Author Archives: Prashant Guruji

Heart / Anahata Chakra | 4th Energy Center| Chakra Balancing

Heart ChakraThe fourth chakra is at the center of the seven chakras with three below and three above. This is the area where physical and spiritual meet. The fourth chakra, also referred to as the heart chakra, is located at the center of the chest and includes the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus gland, lungs, and breasts. It also rules the lymphatic system. The Sanskrit word for the fourth chakra is Anahata, which means “unstruck” or “unhurt.” The name implies that beneath the hurts and grievances of past experiences lies a pure and spiritual place where no hurt exists.

When your heart chakra is open, you are flowing with love and compassion, you are quick to forgive, and you accept others and yourself. A closed heart chakra can give way to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others.

The heart chakra – the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located in the center of the chest at the heart level. Anahata moves love through your life.

It is the center of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, altruism, generosity, kindness, and respect.

Anahata is an integrating and unifying chakra – bringing to wholeness – as such, it is your healing center. Indeed, most spiritual traditions recognize love as the ultimate healing force.

The energy of anahata allows us to recognize that we are part of something larger, that we are interconnected within an intricate web of relationships extending through life and the universe.

Anahata allows us to recognize and get in touch with the sacred and fundamental truth that runs through all of life and connects everything together.

The “way of the heart” or the “path of the heart” is living your life from this energy center of love.

It means living your life with loving kindness and compassion towards others. It means that your heart is open to others and you inspire kindness and compassion in others. You create safe and supportive environment.

Others can feel your love and warmth. They feel loved and accepted unconditionally. People feel at peace around you, as there is no judgment coming from you.

When anahata is open and energy is flowing freely, you are not only loving to others, you are also loving to your self. You know when you need to say no and when you need care and self-nurturing.

All of the seven chakras are important and while I cannot say that the heart chakra is the most important, I do want to say that it is very important.

Most of the world’s spiritual traditions recognize love as the unifying force, the energy that is the most fundamental part of the universe, and of ourselves.

To open to love is to reach to the deepest places and connect with our true essence, our spirit, and our soul.

Choose the Essence of Anahata

Some people choose to live in the place of grievances. They’ve been hurt in the past by parents, siblings, classmates, or loves. Maybe you’ve been there too. It’s impossible to avoid situations where someone may try to hurt you. But you get to choose what to do with that hurt. Some people might try to hurt the other person back. Yet, that is not living from a place of Anahata. The person who inflicts pain on others is coming from a place of fear, ignorance or hatred, all of which represent a closed heart chakra.

When you encounter hurt feelings from your past or present, you can choose to feel them fully and let them go or hold onto them. By letting them go, you’re able to open your heart to new people and new experiences with compassion, love, and understanding. Holding onto hurt harbors negative feelings and cuts you off from opportunities to love and serve. Letting go is as easy as making a choice. Your mind and your ego may tell you otherwise but it’s as simple as choosing to let go and move on.

Empathy and Compassion Create Openness

Walking in another person’s shoes is not easy to do, but can be helpful in fostering a sense of empathy. To help create empathy and compassion, I like to play a game called, “the what if scenarios.” When encountering a person who is being unpleasant or who has treated me poorly in the past, I quickly take my mind through a host of what ifs. For example, ask yourself, “What if that person is just having a bad day?” or “What if that person just lost his job?” “What if she just learned her husband was having an affair?” “What if he was just diagnosed with an illness?” As you create these stories, of which the possibilities are endless, you begin to empathize with the other person and his or her situation. This method takes you away from yourself and self-pity and places compassion onto the other person.

Now, let’s suppose that there’s a family member or close friend who just repeats a pattern of inflicting hurt on a constant basis. You can still offer love and compassion either from a distance or by setting boundaries. In any case, know that when someone chooses to hurt you, it’s almost never about you. It’s about them.

Give Love to Receive Love

The best way to receive love is to give it. Other ways you can give love:

  • Smile at everyone you see daily, even if you don’t feel like smiling. It’s contagious.
  • Forgive and move on. Life is too short to hold grudges.
  • Give friends, family and co-workers positive affirmations and feedback.
  • Try to go one day a week without criticizing anyone or anything, including yourself.

Take any opportunity you can to foster love and loving feelings. Love is a currency and whatever you give will come back to you.

Asanas, Sounds, Colors, and Gems to Balance the Fourth Chakra

Any yoga pose that opens the area of the chest will help to balance the heart chakra. Some poses include camel, standing bow pose, and cow face pose.

The mantra sound corresponding to the fourth chakra is the sound YAM. A special mantra to help expand love and compassion is OM MANI PADME HUM. You can repeat this mantra in meditation to gain greater access to these qualities.

The color is emerald green and the gemstones associated with the heart are emerald, malachite, jade, and rose quartz.

Physical Signs of Blocked Anahata Energy

The heart chakra directly affects the heart, lungs, chest, arms, and hands. When misaligned, poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, and other heart and lung conditions can result.

Mental Signs of Blocked Anahata Energy

Mentally, an imbalanced heart chakra can result in problematic issues, such as co-dependence, manipulative behaviors, feeling of unworthiness, and an inability to trust yourself or others.

Energetic Benefits of Aligning the Heart Chakra

When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment you will feel surrounded by love, compassion, and joy and connected to the world around you.

What does healing the heart chakra mean?

Healing the heart chakra may mean several things and refers to many different techniques. We will cover the main ones and remain as practical as possible. Heart chakra healing is sometimes also referred to as balancing, opening, or clearing. The main idea behind healing the heart chakra is to restore flow of energy and overall balance.

Why do we need heart chakra healing?

The heart chakra is particularly vulnerable to disturbances associated with relationships and love. We all have a history of relationships from the moment we’re born to now. During our history, there were many events and opportunities for positive or negative experiences regarding love and relating to others.

As we encounter life difficulties, we have two main ways to cope: We may shut down or decrease the energy that we dedicate to the situation, or we may boost or increase our energy to fight it. These defense mechanisms get anchored in our chakras.

In the case of the heart chakra, we might have felt hurt during childhood or a recent breakup and closed our chakra to numb our pain and avoid suffering. Or on the opposite side, we may have opened and extended our heart energy to a demanding partner or parent in need, sometimes to the point of over-extending and being drained.

Over time, these defense mechanisms can cause imbalance in the heart chakra and other chakras, leading to an overactive, deficient or blocked chakra. One may tend to have excess or deficiency in the heart chakra, or both depending on the situation and coping mechanism.

law of karma

Types of Karma | Prarabha, Sanchita, Agami, Kriyamana Karma

Karma is a Sanskrit word springing from the root Kri – ‘to do’ or ‘to make’, or more simply put ‘action’. Karma is the law of moral consequences – the law of cause and effect. Simply put, if you do something bad then you will pay for it at some point, and if you do some good then you will receive kindness and happiness in return. Until you pay off your karmic debts and expunge your karma, you will be stuck in samsara – to repeat life again and again, through reincarnation – instead of reaching nirvana.

There are four types of karma described in Hindu texts:

1. Prarabdha, matured, Karma

Imagine a fruit, an apple, on a tree. It has come of its age, it is ripe. Either it be plucked in time or it detaches itself from the tree and lands on the ground. It cannot remain on the tree forever. Similarly, prārabdha is ripe karma. At some point in time, you planted a tree and the fruit is ready to drop today. Regardless of your desire or your preference, it has taken its own course, much like the arrow that has left the bow. Once you perform any karmic act, it is registered in the universe, it will come to fruition in due course. There is no escape. Whatever you are going through in life presently, note the word presently, that you have no control over, it is your prārabdha. It does not mean you cannot change your future. Prārabdha is that which has matured. Any karma that may mature in the future is not prārabdha, it falls under the second category:

2. Sanchita, stored, Karma

This is your store of karma. Not all fruits on the tree will mature the same day, it will be laden again in the next season and the next and so forth. It is for this reason that life is greatly cyclical for an overwhelming majority of people. Why? If you planted apple trees, when the season comes you will have plenty of it, and, if you planted wild berries, however attractive, thorny bushes, however protective, they will flourish too during their seasons. It is often the case why problems rarely come singly, they come in hordes, so do good times. There is something unique about sancita karma, it can be changed! If you can go to the source of your apples or baneberries, you can choose to nurture them or destroy them altogether. The key is going to the source.

3. Agami, forthcoming, Karma

Imagine you entered the apple garden. You performed a karma, you exercised a choice, forced or voluntary, regardless. Based on this karma, you are bound to perform certain such other karmas as sighting of the apple trees, experiencing the fragrance, and a definitive karma of exiting the orchard is also waiting to mature. The importance of this karma cannot be underestimated or overstated. The choices you make today have a direct bearing on your future tomorrow, what you do in the present moment determines what unfolds in the next. Āgāmī karma is a mandatory karma, you have little choice, if any. If you have entered the orchard, you will have to perform the action of exiting as well, sooner or later. However, if you could either change the store of your sancita karma or exercise due care in the present one, this one changes automatically. And how can one change sancita karma? Continue reading.

4. Vartamana, present, Karma

It is also known as kriyamāṇa, actionable, present karma, the one that is being done. There is another term, perhaps better, called puruṣārtha, effort, karma. Let us assume you no longer want apples. You can chop the trees, you can have them uprooted. You will still have to find a way to manage or dispose off the wood, rotting apples, green waste and the rest of it, but it is a one off, albeit intense, effort. Thereafter, there will be no more fruits waiting for you year after year. You may simply choose to sow wheat and harvest after a few months, clearing your karmic field on a regular basis.

A pertinent question is how do you know if you are creating new karma or going through the results of your past karma? The answer is quite simple, when you do something out of choice, you are creating new karma, and, when you are forced to do something, you are simply repaying your karmic debt. The former will have the consequences, good or bad, drawn up for you, the latter can be tended by managing your karmic store or sanchita karma in other words.

In essence, I am suggesting that you can bring change into your life, you can affect the desired change, provided you are patient and persistent. So, can you become the next Bill Gates or the next Buddha, well, you are mistaking change for a goal. That said, if you can travel back in time and build an operating system like Bill Gates did, think like he did, act like he did, when he did, you will become another Bill Gates. If you can relinquish like Buddha did, engage in intense practice the way he did, in the manner he did, for the time he did, you will become Buddha. Bill Gates became Bill because he chose not to become an IBM or an Apple, he stayed true to his own vision, his own design. Buddha became Buddha because he pursued his own path, he chose not to become like some other preacher or sage, he chose to discover himself, his own work and he became Buddha.

Your fulfillment is not going to come from becoming another Bill or another Buddha, it is going to come from creating your own home. However welcome you may be in another home, however hospitable your host may be, a while later, you no longer feel at home. You only feel at home in your own home. You may have ideals or idols, but it is important to be yourself, to discover yourself, your own truth.

The choices you made yesterday, voluntary or otherwise, have landed you where you are today, and the choices you are making today will dictate your tomorrow. Hence, it is paramount that you pay attention to your present actions, your present thoughts, the range of choices available in the future is a direct function, a derivative of your present actions, your future, well, your life in fact, depends on it.

Demonic Possession, Attacks and Sleep Paralysis

Can Someone Be Possessed By A Demon?

True reports about Old Hag Syndrome, ghosts, ghouls, and spirits are a recurring theme in day-to-day correspondence generated by my media exposure. From the incoming mail, it is clear that a surprising number of people claim to have had paranormal experiences, and many ask for help in dealing with malevolent spiritual forces. One widespread problem seems to be spirit attacks while people sleep. The sinister entity may grab the sleeper by the throat, sit on their chest, and in some instances sexually abuse them.

Could it be that a large sector of the population is under attack by demons? Certainly, some of the letters I have received show that this is happening: “I awoke one morning and realized that my body was completely paralyzed,” writes one reader. “I couldn’t move a muscle. Something was in the room and walked across the bed. I tried to scream but only a slight noise came from my throat. Whoever or whatever was in my room then disappeared. Unfortunately, I have been getting this horrible paralysis for about two months now. The last time it happened I managed to open my eyes but still could not move my body.”

Sleep Paralysis / Old Hag Syndrome

This person is probably suffering from what psychologists call “sleep paralysis.” Recent surveys suggest that it affects between 25 to 30 percent of the population. People also often report feeling a “presence” that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. Sometimes the “entity” may attack by strangling the sleeper and exerting crushing pressure on the chest. It is caused when the back of the brain comes to consciousness before the rest of the body “wakes up.” This is more likely to happen if you are over-tired. Doctors also recommend that it is best to sleep on your side and not on your back, as this can trigger the condition.

If you find yourself in the midst of a sleep-paralysis episode, you might try a traditional method for overcoming the paralysis by attempting to move your fingers or toes, or even your tongue. A number of people have suggested rapidly moving one’s eyes back and forth as a way of bringing a bout of SP to an end. As it is possible to have multiple episodes in a single night, it may help to get up briefly and move around after any such episode before trying to sleep again.

Surprisingly, though, is the consistency of such reports made by societies and cultures with no previous knowledge of each other or their lore. The main details remain constant.

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

And these stories are not limited to Western cultures, in fact, quite the contrary. In Thailand people refer to being Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed), and these experiences include a feeling of pressure, paralysis, and something black covering the body. In Japan, kanashibara (“to tie with an iron rope”) is a common known and accepted experience. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which “a soul” tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, da chor is described as follows: “You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep”


Scientific Studies

Recent theories claim that these sexual attacks are also the result of sleep paralysis. As we know from Freud, a great deal of dream content is of a sexual nature. Some psychologists claim that penile and clitoral erections in REM (dreaming) sleep demonstrates the validity of Freud’s insights about the primacy of sex. Also the asphyxiation that accompanies this syndrome may also cause sexual excitement. It is conceivable that many of the sexual attacks these people describe may be simply a vivid waking nightmare with a sexual undertone that occurs during a bout of sleep paralysis. Similarly, psychologists have explained that sleep paralysis may be at the root of cases of people who believe that they have been abducted by aliens. Often such claims begin with a report of someone waking up, terrified, feeling a presence, unable to move, may include sexual “experiments,” and often include waking-dream type hallucinations.

A good night’s sleep is essential for a healthy body, mind, and soul. Many of our troubles arise because of over-tiredness that in turn creates emotional vulnerability and intellectual weakness.  The most common cause of a bad night’s sleep and nightmares is mental over-stimulation before bedtime.

Real Attacks and Demonic Possession

There are cases in my files of people who appear to have undergone paranormal attacks as they slept. A prison inmate, for example, wrote, “The last time it happened, I was tossing and turning and trying to get to sleep when a strange dark power pulled me off the bed and pushed me against the wall. My cellmate screamed when he saw what was happening.” Similarly, an old woman relayed, “I am terrified at night as I believe that I am being menaced by a ghost or spirit. If I awake during the night, I see what I would call “smoke” in my room. One night my husband and I saw the harrowing sight of my bedclothes being slowly pulled off the bed. But the last straw was when I felt “it” move to the side of the bed and poke me hard in the arm. I prayed out loud but it wouldn’t go away.”

Real Demon Stories

Other case files are reports of people who have been attacked by these malevolent spirits and display mild to severe bruises and bite marks, many of them in places where they could not be self-inflicted. Some researchers have noted that women occasionally have torn vaginal tissue after an alleged attack by an incubus. And how can science explain the many cases of spirit attack that are witnessed by others or happen to two people simultaneously? Clearly science has not completely explained these phenomenon.

My advice to you, should you experience an attack by a malevolent spirit, is to first consult your doctor and ask about treatment for the common complaint of sleep paralysis.

Negative Entity, Ghost Attachment & Spirit Possession

When it comes to different entities and ghosts, they can become attached to several different things in several different ways. From the entire house you live in to a single person or object, these attachments can keep them from wanting to move on to the next life and can end up being downright scary for you or your family. Before you freak out and start doing drastic things to get rid of your entity, let’s take a look into the different ways that paranormal research has found entities attach themselves to this world.

Beginning Entity Attachments
This type of attachment works in other ways too – especially with raw emotions like anger. Such as if you have recently broken up with someone you might find yourself the target of an entity who is still hurt and angry over something similar that happened to them in their life. Basically, an entity can become attached to you because you have either the same, or an opposite issue as the entity had when it was alive. And, you have opened up or even damaged an energy field due to a trauma, shock, depression, and so on – giving the entity the opportunity to come through stronger to you.

The relationships and interactions around you are normally something that you can’t even control. For example, as you go through this world, you will pick up special attachments that actually have no relationship to you at all. Instead, these are simply “soul fragments” that have not quite moved on to the next life after the physical body has died. These attachments are usually because the person had some kind of connection to that object, place, or even person. Take this example: you just lost a family member and have visited a friend who lives in a home that has an entity in it that dealt with a great deal of grief from the loss of a loved one. When that entity died, it was still preoccupied with that grief and loss, so it did not move on. As you come into the house, the entity immediately identifies with you and forms an attachment to you. It sees that you are suffering too and you suddenly become an ideal “anchor” for that entity to cling to,thinking that you might be able to help it.

There are actually two different sources of entity attachments that have been found in paranormal research. The first one is from a person’s interactions, relationships, and the environment around you. The second is simply from a negative entity that chooses to interact this way and tries to actively disturb people on another level.

Attachment to Things or Places

Sometimes, there can even be an “agreement” or a feeling of “unfinished business” that the entity feels toward you. These are things like “I will always be there for you”, “I will always watch over you”, “I will get you back one day” and so on. It is these super strong bonds, whether they be love, friendship, or a negative bond, that will bind people together, as that “promise” will always stand, even after death especially to those whose loyalty meant the world to them. Many paranormal researchers have found that spirit guides are often people who you knew from some existence before or even in this one and those that you agreed to help or that agreed to help you.

Of course, it is more common that an entity will attach itself to you or something around you because you had a connection with that person when they were alive. Maybe a friend, family member, enemy, or so on – someone that had strong feelings for you that is stopping them from letting go of you. There are so many different emotions that go along with this: anger, jealousy, love, hate, helpfulness, and so on.

Keep in mind that we don’t just exist as a human and that’s over when we die. Instead, we exist in many different forms and environments. Each of these different existences offers places, things, and people that make up large parts of yourself and give you many different opportunities for living, expressing yourself, and so on. This goes along the same lines as making life-long friends or enemies. Entities will keep these attachments even after the physical body is gone.

Overcoming Your Own Attachments
Paranormal research has shown that there is an endless list of how an entity can become attached to you, your family, your home, or an object in your home. For this reason, you should never hold on to any negative emotions for anyone, such as anger, hate, jealousy, resentment, revenge, and so on. While love and loyalty, and care can be just as strong and bind you to someone or something, it’s the negative emotions that will do the most harm.

Black magic dolls

Effects Of Black Magic & Voodoo Dolls | Negative Energies |

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances.

Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.

The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, Business, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.

Proper recitation of mantras help invoke the natural forces to produce the desired effect. “Tantrasadhana” or tantrik meditation and worship helps one attain many supernatural powers. These powers may be used for good or for bad purposes.

The Misuse of Tantrik Powers –Unfortunately, a large number of tantrik enthusiasts, in both the West and the East, mistakenly identify tantra as the yoga of sex, black magic, witchcraft, seduction, and an amalgam of techniques for influencing the minds of others.

This is due, at least in part, to the fact that tantra is both a spiritual path and a science. As a spiritual path, it emphasizes on the purification of mind and heart, cultivating a spiritually illuminating philosophy of life. As a science, it experiments with techniques whose efficacy depends on the precise application of “mantra” and “yantra”, ritual use of specific materials, and the performance of tantrik mudras and accompanying mental exercises.

In the layman’s language, such practices can be thought of as tantrik formulae. They will yield a result if properly applied, regardless of the character, spiritual understanding or intention of the practitioner. When this scientific aspect of tantra falls into the hands of charlatans, it is inevitably misused giving tantra a bad name. Fortunately, however, there are still tantrik masters, authentic scriptures to undercut such false and distorted notions and make it possible for us to gain a better understanding of this sublime path.

Voodoo Dolls are said to be very powerful voodoo dolls or magic voodoo dolls, voodoo dolls can be used for protection from any type of evil or black magic and many times it is also used as a source of destruction to destroy your enemy who is trying to harm or hurt you. Voodoo doll is used for taking revenge with your enemies as to destroy your enemy slowly by the power of voodoo doll, as voodoo dolls when in contact with you will get activated charged and will do great wonders for you.

Symptoms and Black Magic Bad effects–

  • Continuous illness. All medical treatments fail.
  • Constant worries, Suicidal tendencies, or Desire to move away from home and family.
  • Continuous illness of any member of the family.
  • Tiredness and weakness.
  • Eating disorders associated with obesity and anorexia.
  • Being short tempered. Sterility, without any physical deficiency or without any medical reason.
  • Repeated miscarriages or death of children.
  • Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.
  • Problems in the construction of new houses, new factory or any other building.
  • Shortness of money, in spite of hard labour.
  • No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless. Apathy, no desire to rise In Life.
  • Achievement of objectives seems impossible.
  • Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.
  • Unexpected loss in the business of property.
  • Ill health and under development of children.
  • Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil Designs.
  • Discord between spouses or the family.
  • Greatest efforts always resulting in failure.
  • Lack of Govt, favours, promotions and the desired raises or transfers.
  • Poverty, in spite of hard work.
  • Mental disorders – Insanity – Craziness.

These are some effects which prove that one is under the spell of the supernatural or black magic.

Even though Intelligent, one still fails to find solutions to such problems.
It is only due to “Black Works” that all your wisdom, all your strategies and all your intelligence fails.

energy healing

Energy / Spiritual Healing, Vibrational Healing for Diseases

Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environment stress, and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.

Energetic healing facilitates the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself.

Energetic healing can also help identify “issues” before they manifest as pain or similar distortions in the physical body. It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to work through and heal in order to bring our lives into balance and maintain health, harmony and vitality.

Energy healing is about “The Whole Person”, not just the ailment. Every part of you is connected. You are a whole being and all your organs are interdependent. Energy healing accepts that your body, mind and soul are inseparable.

Energy healing works with an energetic field that permeates and extends beyond the physical body. Signs of illness show up in this field before manifesting as physical symptoms and with a little practice this “aura” can be experienced. While the awareness of an energy field has been an integral part of mainstream medicine in the Eastern hemisphere for thousands of years (with medical systems such as acupuncture being every bit as precise, specialized and effective as Western medical techniques), it’s a relatively new addition to Western ways of thinking.

Energy healing generally operates in much the same way as conventional medicine, by addressing symptoms, identifying energy blocks and areas of dysfunction, and moving energy around in specific, mechanical ways. The healer often does transferring or channeling healing energy to the recipient, using energy in much the same way an MD uses medication, surgery and other treatment.

With spiritual healing / Energy healing, instead of moving energy around to address specific problem areas, the healer goes into a powerful state of unconditional love and has an experience of becoming one with the healing recipient. Rather than focusing on illness, the healer joins with the person’s spiritual self. This powerful attention to the recipient’s intrinsic wellness helps call it forth. I think of this style of healing as “repatterning” rather than repairing.

after life

Where does the souls go after death? |Spirit World, Rebirth|

  • Is there life after death?
  • What is death?
  • Is death painful?
  • What happens after death?
  • How does rebirth happen?
  • After death?

These kind of related questions always fill our mind, especially when any of our near or dear ones die. We feel suddenly some relationship has broken abruptly and wish there could be a connection again. In this quest, our journey to find answers to the above questions begins.

So, what happens after death?

The prime question in our minds “What happens after death?” its actually a very interesting process. People feel death is painful and the journey post is horrifying, where will I go ‘ heaven or hell’

Death is not the end of life. Death is just a departure for the Spirit World, which is our true home in the afterlife. People today know about earthly things in much greater detail than they did in the past, but when it comes to the important spiritual matters such as death and the world after death, it can be said that the people of the past were much more knowledgeable. Information concerning the world after death is not taught at schools, many people believe that talk of the world after death is old-fashioned, and spend their lives in ignorance of it. This results in all kinds of confusion when they die and return back to the Real World.

What happens after death?

  • Disconnection of the earth sole chakras : 

Approximately 4-5 hours before death, the earth sole chakras situated below the foot soles get detached, symbolizing disconnection from the earth plane. Hence, if you notice always before a person is about to die, some hours before that you will find his feet cold.

  • The Astral Cord : 

Actually it just cuts the astral cord, which is the cord connecting the soul to the body. Once this cord is cut the soul becomes free of the body and moves up and out of the body. As a soul always loves the body it held, it gets in the body back and tries very hard to move it and stay in it. If you must have seen there is sometimes a very subtle, slight movement of the face, hand even after the person has died, its actually the soul trying to get in because it cannot believe its dead. There is still a feeling of aliveness. But just because the astral cord has been cut, it cannot stay there and is pushed upwards and out of the body. There is a pull from above, *a magnetic pull to go up.*

  • End of the physical body : 

At this stage the soul hears many voices, all at a time. These are nothing but the thoughts of those present in the room. The soul on its part talks to his loved ones like he used to do and shouts I am not dead, but alas it cannot be heard. Slowly and steadily the soul realizes that its dead and there is no way back , then it reaches to approx 12 feet. i.e the height of the ceiling and sees and hears everything happening. Generally it will be there around the body till it is cremated. So, next time if you see a body being carried for cremation, be informed *the soul is also part of the procession seeing, hearing and witnessing everything and everyone.*

  • Detachment from the body : 

Once the cremation is done, the soul is completely of the belief that the main essence of its survival on earth is lost, the body it held for so many years has dissolved in the 5 elements. The soul experiences complete freedom, the boundaries it had while being in the body are gone, it can just reach anywhere by mere thought. For 7 days the soul, moves about its places of interest like its favorite joint, morning walk garden, office, etc..If the soul is possessive of his money ,it will just stay near his cupboard, or if he is possessive of his children, it will just be in their room, clinging on to them. By the end of the 7th day, the soul says bye to his family and moves still upwards to the periphery of the earth plane to cross over to the other side.

  • The Tunnel : 

Its said that there is a big tunnel here which it has to cross before reaching the astral plane. Hence its said these 12 days are extremely crucial, we have to carry out the rituals properly and pray and ask forgiveness from the soul so that it does not carry these negative emotions like hurts, hatred, anger, etc at least from the near and dear ones.

All these rituals, prayers act like food for the soul which help it in its onward journey. At the end of the tunnel it sees a huge bright light signifying the entry in the astral world.

  • Meeting the Ancestors :

On the 11th and then the 12th day in Hindus there are homas and rituals through which “the soul is united with its ancestors, close friends, relatives and the guides.” Its actually the same thing which happens on the upper plane. After the 12th day, all the passed away ancestors welcome the soul to the upper plane and they greet and hug them exactly like we do here on seeing our family members after a long time. The soul then along with its guides are taken for a thorough life review of the life just completed on earth in the presence of the “Great Karmic Board.” Its here in the pure light that its shown the whole past life.

  • Life Review : 

There is no judge, there is no God here. “He judges himself, the way he judged others in his lifetime.” He asks for revenge for people who troubled him in that life, he experiences guilt for all wrongdoings he did to people and “asks for self punishment to learn that lesson.” Based on this a complete life structure is created by the soul himself, called the blue print. All the incidents to be faced, all problems to be faced, all challenges to be overcome are written by us in this agreement. In fact we choose all minute details like age, person, circumstances for all incidents to be faced by us. Eg:- a person had severe headache in his present birth, whatever he tried nothing worked, no medicines, no way out. When he did a past life regression he saw in his previous birth he had killed a person with a huge stone by hitting and smashing his head. In the life review, when he saw this he became very guilty and asked for the same pain which the other person suffered to be experienced by him and decided he will have a never ending headache in this life.

  • Blue print : 

This is the way we judge ourselves and in guilt ask for punishment. One point to note here is that many say you will have to face 10 times or 20 times of what you did. That’s not true, depending on the amount of guilt in the soul, it will ask for punishment of suffering. If it has more guilt, then for some trouble he gave for 5 months to someone, he will ask for 2 years of suffering. Hence its always said, clear your emotions, because it’s the same thing we carry forward to the other side too. Once this review is done our whole blue print of the next life is formed, then there is “a cooling period.”

  • The re-birth

We are born depending on what we have asked for in the agreement. It can take 20-30 years or even more also for a re- birth. We choose our parents and enter the mothers womb either at the time of egg formation or during the 4-5th month or sometimes even at the last moment just before birth. The universe is so perfect ,so beautifully designed that the time, place of birth constitutes our horoscope, which actually is a blue print of this life. Most of us feel that our stars are bad, we are unlucky, in actual they just mirror your agreement. Once we are reborn, for around 40 days the baby remembers its past life and laughs and cries itself without anyone forcing it to. The memory of the past life is completely cut after this and we experience life as though we did not exist in the past.

  • The agreement starts.. :

Its here that we are completely in the earth plane and the contract comes into full effect. We then blame God/ people for our difficult situations and curse God for giving us such a difficult life. So, next time before pointing to the Divine, understand that its just helping us complete and honor our agreement which is fully and completely written by us. Whatever we have asked for and pre-decided we are getting. Friends, relatives, foes, parents, spouses all have been selected by us in the blue print and come in our lives based on this agreement. They are just playing their parts and are merely actors in this film written, produced and directed by us.

Do the Dead need healing?

The dead always need serious healings and prayers for a variety of reasons, the most important one being not to be earthbound, that is stuck up in the earth plane itself. There are many reasons for the soul to be earthbound like unfinished business, excessive grief, trauma on death, sudden death, fear of moving on the astral plane, guilt, one of the most important being improper finishing of rituals, etc. The soul feels it needs a little more time to wait and finish and move. This keeps them hovering in the earth plane itself. But alas, the time is limited. Its very very important that they cross over in the 12 days to their astral plane of existence, moreover as the entry for them to the astral world closes a few days after this.

Earthbound spirits lead a very miserable existence as they are neither in their actual plane nor in a body to lead an earthly life. They may not be negative or harmful but they are stuck up. Hence healings and our prayers are of utmost importance during this period so that the departed soul crosses over to the designated astral plane peacefully. In Hindu religion its said not to visit temples and worship during these 12 days. But prayers are very much necessary by the whole family to help the dead. One more very important aspect to be updated with is the protection of the soul. Like we keep a small pen knife/ nail cutter as protection from evil spirits under the baby’s pillow, We need to protect the dead also to reach its destination- the astral world safe and sound.

Protection, prayers, healings are all extremely essential in these days to say the least. This is the least we can do for our loved ones, who gave all they could in our lifetimes.

Please DO NOT TAKE DEATH LIGHTLY.  Today at least around 60% of the souls are stuck up on the earth plane due to various such factors.

Finally, for someone who has lost a near and dear one, don’t feel sad.

We don’t die, we live on, death does not end it, its just a little break before we meet again .

Where Do Souls Go After Death?

During the first seven days or so, the soul of the deceased person usually remains close to the place he or she lived and tries to follow the lifestyle he or she was used to. The destination that souls take after death varies, and souls can be divided into three groups accordingly:

1. Souls that cannot begin their departure to the Spirit World and become “earth-bound spirits” (ghosts) because they lived with a totally materialistic view of life and strongly denied life after death, or are emotionally attached to something in this world to the point of not being able to let go.

2. Souls who fall straight to hell, because living on earth, they led a life full of evil and were possessed by more than four or five hell spirits at the time of death. These souls cannot make the normal departure to the other world, and instead, they go straight down to the depths of hell.

3. Souls that depart to the Spirit World with the help of a “Spirit Guide”. The majority of people usually wander around their house during the first seven days after their physical death, but when their consciousness becomes clear enough, a “spirit guide” comes to help them to realize that they are already dead. This spirit guide could be, in an ordinary case, a close friend, an acquaintance, parents or a sibling who died earlier.


Spiritual Possession

Spiritual possession is a phenomenon in which a stray being from the Spirit World constantly or temporarily possesses and exerts negative influence on a person living on earth. Most commonly they are known as “evil spirits” and, although many people may scoff at the idea, it is a real and undeniable fact that they exist and influence our lives.

Spiritual possession can be the cause of illnesses, mental disorders or even crimes, but this phenomenon is not being treated appropriately since modern medicine and science do not recognize the existence of spiritual possession. Fact is though the phenomenon of spiritual possession is a common occurrence and to prevent or counter it people must have accurate spiritual knowledge – they must know the Truth.

Evil spirits are spirits that have a strong attachment towards the earth and human way of life. Spirits in hell do not understand they are spiritual beings. All they know is life with a physical body, so they are consumed with the desire to satisfy their materialistic needs. Because reincarnation from hell is impossible, they aim to possess a person living on earth. By possessing a human being, evil spirits can feel just as if they have their own physical body, feeling the physical sensations and satisfying desires for food, sex, money, power and the like.

The only prerequisite for evil spirits to come and stay with a person living on earth, is to find someone whose mind is on the same wavelength as theirs. Evil spirits cannot stay with a person living on earth if he or she is always calm, benevolent and altruistic. But if his or her mind is dark with hatred and anger stays that way for extended periods of time, then it will attract evil spirits who, being on the same wavelength, can sneak into the person’s mind and stay on earth for five, ten or even many more years. This is what is known as spiritual possession.

Spiritual Possession Can Cause Various Unfortunate Phenomena

When humans are possessed by evil spirits, their character changes and they seem to no longer be themselves. If the possession is expressed very strongly, a person may become very aggressive, greedy or jealous, he may start to eat and drink to excess, or lust after the opposite sex like an animal. The human body feels heavy when it is possessed by an evil spirit: the neck and shoulders feel stiff; the spine and lower back feel heavy. A vicious circle starts when a person is always in a bad mood and no longer gets on well with other people. When a personality turns really bad it can sometimes indicate a possession by two, three or more spirits. A severe mental illness occurs when multiple spirits possessing a person push the person’s own soul out of his physical body.

People can be possessed by detrimental animal spirits as well as by evil spirits. If a person always emits the same kind of negative thoughts, not just stray human spirits, but also animal spirits might wrap themselves around the person’s body. This phenomenon usually would have an effect of making the person prone to various illnesses. What is more, amongst these stray spirits there are some malicious spirits that actively want to destroy the happiness of the people in this world. They manipulate a person’s mind to deliberately make him act in a way that will lead to unhappiness and bring chaos to people’s lives. People who are psychic can see the phenomenon of spiritual possession in a form of a hazy small cloud clinging to the tops of possessed peoples’ heads, shoulders, or other parts of the body

The Cause of Possession Lies in a Mistaken Way of Thinking

The roots of spiritual possession lie in the thoughts of a mistaken mind. A person will be possessed by animal spirits if he has a mind that has forgotten human dignity and is like that of an animal. This is because a mind that cannot restrain its greediness, a mind that tries to deceive others, a mind that is crazed for the opposite sex, can be in alignment with animalistic spirits. Moreover, if a person cannot control his anger, rants, raves, and blames others, he will draw in the violent spirits. The cold-bloodedness of someone who is indifferent to other people’s feelings, who is very self-assertive and thick-skinned, leads him to coming under the control of egotistic evil spirits.

karmic relationships

Past Life Lovers, Karmic Connections, Soul Mate | Regression

Each person we meet along our path is an opportunity for our soul’s evolution. They show up with a message from our higher self or a lesson necessary for our development, either from a past life or to be dealt with in this lifetime. Each of these people is a soul mate, however, they have very different purposes.

It’s confusing and frustrating to have undeniable chemistry with someone, even feeling they are “the one,” yet it isn’t working out. A magnetic force/connection seems to exist between the two of you. You could even find yourself ignoring your intuition and ethical code with this intoxicating, all-consuming, and addicting pull.

Your Heart Aches

It was either a perfect romance that ended (and all communication stopped), a romance that can’t seem to begin, or it’s an up/down, back-and-forth, off/on again experience. There were commitment issues, even cheating, and/or it seems impossible to leave this disrupting and unhealthy relationship. You can’t seem to get them off your mind and even more distressing, no matter what happened, your heart aches for this person. You cannot seem to move on and there’s a deep need to resolve things or at least have closure.

Karmic Connections 

These are examples of a past life or karmic connection, and you are not meant to be together in this lifetime. This person may actually have represented unfinished business needed to complete lessons for your soul’s growth and to help you bring in your soul mate. Understanding the differences between a past life connection and a soul mate allows us to release these connections and move on. You don’t have to stop loving this person or forget about them. Just for now, put them in a special place in your heart, appreciate what they brought into your life, and place them on a shelf. As you open up to connecting with your soul mate, the intensity from a karmic or past life connection fades.

Defining Love 

Our childhood environment, influences and role models,determine our definition of love. This definition continues to bring us what is familiar. As we learn lessons and grow, our very vibration raises our ability to attract people to our higher frequency. Our life partner can then come in, as we have done our work to receive them.

Something Needs Healing 

A past life connection or karmic relationship often triggers something needing healing, forgiveness and growth. These relationships often stir up heavy emotions, presenting the opportunities to progress and to step into a life expansion and soul advancement.

We’ve all experienced hardships, traumas, forms of abuse and adverse circumstances. Life can seem very unfair until we allow and receive the gifts of healing, growth, wisdom and the ability to help others.

A soul mate is a well-matched person who walks with you as a friend or in a love relationship. A soul mate has a subtle, comfortable, stable-feeling energetic connection. It feels as though you are home and, it can take some getting used to. It’s very different from an intense, drama-stimulated chemistry connection that can throw you off balance.

With a soul mate, there’s a deep connection with a sense of peace and trust in one another. You feel heard, understood and supported. You share similar desires and interests, and have a solid friendship. You feel encouraged and uplifted. You are each other’s priority while still attending to your own personal, spiritual and physical needs.

You will still have lessons to learn together, adjustments to make as you come together as a couple, and continued soul growth and then shedding old patterns, etc. The difference is you work through things, it’s a healthy relationship and you grow together.

Past lives lovers and soul mates have a very special bound that never dies. The memory of their common live together can come back in a flash when they are together especially. Being in each other’s presence can bring back many pleasant memories and much love, passion, and burning of the sacred flame for both of you.

The joy of being in each other’s company is limitless and eternal, even when one has blinders on in order to prevent seeing the bigger picture. One just has to pay attention to what the heart tells on one person who is dear to it. There can be occasional memory flashbacks or even heart flashbacks, which can lead to total confusion if one is unable to handle such things and understand the strength and passion coming from such relationships.

Intertwined, the two lovers are inseparable on the higher realms. They will not always recognise each other while on Earth in human bodies under normal circumstances. Perhaps for a few briefs moments there is an inner recognition on both sides. This moment is so brief, that one would have to be very awake to recognise it. Like a flash of light, the speed is too quick to be caught by us under normal circumstances.

However the more the past lives lover will find in each other’s’ company, the more memories will come back. It is even possible to withdraw from a past live lover by avoiding being in the presence of that person for too long. Sometimes one of the past lives lovers need to not know too much as it were, needs space and to focus on this life exclusively, without interference from a powerful loving past lives relationship with another. However ultimately, of course, with true genuine love, there is no sense of jealousy, of possession at all. All that matters to a true lover is the other person’s happiness whether in this life or in another life.

A playful and caring relationship will always be present between past lives lovers, a complicity, a clear understanding of each other’s feelings and needs.

It is also possible that the physical bodies search to be in each other’s companies, instinctively and intuitively. Higher spirit will decide when to awake both beings to what and who they are for one another, and again this could possibly take years or never take place if spirit decides it is for the best not to allow any further knowledge. It may be for the best to allow each other to continue on their respective journey of learning and discovery.

There can be highs and extreme lows, if one decides not to let the other go and be totally free. One has to allow the other to live his or her life totally free. It is vital to understand that soul mate relationships are never about control, power struggles. The heart just gives love freely and unconditionally to the other.

This is a perfect example of never dying love, however, it is important to let go of such relationship and allow the learning experiences from the present life to take place without interference in the vast majority of times, unless there is a karmic debt, which remains to be settled.

energy healing

Treating Diseases / Illness With Energy & Spiritual Healing

We believe we are physical bodies. As physical bodies, we expect to grow old, become sick, and eventually die. In addition, we believe that disease originates in our physical bodies.

As it turns out, not one of these beliefs is true. We are, in fact, spiritual beings, not physical bodies. Our physical bodies are merely an illusion we have created for the sake of experiencing this physical world. Since our physical bodies are an illusion, then aging, sickness, and death must also be illusions.

Many people will find these ideas hard to believe or even outrageous. The onset of any illness alarms me. The pain you experience seems real. Invariably, you run to a medical doctor, convinced you might be suffering from cancer or some other catastrophic disease. Like most people, you are certain that something has gone awry in your physical body. Our condition requires “modern” medical treatment. Most often, the treatment you receive consists of pharmaceuticals or surgery.

This treatment may alleviate your symptoms. It may seem to offer a cure. But the truth is: it only “works” because you believe it works. As such, all the pills you take are really just placebos. Like the magic which magicians perform on stage, the treatment you receive provides the illusion of a cure, and it appears real. In fact, it typically ignores the underlying cause of all disease. Yet what alternative do you have but to continue to believe in this kind of magic?

Recently, one of my client underwent surgery to remove his thyroid gland. A goiter had appeared on his neck, and nodules were discovered in this gland which produces hormones to regulate the body’s metabolism. His thyroid gland had become incurably sick and had to be removed. Fortunately, the pathology report he received following the surgery affirmed that the nodules had not yet become cancerous. But this whole experience awoke in him an interest in energetic and spiritual forms of healing.
The terms energy healing and spiritual healing are often used interchangeably, and as healing practices, they do seem to overlap. But they are not synonymous.
Energy Healing. Energy healing consists of numerous well-respected healing techniques that focus on the energy field surrounding and penetrating each of us. This energy field is normally referred to as our life-force, chi, ki, or prana. Energy healing seeks to clear our aura and chakras. It seeks to eliminate blockages in our energy field. These blockages prevent life-sustaining energy from flowing into us, leading to aging, sickness, and death.
Soon after his thyroid surgery, He began to investigate energetic and spiritual healing as an alternative or complement to conventional medical practices. From this investigation taking sessions from me, He learned that all of his chakras were open and functioning well — with two important exceptions: his throat chakra and his heart chakra. Both of these chakras had long been closed. A closed throat chakra — associated with his thyroid gland — blocked his ability to clearly and openly communicate his thoughts and feelings. This led to his thyroid problems. A closed heart chakra blocked his ability to express love and forgiveness. This discovery concerning his throat and heart chakras sparked in him a new-found interest in chakra healing as a form of energy healing.
Spiritual Healing. In contrast to energy healing, spiritual healing places little or no emphasis on the proper placement and movement of the healer’s hands or other such techniques. Rather, it looks beyond disease in the body and instead focuses on the mind where disease originates. Fear, guilt, stress, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions send biochemicals throughout the physical body, leading to diseases such as cancer. To deal with these negative emotions, spiritual healing relies on spiritual practices. It also relies on spiritual studies which help to correct our erroneous beliefs and which encourage our spiritual evolution. As we evolve spiritually, our disease-ridden physical bodies are being transformed into light bodies which are immune to all forms of pain and suffering.
A Course in Spiritual Study helps us to provides an extraordinary explanation of spiritual healing. Indeed, the Course has a great deal to say about sickness and healing. For example, it says we feel guilty because we believe we separated ourselves from God eons ago in an act referred to as “the fall of man.” We think we “sinned” against God by separating ourselves from Him. Overwhelmed by fear and guilt, we expect God to punish us. So we unconsciously seek to punish ourselves before God has a chance to do so. One way we do this is by inflicting illness on ourselves.
The ego benefits enormously from our continued belief in the illusion of separation and sickness. The ego — which can be defined as the separate “me” that I think I am — uses our deep-seated fear of sickness and death to ensure that we continue to believe we are physical bodies, separate from God and each other, weak, limited, and vulnerable. This belief allows the ego to maintain its stranglehold on us.
The ego wants us to remain spiritually asleep so that we don’t discover the truth about ourselves and our true relationship with God. The truth is: We have never really been separate from God or each other. We never really left Heaven. All along, we have been dreaming we are physical bodies, pursuing our separate adventures here in the physical world. The conviction that we are physical bodies and that our physical bodies are real has led us to believe that physical sickness is likewise real.
A Wake-Up Call. People sometimes speak of a serious illness as a “wake-up” call. My Client’s thyroid problem is only the most recent of his wake-up calls. But why should we continue to wait until we become seriously ill before waking up to the truth? We can begin to heal our minds before another serious illness appears in our bodies. We can change our beliefs about what we really are — eternal spiritual beings and not physical bodies. We can awaken from the spiritual amnesia we have been trapped in for such a long time. We can do this in an instant, if we so choose. And when we awaken, we will discover that we can experience perfect health for the duration of our sojourn here in the physical world.

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