Clearing karmic patterns, imprints, vows, curses and traumas


Clearing karmic patterns, imprints, vows, curses and traumas

Karma is the energetic pattern that exists within us as a result of our past actions. Karma can weigh heavily upon us and keep us from resonating with our natural light. The difficult situations and events in your life that repeat over and over again have their root in the unresolved karma of past lives.

One of the primary reasons your Soul chose to incarnate at this time and experience your particular life circumstances and challenges is to heal unfinished business from past lives. This unfinished business is often intimately linked to your life purpose. Essentially, you pick up where you left off and set up another opportunity to move past limitations and succeed in fulfilling your soul mission.

Everything that has ever happened to us is permanently held in a karmic memory. These memories stay with us from lifetime to lifetime and stored in our karmic self. Karmic Clearing actually erases the patterns which you have formed around these memories by deconstructing and dissolving repetition of old patterns by releasing and clearing them. Karmic clearing can help heal old wounds and past relationships, negative belief patterns, trauma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises, oaths and curses. Basically these are agreements you have made with people or decisions you made on an unconscious level that no longer serve you. Karmic Clearing affects more than the chakras, auric, physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies, connecting and healing on all levels and dimensions of time and space; past, present, future.

Clearing karmic patterns also frees the charge one may have had on an event and become non-reactive. Such as physical, mental, sexual and emotional abuse and other related trauma that had occurred in life. That in itself is a magnificent gift!

Improved relationships as well as your relationship with money also improve. Healing of relationships as well as self healing and self development occurs while spiritual vibration increases. Karmic clearing also takes the intensity we have on things and propagates a neutral perspective. It is now a life without fear, stress, worry, trauma.

Set goals of items you want to manifest, such as money, relationships, job and the like. Set your focus and the ideas begin to form in your head how to achieve them seems to knock on your door in a logical progression.

Birthmarks / Scars clues of Past Lives | Regression Therapy

past life therapyIf you are trying to blend into a crowd, the last thing you need is a birthmark. That’s because birthmarks are identifying features that are unique to us. Some birthmarks are so rare and uncommon that they have even been used as identifying characteristics in police investigations. (Police have used birthmarks to give the public a better description of a person of interest, and in some cases, birthmarks have helped witnesses identify perpetrators of a crime.) But birthmarks don’t just shed light on one’s identity; they can also shed light into one’s past lives.

When people move from lifetime to lifetime, there are certain things that they tend to carry with them. Often emotional baggage of traumas from past lives can come up again in a current lifetime. If you feel like you keep making the same mistake or suffering the same inner wound, it may be a karmic lesson that you failed to get in a previous lifetime.

It’s also common for people to bring fears from one lifetime to another. You may have been afraid of fire in multiple lifetimes, or perhaps you died in a fire in a previous lifetime so flames instill fear in you today. We also tend to have relationships with the same souls in multiple lifetimes, so we bring our loved ones with us from lifetime to lifetime.

Birthmarks can also be passed from one lifetime to another. Sometimes a soul will have the same unique identifier in multiple lifetimes. There have been cases of past life regression in which a client recalls a previous life in which they had the same birthmark that they have in a current lifetime. Just as the eyes often stay the same from lifetime to lifetime, a birthmark can transcend death.

In other cases, a birthmark may be indicative of a wound you experienced in a past life or even your death in a past life. For example, one might have been stabbed in the arm in a past life and that same soul may have a birthmark in that very spot in this current lifetime. A person who was shot to death in a past life might have a birthmark in the location of the body where the bullet struck.

Sometimes you can even discover clues into a past life based on the shape of a birthmark. For example, a birthmark could have the smooth, circular shape of a bullet hole or the jagged edges of a knife wound. A birthmark might even resemble a place on a map where the soul lived in a previous life. It’s also possible for people of the same soul group to share a birthmark so if you meet someone who you feel a deep connection with and they happen to have a birthmark that is similar to yours, there is a good change that that person and you have have shared multiple lifetimes.

There are cases that have documented the remarkable connection

Do birthmarks have something to do with one’s past life? Apparently, some do have  a connection, but perhaps not all.

Birthmarks are marks or blemishes found on the skin of a person at birth.

The first Western scientist I know who had conducted serious research on reincarnation and birthmarks was the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, head of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Virginia, USA.

 He investigated around 3,000 cases of spontaneous past life recall by children ages 3-13. He found remarkable evidence of past life memories and wrote around 20 of them in his pioneering book  “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation,” published by the University Press of Virginia in 1974.

The following are some of the remarkable connections between birthmarks and  past lives from 210 individuals investigated and reported by Dr. Stevenson:

1. A boy named Maha Ram in India could remember being killed in a previous life with a shotgun fired at close range. He remembered enough details of his past life for Stevenson to find an autopsy report of the man supposedly reincarnated as Ram. The birthmarks on Ram’s chest corresponded to the bullet wounds.

2. A 12-year-old boy in the Middle East born with a ring-like mark or scar around his neck remembered two uncles who beheaded him in order to get his inheritance.

Stray bullet

3. Karen Kubicko posted photos of herself in high school with a birthmark on her neck and a photo of herself later in life without the birthmark. She said she remembered that in a previous life she was a woman named Helen who was hit by a stray bullet in the neck and died in 1927. The mark was where the bullet had hit her in her vision. After she remembered this, the mark gradually disappeared.


In yet another interesting case studied by Dr. Jim Tucker, who continued the works of Dr. Stevenson, a birthmark was traced to a past life.

“An old woman died in Thailand with a wish to reincarnate as a boy. Her daughter dipped a finger in white paste and marked the back of the woman’s neck with the paste. Not long after the woman’s death, her daughter gave birth to a son with a white mark on the back of his neck that looked like the white paste left on the woman’s nape.”

When Dr. Stevenson was asked how come the birthmarks still appeared on the skin of a reincarnated person when it was a new body he is now occupying, he replied that it must be because the memory of the previous life may still be strongly embedded in his mind. Or maybe it is necessary as a reminder of the person’s previous life.


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