indian black magic

Haunted Place / House, Spirits, Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Jinn

If you’re a paranormal investigator you’ve heard stories about haunted furniture, toys, jewelry, etc. Is it possible to buy some antiques and bring home more than you paid for? Can spirits be attached to an item rather than a place? Some seem to think it’s possible. If someone had a favorite piece
of jewelry and wore it constantly, perhaps the spirit would be attached to this

Evil spirits can possess people—but can they also inhabit places?

Often people find a great deal on their home. They soon found out why: It was what some would call a “haunted house”—that is, a place where there was an uncomfortable and negative spiritual presence.

Some people are attracted to haunted houses because they’re different and exciting. Perhaps you’ve seen hotels that advertise: “Stay in our hotel. It has a real ghost!”

Experiences with demonic spirits in human habitations aren’t new. What makes things “go bump in the night”? There are three possible explanations.

Malevolent Presence of Satan : It could be that demons are present and misbehaving. Sometimes they propel objects at people, move furniture about or make various noises. At other times they create extreme temperatures—generally cold—or nauseating odors, or they may impede one’s ability to pray. Satan can come at us physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The demons may have taken up residence for several reasons. One is because they were invited, either deliberately by someone who called on them to come or naively through games such as a Ouija board or tarot cards.

The family had been into demonic board games. They rebuked the presence, and it left.

Few people conduct a witchcraft ritual in their home, believing it to be “naughty but harmless.” For months thereafter they would find awaken at night to see a horrible, ugly creature staring at them..

Another reason evil spirits may take up residence is because of a curse. Sometimes a curse is placed on a home or other building as revenge for something the occupants have done or as spiritual warfare against believers.

Finally, demons may be present because of heinous crimes such as murder or rape, or from sexual orgies. When a crime is committed in a place, the demons that attend the evil may linger on.

In the face of a demonic presence, you must take action. Here are some positive steps to take to rid spiritual disturbance from a home, office, church or other place.



Black /Dark Magic, White Magic, Grey Magic, Spells,Sorcery,

Black Magic or Dark Magic is a form of magic or sorcery that draws on malevolent powers, and may be used for dark purposes or malevolent acts that deliberately cause harm in some way. For example, to kill or injure, to cause misfortune or destruction, or for personal gain without regard to harmful consequences to others. In popular usage, the term “black magic” is sometimes used to describe any form of ritual that some group of persons or a person does to harm others.

Black magic is usually associated with Satanism and the “Left-Hand Path” belief systems, which value the advancement and preservation of the self and the pursuit of temporal and terrestrial goals, rather than the “Right-Hand Path”, which elevates spirituality, the strict observance of moral codes and the worship of deities. Outside of popular literature, it usually refers to magic utilized for gaining power and wealth or taking revenge, rather than for evil for evil’s sake.

The distinction between black magic and white magic is debatable. For example, most branches of the major religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism would probably argue that all forms of magic are evil, or black, magic. Some on the Left-Hand Path would claim that all magic, whether called “white” or “black”, is essentially the same, and that any magic can have both good and bad consequences depending on who judges those consequences. Another view is that the same spell could be either white or black, determined purely by the end result of the spell.

White Magicians may be referred to by others as “lady-hearted” or may refer to themselves as “spiritual workers”. Another term I have heard used is a “white worker”. Also called as “light worker”; Regardless of the term used to describe such individuals, white workers who only perform white magic spells tend to be very kind-hearted individuals, people who love animals and will refuse to harm them, and people who are deeply religious or spiritual people

“Gray Magic” is a little-used term for magic not performed entirely for beneficial, ethical or spiritual purposes, yet not actually malevolent either, falling somewhere in the continuum between white magic and black magic. Its practitioners or “gray witches” see magic as neither good nor bad in itself, but a neutral process employed towards positive or negative ends.

Harmful spell-casting typically tends to include symbolism which may seem hazardous or harmful to human beings, such as sharp, pointed, prickly, caustic or hot elements, combined with very personal objects from the spell’s target (e.g. hair, blood, mementos, etc).


Spirit Entities

Dark force attachments, Spirit Possession, Exorcism, Aura

A spirit is the soul of a person or animal which has remained in this world after the death of the body. Sometimes, when a person dies, his or her spirit gets stuck here on Earth. There are so many reasons for this. Sometimes death is sudden and truly confusing and the soul goes on “living” not even knowing that the body it left is dead. Sometimes souls stay on purpose, not bearing to leave a loved one, wanting to protect a child or spouse, or even seeking revenge. Sometimes souls simply get lost.

I help these souls get back to Source. That means that I also help the people who encounter these souls. The act of clearing or shifting these spirits back to Source is called Spirit Releasement.

Spirit attachments can be found in the aura, chakras, or in some part of the physical body. The topic of spirit attachment can be found throughout many cultures and religions going back to ancient times. spirit releasement is a more modern, compassionate method of what is called “exorcism.” However, there is a difference between “possession” and “spirit attachment.”

Attachment is when the spirit or entity is attached to some part of your energy field. This is not possession like you see in  films. Actual possession is considered to be rare and more severe, where the spirit has actually taken over the body and the person entirely.

The most common types of spirit attachments are earthbound spirits. Most haunting, earthbound spirits are usually innocent and were looking for comfort at their time of death, and did not yet make it to the light.

The second most common is dark force entity attachments, which are often. This type of spirit will attach to a living person with the intention of creating misery, hopelessness, and fear, stealing the person’s light and draining their life force energy. The main goal of these spirits is to disempower humanity. These spirits are not normally the type you see in scary movies and are often able to transform into light during spirit releasement.

A spirit attachment can occur when there is a hole or tear in the person’s aura due to an emotionally or physically traumatic experience. Organ transplants have also been known to transfer the spirit of the donor to the recipient, resulting in attachment. A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body. Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities. In short, spirit attachment can interfere with any aspect of the life of the unsuspecting host.

It is also very common for those who are extremely psychic who have not yet mastered their gift or learned proper protection methods, to experience a haunting, spirit attachment. Being so open to the unseen world without protection is an easy way in for any type of spirit to enter the energy field and wreak havoc on the victim.

aura healing

Healing Cracks, Tears, and Holes in the Aura| Energy Healing

Aura is an energy field. All physical matter has an aura. For human beings, this field is sometimes called human energy field, or subtle body. It is called subtle body, because ordinarily we cannot perceive this field with our 5 senses. We need to develop an acuity, certain sensitivity to perceive subtle fields and higher vibrations.

The human aura field is distributed around the body like an ovoid, spherical, or egg-shaped cocoon of energy. Clairvoyantly, it appears as a shape with different qualities in different places. You may see the boundary as diffuse, well defined, smooth, or jagged (you may not see or feel the aura’s separate, interior layers unless you focus your attention on them).

When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions.

When you are sick, depressed, sad, or unsure of yourself, your aura needs cleansing. The colors are most likely to be dull, murky, and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. There may be breaks or tears in the boundary. And the shape could be bumpy and distorted. All of these indicate that your aura needs healing and is not serving as a positive protection field between you and the energy of others and your environment. Disease in the physical, emotional, or mental body is often preceded by a disturbance in the auric energy, or, if it originates within the physical body, it registers in the aura at the same time or oftentimes before it manifests in a person’s conscious mind or physical body.

Our auras are our first line of defense against lower, harmful energy, and psychic or subtle pathogens like stress, negativity, peoples’ feelings and intentions, as well as environmental pollutants and psychic attack. The aura also helps us to preserve and support all four levels of our health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

When your auras is weak, damaged or covered in negative energy, you’re more likely to get sick, feel fatigued, irritable, brain foggy, have dark or disturbing dreams, and feel hyper-sensitive to other peoples’ energy. You’re also more vulnerable to psychic attack and parasitic spirit attachments.

Below are a few common causes of thinning, cracks or holes in the aura:

  • Strong emotions (anger, fear, etc.),
  • Psychological trauma,
  • Alcohol and drugs,
  • Anaesthesia,
  • some pharmacological agents,
  • so-called “soul fragments” missing,
  • Blow to the physical body,
  • Environmental toxins,
  • Electromagnetic fields,
  • An unintentional psychic attack from people (negative thoughts, criticism, household curses),
  • Intentional (or black magic) attacks,
  • Channeling,
  • Hit and Run attacks by non-material entities,

and many other things.

Aura healing helps to heal trauma, abuse, low energy, and much more. It is helpful in the recovery process from substance abuse. Aura healing seals cracks, tears, and holes in the energy field, leaving you feeling more intact, whole, and in integrity with yourself. It produces deep relaxation, and enhances personal clarity and a healthier sense of relationship boundaries. We access the sacred silence and stillness deep within your being.

curses and its effects

Curses & It’s effects on people, Black magic Witches, Voodoo

The majority of people are skeptical when it comes to believing anything connected with black magic or curses. The general attitude is: “If I don’t believe in it, it cannot affect me”. This is a wrong attitude that could lead to a lot of damage. People start believing in the power of a curse much too late. Often after they have lost a business or their relationship has failed. Someone may even die as a result of a curse. A curse works whether you believe in it or not, you do not need to know that you have a curse for it to work against you.

How do you know if there is a curse on you? There are some very clear signs: usually the bad luck affecting the person is totally unexpected and unexplained. Things that should come to a satisfactory conclusion always go wrong. You are ill and cannot get better. A relationship that used to be good suddenly goes wrong for no reason. Everything seems to hit you all at once. You often have nightmares and wake up in fear. With certain love curses the person affected seems to act as if in a trance or there is an extreme change in behaviour. As you can see a curse can affect quite strongly any aspect of your life.

Have you ever felt so resentment or mistreated by someone that you wanted some kind of revenge? In our darkest moments, we can utter words like ‘I hope he suffers like I have’. Any time we wish ill on another person and when we put energy and emotion behind it, that is curse energy.

Some people can affect your life through the power of their emotions like too much hate or jealousy. If someone concentrates on you constantly with bad intent you are eventually going to feel it. But the usual way is by using a proper ritual against someone. Curses can be put on from a distance using a photograph or some personal objects or by contact, preparing a powder or liquid and also with the help of a ritual, given in the food or drink or smeared on something that the person is going to touch or wear. Some are very good in putting a curse on by telephone. Sometime you may think there is nobody at the other end, but by answering the phone you have provided the contact needed.

Different people use different methods. Every country has its own types of witches, shamans, masters of black magic etc. Fortunately there are many practising white magic that can remove a curse very succesfully by reversing it and sending it back where it came from.

Removing a curse involves quite a good knowledge of practical magic. A reversal is usually done at a distance, when the subject is asleep.The person being cleared will experience some symptoms related to the method used in the curse itself. If the curse has been administered in the food there could be some nausea, vomiting or bowel problems. If the curse has been sent from a distance there could be a fever or headache or a general feeling of being ill. These symptoms are very temporary and totally harmless. Nobody has ever been hurt by a clearance except sometimes the person that originated the curse; he/she will now experience the same curse wished on the victim.

Beware of curses. If you have one on you it is not a joke, it can be extremely serious and it must be cleared up! It will not go away on its own! On the other hand not everything that happens to you is due to a curse. There are moments in life when things go bad simply because that’s the way it is. We go through cycles in life. Life is a series of lessons, sometimes we are in a bad patch and we can only get out from it once we have learnt something out of it.

Of course the best way to find out if you have a curse on you is to have a reading and the reader will be able to advise you. A clearance will also leave your Aura cleansed and purified

Some symptoms of curse are :

  • Feeling of physical and/or emotional tiredness,
  • Unexplained bad luck or unfavorable incidences and illness.
  • Drowsiness,
  • Incurable diseases,
  • Face turns yellow or looses its color,
  • Tightness in/on the chest,
  • Drooping eyelids,
  • Fatigue,
  • Loss in business,
  • Pain moving in the body,
  • Weariness,
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Restlessness,
  • Lack of appetite,
  • Discomfort,
  • Cramps,
  • Convulsions,
  • Headaches,
  • Hiccoughs,
  • Clumsiness,
  • Yawning,
  • Stomachaches,
  • Dry coughs,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Itching,
  • Hair loss,
  • Dry skin,
  • Vomiting,
  • Drying up of the milk of nursing mothers,
  • Problems with the blood and eyesight,
  • Impairment of sexual activity,
  • Impotence,
  • Sterility,
  • Body weakness,
  • Feeling body shakes,
  • Disorders in menstruation,
  • Problems in pregnancy and childbirth,
  • Deficient breast milk, mastitis, Incessant crying and fretting,
  • Baby’s refusal to suckle or drink milk,

Other symptoms include, the drying up of wells, the withering of fruit, sudden loss to business, and so on.



karma and reincarnation

Karma, Past Lives, Reincarnation, Soul, Astral Body, Death

Past life regression goes hand in hand with theories of reincarnation. This is a concept that has evoked a variety of reactions in the western world, from ridicule to condemnation — essentially fear-based reactions to something unfamiliar and misunderstood. Interestingly enough, although publicly people may joke about prior lifetimes, millions of people have read books on the subject of reincarnation.

Reincarnation suggests this is not our first life on Earth and it’s most likely not our last. The Hindu perspective suggests we have been around for millions of lifetimes and that there may be millions ahead. In that sense, we are all “old souls.”

The Bhagavad Gita, the ancient text of India suggests that the soul leaves when the body dies. The type of body and psychological disposition — likes, dislikes, phobias, etc., one receives upon rebirth is dependent on the karma within that one life combined with the actions from previous lives. By some inconceivable system, all of one’s positive and negative deeds are recorded. This means, no one gets away with anything. Moreover, all positive and negative actions create within the individual a psychological disposition to continue performing that action. For example, if one starts stealing or gets in the habit of lying and doesn’t try to change these tendencies, then in the next life, one will pick up where they left off. The same goes for positive actions.

When the body reaches its demise, the mind and soul get transferred into, hopefully, another human womb. Even while in the womb, the mind remains active and is recalling events from the previous life.

Souls can decide to stay on “the other side” rather than come back for another lifetime after discarding its body, especially if they’ve worked through all of their karma during previous lifetimes which is very uncommon. Or they may decide to learn their lessons in other ways or help others on earth from the other side. But apparently, most souls are eager to return to earth to play the roles they were born to star in.

Karma literally means “deed or act,” but more broadly describes the principle of cause and effect. Simply stated, karma is the law of action and reaction which governs consciousness. In physics-the study of energy and matter-Sir Isaac Newton postulated that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Push against a wall. Its material is molecularly pushing back with a force exactly equal to yours. In metaphysics, karma is the law that states that every mental, emotional and physical act, no matter how insignificant, is projected out into the psychic mind substance and eventually returns to the individual with equal impact.

The akashic memory in our higher chakras faithfully records the soul’s impressions during its series of earthly lives, and in the astral/mental worlds in-between earth existences.

Many people believe in the principle of karma, but don’t apply its laws to their daily life or even to life’s peak experiences. There is a tendency to cry during times of personal crisis, “Why has God done this to me?” or “What did I do to deserve this?” While God is the creator and sustainer of the cosmic law of karma, He does not dispense individual karma. He does not produce cancer in one person’s body and develop Olympic athletic prowess in another’s. We create our own experiences. It is really an exercising of our soul’s powers of creation. Karma, then, is our best spiritual teacher. We spiritually learn and grow as our actions return to us to be resolved and dissolved. In this highest sense, there is no good and bad karma; there is self-created experience that presents opportunities for spiritual advancement. If we can’t draw lessons from the karma, then we resist and/or resent it, lashing out with mental, emotional or physical force. The original substance of that karmic event is spent and no longer exists, but the current reaction creates a new condition of harsh karma.

Responsibility resolving karma is among the most important reasons that a Guru is necessary in a sincere seeker’s life. The Guru helps the devotee to hold his mind in focus, to become pointedly conscious of thought, word and deed. Without the guidance and grace of the Guru, the devotee’s mind will be splintered between instinctive and intellectual forces, making it very difficult to resolve karma. Only when karma is wisely harnessed can the mind become still enough to experience its own superconscious depths.

Each soul has absolute free will Its only boundary is karma. Gods do not dictate the experiential events of our lives, nor do they test us. And there is no cosmic force that molds our life.

In our conscious mind we think and feel ourselves to be a physical body with some intangible spirit within it. Yet, right now our real identity is the soul that is sensing through its multiple bodies physical, emotional and mental experience. Recognizing this as reality, we powerfully know that life doesn’t end with the death of the biological body. The soul continues to occupy the astral body, a subtle, luminous duplicate of the physical body. This subtle body is made of higher-energy astral matter and dwells in a dimension called the astral plane. At death, the soul slowly becomes totally aware in its astral/mental bodies and it predominantly lives through those bodies in the astral dimension.

The soul functions with complete continuity in its astral/mental bodies. It is with these sensitive vehicles that we experience dream or “astral” worlds during sleep every night. The astral world is equally as solid and beautiful, as varied and comprehensive as the earth dimension-if not much more so.

Because certain seed karmas can only be resolved in earth consciousness and because the soul’s initial realisations of Absolute Reality are only achieved in a physical body, our soul joyously enters another biological body. At the right time, it is reborn into a flesh body that will best fulfil its karmic pattern. During our thousands of earth lives, a remarkable variety of life patterns are experienced.  Therefore, the Hindu knows that the belief in a single life on earth, followed by eternal joy or pain is utterly wrong and causes great anxiety, confusion and fear. Hindus know that all souls reincarnate, take one body and then another, evolving through experience over long periods of time.

Spirit Attachment & Releasement | Entity Depossession |

spirit obsessionAn experience as an embodiment as a human being on earth and then blissful existence in the spirit world (preparing for reincarnation) is the essential pattern in the “life” of a soul.

At death the spirit usually passes to the Light, the white brilliance seen in a near-death experience.  However, a departing spirit does not invariably reach the Light.  It may be confused, even to the point of not knowing the physical body has died.  Ignorance of fear of punishment may cause it to be diverted or not even be aware of the Light.  Some spirits remain earthbound in a familiar place, where they may be seen as ghosts; and others, not uncommonly, attach to other embodiments such as friends or relatives, perhaps out of concern for that person or to satisfy an addiction or even revenge.  Still others may attach to a person who is simply more vulnerable due to illness, physical or emotional trauma such as an auto accident, a fall, a beating, etc., or condition of their aura; someone who, in life, would be a complete stranger to them.  There are even cases that have been described in which organ transplant recipients appear to have received the spirit of the donor.

The condition of spirit possession; that is, full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate being, has been recognized or at least theorized in every era and every culture.  In 90% of societies worldwide there are records of possession-like phenomena.

An attachment can be benevolent, totally self-serving, malevolent in intention, or completely neutral.  It may be completely random and even accidental, and it may occur simply because of physical proximity to the dying person at the time of death.

Contemporary clinical evidence suggests that discarnate spirits of deceased humans can influence people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment, subsequently imposing detrimental conditions and symptoms.  This condition may be referred to as, “possession state”, “spirit possession syndrome”, spirit obsession”, or “spirit attachment”.  An attached spirit can affect a living person in many different ways.  The discarnate entity retains the psychic energy pattern of its own ailments and can produce (in the host) any mental aberration or emotional disturbance and symptoms of physical illness. Therefore, many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities.

A spirit can remain earthbound by emotions and feeling connected with a sudden traumatic death.  Anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, remorse, and even strong ties of love can interfere with the normal transition.  Erroneous religious beliefs about the afterlife may prevent a spirit from moving into the Light, because it isn’t what he was taught to expect.  Death by drug overdose or alcoholism may cause that spirit to continue his appetite for the substance and he finds a vulnerable human, often an addict, to continue to satisfy his need.  In this case it is called a “parasitic attachment.”

Most people are vulnerable to spirit attachment on many occasions in the normal course of life, though it has been postulated that people whose auras vibrate at high frequency are impervious to spirits of a lower frequency.


Historically, the treatment of spirit possession has been primarily in the hands of the shaman, medicine man, or clergy.  Rituals of many kinds have been used, from verbal incantation and incense to beating with sticks.  Baptism and christening of infants is a form of exorcism and the Native American sweat lodge is a means to the same end. The “Rituale Romanum”, which is the priest’s service manual for the formal rite of exorcism sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church was first written in 1614 and was left unchanged until 1952 when two minor revisions were included. Dr. William J. Baldwin discusses possession in regard to soul-mind fragmentation, and outlines and integrates the shamanic concept of “soul loss” in reaction to trauma, as personality splitting and dissociation in Multiple Personality Disorder; the key concept being the idea of sub-personalities or fragmentary souls which figured quite prominently in the basis of those techniques for the psychotherapeutic integration of the personality by Jung and many others.

Depossession was the first medically used by the American physician and psychologist, Carl Wickland, who had attended many spiritualist séances.

He and his wife Anna did most of their work in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Wickland’s depossession method was quite unique.  He invented a static electricity machine that transmitted a low-voltage electric shock to the patient, which was the forerunner to the low voltage electric shock treatment used in psychotherapy.  The shock was to make the spirit uncomfortable so it would leave the victim and enter Anna’s body, and then finally give up and depart forever.  Perhaps his process was not complete enough, since Anna died in a mental institution.  Today things are moving in relationship to spiritual hypnotherapy and counseling of many kinds regarding spirit releasement.  The increased practice of spirit release and the appearance of books and specialized journals on a wide range of spiritually based therapies speaks and predicts well for the future.  Association in the U.S., the UK, Continental Europe, and Brazil are growing, with many training programs and conference.  The Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists formed in 1999 has a very large membership and its research is underway.

DEPOSESSION (Spirit Releasement)

Depossession is the act of exorcising discarnate human spirits and even nonhuman spirits, allegedly attached to living people, causing a host of physical, mental, and emotional ills.  Various types of deposession are practiced throughout the world.  For thousands of years, human beings from a wide variety of cultures have maintained that disembodied sprits or entities from the “other side” can take over the mind and body of a living human and cause distress such as changes in personality and consciousness.

These spirits need gentle and loving coaxing to move back into the Light from the earthly plane, and the “host” needs tender care to fill up his or her “empty spaces” which preciously housed the departing entity.  Depossession is accomplished by a trained professional, or small groups of trained professionals, using unconditional love to release the attached spirit or spirits.  The open-minded therapist who has a working knowledge of both Past Life Therapy and Spirit Releasement Therapy will find evidence of both conditions-past life trauma and spirit attachment. 


  • Low energy level Character shifts or mood swings
  • Inner voice(s) speaking to you Abuse of drugs or alcohol Impulsive behavior Memory problems
  • Poor concentration
  • Sudden onset of anxiety or depression
  • Sudden onset of physical problems with no obvious cause Emotional and/or physical reactions to the explanation of deposession
  • Sudden changes in behavior-especially after surgery or a traumatic event
  • Increased anger, rage, mood swings
  • Increased depression
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Migraine headaches, head or neck pressure
  • Chronic fatigue or loss of energy
  • Attraction to dangerous situations
  • Cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, or history of addiction
  • Repeating patterns of behavior
  • Night terrors and nightmares, difficulty sleeping
  • Elusive physical symptoms
  • Social problems, relationship problems
  • Inability to love, nurture or bond with other individuals
  • Feeling detached, isolated, alienated
  • Strong tendency to dissociate, be ungrounded
  • Compartments of Consciousness-sometimes called “multiple personalities”
  • Issues that will not respond to regular treatment

If you have any questions regarding depossession, please contact Us for more information.


Clearing karmic patterns, imprints, vows, curses and traumas

Karma is the energetic pattern that exists within us as a result of our past actions. Karma can weigh heavily upon us and keep us from resonating with our natural light. The difficult situations and events in your life that repeat over and over again have their root in the unresolved karma of past lives.

One of the primary reasons your Soul chose to incarnate at this time and experience your particular life circumstances and challenges is to heal unfinished business from past lives. This unfinished business is often intimately linked to your life purpose. Essentially, you pick up where you left off and set up another opportunity to move past limitations and succeed in fulfilling your soul mission.

Everything that has ever happened to us is permanently held in a karmic memory. These memories stay with us from lifetime to lifetime and stored in our karmic self. Karmic Clearing actually erases the patterns which you have formed around these memories by deconstructing and dissolving repetition of old patterns by releasing and clearing them. Karmic clearing can help heal old wounds and past relationships, negative belief patterns, trauma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises, oaths and curses. Basically these are agreements you have made with people or decisions you made on an unconscious level that no longer serve you. Karmic Clearing affects more than the chakras, auric, physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies, connecting and healing on all levels and dimensions of time and space; past, present, future.

Clearing karmic patterns also frees the charge one may have had on an event and become non-reactive. Such as physical, mental, sexual and emotional abuse and other related trauma that had occurred in life. That in itself is a magnificent gift!

Improved relationships as well as your relationship with money also improve. Healing of relationships as well as self healing and self development occurs while spiritual vibration increases. Karmic clearing also takes the intensity we have on things and propagates a neutral perspective. It is now a life without fear, stress, worry, trauma.

Set goals of items you want to manifest, such as money, relationships, job and the like. Set your focus and the ideas begin to form in your head how to achieve them seems to knock on your door in a logical progression.


Why people become ghosts after death? Spirits, Entities

Do you know why people become ghosts after death? Well, almost all cultures in this world believe in ghosts. There are so many reasons but let us discuss a few of the common beliefs which are widely believed all over the world.

Almost all religions have shown certain steps to lead a good life so that one can free oneself from the idea of becoming a ghost after death.



Reasons why people become ghosts / spirits/ entities after death :

  • FEAR: Many people who resist moving into “The Light” fear spiritual judgment. Others feel they are “unworthy”. Some are afraid “The Light” is tedious or boring. Others fear they will discover their beliefs were “wrong” or that there really is nothing in “The Light” but “emptiness”.
  • TRAUMA: Men, Women & Children who are traumatized by their deaths can be too upset at that moment to know what to do and can become frightened when they see a light or a spirit, even if that spirit is familiar to them. When this happens they will seek refuge with the first living physical body they can find.
  • DENIAL: People can refuse to believe they are dead. This happens! Denial is such a strong mental ability both “the living” and “the dead” can “tune out” what they don’t want to know or acknowledge.
  • EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT: People who want to remain “close at hand” to friends or loved ones will often attach themselves to one of them or, sometimes, attach to more than one (by coming and going among them). They are so emotionally “caught up” in the lives of others they forget the importance of their own spiritual journey, nor do they realize how much more powerfully they can help others from “The Light”.
  • DESIRE TO SERVE: People who want to become  spirit guides; forgetting the importance of their own spiritual progression and failing to recognize “real” spirit guides require training in “The Light”.
  • ADDICTIONS: People who are reluctant to leave their addictions or their “power trips” will choose to “hang out” with, even attach to, living people with the same addiction or “power trip”.
  • FEELING OF LOSS: People who feel dissatisfied because they did not achieve their life dream or cheated because they never found happiness will attach to and try to mentally influence others to do what they didn’t.

Black Magic & Karma|White Magic & Love spell, Binding Spells

Many people wonder what happens to people who practice black magic on others and spoil other people’s lives. Do they get away with it?

Black magic is defined as the misuse of spiritual energy including harming another person or attempting to get someone to act in accordance with your desires, especially if your desires oppose theirs.

In our view, spiritual power is to be used only for good. The moment you try to control or manipulate another person, you step over the line and incur negative karma.

There are people who will do any spell for you. Many will cast spells like these which I see available on the internet : “Make them break up so you can have him”, “Make him love you”, “Make him/her lust after you”, “Get your lover back in 24 hours”, “Make her/him marry you”, cursing spells, revenge spells, get rich quick spells, etc”.

All of these spells are within the realms of ‘black magic’.  ‘Black magic’ spell manipulates someone else without their consent, it makes them do things against their free will.

It is understandable why people are tempted to cast ‘black magic’ spells, or pay someone to do it for them. It sounds like an ideal solution to get what you want, but it isn’t that simple. Whenever you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone else it ALWAYS backfires. We have all been given free will, and when you try to manipulate someone else, and take away their free will, you will end up with a broken Life.There are two ways these types of spells will backfire on you. One way is that the spell will not work in the way you wanted it to, and the second is that you will experience Karmic retribution for manipulating someone with magical means.

The reason why these black magic spells will not work out the way you expect is because you are forcing someone to act against their free will. Think about it.

One of the most common problems I come across are with ‘binding spells’. These are really popular but they cause people so many problems. You may bind yourself to someone who you want to be with forever, especially if you are feeling insecure about the relationship. These spells work 3 times as well on you than it does on your target, because you really meant it when you did the spell! Your target will probably break free after a while, but you won’t be so lucky. You’d be stuck there with them without knowing why, or how to shift the energy between you. Your Lover may leave you, and because you bound yourself to him/her you would not be able to get on with your life and find new Love. You would always be yearning for your lost Lover.There are other much more powerful and happy ways to sort out your Love life.

And then there is the Karmic slap that will always come when you dabble with black magic. Karma means that whatever you give out, will come back to you. Every action has a reaction, there is no way out of it, every Living being is bound by the same Spiritual Law. Karma will give anyone performing ‘black magic’ a firm slap, or knock them off their feet, depending on what you have done. Don’t be fooled by thinking that you’ll get your Karmic slap in your next life either, in my experience, Karma is very impatient with ‘black magic’, people tend to get the Karmic slap within a few months.

Just to make this point even more serious, when you use magical means your actions very much ‘on purpose’, and whatever magic you put out will come back on you three times over. This is well known amongst witches, sorcerers and shamans. We imbue our actions with more power because of the strong ‘on purpose’ magical intentions we always use.

If you use ‘black magic’ to manipulate someone, the Laws of Karma mean that you will end up being dis-empowered and manipulated in some way. I have seen people who have dabbled in black magic continually find themselves in situations where they are manipulated, and feel trapped. For example, it could manifest as having a tyrant of a boss, or you could even end up in prison for something you didn’t do. I have known people to become psychotic after performing black magic, and have to go to psychiatric hospitals. They have messed with so many people’s minds, they end up losing theirs. There is simply no need to do black magic, and it isn’t the most intelligent or powerful way to go about magic, or changing your life.

Black magic is about restructuring the flow of energy around others, and sending entities towards another’s space. Such things can work under certain conditions, but you the caster are forever linked to those disruptions. If the victim is helped by a psychic or Godly person, those flows can be reversed with an immediate backlash, instant karma. Either way, karma eventually reverses the situation as help is eventually given to the victim in this or a future lifetime.

Charms etc cannot protect you from karma if you are the caster, at best delays the pain a little. It is not that rare a situation, more so today than 100 years ago because of the nature of our auras have slightly changed.. culturally.

Karma works both ways, when you perform White Magic which is done for positive good, then the effects are far more powerful, because the Light is so, so much more powerful than the darkness. You only have to see how a single candle flame can light up a vast space to see this. You see, if everything you do comes back to you 3 times when you do magic, think about what joy and happiness that can come to you if you do positive White Magic?

Magic is as powerful as the person performing it. A person who performs black magic is not as powerful as a person who performs White Magic. People who perform black magic have messy, broken lives, it is best not to get involved with them and their energy. Don’t give these people your money, and don’t put your Life in their hands.

When I cast a Love spell for you, not only will Spiritual Beings of Love and Light come to fill your life with Love and heal your blocks to Love, but they fill my Life with Love too, because I cast the spell. Casting White Magic keeps my Life beautiful, flowing and ecstatic. It also increases my power and raises my vibration, which makes my Magic more and more powerful.

All my magic is White Magic. This means that if you need a Love spell because you have a broken heart, I will work with Spirit to fill your life with Love by shifting your own blocks that prevent you from receiving Love. As your blocks dissolve, you will have wonderful realisations, and become very self aware as you let go of outdated self defeating patterns and welcome new abundance into your life. Magical meetings, opportunities, synchronicities pop up out of nowhere, you will know that Spirit is guiding you, helping you, co-creating your new life with you. Your life becomes enchanted with the pure, clean magic of Divine Love. My Magic gets to the root causes of why you just can’t get it right in Love, or why you are always broke or depressed. It empowers you and helps you to change your life.The spell will also increase your own feelings of Love in all areas. You will Love your job, your friends, family, your whole life in an amplified way. You will also feel the Love of Spirit and feel supported and Loved always. You will release feelings of fear and lack along the way too.

The most powerful force in the world is Love. All Magic done with Love and in the energy of Love are the most life changing and powerful. Love never fails.

If you are in trouble because of black magic you have done, or got someone else to do on your behalf, I can help you. I can reverse your spell/s and cast a new empowering one to help you create the best new life possible, and leave it all behind you.

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