Dark force attachments, Spirit Possession, Exorcism, Aura

Spirit Entities

Dark force attachments, Spirit Possession, Exorcism, Aura

A spirit is the soul of a person or animal which has remained in this world after the death of the body. Sometimes, when a person dies, his or her spirit gets stuck here on Earth. There are so many reasons for this. Sometimes death is sudden and truly confusing and the soul goes on “living” not even knowing that the body it left is dead. Sometimes souls stay on purpose, not bearing to leave a loved one, wanting to protect a child or spouse, or even seeking revenge. Sometimes souls simply get lost.

I help these souls get back to Source. That means that I also help the people who encounter these souls. The act of clearing or shifting these spirits back to Source is called Spirit Releasement.

Spirit attachments can be found in the aura, chakras, or in some part of the physical body. The topic of spirit attachment can be found throughout many cultures and religions going back to ancient times. spirit releasement is a more modern, compassionate method of what is called “exorcism.” However, there is a difference between “possession” and “spirit attachment.”

Attachment is when the spirit or entity is attached to some part of your energy field. This is not possession like you see in  films. Actual possession is considered to be rare and more severe, where the spirit has actually taken over the body and the person entirely.

The most common types of spirit attachments are earthbound spirits. Most haunting, earthbound spirits are usually innocent and were looking for comfort at their time of death, and did not yet make it to the light.

The second most common is dark force entity attachments, which are often. This type of spirit will attach to a living person with the intention of creating misery, hopelessness, and fear, stealing the person’s light and draining their life force energy. The main goal of these spirits is to disempower humanity. These spirits are not normally the type you see in scary movies and are often able to transform into light during spirit releasement.

A spirit attachment can occur when there is a hole or tear in the person’s aura due to an emotionally or physically traumatic experience. Organ transplants have also been known to transfer the spirit of the donor to the recipient, resulting in attachment. A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body. Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities. In short, spirit attachment can interfere with any aspect of the life of the unsuspecting host.

It is also very common for those who are extremely psychic who have not yet mastered their gift or learned proper protection methods, to experience a haunting, spirit attachment. Being so open to the unseen world without protection is an easy way in for any type of spirit to enter the energy field and wreak havoc on the victim.

Evil Entity, Spirit, Negative Energy, Curses, Psychic Attack

entity attachmentMuch of our negative mind chatter, and negative emotions come from entity attachments or entity harassment. They can cause serious health problems, accidents,, and serious disruption of relationships, finances, and sleep. Possessing/obsessing/attaching entities collect around samskaras and negative thought and emotional patterns. On the astral plane, like attracts like. Entity attachments can cause negative programming of the subconscious mind. They are behind depression, anxiety, bloating, anger, and compulsions of every kind.

Fragmented parts can be reintegrated as energy fields clear. The “pain body” can be purified of lower astral influences and attachments. Negativity can be transformed so the spiritual soul can shine.

What Is Spirit Attachment?

Spirit attachment, entity attachment or possession is the invasion of one’s body by a dis-incarnate spirit, a lower astral entity (astral personality fragment of a spirit that has passed on, or demons), or by other negative energies.

These entities interfere with a person’s freedom of the mind, body
and spiritual sovereignty. They can interfere with your life by being in the body, by hovering behind the body, or by being in the personal environment. The desire of these spirits is to create confusion, take control, spread violence, cause emotional /physical pain and degradation and demeaning of humans

What Are the Signs of Attachment?

Entities and negative energies can have varying degrees of influence over their host, ranging from a mild energy drain to almost total possession (which is extremely rare).

Common signs are:

  •  Hearing voices
  • Sudden cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.– especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Sudden weight gain-especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Fears and phobias
  • Sudden changes in behavior-such as increased anger, depression and thoughts of suicide
  • Serious illness of unknown cause
  • Loss of energy
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Unexplained physical problems-such as pain from an undetermined cause
  • Migraine headaches
  • Night terrors and nightmares
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Multiple personalities

What Are Entities and Negative Energies?

Earthbound spirits, lower astral entities (astral fragments of the personality of the departed), and dark energy forces are the most common types of possessing entities. The spirit is the part of us that survives after death of the physical body. Sometimes spirits just don’t know what to do when their physical body dies, so they stay in the earth plane and can attach to living people, or remain in a specific place (thus a haunting spirit or ghost). Dark energy forces can be termed demons. They have never been alive in their own physical bodies, and are usually on a mission to destroy. Curses, psychic attacks and negative thought forms are negative energies generated by living people.

How Do They Get In?

In order for entities to attach to a human, that person must be vulnerable in some way. An earth-bound spirit may attach while the human is unconscious for any reason-be it trauma, anesthesia in surgery, a blow to the head, drunkenness, etc. Severe stress, exhaustion, grief, extreme anger, fear, or guilt can also open a person for attachment. Without proper protection, such things as channeling, mediumship, and automatic writing are open invitations for possession, as is being present at a seance, or using an Ouija board. Childhood abuse, rape, or incest can allow entities to attach. Sometimes, after the death of a loved one a person can unknowingly
invite attachment of that loved one with thoughts such as “don’t leave me. I don’t want to let you go.” Once an entity gains entry, a “hole” in the aura is in effect present, which allows for more attachments.

Hospitals, cemeteries, and funeral homes are common places to pick up entities. Spirits tend to sometimes hang around the place where their bodies died, or hang around the body itself. Negative energies such as psychic attacks and curses are generated by other living people.

Negative thought forms which we ourselves generate (such as fear, anger, jealousy and anxiety) can invite in and “feed” psychic attacks and curses. A form of spiritual healing known as Spirit Releasement is employed to clear a person of attachments and negative energies.

What Is Spirit Releasement/Exorcism?

Spirit Releasement, also known as depossession, is the process of releasing entities from living people. This can be done remotely (from a distance), or in person. Remote exorcism can be done without the conscious knowledge of the person on whom we are working, but permission is always requested from that person’s higher self before the procedure is undertaken.

In the Releasement /exorcism process, darkness is transformed into the golden light of the sun (inner alchemy) and entities, spirits, and other energies are released to their appropriate place in the Divine Light.

In cases of earthbound spirit attachment, the entity is simply made aware of its situation and lovingly guided into the Light, usually into the care of a loved one who comes to help in the transition. Curses and negative energies are removed by severing connections and transforming the energies from detrimental to beneficial.

Does This Really Help People?

Releasement has been very beneficial to many people, but it is not a cure-all. Once the entities are released, the problems that they had been causing tend to clear up quickly. The degree of improvement also depends on how much influence the entities have had on the host. Sometimes entities are released and the changes are so subtle that the person may notice no changes at all. This is simply because of the nature of the attachment. Unfortunately, Spirit Releasement is usually used as a last resort. I feel that releasing these entities can be quite effective before one spends a great deal of time on lengthy traditional therapy. Spirit releasement presents no
threat of danger or ill effects to a person. However, a person may sometimes feel tired for a day or so after the release has been accomplished.

What About Places That Are Haunted by Spirits or Negative Energies?

Spirits usually have a reason for haunting specific places; for instance: sudden death, or death from violent or traumatic causes. They may have “unfinished business” or “a score to settle.” They may be unwilling to give up their physical possessions. They may be confused or not realize they are physically dead. These spirits can also be released by remote means.

Negative energies may inhabit places for many different reasons. Places where violence or traumatic deaths have occurred may retain the overall energy of those happenings–battlefields, for instance. Homes where people constantly fight or argue with each other may retain the negativity of those actions.

An example of positive yet solemn energy clinging to a place is The Wall memorial to Viet Nam war casualties. This energy has been created by visitors to the memorial paying homage to their fallen comrades and loved ones.

Anger – Jealousy – Fear – Guilt

These are just a few examples of negative energies generated for various reasons. Negative thoughts take many forms and affect people in many different ways.

Psychic attack by another person (you may not even be aware of their feelings
toward you): Another person’s anger, jealousy or other negativity toward you may be strong enough to constitute a psychic attack on you. Conversely, your negativity toward others may psychically attack them, even without your conscious intent to “attack.”

Curses–an extreme form of psychic attack. People who practice the black arts
sometimes perform certain rituals to initiate curses.

Environments–places and objects–can harbor or hold residual vibrations from past negative actions associated with them–for instance, battlefields or disaster sites such as airline crashes.

Relationships that have ended unhappily or unpleasantly may leave negative
“strings” attached. Negative “bonds” are extremely

Entity Attachment | Earthbound Spirits | Negative Energies |

entity attachmentIn my opinion Entity / Spirit Release is a natural process which doesn’t need to be cloaked in mystery.  Everything in the universe is made up of energy, spirit release simply deals with energies most of us cannot see and for the most part are unaware of.  Elbert Hubbard said ‘the supernatural is the natural not yet understood’, so let me explain a little from my understanding.  I’m sure our human perspective is only the tip of the iceberg but hopefully you’ll find the information useful and perhaps fill in a few gaps as this is a topic which is often unclear and can therefore sound far-fetched and scarier than need be.

Entity / Spirit Release is really all about how external energies can, on occasion, affect our energy system in detrimental ways.  For those in the know Entity / spirit release is generally thought of as rectifying the problem of ghosts or spirits becoming attached to our own energy system or taking up residency in our home or a place such as the scene of a traumatic death.  This is really just a small part of it, we are affected by external energy we cannot see everyday.  Heat from the sun on your skin is obvious but how about when someone stands too close to you on a packed tube or in a crowd?  You may feel they are touching you although they are not, you may feel uncomfortable or anxious although there is no threat, you may even feel emotions that aren’t your own – all of these feelings are due to your energy system which comes out a little way from your physical body coming into contact with the other person.  It’s not as odd as it sounds, we come into contact with other peoples energy everyday but we register the feeling that goes with it on an intuitive level rather than consciously.  Think about being near someone you love and are ‘in-tine’ with, how good that feels; then think of being near someone who you don’t get on with or is displaying a negative emotion, do you want to take a step back?  This is all completely natural and something we generally don’t have to think about, this blending of energies is how a psychic can tune in to you, all information about us is also stored in our energy system.

On occasion our energy bodies can be influenced by other external energies though.  Below I’ll talk about Entity / spirit attachments in terms of those that have died but there are other factors to consider.  Certain places hold strong energy imprints due to events that have taken place there, strong emotions can also be stored in places or an area. Curses fall under this category too. In a crowd situation such as a wedding, concert or sporting event the atmosphere rises and falls with the mood, it’s palpable and can be felt inside us effecting our own energy.

Using this concept as a framework it can be seen how easily our energy, and therefore us as a whole, can be affected and influenced through external energy.  There are some energies that are harmful to us though, these zap our strength, can be detrimental to our health and generally be very draining.  They can have anything from a minimal to massive and debilitating affect us.  Whether the source is natural energy from a place, negative energies from a place/person or from a discarnate soul, the goal of entity / spirit release is the same – to remove, cleanse, re-balance and restore the person/place/soul to optimum health and to prevent the problem happening again.

There have always been stories of ghosts and spirits in every culture all over the world.  They range from the comic to the tragic; stories of helpful spirits, mischievous ghosts and frightening poltergeists.  Horrifying accounts of possession and haunted houses with the capability to evict their terrified owners.  Whatever your belief system you’ll probably have heard at least one or two stories, perhaps from people you know well, that cannot be easily explained.  There is in fact an extensive amount of evidence to prove something paranormal is going on, but what? If these are ‘ghosts’ why are some helpful and others petrifying, are they really the same thing?  Also if life after death is as good as we’re told why do they remain here and for what purpose?

Is death the end?  When we die our consciousness, the soul, survives death.  Although we leave the physical body behind our energy body which is the very essence of us lives on and changes to a vibration more appropriate to not having a dense physical body.  We are still ‘us’ though, we take with us our life experiences, memory and personality – it’s simply the inner part of us, our consciousness that survives death.

They say the only certainties in life are death and taxes, isn’t that the truth.  One thing we all have in common is that at some point in the future we will all inevitably die and our energy body will move on.  When we are born there are people there to help us, we’re not expected to do it alone; the same applies when we die, we are supported and helped throughout the process – all we need do is let it happen.

If not what’s next?  When this transition is complete we become ‘spirit’, a perfectly natural state even more so than inhabiting the bodies we have now according to those who communicate with spirit and from the thousands of documented cases of near death experiences and Life between Lives Regression sessions. In this state we are capable, if appropriate, to help and ‘be around’ those we were close to and loved whilst alive.  Our vibration changes considerably, it’s therefore not always an easy task to get the message across. Communication from spirit is generally felt fleetingly with an inner ‘knowing’ or thought popping in to your head, they may appear in dreams or provide a ‘sign’ relating to the information they want to impart.  They may simply want to let people know they are still near, safe and well.  Mediums have the ability to ‘tune in’ to this vibration or frequency and can often supply wonderful evidence of life after death.

How does free will play a part?  There is a universal law, the law of free will; in life we all have the right to choose in everything we do even though it doesn’t always feel like it.  The same law applies after death, we cannot be forced to do anything we don’t want to, freedom of choice is always ours.  This does mean however a minority of those who die fail to make the transition successfully.  They remain mentally and energetically attached to the earth plane and so cannot progress, their souls become what is known as ‘earthbound’ more commonly known as ghosts.  Reasons for this can include a traumatic death, anxiety over a loved one or situation, concern over unfinished business, strong beliefs which do not fit in with the events unfolding, fear (‘I’ve been bad, I’ll go to hell’).

Choosing to remain earthbound.  Earthbound spirits reject the help being given to them, they choose instead to stay close to the earth, their vibration being still similar to our own as the transition into spirit had only just started.  Many earthbounds are in a state of confusion and denial, some replay events over and over, it’s as if time has stopped for many of them whilst they remain in this limbo state.  To them ‘spirit’ appear like ghosts to us and they shy away from them not realising they’ve come to help.  Earthbounds can generally see us and be around us just the same as before, in fact many are very confused and saddened by the fact people seem to be taking no notice of them or they may even think everyone is ignoring them.

A common problem.  It’s worth noting many of us have unfinished business when we die, spirit helpers are compassionate and understanding, if we need more time, sometimes up to a few days or in rarer cases weeks before we’re ready to move on it’s often granted.  As long as the link is kept with spirit and not turned away from souls have been able to stay for their own funeral or to see their loved ones are taken care of and will be ok.  This isn’t simply speculation, there are many documented regression sessions which support this theory.  These souls are not earthbound, you could say they are simply living on the earth plane on borrowed time.  I mention this as many of you may have lost loved ones in the past and felt their presence strongly afterwards, or received a sign from them in the days and weeks after their death.  Do not worry, this is perfectly natural, only a small percentage of people remain earthbound and they normally have a very good reason, or to them it seems like a good reason at least.

So what happens to earthbound spirits?  With nothing to do and no where to go they may stay in a property that holds fond memories for them such as their home or on occasion their workplace. In cases of a traumatic death they sometimes remain at the scene of their death.  They may feel more comfortable remaining with a person, perhaps a loved one or someone who was close by and compassionate at the time of their death.  Sadly addicts who remain earthbound tend to attach themselves to other addicts as they believe they are still dependent on the drug they were addicted to in life.  There can be many reasons, earthbound’s can easily attach to complete strangers who unintentionally have some form of hook which attracts them, perhaps they are bursting with the energy which the earthbound can benefit from or perhaps there is a link of a shared emotional, such as loneliness or anger.

Earthbound spirits can therefore attach to people or places, we call this spirit attachment.

How do I know if I’m affected by a Entity / spirit attachment?  The presence of earthbound spirits can affect people in a number of ways. The following is a sample of some symptoms that might indicate the presence of an earthbound spirit(s) or negative energies.  Please note the presence of one or more of the symptoms do not mean that you have a spirit attachment.  However, the more of these symptoms and the stronger they are, the higher the probability.

  • Lack of energy
  • Mood swings and character changes
  • Hearing disturbing voices
  • Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Memory disturbance and/or poor concentration
  • Sudden onset of anxiety, depression or physical problems with no apparent cause

Earthbound spirits tend to be more obvious in homes and places.  There are elements of truth in the old ghost stories, lights do often dim, it does feel like the warmth has been sucked out of the air and it can make our skin creep.  Items can be moved and spontaneous smells or noises can appear.  In simple terms this is all due to energy, they generally aren’t trying to be scary, the vibration level they are at is not compatible with our own so a warning bell goes off inside us when they are close making us feel unsettled and anxious.  To make contact they natural draw on the energy around them, heat and electricity are often used, it may feel strange and a little dramatic but understanding this fact goes some way to seeing how those old ghost stories came about!  More often than not they are simply trying to get our attention and need help.  Like a child though they will kick out if ignored indefinitely, imagine how frustrating it must be to be an earthbound spirit.  This is one of the reasons we must help them move on to their rightful place for their own benefit and ours.

How can a spirit attachment be removed from a person and/or place?  By a professional, someone specifically trained in this field.  Mediums link in with the vibration of spirit, a Spirit Release Practitioner has trained, or developed their natural ability to tune in to this lower earthbound vibration.

I use a gentle approach recognising the plight of earthbound spirits, they can feel upset, frightened and confused too.  Most simply feel lost and are glad someone has finally come to talk to them and help them. Rather than just casting them out which unfortunately conventional exorcism does we help the earthbound spirit move on to where it should be, often using our abilities as healers and even counselors to ensure it is their own choice and free will that moves them on to where they should be, preventing them from attaching to someone else or returning as can happen with exorcism. In doing this we heal both the person and/or place and the earthbound spirit.

Whether the attachment resided with a person or a place once it has been removed the energies are cleansed, re-balanced and healed from any damage caused unintentionally by the earthbound spirit.  The reasons for the attachment in the first place are addressed too and tools are given to prevent this occurrence happening again to either the place or person/people affected.  Far from being scary most releases are actually quite peaceful, full of information, understanding, humour and love.

Entity / Spirit Release treatment for people
A spirit release session is really not as freaky or frightening as it sounds. It’s a comfortable, safe and simple process.  All you have to do is sit in a comfortable chair and relax.  The treatment can take many forms, depending on the nature of the symptoms, energies or spirits involved.  Each situation is unique, most cases can be resolved in 1-3 sessions, I recommend separate healing sessions too to correct any damage to your energy system and re-build with strong positive energy.

During the session we like to find the root cause of why the attachment joined in the first place if we can as sometimes it’s an indicator of something deeply buried within us which also needs healing. Treatment is safe, you’ll feel a whole lot better afterwards and gives you the tools and understanding to protect your own energy system and put protection around loved ones and your home.

Terms and their meanings associated with Spirit Release

Entity / Spirit Attachment is the presence of a living or deceased entity in the energy field (aura) of a person or a place.

Haunting is when a building, place or object is associated with ghosts, poltergeists and spirits.

Exorcism is a word created and mainly used by the Christian and Catholic church that effectively refers to conventional spirit release, the casting out of spirits.

Possession is where an entity has entered the person’s body and remains within.

Psychic Attack involves an external energy which has a negative impact on a person’s sense of wellbeing. It can come from people or from environmental factors.

Curses are the effects of negative energy or thoughts being sent from another person. Often associated with witchcraft, they are most often the preserve of “witch doctors” and similar, common place in some afro-Caribbean and Turkish cultures and religious beliefs.

Soul Retrieval is when a fragment of a person’s soul that has been left somewhere, for example at the time and place of a trauma, is re-integrated with the person.

Soul Rescue can refer to either spirit release or soul retrieval.

Spirit Attachment & Possession, Ghosts, Devils, Demons

While most people are aware of what we call “ghosts” who “haunt” a physical location, not many know that spirits can also attach to a living person, which is known as spirit attachment.

Spirit attachment has been known about by mediums and psychics for a very long Spirit Attachmenttime but is only now coming into the limelight – mainly due to the increase in paranormal investigations. Spirit attachment is basically just what it says. A living person has the energy or spirit of a dead person/entity attached to them. Many are parasitic, some malevolent others are benign. There are also the few rare cases where it is alleged that spirits have attached to people who then are able to do things they had no talent for previously such as writing music, painting, drawing, writing poetry and so on. However, in most cases attachments range from being temporary and unpleasant to long-term and terrifying. There are also physical and mental health complications.

Why does spirit attachment happen?

There can be many reasons why a spirit attachment occurs but the most common reasons are given below:

  • Many earthbound spirits attach simply because they find comfort in re-living some of the physical aspects of life. Others are confused and don’t realise they are dead and want to get close to a living person. In this case they are often trying to contact the living for help. These attachments might be deliberate or happen without the spirit realising what it’s doing. In these cases the spirits don’t usually have any intention of harming the person they are attached to.
  • Other spirits and entities deliberately seek out the energy of living people. It’s not possible within the scope of this short article to go into the esoteric or spiritual theories on these spirits and entities. They are known by many names and basically they feed on the energy given off by people in the physical world. For spirits to do this, the easiest way is to take the huge resources of a living person and drain the energy away from them – very much like a parasite. Indeed many of these energy stealing manifestations are called psychic vampires. In addition, the most common type of spirit who is both determined and strong enough to latch on are usually malevolent. They not only want energy but enjoy creating havoc with their host and those around them.

Spirit attachments can be found in the aura, chakras, or in some part of the physical body. The topic of spirit attachment can be found throughout many cultures and religions going back to ancient times. Spirit Releasement is a more modern, compassionate method of what is called “exorcism”. However, there is a difference between “possession” and “spirit attachment”. Attachment is when the spirit or entity is attached to some part of your energy field. This is not possession like you see in films. Actual possession is considered to be rare and more severe, where the spirit has actually taken over the body and the person entirely.

The most common type of spirit attachment is an earthbound spirit. Most earthbound spirits are usually innocent and were looking for comfort at their time of death, and did not yet make it to the light.

The second most common type is a dark force entity attachment. This type of spirit will attach to a living person with the intention of creating misery, hopelessness, and fear, stealing the person’s light and draining their life force energy. The main goal of these spirits is to disempower humanity. These spirits are not normally the type you see in scary movies and are often able to transform into light during Spirit Releasement.

Who is most at risk?

There are a few people who would seem to be more at risk than others:

  • Paranormal investigators – there are a number of cases of investigators having a spirit either shadow them or actually attaching itself. The reason is that paranormal investigators are usually only called to very active locations. In these very haunted areas you can find all manner of different spirits – distressed, traumatised and negative. In addition, not every paranormal investigator will take precautions such as basic protection when entering a spiritually active area. There are numerous stories of very experienced paranormal researchers leaving a location, going home to bed and waking up to find a dark, malevolent mist hovering around them. They can also experience intense feelings of being watched and followed. In most cases this tends to fade after a few days, but others have not been so lucky as we shall see later.
  • Mediums/psychics – very experienced psychics are unlikely to be troubled by spiritual attachment. However, undeveloped or untrained psychics could well be at risk for a number of reasons. Firstly they may have psychic channels open permanently with no idea how to close them or carry out protection. Secondly, you can have young or latent psychics in particular who actually have no idea that they have this ability. Again they are prone to having channels open that can cause a spirit to enter.
  • Dabblers in the occult or spirit activities are people who have no great knowledge or training in esoteric or spiritual areas. They often make up rituals or ‘play games’ such as the ouija board and then find that they have opened a nasty can of worms that can’t be closed. The main reason they are at risk is again due to lack of knowledge, guidance and experience as well as failing to use some form of protection. For some reason the ouija board in particular may open doors to the nastier types of spirit.
  • People who have emotional or health issues can also be at risk for the simple reason that their natural energy protection is lowered. However, I feel that these people should only be at risk if they are in an active area and/or they are inexperienced psychics or dabblers.
  • People with a history of drug abuse in particular are at risk from spirit attachment. Drugs and excessive alcohol intake not only diminishes the body’s natural aura, but it’s believed they actually cause rips or gaps in this protective shield and in the psyche itself. Many esoteric scholars believe that drug or alcohol induced hallucinations may actually be spirits from the lower astral manifesting but this is open to debate.

Types of spirit or entity that may attach to a person

It seems that although earth-bound human spirits are the main offenders when it comes to attachment they are not the only form of spirit or force that does this. Firstly, there could be energies from perhaps the mind/sub-concious that are focused and externalised. Many famous occultists have actually achieved this using mental exercises and meditation. The resulting energy is known as a ‘tulpa’.

Earthbound spirits

Bascially these are human spirits who are either trapped or have chosen to stay close to the physical dimension – the reasons some do remain are numerous. Many are traumatised and distressed people. Others are malevolent and choose to stay around the earth plane seemingly enjoying the havoc and fear they cause. It’s not unknown for these negative spirits to pretend to be demonic and so on, when in fact they are not. However, they are still dangerous and it’s always wise to have protection before investigating a location that has these types of spirit.

Non human entities

Spirit energies that have not incarnated into the physical realm. Some seem to be benign. Many are strange and unknown but not necessarily negative. The most common forms or the frequent names given to non-human entities are ‘shadows’, ‘shadow people’ and ‘demons’.


These spiritual beings are often confused with other entities and are frequently and unfairly given a bad name. Basically an elemental is a spirit being that belongs to one of the four classic elements – fire, air, water or earth. Whereas human beings are complicated, the elementals are much more simplistic. Neither are they a spirit form such as a human in the afterlife. Their natural state is in spirit.

Unfortunately for them, elementals are frequently attracted to the human energy fields. In their original form, elementals are certainly not evil. However, they are often invoked in negative occult practices, where they are used, abused and then become distorted and warped. In addition, in places where people have committed extreme violence, abuse and evil thoughts, elementals who unwittingly absorb these energies can, through no fault of their own, become monstrous. It needs a very loving and caring cleansing to remove the elemental back to its natural form.

Many elementals unfortunately end up in the lower astral planes due to being corrupted by humans. So basically any positive ritual or prayer that is used to release a person from the elemental should also help this spiritual being as well. Many put forward the theory that murder and other evil acts carried out at the castle centuries ago, are responsible for this unfortunate elemental being trapped in its present state. It does appear to people and its often accompanied by a horrible stench. People also report intense feelings of being watched and strong impressions of dread or evil.

Some Symptoms of Spirit Attachment include:
– A sudden onset of hearing voices
– Feeling like someone is watching you
– Feeling extremely drained or fatigued
– Extreme and unusual level of anxiety and/or paranoia
– Feeling like you are “not yourself”
– Thoughts that don’t make sense or that you know are not yours
– Depression, anger, sadness that you don’t normally feel
– Sudden physical illness, nausea
– Sudden weight gain or weight loss
– Change in eating habits
– Relationship problems
– Difficulty concentrating or focusing, especially on spiritual practices
– Sudden cravings for certain things unusual for the individual
– Suicidal or homicidal thoughts, thoughts of hurting yourself or others

A spirit attachment can occur when there is a hole or tear in the person’s aura due to an emotionally or physically traumatic experience. Organ transplants have also been known to transfer the spirit of the donor to the recipient, resulting in attachment.

It is also very common for those who are extremely psychic who have not yet mastered their gift or learned proper protection methods, to experience an attachment. Being so open to the unseen world without protection is an easy way in for any type of spirit to enter the energy field and wreak havoc on the victim.

In most methods of Spirit Releasement, the client is walked through hypnosis or a guided meditation session to initiate a relaxed state. The therapist then determines the type of spirit, why it has attached, and negotiates with the spirit to get it go where it belongs. Once the spirit has agreed to leave and goes to its proper place, energy healing work can be used on the client to heal any tears in the energy field and ensure that a new spirit does not take its place.



Spirit Releasement Therapy & Black Magic Removal

Spirit Releasement Therapy

A few people who die fail to make the transition to the spirit world. They remain earthbound because of a mental or physical attachment to their life or home or place, or because in the case of sudden death, they are not aware that they have died. The reasons for this include traumatic death such as in wars, unfinishes business or concern for loved ones left behind.

Most of these earthbound spirits are lost and confused but are rarely malicious. They may be attached to a house or place with which they were associated in life and can cause a haunting there. In some cases an earthbound spirit may attach to a living person. Some of the symptoms of an attachment can manifest in uncharacteristic behaviour, mood changes, addictive behaviour, relationship difficulties and hearing voices in the head. There can be bodily pain, visual disturbances and other physical symptoms. More often than not the host is barely affected and unaware of having an attachment, while others, but rarely, have been taken over in both mind and body completely.

The therapeutic intervention of Spirit Releasement therapy involves freeing these spirit attachments. This is done in a gentle and compassionate way by contacting the spirits and speaking to them. Mostly they are more than ready to leave, while a few are frightened to go and need extra help to send them on their way to the light with the help of the Angelic Realm. This is very compassionate work sending these lost souls on to their rightful place in the spirit world.

The person who has been affected by the attachment is offered further therapeutic help and healing. Occasionally there can be a feeling of being irritable or grief after the session especially if the attachment has been there a long time. The issue of psychic protection is addressed to safeguard that person from any further intrusion.

Spirit releasment differs from classic exorcism, which forcibly banishes the attached spirit as an evil being. Spirit release takes a more compassionate approach, seeing the intruder as a being in need of help and understanding. Although spirit release is not part of any religious doctrine, it does invoke the help of higher spiritual beings.

Black magic

We all have heard of this dark occult world of black magic that makes impossible things to happen, the weird pronouncing of mantras, and chanting of spells, invoking of spirits and forces of nature which coexists with us.

Black magic can be described as a strong potential force which when enters the human body system causes a lot of disruption and causes several hassles in the ideal functioning of mind, body and soul as well. Indian mythology believes that this kind of entrance of such negative energy causing hurdles and issues in the life of a person without the host’s body knowledge is exactly what black magic does.

This kind of magical presence not just destroys the life of the concerned victim but also does leave a great impression on the other persons who have been involved in this evil activity. Though these kinds of black magical practices are banned in India, but many do follow the same for their own personal benefits, for fulfilling their vengeance or anger against the others etc.

The magical practitioner who performs these magical spells is known as a ‘Tantrik’ in India.

He is considered to be one who has mastered the skill of magic and has the capability to make impossible things happen. The prime intention behind any kind of magical practice which is done by these tantric is to bring good upon someone by causing evil to other. This has always been the basic principle upon which black magic works. This person is someone who harnesses negative energy and uses it for various kinds of cold hearted and callous deeds.

It is believed that these ‘Tantriks’ can also see the spirits or the so called ghosts and can get various tasks performed from them. They lead a very rugged and hard life of a short life span. Due to the constant dealings with the spirits and other supernatural forces they always tend to have a restless life. Most of them perform these kinds of callous activities jut for money, but others do it for mastery their skill and knowledge in their dark world of magic.

Indian black magic goes with a lot of sacrifices as well which is made in the form of blood, life, etc. Mostly human sacrifices etc. are done in situations of extreme hard spells which requires the spirits of the invoked forces to be made really happy to get the job done. In other cases one get to see clay dolls made by these Tantriks and in most of the cases they use some or the other kind of object which has a direct connection with the person on whom the spell is being casted. This object is then wrapped upon this clay doll and then various kinds of spells are chanted.

The clay doll is the form of the same person and is a representation of the victim. It is believed that whatsoever is done to the doll, any kind of inflictions which is made on this doll is also felt by the victim as well. The final intention of the Tantrik could be to even kill the person or to leave him injured or helpless.

Few kinds of symptoms which are found in individuals who have become victims to these kinds of evil practices. To start with one might find the person to be quite aloof from others and would prefer to be left alone always. One would get annoyed quite frequently and one can get to see their nails slightly turning black in color.

Irregular occurrence of neck pain and shoulder ache becomes a normal happening and the victims always hate to take bath. Talking to oneself is another symptom which one can notice mostly in these victims of such evil practices. In Indian mythology, it is also believed that when one is influence or a victim of these black magic spells, then the Tulsi plant which is found in the courtyard of all Indian homes dies off suddenly.

Black Magic has a power to put block in certain person’s life. Person experience heaviness in heart, sleeping problems, feels that somebody is invisibly present. Quarrels are often seen. The person is restless and doesn’t seem to be at peace. Depression and lack of enthusiasm are other symptoms of this magic.

Effects of Black Magic

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances.
Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that he loses the willpower & mental energy to get out of the dark situation he is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.
The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.

spirit entities

Spirit Release (Demons,Devils,Ghosts,Negative Energies etc.)

spirit entitiesSometimes the physical or emotional issues that we seek to resolve or heal do not come from our own past lives. Rather, they can come from a totally different entity — the attached spirit of someone who has already died.

For a variety of reasons, when some individuals die, they do not go directly into the Light. Instead, they become earthbound spirits that can attach themselves to our aura or our physical, emotional or mental subtle bodies. They do not require our permission to do so.

A spirit attachment may be random or even accidental. It can be:

  • benevolent in nature,
  • self-serving to fulfill a personal need of the attaching entity,
  • malevolent in intention or 
  • completely neutral.

Symptoms of spirit attachment can include:

  • An inner voice that constantly criticizes you
  • A variety of changing physical maladies with no obvious cause
  • Irrational fear, anger, sadness or guilt or
  • Suicidal tendencies.

Frequently the earthbound spirit brings along its own physical and emotional maladies at the time of death. These fears, phobias, aches, addictions, negative thoughts, desires and behaviors are then experienced as your own pains, thoughts, desires and behaviors.

Our language reflects an inner knowledge of this condition: “What got into you?” “I’m not myself today.” “I don’t know what possessed me to do that.”

I find in my practice that spirit attachments can be the source of any number of physical, mental and emotional disorders faced by my clients including phobias, addictions, anxiety, compulsions, depression, relationship difficulties, feelings of anger and abandonment, unexplainable pains and aches, and many other symptoms.

Sometimes you are not aware of the attachment until the entity has been released.

What is Spirit Release?

Spirit Release Therapy dates back to antiquity. Virtually all cultures and religions address the issue of discarnate beings of various types influencing living people, causing various degrees of harm to their hosts.

Today Spirit Release is a therapy practiced by psychotherapists, mental health professionals and energy healers who have found it effective where other methods have failed. As man’s understanding of the enormous influence and power of their higher energy fields is “authenticated” by modern methods of scientific measurement, and as preventative medicine grows, the importance of clearing foreign psychic energies will be commonly accepted.

Physical or emotional stress can leave you vulnerable to unwelcome negative energies which attach at a subtle vibrational level and can then influence your health, personality and behavior. A Lost Soul may well bring with it the physical symptoms it experienced at the time of its death.

The practitioner and client need not hold any particular religious belief. We are trained in releasing these negative attachments which may have been preventing you from moving forward with your life. We transform the entities so that they are unable to return to you, find out what problems they may have been causing and ask for help, advice, protection and healing.

Spirit Release differs from exorcism because it is non-confrontational and transformation is achieved through negotiation. As well as freeing the client and channeling healing to them, we invoke the power of love and the assistance of higher spiritual beings to help the invading entities on their evolutionary path towards enlightenment. They are transformed into a higher more evolved state from where they cannot return, for within the heart of every being, however dark, there is a core of light. Our skill is in persuading it to find within itself this transformational light source – once it has transformed it cannot and would not wish to return.

We offer ourselves as vehicles for the Divine Universal Healing Power. We treat all information in complete confidence and approach this work with great integrity.

Whilst to our knowledge all our clients have responded favorably, Spirit Release Therapy is not a panacea – there are many causes for illness. Likewise, many of the life factors of the client and his/her situation are beyond our control and may be affecting the healing process. The Universe does not interfere with a soul’s chosen path or their free will.

It is always in the client’s best interest to refrain from other spiritual or rescue work whilst we are conducting Spirit Release Therapy so that the new energy vibrations and behavior patterns will have a chance to settle. Please consider all these factors before requesting Spirit Release Therapy.

We always work in Love and Light and for the highest good of all concerned, asking the higher energies and angelic kingdom for their guidance, healing and protection.

How Can Spirit Attachment Happen ?

Our aura is an magnetic energy field. Like any magnet it can repel and attract according to the energetic charge.  We have all met people that seem to have a magnetic personality,  people seem to naturally be drawn to these type of people without consciously understanding why.  On the other hand there are people that are more likely to keep other people at a distance.  These types of people do not find it so easy to connect to people.

The same applies for spirits, they can become  attracted to people because of the magnetic energy field.

What can create that energetic attraction ?

The likelihood of spirit attachment depends on the strength of your auric field. If your energy field becomes weakened, torn or become frail and develop holes for many reasons.  Some of those reasons according to Sue Allen ( author of spirit release ) are:

  • Mental or physical illness
  • Surgery
  • Certain Medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Anti-psychotic
  • Stress/ Trauma
  • Alcohol
  • Recreational Drugs

My experience has shown that attachments can occur when :

  • A person has experienced extreme trauma.
  • When a person has taken drugs or alcohol.
  • It can also occur from the negative intentions of others.

This can then create a break in the energy field of the person & this can  allow an attachment to become part of the persons energy field.

What  Does It Feel Like To Have An Attachment ? Although it can be different  everyone, some of the common experiences are:

  • People experience, behaviours, feelings and thoughts that seem foreign to  them.
  • They can begin to like completely different foods & drinks
  • They begin to have completely different interests.
  • They experience problems making decisions, constantly in two minds
  • Constant internal chatter that creates confusion
  • They feel like the mind is foggy or in a haze
  • Belief systems & values can sometimes completely change.
  • They can also experience extreme feelings that appear unexplainable or out of character for them. Ie: Extreme feelings of anger, sadness, fear or anxiety.

The Clearing Process Through the attachment  release process I firstly check to see if the person has anything foreign attached to their energy field and then move the person through a healing  process of releasing any attachments that don’t belong to the person. When this release happens the person is more easily able to make those changes  that they want in their lives, without feeling held back.  Some have described “feeling more like themselves again”. in general people feel better about themselves and their lives.

spirit possession

Psychic Attacks influence on energy body, mental, physical

A psychic attack is a negative energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon a person, their life, or their family. Harm can be launched toward the emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental state of a person. Those negative energies are typically projected in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, anger, and more.

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create. I recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

Symptoms of A Psychic Attack

When you are under psychic attack, you might experience these possible symptoms:

  • Unexplained sense of fear
  • Very frightening nightmares, often causing a fear of sleep
  • Negative thoughts that seem to pop into our mind from out of nowhere
  • Feeling tired for no reason at all
  • Sudden illnesses that seem to have no diagnosis
  • Strange accidents that seem to be recurring
  • Having unexplained pains on a regular basis
  • Experiencing random illnesses and pains that your attacker is aware of, even if you have not told anyone
  • Having painful headaches accompanied by dizziness and vomiting
  • Feeling an unexplained sense of doubt in your life
  • Lack of clarity in thinking, or a sudden change in your analytical ability
  • Sudden onset of depression
  • Irrational outbursts of sorrow, anger and fear
  • Hearing voices or having the feeling of being watched or followed, even when you are alone
  • Constantly seeing your attacker in your dreams and thoughts

One of the key power of the psychic attack is it hits during ones weakest point! This is simply because at a weakened state, already, the energy level of the person is quite low. This can be, for example, during an instance of physical fatigue, emotional breakdown, mentally weak, or even spiritually low. Let’s consider a person, after his day’s work, he is in a state of tiredness, and here there is a physical fatigue. If the body is tired, and the mind restless, the protective shield slackens. With an emotional upheaval somehow, that protective auric field becomes mild and too subtle to be strong. Hence, that ‘negative intention arrow’ pierces the aura easily.

Most often, psychic attacks go unnoticed by the victim. But by the time the attacks intensify, the vulnerability of the person increases, resulting in the various psychic attacks symptoms.

Most psychic attacks are coined as Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. Wild the physical attack is said to be mild, the Spiritual one is the highest form. Physical psychic attacks form mild disturbances, and the person can get symptoms like headaches, rashes, stomach ache and various other aches and pains. Mental psychic attacks are medium form of attacks. Victims may feel a variety of negative emotions or thoughts such as general depression, fear, guilt, hate or jealousy. Generally, these negative emotions or thoughts occurring have no actual basis and are often far stronger than the person’s typical negative mental state. Emotional psychic attacks bring victims down on an emotional level. This happens mostly during a heartbreaking situation, or a simply an insult. Spiritual psychic attacks is a high level of attack. They can result in an unusual and extreme personality or mood swings. The victim may behave oddly. This kind of attack can destroy or injure badly the victim.

sleep paralysis

Psychic Attacks During Sleep |Sleep Paralysis|Loss of Energy

Psychic attack is when you come under the attack of negative energy or low level entities, this may be intentionally sent to you by another individual. By a jealous ex or a so called friend turned enemy (lets be honest, I hear about this almost every day from clients) neighbor, coworker or a jealous relative. Yes, even our relatives can become our worst enemies.

The reason why it’s called psychic attack is because it attacks the spiritual body in such a powerful way that leaves you defenseless, vulnerable, powerless and open to other entities or beings. The symptoms may seem so natural and hard to detect at first the person may think they are just going through a phase of bad luck or have fallen terribly ill. The furthest thing from their mind is that they are under psychic attack. They may also think that they are going through a phase of the jinx. This energy may enter your energetic field undetected or hit you like a ton of bricks. At first glance it may be hard to detect by the normal senses, its effect may be felt gradually or suddenly. The person may start forgetting simple things having headaches, neck pains and body aches, they may also experience light to extreme fatigue. A feeling of being tired all the time and blame it on stress. The person may even experience anxiety and panic attacks, hearing voices or negative thoughts that can make him or her feel as if they are losing their mind. These attacks can be so severe that a patient may sometimes be misdiagnosed with mental illness, schizophrenia or even a nervous breakdown by doctors or psychiatrist. These negative energies, beings or lower level entities can affect your life in so many harmful ways. Most of these negative entities that find their way to a person or home are usually sent by another individual via complicated rituals or ceremonies which may include candles, pictures, cemetery dirt or powders thrown at a persons door or place of employment and can also be sent as energy, often to control or create a certain negative effect in the life of an individual or place. Once the person comes in contact with this energy they will gradually start feeling the effects of the negative energy or low level spirit. These things do happen, and more often than not, so it is of most importance to be aware of what symptoms these negative energy can create, below you will find just that, i recommend you keep an open mind and understand that these things do exist and have destroyed the lives of many individuals and have even driven people to an early grave via mental and psychic attack.

For example as a root worker and healer I have heard from so many clients that they where under the impression that sleep paralysis was a normal occurrence, I disagree with that, I myself have experienced it first hand and other family members when we used to sleep in a particular room, and after I performed a spiritual cleansing in the room and also did a self cleansing it never happened again.

To my knowledge sleep paralysis happens when a dark entity ​tries to take possession of the victim while the person is asleep, because the body is relaxed and not fully conscious. Therefore there is little or no resistance at all to the possession.

​I myself have experienced and witnessed from clients that have been attacked by these lower level entities. Some are easy to remove while others put up a fight to release the victim and sometimes require even an exorcism.

During the time we sleep, there are two types of attacks that we may experience, we mean attacks carried out by dishonest people in order to harm us even resort to all kinds of tricks and they are psychic attacks and spiritual attacks :

Psychic Attacks:

Attacks are carried out by means of negative-telepathy so that just as there is positive telepathy, through which two people can communicate with thought through telepathic waves. There is also the negative telepathy, which is something like the misuse that some people do telepathy, to cause harm to another, for example, if someone says bad words in order to offend, usually bothers us, then, when someone uses telepathy, but instead of trying to communicate with us, curse is, it happens that, although not listen , we feel bad and we sometimes ringing in the ears, but that’s not the only case, as there who use the properties of certain compounds to increase its telepathic waves even reach those techniques combined with the invocation of evil Beings, and this can prove to cause us from illness to an accident by a kind of suggestion transmitted telepathically. To this we must add that there are people who often resort to such practices during sleep, as it is then that we are more vulnerable to such attacks, attacks that may come to cause us nightmares, and often reach be used to cause us to change point of view or attitude toward someone or to a certain topic.

Spiritual Attacks:

It is when a person through certain rituals or practices, send a spirit to bother, so we must remember that under the laws of magic and psychic, a spirit alien to this world cannot enter or affect it, unless it is with the aid of a person in here, plus it takes a certain amount of subtle life energy, also known as ectoplasm. In order to obtain this type of energy is necessary for the operator (The dishonest person holding the ritual), the contribution of its own vital energy through certain rituals, or through other methods will not detail for obvious reasons.

Such attacks are generally accompanied by psychic attacks though people do not have the detailed knowledge of how these things work, that is, just follow certain formulas or recipes learned from empirical knowledge or that were contributed by certain Free Masons groups who frequently engaged in forming new sects and rites of witchcraft, among other things.

The discomfort usually from tinnitus, loss of energy, nightmares , phenomena like the call : “The evil on your back” until ectoplasmic images (which some parapsychologists often called telepathic hallucinations, although it is actually a more complex phenomenon than that), the damage usually starts during sleep and usually continue for the next day (Not necessarily to wake up but that can happen even several hours later) with headaches, toothaches, neglect, pessimism, until distractions in our work we sometimes make mistakes, and in extreme cases may even cause an accident. Some shamans often refer to this phenomenon by saying that his soul is not with him, which is not really the soul are not with the person as that would cause the death of the body, but is somewhat distracted because of a disturbance Psychic-Spiritual level.

Some of the dreams that we can say that something is happening in previous paragraphs that is for example:

  • To dream that someone says he wants to share our body.
  • To dream that you’re trapped inside a glass cube .
  • Dreaming of a closed door, and notice that the handle has menstrual blood.
  • If we go to sleep or suddenly woke up and see an animal trying to suck breath, that is, our vital energy is absorbed, it is a morpho, ie a spirit which takes the form of an animal and trying to feed on our fears (we must consider which, for example: If becomes in a dog or a cat, it not means that dogs and cats are bad, only that the morpho take this way to try confused) usually is a spirit that is manifested through ectoplasmic image.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night after a nightmare, especially if repeated over several days.

entity attachment

Exorcism of Demonic & Spirit Possession, Entity Attachments

In this article we include attachments from the fragments which are released from a Soul upon death. These fragments then attach to people who are alive, and are the most common sources of unwanted and negative influences upon human beings.

The diseases from which the person suffered (and may have caused their death) may manifest from the fragment into you; these cause many illnesses that the medical systems fail to heal ! Exorcism is needed !

Typical Symptoms of Possession

These include a lack of energy, weakness in the body, severe depression, disturbed thoughts, and/or irrational thinking.

In general a person who is possessed can be identified as being extremely negative and severely depressed, – and especially if anti-social behaviour is exhibited.

Indications of possession include:

• Strong negativity
• Deep depression
• Rapid mood changes
• Uncontrolled temper
• Self inflicted harm
• Violent behaviour
• Criminal behaviour
• Suicidal tendencies
• Chronic illness
• Epilepsy
• Dual (or multiple) personalities

Even one or two of these indicators may be a signal of possession !

Healing such as by exorcism is best done at a distance – by an experienced exorcist.

In using the term ‘Possession’ we include also the negative influences originating from those who are still alive in the physical plane of existence – their hateful thoughts, curses, and hexes. Most common are the attachments of fragments from deceased relatives – including the Souls of children who were not born or died young, and the earthbound parts of family members (and close friends) who have not ascended in the correct manner and seek to continue their earthly existence by invading relatives still alive, especially young children. Other frequent types of possession come from the invasion of the deceased when protection is low from drugs or alcohol, or when the subject is unconscious – due to an accident or when under anesthetics in a hospital.

Even the best of intent from a deceased family member (such as a parent meaning to help a child) can have most unfortunate side effects. Very often the subject then suffers from illnesses brought in to their own body by the deceased relative !

Dealing with such situations is fraught with difficulties. In many instances when such a possessing entity is removed it can attach itself to the person doing the removal – with terrible consequences when a ‘real nasty’ is involved. When you are working to help someone who is close to you healing (including exorcism) often fails due to the interference from your emotions, beliefs, and feelings.

So it is preferable for all work to remove possessing entities (of all descriptions) to be done by those who are very experienced in the work of exorcism – who take the needed personal precautions and who ensure that the entities removed are correctly healed and taken to their rightful place.

Why do so Many Exorcists Fail ?

We have found that healing is needed by the Higher Self or Soul Group – and sometimes at even higher levels of the Spirit World. If these are not cleared and healed the problems will be re-manifested in the victim.

We have found that even when a deceased Soul of a relative or friend attaches with good intent that Soul may have been infested by one of the minions of the dark forces – that now transfer their attack to the new victim.

There are very powerful entities in the dark forces that capture unfortunate deceased souls and make them into their slaves to do evil jobs. These are kept in ‘dungeons’ in lowest levels of the Astral World and only released to do jobs that cause misery and harm.

Most exorcists do not realize that these have to be exorcized – or how to do this task safely and thoroughly. This work involves exorcizing the invading ‘slave entities’ and tracing back to their commanders – and then exorcizing these commanders, finding all their slaves, healing them, and protecting them so that they will not be enslaved again !

Many exorcists rely on religious figures – but unfortunately the teachings of most religions are hazy and often incorrect about the real conditions of the heavenly worlds ! Specialist help is needed.

How can You get the Help that You Need ?

Our Healing work is applicable irrespective of a person’s religion – God existed before any human attempt at explanation ! We liaise with Angelic Beings for all Healing – we are just a link to them to help people to be Healed, and to assist when needed.

If you decide to have us work to help you (or a friend or relative) please send the mail to us or you can contact us over the numbers for healing purposes.

The Benefits of Our Healing Work

First we make sure that we have an excellent connection to you on the energetic and Spiritual levels, and that Forgiveness issues will not be preventing effective Healings – if so, we will inform you so that you can intensify your use of the Forgiveness statement.

Now we do the Exorcism, all being done by working ‘Heart to Heart’ – we determine the numbers and qualities of the super-consciousnesses, the consciousnesses, and the sub-consciousnesses in and around you, Healing them as needed.

Checks are made on the condition and qualities of your Guardian Angel and Guides, on the co-ordination of your Heart, sub-consciousness, and ego, and Healing given as needed.

We also check on the value of your Akashic record and Karma, requesting the Angelic Beings to make any needed corrections – checking the results.

Next we examine the number and quality of entities, inappropriate energies, and negative programs in or around your home and take action as required.

Detrimental attachments and all ‘Dark Forces’ are taken away for appropriate Healing, so that you are free of their noxious effects; their sources are investigated and action taken to prevent re-occurrence.

We request that Fragments of Souls, etc., are given Healing and rejoin you (if they are your own) or are rejoined to their owners in Heaven – and check on the success of this request.

A final check is made to find any other negative influences that are affecting you, and take all needed action for their removal.

After this Exorcism, we may be guided to do other Healing work: like clearing you aura, or making any needed repairs to your major Chakras and Pranic Triangle to improve your vitality.

Using energetic techniques to clear problems in your Heart-Mind-Brain.
Working with the Angelic Beings and Healing Energies to correct physical, emotional, and Spiritual problems that can be Healed at this time.

Protection is placed around you to help prevent further attacks.

We will inform you of the overall results, and ask for your feed-back; when we receive your feed-back we will do any further work as needed, and report to you again.

Remember that distance does not matter – we work world-wide to help people.

Demonic oppression and complete Demonic possession & Spirits|

Demonic oppressionDemonic Possession is when Satan or a demon enters and takes over the physical and mental capabilities of a victim, however, the soul and will remains free. Satan acts through the victim without the victim’s consent, thus the victim is morally blameless. Satan does not act alone when he possesses an individual. He works side by side with many evil spirits such as spirits of lust, hate, destruction, suicide, revenge, anger, anxiety, desperation, death, torment, etc. Such an example is found in Luke 8:30 the case of the possessed man in the territory of the Gerasenes: “Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “Legion,” because many demons had entered him”.

Descriptions of demonic possessions often include erased memories or personalities, convulsions, “fits” and fainting as if one were dying. Other descriptions include access to hidden knowledge (gnosis) and foreign languages (glossolalia), drastic changes in vocal intonation and facial structure, the sudden appearance of injuries (scratches, bite marks) or lesions, and superhuman strength. Unlike in channeling or other forms of possession, the subject has no control over the possessing entity and so it will persist until forced to leave the victim, usually through a form of exorcism.

Man is in various ways subject to the influence of evil spirits. A possessed individual is typically characterized by having strange physical ailments or disfigurements; verbal outbursts, mostly obscene or sacrilegious in nature; violent behavior and vulgar behavior; bodily spasms and contortions; ability to speak languages never before studied; self-mutilation; superhuman abilities such as psychic abilities, abnormal strength, or an ability to perform behaviors out of the realm of human possibility such as levitation; cessation of normal bodily functions for periods of time, including breathing and heart beat; and a pronounced revulsion to symbols, places, people, objects, and ceremonies having any religious context. Other phenomena associated with the presence of a demon include an acrid stench; marked decrease in the temperature of the room which a possessed individual occupies; writing appearing out of nowhere; sounds and voices arising from nowhere; and objects moving on their own and destruction of objects in the room, without anyone having laid a hand upon them.

Satan’s army of evil, torment many unknowing lost souls to the point of destruction of others and of themselves. Today a more favorable climate exists for cases of possession and obsession then ever before. Our world has become a playground of pornography, sex, money, material possessions, drugs, and alcohol. There are so many instruments to spread these Satanic messages such as television, video games, Internet, radio, music, and even the clothing we wear; thus our children are exposed to a multitude of temptations and are wide open to evil. The “predominant” peoples of this age we live in include money, television, music, thrill seeking, and sex. Unfortunately, the “cure” exorcism, is considered an “ancient” ritual and is snubbed by most religious leaving many victims to suffer indescribable torments, and in some instances, even suicide.

There is a wide variety of possible symptoms of demon possession, such as a physical impairment that cannot be attributed to an actual physiological problem, a personality change such as depression or aggression, supernatural strength, immodesty, antisocial behavior, and perhaps the ability to share information that one has no natural way of knowing. It is important to note that nearly all, if not all, of these characteristics may have other explanations, so it is important not to label every depressed person or epileptic individual as demon-possessed. On the other hand, western cultures probably do not take satanic involvement in people’s lives seriously enough.

In addition to these physical or emotional distinctions, one can also look at spiritual attributes showing demonic influence. These may include a refusal to forgive.

Based on the above mentioned information and some of the experiences of the healers, we can conclude that many people open their lives up to demon involvement through the embracing of some sin or through cultic involvement (either knowingly or unknowingly). Examples may include immorality, drug/alcohol abuse that alters one’s state of consciousness, rebellion, bitterness, and transcendental meditation.

Some people develop an unhealthy fascination with the occult and demonic activity.

How Do People Become Possessed by Demons?

Demonic spirits are also referred to as evil spirits and are depicted in the bible as fallen angels. These are the angels who took side with Lucifer (Satan) in his rebellion against God. (Rev. 12:4)

Specialists in the area of demonology have categorized the state of demon possession into two groups: “Demonic oppression” and complete “Demonic possession.”

Demonic oppression is said to be a mild to severe harassment by demonic spirits which often comes as a result of doors that have been opened in an individual’s life through voluntary sin which leads to manipulation in different areas of that life by evil spirits.

A complete demonic possession on the other hand is a state in which one or several demonic spirits have gained access to the body of an individual and then proceeds to takes full control over the person’s will. In such a condition, the demonic spirits uses the body of the individual to express its personality and to carry out its evil intent.

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