounts of different people who have successfully worked with identifying and liberating possessive spirits.

We know that symptoms of physical illnesses are caused by psychological factors as well as physical factors. But most of us are unaware that in a huge majority of cases,

  • The symptoms of our physical illnesses are caused first hand by spirits influence alone
  • Spirits influence have a big hand in aggravating the existing illness
  • Spirits influence are responsible for the non-response to adequate treatment in many cases.

Every day we are exposed to a multitude of so-called positive and negative energy influences. Some are created within ourselves and Others seem to come from around us via our interactions with people and events in our immediate lives and within the larger world community, as well as from a host of environmental sources such as weather, sound/noise, chemicals, toxins, water and food quality, and the like.

These influences play a large role in creating our state of health and well-being. If positive, we experience them as life-sustaining and enriching. Reversed, they can cause accumulations and stresses within our energy systems that weaken us, and which can lead to chronic and serious diseases and imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being.

As a healer we are often called on to help our clients and students to heal from the effects of these kinds of influences as they show up within the auric field. At these subtle levels, certain negative blocks and patterns can be found, which, over time, can have undesirable effects on the person’s health if left uncorrected. It is also a given that our own energy systems require the same kind of healing attention.



Why Spirits / Ghosts/ Entities Stay Earthbound ? Soul Rescue

Spirit AttachmentGhosts are souls who have left their physical body at what we call “death” but have not completely crossed over to the “other side” into the light. They have not gone onto the next level, the light, heaven, whatever you choose to call it. They remain behind, here on earth, and they account for many ghost sightings and haunted places.

Earthbound spirits, commonly known as ghosts, are deceased souls who remain attached to the earthly realm after dying. When the body expires, the spirit of a person usually moves into the astral realm (via their astral body) to begin a new existence. This astral dimension is very close to our own. Some call it heaven. Sadly, there are spirits who do not fully cross into the light of the astral realm immediately upon death. These spirits are commonly referred to as “Earthbound Spirits”.

Earthbound spirits are souls who either consciously decide not to cross over, are not aware they have died, or are so traumatized by the death experience, they literally cannot see the light. Earthbound spirits are bound to an isolated existence. They continue conscious awareness in their own little world and often linger in earthly locals where they once felt the most comfort and safety. They often have an agenda. You might encounter these spirits in a home, a place of business, or even wandering around a property. In other cases, spirits might inhabit a space somewhere in our reality but are not consciously aware of where that is and are not tied to a specific place.

There are spirits who don’t know they are dead. As hard as it is for us to understand this, it does happen.  These spirits can be benign or very angry because they are confused.

Again, failing to make the normal transition at death can happen for any number of reasons. The death could be sudden and traumatic causing confusion, the spirit exists in a dazed twilight condition, or might even feel rage at being robbed of life. Other reasons could include fear of how they will be treated on the other side, emotional attachments to those left behind, massive guilt, or unfinished business. There are even those who stay for the sake of curiosity or revenge. Some cannot bear to be separated from family members or are worried about a particular family member–such as a spouse left behind. Many earthbound spirits are not aware or choose to ignore guides and loved ones from the other side who have come to escort them across the veil (another term for entering the astral plane). They instead, elect to continue on as before with their emotions and attitudes unchanged.

Will We Become an Earthbound Spirit? 

Most of us will automatically make the transition to the plane of existence which best aligns with our soul’s frequency. This is determined by our nature and what is in our heart at the time of passing–particularly our spiritual awareness and level of compassion. Some of us may require varying degrees of help and adjustment when we move into the Spirit (or astral) realm due to difficult circumstances experienced in life.

The fact is, most of us make the crossing completely. Even people with no religious or deep spiritual backgrounds cross over easily.

Are Earthbound Spirits Stuck Forever?

Because spirits are outside of our space-time continuum, their incorporeal state of existence could go on for hundreds of years by earth’s clock. Usually spirits of this type have been presented with many opportunities, by other spirits or loved ones, to move on to a much better place. They often refuse to acknowledge any attempts for help. They spurn any advances by other to assist them in escaping their dark world. Over time, regardless of their stubbornness or inability to be aware of their trapped condition, these souls will someday move out of the darkness and into the light of the astral world. We here on earth cannot determine when that will be but rest assured it will eventually happen.

A number of different problems can keep a spirit earthbound:

  1. Unresolved grief of a loved one. When a loved one such as a parent, a child, or a sibling dies and a person is not able to accept the loss, the unresolved grief of the survivor seems to make an energetic pull on the deceased that prevents the spirit from fully moving into the next world.
  2. Strong negative feelings at the moment of death. When a person dies in a state of terror, anger, or rage, these feelings are like lead bags holding down a hot air balloon that should rise.  They seem to chain the spirit to the gravitational field of the earth.  For example, civilians who are killed in wars often have very strong negative feelings, because soldiers are only supposed to kill other soldiers, not civilians.
  3. Guilt can also be a reason for a spirit being stuck here. They may feel like they have left the family or loved ones too soon and uncared for. This is also the main reason why suicide victims and other spirits whose death was caused by their actions (alcoholics, drug overdose, etc) remain behind. They feel guilty over taking their life or contributing to their death.
  4. Not knowing what to expect. People with no spiritual training may not know what to expect at the moment of death.  They may think consciousness will end, as if the lights went out and they ceased to exist.  The spirit never dies, and after it leaves the physical body, one still has feelings and can hear and see everything.  Athiests may think that they are still alive and not notice that the body they are in is not their own.  Being dead is so much like being alive that many people die without realizing their condition.
  5. Confusion or disorientation at the moment of death. Other factors that may contribute to a person not realizing what is happening when everyone stops talking to them are situations that impair cognitive brain functions:  head trauma such as a car accident, Alzheimer’s, or drug stupor at the moment of death either from a drug overdose or from opiates given to ease the pain of the final stage of terminal illness. Please note that most people who die make the transition into the next world just fine.  Not everyone who dies from one of the situations listed above becomes earthbound—just a few.
  6. Accidents. One of the big changes within today’s society is that death can sometimes come almost instantly through vehicle accidents. In times past there was often a chance for an individual to prepare for their passing, either through knowing that this might happen in battle or when contracting an illness and then having time to process the transition period. Heart attacks are slightly different in that the unconscious mind will always know that this is going to occur and, in these cases, some form of unconscious preparation takes place. This is why individuals who have heart attacks will sometimes experience a ‘near death experience’ or NDE. The car accident though is something different for in these cases almost no chance is given to the spirit to prepare before they are catapulted out of their bodies often in a state of complete confusion. This is made even worse when the body is blown apart through explosions and those suicide bombers who reek such vengeance cause immense suffering to the Souls of those that they kill and in turn heap considerable karma upon themselves.
  7. Fear of punishment. When people have done things they know are wrong, they may turn away from the Light because they fear they will be sent to a place of punishment.  People who have been raised in strict religious traditions often believe that God is an angry God who will punish them for all of their sins.  The Catholic Church has taught that after death, the soul goes into purgatory, a place of fire, where one’s sins are burned away to purify the soul before it is ready to go into heaven.  Sometimes people are so afraid they will go into purgatory or hell that they refuse to budge and stay earthbound.
  8. Unfinished business. Spirits can stay earthbound because of unresolved interpersonal issues.  Once the situation is resolved, they are at peace and can cross into the Light.
  9. Attachment to material possessions. Some people become so attached to their material possessions that they do not want to leave them when they die.  Real estate agents know that sometimes the deceased former owner of a house has not vacated the premises and is still “living” in what that person considers his or her home.  The new occupants may hear footsteps and noises, and lights may go on and off—all signs of poltergeist activity.
  10. Murder and Suicides. Both murders and suicides can cause spirits to become trapped close to the ‘earth’ plane. In the former case it is often anger that ties the spirit to where they were killed and in the latter the realisation that despite taking their own lives they are still conscious and aware but without any sense of how to get out of their situation. Such spirits can attach themselves to individuals who are passing or will sometimes seek out old friends.
  11. AddictionsThe final grouping relates to those individuals who have strong physical addictions, generally to drugs or alcohol. In such cases at the death of the physical body, experience of the narcotic is so powerful that these Souls seek out those who are similarly addicted, in order to have a form of vicarious experience through a fellow sufferer. This is why addicts need a lot of help on many levels to assist them breaking their habit. Freeing any attachments is an important part of the healing process.


How would you know if you had an earthbound spirit attachment?  The following symptoms are clues, but Soul Detectives use muscle testing to determine whether or not someone else has invaded one’s energy field:

  1. Constant Fatigue. Feeling drained of energy is the primary symptom.  While alive, we get energy from the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the electromagnetic field of the earth.  People without bodies cannot eat or drink, so they have no way to get their own energy.  They need to plug in to someone else’s energy, which drains the host.  The situation is somewhat like a vampire who steals energy from other people.  An analogy is that a living person with an earthbound spirit attachment is riding a bicycle up a hill and carrying a hitchhiker on the back of the bike who has no pedals to help push!
  2. Cold Chill. Earthbound spirits drain energy, also called “chi,” from the spaces they occupy.  When entering a room where an earthbound spirit resides, one may feel a cold chill that penetrates right to the bones.  Also, the hair on the back of the neck may stand up—a very uneasy, unsafe feeling.  When I am with someone with an earthbound spirit attachment, I notice that my hands feel cold and even with turning up the heat, I still feel chilled.
  3. Not Feeling Like Yourself. When someone else has invaded your energy field, you may notice that something is wrong, as if someone else’s thoughts are in your head.  The statement “I don’t feel like myself” is a clue to check whether or not you have picked up a spirit attachment.
  4. Exacerbated Grief. Following someone’s death, one member of the family may have a sudden downward turn in their emotional functioning and become very confused and depressed.  The earthbound spirit of the deceased may have attached to this person, who is now experiencing the feelings of the earthbound spirit.  People often become very confused when they die and people stop talking with them and act like they do not exist anymore.  They may get very depressed, not knowing what to do next, and these feelings imprint onto the person to whom they attach.

What does an entity want?

An entity retains one or two unresolved desires or obsessions which it “tries to satisfy in a repetitive and rigid way” by attaching to a person who shares these desires. The entity wants emotional intensity and/or sensual enjoyment, so it creates desires/cravings in the host that vicariously satisfy it.  Some of these desires are for:

• Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, chocolate, sweets, junk food.
• Unresolved emotional states like anger, hate, depression, fear.
• Sex, gambling, playing the drums.
• A pet project like inventing a free energy device or cleaning up the environment.
• Political power and fame.
• Feeling cared for and nurtured.

Who will an entity attach to?

• Someone who likes what it likes.
• A close relative, friend, or someone it loves.
• Someone of weak character.
• An emotionally vulnerable person.

How does an entity enter or attach to the body?

There is a protective shield between our etheric and astral bodies. When this shield is damaged, torn open or temporarily collapsed, an entity can enter and attach to the body. How can this protective shield become damaged?

• Any great emotional shock can create an explosion in the astral body that rips the shield open: terrible grief, fright, rage, panic, terror, etc.
• Heavy use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.
• Incomplete, forced, or misguided meditation practices.

What are the high-risk conditions for attracting an entity?

Repeated, extreme behaviors open you to entity possession. These include:

• Abusing or being addicted to alcohol, drugs (including marijuana), or tobacco. A word of caution: You are unlikely to attract an entity if you enjoy a beer or glass of wine occasionally. But even relatively light and regular use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco can create small tears in your protective shield.
• Hanging out in seedy bars.
• Excessive use of painkillers and sleeping pills, esp. in combination with alcohol or drugs.
• Engaging in promiscuous sex, having multiple sex partners, visiting brothels or massage parlors, creating or viewing pornography.
• Continuous fantasizing about an intensely desired partner.
• Being sexually abused.
• Gambling and frequenting casinos.
• Lying
• Attending mass gatherings where emotions are stirred to a high pitch, especially when drugs are involved: fundamentalist religious services, sports events, rock concerts, rave parties, or political rallies.
• Watching films, TV programs, newscasts, etc. or playing video or computer games that stir up strong emotions; violent war games can be especially harmful.
• Listening to loud, angry music (heavy metal, hip-hop), especially for babies and children.
• Being in a violent, abusive family. The abuser may be entity possessed; the abused children, spouse, or other relatives are very likely feeling terror and panic.
• Situations where there is mass death and the survivors are terrified, grief stricken, in shock, and/or near the dead; etheric/astral bodies or shells may be arising from the dead, so the living are open to entity possession:
• Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis.
• Manmade situations like war, fires, plane, train, or ship wrecks.
• Battlefields: etheric/astral bodies or shells arising from dead soldiers may be feeling intense fear, hate, and/or violent destructiveness; they may possess survivors, and cause or contribute to the flashbacks, post traumatic stress disorders, and/or violent rampages that plague war veterans on the battlefield and when they return home.
• Car, bike, motorcycle, or boat accidents; if there are fatalities, etheric/astrals may arise and attach to fellow passengers who are traumatized or injured.
• Severe illness when the body and immune system are depleted, especially when there is great loss of fluids or blood.
• Chronic illness that depletes the energy level.
• Undergoing intensive medical procedures that induce fright, especially in children.
• Receiving electric shock or insulin shock treatments, sometimes used on patients in mental hospitals.
• Surgery: a general anesthetic stupefies the patient’s defense system; the body incision creates an opening for an entity to enter.
• Severe Alzheimer’s: a clairvoyant person can see that in some cases the soul has vacated the patient, and other entities have taken over, often not just one entity but several.
• Relatives of advanced Alzheimer’s patients may catch astral fragments broken off from the patient; perhaps “part of the astral body’s shattering, which ordinarily takes place after death, happens while the patient is still alive.
• Relatives of schizophrenic patients may also catch astral fragments from the patient; perhaps “the disintegration of the personality which takes place in the more advanced stages of schizophrenia is accompanied by (or perhaps due to) a premature shattering of the astral body.”
• Exhausting the body by overwork, not eating properly, not getting enough sleep.
• Inviting an entity in; a lonely child may do this and then the entity stays.
• Children are at high risk because they can be more easily traumatized than adults…a large growling dog, being accidentally closed in a closet.
• Death of a beloved person.
• High stress alone or added to any of the conditions above will increase the possibility of attracting an entity.
• An individual with psychic abilities may attract entities from higher astral sub-planes as spirit guides; these guides speak and teach through the psychic. Generally these messages are not of the highest quality, and may lead the psychic and others off track.
• Entities like fleshy inner cavities, so a woman’s reproductive area is ideal; an area of high energy associated with sex, it serves the residual desires of entities for sex.

A fetus weakened while in the womb, may be vulnerable to entity possession later in life:

• Ideally a fetus is basking in the light of its mother’s love and happiness. However, if the woman does not want the baby, and is stressed, angry, or resentful of it, the fetus is living in the woman’s energetic darkness, which is breaking down its defense systems.
• If a pregnant woman is living with an abusive partner she’s traumatized, so is the fetus; an entity can enter the mother and harm the fetus.
• If a pregnant woman is regularly smoking, taking alcohol or drugs (including some prescription drugs), these substances can cross through the placenta into the fetus; often the baby will be addicted at birth, and vulnerable to addiction later in life.


Why does a host sometimes encourage possession?

• The pleasure of both host and entity when engaging in their common desire is magnified; both thrill to sensual enjoyment or harsh emotions.
• The entity keeps the host company, becoming a way to deal with loneliness; this is especially common when an entity has been invited in by a lonely child and becomes a companion for life.
• The entity satisfies the need to care for someone. This may be especially true for a woman who has had a miscarriage or abortion; the yearning of the woman for a child may attract an entity into her womb.

The host must examine and take responsibility for the ways s/he is contributing to entity possession



Demons, Evil Spirits Role in Addiction of Alcohol & Drugs |

Addictions are a worldwide phenomenon adversely affecting the lives of millions across all geographical boundaries and cultures. At a personal level, addictions cause numerous problems and people’s lives are destroyed as a result. Their loved ones also suffer the trauma from the negative ripple effect. Despite efforts undertaken by governments and rehabilitation institutions, addictions can drain entire nations, reducing their effectiveness and burdening them with extra costs. Here are some of the alarming statistics that show the impact that addictions have:spirit possession and addiction

Unknown to modern science, spiritual research indicates that 40% of the causes of addictions are due to ghosts or departed ancestors from the spiritual dimension. The seeds of addictions are introduced in the womb itself by such entities. Due to the spiritual nature of the cause of addictions, only spiritual healing can effectively overcome addiction.

When we talk about addiction, we need to cover all aspects of it as well as the spiritual side concerning how evil spirits may influence our addiction. Now I want to be careful and to just give you the facts because you have probably heard the expression “The devil made me do it”, well the devil cannot make anyone do anything, and the most he can do is tempt us and then take advantage of us should we take the bait. When we practice an addiction long or often enough an evil spirit may get power and control over us simply because we are feeding its lusts through us, and it then receives spiritual rights to be involved in our life due to our actions. When we practice an addiction it is always progressive so the more we feed it, the stronger it will get.

I want to make sure that you understand that we are not talking about the Exorcist here, and you will most likely not be fully taken over by a spirit where you have no control over what you do. But spirits can oppress you and push you to gratify their lusts through you to the point that it can be almost maddening. A spirit gets attached to you and just wants to feel the addiction it craves flowing through your body. Plus demons get more power and authority with the more humans it destroys, so for them it is a win-win situation. For you, it just becomes an obsession and slavery to an addiction that seems impossible to get rid of. Each spirit has it’s own character like the spirit of addiction, or the spirit of pornography, or smoking. Its name is its nature.

Now, before you freak out I just want you to know that you can be free from the power of evil spirits of addiction. One way is to take away it’s landing strip by healing the old emotional pain and eliminating the need for the pain relievers, another way is to starve the spirit out by simply refusing to practice the addiction. The third way is by having someone like spiritual healer heal for you to be set free from these spirits or by praying for yourself. It may help to fast a little before you clean your spiritual house so to speak, but it is not a requirement. If the spirit has gotten a strong hold on you it may take a few strong believers to lay hands on you and drive the thing out. This can be quite an experience, but the spirit is just a spiritual infestation that needs to be evicted.

The way that evil spirits are driven out and away from a human is by the power of the spiritual energy. Demons are like spiritual cockroaches and they are attracted to the garbage of our sin. Healers have the authority over all evil spirits, so when healers drive them out then we have the legal right to evict them.

“When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, `I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order.  Then it goes and takes other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.”

Also, be sure that you really want to be free from your addiction before you try to evict anything that may be driving your obsession. Otherwise you may be in even a worse situation with evil spirits than before. Remember, you have the ability to say no to anything. Nobody can force you to do anything, the choice has been yours all along. Likewise, nobody can force you to practice addiction, it has been your choice as well, but usually there does need to be some healing to get rid of the old unhealed pain, and there may need to be some deliverance from evil spirits for you to truly get free from the inside out. Spirit Releasement will help you with everything, so trust the process of therapy to deliver you from evil spirits.

Also it will help to get rid of anything in the house that has been connected to your addiction, because it is a landing strip (a volition of will) for them the spirits to return. Below is a guide that lists the different stages of spiritual bondage.

Spirit Attachment / Negative Entities in & around Aura |

Many people are unaware of the presence of non-physical energies and beings that can actively interfere with their energy and emotions and also the atmosphere of places such as a house or room.

These energies and beings are actually rampant at the present time as clearing processes have become largely lost to the Western World. Growing materialism and fast-paced, complicated lives have shut down many people’s non-physical perceptions and this has led to society losing its knowledge of entities etc. In the past 2000 years there has been a decline in the clearing of entities to almost a complete stop, leading to a growing number, all looking for a person to latch onto. Even many of the priests of Western religions have lost their vision and know-how of clearing.

Where do entities come from?

Mainly these entities come from people’s astral bodies when they die, as the astral body breaks up without the physical and etheric body to hold it together. Conflicting parts of the astral body (mind/emotions) can no longer hold together and as its vibration rises it shatters mainly into astral dust which is reabsorbed into the astral planes. Unfortunately some chunks hold together and retain a consciousness of their own, becoming astral fragments/entities. These would be the most crystallized parts of the astral body.

These astral fragments need etheric energy (life-force) to hold them together or they will eventually break up into astral dust and be reabsorbed. The only place they can get enough energy to survive is from a person or animal but they certainly seem to prefer a human host.

When they find someone suitable often with similar emotional characteristics to itself, the entity will try to get into the person’s energy and live there. This will drain life-force (etheric energy) from the person and also impose emotions on them (astral energy).

Very large fragments with enough etheric energy may survive without a host and these may live in houses or public places. These large entities are usually referred to as ghosts. They may attach to a person with a cord of astral/etheric energy while remaining in these places and then affect the person similarly to a smaller fragment inside their energy.

Other entities that can parasitize people include nature spirits, elementals and others which are not so easily categorized.

Entities are actually quite a problem at present with most humans being the home for one or more. With our senses being so dull due to such crystallized astral and weak etheric bodies we can only feel the effects of the entity. Often these effects will be lack of energy, depression, anxiety and all types of other negative emotions. We assume that these emotions are our own and therefore have no idea that an entity is causing such problems. Actually the entity isn’t the sole cause of the problems. To attract an entity you must first resonate with it to some degree. So you had some feelings of loneliness or whatever and so did the entity. This is what attracted it and so your initial negative emotions are amplified by the entity and it also drains your etheric energy making it harder to stay on top of such negative emotions.

spirit possession and auraAn entity can only get into your energy if there is a weak spot or hole in your aura. Most people have some weak spots which become worse when under pressure or emotional stress. It is due to ego structure and astral crystallization that weak spots occur. In fact the very nature of Astral Substance attracts entities. When it comes to Astral Substance, like attracts like so you have a situation where different types of Astral Substance pool together and keep on attracting more. This is how the negative astral planes have been created, basically all the negative energies have come together to create negative dimensions of Astral Substance, usually of a very low and chaotic vibration. Intoxication by alcohol or other drugs is a common way to resonate with these negative astral planes and attract entities into your energy. In pubs and clubs you will find a strong connection to such planes and an abundance of entities looking for a potential host.

At death, if you are experiencing extreme emotions such as anger and hate you will be taken straight to these negative astral planes as soon as you leave the body. This is because your astral body will be resonating with the negative planes and because like attracts like in the astral world you will suddenly find yourself in these realms. Once there you will likely see all kinds of hallucinations such as monsters and the like until your astral body begins to shatter (this is often referred to as ‘the afterlife wandering’ or ‘the Bardos’ in Tibetan Buddhism). At this point your light body will be released and you will continue up into higher dimensions but the part of your astral body that was attracted to the negative realms will likely break off as an entity. If the emotions felt at death were very common and very much a part of your personality while incarnated then the entity will be larger. Once separate the entity will first try for a host with someone or somewhere familiar such as your home or your friends and family. If it can’t host on these people it will probably go for the nearest pub.

The lines along which the astral body shatters are along the lines of crystallization. The more crystallized your astral body and therefore the more rigid your personality was, the more entities will be created and the larger they will be.

The information here should not scare you as you have probably been living with entities for years. With the practices available in Past Life – Regression and Spirit Releasement you will be able to find and explore entities and even begin clearing them. It is amazing what a difference it can make when a core entity is cleared. Emotional issues that have plagued people for years are sometimes cured almost immediately. The person must continue the work of clearing their own energy as well but the difference can be very tangible when an entity is thoroughly explored and cleared.

If you clear your own astral body while still alive you will not leave any entities behind for others to clean up. Through spiritual work your astral body is cleared of Samskaras and merges with the light body. This merger transforms the astral body into a lighter and more malleable substance that does not shatter into pieces at death. This is referred to as the transformed astral body.

Spirit Attachments

“The condition of spirit possession, (that is, full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate being) has been recognized or at least theorized in every era and every culture. In 90% of societies worldwide there are records of possession-like phenomena.  Extensive contemporary clinical evidence suggests that discarnate beings, the spirits of deceased humans or negative/demonic entities can influence living people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment, and subsequently imposing detrimental physical and/or emotional conditions and symptoms. This condition has been called the “possession state,” “possession disorder,” “spirit possession,” or “spirit attachment”.

Earthbound spirits and negative/demonic entities are the most prevalent possessing, obsessing or attaching entities to be found. The disembodied consciousness seems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the aura of a living person, exerting some degree of influence on thought processes, emotions, behavior and the physical body. The entity becomes a parasite in the aura of the host.

Severe stress may cause susceptibility to the influence of an intrusive spirit. Altering the consciousness with alcohol or drugs, especially the hallucinogens, loosens one’s external ego boundaries and opens the aura to infestation by discarnate beings.

Spirit attachment does not require the permission of the host. The apparent conflict here stems from the definitions of permission and free will choice. Ignorance and denial of the possibility of spirit interference is no defense against spirit attachment. Belief or lack of belief regarding the existence of intrusive entities has no bearing on the reality of these beings and their behavior.

In denial and ignorance, most people do not refuse permission to these nonphysical intruders. Individual sovereign beings have the right to deny any violation or intrusion by another being. With limited, if any, knowledge and distorted perceptions of the nature of the spirit world, the nonphysical reality, many people leave themselves open space in the aura and create their own vulnerability as part of creating their own reality.

The host is usually unaware of the presence of attached spirits. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession. The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms.

A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body. Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities.

What is your Aura?

The subtle bodies that surround the physical body are collectively known as the aura. The purpose of the aura is to act as a protective screen to block out and repel the negative energies, thoughts, and feelings of others, and also to prevent leakage of your own energy. However, holes, known as auric tears, can form within the aura, weakening it, and thus making it susceptible to harm by invading outside energies. These tears have many causes, including stress, trauma, depression, abuse, and physical injuries or illnesses to name just a few.

Negative Energy

Negative people energies come in many forms and in many ways. Stress, for example, can be contagious and be passed from one person onto someone with a weakened or damaged aura. Irritability and anger are also negative energies that can easily be passed onto someone else.

There are also what are called psychic vampires or leeches. When your aura is not strong, it can feel like these people are sucking out all your energy, leaving you feeling exhausted afterwards.

And then there are those who deliberately project ill-wishing towards another, usually out of anger, jealousy, envy, or ignorance. This is known as a psychic attack. When there are tears or holes in the aura, these and other negative energies can penetrate the aura and be passed onto you.

Spirit Possession Syndrome| Mind Fragments|Entity Attachment

Spirit Possession Syndrome is often confused with Multiple Personality Disorder, there are however distinct differences between the two. Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is the fragmenting of the personality usually as a response to extreme physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse during childhood. Different sub-personalities are formed that are more equipped to deal with these abusive episodes. An individual who suffers from this disorder may experience amnesia while one of the sub-personalities is in control, however, many who suffer from MPD will remain conscious and suffer unexplainable physical or emotional symptoms.

Spirit Possession Syndrome (SPS) is the actual physical or mental attachment of a consciousness to another person; the most common of which are earthbound spirits. The attachments may be benevolent, malevolent or neutral in intention. Spirits may attach themselves to a human being for many reasons including fear of the unknown after death, drug or alcohol addiction that is carried on after death, or to love and support a loved one. Spirits can enter the system during times of stress or extreme emotion, surgery, sexual ecstasy, physical, mental or emotional abuse. As this is not an inclusive list, it does give the range of possibilities of entry by earthbound spirits.

When an earthbound spirit(s) attaches itself to an individual, it can resemble MPD in that the fears and preferences of the attaching spirit can override the preferences of the individual and often can produce amnesia while the attaching spirit is in control.

While MPD and SPS resemble each other, the goal of treatment is quite different. In treating MPD, the goal is to reintegrate the sub-personalities back into the larger personality; while treating SPS, the goal is simply to remove the attaching spirit from the person suffering from SPS.

Mind Fragments

When an individual suffers a trauma, the person’s Psyche (defined as the sum total of all his experiences) fragments. In other word, a piece or the psyche (mind/soul) of that person is left behind. That mind-fragment then may attach to another person after separation. If that individual dies, the soul fragment may stay attached to that person after he’s gone, even if the fragmented person is still alive.

An example of this was a woman whom had her deceased brother attached to her. Even though both parties were agreeable to the idea of him going to the light, the brother said it was to far away and was unable to detach. In querying her brother further, they discovered that a mind-fragment of their mother was still attached to her dead brother and thus keeping him from moving into the light.

Mind-fragments appear to be able to go just about anywhere. They can remain with detached body parts, can go into the Light, or be found in past lives. Attachment of mind-fragments of people who are living to those who are deceased does not seem out of the realm of possibility when viewed from this perspective. The death of a popular leader or entertainer may bring rise to such grief that fragmentation may occur in the population in general. This may cause fragmentation and result in the attachment of mind-fragments of those who deeply mourn these individuals. It seems that in the spirit world, all things are possible and most go beyond the understanding of the ego.

Categories of Mind Fragments

Below are the categories of mind-fragmentation including Sub-Personality and Alter Personality, Fragment Sub-personality, Submerging, Shifting, Fading, Separation, Evacuation, Pre-Natal Separation and Dissipation.

Sub-personality and Alter Personality

This category of mind fragmentation can resemble paranoia. These personalities usually form for the purpose of protecting the individual or helping him meet unfulfilled needs and are often formed during childhood while experiencing or witnessing severe trauma. The treatment for this condition is to illicit cooperation from the sub-personality and eventual integration into the main personality.

Fragment Sub-personality

Fragment Sub-personality is the fragmentation of the formed sub-personality described above and can occur after the original splitting away of the main personality. When the sub-personality is exposed to a trauma, it can split just like the main personality. When treating this, the fragments of the sub-personality must be retrieved before integration back into the main personality.
Submerging often happens to a sub-personality that is considered a severely damaged inner child. Because of the severe abuse that often accompanies these personality splits, the more sensitive parts tend to submerge leaving the more aggressive aspects to take care of the problems he is facing. Since the child is the basis for adult life, bringing the child up is important for the health of the client.

Shifting is the moving of consciousness out of the body and is often a coping mechanism for people who suffer abuse or other trauma. The client may feel spacey and may often “drift away”. It is a feeling of not being in the body. The fragment stays outside but close to the body.


Fading is the feeling that one would just like to become invisible in the world and is a condition usually found among children of alcoholics. Because of the fear of past and possibility of future pain, the fragment would choose to be invisible as a way to avoid this pain.


Separation is a percentage of leaving and following at a safe distance still attached to the original soul-mind. This separation can be caused by the loss of a relationship, limbs, accidents, surgeries or severe traumas. This separation leaves the person susceptible to spirit attachment.


Evacuation is a more distant form of separation and is usually caused by terror. The physical fragmentation can occur with the separation of limbs from the body and often occur during amputations, battle wounds or other instances where body parts may have been removed both in past and present lives.

Pre-Natal Fragmentation

Pre-Natal Fragmentation occurs when the soul does not fully join the baby at birth. This is usually caused by the soul rejected the life journey before birth. Soul Theft occurs when one person attempts to gain power over another person or may be caused by black magic or hexes.


Dissipation, or an unrecoverable fragment that has dissipated or dissolved into nothingness may be caused by a loss of a love that seemed emotionally severe to the client. Shattering can also occur as the fragments are shattered into little pieces. It is necessary to call on assistance for what the author refers to as soul rescue teams.


When an individual places a spell or a curse on an individual or a group, soul fragment(s) of the witch leaves and attaches to the person(s) that are involved. The fragments are accompanied by dark entities because one who practices black magic openly enlists the help of the darkness. When discovered, sending the fragments back to the “curser” or to the light is the remedy for healing curses.


A hex is used in witchcraft or magic. To put a hex on someone is to put a spell on him. This spell is usually done for harm, but always is an attempt to control the individual and take away his free will. When one puts a hex on someone, they fragment and those fragments attach to the person who has been hexed.

Other Entity Types

Other entity types include earthbound spirit, mind fragments, thought forms or various non-human entities including demonic beings.

Therapeutic Techniques that Uncover Entities

Past-Life Therapy Techniques.

When using past-life therapy to assist a client in understanding karma and letting go of the karmic residue, it appears that attachment from a past life can be a major source of the problem. In other words, the client may be dealing with a past life of an incarnate spirit or a fragment of the client attached to another and remaining in that life. An example of the former may include an attached spirit seeking revenge on the client for a past life conflict. Discovering this, the client can undergo SRT and PLT in alleviation of the problem.


Most of us have gone through some trauma in this or another lifetime resulting in the fragmenting of the soul-mind. This can result in a greater susceptibility to attached entities. When the attached entity is released, the mind fragment can be recovered assisting the client back to wholeness.

The direct approach.

When a therapist suspects an attachment, asking if there is anybody else here often takes the entity by surprise and will elicit a response from the attached entity. Listening to the client and watching for somatic clues is important in any therapy; the direct approach requires trust and confidence within the therapist.

Connected Breathing Technique.

This technique is especially useful for those who are uncomfortable expressing emotions and communicating. Attached spirits often causes hesitancy. The increased energy makes it difficult for attached spirits to remain hidden.

The Six Phases to Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT):

SRT is carried out in six phases including: Discovery and identification of any attached discarnate spirits or entities; Differential diagnosis; Dialogue with the spirit; Release of the spirit into the light; Sealing Light Meditation; and ongoing therapy. Each of these phases will be described below.

Discovery and identification of any attached discarnate spirits of entities.

One can identify an attached entity by noticing the presentation of the client during therapy. If the client identifies his behavior or feelings as not being his, this usually indicates an attachment. During this stage, the client is asked to identify the incarnate by finding out its name, how he manifests in his body, emotions and reactions and how and when it was able to attach to the client. The entity will usually identify itself as separate from the client.

Differential Diagnosis.

This part of the sequence involves discovering what type of attachment(s) is involved. The attachments can be an earthbound spirit, a mind fragment, thought forms or various non-human entities including demonic beings. Combinations of these attachments can also be found which may include earthbound spirits that have demonic attachments or mind fragments of living people that attached during past lives. Almost any combination is possible and has been found by the author. Understanding the nature of the attachment determines the necessary procedure in regard to its releasement.

Dialogue with the spirit.

Ordering an attached spirit to the Light causes resistance to the process of SRT. The dialogue with the spirit is to help it meet its needs and give it incentive to move on. This dialogue is used to break through the resistance of the attached entity and give it a greater motivation to go to the Light. When dealing with human entities, this is accomplished by clearing the residue that may be keeping it attached, or showing it that its efforts are harmful and fruitless. With non-human entities or demonic spirits, a tough love approach of capturing it and showing it its spark is used to overcome the fear of the Light and other dark beings.

Release of the spirit into the Light.

Once the conflicts are resolved and the resistance to letting go is dealt with, the attached entity is requested to go to the Light. The entity is asked to notice the Light and notice any familiar or trustworthy guides (such as angels) are there to guide him to the Light. The entity often apologizes and goes to the Light with these beings. The entity is directed to the Light set it on its spiritual path. Casting out the spirit invites attachment to another person.

Sealing Light Meditation.

Once the spirit has moved into the Light, “Cleanup Teams of the Light” are summoned to clean up any residue that may have been left behind and are asked to fill up the individual with white healing light. “The Healing Teams of the Light” fix any wounds left behind because of the attachment. The meditation has the client fill  with white light emanating from his divine spark. This light expands beyond his physical body and encases and protects him.

Ongoing Therapy

One session is usually not enough when considering the lifetimes of karmic debt. Also, other attachments may still be present. Ongoing therapy assists the client in continuing to let go of the burdens and debts they he has accumulated through the ages.

Remote Depossession

Remote Depossession is a technique where on individual will act as a surrogate for another individual in SRT. This is done for an individual who is unwilling or unable to release an attached spirit because of insufficient mental capacity or is under the control of the attached entity or demonic spirit.

This process is done through the induction of an altered state of consciousness. The surrogate will visualize the person and ask that individuals higher self if permission is given for the process to continue. If the answer is yes, then the surrogate looks into the eyes of that person to establish a connection with him. The surrogate may then perceive the presence of attached entities by noticing other faces, eyes or feel the presence of another. Once the fact of spirit attachment is ascertained, the client and therapist make sure that the boundaries between the therapist and the entity are established and the SRT is continued.

SRT is most effectively done in person with the full knowledge of the original subject; healing is most effective when the person acknowledges the problem and takes full responsibility for his healing. Remote SRT should be done only when the subject cannot work in person.

Releasing a Spirit into the Light.

Once all needs have been met, resistance bypassed and conflicts resolved, the attached spirits are usually willing to go to the Light. With all of these issues handled, the Light will appear to be closer and brighter. And the spirit is then released into the light.


Psychic Attacks | Negative Energies | Evil Spirit Entities

Just as there are many good people who live on the earth, there is also an element of people who are bad, behaving in a way that shows that they have no respect for people or property and have no wish to conform to any laws or rules.

Similarly in the Spirit Worlds, just as there are many good Spirits who are loyal to God and do all that he asks, there is also an element that is in opposition to God. These Spirits have no respect for him and refuse to abide by any laws that he has set.

This bad element also extends its rebellious activities to the earth, as they wish to influence all people into doing what is wrong and unacceptable in God’s eyes, just as they do. These Spirits are determined to influence people to live a life that is unrighteous, immoral, dishonest, selfish and worldly, wishing everyone to be inadequate by God’s standards.

As these Spirits are always active in this pursuit and can cause psychic attacks, it is therefore necessary to seek “Protection” from them.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks are defined as the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.

Not everything that’s considered difficult in a persons life is the result of a psychic attack, but psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don’t exist and cannot happen if you don’t believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies and psychic attacks. Recently mothers have contacted me about their teenagers who are practicing bits of black magic wanting to know how to help their children. There are disadvantages as well as advantages to Harry Potter.

Psychic Attacks – What Are They?

Psychic attacks involve the manipulation and movement of different types of dark energies, entities and spirits. They involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someone’s physical and/or energetic bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies, and homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the individual. They can involve ritualistic techniques or ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of both.

Auras are weakened by repressed emotions, negative emotions, through the regular use of drugs and alcohol, through smoking and a variety of diseases. The physical presence of fungus, parasites, worms, or metal, chemical or atomic poisons can seriously weaken an aura. Therefore the care and protection of your energetic body is as important as the physical body so you can repel psychic attacks and stay strong and healthy.

Intentional Psychic Attacks, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft

The dark and negative energies sent intentionally by others are called psychic attacks and can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include spells, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or other types of black magic. They attack psyches and can produce debilitating effects on the overall health and energy level of the affected person.  Psychic attacks can also be sent unintentionally by someone who has the ability to send these but is not aware that they have this ability.

Dark Spirits and Entities

There are dark spirits and entities that can move into physical bodies and auras affecting what people think, speak, do, desire, and feel. The human who is invaded by these spirits or entities can take on the physical attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there appears to be a complete personality change.

Degrees of Strength of Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks and other dark negative energies, entities and spirits can have a wide range of effect from low to medium to high. The symptoms or changes in health or behavior can also range from low to medium to high. Not all health problems or behavior changes are caused by psychic attacks since there can be so many causes for the same symptoms. Confusion often exists when other physical and emotional difficulties are present in an individual’s life. It’s important to carefully assess all possible sources for the difficulties including physical factors, energetic factors and emotional factors.

The Origin of the Attacks

Psychic and spiritual attacks can have a number of sources, and, depending on the source, have a number of approaches for defending yourself against them. Some attacks come from people you know. Others may come from people you don’t know, at least not in this lifetime, who have bad intentions and are targeting you for any number of reasons. One source of usually invasive attacks is the spirits of people who have died but who either haven’t figured out that they are dead or who know they are dead but are unwilling, for any number of reasons, to move on. Still others can be dark spirits.

Hard as it is to believe, there are, in fact, some people and spirits who don’t have the best of intentions toward other lifeforms. Some of them just haven’t ever really developed clear moral and ethical guidelines for themselves, so they are easily influenced by the wrong things—such as a desire for power, or by any number of fears. In fact, fear is a motivating factor in all cases, though the fear may be deeply buried. Always remember that, and remember that you don’t need to respond to fear with fear. The higher and more evolved response is love—love for yourself, of course, as well as for others.

When some people die, they don’t know where to go or they are afraid to move on. They might not know where to go because in life they had no clear beliefs about an afterlife, or their beliefs about the afterlife are so different from how it actually is that they fail to recognize it. Some people are afraid to move on because they fear they have been so bad or evil that they are going to go to hell. So out of fear, they stay here, and they try to take over someone else’s body. They can be especially attracted to sympathetic people or people who are psychically sensitive. This is one reason why I avoid hospitals and graveyards as much as possible—those are two places with a very high proportion of lost spirits seeking bodies.

Instead of what they fear, however, there is a wonderful place that all souls must eventually go to, no matter how long they delay, a place where they can experience something like physical life, complete with having bodies that are composed of pure spiritual energies. They can have any body they wish, free from any disease or pain, at any age, looking any way they wish. And they will be surrounded by only loving spirits who wish them well. I will say very briefly that you can address possessing spirits and explain the truth to them. The truth can be a hard thing to believe for many spirits, so they might take some convincing, but it is the truth and they will know it if it is spoken to them. Ask them to look around for the Light and for loved ones who have come to help them, and encourage them to go with their loved ones. The vast majority of spirits are only too happy and relieved to go.

Consult An Energy Practitioner Experienced in Psychic Attack Clearing

If you believe you are absorbing negative energies or are the recipient of psychic attacks, you should seriously consider asking for the help of an energy practitioner who is experienced in the identification, clearing and elimination of psychic dark energies, entities and spirits. If you believe that spirits, entities or hard dark energies have penetrated your body or aura, please ask an energy worker experienced in clearing psychic attacks for help. It’s important to identify and eliminate psychic attack energy as soon as possible. Please don’t try to do this yourself. Without experience in clearing, you are quite likely to draw even more negative energies to yourself.


Entity Depossession, Distant Spirit Release, Negative Energy

entity depossessionSpirit attachment or release is a relatively new term for what was historically referred to by many scary sounding names. These often included the words ‘possession’, ‘exorcism’, ‘evil spirits’, ‘voodoo’ or ‘ghosts’.

Entity Depossession Therapy, popularly known as Spirit Releasement Therapy is a process of safe communication with any energies that do not belong with a person and a therapeutic discussion ensues, allowing the energy to be gently released into the LIGHT. Spirit releasement is a therapy, not a rite. Unlike exorcism it comes from a position of compassion, not confrontation. It aims both to free the client and to assist the attached discarnate entity to continue on its spiritual journey.

Spirit release derives from a pragmatic approach to therapy. Alternation between embodiment on Earth and blissful existence in the spirit world, preparing for reincarnation, is the essential pattern. At death the human spirit usually passes to the LIGHT, the white brilliance seen in a Near-death experience. However, the discarnate spirit may not always go into the LIGHT especially if the life has ended with shock, confusion or unresolved issues. Spirit may stay behind with the clear intention of attachment, perhaps out of concern for a relative or to satisfy an addiction, even for revenge. As a result they can be stuck on the earth plane and, not knowing where else to go, will be attracted to a living person displaying similar energy. Family sex abusers seem commonly to attach to their victims. Suicidal people are often seen to have with them spirits who encourage suicide.

Vulnerability to spirit attachment varies from person to person, according to predisposition, health and circumstances. People with strong and healthy auras are generally impervious to spirits of a lower frequency. Illness, injury, drugs, emotinal disturbance and the presence of attached spirits may cause lowering or impairment of resistance. Organ transplant recipient may receive the spirit of the donor. Certain people seem to attract spirits, often from those who, during life, had a similar problem. For instance those who have suffered sexual abuse may be drawn together. In other cases attachment may appear to be purely accidental, for no apparent reason at all.

Sometimes an apparently earthbound spirit may be correct in protesting that its body lives. Soul fragments of living people may attach to others and have a controlling effect.

In addition, there are non-human entities, both positive and negative. The latter may attach to human souls, in and out of the body and cause troublesome effects. People may also be affected by curses or subject to pacts, which they have made in this or in a precious life. Negative thought forms may cause difficulties and may appear as images symbolising fear, anger, destructiveness and other negative forces.

Attached entities/ spirits do not have the ability to help the host. They often bring along their own emotional problems, addiction or physical symptoms causing unexplained manifestations in the host. They are simply “stuck” and are unable to leave without assistance.

At SSHC (Sanjeevini Spiritual Healing Center), we combine Spirit/ Entity Release with Past Life Regression Therapy to release attached entities prior regressing the client to a past time. During the session, spirits speak to the therapist using host’s voice, sometimes in distinctive tones. If the entity regresses to a former time, the host may have matching experience.

What is a Ghost? Are Ghosts Real?

Answers to the age-old question, “What is a ghost?”

Are ghosts real? People have been asking themselves this question for thousands of years. But despite widespread sightings and stories dating back over millennia, we still have no definitive proof that spirits actually exist.

Believers say the skeptics are blind to the evidence that’s right in front of them. Skeptics say any paranormal evidence likely has a rational explanation, and those who chase ghosts are fooling themselves.

Who is right, who is wrong, and where is the proof?

What are ghosts?

Today we are going to touch upon a question which might seem a bit scary to many of you. Still this is a question that is often asked by people. Do ghosts really exist? Different people have different opinions about the same. Some people claim that they have seen a ghost. Some are skeptical and they believe that when we die everything is over.

However, the concept of ghosts has been found in all the cultures across the world. There are remedies mentioned in all cultures about how to get rid of ghosts. Yet what is the truth behind this claims and whether there has been even a systematic scientific study of the phenomenon? Let us find out more about this interesting query.

Do ghosts really exist is a question that becomes more confusing as you try to answer it. The common belief is that when a man or woman dies an untimely death or when the person dying is killed by a violent episode the soul does not get rest. They keep looking for a medium to contact the living world. All they want is that their souls are set free. When there is an encounter with the dead, a priest or a healer is called for. These people help to get rid of the soul. They can communicate with the dead and exactly understand what is required in order to set the souls free. Actually the word “getting rid of the soul” in the preceding sentence may not be true as soul cannot be destroyed but yes the people curing ghosts can actually help the soul to break connections with the material world.

Of course, it is well known that many believe ghosts to be the disembodied spirits of humans and animals that once walked the face of this Earth, while others believe ghosts to be some sort of unintelligible energy imprint that has remained imprisoned upon our environment. Some believe ghosts to be demons while others do not believe in ghosts at all. One day, scientists may be able to prove just what ghosts are; but today, we only have the experiences and experiments from which to draw some conclusions.

It is said that ghosts can easily contact a dog or a child. When your child tells you something that is strange don’t ignore it. There are some ghosts who don’t harm anyone and on the other hand there are ghosts who are evil and they want to damage others in some way or the other. Some of us are sensitive this is exactly why ghosts approach us. Some of us are strong willed so ghosts cannot contact us easily

When a person is lonely and weak the possibility to encounter ghosts is higher. There are many video and audio recordings that have proved the existence of ghosts. These are strong proofs to support the claim that ghosts do exist. In the olden days several times people have encountered ghosts. It is said that some of them are very territorial. They don’t like it when people enter their houses. This is exactly why they try to ensure that the new occupants of the house are scared and they leave. Some ghosts are friendly and they don’t harm anyone.

Many people have seen ghosts over time, yet science today has yet to answer the question, “What are ghosts?” So, what exactly are ghosts? Could some ghosts possibly be the power of the human mind projecting forth apparitions of loved ones? Are ghosts, people trapped in our earthly world, wandering spirits who are struggling in a temporary hell, being unable to move beyond the past? Or, are ghosts simply rare glimpses of the past that replay within the physical environment, being seen only sparingly?

Soul never dies they live on and they will keep visiting you. The ghost can be of a family member or of a stranger. When you experience something supernatural don’t ignore it. Try to face it. This may save you from a lot of trouble. When a ghost tries to contact you be brave and try to understand what exactly the ghost wants you to do. You can contact an expert. The contact of spiritual healers is many online. These people can help you to handle the situation better. We will advise that you seek help as you may not be capable of handling the situation. You will never know how powerful the ghost is and what its intentions are. When you see your child communicating with thin air or when you see your dog barking furiously then don’t consider these as nothing. Actually the logic behind this is that the mind of a child is very calm, pure and intuitive relatively speaking to a normal adult so has much more sensitivity, and even it is believed that dogs have sixth sense.

 The reason we struggle with identifying the exact nature of ghosts is due to a lack of conclusive evidence. No one has yet been able to capture scientific, definitive proof that ghosts do indeed exist, or put forth a provable explanation as to why ghosts exist. Until this occurs, ghosts will remain the stuff of legend and lore.


 What are Ghosts? There is Strong Evidence to Consider.
The evidence for ghosts is indeed overwhelming. When one takes a step back and decides to look throughout history for accounts of ghosts, it is easy to see that many have witnessed them. And, some of the stories of ghosts come from multiple witnesses who saw the same thing at the same time – together. Could two minds be fooled into seeing the same thing at the same exact time? Not likely, it would seem, though some skeptics would argue it was possibly the power of suggestion at work. But what about the sightings of the same ghost seen at different times but in the same place by different people? And ghosts and haunting are found throughout the world. Stories of ghosts abound, which suggests that it is likely impossible that everyone who has ever had an experience with ghosts has been duped by their own mind and senses.

Interestingly, ghosts are no respecter of persons, for ghosts have been witnessed who are both famous and unknown. Celebrities of old and the modern-era have been reported haunting former haunts, with some being quite interactive with witnesses. Even odder are the sightings of inanimate ghost objects, such as planes, cars and buildings by several witnesses. Are these ghosts, too? What about the repeated sounds of ghost voices, gunfire, cannons, trains and other noises from the past that are heard in haunted locations by a myriad of witnesses over time? What explanation can be found for them, if not residual energy being released? Is there an unknown trigger for each ghost sighting that causes it to appear to people? Many believe that such a thing as time-slips occur, where past events that happened in a particular place continue to occur, but in another dimension. This is definitely an idea that could explain some ghosts. Still, many questions remain concerning ghosts and different types of haunting.

There are other ghosts that cannot be explained away by theories of residual haunting, or time-slips. These ghosts are interactive with people, not only being seen, but heard, felt and communicative, being definitely different than some past event re-running over and over before spectators. Such ghosts are not chain-rattling spectres as Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol artfully imagined, but are intriguing stories of human experience revealing an array of interesting haunting phenomena. It has been the hope of sharing evidence we receive that perhaps a greater understanding of ghosts can be gleaned. Many a ghost seems to be interacting with humans in order to gain attention, aid or simply for personal enjoyment. Some ghosts are downright loving, while others are mean-spirited. But, isn’t that what the sea of humanity is, a pool of different personalities? So, why should the personalities (and reasons for ghosts remaining behind with the living) be any different?

Most ghosts appear to be hurting people who are trapped in the past, having not moved on in their life-journey. This journey continues, from what we have deduced, through heading toward the light after death. Ghosts sometimes seem to be aware of this light, but have not gone forward through it for a variety of reasons. Ghosts may remain behind unwittingly, due to being lost, while others seem to be looking for resolution. Maybe, a ghost needs acknowledged that he or she is alive, or there could be a message that needs to be delivered from the ghost to another living soul. Other ghosts, we have found, remained behind to watch over loved ones or former residences, while some ghosts were afraid to move on due to fear of being punished by an angry god, family or enemies they had made in the past. Whatever the reason, such lost human souls are truly in need of help, encouragement and enlightenment. Know that ghosts have been described in all shapes, sizes, ages, sexes and ethnicities: as people.

The father of modern analytical psychology, Carl Jung, after all his work and studies of the human mind was forced to believe in ghosts and spirits when he wrote this:Carl Jung: Ghosts

“I once discussed the proof of identity for a long time with a friend of William James, Professor Hyslop in New York. He admitted that all things considered, all these metaphysic phenomena could be explained better by hypothesis of spirits than by qualities and peculiarities of the unconscious. And here, on the basis of my own experience, I am bound to concede he is right. In each individual case I must of necessity be skeptical, but in the long run I have to admit that the spirit hypothesis yields better results in practice than any other.”

It is not foolish to believe in the existence of ghosts. Though cultures vary, most hold beliefs in ghosts. The very idea of ghosts rests upon our hope, our trust in our own soul being immortal. In China, for example, the dead (ghosts and spirits) are understood as co-existing with the living. One’s ancestors are honored. In South America, the Day of the Dead is a festival also honoring those who have passed, but still co-exist with us – ghosts, if you will. In the Far East, many believe that this life transcends into the next and there is never any loss. Therefore, the spirit or essence of a person lives on and on. There are many, many more examples of beliefs in ghosts and spirits found throughout many cultures and religions of the world.

To look at ghosts further, we should perhaps understand that each of us has an etheric body – the spirit energy that animates and co-exists with the physical form. It is the real person, the eternal essence of the individual, being a part of one energy source. This spirit energy is what is seen when ghosts are visibly witnessed as apparitions.  Near-death-experiences  seem to confirm this idea. This spirit energy is comprised of sub-atomic matter, which is why it is currently undetectable by scientists. It has been believed for thousands of years that this spirit-energy body is connected with the physical body by way of what’s been dubbed “the silver cord.” When this cord is severed, much like cutting an electrical appliance cord, the body’s life source has been removed and it can no longer survive. Yet, the etheric body is still very much alive and well, just as ghosts would indicate.

Is There a Difference Between Ghosts and Spirits?
At this point, while reading this article, one might be wondering what the difference is between ghosts and spirits? Simply stated, we believe that a ghost is a spirit that has not yet gone to the light. The light is a cleansing process with a life-review, which from what we can deduce, acts as a time of reconciling with the past. Fear is always connected to the past and blocks the way to our future. By removing the past fears, the Spirit of a person is able to move on in the life-journey and leave the old, earthly life behind. This is not to say that a spirit of a person cannot visit loved ones here on Earth, but suggests that a brand new perspective is gained of seeing not only the past, but the present and the future, as well. This is quite a healing change of mind.

The future of our understanding of ghosts will undoubtedly be advanced and supported by what is to come in the modern-era. Quantum physics is already putting forth theories that will coincide and explain not only ghosts, but the existence of what has long been difficult to perceive: the invisible, realm of Spirit.

Spirit Possession | Entity Attachment | Negative Energies |

Spirit possession is a phenomenon in which a stray being from the Spirit World constantly or temporarily possesses and exerts negative influence on a person living on earth. Most commonly they are known as “evil spirits” and, although many people may scoff at the idea, it is a real and undeniable fact that they exist and influence our lives.

Spirit possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge.


Evil spirits are spirits that have a strong attachment towards the earth and human way of life. Spirits do not understand they are spiritual beings. All they know is life with a physical body, so they are consumed with the desire to satisfy their materialistic needs. Because reincarnation from hell is impossible, they aim to possess a person living on earth. By possessing a human being, evil spirits can feel just as if they have their own physical body, feeling the physical sensations and satisfying desires for food, sex, money, power and the like.

The only prerequisite for evil spirits to come and stay with a person living on earth, is to find someone whose mind is on the same wavelength as theirs. Evil spirits cannot stay with a person living on earth if he or she is always calm, benevolent and altruistic. But if his or her mind is dark with hatred and anger stays that way for extended periods of time, then it will attract evil spirits who, being on the same wavelength, can sneak into the person’s mind and stay on earth for five, ten or even many more years. This is what is known as spiritual possession.

Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality. The present situation is analogous to how several centuries ago society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.

Etheric Parasites

Etheric parasites are negative thought forms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at the quantum level. In occultism they are also called tulpas, egregores, or larvae.

Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an eddy in a river but imbued with artificial intelligence and purpose. Its most common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same kinds of energy that gave rise to it. If it was generated through hate, it will induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of that type.

These thought forms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of people onto whom they latch. Thus the negative thought forms generated by one person can induce negativity in another, proving they are not just internal subconscious subroutines. Occultists know how to create these intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thought forms are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and moments of ill intent.

To people with clairvoyant vision, they can see these parasitic energies budding off the person generating them and turning into grotesque forms. The color of the energy is always black, red, orange, olive green, muddy brown, and other dull colors. When these turn into thought forms, they appear symbolically to the clairvoyant mind as amoebas, insects, crabs, spiders, black globules, etc… Again, the fact that clairvoyants can see these indicates they are objective constructs in the ether and not just internal psychological processes.

Discarnate Human Attachments

Discarnate humans are those who have died in the recent past, but have not fully faded out from the physical, etheric, and astral planes. Sometimes it is just their etheric and/or astral bodies that turn into nonphysical parasites once their conscious spiritual core has left them behind. It is also possible for demonic entities to pick up the discarded etheric shells of deceased persons and put them on, thereby more easily masquerading as dead relatives to mediums, ouija board users, and societies that perform ancestor worship.

These discarnate humans or their autonomous etheric/astral shells can latch onto a living individual in order to sustain themselves off that person’s energy and live vicariously through them. Without a physical body, satisfying remnant physical addictions is impossible, and so discarnate humans can gratify their addictions by splicing themselves into the neural and etheric circuitry of the living in order to get a taste of physical sensations once again. Supposedly they can also possess the bodies of animals even more easily than humans. Attachment to humans is easiest when parasite and host share some emotional point of resonance, say someone who committed suicide latching onto someone who already has suicidal tendencies.

Human entity attachments creates a personality overlay upon the living host, creating cravings and biases that are out of character for the person. Someone who never smokes may suddenly get the urge to pick up the habit. A discarnate female with sexual cravings can induce homosexual tendencies in straight males. A young woman who was always friendly may pick up the attachment of an old angry war veteran, and thus acquire a more masculine, gruff and angry demeanor. Discarnate human entity attachments tend to be acquired by being etherically vulnerable while in proximity to such entities. Examples include graveyards, bars, war zones, and sites of fatal accidents.


Demonic Attachments

The worst attachment of all are demonic ones. I am not sure of the true origins of demons. Maybe they are thoughtforms created by the collective negativity of humanity throughout the ages. Maybe they were effluvia left over from the creation of the universe. Maybe they were physical beings who advanced so far along the negative path that they transcended their physical bodies and took up residence in the darkest recesses of the lower astral planes.

Whatever the case, fully possessed humans become sharp instruments of demonic manipulation and can carry a composed exterior and high social status, but underneath be dark, manipulative, cunning predators endowed with paranormal powers. Those who are not fully possessed and are struggling against the attachment process are worn down through depression, suicidal tendencies, and self-destructive psychopathic behavior. Extreme sadism and perversion are also possible, as in the case of serial killers and murderers who typically admit a voice told them to do it, or that they couldn’t help themselves, that something evil compelled them.

Clairvoyants, young children, animals, and anyone with an iota of intuition can sense the presence of demonically possessed individuals and will feel threatened, repulsed, and creeped out by them.

Demonic attachments can be picked up in several ways. One is through willful invitation, say through practice of black magick, left-hand-path occult systems, or undergoing initiations into questionable secret societies. These all give a person increased power and knowledge in exchange for soul energy and debt to the demonic beings conferring those, which in the long run is a bad deal. But just as people get themselves into a hole through credit cards, some do likewise spiritually through the “credit card” of black magick.

Another path toward demonic possession is starting with a minor attachment and being too weak or willing to resist its pull toward ever greater forms of depravity. It tends to start with a severe weakness in a person, such as being extremely traumatized as a child, being a heavy alcoholic or drug abuser, and/or nurturing feelings of morbidity, suicide, depression into a total lifestyle.

Generally, demonic possessions require a greater degree of permission than other types of attachments. That is because demons target the astral body and spirit, meaning they are hooked in very deeply. Permission can be given consciously through rituals or inadvertently through cultivation of anti-human, anti-life, anti-spiritual attitudes and feelings.

Can we have negative entities in our aura? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Almost all of us have some sort of negative entity existing in our auras. The number or size may vary but at a time one can hold many souls in their space, weakening the original soul inhabitant. The modern lifestyle leads to stress, anger, depression and lack of time for spiritual work. So, unless we spare ample amount of time, energy and thought on our spiritual upliftment, we are bound to be invaded by these spirit intrusions from time to time or forever. For those who feel completely at peace with themselves & are on the right track, even they can have negative entities in their space, but they might be dormant or less active than that of others.

How do we draw these negative entities? “These entities can become enmeshed in the aura, the energy field around the body.. The emotional or physical trauma endured by a person can render the energy centers vulnerable. They are open like doors to allow entry and attachment by entity. There are multiple ways they can enter a person’s aura and stay there for years or for a whole lifetime. Sent by others: Black magic and sorcery exist in every culture and proofs of the same exist widely. Sometimes, people who are unhappy/jealous with others can send these negative entities to bring misery to the victim. They will try to invade your space, time and again and stay with you, until it is cleansed. Sexual contact: The significance of sexual intimacy has been emphasized upon. The energy debris of other people’s aura can be left in the aura of another person with ease as the root chakras are connected, allowing a free flow of energy from one person to another. The entities have a free way into the body as the aura is open, making them susceptible to such invasions. Drugs & alcohol: Our consciousness has a lot to do with our ability to protect ourselves. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol, we lower our guards and our aura is exposed to the chances of being invaded. It is also said that both drugs and alcohol create holes in our aura. Holes in our aura can be created during surgeries, unconsciousness or trauma. When our aura is not whole, its ability to fight the negativity drastically reduces. Major loss: Soul loss has been spoken of earlier as well, where a person suffers from major loss in their life and a part of their soul in entrapped in the specific situation. With such a prolonged period of suffering, long bouts of anger and extended periods of stress, all of this can create holes in the aura leading to easy invasion.

How do these entities affect us? These entities affect us deeply and in ways we cannot even imagine. They are bound to create negative impressions, thought, behavior patterns etc. They will create physical pain or disease in the area they are stuck, causing improper functioning of the body. The illness caused by them might not have substantial medical proofs but the problem would seem to persist as it lies on the energy level. Creating obstacles in the path of success, one may find themselves going in circles with their career path, unable to find a breakthrough. Prolonged phases of depressions, loneliness, mixed with fear and anxiety, are yet another way they affect one’s life. Lack of energy, low self-image, low BP or low morale, as they feed on the prana or the life force, depleting the resources necessary for personal growth and energy. Stronger entities would like to seclude the victim and create unhappy moments like separation from loved ones, lack of interest in family life or withdrawal from the society.

Why Do Evil Spirits Mess With People? Many spirits that choose to be evil do so to have a good time, having often been former victims of human abuse. There behavior is sort of a retaliation upon the human race, in general, a way to punish others for the injustices that the lost spirit has suffered. Evil spirits do indeed understand they are spirits of humans, what many call ghosts. Knowing who and where they are, they practice to improve their skills of manipulating others and the physical environment. Many people want to call such knowledgable spirits, “demons,” but this will just cause the ghost to be more determined to use a person’s own fear against them. It is better to call them out onto the carpet by letting ghosts know you know what they are up to. Often when ghosts know the game is up, they lose some fight in them and become more willing to listen to the person who desires to help them. Ghosts choose not to move on in their life journey, ultimately due to fear. It may be fear of punishment, fear of ridicule, fear of having let a parent or sibling down, etc. Such spirits that choose to behave badly believe they are getting away with their crimes against humanity, but know deep down there will come a time when it must end.

Spirit Release & Spirit Possession

What is Spirit Possession?
Spirit possession is real and does exist.
It is a full or partial “assault” by a discarnate being on a living human.
The being acting out the assault or attack may not have ever experienced a physical life. If there was a human life experienced at some point by the being then the surviving consciousness is labelled as a earthbound spirit.

What Is A Spirit Attachment?
When one discussed the term Spirit Attachment, Spirit Possession or Entity Attachment they are referring to the same with a different label. The entity becomes what is known as a parasite. This parasite to the host causes disorders and illnesses that are biologically illogical for the host. Soul fragmentation is required for the recovery and healing of the Soul by recovering and healing the soul fragments / soul fragmentations. These fragments may be scattered within a specific timeline or vary time lines of the hosts / person life / life times.

Signs of Spirit Attachment
“I keep going to the doctor, they keep running tests for my shortness of breath. They keep telling me there is nothing wrong with me. Now I am referred to a psychiatrist to see why my mind has created this. I went and they found nothing wrong with me. I went onto medication and still feel like there is something wrong”.

The attachment of a spirit on a host can manifest it’s presence in various ways. It can dominate the host in various ways; it can have a subtle to complete dominating control over the host. It does not need permission by the host; it just does as it feels.

Common signs are:
Unexplained subtle change in physical, mental and or emotional behaviour.
Sudden unexplained or unexpected changes in behaviour.
Unjust emotional swings.
Sudden cravings – alcohol, illicit drugs, cigarettes, sex, self mutilation, aggressive and abusive sexual acts, pain or promiscuity. Especially if one does not normally use these substances or has these usual personality traits.
Hearing voices.
Sudden weight gain without any medical explanation, all organs functioning well, no emotional trauma.
Phobias and fears from low and frightening energy experienced.
Serious illness of unknown cause.
Sudden and prolonged loss of energy.
Memory and concentration issues.
Severe personality disorders.
Unexplained physical / mental or health issues.
Migraine headaches.
Panic or anxiety attacks.

Entities and Negative Energies
Most common types are Earthbound spirits and Negative Energy forces.

The spirit / soul is the survivor when your physical body dies. When death occurs the spirit from its fear and confusion about going into the light due to the death of its physical body stays on the earth plane. It then attaches itself to people or even places. They are unaware they have passed on / crossed over. Many spirits remain on the earth plane due to this.

A demonic possession / energy is identifying to an energy that has never occupied a physical body. It seeks to destroy or disrupt as that is their nature and character is to destroy and wage war.

Some schools of thought originate from the teachings that Lucifer or a fallen angel is the masters of negative energy. Energetic forces are simply energy that mankind labels them as good or bad. It is important to ask a spirit where they came from and how they came to be. There is a Universal law that states the truth will always be revealed, one needs to ask the right question. As an example depending on your religious beliefs, always ask the entity, “are you from the Divine Light?

How and when do they attach themselves?
Entities are like you they are consciousness. When they are at a low energetic point in their lives they will attach themselves to the living when that being is also at a low. These low energy points are when one experiences fear, anger, depression, foul moods, addictions (alcoholism or drug use even prescription) all these open the pathways, your energy and energy fields and energy points for attachment.

Earthbound spirits may attach themselves while the human is in a state or even an altered state or unconscious for any reason. Visiting a hospital, retirement home, funeral, funeral home or cemetery you are opening yourself up to “entertaining” and even inviting these opportunist energies into your energy field or specific levels of your aura.

When you are an organ donor you run the risk of an entity or energetic attachment being invited to that organ and it finds its way to the receiver of the organ. This can happen pre, on route or when the organ is waiting to be placed within the receiver.

If we are out of rhythm with our natural body it can be a magnet for negative energy placement as this allows the body to be open for attachment. When occult tools are utilised and one does not has the entire understanding of how these work you are simply setting yourself up for attachment, interference and influence, possession and obviously disaster.

Childhood abuse, rape, incest and any situation that creates fear will allow entity attachment. Once the entity gains entrance it is like a virus it further stimulates a deeper tear within the aura, this allows more entry by other energies; this will allow any negative entity to access the host or piggyback on the original attachment.

Spirit Release is a therapy spiritual in nature, allowing the host to be cleared of all internal and external attachments and entities of a negative kind. Once the therapy is conducted and the emotions that attracted the negativity are resolved the negativity can no longer enter or attempt to do so.

What Is Spirit Release Therapy?
Spirit Release Therapy dates back to antiquity. The majority of all cultures, religions and occult address the topic of discarnate of various being types influencing living people, causing various degrees of harm to their hosts.

Spirit Release Therapy is the process used to release attachments from living people, this is conducted through various means possible. Some require more work than others as there are various levels of Spirit Releasing. It is called a Depossession Process that can be done in person or from a distance. We also offer this as a proxy for the person / host when they are unable to come in for a session. This is possible as everything that exists is energy .

Spirit Release is a therapy practised and effective by psychotherapists, mental health professionals and even energy healers who have found it effective where other methods have failed. As man’s evolving and understanding of the enormous influence and power of their higher energy fields it is “authenticated” by various modern methods of scientific measurement, and as preventative medicine grows, the importance of clearing foreign psychic energies will be commonly accepted.

Various forms of physical or emotional upsets / stress can leave you vulnerable to these unwelcomed opportunist negative energies which attach at a subtle vibrational level and can then go onto influence your health, personality and even your behaviour. A Lost Soul has the possibility of bringing physical symptoms it experienced at the time of its death.

Tapping into a person’s energetic field requires much skill and best conducted by a well knowledgeable practitioner. It is this reason we offer this service as much skill, understanding, knowledge and wisdom is required when conducting and performing Spirit Release. One can also do a proxy as the parent of their child and permission from the Higher Self is required before the session begins.

We are highly trained in releasing these negative attachments which may have been preventing you from moving forward with your life. We transform lives as we set you free from their influences and control over you and your life. The entities are transformed so they are unable to return to you. Ask for help and assistance and reach out we are here for you.

Spirit Release is different to exorcism, it is non-confrontational and transformation is achieved through negotiation. We invoke the power of love so the entities on their path to evolution experience love and are guided to their ascension. From that state they are unable to go back to their old ways.

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