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Symptoms & Causes of Spirit Attachment

Common Symptoms of Spirit Attachments and Possession

The most common symptoms (beyond fatigue that cannot be explained) are memory issues, general fogginess/lack of clarity, and physical or emotional symptoms that started at a very specific point in time.

We  also suspect spirit attachment if someone has been in a place with a lot of spirits– a hospital or nursing home, for example– with symptoms that started right after their visit that they did not have prior. This could really be anything, as when a former human attaches to us we pick up their symptomsThis means that if we were in a hospital where there was a former human who died with pancreas issues we might suddenly start having pain in our side. 

No medical tests show anything. This is another big symptom that makes us suspect spirit involvement. If you have physical symptoms that are causing you considerable distress and have gone to doctors, had medical tests, and blood tests, and nothing shows up and nobody can tell you what is wrong you either have a bad doctor or may want to check for spirit attachment. 

You had surgery, anesthesia, or were knocked out. Any time we have surgery we partially or fully leave our bodies energetically. It is a basic trauma response, and the anesthesia in fact has the effect of kicking us out of our bodies. This means that other energies that are present can see an opening and take advantage of it. Our boundaries are down and our energy is scattered while knocked out, especially under anesthesia. Of course, not everyone who has surgery gets a spirit attachment– but this paired with symptoms starting that cannot be explained and other symptoms listed here might suggest that you get a reading at the very least.

Change of behaviors, personality, addictions, and hobbies. This is another huge symptom that causes us to suspect spirit attachment. If you were a quiet, shy and plainly dressed and chaste woman who suddenly starts wearing tube tops and picking up men in bars (this is an extreme example, of course) that would suggest that there is an energy present that is not you. Similarly, a sudden interest in other hobbies, changes in wardrobe, personality that is unlike you is cause to question, especially if the interest showed up suddenly.

Addiction is a huge symptom of spirit attachment. First, because the addiction and substance use makes you have less boundaries overall (kind of like anesthesia) which makes it easier for energies to attach, but also because there are a lot of former humans who were addicts in life hanging out in bars and other places. They sense that you are a vibrational match for them and attach. Spirits have a hard time getting drunk or high though since they do not have physical bodies… so whatever drink or drug you are utilizing is never enough. They always want more.

Sensitivity paired with odd dreams. Although this can be a wide variety of things (including past lives, astral travel, etc) if you are a sensitive and have odd dreams that are not your own, you may want to get checked for attached energies, or at the very least learn some protection measures for your bedroom so that energies are not interfering with your sleep and general privacy.

A relative, family member, friend, or pet that you are in constant grief over. The grieving process for anyone is extraordinarily difficult. There are specific stages to grief, and it can take us a long time to work with grief when someone has left our lives physically. But if you sense that the person is still with you, you are constantly dreaming and thinking about them, and you have physical or emotional imbalances that they did they may still be present. Although people sometimes are happy that their loved one is still around they are not in their right place and are causing you harm by being attached to you. 

War and other intense events, visiting places as a sensitive that have had a lot of violence or spirit activity. We have now worked with countless people from the military who had PTSD and high levels of stress who also had another layer of spirit attachment on top of that. This is sometimes hard to differentiate, but any extreme levels of trauma make us more open for spirit attachmentsespecially if there already is a lot of death and spirit activity present.

Similarly, if we are sensitive (which means that we notice things around us more, like spirit presences), and we visit a place that has had a huge amount of trauma, war, or violence we may have something attach to us.

Hearing voices, sensing a presence, or feeling something within you or around you that is not “you”. This can mean a spirit attachment, or it can mean significant trauma has happened that has caused you to disassociate. Or it can mean both.

Lack of interest in sex. Again, we are getting into something that could be hormonal or based in other reasons (meaning look at if your partner is being a jerk, or if there are “mundane” reasons for your sex life to be not present, first). But the presence of a male former human in a female body, for example, can cause the female to not be attracted to her male partner.

Memory lapses, time loss, and fogginess/lack of clarity in thinking. This can again point to severe trauma, endocrine conditions, and other issues… but when a spirit attaches to us their thought patterns, emotions, and physical issues overlay our energy systems, in time becoming more and more physically entrenched. You may experience thoughts that are not yours, or just have a general sort of fogginess to your thinking due to a presence. In severe cases this energy overlaying can become more dominant with people reporting memory lapses and time loss from the time that they are in the background and the attached energy became more dominant.

Symptoms that started suddenly. If you are aware of that all of your symptoms started on a specific day, week, or month, this is a common symptom of spirit attachment.

Emotions that are like a roller-coaster. Lots and lots of fear. Anxiety attacks. Feeling emotions that are not based in your experiences or a roller coaster of emotions. Interestingly, many people cancel on me because they make an appointment and the night before they start feeling a lot of fear and anxiety. Many of them then cancel the appointment. They do not realize that it is the attached spirit that is afraid, not them. That the attached spirit realizes, anticipates, and fears moving on.

This is a fairly comprehensive list of the most common symptoms. Again, most people who have attachments are of moderately benign energies– emotions, thoughts, and former humans. These symptoms cause fatigue as well as many of the other issues above. As we can see, they do not typically cause really severe symptoms. The further away we get from more common energies or benign energies, the more severe the symptoms are, and the more difficulty they will create in your life. Many non-human energies cause similar symptoms as listed above, but due to their unique presence and vibrational difference from our own energetic field their presence is noted more readily.

It is really important to know that only having one of these symptoms does not mean you have something attached to you. If this post resonates with you, and you have a few of the symptoms, We would suggest checking in with a spiritual worker.


The Causes of Spirit Attchment or Invasion 

General Reasons
There are many reasons individuals become open to attachments of different sorts. Some of these reasons, obviously, are cause for more healing work that just the release. If unattended, they can leave the door open to reattachment or, at the least, can leave the erstwhile host in a disabling state of imbalance within their lives.

The most common reason is being unconscious (not asleep). Here, someone could be in this state due to: an accident or attack; excessive alcohol intake; drug intake. The drug intake includes general anaesthetics, which are usually given in hospitals – where a lot of people die under conditions which can lead them to become lost souls. Hospitals are very busy places, in this respect. What I write is not a rule but a generalisation: probably more attachments collected in hospitals are discarnate human entities, as with the incidents of accident; however, the score is about even between discarnate human entities and Demonic entities where attack, excessive alcohol or self-administered drugs are the reason for the openness to attachment. The trauma of an accident or an attack needs resolving, afterwards, as does the cause of the need to take excessive alcohol or take recreational drugs.

Dark Beings
Obviously, attachments will tend heavily towards Demonic where someone has been using a Ouija board or been indulging in Satanic rituals of any kind. People who indulge in these practices may initially see it as a bit of fun but then realise that it has gotten frighteningly out of hand and they need help. People who experiment with ways to send “curses” will only manage to do it when they have been attached to by something Dark or something that has a Dark one with it. These people will need the attachment releasing but also need help undoing any request or agreement for such collaboration.

A lot of people hold the idea that a working medium agrees to what they believe will be a temporary attachment. Often these are not temporary. Many mediums who are not well protected burn out after eighteen months or two years. People whose Spiritual evolution is perhaps a step or two ahead of their conscious realisation can find themselves open, quite literally, to attachment by anything. Such people may try to “connect” with a higher level. Obviously they would have to be open to do this but if they are open, it can be two-way traffic. Again, spiritual protection and probably mentoring would be useful here, after any release.

Traumas Leading to Attachments
If someone experiences a severe trauma, severe enough for Fragmentation of Personality to take place would be open for attachment at that time. Fragmentation of Personality is where the Subconscious feels the event is too much for the Conscious mind to cope with. The personality will fragment, leaving a small part to experience the event but taking the majority of the personality to a far-away, imaginary experience so that the major part does not have any memory of the event.

Afterwards, the fragmentation dissolves and all should be back to normal. But it never can be unless help is given. There are now two parts to the mind and each has different memories, they cannot integrate. The individual will continue their life as, say, 90% of who they are while, say, 10% of who they are will be frozen in time and locked out of the rest of their life. Unsurprisingly, this will lead to neurosis if it is not addressed. Fortunately, this is a situation which can easily be addressed by a knowledgeable and caring therapist but it will never heal itself. The reason for the attachment needs as much attention as the release from the attachment.

Grieving for Loved Ones
Tremendous love or sympathy from a dying loved one will often bring about their attachment to the surviving family member at the centre of their attention. Also will hatred which is unexpressed. I have seen cases of parents and grandparents continuing to “care” for their favourite daughter or granddaughter with predictable results. The problem here is usually that the attachment knows that there is some mistreatment being dealt out to the host and they want to help. These are more difficult to deal with because “nobody knows better for their daughter than them”. Once they are released, the host will need help dealing with the issues that were the reason for the attachment.

Strong Negative Emotions
Hatred can be over a husband being unfaithful or no good for the wife, who is the relative of the recently deceased or being disliked by the recently deceased; in such a case, the wife turns, unexplainably against the husband. Release brings a return to calmness. Whatever problem there is will need dealing with. Hatred is often over money, usually family money and inheritance. The stories here are so involved and need a good degree of counselling and negotiation with the attachment to soothe them before they are comfortable to go. So, here, the extra work is actually needed on the attachment, although the host will now see the reason for upset within the family.

Allergies can leave the body fighting so hard against relentless attack. Unlike illness, which is generally diagnosed and treated, allergies are often undiscovered for a long time, whilst the person with the allergy continues to expose themselves to the cause. Such a strain can leave someone physically drained, emotionally drained and spiritually depleted sufficiently for an attachment. Obviously, release in a case like this is almost a waste of time if the host is not treated for their allergy.

Past Lives and Attachments
Past lives can give someone the feeling of an attachment if the past life was attached to and if the past life was aware of something being wrong. If that past life resonates in this life, it will bring past motivations and desires, memories of illnesses and injury and also memories of the attachment. A Past Life Regression is needed, back to the life in question and a release done there in order to free the present day person. Past lives can bring more sinister problems.

The Faustian Agreement
Selling your soul to the Devil may sound melodramatic but some people, in past lives, have made such deals; normally in return for power, wealth or sexual rewards – the usual, simple human weaknesses. If this is so, Demonic entities will wait for the soul to be born again and attach, expecting to take what is due. This kind of case can be very difficult to treat because we are not talking about one or a group of Demonic entities, we are taking about the whole of the Dark waiting, if necessary, to collect the debt. Here, Past Life Regression is necessary to take the host to the life in question – where the contract was made – and for the host’s past life to break the contract.

Sometimes, if a person has contact with a release practitioner, they can pick up discarnate human attachments who know of that contact. The purpose is solely for a taxi ride into the presence of the release practitioner for their release. They are very apologetic to the host and very grateful to the practitioner. Such attachments can come from a pub in the next town to somewhere visited on holiday abroad. We have experienced this with a few people who have come to us, and one of them, multiple times. The answer, after release is to teach Spiritual Protection, if the person does not like what is happening. In the case of the multiple experiences, it took until the last time for the person to realize that they needed the Spiritual Protection because they were so open.

Ley-Lines Influences
Ley Lines and rivers carry the sort of energy that attaching entities need to feed on. Where any cross each other, that energy is intensified at that point. If a river or a Ley Line is near your home or some cross near or at your home, there may be an entity there which has been waiting for years for the right person to come along. We have experienced both discarnate human entities and Dark ones at such places, with the Dark ones being more prevalent. If they are a little way away, they can use the energy of the Ley Line or river to travel to where a suitable host has just moved in. If the host is cleared and the Ley Line(s) and/or river are not, then the door is open for a repeat experience.

Pumping a flat tyre back up to pressure is not much use if you don’t find the nail that made the hole and then repair the hole before you re-inflate. Nor is it much use if you know the driver has nails scattered along their road. That road needs clearing, as well. An attachment is a symptom of something else being wrong. Putting that something else right is as important as the release.

Distant Healing

Distant Healing is Healing performed when the patient is not present. It is possible to transmit Healing energies over any distance and this form of Healing can be very effective. The patients may or may not be aware that this Healing has been undertaken for them but may attain much benefit from it coming as it does from the love and concern that their friends and relatives have for them.

Distance healing is any form of healing energy “sent” across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present with the healer to receive the healing. It may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon between you and the practitioner.

This type of healing is equally effective as an in person healing because in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner.

Energy healing has been practiced for ages in many societies. The advent of long distance communications allowed us to stay in touch with relatives and friends that may live thousands of miles away from us. With this modern freedom, at times we find ourselves in a situation where those persons are sick, recovering in a hospital, or going through a difficult period in their lives, and we can’t be physically present to provide the support we would like to.

If we are considering helping with non-physical energies (bioenergies, chi, prana), we can ask ourselves about distance energy healing.

The Illusion of Time and Space

The archetypal perception that most of us live in in this physical reality is one that is conditional and dual. What does that mean exactly? Well, for most of us, our experience of this physical reality is governed by the perceptions that time and space are real and fixed. We live inside of time and space meaning that our perceptions are locked into this paradigm that things are not only separated by distance, but that time only moves in one direction-forward.

This perception, particularly the perception of time, is one of the things that keeps us firmly rooted in the physical world and yet at the same time may also limit our ability to manifest change and experience instant healings.  Shamanic healers will tell you that time is an “illusion”.

This illusion exists only because we have believed it to be true and serves a good purpose—it keeps us grounded in the physical experience which is right where we need to be to live and go about our daily activities. But at the same time this perception can limits us from a greater understanding and experience of life. The good news is that like all perceptions, this illusion of time and space can be transcended or altered at will with proper practice.

Healing beyond Time and Space

When a healer facilitates a distance healing, he or she is going outside of time and space. She is altering her perception by any number of techniques. In the Theta healing technique for example the practitioner slows her brainwaves to the theta wave which activates what is known in shamanism as the “waking dream” state. She is changing her perception or vantage point to a place where time and space are not fixed, where there is no separation between things and where time flows not only forward but backwards. Where in time she decides to go is dependent only on where she decides to place her awareness.
As spiritual energy is not limited by time and space, remote healing becomes possible. A trained healer can set their intent on someone far away. The healer can be aware of the distant person’s energy. The healer can help the distant person remove blocks and unwanted energies from their system. The healer can also support the distant person in getting their own spiritual energy flowing, so they can heal themselves. Distance healings can be calming and promote the release of stress and are a key part of holistic healing. It can also be revitalizing and help speed up recovery times for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. These and other benefits can all happen from a distance.

Unique Benefits of Distant Healing

Remote healing is especially useful when there are physical or geographic considerations. If you are sick, bedridden, or would rather not leave your home for some reason…distant healing can support the spiritual wellness healing process–without you having to leave the comfort of your own home. Or, if you live far away and transport is an obstacle for some reason…distant healing provides an alternative way to support healing–beyond the limits of location. It is also reassuring to know you can support your loved ones’ healing process, even at a distance.

Distant Healing Sessions

Distant Healing is a method of energy healing at any long distance. In distant energy healing, energy is controlled and can be guided by focusing the energy by utilizing the power of the mind.
In the world of energy, there is no such thing as time or space. Distant healing is based on Quantum Physics discoveries that energy is not restricted to any time and location. It is possible to transmit healing energies over any distance and this form of healing is very effective.
Distant healing is an advanced form of energy healing. Conditions such as headache, pain, and high blood pressure can be relieved in a few minutes no matter how far away the client happens to be.  However, we highly recommend that if you are continuing to experience symptoms, you should always contact a traditional doctor.
There are many different types of healing modalities out there to work with for different issues that you may be dealing with. Our main focus is energy healing, Reiki, spiritual healing, Shamanism, working with the Akashic Records, working with the psychic surgical healing methods through distant healing processes. We work with a combination of all of these formats to find the perfect balance to provide the necessary healing for you at this time.
All of our healing sessions and energy scans are provided through distant healing with an energetic connection. No healing sessions or energy scans are performed over the phone, internet, chat, or video conference as these electronic devices can and do interfere with the healing process. During your healing session we ask that you are in a relaxed and receptive state until the session is completed. For this reason, we generally perform these sessions while you are asleep so that you can be in your most receptive and relaxed state.

Healing Relationship Issues

Is healing possible in our relationship?  What would our healthy relationship look and sound like?

Life is really all about relationships; we can hardly exist without them. And that is why relationships are sometimes the solution, and other times the problem.

Living in this modern world we are forging a new way more than we realize. And when it comes to relationships, there are new challenges facing us and few places to turn for guidance. The traditional roles of the past are no longer as prevalent – and we luckily have more freedoms these days. But there’s also a price to pay, for society’s structures and norms make it clear how we are supposed to act. Therefore, while we are free to just be ourselves in this free society, knowing how to build and maintain relationships isn’t always easy.

To a large extent we have to depend on other people to meet our needs and it’s hard to negotiate relationships all on one’s own. Doing this can cause people to burn out; they become frustrated because they think they are self-aware, communicative and fair, but modern relationships are really challenging. We all have our own secret, inner worlds and have to communicate them, which is hard because you can’t literally show someone your emotion. There’s the working on our own internal state, and then communicating our needs and desires to someone else. Yet there’s still another component: How they respond.

As humans we have a myriad of relationships in our lives. They can include personal relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. We have relationships related to our business lives with employees, suppliers, and other companies. Sometimes we have relationships that are legal in nature and could include lawyers, judges, courts, defendants and plaintiffs. In any and all types of relationships problems can develop and we can feel powerless to change or improve these relationships. Well, since all relationships are essentially energy we do have the ability to remove the negativity or energetic charge from these “problem” relationships. The first thing that helps to create relationships that are in our highest wellbeing is to clear our own energy field. When we find ourselves in a particularly difficult relationship, we can’t clear other people’s fields without their permission, which could be a challenge to obtain, however we can clear the negative energies or energetic charge from the relationship that could be affecting a mutually beneficial resolution to the problem at hand.

Sometimes – well, most times – there’s pain in a relationship.

And sometimes, things can become so fragile and hard to navigate that irreparable cracks surface, and the relationship becomes broken.

You might feel confused, afraid, alone, deeply saddened, or betrayed. You might want to give up and move on, or you may want to stay. And those are all normal, natural, valid feelings to have when a relationship is at its breaking point. But regardless of how it looks and feels to you, brokenness sucks. There’s no denying it.

When you’re in the middle of any sort of relationship crisis, the very last thing you want to do is let go. Conflict with someone you love often makes you want to do the very opposite, especially when the other person is already doubting the future of the relationship.

When we’re feeling threatened by the loss of someone we love, we act from a place of fear. Our stress hormones skyrocket as we react with our fight or flight instinct. Suddenly we hold tighter, talk more, do more, and think of nothing else.

However, with a little space and hindsight, it is easy to see this sort of intensity around a negative situation only works to amplify the anger and resentment that both parties being feel.

When you are mid-crisis and fighting though, it is very hard to see that the very thing you are doing to try and resolve the situation is actually making everything far worse.

All relationships are based on Energy. Positive relationships reflect intimacy in every aspect of togetherness: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. The energy of a loving couple in an intimate relationship blends in a harmonious way, allowing love and good emotions to flow between them easily and freely.

Conversely, when a couple is in a poor relationship, arguing and fighting, the energy fields don’t blend and flow. They actually clash and repel, manifesting as even more painful friction.

Spiritual Healing utilizes esoteric techniques to disintegrate the negative thoughts and emotions of couples. This helps empower individuals to react less to negative energies, while promoting good energy to flow freely between both partners in a relationship.

The next step is to increase intimacy. Often couples fail to understand that intimacy is about more than sex. When intimacy exists only in the physical body, it tends to fade when the physical body changes.

The same is true on an emotional level. When emotions change, so does the intimacy. The heart chakras of two people have to be highly activated and in tune to each other to form a “heart connection”. This energetic method makes loving each other “effortless”.

On the mental level, people often put their partner’s faults and weakness under a “microscope” rather than focusing on the positive traits. An easy technique is to mentally enhance the positive qualities your partner has, no matter how small.

From a spiritual standpoint, it is important that the energy fields of two people in a relationship merge together. When we project love, love is projected back to us. We have the Power to literally harness energy to create positive effects and invoke healing in our relationships.

There are ways to recapture the positive energy and loving feelings. Sometimes unhealthy patterns become endless negative circles.  There is a way out.

First, decide if you want to stay in the relationship.  You may feel unsure and confused, with part of you hopeless, and another part of you remembering how good it can be.  Also, there may be cycles of good times, bad times and when it is good, you want to stay, but you tire of the roller coaster up and downs.  Can you create a positive change if the other feels therapy is useless and you come by yourself?  Yes.  When one party can see a new perspective, learn about  destructive patterns of fighting or withdrawing that are common and correctable and not always about the personality or character of either person….CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.

Often,  relationships suffer from stressful illnesses, complexities with children or relatives, different expectations of how to have a healthy relationship, or losses.  When going through stressful periods, without awareness depression or anxiety in one person has a strong negative impact on the relationship. Since most people are often usually strong and able to solve their own problems, a person may only be aware of “not feeling like my usual self'” or realizing a feeling of being out of control and not knowing how to regain balance.  Being able to recognize distancing or increasing irritability, loss of desire or other troubles and getting outside help can prevent blaming the person you are with (which frequently feels like the reason for the difficulties…the other person).  Either alone or together with a therapist, you can “put the problem” outside of you or the relationship, look at it in a problem solving way, learn a few new skills (did you ever really have lessons on how to have a healthy relationship?) and transform many troubled relationships into loving, warm, supportive friendships or partnerships.  CLUES FOR TRANSFORMING NEGATIVE PATTERNS INTO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS STYLES ARE LEARNABLE WITHOUT A PERSONALITY REPLACEMENT OPERATION.  Being able to be who you are as an individual, feel appreciated and respected and attractive helps to heal relationships.  Learning how to manage conflicts and fights and how to build on positive strengths of each and of the relationship will help.  Most of all, the laughter needs to resurface and can by learning how to heal old wounds, develop forgiveness and mutual support, and how to give each other feedback without it seeming like criticism or attack.

We would like for all of our relationships to be positive and to get what we want or need from them. The purpose of removing the negative energies attached to any relationship is not to create a specific outcome. However it does help to influence the process in a positive way which could affect the results so that they are more aligned with the highest good for all.

Healing Bipolar Disorder

Have you come across someone who was screaming for no apparent reason? Maybe they are yelling profanities, talking to themselves, or they are thinking of suicide?

Bipolar disorder has boggled the minds of scientists and researchers since the second century, when it was first recognized as some type of a mental illness (although not called bipolar disorder back then).  The old church was quick to recognize mental illness, however, calling people with mental disorders “witches,” or accusing them of “entertaining demons.”

Recognizing that the major characteristic of bipolar disorder is the extreme mood swings from mania (high highs) to depression (low lows), and the sometimes rapid switch between these two extremes, you might question sometimes if you really might have demons in you.

Can evil spirits cause physical disease or mental illness? The Bible indicates that Jesus cast demons out of people, so do demons still possess people today? Do illnesses such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, or bipolar disorder have only natural causes? If not, how would a medical doctor, psychologist, or pastor know if there may be a supernatural cause?

Formerly known as manic depression, bipolar disorder gets its name from the unpredictable mood swings ranging from the pole of extreme highs (mania) to the pole of deep lows (depression).

Imagine the emotional high you feel after a very positive event—like receiving an award at work, falling in love, or reaching the top of a mountain you’ve climbed. Then multiply the intensity of that feeling three or four times, speed it up to “fast forward,” triple your energy level, and imagine feeling that way around the clock for days, weeks, or even months until you collapse from exhaustion. This is a little of what mania feels like.

“At least one person of every one hundred suffers from bipolar disorder.”

What’s the problem with having so much energy? here’s the problem: First, you are probably doing a lot of exaggerated, unwise things during your manic state. Many of your ideas are unrealistic and your perpetual motion and excited, exaggerated talking tend to alienate even the best of friends. Second, your high to end. When it does, you come crashing into deep depression. Ten to fifteen percent of people with bipolar disorder end up committing suicide.

At least one person of every one hundred suffers from bipolar disorder. The illness typically begins in the late teens or early twenties with men most likely to first have an episode of mania, and women more likely to first experience a depressive phase. The earlier bipolar disorder begins, the more severe the course of the disorder tends to be.
Unmanaged bipolar disorder wreaks havoc in one’s personal, vocational, and family life, and the symptoms recur throughout a person’s life. Over a ten-year period, people with bipolar disorder experience an average of four episodes and five hospitalizations. Even those who have few repeated crises can experience significant ongoing problems between full-blown episodes.


People in a “manic episode” are excessively elated, irritable, moody, and energetic. They have little need for sleep (two to three hours per night is common), have rapid and pressured speech, racing thoughts, and may jump abruptly to unrelated topics without transitions. They are also distractible and impulsive. Some drive recklessly. Others go on wild spending sprees, running up thousands of dollars on credit cards or bouncing check after check. Many have an exaggerated sense of their importance and abilities.

In milder manic episodes, the increased energy, rapid thinking, and limited need for sleep can temporarily lead to incredible productivity. People can also become extremely outgoing and sociable and may be convinced that they are brilliant conversationalists or the life of the party.

In severe manic episodes, people with bipolar disorder become psychotic; that is, their thought processes and ability to judge reality are radically impaired. They may begin by being slightly overconfident about their abilities, eventually becoming convinced that they can predict the future or run the country.

The elevated, expansive mood that is part of bipolar disorder is often difficult to diagnose at first. Many people think a manic person is simply a very happy, high-energy, elated person. They do not recognize that the mania may also cause the person to be paranoid, irritable, and excessively intense. Mild mania is easily confused with normal mood fluctuations.

People with the disorder have to see many different doctors over a period of several years before someone diagnoses the real cause of their problems.


Depressive episodes of bipolar illness are characterized by the opposite of the manic pole of the emotional continuum. People in depressive episodes feel sad and depressed. They have low energy levels, an increase or decrease in sleep, loss of interest in enjoyable activities, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, and suicidal thoughts.

“Some people with the disorder have to see many different doctors over a period of several years before someone diagnoses the real cause.”

Some typically alternate between the extreme moods of mania, depression and normality. Occasionally, however, both the mania and depression are experienced at the same time. This is referred to as a “mixed episode.” Such an episode is characterized by irritability, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts accompanied by high energy and activity levels, decreased sleep, and impulsive behavior. Mixed episodes can be extremely dangerous if the person is suicidal, because the manic symptoms may give a person enough energy to carry out the suicide plans which the depression has triggered.

Family Stress

Both manic and depressive episodes place incredible stress on friends and family. Since people in a manic state can be unreasonable, emotional, and impulsive, family members fear they will do something hurtful or disastrous. They may get the family into serious debt, have several affairs, quit their jobs, and engage in other foolish behavior. Family members of those in a depressed state can become extremely frustrated when, time after time, their efforts to support and encourage them are rejected and rebuffed.

Healing Bipolar Disorder

One of the most difficult things about treating bipolar disorder is that there is no complete “cure.” However, while bipolar disorder is difficult to deal with, it is also true that this problem can usually be effectively managed with proper Spiritual Healing over the time. Spirit Releasement Therapy, Past Life Regression and many other modes of spiritual healing minimize and overcome the most devastating effects of this disorder and enable the sufferers to generally live normal lives at home, work, school.

One of the most helpful things family members can do for a person suffering from a bipolar disorder is to help him keep taking his healing. If you are close to someone with this disorder, encourage him or her to begin or continue spiritual healing and learn to deal with these issues. This will help the person accept dependence on healing the soul—which could be life-saving.

Karma in the Dharma based Religions


Karma first came into being as a concept in Hinduism, largely based on the Vedas and Upanishads. One of the first and most dramatic illustrations of Karma can be found in the great Hindu epic, the Mahabharata. The original Hindu concept of karma was later enhanced by several other movements within the religion, most notably Vedanta, Yoga, and Tantra.

Hinduism sees karma as immutable law with involuntary and voluntary acts being part of a more intricate system of cause and effect that is often not comprehensible to one bound by karma. It is the goal of the Hindu, as expressed succinctly in the Bhagavad Gita, to embrace a ‘sattvic’ lifestyle and thus avoid creating more karma (karma is not qualified as good or bad). By ceasing to create more karma, the jiva-atma or individual soul is able to move closer to moksha, or liberation.

To the Hindu, karma is the law of the phenomenal cosmos that is part and parcel of living within the dimensions of time and space. All actions, thoughts, vibrations of any sort, are governed by a law that demands perfect rebound. So all jiva-atmas (individual souls) must experience karma if they live and experience the phenomenal universe. To escape the cycle of life, death and rebirth, one must exhaust one’s karma and realize one’s true Self as the highest truth of Oneness that is Brahman (or for dvaitists (dualists) bliss with the Supreme Godhead).

In Hinduism, karma is of three kinds:

Prarabadha Karma

This karma is unchangeable within the scope of one life, since it is the ‘setup’ for the life in question. It is the karma of one’s past lives. After death, the atma leaves the body, as the casting off of old vestments, and carries with it the samskaras (impressions) of the past life of thoughts and actions and events. These samskaras manifest themselves in the unchangeable situation into which one is born and certain key events in one’s life. These include one’s time of death (seen as governed by an allotment from birth of the total number of one’s breaths for that life), one’s economic status, one’s family (or lack of family), one’s body type and look: essentially, the setting of one’s birth, the initial base.

Samchita Karma

The samskaras that one inherits from the last lives create one’s personality, inclinations, talents, the things that make up one’s persona. One’s likings, abilities, attitudes and inclinations are based on the thoughts and actions of past lives. One’s samchita karma is somewhat alterable through practice and effort towards change. This might be seen through the Hindu system of yoga and the dynamic of the gunas. An example would be someone who, through meditation, slowly evolved into a more stable personality.

Agami Karma

Agami karma is the karma of the present life over which the soul has complete control. Through it one creates one’s karma in the present for the future of the current life and in life-times to come.
The Hindu cannot say, sometimes, if a major event in life is the doing of Prarabadha or Agami Karma. The idea of “bad things happening to good people” is seen by the Hindu as a result of Prarabadha Karma, more simply understood as karma from a past life.

In Hinduism, karma works within a cyclical framework that sees the phenomenal universe being created and eventually dissolving back into itself, back into realization that it was nothing other than Maya imposed on the truth of Brahman. So Karma will eventually be worked out.

Karma does allow for anirudh (Divine Grace). Through exceeding devotion and love of God, the Hindu believes one can be helped to speed through Karma phal (Karmic fruit). By developing ‘vairagya’ or ‘detachment’ from the fruits of one’s karma, as Lord Krishna most famously summarized, one can transcend karma and be liberated. One is aided by love of God. All the Yogas of Hinduism seek to transcend karma through different means of realization.


In Buddhism, only intentional actions are karmic “acts of will”. Often misunderstood in the West as “cause and effect”, in actuality, Karma literally means “action” – often indicating intent or cause. Accompanying this usually is a separate tenet called Vipaka, meaning result or effect. The re-action or effect can itself also influence an action, and in this way, the chain of causation continues ad infinitum. When Buddhists talk about karma, they are normally referring to karma that is ‘tainted’ with ignorance – karma that continues to ensure that the being remains in the everlasting cycle of samsara.
This samsaric karma comes in two ‘flavours’ – good karma, which leads to high rebirth (as a deva, asura, or human), and bad karma which leads to low rebirth (as a hell-sufferer, as a preta, or as an animal).

There is also a completely different type of karma that is neither good nor bad, but liberating. This karma allows for the individual to break the endless cycle of rebirth, and thereby leave samsara permanently.

This seems to imply that one does not need to act in a good manner. But the Buddhist sutras explain that in order to generate liberating karma, we must first develop incredibly powerful concentration. This concentration is akin to the states of mind required to be reborn in the Deva realm, and in itself depends upon a very deep training in ethical self-discipline.

This differentiation between good karma and liberating karma has been used by some scholars to argue that the development of Tantra depended upon Buddhist ideas and philosophies.

Understanding the universal law of Karma provides order to a beginningless and endless universe. Alongside this view is the related notion of Buddhist rebirth – sometimes understood to be the same thing as reincarnation – which has its roots in the principle of Karma.


Jains believe that karma is a form of matter. Mahavira described karma as “clay particles”. Jains do not believe in “good karma” or “bad karma”; they try to avoid all karma.

Parallels with Christianity

Christian teachings do not usually include the idea of Karma, although some parallels can be made, as exemplified by biblical verses of ‘God is not mocked, what a man sows he must reap’ and ‘Vengence is mine says the Lord’.

For the most part, however, the idea of the Abrahamic God makes the concept of Karma redundant for Christians.

It is also worth noting that most interpretations of Christianity do not emphasize the religious importance of thoughts and intentions (volition), that are usually understood to be a major form of Karma by the doctrines that use that concept.

Western Interpretation

According to Karma, performance of positive action results with the reaction of a good conditioning in one’s experience, whereas a negative action results in a reaction of a bad response. This may be an immediate result following the act, or a delayed result occurring either in the present life or the next. Thus, meritorious acts may create rebirth into a higher station, such as a superior human being or a godlike being, while evil acts result in rebirth as a human living in less desirable circumstances, or as a lower animal. While the action of karma may be compared with the Western notions of sin and judgment by God or gods, Karma is held to operate as an inherent principle of the Universe without the intervention of any supernatural being.

Most teachings say that for common mortals, having an involvement with Karma is an unavoidable part of day-to-day living. However, in light of the Hindu philosophical school of Vedanta, as well as Gautama Buddha’s teachings, one is advised to either avoid, control or become mindful of the effects of desires and aversions as a way to moderate or change one’s karma (or, more accurately, one’s karmic results).

New Age and Theosophy

The idea of karma was popularized in the west through the work of the Theosophical Society. Kardecist and Western New Age reinterpretations of karma frequently cast it as a sort of luck which is associated with virtue: if one does good or spiritually valuable acts, one deserves and can expect good luck; contrariwise, if one does harmful things, one can expect bad luck or unfortunate happenings. In this conception, karma is affiliated with the Neopagan law of return or Threefold Law, the idea that the beneficial or harmful effects one has on the world will return to oneself.

Health, Relationships, Abilities, Genius, Free Will, Opportunities

Sickness or afflictions have been attributed to misdeeds in the past, as well as merits, fortunes, etc. to meritorious works, etc.. Karma is said to affect the quality of relationships. For example, people who either love or hate each other tend to attract each other (See also Parabadha Karma). Karma dictates that an individual is responsible for his current situation and future situation. Current abilities, talents and inclinations can attributed to past development of these talents or involvement with the same(See also Sanchita Karma and Samskara). In this context, DNA and genes only accomodate and do not determine talents and abilities. In other words you can develop more talents and abilities. Karma however is not a rigid iron-cast system. e.g. Accidents happen outside the workings of karma and free will is a powerful factor in determining the course of life. Getting hit by a car may really be accidental and not karmic at all. A person must also exercise his free will in determining his destiny despite karmic factors. Karma also dictates that opportunities are also increased depending on how one deals with what one has. i.e. Take advantage of what is already available at hand and more will be given.

To be sure, this subconscious memory has an effect and influence on how we think, how we react, what we choose, and even how we look! But the component of free will is ever within our grasp.




Past life issues

Past Life Behaviors & Clues| Therapy for current life issues

A number of cases analyzed during the experiment suggests that we may be born with a need to learn how to overcome particular beliefs or behavioral patterns. Several subjects report that as very young children they experienced inexplicable impulses to reject certain norms or attitudes of their family and friends. They felt compelled to behave differently regardless of social pressures to conform. Ian Stevenson once also described such a case where a young girl in a peasant Indian family had difficulty resisting her inclination to exhibit behaviors of the Brahmin caste. We introduce an anonymous case here to illustrate an American soul apparently attempting to compensate for having been a slaveholder in previous lives. This story may offer possible insight into how the soul genome activates some of our intuitive decisions made during naive, youthful periods before we become aware of the notion of reincarnation.

“I was born into a poor share-cropper family in the post-bellum South. My step-father, my mother, and I and my siblings were bound to the property owners by that system. We literally slaved all year to grow our food and cash crops (half of which went to the landlord). At the end of the Great Depression my white family and untold thousands of others saw themselves as slaves to the former plantation-owning families, but to feel better about their lot, most of them considered their black neighbors to be an even lower class. When poor farmers could hire blacks they treated them as if they were ante-bellum plantation overseers.

However, picking cotton from about age 6 to 12 in sun-scorched fields for 1 or 2 cents a pound along side my black counterparts, I found myself unable to treat these hired hands as did my parents and their poor cohorts.”

“I did not recognize at that age that it was an unnatural situation, but feelings of empathy swelled up inside me to the point that I did every task the black child laborers were forced to do. I crawled on my knees and pulled the same sacks, lifted the same weights, and sweated the same number of hours. I felt more bonded to them than to my parents and other white adults.

When the laborers were given separate glasses in to drink tea, and other dishes, scalded later by my mother and set aside only for them, I felt ashamed and protested, only to be rebuked for my fraternization. One girl who was my age and I became friends, talking of our hopes to go to college and be teachers or something like that when we were adults instead of being field hands. We were equally smart and could talk about anything. But I never saw her after age 12, about 1951 when I began to realize that her chances were much less than mine because she was black, and a girl.

Over the years as I progressed in education and career, hardly a year passed by that I did not cry as I would ponder _____ being left behind without the mentors and opportunities I had. Growing up in that deep South culture, it was clear that enslavement takes many forms.

Bonded in a form of slavery with descendants of the people I had enslaved, since then something inside forces me to eschew any behavior that might suggest that I was the Master and another was the Slave. As a young teacher, I refused to reinforce any hint of dependency by students who ‘looked up’ to a man a the head of the class. Later as a military officer, I had difficulty in playing the “command” role, particularly with seasoned petty officers who knew a hell of a lot more than I did. I could play the game, but made it clear in explicit and implicit ways that we were equal humans.

Later, appointed as a U.S. diplomat, I was immediately given the power of a “master” over foreign nationals in various roles. The Embassy’s local employees had been trained to serve those with diplomatic status as if we were royalty (as we were often hobnobbing with local royals). In addition we had local personal staff in our residencies who treated us like European colonials had demanded in the past. Most of my colleagues seemed at ease in this master/slave interaction, but that unidentifiable nudging I still felt inside made it impossible for me to play it.

I would jump in and do some of the same tasks as my helpers did, regardless of our respective formal positions.  However, as I tried to relate to all these employees and servants as peers even if our work roles were different, I found that most of them were confused by my egalitarian manners.

Their subservience was so deeply engrained that they had difficulty relating to me. However, by the time I left a post, the ‘locals’ with whom I had worked had learned that all of us were not ugly Americans. These experiences taught me that the master/servant model has been so inculcated in humans that progress has to come upward as well as downward. In the reincarnation model consciousness evolves in both directions.

As something of a final cram course, in one of my posts, I fell deeply in love with the daughter of second-generation slaves. For a significant period in my life, I both lived inside a legacy that I now know that I helped create and at the same time experienced the generosity and forgiveness of the enduring human spirit regardless of how badly it’s treated by the rest of us from life to life.

For many decades, this experience (including its sorrows and its pleasures) has been an unspoken guide more often than not in my relationships. This was true in working with staff as an official in Washington and later as the owner of a private business . I never asked anyone to do anything that I could or would not do. In my 70’s now, I still cannot hire a neighbor’s boys to help do manual labor in our woods and garden without working side by side with them.

I believe past-life learning occurs when we become sensitive to inborn traits that have the power to depreciate or harm another. In my view, the message comes through feedback that something is not working equally well for the self and the other. Conscious introspection can reveal what we need to overcome.


Categories of Clues to Previous Lives: The research from this project identified various categories of physical features and personality factors that suggest a past-life influence on your energetic genotype or soul genome.

Physical features different from parents or siblings may indicate a reincarnation history outside your biological family tree. They include body type, facial architecture (the bone structure that shapes the dimensions of your face), hair type and pattern, ear form, hands and finger proportions, voice, and body odor. (These attributes were derived from the forensic side of biometric science that determines degrees of genetic stability.)

This list of attributes refers to permanent features of the subject’s body. However, the presence of temporary stigmata (marks resembling wounds) on a subject’s body may also point to a potential past-life connection.

Personality factors now identified in the most robust reincarnation cases are cognitive mode (way of thinking), emotional patterns, interpersonal styles, and areas of creative interests.

Other areas suggest a previous-life legacy: (1) Prodigies and precocity in all children (areas  of knowledge, skills, and talents not been previously taught to the child). (2) Knowledge of people, places, and events that the person has not had occasion to learn in this life. (3) Unlearned languages, peculiar habits, phobias, early addictions, beliefs outside one’s immediate culture. (4) Preferences and tastes different from ones’ family.

Why do some spirits stay earthbound?

Earthbound spirits, commonly known as ghosts, are deceased souls who remain attached to the earthly realm after dying. When the body expires, the spirit of a person usually moves into the astral realm (via their astral body) to begin a new existence. This astral dimension is very close to our own. Some call it heaven. Sadly, there are spirits who do not fully cross into the light of the astral realm immediately upon death. These spirits are commonly referred to as “Earthbound Spirits”.

Earthbound spirits are souls who either consciously decide not to cross over, are not aware they have died, or are so traumatized by the death experience, they literally cannot see the light. Earthbound spirits are bound to an isolated existence. They continue conscious awareness in their own little world and often linger in earthly locals where they once felt the most comfort and safety. They often have an agenda. You might encounter these spirits in a home, a place of business, or even wandering around a property. In other cases, spirits might inhabit a space somewhere in our reality but are not consciously aware of where that is and are not tied to a specific place.

There are spirits who don’t know they are dead. As hard as it is for us to understand this, it does happen.  These spirits can be benign or very angry because they are confused.

Again, failing to make the normal transition at death can happen for any number of reasons. The death could be sudden and traumatic causing confusion, the spirit exists in a dazed twilight condition, or might even feel rage at being robbed of life. Other reasons could include fear of how they will be treated on the other side, emotional attachments to those left behind, massive guilt, or unfinished business. There are even those who stay for the sake of curiosity or revenge. Some cannot bear to be separated from family members or are worried about a particular family member–such as a spouse left behind. Many earthbound spirits are not aware or choose to ignore guides and loved ones from the other side who have come to escort them across the veil (another term for entering the astral plane). They instead, elect to continue on as before with their emotions and attitudes unchanged.

Some reasons why a spirit would get stuck

  1. Unresolved grief of a loved one. When a loved one such as a parent, a child, or a sibling dies and a person is not able to accept the loss, the unresolved grief of the survivor seems to make an energetic pull on the deceased that prevents the spirit from fully moving into the next world.
  2. Strong negative feelings at the moment of death. When a person dies in a state of terror, anger, or rage, these feelings are like lead bags holding down a hot air balloon that should rise.  They seem to chain the spirit to the gravitational field of the earth.  For example, civilians who are killed in wars often have very strong negative feelings, because soldiers are only supposed to kill other soldiers, not civilians.
  3. Not knowing what to expect. People with no spiritual training may not know what to expect at the moment of death.  They may think consciousness will end, as if the lights went out and they ceased to exist.  The spirit never dies, and after it leaves the physical body, one still has feelings and can hear and see everything.  Athiests may think that they are still alive and not notice that the body they are in is not their own.  In fact, Gary Leon Hill, author of People Who Don’t Know They Are Dead quips, “Being dead is so much like being alive that many people die without realizing their condition.”
  4. Confusion or disorientation at the moment of death. Other factors that may contribute to a person not realizing what is happening when everyone stops talking to them (except Soul Detectives!) are situations that impair cognitive brain functions:  head trauma such as a car accident, Alzheimer’s, or drug stupor at the moment of death either from a drug overdose or from opiates given to ease the pain of the final stage of terminal illness. Please note that most people who die make the transition into the next world just fine.  Not everyone who dies from one of the situations listed above becomes earthbound—just a few.
  5. Fear of punishment. When people have done things they know are wrong, they may turn away from the Light because they fear they will be sent to a place of punishment.  People who have been raised in strict religious traditions often believe that God is an angry God who will punish them for all of their sins.  The Catholic Church has taught that after death, the soul goes into purgatory, a place of fire, where one’s sins are burned away to purify the soul before it is ready to go into heaven.  Sometimes people are so afraid they will go into purgatory or hell that they refuse to budge and stay earthbound.
  6. Unfinished business. People who stay earthbound because of unresolved interpersonal issues.  Once the situation is resolved, they are at peace and can cross into the Light.
  7. Attachment to material possessions. Some people become so attached to their material possessions that they do not want to leave them when they die.  Real estate agents know that sometimes the deceased former owner of a house has not vacated the premises and is still “living” in what that person considers his or her home.  The new occupants may hear footsteps and noises, and lights may go on and off—all signs of poltergeist activity.

law of karma

Types of Karma | Prarabha, Sanchita, Agami, Kriyamana Karma

Karma is a Sanskrit word springing from the root Kri – ‘to do’ or ‘to make’, or more simply put ‘action’. Karma is the law of moral consequences – the law of cause and effect. Simply put, if you do something bad then you will pay for it at some point, and if you do some good then you will receive kindness and happiness in return. Until you pay off your karmic debts and expunge your karma, you will be stuck in samsara – to repeat life again and again, through reincarnation – instead of reaching nirvana.

There are four types of karma described in Hindu texts:

1. Prarabdha, matured, Karma

Imagine a fruit, an apple, on a tree. It has come of its age, it is ripe. Either it be plucked in time or it detaches itself from the tree and lands on the ground. It cannot remain on the tree forever. Similarly, prārabdha is ripe karma. At some point in time, you planted a tree and the fruit is ready to drop today. Regardless of your desire or your preference, it has taken its own course, much like the arrow that has left the bow. Once you perform any karmic act, it is registered in the universe, it will come to fruition in due course. There is no escape. Whatever you are going through in life presently, note the word presently, that you have no control over, it is your prārabdha. It does not mean you cannot change your future. Prārabdha is that which has matured. Any karma that may mature in the future is not prārabdha, it falls under the second category:

2. Sanchita, stored, Karma

This is your store of karma. Not all fruits on the tree will mature the same day, it will be laden again in the next season and the next and so forth. It is for this reason that life is greatly cyclical for an overwhelming majority of people. Why? If you planted apple trees, when the season comes you will have plenty of it, and, if you planted wild berries, however attractive, thorny bushes, however protective, they will flourish too during their seasons. It is often the case why problems rarely come singly, they come in hordes, so do good times. There is something unique about sancita karma, it can be changed! If you can go to the source of your apples or baneberries, you can choose to nurture them or destroy them altogether. The key is going to the source.

3. Agami, forthcoming, Karma

Imagine you entered the apple garden. You performed a karma, you exercised a choice, forced or voluntary, regardless. Based on this karma, you are bound to perform certain such other karmas as sighting of the apple trees, experiencing the fragrance, and a definitive karma of exiting the orchard is also waiting to mature. The importance of this karma cannot be underestimated or overstated. The choices you make today have a direct bearing on your future tomorrow, what you do in the present moment determines what unfolds in the next. Āgāmī karma is a mandatory karma, you have little choice, if any. If you have entered the orchard, you will have to perform the action of exiting as well, sooner or later. However, if you could either change the store of your sancita karma or exercise due care in the present one, this one changes automatically. And how can one change sancita karma? Continue reading.

4. Vartamana, present, Karma

It is also known as kriyamāṇa, actionable, present karma, the one that is being done. There is another term, perhaps better, called puruṣārtha, effort, karma. Let us assume you no longer want apples. You can chop the trees, you can have them uprooted. You will still have to find a way to manage or dispose off the wood, rotting apples, green waste and the rest of it, but it is a one off, albeit intense, effort. Thereafter, there will be no more fruits waiting for you year after year. You may simply choose to sow wheat and harvest after a few months, clearing your karmic field on a regular basis.

A pertinent question is how do you know if you are creating new karma or going through the results of your past karma? The answer is quite simple, when you do something out of choice, you are creating new karma, and, when you are forced to do something, you are simply repaying your karmic debt. The former will have the consequences, good or bad, drawn up for you, the latter can be tended by managing your karmic store or sanchita karma in other words.

In essence, I am suggesting that you can bring change into your life, you can affect the desired change, provided you are patient and persistent. So, can you become the next Bill Gates or the next Buddha, well, you are mistaking change for a goal. That said, if you can travel back in time and build an operating system like Bill Gates did, think like he did, act like he did, when he did, you will become another Bill Gates. If you can relinquish like Buddha did, engage in intense practice the way he did, in the manner he did, for the time he did, you will become Buddha. Bill Gates became Bill because he chose not to become an IBM or an Apple, he stayed true to his own vision, his own design. Buddha became Buddha because he pursued his own path, he chose not to become like some other preacher or sage, he chose to discover himself, his own work and he became Buddha.

Your fulfillment is not going to come from becoming another Bill or another Buddha, it is going to come from creating your own home. However welcome you may be in another home, however hospitable your host may be, a while later, you no longer feel at home. You only feel at home in your own home. You may have ideals or idols, but it is important to be yourself, to discover yourself, your own truth.

The choices you made yesterday, voluntary or otherwise, have landed you where you are today, and the choices you are making today will dictate your tomorrow. Hence, it is paramount that you pay attention to your present actions, your present thoughts, the range of choices available in the future is a direct function, a derivative of your present actions, your future, well, your life in fact, depends on it.

energy healing

Energy / Spiritual Healing, Vibrational Healing for Diseases

Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environment stress, and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.

Energetic healing facilitates the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself.

Energetic healing can also help identify “issues” before they manifest as pain or similar distortions in the physical body. It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to work through and heal in order to bring our lives into balance and maintain health, harmony and vitality.

Energy healing is about “The Whole Person”, not just the ailment. Every part of you is connected. You are a whole being and all your organs are interdependent. Energy healing accepts that your body, mind and soul are inseparable.

Energy healing works with an energetic field that permeates and extends beyond the physical body. Signs of illness show up in this field before manifesting as physical symptoms and with a little practice this “aura” can be experienced. While the awareness of an energy field has been an integral part of mainstream medicine in the Eastern hemisphere for thousands of years (with medical systems such as acupuncture being every bit as precise, specialized and effective as Western medical techniques), it’s a relatively new addition to Western ways of thinking.

Energy healing generally operates in much the same way as conventional medicine, by addressing symptoms, identifying energy blocks and areas of dysfunction, and moving energy around in specific, mechanical ways. The healer often does transferring or channeling healing energy to the recipient, using energy in much the same way an MD uses medication, surgery and other treatment.

With spiritual healing / Energy healing, instead of moving energy around to address specific problem areas, the healer goes into a powerful state of unconditional love and has an experience of becoming one with the healing recipient. Rather than focusing on illness, the healer joins with the person’s spiritual self. This powerful attention to the recipient’s intrinsic wellness helps call it forth. I think of this style of healing as “repatterning” rather than repairing.

after life

Where does the souls go after death? |Spirit World, Rebirth|

  • Is there life after death?
  • What is death?
  • Is death painful?
  • What happens after death?
  • How does rebirth happen?
  • After death?

These kind of related questions always fill our mind, especially when any of our near or dear ones die. We feel suddenly some relationship has broken abruptly and wish there could be a connection again. In this quest, our journey to find answers to the above questions begins.

So, what happens after death?

The prime question in our minds “What happens after death?” its actually a very interesting process. People feel death is painful and the journey post is horrifying, where will I go ‘ heaven or hell’

Death is not the end of life. Death is just a departure for the Spirit World, which is our true home in the afterlife. People today know about earthly things in much greater detail than they did in the past, but when it comes to the important spiritual matters such as death and the world after death, it can be said that the people of the past were much more knowledgeable. Information concerning the world after death is not taught at schools, many people believe that talk of the world after death is old-fashioned, and spend their lives in ignorance of it. This results in all kinds of confusion when they die and return back to the Real World.

What happens after death?

  • Disconnection of the earth sole chakras : 

Approximately 4-5 hours before death, the earth sole chakras situated below the foot soles get detached, symbolizing disconnection from the earth plane. Hence, if you notice always before a person is about to die, some hours before that you will find his feet cold.

  • The Astral Cord : 

Actually it just cuts the astral cord, which is the cord connecting the soul to the body. Once this cord is cut the soul becomes free of the body and moves up and out of the body. As a soul always loves the body it held, it gets in the body back and tries very hard to move it and stay in it. If you must have seen there is sometimes a very subtle, slight movement of the face, hand even after the person has died, its actually the soul trying to get in because it cannot believe its dead. There is still a feeling of aliveness. But just because the astral cord has been cut, it cannot stay there and is pushed upwards and out of the body. There is a pull from above, *a magnetic pull to go up.*

  • End of the physical body : 

At this stage the soul hears many voices, all at a time. These are nothing but the thoughts of those present in the room. The soul on its part talks to his loved ones like he used to do and shouts I am not dead, but alas it cannot be heard. Slowly and steadily the soul realizes that its dead and there is no way back , then it reaches to approx 12 feet. i.e the height of the ceiling and sees and hears everything happening. Generally it will be there around the body till it is cremated. So, next time if you see a body being carried for cremation, be informed *the soul is also part of the procession seeing, hearing and witnessing everything and everyone.*

  • Detachment from the body : 

Once the cremation is done, the soul is completely of the belief that the main essence of its survival on earth is lost, the body it held for so many years has dissolved in the 5 elements. The soul experiences complete freedom, the boundaries it had while being in the body are gone, it can just reach anywhere by mere thought. For 7 days the soul, moves about its places of interest like its favorite joint, morning walk garden, office, etc..If the soul is possessive of his money ,it will just stay near his cupboard, or if he is possessive of his children, it will just be in their room, clinging on to them. By the end of the 7th day, the soul says bye to his family and moves still upwards to the periphery of the earth plane to cross over to the other side.

  • The Tunnel : 

Its said that there is a big tunnel here which it has to cross before reaching the astral plane. Hence its said these 12 days are extremely crucial, we have to carry out the rituals properly and pray and ask forgiveness from the soul so that it does not carry these negative emotions like hurts, hatred, anger, etc at least from the near and dear ones.

All these rituals, prayers act like food for the soul which help it in its onward journey. At the end of the tunnel it sees a huge bright light signifying the entry in the astral world.

  • Meeting the Ancestors :

On the 11th and then the 12th day in Hindus there are homas and rituals through which “the soul is united with its ancestors, close friends, relatives and the guides.” Its actually the same thing which happens on the upper plane. After the 12th day, all the passed away ancestors welcome the soul to the upper plane and they greet and hug them exactly like we do here on seeing our family members after a long time. The soul then along with its guides are taken for a thorough life review of the life just completed on earth in the presence of the “Great Karmic Board.” Its here in the pure light that its shown the whole past life.

  • Life Review : 

There is no judge, there is no God here. “He judges himself, the way he judged others in his lifetime.” He asks for revenge for people who troubled him in that life, he experiences guilt for all wrongdoings he did to people and “asks for self punishment to learn that lesson.” Based on this a complete life structure is created by the soul himself, called the blue print. All the incidents to be faced, all problems to be faced, all challenges to be overcome are written by us in this agreement. In fact we choose all minute details like age, person, circumstances for all incidents to be faced by us. Eg:- a person had severe headache in his present birth, whatever he tried nothing worked, no medicines, no way out. When he did a past life regression he saw in his previous birth he had killed a person with a huge stone by hitting and smashing his head. In the life review, when he saw this he became very guilty and asked for the same pain which the other person suffered to be experienced by him and decided he will have a never ending headache in this life.

  • Blue print : 

This is the way we judge ourselves and in guilt ask for punishment. One point to note here is that many say you will have to face 10 times or 20 times of what you did. That’s not true, depending on the amount of guilt in the soul, it will ask for punishment of suffering. If it has more guilt, then for some trouble he gave for 5 months to someone, he will ask for 2 years of suffering. Hence its always said, clear your emotions, because it’s the same thing we carry forward to the other side too. Once this review is done our whole blue print of the next life is formed, then there is “a cooling period.”

  • The re-birth

We are born depending on what we have asked for in the agreement. It can take 20-30 years or even more also for a re- birth. We choose our parents and enter the mothers womb either at the time of egg formation or during the 4-5th month or sometimes even at the last moment just before birth. The universe is so perfect ,so beautifully designed that the time, place of birth constitutes our horoscope, which actually is a blue print of this life. Most of us feel that our stars are bad, we are unlucky, in actual they just mirror your agreement. Once we are reborn, for around 40 days the baby remembers its past life and laughs and cries itself without anyone forcing it to. The memory of the past life is completely cut after this and we experience life as though we did not exist in the past.

  • The agreement starts.. :

Its here that we are completely in the earth plane and the contract comes into full effect. We then blame God/ people for our difficult situations and curse God for giving us such a difficult life. So, next time before pointing to the Divine, understand that its just helping us complete and honor our agreement which is fully and completely written by us. Whatever we have asked for and pre-decided we are getting. Friends, relatives, foes, parents, spouses all have been selected by us in the blue print and come in our lives based on this agreement. They are just playing their parts and are merely actors in this film written, produced and directed by us.

Do the Dead need healing?

The dead always need serious healings and prayers for a variety of reasons, the most important one being not to be earthbound, that is stuck up in the earth plane itself. There are many reasons for the soul to be earthbound like unfinished business, excessive grief, trauma on death, sudden death, fear of moving on the astral plane, guilt, one of the most important being improper finishing of rituals, etc. The soul feels it needs a little more time to wait and finish and move. This keeps them hovering in the earth plane itself. But alas, the time is limited. Its very very important that they cross over in the 12 days to their astral plane of existence, moreover as the entry for them to the astral world closes a few days after this.

Earthbound spirits lead a very miserable existence as they are neither in their actual plane nor in a body to lead an earthly life. They may not be negative or harmful but they are stuck up. Hence healings and our prayers are of utmost importance during this period so that the departed soul crosses over to the designated astral plane peacefully. In Hindu religion its said not to visit temples and worship during these 12 days. But prayers are very much necessary by the whole family to help the dead. One more very important aspect to be updated with is the protection of the soul. Like we keep a small pen knife/ nail cutter as protection from evil spirits under the baby’s pillow, We need to protect the dead also to reach its destination- the astral world safe and sound.

Protection, prayers, healings are all extremely essential in these days to say the least. This is the least we can do for our loved ones, who gave all they could in our lifetimes.

Please DO NOT TAKE DEATH LIGHTLY.  Today at least around 60% of the souls are stuck up on the earth plane due to various such factors.

Finally, for someone who has lost a near and dear one, don’t feel sad.

We don’t die, we live on, death does not end it, its just a little break before we meet again .

Where Do Souls Go After Death?

During the first seven days or so, the soul of the deceased person usually remains close to the place he or she lived and tries to follow the lifestyle he or she was used to. The destination that souls take after death varies, and souls can be divided into three groups accordingly:

1. Souls that cannot begin their departure to the Spirit World and become “earth-bound spirits” (ghosts) because they lived with a totally materialistic view of life and strongly denied life after death, or are emotionally attached to something in this world to the point of not being able to let go.

2. Souls who fall straight to hell, because living on earth, they led a life full of evil and were possessed by more than four or five hell spirits at the time of death. These souls cannot make the normal departure to the other world, and instead, they go straight down to the depths of hell.

3. Souls that depart to the Spirit World with the help of a “Spirit Guide”. The majority of people usually wander around their house during the first seven days after their physical death, but when their consciousness becomes clear enough, a “spirit guide” comes to help them to realize that they are already dead. This spirit guide could be, in an ordinary case, a close friend, an acquaintance, parents or a sibling who died earlier.


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