Author Archives: Prashant Guruji

alcohol & entity attachment

Addictions (Alcohol, Drugs) & Spirit Possession / Attachment

In my work with clients the last few years, it’s become increasingly clear that addictions of any kind, as well as mania or depression, psychotic behavior, compulsions (OCD, eating disorders), obsessions & sexual abuse impulses are all caused by entities that have attached to the person experiencing them. These are lower vibrational beings that operate on the subtle planes. Shamans are familiar with this. Some traditions out-and-out call them demons.

They know how to hide themselves so they appear to be completely invisible. You feel them as impulses, cravings, or thoughts you can’t control. They’re fierce at surviving, and they know how to override will power. Entities are like viruses. You can’t see them with normal vision, but you feel their effects. They CAN be detected through higher-level awareness.

Why Do Entities Plague Us?

Entities attach to humans because your pain & upset around whatever’s going on is their food. They feed off human energy. There are usually a host of thought forms that go along with your addiction/compulsion, like “I’m pathetic,” “I’m bad,” “I’m unlovable,” “I’ll never kick this thing,” “Life is meaningless,” “I’ll never get ahead,” “I’m too X or not enough Y,” “I’m crazy,” etc.

Entities instigate such thought forms so that they may feast off the accompanying emotions: SHAME being the biggest, along with misery, fear, depression, sadness, hopelessness, dread & so forth. They also feed off the sensuality of food gorging, the suffering associated with starvation, the energy of sex (especially when violence or shame is connected to it), the excitement of mania & psychotic states, and more. If another person is involved, say, as the recipient of your entity’s ravings or sexual behavior, the beings feed off that person’s upset & energy, as well.

If you’ve experienced any of these conditions, or if you’ve witnessed another’s alcoholic, manic, or psychotic ravings or sexual predation energy, you may instinctively feel that what’s being shared here resonates. You know you’ve been battling a demon – or several. But because the medical approach is to treat the issue as a question of morals, will, or, at best, emotional “healing,” you have been battling in vain. This leads to the cycle of “cure”-relapse-“cure”-relapse. Which leads to more shame. Which the entities love. So they love to keep you in this cycle. It’s part of their game.

Entity possession is also the usual culprit with people who have committed suicide. For those people, the torment by the being got so bad that the only way they sensed they could rid themselves of an entity they didn’t even know they had was to end their own life. But the entity may still stick around the person’s soul into the next incarnation if family members don’t have the person depossessed posthumously.

Sexual Abuse as Possession

The unfortunate phenomenon of sexual predation of children, often by their own family members, also generally has its roots in entity possession. When I was shown this, I understood why this plague has become so rampant in our world. It is an infestation, like a cancer, on the earth plane, not a flaw of humans, men, fathers, uncles, or others (not to mention women who also have perpetrated it).

This explains why the phenomenon is hidden – often even to the perpetrator him- or herself. That, in turn, explains why perpetrators so often deny their behavior in this regard. They may not be fully “home” when it happens – someone else may. Or they may be unable to control the impulse generated by the entity, and act on it even while conscious. Ultimately that leads to shame & the dread that they have committed a mortal transgression. All of this needs to be hidden by the perpetrator because there is no place in our society to really hold what is going on. Their shame & dread are simply more food for the entity. The person may go into a denial that amounts to a kind of amnesia around their behavior.


Alcohol or Drugs as Portals for Entities

You can also be an open portal for entities while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. That’s why alcohol is referred to as “spirits.” Sometimes these beings leave, but sometimes they stay, rendering you what is labeled an “alcoholic” (when what you really are is plagued by an entity who provokes an alcohol addiction). If you get to the point of blacking out, you have definitely had an entity enter you at that time, whether you are addicted to alcohol or not. Yup, someone just had fun using your body, and it wasn’t you.

Many young people become open portals for entities when they get involved in drugs of the more addictive variety, and particularly manufactured ones such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and the like. As to the natural spirit plant medicines, when they are not used in a sacred & ritual way, but rather are used “recreationally,” as an escape, or “out of curiosity,” they can lead to entity attachment.

I wish to be clear that this is not an indictment of plant spirit medicine when used with maturity & sacred intent. Entities love to keep you addicted because addictions provide guaranteed access to all the “food” they need. That’s why addictions of any sort are so hard to throw off. The entities don’t want you free of them.

Once you can recognize this and begin the dislodging process, the healing will go more quickly & will be more effective & permanent.


spirit possession

Psychic Attacks & Vampires |Black Magic & Spirits| Past Life

It’s important for all of us interested in spiritual development to include some  understanding of their subtle energy field or aura. The Aura is an electromagnetic energy field around each of us. It’s not visible to most people, but it is instinctively sensed or experienced by others.  Your aura is not a closed system, as they say, it is continuously exchanging energy with things around it – anything and everything unless you decide differently.
Would you stick your hand into filthy water and then touch your mouth?

  • Yet, everyday, all day long, I see people do the equivalent with their energy. Some people will co-mingle or allow others to suck their energy, (living or ‘dead’) with little or no restrictions as to who does so. It is up to you to decide what you want to exchange energy with. You absolutely can decide about this important boundary setting, whether or not you see energy, feel it,  or even believe totally that it exists!The aura is also called the “subtle energies.” These energies are felt, perceived or sensed by people in various ways:
  • as colors, (seen or somehow ‘felt’),
  • as textures (sticky, slick, hard, soft, etc.),
  • as temperatures, (cold, hot, warm, etc.).

Perhaps you sense something and have no word for it: a kind of perception or a “knowingness.” That is when the “inner sight” is used.

Whether or not you consciously sense it, everyone reacts to subtle energies. Your energy shifts and moves with mood changes, strong thoughts and interactions with other people, animals and plants, as well as crystals and minerals. The body language of someone who is not trained or conditioned  to hide their thoughts often mirrors a person’s energy field. When someone is trained to hide their body language, for example, a policeman, then it may not reflect their energy any more than it reflects their true feelings.

You live in this energy field your whole life – there is no way out of it! You even carry it with you when you leave your physical body – or parts of it, anyhow.  As I said, you can co-mingle or exchange it with all kinds of things: people, plants, crystal and minerals, Angels, ghosts, other kinds of spirits… etc.

When it comes to being aware of our subtle energy, and taking responsibility for what we do with it, most humans are at the stage they were at when infants, and first learning to walk and talk. They have very little, if any, self-control. They get upset or angry, they throw or spill energy onto others. The same is true for all strong emotions. Have you heard the expression, bubbling over with enthusiasm or happiness? That’s what your energy does when you have an intense emotion. Happy or sad, angry or sexually aroused, it spills  onto the people around them.

We are living in a gigantic “psychic soup” of impressions, gathered around us like layers of clothing. Our experiences are filtered through our subtle energies and then trickling into our consciousness. We also have countless “strings” or attachments leading to other places, times and individuals. Even strings to things that were of importance to us now – or perhaps once, long ago. How much of our energy is taken up with unwanted and no longer useful attachments? To become truly free of these attachments is to empower yourself and others. You grant them their freedom, thereby granting yourself freedom.

  • How many of you suffer from terrible headaches with no known cause? Or perhaps aches and pains that come and go for no reason?  Are Doctors unable to help you?   
  • Healers: Learn to protect yourself so that you do not pick up the energy of the person you are doing a healing sessions with!  This includes Reiki and any other form of energy work!
  • Do you leave a session or at the end of a day go home feeling week and shaky?
  • Do you have pain in the exact same areas that you were working on?
    Learn to clear your energy field and protect yourself from inappropriate energy exchanges.Sensitive people  often have strange symptoms that clear up when they learn to take care of their subtle energies.

    Illnesses (dis-ease) start in the energy field first.

    No, you probably can’t  ‘fix’ every single physical problem. But this will not hurt you and it will help you. Some things are going to “go wrong” no matter what. That’s another story… Meanwhile, it can’t hurt for you to take some responsibility for clearing and cleaning your own energy.

    Do you have a relationship that you are struggling with?
    Learn to clear your energy and cut the inappropriate ties. Allow them their freedom – and allow yourself that freedom.Detachment doesn’t mean that you don’t care,

    it means that you let go of your expectations of what something SHOULD be like. How that person should act, how things ought to be.

Outside spirit influences – ghosts, devils, demons, entities, etc. Some people have had a disturbing paranormal experience that “sours” them on or frightens them from exploring their psychic and spiritual nature.

Ouija boards and automatic writing are two of the most widely discussed danger zones for people are are being haunted or attacked by entities or ghosts.  Much of the information people wish to receive from these spirits starts out as information (or gossip!) about other people.  Using any kind of activity to spy on or pry into another person’s life or space is is unethical and against spiritual Law.

Just remember, Angels and Masters will not come through a Ouija board. A spirit may claim to be an Angel, but ask yourself, why would an Angel need to use a Oujia board?  The spirits that work through them are, at best, dead people.  They have only a little  more information than they did when they were alive. If your “Aunt Pearl” was controlling and meddling in life, what has happened to change her after she passed? There are always bored spirits hanging around willing to play with you… there are always nasty spirits hanging around willing to play with you, too… Be cautious and think before you start.

It is not necessary to be terrified of anything “unseen,” or to become superstitious, but you do need to be cautious and respectful.

Psychic Attack.  I get a lot of emails from people who feel they are under psychic attack. I usually direct them to this section of the site first, and then tell them to email me back with questions. Far fewer people email me back. Why is that? I think it’s because I ask people to consider their own part in any situation where they are ‘under attack.’
Does psychic attack exist? YES.
Can it be countered? YES.

Psychic attack can be as complex as someone cursing you- using black magic or something similar – or as subtle as living with a spouse or other family member who is angry with you a lot. Maybe you work with someone who doesn’t like you. There may be no outer show of what they feel, but you ‘know’ that something is going on. Psychic attack is anything that interferes with and invades your subtle energy field.

How does psychic attack happen? One of the most important things a person must understand about a psychic attack (and other disturbances, such as the headaches I mentioned)  is also one of the hardest for many to face.
Each of us bears a share of responsibility for the psychic attack we receive.

Simply put: if you are under an attack from someone or something, then there is an obvious reason for a situation to exist. In these cases, it is necessary for you to own your share of what is going on. When you do this, the energy behind the attack often reduces significantly.

It’s similar to a situation where two people are arguing. If one is willing to say they are sorry for hurting the others’ feelings, things will often calm down instead of escalate. When you admit you have some responsibility in a negative situation, it can often effect the outcome in a very healthy and positive way.

Anger towards a person leaves you open. If you are feeling attacked by someone, then you may also feel angry or resentful. If you are angry or resentful with someone, then admit it to yourself. There’s no shame to that – it just makes you human.  But is is also necessary to take steps to deal with your emotions.

Facing how you feel about a person or situation is not easy; it takes a lifelong commitment to self-mastery.  If you are willing to face how you feel and accept that this is where you are right now, then you can begin to move through it.  I didn’t say “like it,” I said accept it.  Changing how you feel begins with acceptance of yourself – and of the other person.

When there seems to be no logical reason why a person is angry with you or trying to harm you, then it is almost certainly coming from something that happened in a past life. This can be hard to understand, especially if you are in a great deal of distress. You feel victimized and picked on. Maybe this is true, for this moment in time, but if you begin to study past lives, the concept of victimization loses it’s meaning. Over many lifetimes, you have traded places as the “victim” and “victimizer” again and again.

Here is a simple example: There was a man who had a wonderful relationship with his wife. She was great at communicating and very open with him. The problem was her mother, who lives with them. The Mom was very angry and suspicious of the Husband. He felt like she hated him and no matter what he did, over time, there was no lessening of the problem.

Every time he was near the mother, he had headaches and felt ill. He talked to his wife about it and she believed him.  She had seen the problem for herself.  Both were unsure of what to do. They called me and told me their predicament. I suspected that there was an intense past life connection between the Mother and the Husband. She was psychically attacking him – sometimes unconsciously and sometimes on purpose.

At their request, we did a past life regression and a reading on the situation.  Putting it all together, we came up with this information:

In a previous incarnation, the Mother and the Husband had been involved in a love triangle with the Wife. The Husband had killed the Mother in that life. In another life, he had ruined her life by kidnapping her, raping her and selling her into slavery. In still another life, they had been warriors on opposite sides, who killed one other. I could mention many other lives, but I think you get the picture.

The Husband and Wife left the session with new understanding. They wanted to resolve this old Karma with the Mother. They tried to talk to the Mother about their experiences and some of the possibilities, but she was not open to it. In fact, the very idea of past lives offended her. She was very upset by the notion.  The only positive thing that they could point to from their ‘talk’ was that the Mother was very slightly open to the idea that they recognized that she felt like the Husband was the enemy.  Things did not noticeably improve around the house, however.

The next time I released the ties between all of them, leaving in place only the “ties of the highest love” – “what ever was appropriate, natural and correct at that time.”

Afterwards, the man “saw” the Mother come to stand in front of him, in his mind’s eye. He asked her high self what he could do to improve the situation.  He felt that she was telling him to ignore her when she acted nasty or condescending. Her high self asked him to forgive her. He decided to give it a try.

The couple felt that the technique was successful and they, at least, felt clearer and lighter.  They decided to do their best to accept the situation, “as-is.”  This was where the Mother was at, at that point in time.

The first thing that was apparent after they got home was the lack of something. The husband had no headache. Within the next few weeks, he quit getting headaches around the mother and felt much less irritation with her. They would have been very happy at that point, if this was the final result. But things got more interesting.

About a month later, the mother approached the man and reminded him of “that conversation they’d had about the past lives.”She said that she had been having some incredibly vivid dreams about the “lives” that the couple had mentioned. She said that she had never believed in anything like that, and still didn’t. However, the dreams were so real to her, that they opened up some possibilities. She had to admit that she had also treated him like he was the enemy. She realized that her behavior was not of  “hindu religion” so she vowed to try harder to get along.

Things did not get perfect in that house, but they did learn to be kind to one another an. There were fewer problems and they resolved fairly quickly. The three of them lived together, until the Mother’s death a few years later.

If a problem does stem from a past life, it is my experience that it will start to clear up fairly quickly when the life/lives are brought into the conscious mind. It is not at all necessary to believe that it is a past life. It is only necessary to look at the situation and relationship with the person, in terms of the information received.

Vampires. Yes, there are psychic vampires. On the physical plane, they are the people who leave you feeling drained, or with a headache after you leave them. Maybe they touch you a lot and it doesn’t feel nice.
Touch can facilitate the sharing – or stealing – of energy.
It can be difficult to protect yourself from someone who is constantly touching you to suck your energy or to poke at you.  It’s similar when someone gets very close to you, invading your personal space. That’s what it can be – an invasion.

We all know someone who is so lonely that they don’t want to let you off the phone, or to say goodbye. They are desperate to share energy with someone and if you won’t share willingly, then they may try and take it.

It’s not done out of meanness, it’s done out of survival. But it’s still an invasion. Ever buy something that you didn’t really want? Some sales people will surround you with their energy and soon you are agreeing with them. And it’s not just sales people who do this.

Intimate connections. When you have intimate sexual relations with someone, you have co-mingled your energy with them on a deep level. This can be a strong and positive connection – or not. Sharing energy at this level is something that gives another person an almost open door into your subtle energy. When you have intense fantasies about another person, you have also, likely interacted with their energy.  It can take many months to clear it out of your aura. You can and will also share entities and other energy formations. Be very cautious who you connect to in this way, as it’s not that simple to clear the energy, once you have co-mingled.

Karma in the Dharma based Religions


Karma first came into being as a concept in Hinduism, largely based on the Vedas and Upanishads. One of the first and most dramatic illustrations of Karma can be found in the great Hindu epic, the Mahabharata. The original Hindu concept of karma was later enhanced by several other movements within the religion, most notably Vedanta, Yoga, and Tantra.

Hinduism sees karma as immutable law with involuntary and voluntary acts being part of a more intricate system of cause and effect that is often not comprehensible to one bound by karma. It is the goal of the Hindu, as expressed succinctly in the Bhagavad Gita, to embrace a ‘sattvic’ lifestyle and thus avoid creating more karma (karma is not qualified as good or bad). By ceasing to create more karma, the jiva-atma or individual soul is able to move closer to moksha, or liberation.

To the Hindu, karma is the law of the phenomenal cosmos that is part and parcel of living within the dimensions of time and space. All actions, thoughts, vibrations of any sort, are governed by a law that demands perfect rebound. So all jiva-atmas (individual souls) must experience karma if they live and experience the phenomenal universe. To escape the cycle of life, death and rebirth, one must exhaust one’s karma and realize one’s true Self as the highest truth of Oneness that is Brahman (or for dvaitists (dualists) bliss with the Supreme Godhead).

In Hinduism, karma is of three kinds:

Prarabadha Karma

This karma is unchangeable within the scope of one life, since it is the ‘setup’ for the life in question. It is the karma of one’s past lives. After death, the atma leaves the body, as the casting off of old vestments, and carries with it the samskaras (impressions) of the past life of thoughts and actions and events. These samskaras manifest themselves in the unchangeable situation into which one is born and certain key events in one’s life. These include one’s time of death (seen as governed by an allotment from birth of the total number of one’s breaths for that life), one’s economic status, one’s family (or lack of family), one’s body type and look: essentially, the setting of one’s birth, the initial base.

Samchita Karma

The samskaras that one inherits from the last lives create one’s personality, inclinations, talents, the things that make up one’s persona. One’s likings, abilities, attitudes and inclinations are based on the thoughts and actions of past lives. One’s samchita karma is somewhat alterable through practice and effort towards change. This might be seen through the Hindu system of yoga and the dynamic of the gunas. An example would be someone who, through meditation, slowly evolved into a more stable personality.

Agami Karma

Agami karma is the karma of the present life over which the soul has complete control. Through it one creates one’s karma in the present for the future of the current life and in life-times to come.
The Hindu cannot say, sometimes, if a major event in life is the doing of Prarabadha or Agami Karma. The idea of “bad things happening to good people” is seen by the Hindu as a result of Prarabadha Karma, more simply understood as karma from a past life.

In Hinduism, karma works within a cyclical framework that sees the phenomenal universe being created and eventually dissolving back into itself, back into realization that it was nothing other than Maya imposed on the truth of Brahman. So Karma will eventually be worked out.

Karma does allow for anirudh (Divine Grace). Through exceeding devotion and love of God, the Hindu believes one can be helped to speed through Karma phal (Karmic fruit). By developing ‘vairagya’ or ‘detachment’ from the fruits of one’s karma, as Lord Krishna most famously summarized, one can transcend karma and be liberated. One is aided by love of God. All the Yogas of Hinduism seek to transcend karma through different means of realization.


In Buddhism, only intentional actions are karmic “acts of will”. Often misunderstood in the West as “cause and effect”, in actuality, Karma literally means “action” – often indicating intent or cause. Accompanying this usually is a separate tenet called Vipaka, meaning result or effect. The re-action or effect can itself also influence an action, and in this way, the chain of causation continues ad infinitum. When Buddhists talk about karma, they are normally referring to karma that is ‘tainted’ with ignorance – karma that continues to ensure that the being remains in the everlasting cycle of samsara.
This samsaric karma comes in two ‘flavours’ – good karma, which leads to high rebirth (as a deva, asura, or human), and bad karma which leads to low rebirth (as a hell-sufferer, as a preta, or as an animal).

There is also a completely different type of karma that is neither good nor bad, but liberating. This karma allows for the individual to break the endless cycle of rebirth, and thereby leave samsara permanently.

This seems to imply that one does not need to act in a good manner. But the Buddhist sutras explain that in order to generate liberating karma, we must first develop incredibly powerful concentration. This concentration is akin to the states of mind required to be reborn in the Deva realm, and in itself depends upon a very deep training in ethical self-discipline.

This differentiation between good karma and liberating karma has been used by some scholars to argue that the development of Tantra depended upon Buddhist ideas and philosophies.

Understanding the universal law of Karma provides order to a beginningless and endless universe. Alongside this view is the related notion of Buddhist rebirth – sometimes understood to be the same thing as reincarnation – which has its roots in the principle of Karma.


Jains believe that karma is a form of matter. Mahavira described karma as “clay particles”. Jains do not believe in “good karma” or “bad karma”; they try to avoid all karma.

Parallels with Christianity

Christian teachings do not usually include the idea of Karma, although some parallels can be made, as exemplified by biblical verses of ‘God is not mocked, what a man sows he must reap’ and ‘Vengence is mine says the Lord’.

For the most part, however, the idea of the Abrahamic God makes the concept of Karma redundant for Christians.

It is also worth noting that most interpretations of Christianity do not emphasize the religious importance of thoughts and intentions (volition), that are usually understood to be a major form of Karma by the doctrines that use that concept.

Western Interpretation

According to Karma, performance of positive action results with the reaction of a good conditioning in one’s experience, whereas a negative action results in a reaction of a bad response. This may be an immediate result following the act, or a delayed result occurring either in the present life or the next. Thus, meritorious acts may create rebirth into a higher station, such as a superior human being or a godlike being, while evil acts result in rebirth as a human living in less desirable circumstances, or as a lower animal. While the action of karma may be compared with the Western notions of sin and judgment by God or gods, Karma is held to operate as an inherent principle of the Universe without the intervention of any supernatural being.

Most teachings say that for common mortals, having an involvement with Karma is an unavoidable part of day-to-day living. However, in light of the Hindu philosophical school of Vedanta, as well as Gautama Buddha’s teachings, one is advised to either avoid, control or become mindful of the effects of desires and aversions as a way to moderate or change one’s karma (or, more accurately, one’s karmic results).

New Age and Theosophy

The idea of karma was popularized in the west through the work of the Theosophical Society. Kardecist and Western New Age reinterpretations of karma frequently cast it as a sort of luck which is associated with virtue: if one does good or spiritually valuable acts, one deserves and can expect good luck; contrariwise, if one does harmful things, one can expect bad luck or unfortunate happenings. In this conception, karma is affiliated with the Neopagan law of return or Threefold Law, the idea that the beneficial or harmful effects one has on the world will return to oneself.

Health, Relationships, Abilities, Genius, Free Will, Opportunities

Sickness or afflictions have been attributed to misdeeds in the past, as well as merits, fortunes, etc. to meritorious works, etc.. Karma is said to affect the quality of relationships. For example, people who either love or hate each other tend to attract each other (See also Parabadha Karma). Karma dictates that an individual is responsible for his current situation and future situation. Current abilities, talents and inclinations can attributed to past development of these talents or involvement with the same(See also Sanchita Karma and Samskara). In this context, DNA and genes only accomodate and do not determine talents and abilities. In other words you can develop more talents and abilities. Karma however is not a rigid iron-cast system. e.g. Accidents happen outside the workings of karma and free will is a powerful factor in determining the course of life. Getting hit by a car may really be accidental and not karmic at all. A person must also exercise his free will in determining his destiny despite karmic factors. Karma also dictates that opportunities are also increased depending on how one deals with what one has. i.e. Take advantage of what is already available at hand and more will be given.

To be sure, this subconscious memory has an effect and influence on how we think, how we react, what we choose, and even how we look! But the component of free will is ever within our grasp.




black magic

Black Magic, Dark / Negative Energies, Spirits, Witchcraft

What is Black Magic (Energy) ?

Energy is generally neutral. It is the charge or the intent behind the energy which creates positive or negative energies. The Universe in inherently neutral but in the earth plane we live in duality. Everything in this plane has a charge whether light or dark, positive or negative, day or night, black or white etc. When the intent behind the energy is to create harm, hurt, division, to conquer, to destroy or to influence someone in a negative manner against their own free will we call these- Dark Energies or Black Magic. These energies do not resonate well within our own energy systems because the battery of our energy is the Soul. The Soul is inherently positive, expansive, healing and unifying and so when Dark Energies or Black Magic enter our systems whether by chance or by others then it makes us feel unwell and out of balance. These Dark or Malefic energies eclipse the soul.

Energy is neutral and cannot be destroyed but it can be transformed. More and more these days we are seeing unscrupulous people using Dark Energies, Black Magic or culturally developed negative energies causing a lot of harm to others due to envy, jealousy, greed, ego or fear.

Please note we are not into black magic, we are fighting against black magic and culturally developed Negative Energy Inflictions from last many years. We are against casting Black Magic and Love spells etc. At SSHC ( Sanjeeini Spiritual Healing Center ) we specialize in removing black magic, removing witchcraft, healing and curing the black magic, dark energies through our spiritual and healing techniques.

Black Magic is black energy combined of Spirits, Jinn, Hamzad, Movakkil, Devi, Devta, and Evil powers too that’s why it is most faster and stronger, Holy Bible, Holy Quran, Holy Ved and all Holy religious Books tell us about Black Magic It is as true as God, world is growing faster and this is time of Science and Technology that’s why people do not believe in Black Magic and they have come behind the real world even some people do not believe in God so it does not mean that God is no where, some people think Black Magic is evil power it can do only bad works but dear friends it can do all type of works good and bad like it can fix Divorce, Break Up, Relationship, Vashikaran and Revenge etc.

Black Magic is on the rise, is dangerous and can destroy one’s health and well being, it can also kill or make the individual commit suicide in extreme cases. When weak determinants of mental capability planet The Moon & analytical power related planet mercury and exact or very close affliction of Rahu/Ketu, Saturn or of the Most Melefic Planet to a weak planets/houses make one vulnerable to BLACK MAGIC (energy).

The innocent soul seldom finds out that he/she has become a victim of Black Magic. If you think you have become a victim of black magic.

Here are the indications at initial stages of possible Black Magic that will help you understand your situation : 
– Eccentric behaviour, Fear.
– Your sleep is disturbed .
– Fatigue and lack of energy .
– Unrest at work, betrayal by subordinates
– Blockages in the inflow of money.
– Hopelessness, Disinterest in life .
– You get angry easily for no reason
– Severe Depression & Headache.
– Dryness of mouth at night
– Tightness around body parts
– You start forgetting things in the spur of the moment and experience memory loss.
– Bad Dreams & strange erection in body at times.
– Your professional career suffers
– Irrational behaviour of people towards you.

Advance Stages of Black Magic :  
– You dream of dead bodies and horrible looking people who want to kill you in your dream.
– Dreams of snakes & dirty birds/ places
– Waking up suddenly in fear with shortness of breath.
– Dreaming of falling from Heights.
– Reciting other religions mantras/rituals.
– The stomach bloats like a pregnant women’s belly and the area right above the navel tightens up & when touched feels like a golf ball is in there
– Tightness/blockage and heaviness specially in shoulders and chest
– Constant headache
– Separation
– Your complexion darkens
– Itching, burning and stinging pains in different parts of the body

Final Stages of Black Magic :
– Cancer or other mysterious ailments,
– Excessive alcohol consumption resulting in liver damage
– Substance Abuse
– Suicidal attempts or thoughts of self destruction
– Medicines do not work/wrong advice of doctor.

Symptoms pertaining to women only :
– Irritation in the vagina with Leucorrhoea
– Bruise marks around thighs & vagina ,
– Rape in dreams by spirits with an orgasm that is real, removal of cloths in nights
– Stoppage of monthly periods, irregular/ painful periods, unable to conceive in spite of overall good physique.
– Blockages in fallopian tubes and/or unable to hold the pregnancy resulting in miscarriages.

Symptoms pertaining to Spiritual People :
– Your interest in the divine consciousness takes a nose dive, loose interest in prayers and meditations.
– One gets attracted towards unholy desires like homosexuality, Non-vegetarian food/daily intake of liquor/use of drugs, sex & other vices.
– Sudden violent behavior is quite visible in these individuals.

As the attacks continue the victim is torn down on multiple levels; gets bed ridden and eventually dies of no apparent medical reason. The doctor’s cannot help him/her because the symptoms misguide the doctors into giving the individual stronger treatments with every passing day. If any of the above symptoms match your situation, you should immediately get professional help.

Here are some precautions that you can take from becoming a victim :
– Do not eat or drink any item from anyone unless the person shares that food item with you.
– Stop intake of Liquor/Non Vegetarian Food/drugs etc immediately.

It is believed that Black Magic is done using your photo, clothes, hair, nails or touching your body or looking straight into your eyes.

Do not give sensitive information to everyone.

General Symptoms of Black Magic (Energy):

  • 1) Victim would like to be aloof and alone always.
  • 2) Will be annoyed and irritated always.
  • 3) Nails will turn black.
  • 4) Shoulders and head pain will be regular.
  • 5) Smell of Scent, liquor or any bad smell will come.
  • 6) Victim would hate to take bath.
  • 7) Will talk to oneself.
  • 8) Eyes will be red.
  • 9) Victim will not feel hungry.
  • 10) Unnatural movement of body parts like stretching fingers continuously or will bite the nails every time.
  • 11) Tulsi plant at home will burn suddenly and will not grow by the time effect is there at home.
  • 12) Hallucination

Warning Signs : Your Chakras Are Out Of Balance

There are 7 main energy centers in the body, known as chakras. Each chakra is located throughout our body so that it correlates to specific body ailment and physical dysfunctions; each energy center also houses our mental and emotional strengths. When we have a physical issue, it creates weaknesses in our emotional behavior. When we release the stale energy from the body, it can undo any tightness, stiffness, or malfunction of that area.

The clearing of the energy can also balance our emotional state of mind. The Chakra Mind-Body Balance is a two-way street: if there are certain fears and emotions we are holding on to, we experience physical restrictions, too.

If you have achiness or stiffness, or certain reoccurring emotions and fears, read along and you may find out which chakra is affected or blocked.

1st or Root Chakra

Sits at the base of your spine, at your tailbone.

 Physical imbalances in the root chakra include problems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts and prostrate gland. Those with imbalances here are also likely to experience issues of degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation.

Emotional imbalances include feelings affecting our basic survival needs: money, shelter and food; ability to provide for life’s necessities.

When this chakra is balance, you feel supported, a sense of connection and safety to the physical world, and grounded.

The lesson of this chakra is self-preservation; we have a right to be here.

2nd or Sacral Chakra

Located two inches below your navel.

Physical imbalances include sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and low back pain.

Emotional imbalances include our commitment to relationships. Our ability to express our emotions. Our ability to have fun, play based on desires, creativity, pleasure, sexuality. Fears of impotence, betrayal, addictions.

When this chakra is balanced, we have an ability to take risks, we are creative, we are committed. We are passionate, sexual and outgoing.

The lesson of this chakra is to honor others.

3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra

Located three inches above your navel.

Physical imbalances include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder issues, colon diseases.

Emotional imbalances include issues of personal power and self-esteem, our inner critic comes out. Fears of rejection, criticism, physical appearances.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel self-respect and self-compassion. We feel in control, assertive, confident.

The lesson of this chakra is self-acceptance.

4th or Heart Chakra

Located at the heart.

Physical imbalances include asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic systems, upper back and shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain.

Emotional imbalances include issues of the heart; over-loving to the point of suffocation, jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness. Fear of loneliness.

When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion, forgiveness flows freely, trust is gained.

The lesson of this chakra is I Love.

5th or Throat Chakra

Located at the throat.

Physical imbalances include thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, TMJ, ear infections, ulcers, any facial problems (chin, cheek, lips, tongue problems) neck and shoulder pain.

Emotional imbalances include issues of self-expression through communication, both spoken or written. Fear of no power or choice. No willpower or being out of control.

When this chakra is balanced, we have free flowing of words, expression, communication. We are honest and truthful yet firm. We are good listeners.

The lesson of this chakra is to speak up and let your voice be heard.

6th or Third Eye Chakra

Located in the middle of the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead.

Physical imbalances include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, hormone function.

Emotional imbalances include issues with moodiness, volatility, and self-reflection; An inability to look at ones own fears, and to learn from others. Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated imagination.

When this chakra is balanced we feel clear, focused, and can determine between truth and illusion. We are open to receiving wisdom and insight.

The lesson of this chakra is to see the big picture.

7th or Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head.

Physical imbalance include depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound, environment.

Emotional imbalances include issues with self-knowledge and greater power. Imbalances arise from rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality, constant confusion, carry prejudices, “analysis paralysis.” Fear of alienation.

When this chakra is balanced, we live in the present moment. We have an unshakeable trust in our inner guidance.

The lesson of this chakra is live mindfully.

After reading this, you  may feel that more than one chakra is imbalanced or blocked. This is because when one is blocked, the other chakras begin to compensate and either become overactive or under-active.

The best way to start balancing them is to start at the root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra.

Past life issues

Past Life Behaviors & Clues| Therapy for current life issues

A number of cases analyzed during the experiment suggests that we may be born with a need to learn how to overcome particular beliefs or behavioral patterns. Several subjects report that as very young children they experienced inexplicable impulses to reject certain norms or attitudes of their family and friends. They felt compelled to behave differently regardless of social pressures to conform. Ian Stevenson once also described such a case where a young girl in a peasant Indian family had difficulty resisting her inclination to exhibit behaviors of the Brahmin caste. We introduce an anonymous case here to illustrate an American soul apparently attempting to compensate for having been a slaveholder in previous lives. This story may offer possible insight into how the soul genome activates some of our intuitive decisions made during naive, youthful periods before we become aware of the notion of reincarnation.

“I was born into a poor share-cropper family in the post-bellum South. My step-father, my mother, and I and my siblings were bound to the property owners by that system. We literally slaved all year to grow our food and cash crops (half of which went to the landlord). At the end of the Great Depression my white family and untold thousands of others saw themselves as slaves to the former plantation-owning families, but to feel better about their lot, most of them considered their black neighbors to be an even lower class. When poor farmers could hire blacks they treated them as if they were ante-bellum plantation overseers.

However, picking cotton from about age 6 to 12 in sun-scorched fields for 1 or 2 cents a pound along side my black counterparts, I found myself unable to treat these hired hands as did my parents and their poor cohorts.”

“I did not recognize at that age that it was an unnatural situation, but feelings of empathy swelled up inside me to the point that I did every task the black child laborers were forced to do. I crawled on my knees and pulled the same sacks, lifted the same weights, and sweated the same number of hours. I felt more bonded to them than to my parents and other white adults.

When the laborers were given separate glasses in to drink tea, and other dishes, scalded later by my mother and set aside only for them, I felt ashamed and protested, only to be rebuked for my fraternization. One girl who was my age and I became friends, talking of our hopes to go to college and be teachers or something like that when we were adults instead of being field hands. We were equally smart and could talk about anything. But I never saw her after age 12, about 1951 when I began to realize that her chances were much less than mine because she was black, and a girl.

Over the years as I progressed in education and career, hardly a year passed by that I did not cry as I would ponder _____ being left behind without the mentors and opportunities I had. Growing up in that deep South culture, it was clear that enslavement takes many forms.

Bonded in a form of slavery with descendants of the people I had enslaved, since then something inside forces me to eschew any behavior that might suggest that I was the Master and another was the Slave. As a young teacher, I refused to reinforce any hint of dependency by students who ‘looked up’ to a man a the head of the class. Later as a military officer, I had difficulty in playing the “command” role, particularly with seasoned petty officers who knew a hell of a lot more than I did. I could play the game, but made it clear in explicit and implicit ways that we were equal humans.

Later, appointed as a U.S. diplomat, I was immediately given the power of a “master” over foreign nationals in various roles. The Embassy’s local employees had been trained to serve those with diplomatic status as if we were royalty (as we were often hobnobbing with local royals). In addition we had local personal staff in our residencies who treated us like European colonials had demanded in the past. Most of my colleagues seemed at ease in this master/slave interaction, but that unidentifiable nudging I still felt inside made it impossible for me to play it.

I would jump in and do some of the same tasks as my helpers did, regardless of our respective formal positions.  However, as I tried to relate to all these employees and servants as peers even if our work roles were different, I found that most of them were confused by my egalitarian manners.

Their subservience was so deeply engrained that they had difficulty relating to me. However, by the time I left a post, the ‘locals’ with whom I had worked had learned that all of us were not ugly Americans. These experiences taught me that the master/servant model has been so inculcated in humans that progress has to come upward as well as downward. In the reincarnation model consciousness evolves in both directions.

As something of a final cram course, in one of my posts, I fell deeply in love with the daughter of second-generation slaves. For a significant period in my life, I both lived inside a legacy that I now know that I helped create and at the same time experienced the generosity and forgiveness of the enduring human spirit regardless of how badly it’s treated by the rest of us from life to life.

For many decades, this experience (including its sorrows and its pleasures) has been an unspoken guide more often than not in my relationships. This was true in working with staff as an official in Washington and later as the owner of a private business . I never asked anyone to do anything that I could or would not do. In my 70’s now, I still cannot hire a neighbor’s boys to help do manual labor in our woods and garden without working side by side with them.

I believe past-life learning occurs when we become sensitive to inborn traits that have the power to depreciate or harm another. In my view, the message comes through feedback that something is not working equally well for the self and the other. Conscious introspection can reveal what we need to overcome.


Categories of Clues to Previous Lives: The research from this project identified various categories of physical features and personality factors that suggest a past-life influence on your energetic genotype or soul genome.

Physical features different from parents or siblings may indicate a reincarnation history outside your biological family tree. They include body type, facial architecture (the bone structure that shapes the dimensions of your face), hair type and pattern, ear form, hands and finger proportions, voice, and body odor. (These attributes were derived from the forensic side of biometric science that determines degrees of genetic stability.)

This list of attributes refers to permanent features of the subject’s body. However, the presence of temporary stigmata (marks resembling wounds) on a subject’s body may also point to a potential past-life connection.

Personality factors now identified in the most robust reincarnation cases are cognitive mode (way of thinking), emotional patterns, interpersonal styles, and areas of creative interests.

Other areas suggest a previous-life legacy: (1) Prodigies and precocity in all children (areas  of knowledge, skills, and talents not been previously taught to the child). (2) Knowledge of people, places, and events that the person has not had occasion to learn in this life. (3) Unlearned languages, peculiar habits, phobias, early addictions, beliefs outside one’s immediate culture. (4) Preferences and tastes different from ones’ family.

Meridians: The Body’s Energy Pathways| Nadis| Energy Healing

For centuries the ancient wisdom keepers and healers in several traditions had a keen understanding of the energetic body. The healing traditions from China, India, Japan and Tibet, as well as other countries all spoke of energy channels, meridians or nadis along which the vital energy flowed.

meridiansLife was considered to be a bio-electrical and vibrational energy phenomenon and so health revolved around balancing energy through various means. Life existed because of life force and energy running through and animating the body, ensuring we can move, breathe, digest food, think and even feel.

This vital life force or chi, is composed of two kinds of forces, yin and yang, and flows along a sophisticated network of energy pathways, or highways, circuiting the body. Over 2000 years ago ancient cultures knew of the existence of these energy channels. They were called ‘sen’ in Thailand, ‘nadis’ in India, ‘meridians’, ‘channels’ or ‘vessels’ in China and Japan, and ‘channels’ in Tibet. In India, where many eastern healing arts developed, there were said to be 72 000 nadis or energy pathways. Disease is believed to be a blockage in the energy flow of these channels. A range of healing traditions, including acupuncture, acupressure, massage and yoga, are founded on the principle of the existence of energy channels or pathways, known as meridians, or nadis, running around the body in an expansive network.

MERIDIANS are a major concept in Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Medicine practitioners help people to become healthy again, and to remain healthy, utilizing herbs and physical medicine, such as acupuncture, acupressure, and tuina.  Rather than relying on anatomy and physiology in the Western sense, Chinese medicine focuses on how the energy flows throughout the body.

Accidental discovery leads to a comprehensive approach to healing.

Thousands of years ago, they discovered that energy flows in an orderly manner through channels they called meridians. Moreover, the flow of energy could be influenced by putting pressure and/or heat on points along these channels.  They named these points acupoints.

Lore has it that some soldiers pierced by arrows during battle noticed that some of their old ailments disappeared.  Over time, these points were mapped, leading to the discovery of this network of energy pathways, the meridians.

The meridian system may be likened to the electric wiring in our homes and businesses.

A Western analogy might be the electrical wiring in our homes and businesses that carries electricity to wall outlets where we plug in our home, business, and recreation appliances, and to the light sockets where we screw in our light bulbs.  Only, the meridian system is much more sophisticated and versatile.

The meridians form a complicated circuit of energy pathways that move up and down the body near the surface, but also enter deep into the body to connect with each other and supply the organs, and other body structures, with energy.

Energy can flow smoothly and orderly, or it can get stuck in places, leaving some places oversupplied and others undersupplied.  Where we have too much energy, we experience heat, congestion, and pain or discomfort.  Where the energy is low, we feel tired, cold, and weak..

When stimulating the acupoints with needles (acupuncture), finger tips (acupressure), or heat & herbs (moxa), the energy starts flowing again and the entire system becomes energetically more balanced.  That’s the general idea behind acupuncture, or acupressure.

Western medicine acknowledges that acupuncture can be very helpful for pain management.  However, acupuncture can help with many conditions by helping to balance the flow of energy.

The meridians are a physical component of our bodies.

The meridians appear to be embedded in the connective tissue, which weaves through and envelops every cell, tissue, and organ, as well as body structures, such as blood and lymph vessels, nerves, and meridians.

Connective tissue (fascia, tendons, ligaments, etc) can vary from a gel like substance to hard as bone.  In fact, bone is considered a specialized form of connective tissue.  Connective tissue binds structures together, creates space (compartments) for all the structures, and moves (conducts) body fluids, nerve stimuli, and energy through it.

We cannot see meridians with our bare eyes, or feel their structures with our bare hands.  However, the meridians have been visualized  (Pierre de Vernejoul, 1985, University of Paris) by injecting a radioactive dye into the meridian points and observing the dye move along the paths that the Chinese Medicine practitioners had mapped out thousands of years ago.  Moreover, the experiment confirmed that the energy flows only in one direction within a meridian.

The meridians bring primal energy to every cell in our bodies.

Energy supports life.  Without it, nothing moves.  The body’s cells make their own energy every moment of life in their energy factories, called mitochondria.  However, they can not do so without being energized themselves by some form of primal energy source.  That is the mystery of life that we have not been able to solve yet.

Congested meridians can make the body vulnerable to many health conditions.

Some examples are fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma, lung disease, indigestion, constipation, cardiovascular disease, difficulty breathing, aches and pain, and many more.  It is therefore important to keep these energy channels free and clear.

Acupressure and acupuncture are the Chinese approach.  In the Western world, craniosacral therapy and energetic unwinding are very well suited to doing so by helping the body to release the restrictions in the connective tissue and thus help to fully open up the meridians.

The meridian system

There are 12 primary paired meridians and two single mid meridians, six yang and six yin. The yang meridians run down the body and the yin meridians flow up the body. Each meridian is also related to an element. Each meridian is most active at a certain time of the day or night and each meridian is influenced by an element or season.

The nature of meridians, in their elemental structure, and as vessels for the life force, show the intricacy and profound connection of our body at a cellular level, to the universe. We are intimately connected by the elements, energetic structure and flow of energy, to all life, at a cellular, physical level. Our earth is also said to have energetic pathways or ley lines, akin to meridians.

How are meridians related to health?

Our bodies need balance. A balanced flow or energy, not too much or too little, is conducive to good health. This is the same in the way we live our lives. Balance is paramount. Just enough food, water and a healthy balanced lifestyle. As the Buddha said: “middle way” or moderation in all things.

We can see this harmony and balance in life, as the balance between the energies of yin and yang – or more simplistically, masculine and feminine – the two opposing and catalyzing energies of the universe.

In our bodies we need balance, not too much or too little. Our health is vibrant if there is harmony and balance between these two forces in the body. If the balance is disturbed, and the flow of one of these forces becomes greater than the other, then illness arises. These forces or energies flow through very definite channels in the body, or meridians, and these are the body’s healing energy pathways.

In traditional Indian medicine, the meridians are expanded upon.There are nadis found within the physical body and these nadis make up the nervous system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the lymphatic systems, etc. Any blockages in these nadis can result in physical health conditions. Nadis can also be found in the subtle body where they carry thoughts, feelings, and nerve impulses. When these nadis are blocked, we lose our ability to feel, and connect deeply with others, the environment and ourselves. In the same way that veins and arteries are important for the body to function, nadis weave through our physical nerves and the matrix of consciousness that circuits the mind and self, supporting our physical expression from the otherworldly dimensions of existence.

Chi is made up of two kinds of forces, yin and yang. When the flow of energy is blocked, it causes low energy and illness. Practices like yoga, meditation and energy healing work on these subtle energy channels, supporting the flow of energy through the body. According to some ancient indian texts there are 350 000 nadis or energy pathways in the body. In traditional Indian medicine and spiritual science, the energies of the physical body, the subtle body and the causal body are said to flow through the nadis. Within this framework, the nadis are said to connect at special points of intensity called nadichakras.

ida pingala sushumnaThe three most important nadis are those running along the spine: ida, pingala and sushumna. The Sushumna is the central channel of energy in the human body and it runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and carries kundalini energy, which is the primal evolutionary force. Kundalini is awakened through yoga and meditation and is said to lie dormant at the base of the spine. Activation of the kundalini leads to higher consciousness states. The aim of yoga is to broaden the sushumna and to unite the pathways. Purifying all three nadis leads to overall health, and wellness of body and mind, as well as spiritual growth. Various Pranayama techniques aid in helping to keep these nadi channels open.

The three most important nadis are those running along the spine: ida, pingala and sushunma.

If you are sensitive to energy and have had energy treatments, such as energy healing, you may have felt streams of energy or a flow of cold or heat, for example, up the legs or arms. This is a freeing up of energy in the meridians and the flow of energy that is released when a blockage is removed.

There are many wonderful healing modalities based on the meridian system that support radiant health. By enhancing the flow of energy through the body, balance and health is achieved and we come in touch with our true selves. Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality used in China as early as the late stone age. It was used to treat all ailments affecting people. Acupuncture did not enter modern Western consciousness until the 1970’s when China ended a period of isolation and resumed foreign political and cultural contacts.

The range of applications for energy healilng has grown slowly in the West, possibly because of the belief that it has no scientific basis.  Perhaps now with the scientific proof of meridians, energy healing will become more widespread for all ailments, along with other great healing modalities based on the energetics of the body, supporting more people to have vibrant health and wellbeing.

Ghost, Demons & Evil Spirits Attack in the night

Many people have experienced waking up from their sleep in the middle of the night and found that they cannot move. Even though they are awake and fully conscious of what is happening around them they are completely immobilised. Many have sensed a seen or an unseen presence on them or in the room. It is an extremely unnerving feeling and the person going through it is gripped by fear. This group of symptoms is popularly known, especially in the medical world, as ‘Sleep paralysis’ also known as Old Hag.

Sleep paralysis can be a very scary thing. In it, you know you’re asleep, you try to wake up, but you can’t. It’s often accompanied by an irrational feeling of utter terror, and sometimes images of figures in black cloaks. Many cultures have developed supernatural explanations for sleep paralysis. In China, it’s called mèng yǎn, “ghost pressing on body.” In some Muslim countries, it’s associated with an evil djinn. In Africa, it’s called “the witch riding your back.”

A man or woman is attacked during the night, usually lying on their back, when an evil entity sits upon their body, causes paralysis, and even sometimes chokes or smothers it’s victim. Though their motivation may differ, (possession, revenge, or just wanting to upset the living) the attack remains strikingly similar.

And these stories are not limited to Western cultures, in fact, quite the contrary. In Thailand people refer to being Phi um (ghost covered) and phi kau (ghost possessed), and these experiences include a feeling of pressure, paralysis, and something black covering the body. In Japan, kanashibara (“to tie with an iron rope”) is a common known and accepted experience. In the Far North one speaks of agumangia (Inupik) or ukomiarik (Yupik) in which “a soul” tries to take possession of the paralyzed victim. In Laos, da chor is described as follows: “You want to listen, you can’t hear; you want to speak, you are dumb; you want to call out, you cannot; you feel you are dying, dying; you want to run away. You piss with fear in your sleep”.

One of the scarier experiences with sleep paralysis is the inclusion of lucid dreaming and false awakening. The sleeper recognizes he’s asleep and tries to wake up. He opens his eyes in relief, but soon realizes he’s still asleep. This can go on for some time, sometimes resulting in an actual awareness of his real surroundings—the pressure of the covers, the light of the room beyond his eyelids—but still the inability to fully waken. That awareness can slip away again, returning the sleeper to the hallucinations.

Muscle paralysis in sleep is a necessary thing. People who act out their dreams on a regular basis are prone to accidental injury—even jumping out of windows. Knowing that you’re asleep and paralyzed, however, can be frightening. You tell yourself to open your eyes, just to get caught in another false awakening. One theory is that sleep paralysis affects the larger parts of the body more completely. You can try to wake up by wiggling your toes or fingers. It’s also possible to pray during this time. This will often give comfort that lets you fall back into unconsciousness. You may be able to avoid sleep paralysis by getting sufficient rest and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

Generally, ghosts don’t intend to steal your energy, but it can happen. When they try to communicate, they have to manifest in this realm. That’s no easy feat for the departed, so they take some of your body’s energy to help themselves manifest. Formerly human ghosts will only take what they need.

So a theory is that demons (or the Devil/evil spirits/negative entities) attack some people when they are at their weakest. Could we be seen as ‘weak’ during sleep?
Many of my clients had experiences with ghosts and demons their whole life but this year many of my clients have been getting many nightmares which is leading us to believe they being ‘attacked’ by demons in their sleep.

In the past few months many of my clients had countless dreams where they faced with a negative entity, it appears as a ghost sometimes, or once it appeared as a crazy man, also I heard from my clients that ghosts got speaking to them in their ear just as they fell asleep. It has a horrible voice.

Common things in the dreams is being in a dark place, having their body shaking or feeling unusual sensations in their body and witnessing/experiencing disturbing things.

I do believe that you can be ‘attacked’ in sleep, these forces will try anything to get you it seems.

Types of Demonic Encounters

The various types of experiences that occur during sleep paralysis correspond directly with various neural correlates. These main subtypes of demonic experience include: the Intruder, the Incubus, and odd demonic sensations.  Additionally, there’s a fourth type that is less common characterized as a “mixed experience.”

1. Demonic Intruder

Those that encounter a demonic intruder tend to report that they were either threatened, terrorized, or sensed an evil demon in the same room as them.  Those that experience sleep paralysis for the first time and/or are relatively new to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis are more likely to believe that there’s a demonic intruder or “sense the presence” of a demon.  The “Intruder” subtype is strongly associated with sensing the terrifying presence of a demonic entity.

  • Apparitions: Many people claim to see apparitions or the ghost-like image of a demonic entity.  This entity may look like a traditional “demon” but may also appear as an evil person, animal, ghost, or other entity.  This image may appear blurry or may be highly specific depending on individual perception.
  • People: You may sense that a demonic person has entered the room.  This may be someone that’s deceased and/or a person that’s still alive.  Your sleep paralysis experience may project this individual as being closely tied with the devil.
  • Noises: Some people claim to hear voices of a demon or another related evil entity.  These voices may be subtle and hard to decipher or they may be loud, clear, and in your native language.  They may give commands or make threats depending on your sleep paralysis experience.  In other cases you may hear the demon moving through your room.
  • Sense of presence: The most common attribute associated with this sort of experience is a sense that the demon is in the room.  In other words, you can “sense” that a demonic threat is nearby, even if you cannot see or hear it.  Your gut instinct may be warning you that a demon may be close.
  • Touching: In extreme cases, some people end up experiencing tactile experiences in which they believe they were touched by a demon.  In the “Intruder” subtype, the touches are generally vague and likely to induce a significant amount of fear.

2. Demonic Suffocation (Incubus)

The subtype of sleep paralysis most associated with demons is that of the “Incubus” – a term which translates to a male demon having sexual intercourse with a sleeping female.  It is most common for those experiencing the “Incubus” subtype of expereinces to believe that they encountered a demon or were victim of a demonic attack.  In a majority of cases, people claim that the demon they encounter was attempting to murder them in their sleep.

Those that encounter the Incubus experiences tend to have similar experiences during the “Intruder” subtype and demonic entities appear while we are semi-conscious.  No matter how much we try to escape, we realize that we cannot move due to atonia, so the demon is free to terrify us.

  • Abduction: Many people believe that they are being abducted by a demon, demonic entity, or even an alien.  Some people believe that their spirit is being extracted from their bodies or that they are being physically transported to another realm by the demon.  If a person doesn’t encounter a demon, they may encounter an alien.
  • Assault: The demons may appear to physically assault you by constricting your breathing or inflicting physical pain.  It is common for victims to believe that they are being seriously injured by the demon and that they’ll never be able to recover from inflicted damage.
  • Breathing difficulties: A common sign of demonic encounters during sleep paralysis is that of breathing difficulties.  The demons may appear to restrict breathing in various ways such as by strangling the sleeping victim, to the individual experiencing restricted breathing while seeing a demon.
  • Chest pressure: In many cases, people believe that the demon or evil entity is sitting atop their chest, constricting their breathing. However, to the individual encountering the demon during sleep paralysis, they feel as if the pressure is a direct result of an attempt to kill or inflict pain.
  • Malicious intent: In nearly every case, the person seeing the demon believes that it has malicious intent.  They believe that the demon is out to either kill them or inflict some sort of harm.  This is accompanied by sensations of pain, perceived assaults, and restriction of breathing.  Since the fear centers of the brain are activated, we may feel a sense of paranoia or panic.
  • Perceived pain: There have been reports of pain being inflicted by demons while in a state of sleep paralysis.  The pain may be mild, moderate, or extreme depending on the individual circumstances.  One case of a woman experiencing sleep paralysis reported that a devil sat atop her breasts, attempted to choke her, and inflicted pain that she claimed to have felt even upon awakening the following morning.
  • Sexual intercourse: In very extreme cases, people have reported being “raped” by demons or having sexual intercourse with them.  In recurrent cases of sleep paralysis, people have claimed to have been shown the hybrid offspring with demons and/or aliens.  It should be noted that most research suggests that women are more likely to report “rape” during sleep paralysis than men.
  • Suffocation: In numerous cases, people believe that the demon is out to suffocate them by either choking them or applying pressure to their chest.  Those experiencing this believe that there’s nothing that can be done and that they will inevitably die.  Oddly enough, they eventually awaken, realizing that sleep paralysis was to blame; they didn’t actually die.
  • Thoughts of death: The demonic encounters that are experienced during this type of experience tend to be associated with thoughts of death.  The victim of sleep paralysis believes that the demons are out to murder them in their sleep.  The actions of the demons can appear vividly real from a first-person perspective, hence resulting in thoughts of death.

3. Odd Demonic Sensations

Those that experience the odd bodily sensations during sleep paralysis don’t commonly report demonic encounters.  In fact, they may report encounters with pleasant beings like angels or happy spirits.  Those that solely experience bodily sensations during their episodes of sleep paralysis are less likely to report demons.

Although demons are less associated with “odd bodily sensations” (vestibular-motor hallucinations), they still may occur.  Should they occur during the vestibular-motor expereinces, you may encounter a demon while having an “out-of-body experience” and/or feel as if a demon is attempting to extract your spirit from your body.  This third subtype of demonic encounters just adds areas of the brain associated with perceiving “motion” into the expereince.

  • Falling: It may feel as if you’re falling during your encounter with a demon.  You may feel as if you’re falling into a trap of some sort or falling to your death as a result of a demonic assault.
  • Fictitious motor movements: In some cases, it may seem as if you’re able to move your body such as arms and legs.  In reality, you may be having an out-of-body experience, thinking that you’re able to run away from the demon.
  • Floating: It is common for people to feel as if they are floating.  This floating sensation is generally associated with bliss and calmness.  That said, it is possible to feel as if you’re floating near a demon.
  • Flying: You may feel as if you are flying while simultaneously trying to escape the throes of a demon.
  • Out-of-body experience: Some people may have an out-of-body experience and believe that the demon may fight them in some way or may harm their physical body.
  • Remote viewing: In some cases, people believe they are looking at their body from a third-person perspective (e.g. outside their physical body).  They may feel detached from their physical body, yet perceive a demon attacking it.
  • Suctioning: You may feel as if you’re being suctioned out of your body or violently extracted by a demon.  It may appear painful and/or forceful and against your will.

4. Mixed Demonic Hallucinations

Some people may feel as if there’s a demonic intruder, end up feeling attacked by the demon (e.g. suffocated), and feel that they’re being transported to another realm via flying or floating.  While those new to sleep paralysis don’t often experience mixed feelings, a person may experience a blending of any of the three subtypes listed above.

It is most common for a person to experience the “Intruder” and the “Incubus” experiences simultaneously rather than either with the “Unusual Bodily Experiences.”  The Unusual Bodily Experiences aren’t nearly as associated with demons and a majority of individuals tend to report feelings of bliss rather than fear during the experience.

Discarnate / Demon Attachments| Etheric / Energy Parasites |

demonic possessionJust as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality.

The present situation is analogous to how several centuries ago society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.

Etheric Parasites

Etheric parasites are negative thought forms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at the quantum level. In occultism they are also called tulpas, egregores, or larvae.

Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an eddy in a river but imbued with artificial intelligence and purpose. Its most common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same kinds of energy that gave rise to it. If it was generated through hate, it will induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of that type.

These thoughtforms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of people onto whom they latch. Thus the negative thoughtforms generated by one person can induce negativity in another, proving they are not just internal subconscious subroutines. Occultists know how to create these intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thoughtforms are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and moments of ill intent.

To people with clairvoyant vision, they can see these parasitic energies budding off the person generating them and turning into grotesque forms. The color of the energy is always black, red, orange, olive green, muddy brown, and other dull colors. When these turn into thoughtforms, they appear symbolically to the clairvoyant mind as amoebas, insects, crabs, spiders, black globules, etc… Again, the fact that clairvoyants can see these indicates they are objective constructs in the ether and not just internal psychological processes.

Discarnate Human Attachments

Discarnate humans are those who have died in the recent past, but have not fully faded out from the physical, etheric, and astral planes. Sometimes it is just their etheric and/or astral bodies that turn into nonphysical parasites once their conscious spiritual core has left them behind. According to Rudolf Steiner, it is also possible for demonic entities to pick up the discarded etheric shells of deceased persons and put them on, thereby more easily masquerading as dead relatives to mediums, ouija board users, and societies that perform ancestor worship.

These discarnate humans or their autonomous etheric/astral shells can latch onto a living individual in order to sustain themselves off that person’s energy and live vicariously through them. Some of this was portrayed in the movie Ghost. Without a physical body, satisfying remnant physical addictions is impossible, and so discarnate humans can gratify their addictions by splicing themselves into the neural and etheric circuitry of the living in order to get a taste of physical sensations once again. Supposedly they can also possess the bodies of animals even more easily than humans. Attachment to humans is easiest when parasite and host share some emotional point of resonance, say someone who committed suicide latching onto someone who already has suicidal tendencies.

Human entity attachments creates a personality overlay upon the living host, creating cravings and biases that are out of character for the person. Someone who never smokes may suddenly get the urge to pick up the habit. A discarnate female with sexual cravings can induce homosexual tendencies in straight males. A young woman who was always friendly may pick up the attachment of an old angry war veteran, and thus acquire a more masculine, gruff and angry demeanor. Discarnate human entity attachments tend to be acquired by being etherically vulnerable while in proximity to such entities. Examples include graveyards, bars, war zones, and sites of fatal accidents.

Alien Entity Attachments

Some attachments are worse than others. Alien entity attachments are worse than human ones because they are placed into a person intentionally for purposes of monitoring, energy feeding, and manipulation, whereas human entity attachments merely create human personality overlays and common vices.

Alien entity attachments function as energy parasites and may be used to torment or butter up an individual to play into an alien agenda, like believing themselves to “have the soul of a Grey” when really it’s the etheric Grey attachment that produces in them those behaviors and tendencies. It’s mostly abductees or people in some way engaged or interacting with the alien phenomenon who receive these, or perhaps people in positions of power and influence who are useful to the alien agenda.

Demonic Attachments

The worst attachment of all are demonic ones. I am not sure of the true origins of demons. Maybe they are thoughtforms created by the collective negativity of humanity throughout the ages. Maybe they were effluvia left over from the creation of the universe. Maybe they were physical beings who advanced so far along the negative path that they transcended their physical bodies and took up residence in the darkest recesses of the lower astral planes.

Whatever the case, fully possessed humans become sharp instruments of demonic manipulation and can carry a composed exterior and high social status, but underneath be dark, manipulative, cunning predators endowed with paranormal powers. Those who are not fully possessed and are struggling against the attachment process are worn down through depression, suicidal tendencies, and self-destructive psychopathic behavior. Extreme sadism and perversion are also possible, as in the case of serial killers and murderers who typically admit a voice told them to do it, or that they couldn’t help themselves, that something evil compelled them.

Clairvoyants, young children, animals, and anyone with an iota of intuition can sense the presence of demonically possessed individuals and will feel threatened, repulsed, and creeped out by them.

Demonic attachments can be picked up in several ways. One is through willful invitation, say through practice of black magick, left-hand-path occult systems, or undergoing initiations into questionable secret societies. These all give a person increased power and knowledge in exchange for soul energy and debt to the demonic beings conferring those, which in the long run is a bad deal. But just as people get themselves into a hole through credit cards, some do likewise spiritually through the “credit card” of black magick.

Demonic Entities

Another path toward demonic possession is starting with a minor attachment and being too weak or willing to resist its pull toward ever greater forms of depravity. It tends to start with a severe weakness in a person, such as being extremely traumatized as a child, being a heavy alcoholic or drug abuser, and/or nurturing feelings of morbidity, suicide, depression into a total lifestyle.

Generally, demonic possessions require a greater degree of permission than other types of attachments. That is because demons target the astral body and spirit, meaning they are hooked in very deeply. Permission can be given consciously through rituals or inadvertently through cultivation of anti-human, anti-life, anti-spiritual attitudes and feelings.

Getting Rid of Attachments

Entity attachments can be removed by starving them out and/or dislodging them directly.

Starving them out means identifying what thoughts, emotions, and behaviors they persistently aim to induce, and cutting these off, transmuting or replacing them with their positive opposites. Sooner or later the entity learns that an attempt to induce this action creates the opposite effect and they have no choice but to cease and hopefully leave. This is the standard approach for dealing with astral attachments, for the astral body has to do with passions, emotions, feelings, and impressions.

Dislodging them directly is more difficult. Traditionally this involves getting an exorcism, visiting someone practiced in shamanic journeying and de-possession techniques, or getting a Spirit Releasement Therapy session. If you have access to these and can afford the service, look into a reputable practitioner.

If it’s a simple etheric attachment, it should be localized to a part of your body. For astral and more powerful etheric attachments, you have to resort to internal / psychic methods.

You may feel the entity resisting the spirit releasement process, which can manifest as an uncomfortable electrical tingling or pulsation (like gripping onto an electric fence) and perhaps the feeling of writhing and sounds of shrieking and growling, or perhaps the projection of ghoulish faces at you to terrify you. It’s important to feel neither fear, weakness, or malice while doing this.

An attachment is a spirit that, for whatever reason, decides to hang out with you for a while. The duration can vary from a few hours to a few weeks or months. Generally people are unaware of them as they often create no paranormal activity, however this is not always the case.

They can be picked up anywhere and although chances that you may go home with one from a haunted location may be higher, that is not necessarily the norm. You could be at a party, Walmart, the bank, a funeral or even walking down your own street. They can also move from one individual to another as easily as a germ moves through the air.

Some attachments are simply a curious spirit, that has gravitated to you for a reason only they know. It could be that you remind them of someone they loved or knew, that your “energy” was interesting, or that you showed interest in some aspect of their life. Some just want to live life again, vicariously through your actions. Most individuals don’t have a clue there is an attachment in their life.

Other attachments, however, try to make themselves known and still go unnoticed

Have you ever misplace you keys or some other item; only to find it in a strange place that you never would have left it? Ever hear a noise or crash in another room only to find that something has been knocked over without rhyme or reason? Some are even able to bring you sudden ill feelings or emotions that are not in line with your normal day. For the most part however, these spirits stay for a few hours or days, get board and move on. Of course these are not usually the ones that get noticed, and not the ones to fear.

The ones generating a heightened level of activity and interfere with your life are more of a concern. These are usually negative spirits and possibly demonic entities. Your pets may notice them and fear going into a room that they’ve never had a problem with in the past. Interference with the electronics on your vehicle may prevent you from driving safely , or you may encounter distinct and unexpected mood swings that greatly interfere with your long term relationships.

People have seen ominous black shadows in their homes, heard voices they can’t explain and have odd anomalous things show up on photographs.  Many report  the distinct feeling that they are being watched and horribly disturbing dreams, thoughts and actions that don’t feel right but of which they can’t stop.

Although, it can be very apparent to others, the one being effected by an attachment is easily blinded by it.

They will deny that they are behaving oddly or that anything is wrong. In being unable to recognize it, working through the process of getting rid of it is that much more difficult.  When the individual is not apt to help it allows the attachment safety and a reason to stay.

Recognizing it for what it is always weakens the negative attachment’s hold on someone. At that point ,the positive energy you provide is more easily accepted to which the attachment ultimately gives up and leaves. If however, the attachment is not recognized early enough, the battle can go on for weeks, months or even longer.

Factors that influence How Entity Attachment Affects A Person



  • The temperament of the host soul. Some people handle entity possession far better than others. This has to do with one’s state of health, one’s maturity level, the balance of the personality and other subtle factors.  In one case, it might not cause much of an effect, while in someone else it can cause frank schizophrenic tendencies, intense confusion or anger, or other symptoms.
  • The temperament and personality of the invading soul. Attachment of a fairly benign and advanced soul may cause few problems, and as explained in the section above, the experience can be positive one.However, if the invading soul is infantile, very angry or very mischievous, then the problems it can cause are far more severe.
  • The age of a person at the time of attachment. If it occurs at a very young age, it usually causes more havoc than when it occurs in an adult, for instance, although this is not necessary the case.
  • The age of death of the invading soul’s body, or state of maturity of the invading soul. The invading soul may have died as a child, and this will cause often infantile effects in the host soul. If, however, the invading soul was old at the time it entered the host soul, the host may develop symptoms of aging at a very young age such as blurred vision, aches and pains, etc.  In other words, the ailments and thinking of the invading soul matter a lot.
  • Degree of possession. Attachment by an entity can be very mild or peripheral, or it can be very intense. This has to do with various factors such as where the invading soul is, the time of attachment, the strength or power of the invading soul, and the strength and health of the host soul, among other factors.
    For example, if the host is weak, yin or ill, it is far easier for an invading soul to take a firm hold and be difficult to remove.  If a host uses drugs, even marijuana, it is far easier for an invading soul to take hold and the hold is deeper and harder to eliminate.
  • Sex of the invading entity. This can cause odd effects of all kinds.The invading entity may be interested in those of the same or the opposite sex, and may exert a strong influence on the person.
    The only way to find the truth is to have an entity clearing so that the living host can end any confusion due to invading entities.  This is often difficult because the host may be weak and there can be a slew of entities to remove.  Nutritional balancing is most helpful here, to strengthen the host.  Indeed, occasionally a person changes their sexual preference on a nutritional balancing program, and this is one reason for it.

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