Karma, Past Lives, Reincarnation, Soul, Astral Body, Death

karma and reincarnation

Karma, Past Lives, Reincarnation, Soul, Astral Body, Death

Past life regression goes hand in hand with theories of reincarnation. This is a concept that has evoked a variety of reactions in the western world, from ridicule to condemnation — essentially fear-based reactions to something unfamiliar and misunderstood. Interestingly enough, although publicly people may joke about prior lifetimes, millions of people have read books on the subject of reincarnation.

Reincarnation suggests this is not our first life on Earth and it’s most likely not our last. The Hindu perspective suggests we have been around for millions of lifetimes and that there may be millions ahead. In that sense, we are all “old souls.”

The Bhagavad Gita, the ancient text of India suggests that the soul leaves when the body dies. The type of body and psychological disposition — likes, dislikes, phobias, etc., one receives upon rebirth is dependent on the karma within that one life combined with the actions from previous lives. By some inconceivable system, all of one’s positive and negative deeds are recorded. This means, no one gets away with anything. Moreover, all positive and negative actions create within the individual a psychological disposition to continue performing that action. For example, if one starts stealing or gets in the habit of lying and doesn’t try to change these tendencies, then in the next life, one will pick up where they left off. The same goes for positive actions.

When the body reaches its demise, the mind and soul get transferred into, hopefully, another human womb. Even while in the womb, the mind remains active and is recalling events from the previous life.

Souls can decide to stay on “the other side” rather than come back for another lifetime after discarding its body, especially if they’ve worked through all of their karma during previous lifetimes which is very uncommon. Or they may decide to learn their lessons in other ways or help others on earth from the other side. But apparently, most souls are eager to return to earth to play the roles they were born to star in.

Karma literally means “deed or act,” but more broadly describes the principle of cause and effect. Simply stated, karma is the law of action and reaction which governs consciousness. In physics-the study of energy and matter-Sir Isaac Newton postulated that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Push against a wall. Its material is molecularly pushing back with a force exactly equal to yours. In metaphysics, karma is the law that states that every mental, emotional and physical act, no matter how insignificant, is projected out into the psychic mind substance and eventually returns to the individual with equal impact.

The akashic memory in our higher chakras faithfully records the soul’s impressions during its series of earthly lives, and in the astral/mental worlds in-between earth existences.

Many people believe in the principle of karma, but don’t apply its laws to their daily life or even to life’s peak experiences. There is a tendency to cry during times of personal crisis, “Why has God done this to me?” or “What did I do to deserve this?” While God is the creator and sustainer of the cosmic law of karma, He does not dispense individual karma. He does not produce cancer in one person’s body and develop Olympic athletic prowess in another’s. We create our own experiences. It is really an exercising of our soul’s powers of creation. Karma, then, is our best spiritual teacher. We spiritually learn and grow as our actions return to us to be resolved and dissolved. In this highest sense, there is no good and bad karma; there is self-created experience that presents opportunities for spiritual advancement. If we can’t draw lessons from the karma, then we resist and/or resent it, lashing out with mental, emotional or physical force. The original substance of that karmic event is spent and no longer exists, but the current reaction creates a new condition of harsh karma.

Responsibility resolving karma is among the most important reasons that a Guru is necessary in a sincere seeker’s life. The Guru helps the devotee to hold his mind in focus, to become pointedly conscious of thought, word and deed. Without the guidance and grace of the Guru, the devotee’s mind will be splintered between instinctive and intellectual forces, making it very difficult to resolve karma. Only when karma is wisely harnessed can the mind become still enough to experience its own superconscious depths.

Each soul has absolute free will Its only boundary is karma. Gods do not dictate the experiential events of our lives, nor do they test us. And there is no cosmic force that molds our life.

In our conscious mind we think and feel ourselves to be a physical body with some intangible spirit within it. Yet, right now our real identity is the soul that is sensing through its multiple bodies physical, emotional and mental experience. Recognizing this as reality, we powerfully know that life doesn’t end with the death of the biological body. The soul continues to occupy the astral body, a subtle, luminous duplicate of the physical body. This subtle body is made of higher-energy astral matter and dwells in a dimension called the astral plane. At death, the soul slowly becomes totally aware in its astral/mental bodies and it predominantly lives through those bodies in the astral dimension.

The soul functions with complete continuity in its astral/mental bodies. It is with these sensitive vehicles that we experience dream or “astral” worlds during sleep every night. The astral world is equally as solid and beautiful, as varied and comprehensive as the earth dimension-if not much more so.

Because certain seed karmas can only be resolved in earth consciousness and because the soul’s initial realisations of Absolute Reality are only achieved in a physical body, our soul joyously enters another biological body. At the right time, it is reborn into a flesh body that will best fulfil its karmic pattern. During our thousands of earth lives, a remarkable variety of life patterns are experienced.  Therefore, the Hindu knows that the belief in a single life on earth, followed by eternal joy or pain is utterly wrong and causes great anxiety, confusion and fear. Hindus know that all souls reincarnate, take one body and then another, evolving through experience over long periods of time.


Past Life / Ancestral Curse |Hex,Negative Energy,Witchcraft

Many people are unknowingly cursing others for much of their lives. Every time someone makes you very angry or lets you down in some way, you may wish in your mind, over and over again, that something nasty befalls that person. It is a good idea to try not to do this, because if the curse fails to land on the person to whom you have sent it, it will bounce back to you, possibly multiplied. If it does land on the person to whom you have sent it, you gain bad karma for yourself, so either way you lose out.

There are also ancestral curses and past life curses. Ancestral curses are when your ancestors have behaved badly and had themselves and their offspring cursed as a result. Past life curses are when you have been cursed for something you have done, or were blamed for doing, in a past life. These curses can follow you through your various lives.

Curses and hexes are specialized types of energetic cords which have detrimental effects.

A curse may be made in a moment of anger, when the well of pain inside of oneself throws an energetic “slime ball” at the energy field of the target with the words, “Damn you!” or some other malevolent thought. A curse may also be consciously sent from one person to another. One can hire practitioners of the dark arts to curse or hex someone you do not like.

For example, in India, a person who is angry with a neighbor can hire a Mantrikam to “bewitch” the neighbor, either putting something into the neighbor’s food or sending the bewitchment through the air.

A hex is a consciously configured detrimental program usually created by a professional to bind the life energy of the target in a specific way.

An example of a hex would be a Latino woman in love with a man who is involved with another woman hiring a practitioner of the dark arts, a witch or bruja, to place a hex on the other woman so she will get sick. The woman is hoping that when her rival gets sick, the man she loves will lose interest in the other woman and come to her.

I do not recommend the practice, because of the law of karma is that “What you sow you will reap.” Whatever you do to others will come back to you. She may get the man, but then another woman who wants her out of the way may hire another witch to place a hex on her!

By the way, the law of karma works both ways. If you do good things for others, a blessing comes back to you. But if you cheat or hurt others, that negative energy falls back on you—and practitioners of earth wisdom say it comes back threefold!



Karma & Suffering | Karmic influence & Diseases| Karmic Debt

Karma is one of the Natural laws of the Universe that seeks to assign effects to their causes. Simply put, “What you reap is what you sow.” Karma is the law of spiritual dynamics related to every act in our lives. Every thought, desire, or action in some way affects the equilibrium of the Universe. Karma is the process by which the Universe seeks to restore this balance.

In Eastern traditions, “negative karma” is believed to be an accumulation of imbalances, gained through many lifetimes. These imbalances create our suffering, more karma, and limit our ability to express and realize our pure essential Being.

Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”, but is generally understood to mean the consequences of one’s actions. The word “karma” is commonly used to indicate bad karma, and the word “merit” is often used to indicate good karma. The law of karma is best described as “cause and effect” because every action (or cause) has a corresponding consequence (or effect). If you plant good causes you will reap good effects, and if you plant bad causes you will reap bad effects.

In each incarnation we acquire some bad karma and some good karma. In each incarnation we suffer the consequences of some of our previous bad karma and reap the benefits of some of our previous good karma. During the early stages of our human evolution we all acquired large amounts of bad karma which must be gradually worked off. Because many people still have much more bad karma than good, seemingly favourable circumstances often have a sting in their tail. This is evident from the tumultuous lives of some celebrities and the people whose lives have been ruined by winning the lottery.

Think of your karma as being two bank accounts – one for good karma and one for bad karma. Good karma can either be “spent” on pleasurable life circumstances or it can be used to “pay off” some of our bad karma. Less-developed people nearly always choose the first option; whilst more-developed people usually choose the second. This explains some of the iniquities of life where honest and hardworking people live in poverty whilst selfish and corrupt people live a life of opulence. When a less-developed person chooses to spend all their good karma in one go they will enjoy wealth, power or fame for few years or perhaps an entire lifetime, but once their good karma is used up they will be relegated to many lives of poverty and suffering. The real sting is that an undeveloped person usually generates more bad karma in a prosperous life than they do in a poverty-stricken life because the money, power or fame goes to their head and makes them more egotistical and unpleasant.

According to some in the Christian Church, wealth and abundance are gifts from God – signs that he is pleased with us and has blessed us. This belief is completely wrong; God does not have favourites and our financial status is of no concern to him. Wealth is the result of good karma or merit; the result of “good investments” we made in previous lives. The Bible describes karma in Ezekiel 18:20: “The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them”. Galatians 6:7 simply states: “People reap what they sow”. And let’s not forget the stories of Saint Peter standing at the pearly gates weighing our good deeds against our bad ones.

Karma exists to protect us and to guide us back on track when we go astray. But karma is often slow to respond and, because of its intimate relationship with destiny, often waits until a future incarnation. The delayed effect of karma explains how non-smokers can end up getting lung cancer. They were probably smokers in a previous incarnation but their good karma or destiny in that incarnation prevented them from suffering the consequences at the time. We never know how long ago we acquired the karma that is manifesting in our lives today, and we never know how or when the karma we create today will manifest its consequences. This is because karma works behind the scenes – we only see the effects in the physical world and have no idea of the causes that are operating out of sight in the subtle worlds. Karma and destiny are woven into the very fabric of our lives to the extent that the average person barely notices their effects.

Wilfully and knowingly transgressing the laws of life generates a lot more negative karma than unintentional or ignorant transgressions. The more developed we are the more responsibility we have, so the consequences of abusing the laws of life are more severe. Although bad karma usually results in suffering it is not a punishment for punishment’s sake; nor is it divine retribution. Karma is simply an opportunity to make good – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides. The law of karma is not the cause of suffering; it is merely the agent. 99% of all human suffering originates from the simple fact that we cannot and do not want to control our subtle bodies.
Karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible. It doesn’t matter if a criminal seems to “get away with it”, because there is no getting away with it – karma will eventually catch up with him. If we are honest with ourselves, wanting justice is just a nice way of saying that we want revenge. If we suffer as a result of someone else’s wrongdoing we want them to suffer in return. But we need to learn that vengeance is not the same as justice, and that an act of vengeance will result in bad karma for ourselves. Even holding onto vindictive thoughts, self pity or grief prolongs our own suffering and generates more bad karma. If something unpleasant happens to us we should realise that we caused it, not the person who was instrumental in manifesting it. This not to say that people who do bad things or cause accidents should not stand trial for their offences. The Lords of Karma always see to it that both people who are involved in an unfortunate incident have a related karmic debt to repay, although not necessarily to each other. As long as both parties reap the appropriate effects it matters not whether their original transgressions were against each other.

Karma is usually played out on the same stage as the original transgressions occurred, i.e. physical crimes usually result in physical punishments. But supposing a Nazi murdered a hundred Jews in World War II, there would be no point in him being murdered in a hundred different lifetimes. In this sort of situation some of the bad karma would need to be worked out between incarnations – in hell (the lowest subplane of the emotional world).

It is not just serious offences such as theft, violence or murder that generate bad karma, even small things like a harsh word or a judgemental thought generate negative energy which contributes to the contamination of the subtle realms. You might not think that one bad thought would have much affect, but think how many negative or harmful thoughts you have each day, multiply it by several billion and you have some idea of the amount of negative energy we put out into the world each and every day! This negative energy accumulates and can manifest itself as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, floods, plagues, earthquakes, etc. This is known as collective karma because it applies to an entire town, region, country or planet. The effects of collective karma are sometimes allocated individually so that diseases, afflictions or “accidents” can be the result of our allotted portion of mankind’s collective karma.

Karma is not justice for justice’s sake, and it is not necessarily “an eye for an eye”. Karma provides situations that will best help us to learn from our mistakes. This may involve experiencing the other side of our original transgression, e.g. a racist white person may be black in their next incarnation, or it may be seemingly unrelated. It is impossible for us to understand the intricacies of karma because it is controlled by intelligences that are far superior to us. Karma is managed by three hierarchic groups of highly developed cosmic beings who record every thought, emotion, word and action that occurs within their respective sphere of responsibility:

These Lords of Karma are known by a variety of different names, including: the Lipika Lords (Lipika is Sanskrit for scribe), the Angels of the Presence (Christianity), the Book of Life (Christianity), the Recording Angels (Kabbalah), the Assessors of Amenti (Egypt), Devarajas (Hinduism) and the Guardians of the Four Directions (Hinduism).

The best way to deal with bad karma is to accept our fate and let it work itself out. We should accept the hand that life deals us and go with the flow, because if we resist life and try to wriggle out of our karma we will only make matters worse in the long run. Karma will always catch up with us, and when it does we will have incurred an extra penalty for trying to escape. It is a bit like a prisoner who gets caught trying to break out of jail – he is sure to have his sentence increased. Please don’t confuse accepting karma with fatalism, i.e. don’t see everything as pre-ordained and give up at the slightest obstacle. We need to use our intuition to guide us when to stand up for ourselves and when to just accept things as they are. If we are honest with ourselves and put our egos to one side we will know. Our egos don’t like giving in and accepting the consequences when we can see a way out, but we have to show our egos that we are bigger and braver than they are.

Flagellants often reincarnate with the physical defects that they themselves caused in their previous life. For example, those who drag themselves around on the floor and refuse to use their legs may be born with a physical disability or be paralysed in their next life. Karma is only made good by bearing the trials of life in an honourable and accepting way.

Bad karma can affect our physical lives in a variety of ways, including: disease, disability, ugliness, abuse, miscarriages of justice, lack of intelligence, poverty, low social standing, etc. We should never blame our parents for a disease or disability that we inherited from them because our own karma and destiny determine such matters. Children should never say to their parents “I didn’t ask to be born”, because they did – no one is forced to incarnate against their will.

Whilst it is generally true that those who suffer deserve to suffer, it is a great mistake to think that we should not show compassion and help them out. We must do everything we can to alleviate all suffering because every good deed contributes to a better world for everyone. Relieving another person’s suffering not only helps them; it generates good karma for us and sends out good vibrations into the world. Sitting back and letting people suffer is selfish and vindictive, and will result in bad karma. This does not mean that we should give to every beggar who asks us for money, because many of them will spend the money on drugs or alcohol. We need to let our intuition guide us to help only those people who are willing to help themselves.

We all make mistakes and do stupid things from time to time. These out of character aberrations are the karmic effects of their action from previous incarnations. We must all clear our karmic debt before we graduate from the human kingdom, so it is not uncommon for highly advanced people to have difficult lives or suffer from ill health. We must continue to reincarnate in the human kingdom until our karmic debt has been fully repaid, which shows we have learnt all the lessons karma had to teach us in this kingdom.

Karma springs from all your past lives and carries forward. If not cleared, you can become imprisoned by these very karmic patterns and issues. If you’re not truly happy, at peace, fulfilled, or haven’t realized unconditional love, then your True Nature is obscured.

The degree you’re not experiencing your True Nature is the degree to which your real essence is obscured. This obscuring of essence is caused by past impressions and memories. Clearing away these obscuring old patterns is the focus of the Karma Clearing sessions.

The diseases we suffer from the births we get here on earth are all products of actions done by us in previous times. Every action has its reaction and no action goes unrewarded in a suitable manner. Evil actions do not go without their bitter effects upon the doer.

The goal of this work is to free yourself to realize your True Spiritual Nature. Becoming free of karma, brings an innate responsibility to express compassion with complete joy and humility. This is the freedom that you want to realize. As you eliminate your own personal suffering, so do you then cause less suffering to others, the earth and to all living beings.

Remember this: The universe gives you everything you NEED, but you have to pay for everything you WANT


Karma and Reincarnation | After Life | Atma | Rebirth | Hell

What is Karma?
Karma can be thought of as similar to Isaac Newton’s 3rd law of motion: every action must be followed by an equal and opposite reaction. When Newton discovered that law, however, he didn’t realize, or at least didn’t mention, that the same principle applies to emotions and behavior. If we get really excited, we will inevitably feel tired and depressed later. If we hurt someone, someone will later hurt us. Even our desires cause karma; they must eventually be satisfied or overcome. However, if we hurt someone unintentionally or if what we desire is also the right thing, then there is a much smaller repercussion.

Karma is a natural law – just like gravity is a natural law. It is not about punishment, and certainly not about vengeance. It is perfectly exact, just and fair and applies to everything and everyone in creation. It can be speeded up, and slowed down – but never avoided; hence it is sometimes termed the law of inevitability. In essence it is Divine simplicity itself – but its manifestations can be highly complex.

It is surprising how universal the fundamental precepts of karma are – in religion, popular culture and even science. In the Bible it says “…whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7), which describes karma simply, but perfectly. “Action and reaction are opposite and equal” stated Newton in his third law of motion, a definition commonly used to describe karma in Buddhism. In everyday conversation, people sometimes say “what goes around, comes around”, which is a loose but nevertheless truthful description of karma. The word “karma” – and the basic concept behind it – appear in songs, television programs and movies – and most people in the western world seem to have some grasp of what karma is about.

When people refer to a person’s karma, they are referring to the person’s past actions and feelings that are waiting to be balanced out with it’s opposite. As long as we have unfulfilled desires and actions that have not yet been repaid (good or bad), we we must reincarnate to neutralize them, which keeps us from merging completely in God. The difficulty is that each time we come back to balance out our previous actions, we create even more karma. Before we know it we have lived millions of lifetimes and have a seemingly insurmountable store of karma.

Of course there is free will, or how we choose to respond to a situation. If someone hurts you, and you hurt them back, then they hurt you back, this cycle of karma could go on indefinitely.

Karma gives us all individual tuition 24 hours a day. Each lesson is perfectly tailored to our spiritual needs, and we are never presented with any test we cannot pass. Karma gives us experience, and experience gives us the opportunity to learn to live in harmony with the eternal laws which are God. As we learn, we advance – coming ever closer to ever higher spiritual states of consciousness, and enjoying ever greater spiritual freedom.

Viewed in this light – the terms “good karma” and “bad karma” become almost meaningless in a way – because in fact all karma is good for us, even if it might feel unpleasant in the short term.

Reincarnation and karma are core concepts for several religions of India, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.

Basically, both concepts have to do with an understanding of time and how we as human beings are propelled forward through life in time.

Reincarnation is sometimes called transmigration of the soul. To believe in this is to believe that the soul migrates through many different physical lifetimes. The soul undergoes rebirths into different kinds of lives – human, animal or even supernatural – until it reaches its final destination.

So, reincarnation implies a cyclical understanding of time instead of a linear understanding. In the Western world, people tend to think of time in a linear way – you are born, you live, then you die. Depending on one’s belief about afterlife, the soul may live forever in a place of suffering or blessing. But, it does not return to earth to live again as a human or animal.

Those who believe in reincarnation, however, hold to a cyclical view of time in which the soul undergoes cycles of life, death and rebirth. The soul may be born into a human body and then, when the human body dies, it may be reborn into an animal body or the body of a supernatural being (angels, demons, etc.). This cycle may be repeated many hundreds of times.

What propels the soul forward from life to life? What determines the kind of rebirth or life the soul will have in the future? The answer is karma.

Karma is the positive or negative energy that accompanies all actions of moral worth. Hitting someone with a stick brings negative karma to the person who does it. Using the stick for a positive reason brings positive karma to the person.

So, each person – each soul or atman – goes through life doing both positive and negative actions and accumulating the karmic energy or “baggage” that comes with them. The nature of one’s karma determines the nature of one’s rebirths in futures lives. Negative karma over many lifetimes will cause an unfavorable rebirth as an animal. Positive karma will cause a favorable rebirth as a human or auspicious spiritual being.

This belief in karma and its impact on future rebirths is at the heart of basic ethical sensibilities in Hinduism and in all the other religions that affirm it. People should do good actions and avoid bad actions so as to not accumulate bad karma to themselves.

Karma and reincarnation are inseparable and reincarnation is a logical consequence of karma. When someone dies, they will not have worked out all their karma. What has been “sown”, will not all have been “reaped”, and there will not have been an “opposite and equal” reaction to their every thought and action. Therefore, logically speaking, although they have left their body, they cannot cease to exist. They have to come back.

Between incarnations we spend a period of time on another “plane”, also called another “realm”, of Earth, which exists at a different frequency of vibration. These realms are physical – but physical at a higher or lower frequency than this realm. The existence of these realms explains the orthodox notions of “heaven” and “hell” – the higher realms being the “heavens”, and the lower realms – the “hells”. After death, we go to the realm which best suits our level of spiritual evolution, prior to being reborn here. The more basic level, or levels, of so-called “heaven” are sometimes referred to as “the spirit world”.

When all the lessons which reincarnation on Earth can offer have been learnt, we then either go through the initiation of Ascension, or begin the experience cycle of another, more advanced planet.

past life therapy and soul relationship

Past Life Regression Therapy | PLRT Benefits & other FAQ’s

A Introduction about our soul and past life regression therapy

A past-life regression recalls scenes, feelings and memories from another lifetime that one has lived as though it were happening now.

To quote from Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts….”

We are our soul, and the soul of each and everyone of us is beautiful. Within each lifetime, we adopt and experience a character, and often a series of characters usually consecutively, but sometimes concurrently within any given lifetime.

We experience or ‘play’ the character we have chosen to experience or ‘adopt’, in any one lifetime, or perhaps during several lifetimes. When we have completed the role, regardless of the nature of the character that we have played, we move on to play another character, often taking time to reflect on our ‘performance’ in between roles.

When we begin to explore our past lives, we feel a little confused and conflicted and we seem to place ourselves somewhere between believing and wanting to believe. We usually begin to explore past lives when there is an issue in our life which reflects a lesson which has not been learned in previous lifetimes. We will seldom begin past life exploration when we are living a happy, settled and contented life. We will usually begin past life exploration when we are looking for an answer within our lives, which is why our early past life experiences are often difficult and unpleasant memories.
We will usually begin to recall (through one means or another), memories where people who are currently in our life treated us badly in another life, or we treated people who are currently in our life badly in another life. We will begin to wonder if we have ever experienced joy, but if we allow ourselves to do so, we will begin to see how all the pieces fit together, and aspects of our relationships in this lifetime which did not make sense, will suddenly begin to become clear.

In time, we will stumble upon the key past life memory which will unlock our current experience. When we become aware of the key past life memory, which may well be the original cause of the events that we are living, and have perhaps have lived in principle many times, we will usually become very emotional as we begin to release events which we have held within us for a very long time, and we will usually begin to cleanse our soul.

The soul cleansing process can continue for some time, and we may well find ourselves bursting into tears at the slightest trigger, and at inopportune moments. We will begin to wander what we have unleashed and why we began the process of understanding our past lives at all. However, each time that we experience soul cleansing tears, we will feel a little lighter, and we will walk a little straighter, as we begin to release our burden.

In time we may begin to receive seemingly unrelated ‘flashes’ or ‘snapshots’ of memory from our lifetime and from our past lifetimes. We should allow the snapshots to enter and leave as they will. Our subconscious mind, or our spirit self is sorting and presenting pieces of memory to assist us to fully understand the memory which we have unlocked. Suddenly, like a jigsaw puzzle, all of the pieces will fall into place and we will be presented with a clear picture which will explain precisely what we have been experiencing, and why. At this point, when we have understood the experience, we are ready to release the experience and move on. We will no longer carry the emotions from the experience with us, and we will have left at least some of our excess baggage behind.

Not all of our past life memories are difficult and unpleasant, but it is the unpleasant memories which usually create the negative emotions that we carry with us and feed, lifetime after lifetime. Therefore, it is the negative emotions that usually lead us to past life memories which are difficult, but nevertheless need to be released.

We can also allow ourselves to draw on pleasant memories from our past lives. As souls we live many lifetimes in very many forms. During our existence we experience a life as all of the living things that we can imagine, and many that we cannot imagine. Our human existence is but one of our experiences, we also experience lifetimes as animals, plants, insects as well as on other worlds and in other forms, such as a light body. Living thousands of years, we can imagine how many different lives we have had. As an example; we may be sitting on a beach and we ‘daydream’ about gliding on the winds like a bird. We know that the experience is not ‘real’, but the experience somehow feels real. This is because we have existed as a bird and we are remembering what it was like to glide on the winds.

There are many situations in which we remember our past lives, and in time we will come to recognise these situations, or ‘past life triggers’. We will find that we have far more past life memories which have surfaced than we realise.

That we encounter people from our life within our past life memories, is not really surprising, and not a product of an over active imagination.

Circles are created between souls to establish an environment for us and those with whom we share the environment, to gain experience and learn who we are. The circles created between souls need to be closed, because closing the circles created between souls, is a convenient way for us to gain awareness of the true circular nature of all that is. If we shared ongoing experiences with different souls in each lifetime we would loose an opportunity to understand the circular nature of our existence.

There is a karmic aspect to the circles created between souls, but the nature and purpose of karma has been misunderstood. The principles of karma allow our experiences to become complete, though experiencing both sides of the coin, with the same souls who conveniently also need to experience both sides of the coin, but the opposite side of the coin to us. For example; we may take it in turns to be murderer and victim. Karma is a learning and experience cycle, not a punishment cycle as has been supposed.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression therapy is a holistic therapy that works with the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is based on the principles of cause and effect (karma) and the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based in the past. As a skilled therapist, I can guide you back to a time before birth in this lifetime to discover the root causes of problems you may be experiencing in the present and heal them. This may include relationship issues, chronic illnesses, phobias, addictions, sexual dysfunction, inexplicable attraction or aversion to someone, recurring nightmares, fear of death, etc. Conventional psychotherapy focuses on the present life and may not be able to get to the source of a problem. “Talk” therapy often stays on an intellectual basis and does not allow for the transformation that comes from unlocking deep emotions and experiences stored in one’s cellular memory. It’s also why “talk” therapy often takes so long to produce results. Past life regression therapy can speed up the healing process as one understands and feels on a much deeper level the source of one’s problems.

What are some more benefits of past life regression therapy?

Past life regression therapy can transform your life! It will help you to develop your full potential, unlock hidden talents, and create more compassion and love for yourself and others. It can reveal your life purpose and reason for incarnating, and help you to overcome the fear of death. After a past life regression session, many clients report feeling a greater sense of inner peace, love and self-acceptance when they understand that they have chosen their life circumstances and the lessons that they need to learn. Past life regression therapy supersedes other therapies in its more profound perspective on the meaning of life. It transcends religious dogma and is beneficial regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs. You do not have to believe in reincarnation to receive healing from this amazing technique.

What is a session like?

Past life regression sessions are about two hours long. I first interview you and ask about your present life. Together we look for recurring patterns that may create problems in your life and that will prompt your subconscious mind to lead you to the past life source of these issues. Then you create a focus or intention for the session. This is followed by deep relaxation which enables you to access important subconscious memories from this lifetime or another. The subconscious, in its infinite wisdom, will selectively reveal what is appropriate and healing for your current life situation. Some people see glimpses of several past lives; others may delve into one specific past life in more detail; another may discover important repressed memories from the current lifetime. Oftentimes people feel they are “making up” the past life memories. As you become more comfortable with the process, you will discover that this information is valuable and authentic and contributes to your healing and well being.

What if I uncover a really scary past life and I can’t handle it?

I create a safe and supportive environment for you. You will only experience traumatic memories if you are ready to let go of them. You’re in charge! Releasing emotional and/or physical trauma stored in the body and mind is very healing. Most people feel relieved, refreshed, and more peaceful after discovering hidden past-life memories that may have caused unnecessary anxieties and phobias in the present life.

What if I see and experience my death in a past life? Is it safe to do this?

The re-enactment of the death moment is where the real healing happens. Facing a death experience—and the peace that accompanies it—has great therapeutic value. It is enlightening and comforting to feel the release of the soul from the body and experience the peacefulness of the between life state. You no longer need to fear death when you realize that your soul is immortal and that you will live again and be re-united with loved ones. Clients who have experienced a past-life death exude a special radiance and inner peace after a session.

How will I feel after a session?

Some people feel very happy and peaceful; others may feel tired or even experience some pain or a headache related to the release of stored trauma. All of these reactions are normal and not harmful. Most people prefer to be alone afterwards to integrate and review the session. You may want to rest, take a relaxing walk, or write up any notes or reflections from the experience. You may continue to have past life recall after the session through dreams or intuitive insights that will give you even more detailed memory of that life.

What is a life between lives spiritual regression?

Life between lives regression therapy is an expansion of past life therapy. It enables you to connect with your soul-self and discover what your immortal life is in the soul world between incarnations. You are able to see your karmic growth patterns through many lifetimes, why you have chosen certain bodies and lifetimes, connect with your spirit guides, and understand your soul’s lessons on a profound level. Sessions are generally three to four hours long and require that you are able to be regressed into a deep trance state. I offer this service to those who have been able to access their past lives and want to go to the next step.


law of karma

Karmic Healing, Karma Clearing, Past Lives, Higher Power

People believe in good and bad deeds around the world. Good deeds create good Karma and evil deeds create Bad Karma. Karma’s effect can manifest immediately, later in life or after multiple lifetimes. Some religions view karma as the law that governs recreation, others believe that karma is actual particulate matter, something that gets stuck to the soul and must be removed through acts of goodness.

As souls, what we do comes back to us according to God’s plan. If we have imbalances in our Karma known as karmic debts, we either find ourselves presented with the same lesson again and again within one lifetime until we gain the wisdom (Moksha) and value of the lesson being presented, or we re-embody, carrying the karma over from one lifetime till the next. Spirit is forever patient with our process of learning.

At death we have to leave everything behind- our property and our loved ones, but our Karma will accompany us like a shadow. The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma. So when the conditions are correct, dependent upon mind and body, the effects of karma will manifest themselves either in the short term or in the long term.

“Karma” is a Sanskrit word, which in its simplest form means “deed.” In Hindu philosophy, karma specifically refers to the deeds of the ego and the effects of those deeds. In an ultimate sense, all actions carried out by the ego affect the universe, causing it to be temporarily out of balance. The law of karma states that, to maintain balance, the universe directs the effects of one’s actions to eventually return to oneself.

All actions of the ego carry with them a karmic tracer that is both in the action and its effects and in the ego that created the action. It is this karmic tracer, acting like a deed of ownership, that causes the action to eventually return to the creator. Rather than the action itself being of primary importance, it is the intention of the one creating the action that determines the kind of karma that is created. A healthy positive intention will lead to a healthy positive effect when the karma returns; the opposite is also true.

Often the time it takes for the karma to return is more than one lifetime.  When this happens it will usually appear to the person that fortunate and/or unfortunate events are randomly happening to them, when in reality these events are the return of their own actions. Karma is the basis of one’s destiny—the seemingly inevitableness of events in the lives of some people.

Many of the illnesses and debilitating conditions people have are karmic in nature, being caused by actions the person has taken in this life or in past lives. In some healing circles and spiritual groups it is said that the reason a particular client isn’t healing is that the illness or debilitating condition is karmic and therefore the person must experience it in order to balance their karma. And because of this, supposedly there’s nothing the healer can do about it.

This idea has some validity, but only if we remain in this level of consciousness. It’s important to keep in mind that no matter what you are trying to accomplish in life, whether it’s to heal a condition, solve a problem or make your dreams come true, there is always a higher way. This concept also applies to solving karmic issues. The idea that one must experience one’s karma in order to move forward on one’s spiritual path is only valid as long as one makes use of this limited method of dealing with karma. There is a higher path to karmic healing that allows one to fulfill the purpose of karma, to heal quickly, and to move forward on one’s spiritual path with greatly reduced suffering.

This higher method makes use of the grace of the Higher Power, often administered through an enlightened being.  These enlightened being also possess tremendous love, wisdom and healing skill beyond our ability to comprehend. They are more than willing to help us heal and wait for us to make the opportunity available to them.

Keep in mind that the Higher Power has given each of us free will. This is something that is honored and respected by all enlightened beings. Because of this, they are unable to help us heal unless we ask that they do so. There are many ways to do this.


Karmic Clearing is a miraculous multi-Dimensional process. The underlying dynamics are complex but the experience is magical.  Sometimes it is as if an entire psychological problem, something that has been troubling you your entire life, has just disappeared without a trace.  You can’t get in touch with the old feelings anymore; you can’t even remember how bad you felt, how angry, how victimized.  You are just over it.

Relationship between Karma & Chronic Illness

Category : Uncategorized

“Why has this happened to me?” “Why am I ill?” “Why am I suffering?” Often, when you suffer from a physical condition whether being minor or severe,
it can be a link in a chain of sequence that has begun centuries ago. Some illnesses and afflictions are Karmic.

Knowing the cosmic relevance if it is karmic can lead to an understanding of your disease or illness on various levels. To consciously know this alone can have a transforming effect upon your life today; perhaps even just the understanding of your situation can enable you to come to terms with it which in turn can enable you to achieve vital equilibrium at higher levels of being and integration as well.

This is not a new idea, but an ancient one found among many peoples and cultures in every part of the world. The spiritual world is subject to laws of cause and effect (Law of Karma) as precise as those that govern the physical world. When we experience such affliction ourselves, and know its sad frustrations, we begin bitterly to question the ways and love of God who we begin to see as cruel. We might see God as testing us and heaven or hell as the reward or punishment that awaits us, depending on how we meet the challenge of this illness. We believe this not because we have proof of it but because we have been taught it through the centuries. Beliefs handed down on the strength of authority.

Perhaps we blame our condition on the blind mechanism of heredity as determined primarily by genes of our parents or secondarily by environmental influences.
The reincarnation view is that suffering is only good for the soul if it teaches it how not to suffer again and that heredity and environment are themselves the result of past life karmic determinants and every quality of the soul is self-earned rather than parentally transmitted.

Diseases and illnesses can arise from the merits and demerits of past life behavior and all suffering and pain and limitations have an educative spiritual purpose. Seeing the ethical and spiritual behind the physical. These deformities, afflictions and agonies can be lessons towards growth, wisdom and perfection. When it is remembered that the purpose of karma is spiritual education, it will be seen how natural and inevitable this approach to karmic therapeutics is.

Karma is a Sanskrit word literally meaning `action`. The `sin` that karma corrects is not `sin` in the superstitious primitive sense of disapproving gods and spirits or offended morals but rather in a psychological sense; `sin` that is universally definable and universally subject to a cosmic law. It is the sin of selfishness or being separate and the sin of self-exaltation. It can consist of violence against the will or body of another, or your own body, through over-indulgence or neglect. It can consist of pride or exclusiveness of the spirit and many other variations. It can be said that Man is spirit, not a body; `sin` arises from his overlook of this as he identifies himself with his body. To change this he must stop denying this fact and identify with spirit – his true essence. This `sin` from a past life can have an exact cause-and-effect, action-reaction relationship in this lifetime, even though it might not necessarily be obvious and can manifest as illness amongst other things.

As Jesus the Christ said, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Newton`s third law of motion states that every action has its reaction which is equal and opposite, and this applies as much to spiritual law as to the law of physics. Therefore, some human afflictions, disease and illness today are sometimes linked to specific karma and conduct in past lives and bring karma into sharper and more immediate focus.

A favourable environment and a healthy body can also be positive karmic consequence. One side of karma is that a harmful action directed toward another person yesterday can rebound to the perpetrator of the action today perhaps as an illness or limitation. A person today can meet himself in suffering which he brought to others. “Judge not that ye be not judged” suddenly stands out with a new depth of psychological meaning.

Other times this karma can be symbolic or metaphoric and manifest in the body in a symbolic way. The clinical findings of modern psychosomatic medicine demonstrate that some physical conditions are due to mental and emotional disturbances.
This branch of medicine shows that tensions of emotional origin, when they cannot be expressed in word or action, often express themselves symbolically in the body through a kind of “organ language”. e.g. if a patient suffers chronic lumbago and no organic cause can be found, it may mean that there is something in the current life situation of the patient that “he`s feeling put upon, being a martyr, aiming too low in life”.

Taking this further then, there is every implication to be a close correspondence between the `organ language` of psychosomatic medicine and this symbolic karma.
Karma is a psychological law and acts primarily in the psychological realm, the physical circumstances being merely the means whereby the psychological purpose is fulfilled. However, the retributive reaction or compensatory action that characterises all karma is usually neither exact nor literal because we are all at our own levels of growth.

In my work as a past life therapist and healer, I have had many instances of cure with physical conditions and in some other cases, where the karmic debt is more serious, improvements have been achieved. It would appear that my work through past life therapy and healing can sometimes re-establish the equilibrium so that the physical karma can justly be withdrawn resulting in the person becoming well. It is so important generally to apply the spiritual side to any cure with illness as well as the medical side. This spiritual side which is so integral to past life healing can also help change your present day consciousness and character in a positive way, through the variety of healing work undertaken on the past life being worked on.

You of course, need to be open to the process of working in this way to get the most benefit out of it. It is important to note that there are times when karmic illness or conditions can best be helped through physical rather than psychological means and this information often comes through in the sessions.

Ultimately, healing must come from within or it cannot last. No healing method is more “spiritual,” in an absolute sense than another. All healing methods have the same divine source. Whether the influences that act upon a body come from medicine, surgery, mechanical appliances, therapy, past life healing, body work etc, they must of necessity come from the One Source – Life itself.

Of course, not all afflictions are necessarily karmic and illness and disease can be affected by many chemical, biological, mechanical, social, racial, and economic forces for which we have no inner, immediate responsibility except insofar as we must ultimately acquire the strength to be invulnerable to them. Man is a unit of three. Body, Mind and Spirit and sometimes we are ignorant about the truth about ourselves.
Doctors, psychologists and priests are three tenders of the same divine fire and must work together more for the good of all. Healing does not always mean you are cured. It does mean, however, that you have changed by learning to see the creative possibilities that exist within your limitations opening you to the positive aspect of karmic growth.

It is worth remembering that while we are undergoing the karma and energy reactions of our past lives, we are setting in motion still newer causes which in turn may react upon our future lives. We extend far in one direction and far in another, it cannot be said we begin at the illusive margin, that we call “birth”, nor end at the equally illusive boundary that we call “death”. There is a larger framework of existence than the little world we occupy in the here and now and a larger meaning of life, sickness and death than we have yet been able to imagine.


Karmic Baggage & It’s Influence | The Law of Cause & Effect

Karma is the Sanskrit word for “action” or “deed”. Any physical or mental action is considered as Karma. The results or ‘fruits’ of actions are called Karma-phala (fruit of Karma). According to Hinduism, life is an infinite chain of results of actions (Karma) in the past. In simple words this works as “Law of Cause and Effect” or “As you sow, so you reap”. The way the results of Karma are delivered in the life is the “Law of Karma”.

Karma in Hinduism (Sanatana dharma) is considered to be a spiritually originated law that governs all life. In the Law of Karma even though an individual is considered to be the sole doer and enjoyer of his Karmas and their ‘fruits’, according to Vedanta, the supreme being (The Divine) plays a major role as the dispenser of the ‘fruits’ of Karma. Many Hindus see God’s direct involvement in this process; others consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of Karma.

In my view, “as you sow, so you reap” is an incomplete definition of Karma. The definition is complete only when the aspect of “the divine role as a dispenser of the fruits of Karma” is recognized and applied to the Law of Karma.

Ways an individual performs Karma
There are mainly three ways an individual performs Karma. We perform acts or deeds every moment in our life through following ways:

Manasa – Mind
Vaachaa – Speech
Karmana – Actions

Law of Karma – God is fair and gives you exactly what you deserve

Summary of Law of Karma is expressed by the following: “God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is fair and gives you exactly what you deserve.” Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an expression or consequence of natural acts. Although it may often appear like a punishment (or reward), the purpose of Karma is to perfectly follow the cosmic law (God’s system of Universal operation) and not to punish (or reward). Often the way we learn the best is to endure the same type of suffering (of happiness) that we have inflicted (or offered) on others in the past (most of the times in the past life.)

This is God’s Way and Desire to make us leave the World of Maya (Veil of Ignorance or “mudhawastha” or stupefied state of mind) that brings us the sufferings and embrace the Divine Awareness (or The Bliss, Sat-Chit-Ananda, Chaitanya, Moksha, Supreme Awareness, Supreme Consciousness or Super-Soul) and be blissful eternally.

According to the Vedas, if one sows goodness, will reap goodness; if one sows evil, will reap evil, at the same time the delivery of consequences is controlled by the Divine. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which collectively determines our future (what we call as destiny.)


The fact is: God is PERFECT and God’s system (Law of Karma) works absolutely PERFECTLY. God does not punish or reward people based on his will and fancies. God is neither partial nor unjust. God is not responsible for the wealth of one man or the poverty of another. You suffer on account of your own actions (Prarabdha karma). There is nothing chaotic or capricious in this world. Things do NOT happen in this universe by accident or chance in a disorderly manner or with God’s Random Will. They happen in regular succession and events follow each other in a regular order. They happen exactly as per the perfect system laid down by the God called Law of Karma.

The fact is: God loves every one equally and he is fair to everyone. It is true that the entire universe and our lives run on the “Will of the God” and at the same time that “God’s will” (cosmic system in place) is perfect and fair (not imperfect and unfair that runs on irregular impulses of God’s desires or passions.)

Summary: God has laid down “Absolutely FAIR Cosmic System that works PERFECTLY LOGICALLY” and it is NOT “Willful fancy that works as per God’s wishes”.

Swami Sivananda Sarasvati on Law of Karma
“If you take an individual life as an isolated event which begins with birth of the physical body and terminates with its death you cannot find any correct explanation or solution for the affairs of life. You will be groping in darkness and despair. Your present life is nothing, when compared with the whole soul-life. It is momentary – a mere fragment. If you want to find the cause or antecedent for anything, you will have to go deep into the affairs of the eternal soul-life. Then alone there will be perfect balance of cause and effect, antecedent and consequence. Life does not end with the disintegration of this physical body alone. There is reincarnation. There had been countless previous lives also. You will have to take into consideration the widest view of the life of the soul. Then you will find a perfect, satisfactory solution for all the intricate and complicated affairs of life.

Yogi Swami Sivananda Saraswati. Every wrong action or crime brings its own punishment in accordance with the law of retribution. The law of causation, the law of action and reaction, the law of compensation and the law of retribution – all operate together. He who hurts another man, hurts himself first.

Remember that God is neither partial nor unjust. Remember that God is not responsible for the wealth of one man or the poverty of another. You suffer on account of your own wicked actions. There is nothing chaotic or capricious in this world. Things do not happen in this universe by accident or chance in a disorderly manner. They happen in regular succession and events follow each other in a regular order. There is a kind of definite connection between what is being done now by you and what will happen in the future. Sow always the seeds which will bring pleasant fruits and which will make you happy herein and hereafter.”

Karma, God and Hinduism. According to Hinduism God is fair and humans have a free will to choose good or evil Karma and therefore, will face the consequences (good or bad) according to their Karma in the past. Karma initiates the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called Sansara.) Jivatma (soul) cannot attain moksha (salvation) until the accumulated (sanchita) Karmas are completely exhausted by consuming them.

Karma is like a seed, most of the times Karma does not fructify immediately after the seed is sown. We produce numerous Karmic seeds by our actions (speech and thoughts) every moment – desire, aversion, love, hatred, happiness, etc. will undoubtedly produce, a positive or negative result, sooner or later, according to the nature of the seed, if not in this life, then in some future one.

Bhagavad Gita (4-17) says: “Mysterious is the path of action (karma)” The Law of Karma is inscrutable. It is difficult to say what sort of karmas will cause cancer and whether the fruit that you enjoy now is the result of one karma or a combination of several karmas. It is difficult to tell whether the fruit that you enjoy now is from the karma in the current birth or is it from the karmas in previous births (Sanchita karma). Ripe karmas can produce fruits in the same birth under proper circumstances.

God does not send anyone to Heaven or Hell based on their faith
“Law of Karma” is like a universal law say “Law of Gravity” – It applies whether you accept or reject the law. Law of Karma is completely unrelated to faith the person follows. God does not send anyone to Heaven or Hell based on their faith.

Karma Works: Perfectly, Applying to everyone, All the times, Without fail, No exceptions!!!

Karma is the principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, total cosmic justice and personal responsibility. It is very logical: what you sow is what you reap in exact and precise measure (dispensed by the Divine according to the Cosmic principals.) Karma is as predictable as the laws of gravity: what is done to you is the net result of what you have done to others. He who hurts others, has already hurt himself in the future. The most important unpredictable aspect of Law of Karma is the “Delivery” (or consequences) that are controlled by the Divine.

Karma begins to propel you as Soul on a personal journey through the universe. Karma ends when you have perfected yourself in art of doing Karma without attachment. The ability to do Karma without attachment (without expectation of Karma-phala) can be attained by perfecting oneself on the path to the Divine by following various yogas – Karma yoga (yoga of action without attachment), Bhakti yoga (yoga of love for the Divine), Gyan yoga (yoga of knowledge and awareness), Siddha or Kundalini yoga (yoga of divine consciousness), Hatha yoga (purification of the body and mind through Asanas and Pranayama), Laya yoga (yoga of meditating on interior energy centers), Mantra yoga (yoga of Divine or Sacred words, phrases, or syllables) or any combination of these.

Karmic Baggage and Karmic Blessings. We carry Karmic Baggage and Karmic Blessing depending on whether we’ve performed positive or negative actions in the past. Vikars [Kama (Lust), Krodh (Rage or uncontrolled anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Attachment or emotional attachment) and Ahankar (ego)] continue to rule human life until we are carrying Maya (Veil of Ignorance or “mudhawastha” or stupefied state of mind.)

Driver behind the Life and Karma. Depending on which one of the three subtle components (Tri-Gunas – Sattwa, Rajo, Tamo) is predominant within us, it influences how we:

  • React to situations
  • Make decisions
  • Make choices
  • Live our lives

Tri-Gunas (Sattwa, Rajo, Tamo) are the driver behind the thought, thought is the driver behind the action (Karma). Karma is the driver behind the life (of cause and effect) that we live.

Tri-Gunas is the seed – Karma is the tree – Consequence of the Karma is the fruit that we are living today.

  • 1) Satwik Gun = Satwik Karma = Satwik fruit = Person is more close to the God
  • 2) Tamo Gun = Tamasik Karma = Tamasik fruit = Person is far away from the God

Rebirth (Reincarnation). Desire produces karma. You work and exert to acquire the objects of your desire. Karma produces its fruits as pain or pleasure. You will have to take birth after birth to reap the fruits of your karmas. This is the law of karma.

The wheel of life (“samsara”) must continue until the soul (Jivatma) has Karma attached to it. The cycle of birth, life, and death will continue until all Karma is full consumed. When one revolution of the wheel (one life) is completed, life begins again with a rebirth. This is how law of Karma works. Karma leads us in the journey of life from the first manifestation as an amoeba to the last manifestation… the 8.4 millionth manifestations. The process of rebirth continues until there is balance in Karmic account. The soul is liberated from the karmic bondage when the Karmic balance is consumed totally.

How Karmic account balance is maintained? The accumulated result of all actions from all our past lifetimes is called “Sanchita Karma”. The interesting part is how this account of Karmic Credit/Debt is maintained. It is never maintained as a total net balance (as done in case of a bank account) but always stored as a separate account of Credit and Debit that never cancels each other, for each soul.

Types of Karma

  • Sanchita Karma: The accumulated result of all your actions from all your past lifetimes. This is your total cosmic debt. Every moment of every day either you are adding to it or you are reducing this cosmic debt.
  • Prarabdha Karma: The portion of your “sanchita” Karma being worked on in the present life. That is part of one’s Sanchita Karma which must be worked out in the present life (no options). Because the law of Karma implies determinism in human activities, Prarabdha is often translated as destiny. When you work down your agreed upon debt in this lifetime, then more past debts surface to be worked upon in the next birth.
  • Agami Karma: Approaching or Future Karma: This is the Karma or the actions that are now going to be done which will give their results later in the future. Some of Agami Karmas bear fruit in the current life; others are stored for future births in the form of Sanchita Karma.
  • Kriyamana Karma: This is Karma that we create in our daily life because of our thoughts, will and actions. It refers to the decisions before us to act upon. These karma consequences add to our Future Sanchita Karma as we perform the current karma. But, not all of this karma goes to the Sanchita balance and some of them can fructify in the current life (i.e. you speed on a highway and you get a ticket. Karma is created and consumed immediately in this case.)

You can lead a happy life by following ‘Law of Karma’
To live a good and happy life, every man should have a comprehensive understanding of God’s Cosmic System (law of Karma), and its operations. If man acquires this karmic knowledge and puts it into practice, then he can pull on in this world smoothly and happily. He can utilize the helping forces to serve his ends in the best possible manner. He can neutralize the hostile or antagonistic currents. Just as the fish swims against the current, so also he will be able to go against the hostile currents by adjusting himself properly and safeguarding himself through suitable precautionary methods. God helps those (to some extent) who understand and apply the law of Karma in their life.

In absence of knowledge of functioning of God’s Cosmic System (Law of karma) man becomes a slave (of his desires). He is tossed around here and there helplessly by various currents in his present life. Various hostile forces (generated because of his past actions) drag him in different directions. He drifts like a wooden log in a river. He always leads a miserable and unhappy life even if he has all the wealth and possessions in this world.


Past life recall as modern proof for reincarnation

Past-life recall as modern proof for reincarnation

Hypnotic regression as proof for reincarnation

Spontaneous past-life recall by children as proof for reincarnation 

Metaphysical reasons for rejecting past-life recall experiences as proofs for reincarnation

Many people who accept reincarnation in the West today claim that it can be scientifically proven. They usually ground their belief on past-life recall experiences, which represent the ability of certain persons to recall facts of alleged previous lives. This phenomenon occurs under two distinct forms. One is observed while regressing certain persons beyond the date of birth. The other is produced by some children who spontaneously remember a previous life identity, amazing their neighbors with specific details that match those of the life of a deceased person. Could these experiences really be proofs for reincarnation?

Hypnotic regression as proof for reincarnation

Hypnosis can be defined as a method of inducing an altered state of consciousness, which causes a person to become very receptive to the hypnotist’s suggestions. This method has been used in psychoanalysis for treating psychic diseases by evoking the painful events which caused them in the past (especially during childhood) and then by transmitting suggestions meant to heal them. Although there are some encouraging results in using it as a psychiatric therapy, it is a fact that hypnosis can mix fantasy with real memories. In deep states of hypnosis, some subjects have had out-of-body experiences and claimed to have traveled in mysterious spiritual realms. Others have had a mystical experience of oneness with the universe.

Hypnotic regression started to be used as a past-life recall method in 1952, when Ruth Simmons from Colorado, USA, was regressed “back in time” beyond the date of her birth. Suddenly she started to talk using a specific Irish accent, claiming that her name was Bridey Murphy and that she lived in Ireland in the year 1890. The few details she produced seemed to describe accurately the Irish society of the late 19th century. It was therefore believed that a scientific proof for reincarnation had been found. As a result, a growing number of hypnotists started to use the method in order to get information about alleged previous lives of their patients. Recently the method has gained a scientific aura, being used as therapy for releasing patients’ fears and explaining certain personality tendencies as results of past-life experiences. By simply being asked to go back in time beyond the date of their birth and describe their impressions, some patients tell impressive stories in which some characteristics match those of past and distant cultures of human history. They usually adopt a totally different personality, with a changed voice, behavior and facial expression. All the information they produce is the result of a dialog between the therapist and his patient, in which the questions have to be easy and clear in order to get a proper answer. Since the information they produce couldn’t have been normally learned during their lifespan, it is supposed that they really recall past lives. However, this conclusion raises some difficulties, as there are other possibilities to explain how the “novelties” are produced, without accepting the past-life recall hypothesis.

An intriguing aspect of the testimonies recorded under hypnosis is the fact that they depend heavily on the already existing data in current historic knowledge. In many cases, although the information corresponds to generally acknowledged historical data, further archaeological discoveries contradict them, casting serious doubts on the veracity of “past lives.” Ian Wilson, another important researcher of this phenomenon, describes several such cases in his book Reincarnation (p. 88-90). One of them refers to a person who lived during the reign of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses III. Instead of indicating the name No for the capital city, he used the name Thebes, given by the Greeks much later. Moreover, a true ancient Egyptian could not have known the pharaoh’s name by a number, as the numbering of pharaohs was adopted by Victorian Egyptologists during the 19th century. Another fault was mentioning the use of the sestertius coin, which was introduced by the Romans a thousand years later. Another case reported Vikings making a landfall in North America in the 11th century. According to the description, they were wearing helmets with horns. In recent years, however, scholars have proved that this idea is false, as Vikings in fact wore conic, close-fitting caps. Horned helmets were worn only in religious ceremonies by individuals of high rank. This and other cases prove that past-life recall experiences depend heavily on the historical knowledge existing at the time the hypnotic regression was performed, and are often contradicted by later discoveries.

Another compromising factor in getting true “past-life stories” is the preparation the patient undergoes before hypnosis. One is informed about its purpose, which induces in him or her a high expectancy state. The conscious desire to know the content of “previous lives” undoubtedly influences the response under hypnosis.

Another possible explanation of testimonies from alleged previous lives is given by psychiatry. The phenomenon of multiple personality is known as dissociative personality disorder. It causes somebody to exchange in a short period of time up to twenty distinct personalities, as if playing successive roles. These contradicting personalities have different mentalities, behaviors, voices and even sexes than the real person.

From a psychiatrist’s point of view, past-life testimonies may be the result of inducing dissociative personality disorder through hypnosis. This has actually happened in several cases of schizophrenia. Used to uncover covert personalities and reintegrate them with the main personality.

Thus we come to another possible explanation of past-life recall. In parapsychology it is called channeling – the phenomenon of transmitting information generated by spiritual entities which are external to our world. They act through certain persons called mediums while they are in altered states of consciousness. The annihilation of normal consciousness through hypnosis creates optimal conditions for contacting such external entities, who can present themselves as personalities of one’s past lives. The only reason for rejecting this hypothesis is the presumption that the entity which is communicating through the medium has no reason to lie when it claims to be a former personality and not an external spirit.

In conclusion, the only criterion left for establishing the veracity of “past-life recall” is our faith in the hypnotist and his reincarnationist interpretation.

Spontaneous past-life recall by children as proof for reincarnation

Another category of experiences credited as proofs for reincarnation are cases of children, almost all under the age of 10, who spontaneously recall events of alleged past lives and insist that they are someone else who lived in the past. The details they mention concerning places, persons and happenings of the past, about which they could not normally know anything, prove to be true when investigations are performed in the indicated area. The extensive research of Dr. Ian Stevenson and his books on this topic are well known. Although the cases of spontaneous past-life recall by children are much fewer than testimonies produced under hypnosis, they seem to be more convincing. The cases of the Indian girls Swarnlata and Shanti Devi are two of the most famous. At the ages of 3 (Swarnlata) and 4 (Shanti Devi) they both started to claim that they had lived previous lives as wives and mothers of two children, in a distant village. The most astounding element is that they mentioned specific facts about their alleged previous lives that have been verified by investigators. Imagine the scene: A married woman with several children dies and after four years a little girl knocks at the door and introduces herself as the deceased mother and wife. Emotional disturbances often develop in such cases. Stevenson comments: “These children become embroiled in divided loyalties. In many cases children have rejected their parents, saying they are not their real parents and have often started down the road toward their so-called real homes. In other cases, they insist on being reunited with their former husbands, wives, or children. One Indian boy was passionately attached to the woman he said had been his former mistress and was trying to get her back, causing himself and her real distress” (Omni Magazine 10(4):76 (1988)).

However, such stories can be explained in an alternative way, not necessarily as proof for reincarnation. There is the possibility that these children are contacting external spirits through channeling. In this case the medium would be the child, without necessarily being conscious of it. But since children lack the skills of mediums, a particular kind of channeling is required in their case. It is called possession of these children by external spiritual entities. In such cases the human person is forced to transmit the messages of a spirit without having any conscious contribution to the whole process. Spiritual possession as explanation for past-life recall by children is suggested by the fact that almost all such cases are produced by children who manifest them between the ages of two and five, when their spiritual discernment is almost nonexistent. As the children grow up, the entities lose their power of influence upon them, which could explain why the past-life memories are lost after the age of 10.

Cases that confirm the possession hypothesis are instances in which the possessing spirit enters the child’s body a long time after he was born, and then produces a past-life recall experience which interferes with the already present personality of the child. There are enough such cases described in literature. Here is a brief description of two mentioned by Ian Stevenson, in his book Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation:

First, there is the case of an Indian boy named Jasbir, aged three and a half, who was very ill and lapsed into a coma which his family temporarily mistook for death. He revived a few hours later, and after several weeks displayed a completely transformed behavior, claiming to be a Brahmin named Sobha Ram, who died in an accident while he (Jasbir) was sick. Since Sobha Ram died when Jasbir was already three and a half years old, his “past-life recall” obviously cannot be a proof of reincarnation. More than that, the “reincarnation” of Ram’s soul must have taken place even before he had physically died, according to the timing of his accident and the illness of Jasbir. For the previous 3.5 years both persons lived physically in nearby villages. While speaking through Jasbir, the “reincarnated Mr. Ram” said that he was advised by a saint to take cover in Jasbir’s body. As a result, at a certain moment there were present two personalities in Jasbir’s body: the one of the child and the one of Mr. Ram. This suggests that it cannot be a case of reincarnation, but rather a possession of Jasbir’s body by the so-called spirit of Mr. Ram.

Second, there is the case of Lurancy Vennum, a one-year-old girl who began to display the personality of Mary Roff when she (Mary Roff) died. This situation lasted several months, while Mary Roff claimed to have occupied the vacated body of the little girl. After this period Mary Roff departed and Lurancy Vennum resumed control. The overlapping of personalities and messages displayed during that period are strong indications of possession, excluding any possibility of reincarnation. Ian Stevenson admits in his book that “other cases of the present group of 20 cases may be instances of similar ‘possessing influences’ in which the previous personality just happened to die well before the birth of the present personality’s body” (p. 381).

Third, there is the case of a Buddhist monk, Chaokhun Rajsuthajarn, who was born a day before the death of Nai Leng, the personality he claimed to have been in his previous life. Stevenson commented in an interview: “I studied this case with much care but couldn’t find an explanation for the discrepancy” (Omni Magazine 10(4):76 (1988)).

Spirit influence could also explain another “proof” for reincarnation that is becoming increasingly popular: the correspondence between wounds that caused a person to die or other kinds of scars and birthmarks on children who are seen as being the reincarnation of that particular person. Not that a spirit influence could induce such physical abnormalities, but it could “suggest” a special origin to those who are born naturally with birthmarks and birth defects, especially in cultures where most physical and behavioral peculiarities are attributed to happenings in past lives (Southern Asia, the Druze in Lebanon, or Indians in North America). In the Western world birthmarks often are taken as a starting point in one’s quest for finding his or her ‘true’ identity. As there is an increasing interest in reincarnation, the interpretation of birthmarks is often channeled towards acceptance of previous lives and as a personal proof of it.

A further indication for interpreting spontaneous past-life recall experiences by children is the fact that they are culturally dependent. Most cases are reported in India and other South Asian countries, where reincarnation is fully accepted. The Asian cases are always richer in details than the Western ones. Western children who have such experiences give only poor details that could permit verification. When checking some verifiable details is possible, they usually turn out to be past experiences of other members of the family. Cultural conditioning certainly plays an important role in these phenomena.

In the conclusion of his research, Ian Stevenson admitts in his book Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation that the cases he studied, as the very title indicates, are only suggesting reincarnation and cannot be considered proofs for it.

Metaphysical reasons for rejecting past-life recall experiences as proofs for reincarnation

Even if hypnotic regression and spontaneous recall of past lives by children were free of any contradiction, there still would be another major argument against their veracity: According to the classic doctrine of reincarnation, the entity which reincarnates is the impersonal self (atman or purusha), accompanied by the subtle body. Any psycho-mental element that defines personhood does not belong to the self or to the subtle body, and therefore ceases to exist at physical death. Memory is such an element. It acts only inside the limits of a physical life and vanishes at death. If things were different, if memory could pass to further lives through reincarnation, it could establish the veracity of reincarnation in less problematic ways.

The vehicle that carries the psychic impressions from one life to another is said to be the subtle body (sukshma sharira in Vedanta) or the karmic deposit (karmashaya in Samkhya-Yoga). Although some say that this vehicle acts as a kind of unconscious memory of previous lives, it cannot represent a third ontological category (different from both the self and the psycho-mental realm), which could play the role of a carrier of personal memory from one life to another. As mentioned in the previous article, the subtle body stores hidden tendencies or impressions (samskara) imprinted by karma that act as seeds which generate future behavior and personal character. This kind of deposit merely serves as a mechanism for adjusting the effects of karma in one’s life. According to Samkhya and Yoga it dictates in an impersonal and mechanical manner the new birth, the length of life and the experiences that must accompany it. Karma represents an impersonal and mechanical law which functions with mathematical precision, so it cannot justify one’s state at a certain moment. One cannot know his or her own karma, but only speculate what it could be, based on actual situations in life.

One’s karmic debts could at best be imagined intuitively. For instance, it is supposed that a man who was murdered took his just reward for a murder he committed himself in a previous life. Past-life recall experiences do not provide any information about the “sins” one committed in a previous life, but only lead one to draw conclusions from when he or she allegedly was a victim or a simple observer of life. These kinds of experiences do not attempt to prove the justice of karma, but only that past lives are real. In other words, the “recalled” scenarios do not indicate which facts of the previous life produced the present incarnation, but only try to prove that we lived previous lives, that reincarnation is true and has to be acknowledged.

Because of the metaphysical difficulties mentioned above, most Eastern masters do not consider experiences of past-life recall as valid proofs for reincarnation. At the time Stevenson was carrying out his studies among Indian children who remembered previous lives, he met an Indian swami of the Ramakrishna order. He commented on these cases: “Yes [reincarnation] is true, but it does not make any difference, because we in India have all believed in reincarnation and have accepted it as a fact, and yet it has made no difference. We have as many rogues and villains in India as you have in the West” (Venture Inward Magazine, September/October, 1995). These stories are appreciated mostly by Westerners, probably as a result of misunderstanding the original doctrine of reincarnation and also because of their pseudo-scientific outlook. A more important argument for reincarnation in the East has another nature and will be analyzed next.

How to create Good Karma

If you believe in reincarnation and future lives, then you might want to consider what conditions you would like to live under in the future, so that you can progress forward in your Spiritual Life.

How to Create Good KarmaIn considering those conditions, here are some of the things I would personally like to have:

1) To become someone that has the physical and mental ability to discriminate between helpful and destructive actions. Animals and others that are constantly in pain have a very difficult time with this discrimination. Also, humans can be born or acquire problems that can take away their ability to discriminate and intentionally perform genuinely beneficial actions.

2) To be born in an environment where there is enough to eat and all the necessities of life are easily found, including fresh water, air and a healthy environment.

3) To be born with wisdom, status and resources to easily allow for a spiritual practice and to assist others with their spiritual practice. This is one of the greatest benefits I experience from my own Spiritual Healing practice.

So, by thinking about what you would like to create for yourself in the future, you can begin to know how to create good karma now so that it’s more likely to happen. Remember that you get to experience in the future what you intentionally cause others to experience. Deciding to assist others with a genuine desire to help is a great way to begin. Of course it’s important to root out any hidden agendas, misunderstandings or deep seated negative karma from the past.

Hypnosis and past life regressions, along with various other forms of alternative healing are a great resource to help you know what you really want to create and clear the limited beliefs or past karma that prevent you from doing so. Taking the time now helps to ensure that the conditions of your future lives will be advantageous for your spiritual healing, progress and happiness.

How do I create good karma?

The word Karma can be thought of as actions or deeds and also as the law of causality. [Karma] According to Mayavada/Advaita Vedanta of Adi Shankara (Great Indian philosopher 8th Century AD) and most Buddhist schools the aim of human life is Moksha/Nirvana or getting rid of Karma and its fruits. But as long as one has not reached that stage some or the other Karma is inevitable whether we like it or not. Therefore those actions that help one reach the aim of Moksha/Nirvana should be done and they constitute good Karma. The Bhagwadgita says that no human being as long he is alive can avoid action, therefore he must involve himself in actions according to his inherent qualities, temperament, social position, Divine eternal moral order/cosmic law  and stage in life. Again for spiritual seekers the Bhagwadgita recommends superior actions (Sattwic), spiritual praxis, self control and surrendering to the Divine will. All these constitute good Karma. According to the dualistic schools (Dvaita) of Indian spirituality love, devotion, faith, service, worship and final surrender to the Divine is the aim of human life and all actions that help reaching this aim are good Karma. According to the Yoga school of Indian spirituality the aim of human life is Moksha and there is a eight-fold path of spiritual praxis. Following the path with sincerity constitutes good Karma. All human beings are born in the world with some inherent qualities, likes, dislikes and aspirations. There is a purpose for each birth. That purpose will have to be fulfilled in life. therefore, that Karma (whether it is good or bad) will have to be compulsorily done. That Karma cannot be wished away.  Thus, certain Karma is unavoidable. All paths of Indian spirituality recommend paths and methods of getting rid of bad Karma as far as possible, minimizing its bad impact as far as possible and doing good Karma or getting rid of Karma altogether. This is for spiritual seekers. For the common men/women following the general rules of morality and ethics should help create good Karma or reaping the fruits of good Karma.

‘Karma’ is a Sanskrit word for actions or deeds. It’s a Hindu and Buddhist concept from ancient India that embodies the idea of cause and effect, action and reaction. It’s also about contributing to a better and more beautiful world. But how does karma work in our lives?

We believe that acting with good, true intentions – and creating and sharing goodness – will always create ‘good karma’. The idea of helping to shape a positive, loving and kind world resonates strongly with us because we feel that this can have a wonderful ripple effect.

How do we practice Good Karma?

Karma is the idea that whatever happens in our lives is a reaction to our own previous actions; it’s an effect of what we’ve done, felt or said before. In other words, all of our intentional actions have an effect, and we’re the creators of our own reality. Whatever we do, say or feel, affects how our lives will be shaped in the future. Karma is all about doing good, not just for ourselves, but for others and the world around us. Let’s think of our lives as a garden. If we take good care of it, if we put in time and effort, it can be beautiful. But we need to realize that there are things in our garden that are beyond our control: rough weather, the seasons and even the people who walk into our garden, whose intentions are different from ours. But we are the gardeners – we determine what our gardens will look like and how we deal with the imperfect and the unexpected.

Creating karma: living with good intent  takes practice. Day after day, living with the right intent means cultivating mindfulness and compassion amid the chaos. It means paying respectful attention to loved ones, to our surroundings, connecting to nature. It means finding beauty in the small things; being open to new wisdom; to listening quietly. It also means building good karma: we need to replace our anger, greed and negativity with love and kindness.

We create our karma through …
the right thoughts;
the right speech;
the right actions.

In other words, by focusing on good intent. Instilling good intentions in all of our thoughts and actions mean that we can’t help but create and share goodness for ourselves and those around us.

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