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Relationship between Karma & Chronic Illness

Category : Uncategorized

“Why has this happened to me?” “Why am I ill?” “Why am I suffering?” Often, when you suffer from a physical condition whether being minor or severe,
it can be a link in a chain of sequence that has begun centuries ago. Some illnesses and afflictions are Karmic.

Knowing the cosmic relevance if it is karmic can lead to an understanding of your disease or illness on various levels. To consciously know this alone can have a transforming effect upon your life today; perhaps even just the understanding of your situation can enable you to come to terms with it which in turn can enable you to achieve vital equilibrium at higher levels of being and integration as well.

This is not a new idea, but an ancient one found among many peoples and cultures in every part of the world. The spiritual world is subject to laws of cause and effect (Law of Karma) as precise as those that govern the physical world. When we experience such affliction ourselves, and know its sad frustrations, we begin bitterly to question the ways and love of God who we begin to see as cruel. We might see God as testing us and heaven or hell as the reward or punishment that awaits us, depending on how we meet the challenge of this illness. We believe this not because we have proof of it but because we have been taught it through the centuries. Beliefs handed down on the strength of authority.

Perhaps we blame our condition on the blind mechanism of heredity as determined primarily by genes of our parents or secondarily by environmental influences.
The reincarnation view is that suffering is only good for the soul if it teaches it how not to suffer again and that heredity and environment are themselves the result of past life karmic determinants and every quality of the soul is self-earned rather than parentally transmitted.

Diseases and illnesses can arise from the merits and demerits of past life behavior and all suffering and pain and limitations have an educative spiritual purpose. Seeing the ethical and spiritual behind the physical. These deformities, afflictions and agonies can be lessons towards growth, wisdom and perfection. When it is remembered that the purpose of karma is spiritual education, it will be seen how natural and inevitable this approach to karmic therapeutics is.

Karma is a Sanskrit word literally meaning `action`. The `sin` that karma corrects is not `sin` in the superstitious primitive sense of disapproving gods and spirits or offended morals but rather in a psychological sense; `sin` that is universally definable and universally subject to a cosmic law. It is the sin of selfishness or being separate and the sin of self-exaltation. It can consist of violence against the will or body of another, or your own body, through over-indulgence or neglect. It can consist of pride or exclusiveness of the spirit and many other variations. It can be said that Man is spirit, not a body; `sin` arises from his overlook of this as he identifies himself with his body. To change this he must stop denying this fact and identify with spirit – his true essence. This `sin` from a past life can have an exact cause-and-effect, action-reaction relationship in this lifetime, even though it might not necessarily be obvious and can manifest as illness amongst other things.

As Jesus the Christ said, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Newton`s third law of motion states that every action has its reaction which is equal and opposite, and this applies as much to spiritual law as to the law of physics. Therefore, some human afflictions, disease and illness today are sometimes linked to specific karma and conduct in past lives and bring karma into sharper and more immediate focus.

A favourable environment and a healthy body can also be positive karmic consequence. One side of karma is that a harmful action directed toward another person yesterday can rebound to the perpetrator of the action today perhaps as an illness or limitation. A person today can meet himself in suffering which he brought to others. “Judge not that ye be not judged” suddenly stands out with a new depth of psychological meaning.

Other times this karma can be symbolic or metaphoric and manifest in the body in a symbolic way. The clinical findings of modern psychosomatic medicine demonstrate that some physical conditions are due to mental and emotional disturbances.
This branch of medicine shows that tensions of emotional origin, when they cannot be expressed in word or action, often express themselves symbolically in the body through a kind of “organ language”. e.g. if a patient suffers chronic lumbago and no organic cause can be found, it may mean that there is something in the current life situation of the patient that “he`s feeling put upon, being a martyr, aiming too low in life”.

Taking this further then, there is every implication to be a close correspondence between the `organ language` of psychosomatic medicine and this symbolic karma.
Karma is a psychological law and acts primarily in the psychological realm, the physical circumstances being merely the means whereby the psychological purpose is fulfilled. However, the retributive reaction or compensatory action that characterises all karma is usually neither exact nor literal because we are all at our own levels of growth.

In my work as a past life therapist and healer, I have had many instances of cure with physical conditions and in some other cases, where the karmic debt is more serious, improvements have been achieved. It would appear that my work through past life therapy and healing can sometimes re-establish the equilibrium so that the physical karma can justly be withdrawn resulting in the person becoming well. It is so important generally to apply the spiritual side to any cure with illness as well as the medical side. This spiritual side which is so integral to past life healing can also help change your present day consciousness and character in a positive way, through the variety of healing work undertaken on the past life being worked on.

You of course, need to be open to the process of working in this way to get the most benefit out of it. It is important to note that there are times when karmic illness or conditions can best be helped through physical rather than psychological means and this information often comes through in the sessions.

Ultimately, healing must come from within or it cannot last. No healing method is more “spiritual,” in an absolute sense than another. All healing methods have the same divine source. Whether the influences that act upon a body come from medicine, surgery, mechanical appliances, therapy, past life healing, body work etc, they must of necessity come from the One Source – Life itself.

Of course, not all afflictions are necessarily karmic and illness and disease can be affected by many chemical, biological, mechanical, social, racial, and economic forces for which we have no inner, immediate responsibility except insofar as we must ultimately acquire the strength to be invulnerable to them. Man is a unit of three. Body, Mind and Spirit and sometimes we are ignorant about the truth about ourselves.
Doctors, psychologists and priests are three tenders of the same divine fire and must work together more for the good of all. Healing does not always mean you are cured. It does mean, however, that you have changed by learning to see the creative possibilities that exist within your limitations opening you to the positive aspect of karmic growth.

It is worth remembering that while we are undergoing the karma and energy reactions of our past lives, we are setting in motion still newer causes which in turn may react upon our future lives. We extend far in one direction and far in another, it cannot be said we begin at the illusive margin, that we call “birth”, nor end at the equally illusive boundary that we call “death”. There is a larger framework of existence than the little world we occupy in the here and now and a larger meaning of life, sickness and death than we have yet been able to imagine.

Pitru Dosha | Karmic Debt |Ancestors Spirit | – Saudi Arabia

According to vedic astrology, a person’s astrological chart contains stars and planets such as Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.

It is often said that that what the ancestors did, is often carries out by future generations. Be it a good deed or a bad, the result of both is sometimes bore by the future generation. According to the mythology and strong astrological beliefs of the Hindus, this condition or state is known as ‘Pitra Dosh’. Pitra refers to the fathers whereas dosh refers to the fault. According to other stories and accounts, pitra dosh occurs when some people do not worship for the satisfaction and wellness of the spirits of their ancestors, opening the spiritual realm for their ancestors who come back (as spirits) and the person has to bear the dreadful pitra dosh effects.

According to vedic astrology, “Pitra” is reffered to the ancestors of the individual who are dead. Pitra Dosh is not because of any curse of ancestors or forefathers. Pitra dosha is caused merely because of the effects of karmic laws upon any individual. There is a saying that as a man saws so shall he will reap. So, every karmic action of ours shall have equal & opposite reaction in the future. Pritra dosha in a person’s horscope indicates such karmic effects. Any individual who has committed some bad karma in the previous life, has to suffer from the effects of Pitra dosha. When such a person is born in a family whose ancestors are cursed, as a result, some short of disturbances runs throughout the family line. It is not necessary that all persons born in that family will have pitra dosha. All the family members shall not have to bear the effects of the curse. But, only those persons born with Pitra dosha shall have to bear the curse and due to this effect, the life of such a person remains always disturbed, even though he/she may not have done bad karma in his/her present life.

Following may be the signs which can indicate the presence of pitra dosha :

  • Abortion, repeated miscarriages, premature baby birth and innumerable death of children.
  • Problems in conceiving or getting pregnant.
  • Disruption in education and career growth.
    Delayed marriage, problems in marriage and married life.
  • Spirit (ghost) shadow on the family.

Pitra Dosh Effects

Pitra dosh effects can be really tormenting on a person as the fault or condition does not leave peace in the person’s life. Be it work space, marriage, child, career, personal planning or anything else- all of them get badly affected. Some of the common effects as noted include problems with child. The child is born with many disabilities and diseases from the very first day if he has a pitra dosh. Apart from this, pitra dosh causes many problems in relationships and marriage. People do not get peace in the bond and tend to break or call it off. The worst affected area is the finance. A pitra dosh affected person will always have a hard time managing finance and may also be burdened by the never ending circle of debts.

In order to lessen the effects of pitra dosha, the individual should consult divine healer who can remove all the hurdles that can come in his or her life.

pregnancy spiritual attacks

Spiritual Protection From Dark Forces During Pregnancy

Whether a woman is expecting her first child, or her fifth, pregnancy is filled with many emotions. There is joy and excitement mixed with anticipation and a little nervousness. All these emotions are appropriate, given the weight of what this new little life entails.

Pregnancy is such a unique time for a woman. There are lots of physical changes and hormonal shifts that can make adjustment difficult.

Since pregnancy brings forth new life, the enemy of life so often seeks to rob a woman of her joy and trust in the Lord during this time. The devil frequently weasels his way into our natural worries during pregnancy and amplifies them to the point where we become paralyzed by fear and doubt.

When a woman carries an unborn child inside her body, she has to open up her energy field to allow for the life stream and the energy field of the child to gradually mesh with the fetus. To do that, the woman has to accept energies from outside of herself and allow them to enter her energy field. Since much of this process takes place below the level of conscious awareness, it is quite possible that a woman can open her field to energies that are not part of the energy field of the child but an outside – and not necessarily benevolent – influence. You also have the fact that a woman’s body is under stress, and this can cause her to be weaker and more easily exhausted. All of this adds up to the possibility that if the woman does not remain balanced, she can be more vulnerable to dark forces than she normally is. This is one reason some women go through major emotional adjustments during pregnancy.

Another factor is that there truly are dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) that seek to take every person away from the path of Godhood. Such forces will seek to attack the child even while that child is in the womb. The reasoning of the dark forces is that the earlier they can get some kind of psychological hook in the child’s consciousness, the more easily they can manipulate the child as it grows up. Some souls might already have such hooks from previous lifetimes.

It is the responsibility of both the father and the mother to provide the spiritual protection of the incoming soul, and also to protect the child until it matures and can protect itself. Obviously, current culture does not teach people about the spiritual aspects of life, and therefore most people are not aware of the need to provide for their own spiritual protection, let alone that of their children.

The ugly reality is that the dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) are in no way deterred because of people’s lack of knowledge. You know that before people recognized the existence of bacteria, they would still become the victims of infectious diseases. Likewise, even though most people do not recognize the existence of dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) or the need to invoke spiritual protection, they will still be the victims of the attacks of such forces.

As an additional complication, it has been a divine law for some time that parents are allowed to give birth to children who have greater spiritual attainment than themselves. This was done to speed the growth of the entire human race in order to break the downward spiral that would have led to humankind’s self-destruction. As a result of this law, many women have (in recent decades) given birth to souls of very high spiritual attainment. Even though a woman might not be consciously aware of this, the dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) are keenly aware that such high souls represent a threat to them. Therefore, they attack such souls, and their parents, with all the power they can muster.

Please do not misunderstand these remarks. I am in no way trying to scare you or anyone else from having children. There is truly no influence from dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies) that cannot be counteracted by the light of God and by your wise choices to avoid the subtle lies of dark forces (Spirits, Evil Entities, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Negative Energies). Many women have provided adequate spiritual protection for themselves and their children simply by remaining balanced and remaining true to timeless principles and ideals, especially through practicing their religion. If they do not engage in negative behavior and do not take toxic substances into their bodies, many women will be adequately protected during pregnancy.

However, if you are a spiritually aware person, there is obviously much you can do to increase your protection. You can also cut your child free from any negative influences from past lives. I highly recommend that people give the unborn child spiritual protection. This can be a great advantage and give your child a much better start in life.  This can also help to resolve psychological issues for your incoming child.


Karmic Baggage & It’s Influence | The Law of Cause & Effect

Karma is the Sanskrit word for “action” or “deed”. Any physical or mental action is considered as Karma. The results or ‘fruits’ of actions are called Karma-phala (fruit of Karma). According to Hinduism, life is an infinite chain of results of actions (Karma) in the past. In simple words this works as “Law of Cause and Effect” or “As you sow, so you reap”. The way the results of Karma are delivered in the life is the “Law of Karma”.

Karma in Hinduism (Sanatana dharma) is considered to be a spiritually originated law that governs all life. In the Law of Karma even though an individual is considered to be the sole doer and enjoyer of his Karmas and their ‘fruits’, according to Vedanta, the supreme being (The Divine) plays a major role as the dispenser of the ‘fruits’ of Karma. Many Hindus see God’s direct involvement in this process; others consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of Karma.

In my view, “as you sow, so you reap” is an incomplete definition of Karma. The definition is complete only when the aspect of “the divine role as a dispenser of the fruits of Karma” is recognized and applied to the Law of Karma.

Ways an individual performs Karma
There are mainly three ways an individual performs Karma. We perform acts or deeds every moment in our life through following ways:

Manasa – Mind
Vaachaa – Speech
Karmana – Actions

Law of Karma – God is fair and gives you exactly what you deserve

Summary of Law of Karma is expressed by the following: “God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is fair and gives you exactly what you deserve.” Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an expression or consequence of natural acts. Although it may often appear like a punishment (or reward), the purpose of Karma is to perfectly follow the cosmic law (God’s system of Universal operation) and not to punish (or reward). Often the way we learn the best is to endure the same type of suffering (of happiness) that we have inflicted (or offered) on others in the past (most of the times in the past life.)

This is God’s Way and Desire to make us leave the World of Maya (Veil of Ignorance or “mudhawastha” or stupefied state of mind) that brings us the sufferings and embrace the Divine Awareness (or The Bliss, Sat-Chit-Ananda, Chaitanya, Moksha, Supreme Awareness, Supreme Consciousness or Super-Soul) and be blissful eternally.

According to the Vedas, if one sows goodness, will reap goodness; if one sows evil, will reap evil, at the same time the delivery of consequences is controlled by the Divine. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which collectively determines our future (what we call as destiny.)


The fact is: God is PERFECT and God’s system (Law of Karma) works absolutely PERFECTLY. God does not punish or reward people based on his will and fancies. God is neither partial nor unjust. God is not responsible for the wealth of one man or the poverty of another. You suffer on account of your own actions (Prarabdha karma). There is nothing chaotic or capricious in this world. Things do NOT happen in this universe by accident or chance in a disorderly manner or with God’s Random Will. They happen in regular succession and events follow each other in a regular order. They happen exactly as per the perfect system laid down by the God called Law of Karma.

The fact is: God loves every one equally and he is fair to everyone. It is true that the entire universe and our lives run on the “Will of the God” and at the same time that “God’s will” (cosmic system in place) is perfect and fair (not imperfect and unfair that runs on irregular impulses of God’s desires or passions.)

Summary: God has laid down “Absolutely FAIR Cosmic System that works PERFECTLY LOGICALLY” and it is NOT “Willful fancy that works as per God’s wishes”.

Swami Sivananda Sarasvati on Law of Karma
“If you take an individual life as an isolated event which begins with birth of the physical body and terminates with its death you cannot find any correct explanation or solution for the affairs of life. You will be groping in darkness and despair. Your present life is nothing, when compared with the whole soul-life. It is momentary – a mere fragment. If you want to find the cause or antecedent for anything, you will have to go deep into the affairs of the eternal soul-life. Then alone there will be perfect balance of cause and effect, antecedent and consequence. Life does not end with the disintegration of this physical body alone. There is reincarnation. There had been countless previous lives also. You will have to take into consideration the widest view of the life of the soul. Then you will find a perfect, satisfactory solution for all the intricate and complicated affairs of life.

Yogi Swami Sivananda Saraswati. Every wrong action or crime brings its own punishment in accordance with the law of retribution. The law of causation, the law of action and reaction, the law of compensation and the law of retribution – all operate together. He who hurts another man, hurts himself first.

Remember that God is neither partial nor unjust. Remember that God is not responsible for the wealth of one man or the poverty of another. You suffer on account of your own wicked actions. There is nothing chaotic or capricious in this world. Things do not happen in this universe by accident or chance in a disorderly manner. They happen in regular succession and events follow each other in a regular order. There is a kind of definite connection between what is being done now by you and what will happen in the future. Sow always the seeds which will bring pleasant fruits and which will make you happy herein and hereafter.”

Karma, God and Hinduism. According to Hinduism God is fair and humans have a free will to choose good or evil Karma and therefore, will face the consequences (good or bad) according to their Karma in the past. Karma initiates the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called Sansara.) Jivatma (soul) cannot attain moksha (salvation) until the accumulated (sanchita) Karmas are completely exhausted by consuming them.

Karma is like a seed, most of the times Karma does not fructify immediately after the seed is sown. We produce numerous Karmic seeds by our actions (speech and thoughts) every moment – desire, aversion, love, hatred, happiness, etc. will undoubtedly produce, a positive or negative result, sooner or later, according to the nature of the seed, if not in this life, then in some future one.

Bhagavad Gita (4-17) says: “Mysterious is the path of action (karma)” The Law of Karma is inscrutable. It is difficult to say what sort of karmas will cause cancer and whether the fruit that you enjoy now is the result of one karma or a combination of several karmas. It is difficult to tell whether the fruit that you enjoy now is from the karma in the current birth or is it from the karmas in previous births (Sanchita karma). Ripe karmas can produce fruits in the same birth under proper circumstances.

God does not send anyone to Heaven or Hell based on their faith
“Law of Karma” is like a universal law say “Law of Gravity” – It applies whether you accept or reject the law. Law of Karma is completely unrelated to faith the person follows. God does not send anyone to Heaven or Hell based on their faith.

Karma Works: Perfectly, Applying to everyone, All the times, Without fail, No exceptions!!!

Karma is the principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, total cosmic justice and personal responsibility. It is very logical: what you sow is what you reap in exact and precise measure (dispensed by the Divine according to the Cosmic principals.) Karma is as predictable as the laws of gravity: what is done to you is the net result of what you have done to others. He who hurts others, has already hurt himself in the future. The most important unpredictable aspect of Law of Karma is the “Delivery” (or consequences) that are controlled by the Divine.

Karma begins to propel you as Soul on a personal journey through the universe. Karma ends when you have perfected yourself in art of doing Karma without attachment. The ability to do Karma without attachment (without expectation of Karma-phala) can be attained by perfecting oneself on the path to the Divine by following various yogas – Karma yoga (yoga of action without attachment), Bhakti yoga (yoga of love for the Divine), Gyan yoga (yoga of knowledge and awareness), Siddha or Kundalini yoga (yoga of divine consciousness), Hatha yoga (purification of the body and mind through Asanas and Pranayama), Laya yoga (yoga of meditating on interior energy centers), Mantra yoga (yoga of Divine or Sacred words, phrases, or syllables) or any combination of these.

Karmic Baggage and Karmic Blessings. We carry Karmic Baggage and Karmic Blessing depending on whether we’ve performed positive or negative actions in the past. Vikars [Kama (Lust), Krodh (Rage or uncontrolled anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Attachment or emotional attachment) and Ahankar (ego)] continue to rule human life until we are carrying Maya (Veil of Ignorance or “mudhawastha” or stupefied state of mind.)

Driver behind the Life and Karma. Depending on which one of the three subtle components (Tri-Gunas – Sattwa, Rajo, Tamo) is predominant within us, it influences how we:

  • React to situations
  • Make decisions
  • Make choices
  • Live our lives

Tri-Gunas (Sattwa, Rajo, Tamo) are the driver behind the thought, thought is the driver behind the action (Karma). Karma is the driver behind the life (of cause and effect) that we live.

Tri-Gunas is the seed – Karma is the tree – Consequence of the Karma is the fruit that we are living today.

  • 1) Satwik Gun = Satwik Karma = Satwik fruit = Person is more close to the God
  • 2) Tamo Gun = Tamasik Karma = Tamasik fruit = Person is far away from the God

Rebirth (Reincarnation). Desire produces karma. You work and exert to acquire the objects of your desire. Karma produces its fruits as pain or pleasure. You will have to take birth after birth to reap the fruits of your karmas. This is the law of karma.

The wheel of life (“samsara”) must continue until the soul (Jivatma) has Karma attached to it. The cycle of birth, life, and death will continue until all Karma is full consumed. When one revolution of the wheel (one life) is completed, life begins again with a rebirth. This is how law of Karma works. Karma leads us in the journey of life from the first manifestation as an amoeba to the last manifestation… the 8.4 millionth manifestations. The process of rebirth continues until there is balance in Karmic account. The soul is liberated from the karmic bondage when the Karmic balance is consumed totally.

How Karmic account balance is maintained? The accumulated result of all actions from all our past lifetimes is called “Sanchita Karma”. The interesting part is how this account of Karmic Credit/Debt is maintained. It is never maintained as a total net balance (as done in case of a bank account) but always stored as a separate account of Credit and Debit that never cancels each other, for each soul.

Types of Karma

  • Sanchita Karma: The accumulated result of all your actions from all your past lifetimes. This is your total cosmic debt. Every moment of every day either you are adding to it or you are reducing this cosmic debt.
  • Prarabdha Karma: The portion of your “sanchita” Karma being worked on in the present life. That is part of one’s Sanchita Karma which must be worked out in the present life (no options). Because the law of Karma implies determinism in human activities, Prarabdha is often translated as destiny. When you work down your agreed upon debt in this lifetime, then more past debts surface to be worked upon in the next birth.
  • Agami Karma: Approaching or Future Karma: This is the Karma or the actions that are now going to be done which will give their results later in the future. Some of Agami Karmas bear fruit in the current life; others are stored for future births in the form of Sanchita Karma.
  • Kriyamana Karma: This is Karma that we create in our daily life because of our thoughts, will and actions. It refers to the decisions before us to act upon. These karma consequences add to our Future Sanchita Karma as we perform the current karma. But, not all of this karma goes to the Sanchita balance and some of them can fructify in the current life (i.e. you speed on a highway and you get a ticket. Karma is created and consumed immediately in this case.)

You can lead a happy life by following ‘Law of Karma’
To live a good and happy life, every man should have a comprehensive understanding of God’s Cosmic System (law of Karma), and its operations. If man acquires this karmic knowledge and puts it into practice, then he can pull on in this world smoothly and happily. He can utilize the helping forces to serve his ends in the best possible manner. He can neutralize the hostile or antagonistic currents. Just as the fish swims against the current, so also he will be able to go against the hostile currents by adjusting himself properly and safeguarding himself through suitable precautionary methods. God helps those (to some extent) who understand and apply the law of Karma in their life.

In absence of knowledge of functioning of God’s Cosmic System (Law of karma) man becomes a slave (of his desires). He is tossed around here and there helplessly by various currents in his present life. Various hostile forces (generated because of his past actions) drag him in different directions. He drifts like a wooden log in a river. He always leads a miserable and unhappy life even if he has all the wealth and possessions in this world.


Psychic Wellness

When there are problems with your five physical senses you go see a doctor. So what do you do when you’re feeling foggy headed and blocked? This is when your psychic senses need some attention. Since these centers continually register intuitive impressions (usually beneath the level of our conscious awareness), they can become congested. A reiki, massage, or healing touch practitioner can provide relief.

When blocks and congested energies leave your body, a feeling of freedom and well being follows. Miraculous healings are often accompanied by the sensation of a foreign presence leaving the body.

Just as the five physical senses correspond to specific organs (eyes, ears, etc), the four primary psychic senses — clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and knowing — are also intricately centered in the physical body. Following is a description of these psychic senses, their physical locations, signs they’re congested, and helpful suggestions. By the way, each of the psychic senses can be activated by simply focusing attention on its physical location.

Clairvoyance – Psychic sight. Centered in the “third eye” in the center of the brain at about the level of the eyebrows. Consists of the pineal and pituitary glands and the brain cavity which connects them. When these glands are activated, we can see auras and receive vivid images in the mind’s eye – visions. When blocked we can feel foggy headed and lost. Focusing on the color indigo – the color of the night sky – balances this psychic center. So does watching a sunrise or sunset, allowing the colors to fill your being. Beauty in all forms balances this center, as does staring into a dark glass, stone or mirror.

Clairaudience – Psychic hearing. Centered in the area behind the ears. This psychic center allows you to hear thoughts and inner voices with your mind – different than with your ears. This center is often congested by too much noise (especially from television), being around people who talk too much, or being in crowds. It can be cleared by lying down, resting the head, and listening to the silence – the distant quiet background sounds we rarely hear, or to classical music (live is best), fountains, bells, chimes and other beautiful sounds.

Clairsentience – Psychic feeling. The center in the abdomen between the sternum and the navel is known as the solar plexus. This is where gut feelings register. When congested we can shield ourselves, lose our appetites, and even feel nauseous, often worrying about other people. “He made me sick!” Focusing on the color yellow or gold is healing for this center. When seriously affected by negative energy from insensitive people, rest and plenty of TLC and pampering is the antidote. This center often registers warnings of dangerous or dishonest people, impending danger, and infidelity.

Knowing – Psychic intuition. Centered in the crown chakra, an etheric center at the top of the head which provides a link to direct knowing. Imbalance or congestion here can cause you to lose your sense of self as you “channel” other people’s energies. This center can also be dominated by another person’s energy or even by too many spirit guides. To balance this center focus on the color deep violet and reconnect with your own self. Visualizing a protective earth toned cap on your head can help balance this center. Being more in charge of your life also balances this chakra.

All of the psychic centers can be cleared by getting grounded and starting a flow of earth energy up into your body through the feet. This flow of energy can be directed anywhere, and can be used to clear away blocks. Balancing these centers helps them function at healthy levels and helps clear away the past so you can be more fully present today.

Ancestral Healing | Ancestor’s Spirit |Pitra Dosh Remedies |

Ancestral HealingAlmost all of us are affected by problems in our life where the root cause is due to departed ancestors’ subtle bodies. This type of spiritual problem affects us regardless of race, cultural background or social status. While this is a spiritual problem, it can manifest in many different ways in our day-to-day lives. In some cases, people have gone through years of suffering only to find out that it could have been alleviated in a few days. The alleviation would only have come about if they knew the root cause, the remedy and if they had there quired know-how to put it into practice.
What are ancestral problems? Ancestral problems is the distress caused to descendants by the subtle bodies of their ancestors who have passed away (died) and it manifests in many ways in our day-to-day lives. It creates obstacles in both, our worldly lives as well as spiritual practice. In some cases, it may seem that the entire family has a dark cloud over it and various family members are undergoing various problems despite all efforts to overcome them.
How can the ancestral problems manifest? The difficulties created due to departed ancestors come in various forms as listed below:
  • a)Inability to get married. 
  • b)Marital disharmony.
  • c)Addictions (approx. 70% addictions are due to ancestors who have passed away).
  • d)Going blank in examinations despite being well prepared for them.
  • e)Loss of job.
  • f)Difficulty in conceiving a child.
  • g)Miscarriages.
  • h)Bearing mentally challenged children or children with special care and needs.
  • i)Death of children in their childhood etc. etc.At an intellectual level, we could use

Two Rules of Thumb to decide if the cause of suffering is Spiritual in nature:

  • (1)All remedies to solve the problem have failed. This is especially so when the problem should be easily treatable by modern sciences such as ‘a skin rash, chest pain’ etc. etc.
  • (2)A number of family members (e.g. 4 out of 5) are suffering with any of the above mentioned issues/problems simultaneously. The reason that all the family membersget affected is that they all have the same ancestors.
The question arises that ‘Why would our departed loved ones and our other ancestorswant to give us pain?’ The following are the two main reasons as to why ancestors trouble their descendents?
  • a)Distress due to unfulfilled desires. 
  • b)Distress due to a call for help by ancestors.

What can we do to protect ourselves against ancestral problems? Problems caused due to departed ancestors are a specific type of spiritual difficulty. Therefore we can successfully overcome them only by applying a specific spiritual remedy. Psychological and physical remedies simply cannot overcome the root cause of the problem and can only at best provide some symptomatic relief. For example, if a person is suffering from skin rash caused by ancestors, relevant medical treatment can at best provide relief but not cure the rash completely or prevent it from occurring again.

What is ancestral healing you may well ask? The short answer? It is ‘healing your family tree which includes both you and any descendants you have’.

You can heal members of your current family, your children, grandchildren, and so on, even before they are born. Our ancestors exist not only in genes passed down through the generations, but also in an energetic pattern of thoughts, emotions, illnesses and karma which can effect every part of a person’s life. Ancestral healing can transform energetic patterns with a vibrational shift in the entire ancestral line.

What Can Be Healed?

Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues can be healed such as alcoholism, depression, mental illness and various physical illnesses. Even criminality which has now been mapped by the Human Genome Project can be addressed by ancestral healing.

In short, anything detrimental you feel you have inherited or where there is a dysfunctional pattern in your family tree can be a candidate for ancestral healing e.g. incest or abuse.

How Does It Work?

Many cultures embrace the idea of the connection with our ancestral lineages. Native Americans and Aboriginal peoples particularly incorporate the idea of their ancestors living with them and guiding them through their lives.

As modern day westerners, unfortunately we have forgotten our ancestral connections as we go about our busy lives. Some of us see little relevance in what our distant family may have done in the past.

We do not realize that whatever has been done, felt or thought is within our DNA. We have inherited all the energetic patterning including our ancestors’ thoughts, feelings, illnesses and reactions to both tragedies and celebrations. Although we normally don’t remember these things, as we become conscious, we become more aware of the importance of making peace with our ancestors.

How Do I Do It?

There are many things you can do to help heal your family tree. From a practical point of view, tracing your family tree and making notes of reoccurring patterns is a starting point. You may also choose to visit ancestral homelands and cemeteries where your ancestors are buried.

Talk to your family and find out as much as possible about your ancestors. Consult a specialist who can assist you with tracing your family tree. Birth and death certificates can be obtained. Check old records. Trace the meaning of your surname.

Surnames often describe occupations or regions where your ancestors would have lived. From a spiritual point of view, in order to heal your family tree, you will need to confront the energetic patterning. This does not necessarily mean confronting your living family members if you have a problem with them. It’s the energy you must confront. This sometimes means you may discover very unpleasant things about your family.

Do not be afraid to do this as you have already been carrying this energy around with you all of your life. If you don’t look at these patterns, they will still influence your life.

If you feel uncertain, consult a specialist healer. Another thing you can do, is a meditation where you go back and talk with your ancestors. Find out what they did and how they lived, then approach the problem with them. If they have made mistakes which are affecting you now, forgive them and tell them they are forgiven.

If you are having problems with forgiving your ancestors, then tell them that you are ‘willing to forgive them’. Not only will you be releasing them from their torment, you will be helping yourself. All that is required is your heartfelt intention to forgive and this will begin the healing process for your entire family.

Remember by making contact with your ancestors, forgiving them where needed and making peace, you can free them, yourself and even your descendants. The sooner you start, the better you will feel and a sense of emotional freedom will envelope you as you free both yourself and your entire family. It’s an interesting journey!

Court case healing by Spiritual Methods | Solve & Win a case

Have you not believed this ? This spiritual gifted man can send his magic energy to whoever at any place of a court and make him/her change his/her minds to feel sorry for you and dismiss his allegations against you in court or erase debts from the computers. With court case healing a judge will act like you bribed him but when it’s not true.

Court case healing is what you pay what you get . You can even protect yourself  against criminology acts.  I mean what am telling you because ever since people uses this court case healing, they are proud of it.

Court Cases and Legal Magic healing

Have you been accused of the crime you did not commit?
Are you wrongly convicted without fair trial?
Are you guilty but you need a second chance?
Do you need magic to win your case?

Court cases or legal magic spells have become commonly searched spells due to the wide range of solutions they bring to many people’s lives. There are huge number of people who are being accused of cases they did not commit this is a kind of situation where you can fail to prove your innocence and pay a heavy price for that. Court cases magic spells are designed to rescue you from search legal accusations in a very convincing way.

Alternative ways to win court case

How to solve a Court case by spiritual healing
Yes it is always possible that you can win a court case by a magic energy because the energy is always invisible to detect in which they can enter into the judge’s minds to cause a dismissal of the case. Be steady and fast in terms of legal matters because the jail term is never be easy to finish it up.


Legal Protection Healing

The Legal protection healing is a powerful healing that help people who are having legal problems. You do not always have to be a criminal or a fraudster to be involved in legal problems and just like the African proverb says ‘crime pulls the blanket and gets in”. It can be a misunderstanding at work, being unfairly dismissed, a neighbor fight, or any kind of legal problem one can be facing, and this is the best healing to bail you out of trouble. This healing works in various types of ways which are all very effective and provides fast results.

Heal The Future | Energy Healing | Energizing Future Events

energy healingEnergy healing offers so many opportunities with its healing powers besides what is found in a standard Energy healing session. What you can do with Energy is truly limitless. It can be used for anything from meditating to sending positive energy to the food you eat. Energy is used on animals, to draw your soul mate to you and to open your life up to abundance.

It is funny how sometimes the universe will present the same thing to you over and over. Lately I have had several people separately come to me all asking about how to send Energy to something in the future that they are nervous about. For some people it may be a job interview they are anxious about, for some it is a big exam or doctor’s appointment they have coming up and for others it is a difficult conversation they need to have with someone. Energy is all knowing and always helps the greatest good to occur. Let go of what you think the best outcome may be for any given situation and allow the energy to step in for the highest good.

The future is determined by our actions in the present. It is obviously of utmost importance that we put in our best efforts in we want the future to be pleasant. In addition to this however, healing the future can have its advantages. For example, suppose a little boy has a tendency to be so afraid during exams that he tends to forget. While it is important for him to work hard and be well prepared for his exams, sending some healing for him to remain calm and composed during his exams will be quite beneficial. Of course, much of such healing can be sent during the time of the event itself, but remains an option if you know you will be busy at that time.

The future often triggers fear and worry when we take into consideration all the unpleasant possibilities that might occur. It is important before we heal the future, that we check for any fears of the future and request Energy to heal these first. Once we are open to the possibilities and relaxed, we can begin the healing.

This energy could be send in time, because time is a concept stated only by human mind, it really doesn’t exist. In despite of that vision, we have to agree that the past is a time that we report as being history. So sending energy has its specific tools to step over the time and send universal energy to events that has took place before, in order to heal situations that could harm our present life. For example, you can heal relationships from the past (with family, parents, ex-friends, lovers, friends, teachers, other people) that are over but still bring emotional stress to you. Or you could heal past events from your childhood or when you was at school with a lot of stressful things on your shoulders. Practically energy could be applied in any past situation where it is needed. You can not change the past but with the help of energy we can use  to forgive and be forgiven and release the unpleasant issues coming from there. You will find and feel those passed events in a new light and be much stronger for the new challenges in the future. The future is just about to begin. Each moment of our life is a present, a past and a future so to speak. So, don’t let the incoming events to desolate you or to appear unexpected. You can send energy to a future event that is very important to you. For example, you could use this energy to your exams, to your job interviews, to your future marriage, to your future work or business, to your future love relations or to your retirement period in order to have a good stage of health, life appetite and energy to love and be loved. I have to remind you that your future will become sooner or later your past life, so be prepared to take into account that everything is a continuous transition…BE PRESENT !

Energizing future events is becoming more and more popular. While more proof is coming out for it to be beneficial for building confidence and to help overcome fear or nervousness. Sending Energy to a specific place, person or people, before going for a particular event or journey is an excellent way of generating self-assurance. Energy can have influence on thoughts and words and decisions through your energy, which create your reality.

Some common future events that you may wish to energize using Energy distance treatment: Exams/Tests, Blind dates, Business Meetings, Giving birth, Job interviews, Medical appointments, Speaking engagements, Sports tournaments, Court Case, Wedding, and more! The only limits are the imagination.

The Flow of energies inside your body helps to build strong self-confidence and you will not feel fearful, lonely or nervous if confronted with new experiences. It gives you courage to face any of your future events with confidence that will make your event successful.

By moving into the future you can send Energy for important future events such as exams, jobs interviews and visits to the dentist. Because you may not be able to allocate a specific amount of time, this technique is a good way to adjust the flow of Energy based on time. If you send the Energy, you can specify when and where the recipient will receive it. For example, when sending energy, we can make a statement “we are sending energy to John Smith, who will undergo heart surgery at 10 PM on Monday at the Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami. May he responds well to any medical treatment and recovers quickly”.

Some people often send energy to a patient before, during and after surgery and also to the surgeon when he is performing the surgery.

During a Energy healing session, The Energy healer supplies the energy to the receiver(s) and/or Event. Of coarse this treatment is 100% safe, non-invasive and quite effective. Enjoy the feeling of peace and contentment after a session.

Ancestral Problems | Ancestral Spirits |Spiritual Solutions|

Ancestral ProblemsLife is what we make of it, so it is said. It is very much so with ancestors as well. Your ancestors can be a source of inspiration, help and protection or a source of trouble, chaos and obstruction in your life — it’s all up to you! Most people have no idea how powerful the hidden influence of their ancestors is on the life they are living. Many of the problems you are having today might be caused by your ancestors or by you not handling them properly. Many persistent and “unsolvable” problems in your life — though not necessarily caused by your ancestors — could easily be overcome with your ancestors’ help — if only you knew how to contact them and harness their power.

It has been said that not feeding one’s ancestors is the root cause of poverty! Could it be that we are having global poverty because — among other things — we have lost the sacred traditions of communing with and feeding our ancestors?

Have we perhaps been intentionally cut off from our spiritual benefactors, the protectors of our clans?

I fear this is so, not just by coincidence but by design. Otherwise, if ancestors are so important to us, as many ancient traditions from cultures all over the world are telling us, why have we never been told about this? In my opinion this is part of the ongoing intentional discrediting of sacred knowledge with the goal of disempowering humanity through false religions, fear mongering, ridicule and obscuring of all true spiritual knowledge which could lead to empowerment and self-governance.

Ask yourself honestly, how do you feel when you read my words? How do you feel about my suggestion to work with the dead, with spirits? Are you afraid? Do you think it is evil? Does it freak you out because it brings to mind certain trashy Hollywood movies which totally distort the truth about the spiritual realm? Most people are so conditioned by religion and by the brainwash media that anything to do with spirits either is taboo or really scares them. Both death and spirits have been declared “the enemy” by the media and the medical egregore. People whose organs have long given up are artificially kept alive instead of allowing them the mercy of death by switching the machines off. Countless horror movies show evil spirits going after people, even killing them. As a result people have a very distorted view and unreasonable fears of anything to do with death, spirits and the realm of the dead.

The fear mongering by the media and prosecution by the Church/Temple has led to people forgetting all the traditional ancestral passing-over rites of their cultures which in turn has created a huge problem in the astral realm. More and more souls are becoming earthbound, due to this gross negligence and ignorance about death, the dead, and the truth about our ancestors. I feel that it is time now for all of us who love freedom and life to reconnect with the power of our ancestors so they can protect us in these difficult and troublesome times, and so that they can get healed, and through healing them we also heal ourselves, our families and ultimately our society. For this reason I am now teaching people how to establish a good relationship with their ancestors and turn them into their friends, helpers and allies.

According to shamanic beliefs, when a person dies their spirit goes into the Underworld. There the spirit stays for a period of time and then it becomes an ancestral spirit with the ability to freely travel to other regions of the spirit world such as the Middle World, which is the spirit side of the world we are living in. Virtually all tribal and shamanic traditions had ceremonies and rituals of honouring the ancestors, of feeding them, seeking their advice or appeasing them. Shamans due to their ability to see spirits could usually commune directly with ancestral spirits when in a trance or having imbibed sacred plants.

While the other members of the tribe might not have been able to communicate with ancestors directly, they might have had ancestral contact in dreams for instance. Dreams were given great importance by many tribal cultures, and contrary to our modern Western attitude, were seen as real. I too have had several dreams of my deceased grandmother, which I feel were real experiences on the astral planes. These were very powerful dreams that touched me deeply. Even in our disconnected and dis-spirited times many people speak of feeling their beloved ancestors near and protecting them, or report dreams of deep meaning about relatives who have passed on.

In all ancient cultures it was common knowledge that ancestors could be of great help to the living but also create problems, if they were not honoured or when there was an ancestral curse etc. In the Vedic tradition, for example, the ancestors or pitris can hold negative karma that afflicts the living descendants. These karmas can be alleviated or altogether overcome if the living descendents organise sacrificial rituals to certain Vedic deities. This is believed to help both the forefathers and the living descendents and is a very popular and effective Vedic practice. By the way, if the word sacrifice scares you, all Vedic sacrifices are totally non-bloody and vegetarian! The Vedic Gods as very high spiritual beings do not demand blood or harm to innocent creatures as the lesser gods frequently do.

As per the sages of India, life of all people is influenced by three aspects – karmic, ancestral and spiritual. In other words they are termed as karma dosha, pitru dosha and aradhana dosha. The blemishes of bad karma manifest from the soul of man like puss from a wound in the form of bad fate, auspicious and inauspicious experiences, fortune and misfortune, physical debilities, incurable diseases and so on.

Karma (actions) repeated over a period of time becomes karmagati- karmic tendency in the soul. Suppose a man mixes one bag of inferior quality rice with a bag of superior quality, and sells it for the price of superior quality rice, it will help him earn more profit. Karma has two unavoidable results or consequences – physical and qualitative. The profit earns the karmi material possessions which get perished or dispossessed at the time of death. The qualitative aspect, i.e. the result of cheating goes into the soul and gets recorded in there. The adulterator would have become rich, but the result of his action of cheating will haunt him birth after birth as disease, as stomach disorder, ulcer and the like.

Such karmic diseases could be cured only through the unwinding of bad karma, through the purification of the karmic sore with the antidote of appropriate remedial karma coupled with medical treatment. No treatment, rituals, worship, yoga or meditation will be effective unless one is able to cure the underlying sores of bad karma through repentant actions.

All human experiences have this subtle karmic aspect lying deep in one’s jeeva.  Souls with luck can become aware of their karmic past through the grace of an Atmagyani Guru – a seer who can know the knots of a soul and suggest remedies.

Ancestral problems are referred to as ‘pitru dosha’ in astrology. Pitrudosha or ancestral curse is genetic or familial problems with which an individual or family is affected with and which are beyond the normal methods of healing. Every soul is connected to a pool of ancestors. There could be ancestors of good and bad karma as well as good and bad tendencies (vasana or karmagati). At the time of birth, the soul gets influenced by any one of such ancestral souls which is known as pitru rashi. The souls of ancestors take birth as children in the related family lineage for their evolutionary spiritual as well as physical fulfillment. To whatever pitrurashi one belongs, he or she will carry the same characteristics, fortunes and misfortunes related to the ancestral soul, even disease. It is due to pitru dosha children are born with genetic problems, mental retardation and undergo other family misfortunes.

One aspect of the spiritual root causes of problems in our lives is the distress caused to descendants by the subtle bodies of their ancestors who have passed away (died). It is also one of the more common spiritual factors that affects almost all of humanity in some form or the other. Before we give a detailed explanation as to why our ancestors would want to cause any kind of trouble for us, let us first examine the kinds of difficulties that people can experience due to departed ancestors.

The distress caused to us descendants by the subtle bodies of our ancestors manifests in many ways in our day-to-day lives.  It creates obstacles in both, our worldly lives as well as spiritual practice. In some cases, it may seem that the entire family has a dark cloud over it and various family members are undergoing various problems despite all efforts to overcome them. The difficulties that are created due to departed ancestors come in various forms as listed below:

  • Inability to get married
  • Marital disharmony
  • Addictions (a sizeable % of addictions are due to ancestral spirits possessing descendants in order to experience the addictive substance or activity)
  • Going blank in examinations despite being well prepared for it
  • Loss of job
  • Difficulty in conceiving a child
  • Miscarriages
  • Bearing mentally challenged children or children with special needs
  • Death during childhood

Miscarriage, death in childhood, etc. happen when the distress by ancestors is coupled with other major spiritual causes such as destined possible death. It cannot happen solely on account of distress of ancestors. While the above types of problems may be a strong indication of ancestral problems, only a Saint or a Guru (a spiritually evolved guide) can tell with certainty the root cause of a problem.

At an intellectual level, we could use two rules of thumb to decide if the cause of the suffering is spiritual in nature:

  • All remedies to solve the problem have failed. This is especially so when the problem should be easily treatable by modern sciences such as a skin rash, chest pain, etc.
  • A number of family members (e.g. 4 out of 5) are suffering with any of the above mentioned issues simultaneously. (The reason that all the family members get affected is that they all have the same ancestors.)

Such ancestral problems can be removed only by the rehabilitation or spiritual cleansing of ancestral souls in the spiritual brilliance (jnana agni) of a sage who is capable to envision through spiritual vision (darsan) such karmic and ancestral problems related to an individual and absorb it in his own spiritual light. Ancestral problems cannot be remedied through simple rituals and prayers or pitru tarpan based on tantric methods. Such rituals can only provide a temporary relief to the sufferers. When king Dilip failed to beget a child despite his unlimited access to power, wealth, rituals and remedies available in the world, he along with his wife Sudakshina decided to visit Rishi Vasisht, Vasisht after listening to the woe of the royal couple ordered them to live in the ashram and tender his cows. Dilip and Sudakshina lived an ordinary life in the ashram of Vasisht tendering cows. When some time passed, Vasisht called them aside and told them that now they could go back.  Sudakshina conceived after some time and delivered a child – Raghu, the ancestor of Sri Ram. The chariot of king Dilip had hurt a heavenly cow during one of his exploits. It worked as a curse in his soul. Rishi Vasisht could envision this karmic problem through his omniscience and therefore suggested appropriate antidote karma. Karmic knots in the soul could be diagnosed by an Atmagyani Guru only.



Stroke, Brain Damage & Paralysis Treatment | Energy Healing|

Stroke“Every year, 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. Nearly six million die and another five million are left permanently disabled. Stroke is the second leading cause of disability, after dementia.  Disability may include loss of vision and / or speech, paralysis and confusion. Globally, stroke is the second leading cause of death above the age of 60 years, and the fifth leading cause of death in people aged 15 to 59 years old.” according to the World Heart Federation.

When a stroke doesn’t result in the death of the patient, it can also lead to a number of other complications, including paralysis, loss of skills and long-term disability. After someone experiences a stroke, he or she will often need rehabilitative services, such as physical therapy, speech therapy and more, in order to regain lost abilities. During this recovery period, adding Energy Healing to the treatment regimen may improve patient outcomes and provide a number of other benefits.

Unexpectedly, you feel a part of your physical body time out, lose sensation as well as stop operating properly. Your eyes could see double, your tongue could prickle, and your arm or leg might drag for a couple of minutes. If these symptoms continue for a few minutes (15-20) you are having a stroke. Those are the signs and symptoms of a TIA or Transient Ischemic Assault, known as a small stroke or mini stroke. The stealthy component is that in both a TIA and a lower stroke, the signs and symptoms come and go for the lucky individual. If you cannot produce an even smile on both sides of your face, remember the day, or have actually proceeded feeling numb on one side of your body, visit the medical facility emergency clinic quickly. You have a 3-hour window to have a possibility to change any type of major damages.

For those which exhibit as well as experience significant impairment and also who are incapable to obtain instant treatment, stroke damages may cause paralysis, nerve damage, and various other debilitating signs. Fortunately is, usually in time, you can have some form of restored feature in the locations of your physical body that were originally ruined.

There are two main causes for the occurrence of a stroke. The first is when there is a blood clot in the body that prevents blood from flowing to the brain. Without the regular supply of oxygen and sugar from blood, the brain cells get damaged and result in a stroke. Another cause for a stroke is when a ruptured artery causes blood to flood the area between the skull and the brain, which reduces the blood supply to the brain and causes damage to the cells due to a lack of oxygen and blood sugar.

The manifestations are commonly resolved through time yet these symptoms should be treated at once because it might as well be a delicate situation for the patient. The dysfunctions of the patient are also classified depending on the anatomy of the brain. Drop attacks are outcomes of Transient Ischemic Attack that happens when the patient faints all of a sudden with or without losing awareness. The National Institute of Health Stoke Scale is used to determine the level of disfigurement of the patient caused by stroke.

Acupuncture has recently been providing significant restorative results by improving some physical functions for stroke victims. According to CBC News, “The functional electrical stimulation rowing machine, developed by researchers in Edmonton and England, helps people with disabilities (paraplegics and others) enjoy the benefits of regular exercise.”

As a medical intuitive and distance energy healer, energy healing is another modality that provides electromagnetic stimulation and shows great promise in treating and curing stroke damage and regenerating damaged nerves. By using directed electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing, we can reframe bio structures i.e, nerve impulse generators and their neural pathways that direct your body’s physical functions to their initial blueprint of health. Neural pathways can be restructured so that those with paralysis can move their legs or arms. Numb extremities can be revived and regenerated to sensation.

In several clients with stroke complications, after their cellular and neural connections were restored and regenerated, physical therapy was used to restrengthen their muscles that had weakened due to lack of use during the early stages of their rehabilitation. To date, various stroke symptoms and complications can be lessened or reversed with energy healing.

Energy healing is cutting edge and is being clinically researched as a healing modality that shows great promise in assisting and restoring the physical health of those who have experienced a stroke.

In addition to helping stroke patients recover, Energy healing may also be helpful in preventing strokes among people who are at high risk for developing blood clots. According to the CDC, the blood clots that cause strokes are more likely to occur among patients with heart disease, high cholesterol or diabetes. Because energy healing promotes the body’s own ability to heal itself, it may aid in the treatment of some of the conditions that can lead to a stroke. Furthermore, since high blood pressure is another known contributor to the development of strokes, energy healing may also help prevent this condition by reducing stress levels and lowering a client’s blood pressure.

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