Clearing karmic patterns, imprints, vows, curses and traumas


Clearing karmic patterns, imprints, vows, curses and traumas

Karma is the energetic pattern that exists within us as a result of our past actions. Karma can weigh heavily upon us and keep us from resonating with our natural light. The difficult situations and events in your life that repeat over and over again have their root in the unresolved karma of past lives.

One of the primary reasons your Soul chose to incarnate at this time and experience your particular life circumstances and challenges is to heal unfinished business from past lives. This unfinished business is often intimately linked to your life purpose. Essentially, you pick up where you left off and set up another opportunity to move past limitations and succeed in fulfilling your soul mission.

Everything that has ever happened to us is permanently held in a karmic memory. These memories stay with us from lifetime to lifetime and stored in our karmic self. Karmic Clearing actually erases the patterns which you have formed around these memories by deconstructing and dissolving repetition of old patterns by releasing and clearing them. Karmic clearing can help heal old wounds and past relationships, negative belief patterns, trauma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises, oaths and curses. Basically these are agreements you have made with people or decisions you made on an unconscious level that no longer serve you. Karmic Clearing affects more than the chakras, auric, physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies, connecting and healing on all levels and dimensions of time and space; past, present, future.

Clearing karmic patterns also frees the charge one may have had on an event and become non-reactive. Such as physical, mental, sexual and emotional abuse and other related trauma that had occurred in life. That in itself is a magnificent gift!

Improved relationships as well as your relationship with money also improve. Healing of relationships as well as self healing and self development occurs while spiritual vibration increases. Karmic clearing also takes the intensity we have on things and propagates a neutral perspective. It is now a life without fear, stress, worry, trauma.

Set goals of items you want to manifest, such as money, relationships, job and the like. Set your focus and the ideas begin to form in your head how to achieve them seems to knock on your door in a logical progression.

Karma & Suffering | Karmic influence & Diseases| Karmic Debt

Karma is one of the Natural laws of the Universe that seeks to assign effects to their causes. Simply put, “What you reap is what you sow.” Karma is the law of spiritual dynamics related to every act in our lives. Every thought, desire, or action in some way affects the equilibrium of the Universe. Karma is the process by which the Universe seeks to restore this balance.

In Eastern traditions, “negative karma” is believed to be an accumulation of imbalances, gained through many lifetimes. These imbalances create our suffering, more karma, and limit our ability to express and realize our pure essential Being.

Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”, but is generally understood to mean the consequences of one’s actions. The word “karma” is commonly used to indicate bad karma, and the word “merit” is often used to indicate good karma. The law of karma is best described as “cause and effect” because every action (or cause) has a corresponding consequence (or effect). If you plant good causes you will reap good effects, and if you plant bad causes you will reap bad effects.

In each incarnation we acquire some bad karma and some good karma. In each incarnation we suffer the consequences of some of our previous bad karma and reap the benefits of some of our previous good karma. During the early stages of our human evolution we all acquired large amounts of bad karma which must be gradually worked off. Because many people still have much more bad karma than good, seemingly favourable circumstances often have a sting in their tail. This is evident from the tumultuous lives of some celebrities and the people whose lives have been ruined by winning the lottery.

Think of your karma as being two bank accounts – one for good karma and one for bad karma. Good karma can either be “spent” on pleasurable life circumstances or it can be used to “pay off” some of our bad karma. Less-developed people nearly always choose the first option; whilst more-developed people usually choose the second. This explains some of the iniquities of life where honest and hardworking people live in poverty whilst selfish and corrupt people live a life of opulence. When a less-developed person chooses to spend all their good karma in one go they will enjoy wealth, power or fame for few years or perhaps an entire lifetime, but once their good karma is used up they will be relegated to many lives of poverty and suffering. The real sting is that an undeveloped person usually generates more bad karma in a prosperous life than they do in a poverty-stricken life because the money, power or fame goes to their head and makes them more egotistical and unpleasant.

According to some in the Christian Church, wealth and abundance are gifts from God – signs that he is pleased with us and has blessed us. This belief is completely wrong; God does not have favourites and our financial status is of no concern to him. Wealth is the result of good karma or merit; the result of “good investments” we made in previous lives. The Bible describes karma in Ezekiel 18:20: “The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them”. Galatians 6:7 simply states: “People reap what they sow”. And let’s not forget the stories of Saint Peter standing at the pearly gates weighing our good deeds against our bad ones.

Karma exists to protect us and to guide us back on track when we go astray. But karma is often slow to respond and, because of its intimate relationship with destiny, often waits until a future incarnation. The delayed effect of karma explains how non-smokers can end up getting lung cancer. They were probably smokers in a previous incarnation but their good karma or destiny in that incarnation prevented them from suffering the consequences at the time. We never know how long ago we acquired the karma that is manifesting in our lives today, and we never know how or when the karma we create today will manifest its consequences. This is because karma works behind the scenes – we only see the effects in the physical world and have no idea of the causes that are operating out of sight in the subtle worlds. Karma and destiny are woven into the very fabric of our lives to the extent that the average person barely notices their effects.

Wilfully and knowingly transgressing the laws of life generates a lot more negative karma than unintentional or ignorant transgressions. The more developed we are the more responsibility we have, so the consequences of abusing the laws of life are more severe. Although bad karma usually results in suffering it is not a punishment for punishment’s sake; nor is it divine retribution. Karma is simply an opportunity to make good – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides. The law of karma is not the cause of suffering; it is merely the agent. 99% of all human suffering originates from the simple fact that we cannot and do not want to control our subtle bodies.
Karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible. It doesn’t matter if a criminal seems to “get away with it”, because there is no getting away with it – karma will eventually catch up with him. If we are honest with ourselves, wanting justice is just a nice way of saying that we want revenge. If we suffer as a result of someone else’s wrongdoing we want them to suffer in return. But we need to learn that vengeance is not the same as justice, and that an act of vengeance will result in bad karma for ourselves. Even holding onto vindictive thoughts, self pity or grief prolongs our own suffering and generates more bad karma. If something unpleasant happens to us we should realise that we caused it, not the person who was instrumental in manifesting it. This not to say that people who do bad things or cause accidents should not stand trial for their offences. The Lords of Karma always see to it that both people who are involved in an unfortunate incident have a related karmic debt to repay, although not necessarily to each other. As long as both parties reap the appropriate effects it matters not whether their original transgressions were against each other.

Karma is usually played out on the same stage as the original transgressions occurred, i.e. physical crimes usually result in physical punishments. But supposing a Nazi murdered a hundred Jews in World War II, there would be no point in him being murdered in a hundred different lifetimes. In this sort of situation some of the bad karma would need to be worked out between incarnations – in hell (the lowest subplane of the emotional world).

It is not just serious offences such as theft, violence or murder that generate bad karma, even small things like a harsh word or a judgemental thought generate negative energy which contributes to the contamination of the subtle realms. You might not think that one bad thought would have much affect, but think how many negative or harmful thoughts you have each day, multiply it by several billion and you have some idea of the amount of negative energy we put out into the world each and every day! This negative energy accumulates and can manifest itself as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, floods, plagues, earthquakes, etc. This is known as collective karma because it applies to an entire town, region, country or planet. The effects of collective karma are sometimes allocated individually so that diseases, afflictions or “accidents” can be the result of our allotted portion of mankind’s collective karma.

Karma is not justice for justice’s sake, and it is not necessarily “an eye for an eye”. Karma provides situations that will best help us to learn from our mistakes. This may involve experiencing the other side of our original transgression, e.g. a racist white person may be black in their next incarnation, or it may be seemingly unrelated. It is impossible for us to understand the intricacies of karma because it is controlled by intelligences that are far superior to us. Karma is managed by three hierarchic groups of highly developed cosmic beings who record every thought, emotion, word and action that occurs within their respective sphere of responsibility:

These Lords of Karma are known by a variety of different names, including: the Lipika Lords (Lipika is Sanskrit for scribe), the Angels of the Presence (Christianity), the Book of Life (Christianity), the Recording Angels (Kabbalah), the Assessors of Amenti (Egypt), Devarajas (Hinduism) and the Guardians of the Four Directions (Hinduism).

The best way to deal with bad karma is to accept our fate and let it work itself out. We should accept the hand that life deals us and go with the flow, because if we resist life and try to wriggle out of our karma we will only make matters worse in the long run. Karma will always catch up with us, and when it does we will have incurred an extra penalty for trying to escape. It is a bit like a prisoner who gets caught trying to break out of jail – he is sure to have his sentence increased. Please don’t confuse accepting karma with fatalism, i.e. don’t see everything as pre-ordained and give up at the slightest obstacle. We need to use our intuition to guide us when to stand up for ourselves and when to just accept things as they are. If we are honest with ourselves and put our egos to one side we will know. Our egos don’t like giving in and accepting the consequences when we can see a way out, but we have to show our egos that we are bigger and braver than they are.

Flagellants often reincarnate with the physical defects that they themselves caused in their previous life. For example, those who drag themselves around on the floor and refuse to use their legs may be born with a physical disability or be paralysed in their next life. Karma is only made good by bearing the trials of life in an honourable and accepting way.

Bad karma can affect our physical lives in a variety of ways, including: disease, disability, ugliness, abuse, miscarriages of justice, lack of intelligence, poverty, low social standing, etc. We should never blame our parents for a disease or disability that we inherited from them because our own karma and destiny determine such matters. Children should never say to their parents “I didn’t ask to be born”, because they did – no one is forced to incarnate against their will.

Whilst it is generally true that those who suffer deserve to suffer, it is a great mistake to think that we should not show compassion and help them out. We must do everything we can to alleviate all suffering because every good deed contributes to a better world for everyone. Relieving another person’s suffering not only helps them; it generates good karma for us and sends out good vibrations into the world. Sitting back and letting people suffer is selfish and vindictive, and will result in bad karma. This does not mean that we should give to every beggar who asks us for money, because many of them will spend the money on drugs or alcohol. We need to let our intuition guide us to help only those people who are willing to help themselves.

We all make mistakes and do stupid things from time to time. These out of character aberrations are the karmic effects of their action from previous incarnations. We must all clear our karmic debt before we graduate from the human kingdom, so it is not uncommon for highly advanced people to have difficult lives or suffer from ill health. We must continue to reincarnate in the human kingdom until our karmic debt has been fully repaid, which shows we have learnt all the lessons karma had to teach us in this kingdom.

Karma springs from all your past lives and carries forward. If not cleared, you can become imprisoned by these very karmic patterns and issues. If you’re not truly happy, at peace, fulfilled, or haven’t realized unconditional love, then your True Nature is obscured.

The degree you’re not experiencing your True Nature is the degree to which your real essence is obscured. This obscuring of essence is caused by past impressions and memories. Clearing away these obscuring old patterns is the focus of the Karma Clearing sessions.

The diseases we suffer from the births we get here on earth are all products of actions done by us in previous times. Every action has its reaction and no action goes unrewarded in a suitable manner. Evil actions do not go without their bitter effects upon the doer.

The goal of this work is to free yourself to realize your True Spiritual Nature. Becoming free of karma, brings an innate responsibility to express compassion with complete joy and humility. This is the freedom that you want to realize. As you eliminate your own personal suffering, so do you then cause less suffering to others, the earth and to all living beings.

Remember this: The universe gives you everything you NEED, but you have to pay for everything you WANT

law of karma

Karmic Healing, Karma Clearing, Past Lives, Higher Power

People believe in good and bad deeds around the world. Good deeds create good Karma and evil deeds create Bad Karma. Karma’s effect can manifest immediately, later in life or after multiple lifetimes. Some religions view karma as the law that governs recreation, others believe that karma is actual particulate matter, something that gets stuck to the soul and must be removed through acts of goodness.

As souls, what we do comes back to us according to God’s plan. If we have imbalances in our Karma known as karmic debts, we either find ourselves presented with the same lesson again and again within one lifetime until we gain the wisdom (Moksha) and value of the lesson being presented, or we re-embody, carrying the karma over from one lifetime till the next. Spirit is forever patient with our process of learning.

At death we have to leave everything behind- our property and our loved ones, but our Karma will accompany us like a shadow. The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma. So when the conditions are correct, dependent upon mind and body, the effects of karma will manifest themselves either in the short term or in the long term.

“Karma” is a Sanskrit word, which in its simplest form means “deed.” In Hindu philosophy, karma specifically refers to the deeds of the ego and the effects of those deeds. In an ultimate sense, all actions carried out by the ego affect the universe, causing it to be temporarily out of balance. The law of karma states that, to maintain balance, the universe directs the effects of one’s actions to eventually return to oneself.

All actions of the ego carry with them a karmic tracer that is both in the action and its effects and in the ego that created the action. It is this karmic tracer, acting like a deed of ownership, that causes the action to eventually return to the creator. Rather than the action itself being of primary importance, it is the intention of the one creating the action that determines the kind of karma that is created. A healthy positive intention will lead to a healthy positive effect when the karma returns; the opposite is also true.

Often the time it takes for the karma to return is more than one lifetime.  When this happens it will usually appear to the person that fortunate and/or unfortunate events are randomly happening to them, when in reality these events are the return of their own actions. Karma is the basis of one’s destiny—the seemingly inevitableness of events in the lives of some people.

Many of the illnesses and debilitating conditions people have are karmic in nature, being caused by actions the person has taken in this life or in past lives. In some healing circles and spiritual groups it is said that the reason a particular client isn’t healing is that the illness or debilitating condition is karmic and therefore the person must experience it in order to balance their karma. And because of this, supposedly there’s nothing the healer can do about it.

This idea has some validity, but only if we remain in this level of consciousness. It’s important to keep in mind that no matter what you are trying to accomplish in life, whether it’s to heal a condition, solve a problem or make your dreams come true, there is always a higher way. This concept also applies to solving karmic issues. The idea that one must experience one’s karma in order to move forward on one’s spiritual path is only valid as long as one makes use of this limited method of dealing with karma. There is a higher path to karmic healing that allows one to fulfill the purpose of karma, to heal quickly, and to move forward on one’s spiritual path with greatly reduced suffering.

This higher method makes use of the grace of the Higher Power, often administered through an enlightened being.  These enlightened being also possess tremendous love, wisdom and healing skill beyond our ability to comprehend. They are more than willing to help us heal and wait for us to make the opportunity available to them.

Keep in mind that the Higher Power has given each of us free will. This is something that is honored and respected by all enlightened beings. Because of this, they are unable to help us heal unless we ask that they do so. There are many ways to do this.


Karmic Clearing is a miraculous multi-Dimensional process. The underlying dynamics are complex but the experience is magical.  Sometimes it is as if an entire psychological problem, something that has been troubling you your entire life, has just disappeared without a trace.  You can’t get in touch with the old feelings anymore; you can’t even remember how bad you felt, how angry, how victimized.  You are just over it.

karmic diseases

Healing Karmic Based Physical or Spiritual Diseases, Illness

A disease which has its primary consequence in past lives or previous acts by violations of the Divine Principles is considered a Karmic disease. We sowed seeds through the actions and thoughts in the past life, which now come up throughout the present life. Many karmic diseases are related to body injuries or wounds. For instance, heart defect is a karmic disease associated with cardiac activity failure in the past life. This could be a knife wound, a cardiac surgery or heart transplantation, or a car accident. The relevant information was recorded and deposited in mind, and mind is one of the covers of the thin body which transfers information to the following body. Karmic disease may be a spiritual disease or bodily disease, or their various combinations. Karmic diseases are often referred to only as spiritual diseases for they are manifested only on a non-material level and materialistic methods cannot identify, describe or eliminate them. Any action that might have caused harm to the health of others whether in physical, mental, emotional or sexual realms can actively induce physical karma. Consequently, these diseases are present in our energy bodies as unbalanced patterns, and they are enshrined in our Akashic Records, as everything that happens in our lives has been stored. According to our vedas, however, every disease is Karmic. After all, every disease has its cause in ignorance and subsequent incorrect, unnatural behaviour and the objective of every disease is to extend our cognition, to fulfil our Karma. When illness occurs, we cannot ignore it or put off dealing with it until sometime in the future. How we respond to illness is the key to the outcome. It can be an opportunity to face ourselves and how we are living and become a force for positive change.

An important principle in healing, is to remove the cause of the illness. For example, if your stomach is burning from eating too many chillies, stop eating too many chillies. This follows the natural relationship of cause and effect. The action of eating too many chillies causes the burning effect. Karma is defined simply as “action.” Some actions have immediate effects like eating too many chillies. Some do not. Some have a cumulative effect over time. This is why poor habits gradually turn into full-blown illnesses. For example, eating too much sugar may predispose us to diabetes. Drinking too much alcohol may lead to liver disease. In these cases, to remove the cause means to remove the negative habit. Upon removal of the habit early on, the person has a chance to gradually heal. We can explain this delay between cause and effect with an analogy. Causes are called karmic seeds, and effects are called karmic fruits. Each time we perform an action of body, speech, or mind, it is like planting a seed in our subconscious mind, the storehouse of karmas. The karmic seeds, once planted, remain dormant until the appropriate conditions are present for the seed to sprout and bear fruit.

A disease can thus haunt an individual for a lifetime and sometimes during several lives, until he gets rid of it himself or until someone knowledgeable and authorised assists through spiritual therapy.

Pitru Dosha | Karmic Debt |Ancestors Spirit | – Saudi Arabia

According to vedic astrology, a person’s astrological chart contains stars and planets such as Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.

It is often said that that what the ancestors did, is often carries out by future generations. Be it a good deed or a bad, the result of both is sometimes bore by the future generation. According to the mythology and strong astrological beliefs of the Hindus, this condition or state is known as ‘Pitra Dosh’. Pitra refers to the fathers whereas dosh refers to the fault. According to other stories and accounts, pitra dosh occurs when some people do not worship for the satisfaction and wellness of the spirits of their ancestors, opening the spiritual realm for their ancestors who come back (as spirits) and the person has to bear the dreadful pitra dosh effects.

According to vedic astrology, “Pitra” is reffered to the ancestors of the individual who are dead. Pitra Dosh is not because of any curse of ancestors or forefathers. Pitra dosha is caused merely because of the effects of karmic laws upon any individual. There is a saying that as a man saws so shall he will reap. So, every karmic action of ours shall have equal & opposite reaction in the future. Pritra dosha in a person’s horscope indicates such karmic effects. Any individual who has committed some bad karma in the previous life, has to suffer from the effects of Pitra dosha. When such a person is born in a family whose ancestors are cursed, as a result, some short of disturbances runs throughout the family line. It is not necessary that all persons born in that family will have pitra dosha. All the family members shall not have to bear the effects of the curse. But, only those persons born with Pitra dosha shall have to bear the curse and due to this effect, the life of such a person remains always disturbed, even though he/she may not have done bad karma in his/her present life.

Following may be the signs which can indicate the presence of pitra dosha :

  • Abortion, repeated miscarriages, premature baby birth and innumerable death of children.
  • Problems in conceiving or getting pregnant.
  • Disruption in education and career growth.
    Delayed marriage, problems in marriage and married life.
  • Spirit (ghost) shadow on the family.

Pitra Dosh Effects

Pitra dosh effects can be really tormenting on a person as the fault or condition does not leave peace in the person’s life. Be it work space, marriage, child, career, personal planning or anything else- all of them get badly affected. Some of the common effects as noted include problems with child. The child is born with many disabilities and diseases from the very first day if he has a pitra dosh. Apart from this, pitra dosh causes many problems in relationships and marriage. People do not get peace in the bond and tend to break or call it off. The worst affected area is the finance. A pitra dosh affected person will always have a hard time managing finance and may also be burdened by the never ending circle of debts.

In order to lessen the effects of pitra dosha, the individual should consult divine healer who can remove all the hurdles that can come in his or her life.

Belief in Reincarnation

Belief in Past Lives and Reincarnation

Why does belief in past lives and reincarnation make sense? This is a question that I’ve personally considered all throughout my practice as a hypnotherapist. It is difficult to to prove any theory of the afterlife of course, but reincarnation is indicated as a very plausible theory, even without the experience that many people have with past life regression. The purpose of this article is not to come up with the definitive answer, but rather to spark some thought and consideration about this possibility.


One Birth Theory vs. Multiple Birth Theory

Reincarnation and karma explains the inequities found among individuals and groups.

In the religions that propose that people have one life, there is really no logical explanation as to why there is so much disparity between the lives of separate individuals. The question that perplexes many of us is simply this, why would the creator god decide that someone would have all the advantages of a fully endowed life (enough of the necessities of life and to be born being surrounded by the circumstances that would allow for the correct spiritual view) while others are not so fortunate? And, why would the creator god then decide that those who “do not comply” with the dogmas of that religion be damned to eternal punishment? One would have to decide that the creator god is quite capricious rather than the all knowing all loving being.

When you allow for the laws of cause and effect, believing that people experience what they caused others to experience sometime in the future, the inequities of life begin to make more sense. It’s not an uncommon view that when someone performs an action, its effects are definite, so it doesn’t take a great leap of faith that when you think and/or do something, that a potentiality is planted in your mind. Under the right circumstances, that potentiality can ripen into an effect. Thus positive causes result in positive effects, and negative causes result in negative effects. If you were unkind in a past life, unkindness (under the right circumstances) can ripen and be present in a life. If you deprived people of necessities or their life, then those effects, under the right circumstances, can also ripen in the future.

No afterlife point of view vs. multiple birth theory

To believe that there is no afterlife what-so-ever, you would have to believe that our consciousness is centered in the body and that all minds are gross minds. Simply put, when the body dies, the mind dies and that’s it. It is a materialistic point of view, meaning that your consciousness is based on your body.

We do know that all minds are not gross minds (dream minds tell us this), and we even know that the gross mind is not a solid entity. If the mind existed from its own side, it would never change. Our mind is dependent on many causes and is ever changing. We also know that all of our existence, including the existence of our mind, has always been a potential effect since the beginning of time, or it would not exist today. This is the same for our body and this current make-up of who we are is an effect from potentials begun many eons ago.

So, if this mind that we call “me” has been a potential, when we die, why wouldn’t it be a potential again? And, since it has already been a realized potential, what stops it from continuing on? Why then would our mind stop at death? There is no proof that anyone can point to that clearly demonstrates that the mind, our sense of self or our “I” is dependent on the body, but with the above reasoning, we can say that our body is rather dependent on the potentials and minds that preceded it.


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